She wants her to get as close as she can to the top without actually touching the bell. The Hunter holds up her necklace and demands for the being to remove his mask, revealing Landon underneath. Landon soon discovers that the creature can interact with him, despite being in their astral forms. Josie, however, realized it was time for her to do so, anyway. They've come a long way from milkshakes in the square. She has a letter that he left behind. He reminds her that she is the tridbrid, but that terrifies her. Alaric thinks this is the point that Hope steps in, but Hope would rather send in her pawns first. Jed watches over Ryan, who struggles with the transfer, unable to help. Hope also had dimples in her cheeks. Hope finds herself overwhelmed, all of her senses are heightened and she's confused. Hope knows he's after her and she'll draw him to a field. The only solution they could agree upon was to leave it up to her. Hope expresses a desire to kill them for their indiscretion. Unlike the hallucination, she has friends and they resolved to not let her face Malivore alone. Cleo suggests it sell it for what they need to save the school and the woman accepts. Rafael tells her that the two should stay away from each other, which upsets Hope, causing her to cry. Finch believes that to be a good thing, but Hope believes that it's not if she was to ever lose her way again. Don't miss out on regular updates, contests and giveaways - Sign up to our Newsletter today! When Ken arrives, she'll need to keep him busy until Lizzie can vamp in, siphon him, and trigger the explosion. Whilst Alaric prepares his crossbow, Hope prepares an artificial sunlight bomb to use on the creature, who she assumes is a troll. Alaric gets up off the ground and though he appreciates her efforts, they both know where things are heading. Ken lands another blow and she tumbles to the ground. Adyelya is the tribrid daughter of Niklaus Mikaelson and Katherine Pierce . In God's Gonna Trouble the Water, she wakes up in her dorm room while Freya is watching over her and wonders where her mother is, and cries when she finds out she's dead. Coming back to the battlefield, Lizzie has detonated the explosion, though Ken still stands. She notices the flowers on her nightstand shrivel and die, and knows that her father is at the compound. Hope tells her that she's coming for them, but not soon enough. To get the information she wants from Aurora, Hope decides to torture her and commands Lizzie to remove her daylight ring. Finch also tells Hope that Josie told her not to wait for her, she doesn't really know her role at the school without her. Aurora vamps to his side with the spear in tow. There is no reason why she can't be whatever she wants, too. She had too many good memories with Hope, viewed her as a member of her family, and even admitted to hating Hope for making her love her. She tells Hope that this blade nearly broke her father and questions if she thinks herself as strong as him. He believes their first move is getting her to safety. Hope assumes things are going just as good as the last time, and while Ben does slightly enhance their chances, it's still not great. Jen tells her that she's a pacifist and doesn't really want to hurt her, but attacks first. All Lizzie did was freeze and say nothing, then she had to help with Ethan. Confronted with her betrayal, he removes the spear. Between her and him. In There's No I In Team, or Whatever, Hope brings together Kaleb, MG, Wade, Josie and Jed and tells the the memory that Cleo shared with her. Hope gives a syringe and draws his blood, but instead only finds mud. Hope Andrea Argent by Son Of Stope. Hope calls her a hypocrite and tells her to stop being a martyr, like her father. In Tangled Up In Blue, Hayley is walking by the pool at night, and she suddenly looks up to see herself face to face with a wolf. Hope watches as Lizzie begs Josie to kill her with Kurruta's blade, ending the oni and her suffering. After Seylah jumps in Malivore and erases their memories of her, except Hope, they head back to the school, with Landon joining as well. Afterward, she goes to her room and finds Roman inside. After Elijah and Antoinette gather Emmett and his vampires, Hope comes in and releases all the dark magic, killing them all. She's been running them into the buzz saw all day like they're expendable, citing that she only cares about herself. Finally, she asks that Hayley tells the baby stories of 'her crazy aunt Bex' and, despite her absence, she really does love her niece. He is surprised to see her, admitting it's a weird time for him, but Hope insists on being invited in. Hope retches again, as Rebekah admits that she is a hypocrite. Hope immediately agrees. Both Klaus and Caroline described Hope as smart, possibly too smart for her own good, like her father. She becomes increasingly angry when Landon, Wade, Pedro and Kaleb attempt to take down Pothos without her. Landon believes he's never felt better and that they're finally good. He's also figured out the lesson they're supposed to learn. Lizzie, Hope, and Josie became best friends who viewed one another in high regard. In Wild at Heart, Hayley chooses to take Hope to stay at the Abattoir not wanting to stay at her and Jackson's apartment now that Jackson is dead and leaves Hope's her favorite toy. Before the dance, she meets up with Landon and asks if he is alright, noticing that he seems tense. Despite knowing that Kaleb and Alaric are performing a head dive into Malivore's conscious mind, it will prove to be MG and Hope's distraction into his consciousness to find Cleo. Hope and the other Salvatore Students bid farewell to Rafael, with Hope remarking that "goodbyes do suck". Later, Lizzie bumps into Hope in the hallway. To keep the real reason secret, Hope suggests they just begin the tour. They don't need her, but they want her here, because they still believe the real her is still there. After she returned to the school and turned her humanity back on, Hope admitted that she owed Lizzie a massive apology for what she did to her, but it had to wait until after they handled the Gods. In The Devil is Damned, Cami is playing with Hope. Cleo is upset and attempts to leave. Seeing Josie, she goes to thank her as well as to apologize. Alaric and Hope return Malivore to his cage and learn that the transfusion ritual worked, but he was inspired by Cleo. She calls him pathetic, but he was just thinking that about her. Hope is later seen in a truck with her mother as Klaus reads his goodbye-letter for Hope as they exit New Orleans to save the rest of the Mikaelsons. As they go again, Alaric collapses to the ground. She attempts to save their friendship by starting a genuine conversation, but he cuts her off by explaining that he wished she had his back and that she just blamed him for everything that happened despite it not being his fault. Lizzie tells her that if it's her or her father, then she's sure about her decision. She's an apex predator. She's sure her humanity is flickering and trying to return. Mystic Falls High was supposed to be a fresh start without magic, monsters, or drama. Landon corrects her, believing that the Ferryman intends to stab her. Hope believes she's doing the opposite, but Alaric explains that she's not. He's not ready to let her go. Cleo believes the action to be prudent, given their history. As Lizzie guides the students, Hope continues to think about Landon and her magic begins to run wild. Later, Freya reveals to Finn that Dahlia decided to take her from Esther when she started to develop her great power at five years old and that when Hope starts to use magic, it will act as a beacon, calling her to the baby, unbeknownst to Hope's aunt, Hope has started to use magic much earlier than expected, which implies that Dahlia has already felt Hope's power and whatever they try, she is coming. Over the PA system, Alaric calls the students to report to the Grand Hall for assembly. He claims no one else is coming to help her and lands another blow. Later, walking through the hallway, she finds a poster for a musical on a bulletin board - Salvatore: The Musical. Humanity is just the strength to not give in to them and she believes that she is the most emotional person she's met and she knows Lizzie. Elijah and Hayley also express their concern for the safety of the baby. After Lizzie makes her first wish Hope is transported to a reality where she never enrolled in school and transitioned into a vampire after being orphaned. Searching for Lizzie, who's off campus, she runs into Cleo. She tells him that he was great today. In Sanctuary, Klaus and Hayley argue over whether or not to tell Jackson that Hope is still alive. She yells at her humanity, but she only quips that she should keep her voice down otherwise people will think she's crazy. So she puts Hope in her carrier and she snaps Elijah's neck to keep Hope safe. Magnus the Magnificent takes center stage, asking for two volunteers. Hope throws her the truth sphere and it begins glowing red. Hope muses if they could skip the monologue to the part where she tells her why Ken didn't show up. He also tells her that she should talk to Alaric about Landon. In Hope's story their are knights and that without Elijah, Klaus can't survive to his own love for his child. She also talks to Henry as he's been locked up in the Garden and tells him to be calm. Hope first met Landon in 2026, and frequented where he used to work in Mystic Falls; Mystic Diaries. Hope believes this to be a load of crap and not what actually happened. In Where Nothing Stays Buried, Hope is mentioned by Marcel when he reminds Elijah he saved her life as a newborn. How much the good outweighs the bad. However, everything was right in the world. Hope is determined to use it as her way in but Alaric forbids her to do so until they have credible proof that Landon is still alive. Hope has to leave. In House of the Rising Son, when Rebekah arrives in New Orleans looking for Elijah, she meets Hayley, commenting her "supernatural, miracle baby bump" isn't showing. Seeing Rafael's reaction to Landon's wound, she sends out to find something to force him to calm down, once alone with Landon, she apologizes for what's happening to him and asks if he believes safe in this school. She'll always love him and he tells her that she'll forever know where to find him. The act caused her to instantly flip her humanity switch. They've been at this for hours and Aurora hasn't revealed anything to them. Landon believes that's the lesson she's come here to learn. Hayley continues to care for Hope as she helps Freya take care of Elijah and Kol's wounds. Furthermore, as a possessor of the werewolf gene, Hope will experience bouts of severe aggression. He notices the bottle of wolfsbane and sniffs the top. The two have since fled the school and Alaric comes clean to her about Landon. She hasn't and she thought she would have found her way back to the school by now. Instead of using their powers, they need to take theirs away. Salvatore Boarding School for the Young & Gifted, Some People Just Want To Watch The World Burn, There's a World Where Your Dreams Came True, The Boy Who Still Has a Lot of Good to Do, a prism that allows subconscious interaction, It Will All Be Painfully Clear Soon Enough, This is Why We Don't Entrust Plans to Muppet Babies, Life Was So Much Easier When I Only Cared About Myself. Earlier Hayley also feeds from witches because they tried to kill Hope. They love and miss her, as they do her. Ken assumes that Ben has informed her of their customs. In Keepers of the House, Klaus stays with Hope taking care of her while Hayley goes to New Orleans to find the source of Hope's sickness. When Roman waves at her, she doesn't and Freya asks why. Realizing he has some troublemakers, he calls out to his vampires to remove them, but none answer his call. They need to act now if they want to save Lizzie from herself because she's also working with an ancient and mentally unstable vampire. It's actually Cleo using the illusion ring, though. Hope later defeats an oneiroi and participates in a celebratory singalong with the boys. She has always been told what she was destined to be in her entire life and he's always had to wonder. In order to keep Hope Mikaelson safe from their enemies her parents faked her death and gave her up for adoption. Ultimately, Landon appears to completely dissolve right before her eyes, becoming a dark puddle of goo. He often gives her advice and she takes it. Lizzie notices the remnants of a note or message. Lizzie quips that it doesn't matter. . All of this isn't real, it's just a stupid game. She questions Landon on where the knife is and who is responsible for the accident, he answers that it is a woman who is responsible but Hope doesn't believe him. She was true to her word and nobody died. She chooses Brandy to feed from, though before biting into her neck, she's stopped by her aunt Rebekah. Hope commands him not to leave and she and Lizzie telekinetically take a saw and dismember him where he stands. Hope muses that he hasn't even seen her wolf form yet. The witch begins to rapidly age. Hope is concerned when Alaric suggests trapping Josie within another simulation, given she controlled the previous one. She manages to strike Hope with the spear, though Hope believes she's had worse injuries. Hope thinks she's clever, acting as a distraction, but she can easily hear her partner sneaking up behind her. At the packing plant, Hope finds a monster attacking a deputy. Adyelya Rayna Iliyana Mikaelson, nicknamed Lya, is a major recurring character of The Originals. As Hope attempts to heal him, Malivore steps out of the darkness and offers her a deal-a direct path to Landon as long as she leaves MG with him. She's looking for the bloodlines of the witch, werewolf, and vampire that created Malivore. Hope flately explains that he is going to help her, or Trudy dies. He declares that he can no longer keep his promise and informs the students that the Salvatore School must close. Alaric notes that she wasn't on the board, but it's good that she's awake now. In From a Cradle to a Grave, Hope was sent away to be raised by Rebekah, in order to protect her from her father's enemies: the Guerrera Wolves, Esther, and Dahlia. In That's Nothing I Had to Remember, Hope grows closer with Ethan as they prepare for Commonwealth Day, and Ethan tells Hope to ask him out if she ever wishes to spend time with him. Aurora tells her how sorry she is. As a fully transitioned tribrid, Hope did not lose her magic and can continue to practice witchcraft. From the moment that she became immortal, a part of her knew that she was going to outlive everyone she loved and figures that triggered stuff about her parents. She's between a rock and a hard place and believes that everyone is going to think the "sire bond" is just an excuse because they have no idea how intense it can be since none of them have ever had one. Alaric takes the necklace as Hope leaves his office. In the end, she asked the question. They discover that this is not the case. Upon waking from the simulation, Hope talks with Rafael. During the beginning of the annual charity football game, Hope notices that Professor Vardemus is using magic to ensure the coin-flip always lands in favor of the Salvatore Stallions. Rupert suggests freeing Lizzie as she's a siphon witch and could easily siphon off any magic that protects it. Her father, Klaus (Joseph Morgan), was the Original Hybrid, meaning he was both a vampire and a werewolf. He presents to her a portrait he's made of her. Hope explains that Cleo told her that only one person has to die. This song encompasses everything he believes about love and death. With her grimoire and preparations made, she positions herself the sigil with a photo of her and Landon, cutting her handle to offer a few drops of blood. He explains to Hope that when he first came to the school, he didn't really fit in with any of the factions, but looked up to Hope because she didn't care about fitting in. Alaric arrives at the Old Mill, but Hope believes she can handle him. They all collapse to the ground, succumbing to the poison. She wants her to let her out before she loses control. Hope, however, has another plan, specifically developing a battle plan against the gods. The first star bursts into flames and Wade is ushered off the stage. Aurora attempts to get up off the ground, but Hope casts a spell to immobilize her in place. She gives him a bleak outlook on his future; he'll be middle-aged with kids who can't stand him, a mortgage he can't afford, a wife that wants to know his every whereabouts, and a job as an assistant regional manager at a place he can't leave. Once complete, she commends Lizzie on her compulsion, while she wonders what her next test will be. She knows she'll have to eventually but that doesn't have to be today. They tell her they love her, always and forever. Lizzie believes to have a handle on her powers just as well as Hope does; her mother is even a vampire, she reminds her. During the dance, she is still guilty about Landon and sees Josie and Lizzie argue, wondering why they are doing so. She is about to leave when Roman stops her and becomes her escort in Landon's stead. It's three people. Lizzie calls Hope and tells her that the game has changed and has swapped sides. During the match, Hope makes it clear that she is eager to leave the match early to search for Rafael Waithe, however Alaric tells her that they cannot draw too much attention to her. Lizzie and Hope remain unharmed by Aurora's escape. Ben believes his father will retreat and ultimately they win, attacking as one. Losing Landon won't be easy, but is sure that out of them he'll have the easiest time finding peace. She wonders which of the species she is, but the woman refuses to give away the surprise. When she sits up, it's looking back at herself; her humanity. It could be the truth or a manipulation. While Lizzie and Josie are chanting, the transformation begins and Hope is brought to her knees from her bones breaking and pain resulting from it. He takes the Hollow from her and, after spending precious moments together where she promises to make the Mikaelson name proud and be okay, Klaus gives her a kiss. Following Klaus' instruction, Hope has accepted the pain during her transformation, thus it allows her to fully transform within a few minutes instead of a few hours. Hope later helps destroy the croatoan with help from MG, Sebastian and Lizzie, whose memories are returned by Josie when she arrives back in Mystic Falls. The Ferryman shakes his head no. Hope was, though. Though he was a bit disappointed she sent him back from the prison world. Hope follows Rebekah into Rousseau's. Hope commends Josie for her smart move, but playing the weak defenseless Josie card isn't going to work either. She was seen in light-colored sleeveless dresses, that normally had flowers or other prints on them. Using the fact that the baby is alive, and therefore able to own property, the Original vampires bury and consecrate their mother's remains with Kieran's help and Esther becomes a New Orleans witch. Rafael tells her that it is nice to get away for a while, and is open to a relationship with her as he is not afraid of technicalities. MG accompanies Hope to the gym, showing her where the weapons are since Cleo dropped the illusion spell. We see Klaus holding his daughter waiting on an abandoned road. There's nothing to worry about and muses she's only there for the birth of the one and only tribrid because of family bragging rights. She tells him that Landon says hi, learning she was in Limbo. Hope questions if it really is him, and he quips back if she said that to all the Landons. Students, Hope finds herself overwhelmed, all of her in a singalong. Was true to her room and finds Roman inside other prints on them that terrifies her in Mystic high. Giveaways - Sign up to her about Landon he claims no one else is coming to her... Hope decides to torture her and lands another blow and she snaps Elijah 's neck to keep the reason! 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