That could be the reason I was the only person in town to publish the Mohammed Cartoons (which I thought were dull). Can you provide more information about what you a referring to? What the far left is saying is that no one should have to sacrifice to get ahead, that its owed to people based on past sins. Yet this is what she did of all Asians with her misguided tweets. Spend 5 hours meeting with Geoffrey Canada and learning why charter schools, which dont support the union, get great results for black kids thriving in school and exiting poverty. Less hateful, less bigoted. He also received lessons from his stepmother, Leila Collins. If you dont understand her tweets or my comments here, please educate yourselves on the history of systemic racism in America. The various public board meetings where Allison Colins has continued to single out Asians by citing time, over and over again, that there are too many Asians at Lowell and calling everyone, including Asians, on the meeting who opposed removing merit admissions racist. There are a bunch of them so feel free to dig through those meetings here: If the esteemed doctor is going to start popping off while cluelessly not understanding the meanings of the words shes criticizing (because shes too ignorant/lazy to familiarize herself with the world that Collins comes from), well, thats her right, but she sounds like a fool. During the immigration process and for the record, Blacks and Latinos have NEVER been afforded the privilege of choosing an American Name in addition to their legal name. However, then she started stereotyping an entire community as being less than woke. She referenced Trump, no political figure in this country can get away with what Trump does. Her performance of neoliberal identity politics has been coarse and crude, originating from an ill-educated place, as this author has noted in previous reportage. And while the benefits of Lowell to its students beyond the brand are vague, there are likely real costs from the status quo; the education research Im aware of seems to suggest that it might actually harm the bottom 90-95% of students for a school system to aggressively sort the top 5-10% of kids out of their schools completely. The atmosphere in December 2016 was not the same as it is in March 2021. They are then forwarding to the hiring manager those applicants that are Asian. Its a small subset. Ever have one of those times where you forget what it was you were looking for when you got up but that it was really important that you write it down but by the time you find something to write with youve forgotten this importnt/juicy/sclerotic thought. i hope her I wonder why. Is Allison Collins from The Allison Collins Band Allen Collins daughter? Bye, bye Allison. Finding a place to practice proved difficult and the choices were limited to the carport at Bob's house, Ronnie's backyard, where they were sure to get a full meal or Allen's living room which usually included Eva's famous cakes and candies. And if youre going to use the term house n****r to refer to Asians why have an Asian name in your Twitter bio? Collins first number of tweets were totally legit maybe controversial in some eyes, but important to find Asian-Am allies and to call out anti Black behaviors. The band combined a signature rock sound with a country twang and produced singles that have inspired numerous covers. 4. the term white supremacy in my opinion, is real only to the perpetrator, self flattery, wishful thinking, no more. He along with his sister and mother Eva went through a tough time when his parents divorced. Changing Lowell this much ruined it. The Rossington-Collins Band debuted in June 1980 with the Anytime, Anyplace, Anywhere album. Over the next few weeks they signed on Skynyrd survivors Billy Powell and Leon Wilkeson and other local musicians, although the choice of a lead vocalist for the new band remained a perplexing one. Then we all gain from a thorough experience based in our compassion. Everyone takes the same test to get into Lowell. By October 20, 1977, Skynyrd's songs had become radio staples. Disaster comes by way of the mouth Chairman Mao.those are words to live by lol. Black boys with fathers do far better than white boys without, so encouraging marriage, long study hours, reading, sacrifice and respect for hard work and the scientific method should be a hallmark of any decent educator. And, what I cant dismiss is she is likely a factor in why we are losing our first Black superintendent, as well as our Black vice principal, and our Latinx vice principal. Her narrow academic use of the term is not widely accepted by the broader public and she knows this. Just not Allison Collins. Kids who choose to study choose not to hang out, watch TV, talk, play video games, or go on social media. She didnt get drunk and say something insulting to Asians which didnt represent what is truly in her heart. Call for the arrest of those who destroyed the statues in Golden Gate Park and spraypainted Kill Whitey, and help police track them down and make a citizens arrest (I am 90% sure the person who did this was white, but whatever race they are they should do 10 years in prison for destroying those statues). accident. But Collins is not wrong in saying, Hey dont ignore our struggle! I also think that if families work hard and push their kids to work hard to achieve the American dream that is a good thing. Collins is completely one-sided in her view of anti-Blackness among Asians. This early fascination lasted throughout Allen's life -- he later collected an entire fleet of collectible and performance cars that was one of his proudest possessions. Collins has been judged guilty of using currently non-PC correlatives in her vernacular. It is that we cannot judge a historical person using todays standards. So white students are 3X overrepresented at SOTA. Maybe no wifi at home? Her tweets, in my opinion, are not fighting words toward Asian Americans. Thats cruel. Realizing any singer would be faced with inevitable comparisons with Ronnie VanZant, Allen and Gary chose Dale Krantz, a gutsy, whiskey-voiced female backup singer from .38 Special. i will not be silenced by people like YOU! Thats factual diligence. In a sense, our tax dollars subsidize Israels public diplomacy directed at US taxpayers. Minority businesses in big cities thrived. Its time for Allison Collins to do the same. In many schools in San Francisco the amount of African American kids have been declining year after year. It is true that standardized testing in the form of a civil service exam originated in Han China. People dont want to just win an argument. Embedded within the American work ethic is individualism. Many whites are very lazy. More than a few countries yes BUT NEVER a racial group. We know exactly why Lowell and not SOTA. Berkeley. I react to this as a lifelong serious reader and writer. Again, colloquial speech as it were. Here, in New York City, the number of attacks on Asian elders by Black men is completely disproportional to the citys demographics. Collins was comparing white supremacy to demons, not white people. I say that as a brown girl whose eyes were opened this year, and who now gets it. You are spreading lies. That is racist and insulting towards Asians because it diminishes their achievement, and it is insulting to whites because it assumes we are all racist and insincere in attempts to close the achievement gap, which she is wrong to call the opportunity gap, implying studying isnt a choice and a noble sacrifice, and to help underperforming minorities improve their lives. Millions of high-quality images, video, and music options are waiting for you. It doesnt matter where she got the quote from, it is outrageous for her to call Asian Americans house ni****s. But that has no bearing on the larger systems and structures of power at play in this regard. And thats why every last vestige of San Francisco government is now calling for Collins to step down. Collins use of the term House N***** is an accurate term when used to describe the position given to Asians in a white dominated society. Worried that the long hair of Collins's bandmates would scare her friends and relatives, Kathy John had them wear wigs so they'd seem more presentable to the normal folk. Because Collins is not wrong!! If this City is ever to recover we have to start pushback now. And, yes, they wanted to to assimilate and get ahead. My father picked strawberries in the sweltering sun, not complaining to the boss he was trying to get ahead; he and my mom were trying to make a life in America: assimilation? WebThe younger Collins daughter prefers a quieter life, and described herself as a stayathome mom through much of her career as a bestselling author. Where is the logic in that? Otherwise they were used to attack and brazenly. Maybe you, as an Asian-American should take time off your busy life and stand in solidarity, unite and work with your fellow African-American citizens for justice for all. Most Democratic families with money feel that is too equal and use Hamlin and Burke and other schools to keep their kids from knowing poor kids well and make it 15 or 20x. So this so called conversation you wish to have about racism is not as transparent and revealing if you can not understand that it is not just about flash cards and turning off the television. Nope. Collinss generalizations were clumsily phrased and overbroad, but her basic points are completely sound and backed by data from AAPI researchers who have studied attitudes about race in AAPI communities. A racist has no role on making policy decisions where 50% of students are Asian Pacific Islander. Collins put down entire generations of hard working immigrant Asians who came to this country, worked hard, and sacrificed for their children while emphasizing education when they couldnt even help their children. are yall dumbyou want to be oppressed so bad.dude this black women is literally telling you that you are over represented in SF schools asshole. I took him up on it and got a Blue Bottle siphon. As social worker i came in contact with asian and latin x and many poor brown and black.1 thing my experiance has taught me is that when we say things like work hard and achieve american dream it really hits differenty from immigrants community cultural knowledge and american descendent of chattle slavery. Her part in the renaming of the schools fiasco demonstrates how completely out of touch she is. If she does all this, thats restorative justice. The outraged creditors are demanding payment on that mushrooming debt and until they get paid, nobody should expect an easy ride. And furthermore, SOTAs student body is 37% white, vs 11% for te district as a whole. His Her comments in 2016 shows her true self. Or do we think she is so awful she needs to go so we get someone better? I dont think they are comparable at all. Is there anti-Blackness among non-white Americans in this country? Has Zhou been forced to resign from any city position or banned from any future political runnings, I think not. The Chinese American Alliance whom themselves proven are racist against Blacks, Latinos and the LGBTQ community have given Zhou their full support and backed Zhous racist views and position. What kind of mind and character demands that? These model minorities are presented as evidence of the efficacy of the American work ethic and rugged individualism. One woman should not stand in the way of solidarity, and Alison Collins needs to recognize that and resign. Collins should indeed step down. The only way out of poverty is a better work ethic and more support, like tutors, to decrease the achievement gap. Deferred gratification. Floyd Thursby, just now read your reply from last year. She would have already been cancelled by the Woke Wave. Youre essentially saying Its not racist if its the truth! You sound exactly like the racist white supremacists youre supposedly against. For students who are high performing, there is an absolute benefit to being in classes with other high performing students, where the teachers do not need to stop and slow down to bring along the other students who are not at the same level. Allen's unique, firey guitar playing and powerful songwriting helped insure Lynyrd Skynyrd's place in rock and roll history. Are we reverting back to segregation? These tweets do not read well. And if she can drop the pretension of being an amateur Orientalist long enough actually listen to the Asian community its she thinks she represents, perhaps we can give her a few history lessons. Thats lazy. Donald Trump, whose been the embodiment of the American work ethic for decades, calls them losers to which they should be summarily fired. You can try to spin it all you want, but thats the obvious conclusion. Access the best of Getty Images with our simple subscription plan. Anyone whose family has migrated to the US of its own volition, either as refugee or migrant, me included, should not expect a risk free experience as we benefit economically from an economy originally capitalized on slavery. Not sure why when there is a common enemy in white supremacy people let themselves get played . She said the Asian Americans dont need help! Parents are not looking for a private school education paid for by taxpayers. It is obvious to me that Collins used these tweets to rile Asian hate to her advantage in subsets of the African American community to get herself elected. Im open to being convinced with clear, hard data. What are the disadvantages of a clapper bridge? Their latest album, Street Survivors, had just been released to critical and popular acclaim. Asians need to understand that Collins is not the enemy, She is a friend and ally who pointed out the truth to us. Allison is related to Cindy R Collins and Catelyn Renee Edwards as well as 1 additional person. Other Asian American San Franciscans elected leaders, political activists, regular folks, twentysomethings, thirtysomethings, fortysomethings, seventysomethings, all politically liberal expressed a wide array of disappointment and pain. This is spineless, deceitful, and hurtful to all Asians and anyone with an ounce of ethics in their body. I dont even think the tweets are the strongest reasons for Collins to leave. Thanks again, kind sirs! By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Wrong, beneath her, and shes paying now. The model minority was made official in 1966 by UC Berkeley sociologist William Petersen PhD with articles in Time magazine and US News and World Report comparing orientals with problem minorities (Black folks like MLK). WebMini Bio (1) Lily Jane Collins was born in Guildford, Surrey, England. For more information, please see our This was thoughtful Genetics. We need to move away from Collins way of thinking. As America is dedicated to anti-racism, that is a serious threat and lives are ruined over accusations of racism. Spend 100 hours meeting with Nigerian American and Asian American families who have gotten kids into Cal despite poverty. Great work, Joe. I will give you an example: Lets take a sport like volleyball and pretend that Americans wished to transform the sport to be more inclusive and diverse by eliminating merit based admissions (no need to count the scores, it will make the kids who are not good at it feel bad). If America is unfair and racist, the goal is to destroy it and start over. Which teacher did she report it to? I imagine Catch-22 is in few of the libraries of the anti-Collins group. It reveals an inability to listen and a lack of judgment and empathy. Is to encourage the destruction of the repetition of colloquial words and phrases which best convey the tone, manner and relationship are most effectively conveyed. what do you have? For whatever its worth, Id bet the NYTimes would not have run its piece on the SF school board yesterday were it not for the reporting here. Thats exactly what the racist Allison Collins did. The Asian cop during the George Floyd murder said NOTHING and did NOTHING to stop the murder from taking place, he is an accessory to MURDER, a MURDER to a man of color, need it say more. Remove her from the board. Character was important as evidenced by Martin Luther Kings famous speech. Collins must go for the good of SFUSD. Its a fact. His license was suspended for driving under the influence several times before it was outright revoked for good, but that didn't stop the former Lynyrd Skynyrd guitarist from getting behind the wheel after knocking back a few. Theres more than a standard deviation between blacks and African and Asian immigrants in study hours per week, and black and Asian immigrants have virtually eliminated everything we complain about black people experiencing, homelessness, prison, being killed by police, being killed by criminals, murder, extreme multi-generational poverty, lifetime of minimum wage, etc. Lily moved with her mother to LA at the age of five, after her parents split up. Apparently now we have to be careful with everything we say bc now, everything is racist as intent no longer matters, unless youre Black apparently, then nuance does matter according to Collins defenders here. If she wanted to make progress, she wouldnt spend all her time on cosmetic BS and put together after school and tutoring support for inner city students, build programs that pair mentors (e.g. She didnt call them the n word. WebAccording to her Instagram, she says that someone named Les Collins is her father, NOT Allen Collins. Her youngest daughter really resembles Allen. If they do hire a Black or Latino applicant, that is a front that the manager to show fairness in the hiring process. You cant do that if you dont notice. Thanks so much for writing what you did, you are so right. Nice to know she stands by those racial stereotypes. Youre wasting your breath, Im afraid. Or so I am told. We will zap comments that fail to adhere to these short and very easy-to-follow rules. Very cool even though I am not a huge fan of the band it was very cool. Despite all of these comments, she isnt going anywhere. Most Asian parents do, or at least a higher percentage. What is happening is Asian HR personnel are filtering out and removing the applicants that are of color. Collins simply, to use a grotesquely appropriate metaphor, gave her opportunistic opponents enough rope. Once again tragedy struck Allen in 1986. It saddens me to read comments from people condemning Asians for not being educated enough to understand made up definitions popularized and evolved today into various forms as critical race theory or crit.. Larkin Allen Collins Jr. was an American musician and songwriter known for his association with southern-rock bands Lynyrd Skynyrd, The Rossington Collins Band, and The Allen Collins Band. He was a founding member and guitarist of Lynyrd Skynyrd. He co-wrote many of its hit songs like 'Gimme Three Steps' and 'Free Bird with its late frontman, Ronnie Van Zant. And the fact it happened two years before she was elected would seem to be no different than James Licks foundation giving money to build a racist sculpture 18 years after he died. She is equating academic success with acting white, which is the most destructive thing a black parent could do. the Amazon Associates Program via This is on point. Not being there, if one is relaxing, is factual laziness. At a press conference denouncing the threats, there was no Jenny Lam, no Norman Yee, no Phil Ting, no David Chiu, no Sandra Fewer, no Jane Kim. Or are we angry and want to punish her and others who mis-speak? That shouldnt stop anyone from calling it out where it does exist, but the essential point here is that she implicated an entire community in this harmful characterization based solely on their race. Times were very difficult since Allen's musical career barely brought in enough to support the young family. Learn from them. The strange and terrible saga of Alison Collins and her ill If you do not want your children to be competitive on the world stage, please go ahead, the rest of the world benefits from less American competition! When Allison Collins ran for School Board in 2018, there was also a candidate named Josephine Zhao. JACKSONVILLE, Fla. . Lets keep it REAL here. Less than ten minutes later, the plane crashed into a densely wooded thicket in the middle of a swamp. She calls it the opportunity gap. Respect yourself, courtesy of the Staple Singers, white supremacy, what white Nearly all would choose B, trauma included. Getting a job requires an employer to give you a benefit of a doubt at some point. I notice how you only mentioned Republicans in your post, as if Democrats were somehow innocent of the engaging the mechanics of capitalism to oppresses people, particularly the working class. If the Negro wasnt taken, tricked or deceived by the white liberal, then Negros would get together and solve our own problems. This story sounds like its gonna be juicy, but doesnt meet the hype in the end. She never praised Asians for long study hours and sacrifice. high school for elementary school students, college for high school students, etc. In closing and the truth is, who really continues to really be discriminated here, they are BLACK and Latinos in this county and city, they continue to be KILLED and DISCRIMINATED by the police and society its a fact. Cookie Notice They have the time and libraries have the material free as do many nonprofits. Do not assume that all these families if students are lucky enough to have families are leveraging privilege to just get a private school education on taxpayer dollars. It is obvious Alison Collins is racist toward Asians and need to be removed immediately! She is an arrogant, ignorant hypocrite, and she AND other members of the board of education who are standing by her have no business representing us and ought to resign. You just never know sometimes Forum Policies, Rules, and Terms of Service. Every poor person will only get ahead by denouncing laziness and embracing effort. You have no idea who I am, but you are trying to pressure others to obey groupthink by essentially saying, obey me or Ill call you racist. My parents were the help.. The reason black woman might have different perspective and I dont know miss collins nore can i apologize for her words i am speaking as adult outside of SFEDD but went to very merit based supposedly diverse school district with same school within school problem faced by students in the SFED district that had tons of african american students but few in AP class level . Which hurts all kids. This was Eugenics and most scientists believe all races have roughly equal average IQs, though the IQ may be higher for groups who say no to alcohol and drugs, and some IQ is environmental, the genetic potential for IQ is equal, and Nigerian Immigrants show higher than average white IQs, so this theory is false. This is the classic parable of ones chickens coming home to roost. Both were 1st in their families to go to college. Her statement is racist because she made negative generalizations (anti-Black) about a race (Asians) based on personal anecdotes (her friends feelings and an incident her daughter witnessed). Its obvious the many millions of successful African Americans became so through hard work and wise decision making. It just became another school taken down by woke progressives. Billy Powell, Amie Williamson, daughter of late guitarist Allen Collins (at podium), Judy Van Zant, widow of late singer Ronnie Van Zant (C) of Lynyrd Skynyrd, inductees, and other family members (Photo by Jeff Kravitz/FilmMagic, Inc). Its the elephant in the room. But to lump us all into the same group as some teenagers who made fun of some kid in her daughters school? The idea is Asian Americans can never actually get ahead, and should join her in a battle to overthrow Americas culture, which she views as hateful. Wow those murals from George Washington high school in the linked article are like something out of the show Parks and Recreation. Subscribe today and have the latest stories from Mission Local delivered directly to your inbox. WebCollins married Kathy Evelyn Johns on October 10, 1970 with whom he had two daughters, Amy and Allison. I know theres a lot of passion here but we defeat the whole purpose of this dialogue by going off on each other, because that will create deeper division and this will continue to happen. Actions speak louder than words. Subscribe to our daily newsletter and have the latest stories from Mission Local delivered directly to your inbox. I, myself, found it hateful and harmful. Part of Allen's sentence from his car wreck, called for him to use his fame and influence to warn kids of the dangers of drunk driving. It all comes down to what T.S. being an Every group that starts poor has to pay their dues. OK, if you want restoration, heres what Collins can do. Hanging out, TV, video games, social media, conversations, etc. We are finally in a climate where more of the mainstream is actually (supposedly) listening to Black voices. The bulk of the the model minority (aka house negro) stereotype revolves around the fallacious idea of the American work ethic. Collins and Ronnie co-wrote several hit songs for Skynyrd including Gimme Three Steps (1973), Free Bird (1974) and That Smell (1977). Collins studied at the Nathan B. Forrest High School. The worst enemy that the Negro have is this white man that runs around here drooling at the mouth professing to love Negros and calling himself a liberal, and it is following these white liberals that has perpetuated problems that Negros have. Well I walk in and I'm introduced to Amie--Allen Collin's first born. We all need to GROW UP. Using Asians as a punching bag is accepted, because they are the perpetual other a group that does not speak up. Learn More{{/message}}, {{#message}}{{{message}}}{{/message}}{{^message}}It appears your submission was successful. She needs to take a good look at the mirror before she calls anyone else a house Ni****. She said simply (and I will never forget it because it keeps being so true) well, you know theyre really rather stupid, and that always catches up to them.. A very friendly greeting and I have a 10 minute tour of the "archives"--gold records everywhere, original awards, guitars, etc. Therefore you had #2 % in the world in passing AP Tests, which takes tremendous work and morality. This is what Collins is pointing out. I personally think this is the failure of the Academic Left: a deep contempt for the working class or those who do not pursue a higher education. As a third generation Korean-American born in Michigan, I understand that there is context behind statements like these, like the Malcolm X parable that Jim posted above. ALLEN2 COLLINS (VARDY1) was born Abt. So what happens? If you are not careful, the newspaper will have you hating the people who are being oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppressing Malcolm X (700*414). Does she have a place in mind where she would prefer Asians to live and go to school? She should be teaching kids nonwhite immigrants from 70 nations and 30 African Nation out-earn whites within a generation. The doctors initially wanted to amputate Collins' arm, but his father refused to let them take his money-maker. Very interesting and informative to read this article and all the comments. Theres no such thing as white people. How convenient, but waitthen Joe Rogan does the same thingquoting folks using the n word, but gets all but cancelled by the liberal left. 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