Best on OKClips. Godhead: A item that gives you amazing tears. There are some 300 gameplay changes, according to YouTuber IsaacGuru. Function: Gives Flight, +2 Soul Hearts, Holding down the fire button for 2.35 seconds charges a beam that deals 15 ticks of your tear damage, Unlock Condition: Defeat Mother as Bethany. Fire Dips burn enemies and leave a fire behind on death. This room isn't part of the actual floor, and leaving it returns you to where you teleported from, The boss isn't necessarily from the current floor - e.g. white, grey, gray, A familiar that follows isaac around dropping white creep which slows down enemies that walk over it, Spawns 1-2 familiar blue spiders after every room, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, white, ball, dripping, A familiar that is controlled via the arrow keys and will automatically fire a laser if anything is in its line of sight, Robo-Baby 2.0's lasers deal 3.5 damage per hit, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating Challenge #16 (Computer Savvy), * robo baby 2.0, item room, treasure room, item room pool, red, eyes, grey, gray, robot, A familiar which follows Isaac and spawns a blue flies as you're firing tears, Rotten Baby can only create one fly at a time, meaning if he has created a fly he cannot make another until it is used, * devil pool, devil room pool, devil deal, item room, treasure room, item room pool, dead, baby, REPENTANCE - The Nail's temporary damage bonus has been increased, and is now able to stack with itself. Hook Worm, Wiggle Worm etc. treasure room, item room pool, yellow, golden, ring, circle, Item Pool: Item Room, Shop, Challenge Room, Beggar, Demon Beggar, Mom's Chest, * dungeon room, blood challenge room, arena pool, demon beggar pool, demon judgement pool, devil beggar pool, normal beggar pool, normal judgement pool, coin beggar pool, coin judgement pool, shop room pool, shop item pool, item room, treasure room, item room pool, yellow, red, blue, medicine, jar, drug, moms bottle of pills, Tears now have a random chance to apply a poison effect, causing double your tear damage per tick to enemies over time, The chance to fire poison shots is affected by your luck stat and at +12 Luck it will activate every time, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, green, snot, booger, ball, slime, Isaac's tears now split into two upon contact with enemies or the environment, Tears that split off from the main tear do less damage (tear damage * 0.5), Tears can keep splitting if they still have range and damage above 1, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by collecting two of the following items: Bob's Rotten Head, Dead Cat, Cricket's Head, Tammy's Head, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, pink, slug, bug, face, When used, replaces all pedestal items in the current room with another random item. Update 1.7.9b (9th Dec) changes have been added to the site, When used, copies the effect of the Rune or Soul stone you are holding (like the Blank Card), Drops a random rune on the floor when picked up. The spear cannot be thrown like Mom's Knife but deals damage while it is in contact with an enemy, *, grey, silver, sword, dagger, blade, knife, Tears now have a random chance to become sticky bombs, which will attach to enemies and explode after a few seconds, The bomb explosion deals your tear damage + 60, REPENTANCE - Explosivo tears now deal damage upon impact, When picked up, drops between 1-6 random pickups on the floor, Causes all item pedestals to be chosen from a random item pool instead of the pre-defined ones which normally exist, Fixed item drops won't be replaced - e.g. Keys and bombs are equal to 3 coins for deciding which to give, Item Pool: Boss Room, Golden Chest, Crane Game, Grants a large orbital that rotates around Isaac, When the orbital takes a few hits, they split into two smaller ones, After the smaller orbitals take another hit, they explode into 2 blue spiders, This item will respawn after a period of time, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Mother in the Corpse II as Lazarus, Your bombs now explode and fire 4 Brimstone lasers in all cardinal directions, Each brimstone laser deals 8 damage per tick for 13 total hits, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by killing Hornfel before he can escape after breaking his minecart, Item Pool: Devil Room, Bomb Beggar, Greed Mode Devil Room, Active items no longer charge up as normal from clearing rooms, Enemies taking damage now charges your item instead. Gives a small chance when entering a room for enemies to be petrified for 4 seconds. Increases the maximum heart limit to 18. the ability to fly. at base damage of 3.5, that's 45 damage), Self-inflicted damage such as Blood Donation machines don't trigger this effect, Isaac's bombs will now explode in a large cross-shaped pattern (roughly 5 bombs explosions wide), Item Pool: Item Room, Greed Mode Item Room, Bomb Beggar. the lost item pool, brown, white, cross, * demon beggar pool, demon judgement pool, devil beggar pool, boss room pool, boss room item, item room, treasure room, item room pool, syringe, needle, injection, white, A beggar who follows Isaac around and automatically picks up nearby coins, After picking up 6 coins he will drop a random pickup, e.g. Larry Jr.) it will split them into 2 smaller enemies with half the number of sections they used to have, If the enemy normally has a mechanic that splits it (e.g. are both top tier unlocks! It isn't 100% effective but the effect is very strong and will deflect most shots under a bullet hell situation. He behaves the same as how Esau works with Jacob, following your exact movements, Disappears after the current room or if he takes enough damage and dies, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Hush and Boss Rush as Tainted Forgotten, Creates 6 wisps, similar to the Book of Virtues effect, Mosts wisps will be the standard blue ones, but have a chance to have random special properties, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Hush and Boss Rush as Tainted Bethany, Spawns Esau as a temporary familiar, who copies your exact movements the same as how the Jacob & Esau character works, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Hush and Boss Rush as Tainted Jacob, Once picked up, you gain unlimited key use for the rest of the floor, Using a 'Bombs are Key' pill with this effect will swap your Gold Key for a Gold Bomb, Once picked up, you gain unlimited bomb use for the rest of the floor, Using a 'Bombs are Key' pill with this effect will swap your Gold Bomb for a Gold Key, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating challenge #23 (Blue Bomber), Fully charges your active item when picked up, Also, you take a full heart of damage when picked up. When the effect wears off, Isaac quickly runs between each marked enemy, dealing high damage to each one rapidly (roughly x2.5 your tear damage), The damage caused by this effect scales up with every target it hits in a row, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Delirium as Tainted Judas, *, budas, jubas, sword, blood, omae wa mou shindeiru, When used, Abyss consumes all pedestal items in the current room and converts them into Red attack flies, Red attack flies will charge across the room in the same direction Isaac is shooting, dealing contact damage to enemies equal to Isaac's tear damage, The flies don't block enemy shots, but this also means they never die and stay with Isaac forever, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Delirium as Tainted Apollyon, Staples one of Isaac's eyes shut, meaning he only shoots tears from one eye. the lost item pool, white, A familiar that follows Isaac and can fire up and charge brimstone shots, exactly how the normal Brimstone item works but with less damage, Each laser deals 3 damage per tick, up to 8 times for a total of 31.5 damage, * devil pool, devil room pool, devil deal, item room, treasure room, item room pool, horns, baby, ?, Keeper and The Forgotten, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating The Beast as Samson, The first time you take damage in a room, Isaac will become a ghost and time will stop for 3 seconds, During this ghost effect, you gain flight, spectral tears and the damage from the next hit you take is negated, Isaac returns to his body if you either clear the room or take damage while in ghost form, Only happens once per room - taking damage a second time does not turn you into a ghost again, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating The Beast as Lazarus, Your tears are replaced with a charge attack that fires a homing, spectral fetus, The fetus tears deal damage equal to 75% of your current tear damage while in contact with enemies, roughly 5 times per second, Can't be held down like normal charge attacks, they will release automatically at full charge, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating The Beast as Lilith, Gives you a familiar that can be charged up to release a black ring, that damages any enemies that touch it with rapid hits (similar to Maw of the Void / Athame effects), The effect does a decent amount of damage, but doesn't scale with your damage upgrades, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating The Beast as Azazel, While firing tears, you now charge up a poop attack for 3 seconds that when released, fires from Isaac's behind, The poop attack deals your current tear damage to any enemies caught in the blast, Counts as 1 of 3 poop items needed towards the Oh Crap transformation. What's new in Isaac repentance? UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Hush as Bethany, At the beginning of each new floor, this item will stab Isaac and reduce your red health down as much as it can without killing you. Does not prevent Isaac from taking contact damage, All the above effects are only active when the item is used for the current room. Ram damage formula has changed to damage * 4 + 28 (previously dealt a static 40 damage). * bogey, boger, green, drop, drip, boogey, Adds a chance to shoot a concussive tear, which will cause enemies to walk around dazed in confusion, The daze effect is effectively permanent for normal enemies, and has a much longer duration for bosses compared to other status effects, The visual effect of a Glaucoma tear is hard to notice, however it is slightly lighter than normal tears and is not a perfect circle shape, This item gives you a chance that instead of firing tears you will fire an egg sack, which slows enemies on hit and drops a pool of white slowing creep below them, If a parasitoid shot successfully hits an enemy, a blue friendly fly or spider is spawned, Causes your tears to become piercing, allowing them to travel through enemies, After hitting its first enemy, each tear will double in damage and gain a homing effect, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Greedier Mode with Judas, Each tear has a chance to become acidic, allowing it to break rocks, pots and other breakable objects, Acidic tears can also be used to open secret rooms. (Does not roll your devil deal items), 5 Dot - Reroll and restart the current floor (Forget Me Now effect), 6 Dot - Reroll all of your items and all the pickups on the entire floor (Combined 1 + 3 + 4 rooms), The same order as the in-game collection page. This will heal red hearts and then give soul hearts up to a total of 6. for example is one of the better ones and beating Greedier with Tainted Isaac wasnt too difficult. Counts as 1 of 3 angel items needed towards the Seraphim transformation. Based on the Steam Workshop mod created by Ink Tears, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by having two items or effects that grant homing shots at once (e.g. There's Options, Double item room, Boss Rush) the Moving Box will pick only one of the items at random, Added as part of the Afterbirth+ Booster Pack #2 and based on the Steam Workshop mod created by HurleyFarrill, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by using Pandora's Box in the Dark Room floor, Your tears will now be connected together by beams of electricity which deals damage to enemies they hit, The lasers from this item deal 30% of your current damage stat, REPENTANCE - Technology Zero's lasers now deal 30% of the player's damage stat per tick (from 100%), UNLOCK: Unlock this item by having 2 technology items at once, *, black, white, grey, gray, round, circle, eye, key, hole, coin, slot, laser, Taking damage will spawn an orbital that rotates around Isaac, dealing contact damage to enemies and blocking enemy projectiles, A maximum of 3 Leprocy orbitals can be active at one time, Using the orbital to deal damage to enemies can cause it to break, Added as part of the Afterbirth+ Booster Pack #2. REPENTANCE - Kidney Bean now has a bigger effect radius, no longer deals damage to the enemies it's charming, and charge time has been reduced to 1 (from 2). Caves 2: 1 Boss Item + 2 Soul Hearts, Depths 1: 4 Soul hearts. bomb beggar, green, dead, face, bobs curse, bob curse, Spawns 7 random coins around Isaac on the floor, * boss room pool, boss room item, dtQt, dtphase, crown, nocrown, yescrown, diana, Pressing 3 yellow buttons on the floor causes the minecart to be rideable. Damaging the aggressive Blood Puppy will eventually return it to its normal state. starting, blue, white, glow, cross, You can now break obstacles by walking over them, Holes in the ground can be filled by crushing adjacent rocks, similar to how this can be done with bombs, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, cheetos, cheese, grey, gray, orange, jar, Enemies and pickups (keys, bombs etc.) If you have PhD it will only increase one stat, Can be used multiple times, but every time you use it, it has a chance to disappear, The Gold Pill can spawn as a Horse Pill, which then causes it to give random Horse pill effects, UNLOCK: Unlock this by defeating Mega Satan as Tainted Cain, Horse Pills rarely spawn as larger versions of normal pills with more powerful effects, Items that synergize with pills also have the same effect with Horse pills, In general, the effect of a Horse Pill is double the effect of a normal pill i.e. Battery - 6.6% chance, Also adds a 20% chance to spawn a fly if the original drop was a coin, UNLOCK: Unlock this trinket by defeating Isaac, ?? Every challenge you beat unlocks an item on that save file. purple, An orbiting fly which deals 2 contact damage per tick to enemies, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, blue, Has a chance to drop from the Super Gluttony miniboss fight, Item Pool: Item Room, Super Gluttony Miniboss, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, the lost item pool, white, grey, gray, tub, Allows Isaac to fly while the Pony is held, Sets your speed stat to 1.5 if it isn't already that high, When the active attack is used, Isaac will dash across the screen dealing scaling contact damage to anything he hits, Drops from the Headless Horseman boss fight, REPENTANCE - A Pony's charge time has been reduced to 2 (from 4). The chance for a Red Room to unlock increases as you pick up more Crystal Keys. pink, purple, Spawns a familiar leech on the ground that hunts down enemies and heals you for half a heart each time it eats one, The Leech deals 1.5 contact damage per tick, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, grey, gray, worm, A bag that follows Isaac and drops a random heart, coin, bomb or key every 5-6 rooms (alternating, 5 rooms then 6, then repeats), Can drop any kind of heart, coin, bomb or key, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating the Dark Room with Eden, Item Pool: Item Room, Beggar, Secret Room, * normal beggar pool, normal judgement pool, coin beggar pool, coin judgement pool, secret room pool, item room, treasure room, item room pool, mysterious sack, multiple sacks, bag, pouch, purple, question mark, A large familiar black fly that bounces around the room, exploding on contact with enemies dealing 70 damage, Does not explode if it hits Isaac, however if it explodes on an enemy while Isaac is in range, he will take damage, Respawns after 10 seconds or by moving to another room, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, heart, smile, A green brain that launches in the direction you are firing your tears and will explode on contact with enemies, dealing damage and poisoning anything in the blast radius, Bob's Brain deals 100 damage and applies a poison damage over time effect, which deals double your tear damage per tick, Will hurt Isaac if he is in the blast radius. Bethany - Activating an item using soul charges is sometimes free, Jacob & Esau - The character who picks up Birthright gains copies of three of the other character's passive items, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating ??? The second knife piece is on the second floor of the Mines. UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Isaac as Jacob & Esau. Displays a random cryptic message on the screen similar to the fortune machine ones. It gives you 2 seconds to pick it up again to re-heal, before it disappears, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Delirium as Tainted Magdalene, Whenever you deal damage to an enemy, has a chance to give the effect of one of Tainted ??? The effect is shown visually in 3 stages with the character's belly getting larger each time until it finally gives birth to a familiar. Happens a total of 3 times over 30 seconds, ??? I just unlocked the Holy Brimstone and hopefully that will give more wiggle room for other unlocks. When an enemy touches the halo for couple of seconds, a beam of light will come down and deal a burst of damage to it, The triggered beam also fires in all 4 cardinal directions, dealing damage to anything it touches, Every time Isaac takes damage, the halo grows slightly bigger up to a maximum of 10 times. I'm sure this will help a lot of new players. REPENTANCE - Dark Prince's Crown now grants more of an increase in rate of fire, and the bonus now breaks the soft tears cap. Item Pool: Item Room, Super Sloth Miniboss, Bomb Beggar, * boss rush pool, boss rush room, item room, treasure room, item room pool, bob sloth, 2 keys = 50% chance. When you take damage and the cannon breaks, you take an additional 2 full hearts of damage and gain the Anemic effect for the room. UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Ultra Greed as Apollyon, At the start of each new hostile room, you have a 20% chance to gain a random charmed familiar which will fight for you, The charmed enemy has its own health bar and will die if it takes enough damage, Charmed enemies persist between each room and floor for as long as they stay alive, Allows you to have more than one charmed familiar at a time if you can keep them alive, * pokemon, phone, black, green, blue, gps, Every time one of your tears hits an enemy, it has a chance to start bleeding, which will cause it to take damage every 5 seconds, The bleed damage dealt by BackStabber is based on how quickly an enemy is moving (faster enemies take more damage), Damaging enemies from behind gives the bleed effect a 100% chance to apply, While an enemy bleeds, they leave behind creep that damages other enemies, The tear that inflicts the bleed effect also deals double damage, *, knife, dagger, red, heart, silver, knife, When used, Sharp Straw will deal damage to all enemies in the room, The damage dealt is equal to Isaac's current tear damage plus 10% of the enemy's max health, Every time this item deals damage, it has a 15% chance to drop 1/2 red hearts, REPENTANCE - Sharp Straw is now only able to generate half red hearts (previously, it generated half soul hearts if the player had no heart containers), A razor blade orbital that deals contact damage and applies the bleeding status effect to enemies and bosses, which will cause them to take damage every 5 seconds, The contact damage dealt by Mom's Razor is based on how quickly an enemy is moving (faster enemies take more damage), Its speed is not affected by the Guardian Angel item, An eye orbital that shoots tears that deal 3.5 damage and deals 2 contact damage per tick to enemies, The damage dealt by this orbital does not scale with damage upgrades, REPENTANCE - Bloodshot Eye now blocks enemy shots, has increased shot speed and rate of fire, and now only shoots when lined up with enemies, When used, spawns a charmed random white delirium version of a boss, that will fight for you and kill other enemies for the rest of the current room, Possible bosses spawned include most bosses in the game, Some bosses' effects can harm Isaac. REPENTANCE - The Inner Eye now causes less of a decrease in rate of fire than previously, and now has a tighter spread. starting, bloody, white, bandages, lazarus rags, Gives Isaac a full mapping effect, revealing the entire floor and locations of all secret rooms, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating Satan with The Lost, * angel room pool, god room pool, angel room item, item room, treasure room, item room pool, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Lil Horn 20 times, When picked up, gives Isaac a random familiar which has a random sprite and tear effect, The familiar will be fully randomized again upon entering the next floor, The appearance is chosen from a random co-op baby sprite, Added as part of the Afterbirth+ Booster Pack #1 and based on the Steam Workshop mod created by Ashkait and Scayze, A familiar that will transform into another random familiar every 10 seconds, copying their behaviour and effect, Can be any other familiar, including (but not limited to) Lil Brimstone, Bob's Brain, BBF, Meatboy, Rotten Baby, Familiars appear as a white Delirium version of the original, This item gives you 1 bar of charge on your active item for every 15 enemies you kill, Added as part of the Afterbirth+ Booster Pack #2 and based on the Steam Workshop mod created by Ashkait and Scayze, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by picking up any 3 of these items in a single run: 9 Volt, The Battery, Car Battery, AAA Battery, Watch Battery, When used, the coupon causes one random item in the shop to become free, While held, guarantees a random item or pickup from the shop to be half price, The effect of this item also works in Devil Rooms, allowing you to take one random item for free, Added as part of the Afterbirth+ Booster Pack #2 and based on the Steam Workshop mod created by Plumbo, *, paper, square, green, pink, white, barcode, letter, postcard, An active that causes all enemy tears to be held in place and then thrown back away from Isaac for a period of 3 seconds, The aura from this item will repel nearby enemies, Added as part of the Afterbirth+ Booster Pack #2, When used, the box will pick up a maximum of 6 items. This one will be a hidden question mark, Allows you to see what both items are on alternative path floors (Downpour/Dross, Mines/Ashpit, Gehenna/Mausoleum), UNLOCK: Unlock this trinket by defeating challenge #40 (Seeing Double). 8 Spelunker Hat. The door can only be opened if you have The Polaroid, The Negative or Faded Polaroid (the item/trinket is taken away when it opens). Deals significant contact damage to enemies while active (1600 dps). Azazel: Azazel has lots of good devil deal unlocks tied to his completion marks, like Abaddon, The Nail and Maw of the Void. This allows Isaac to potentially accrue a large number of stat upgrades. This will deviate you from the alt path if you are currently on it, Since this item resets your stats, this item can remove Broken Hearts, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Greedier Mode as Jacob & Esau, Item Pool: Angel Room, Greed Mode Angel Room, Upon use, allows you to consume 1 key and fire it at an enemy, piercing enemies and dealing significant damage, The damage done by the key projectile pierces through enemies and scales with your damage upgrades (x5 damage + 30), Keys fired by this item can open locked doors/chests, secret rooms and destroy objects in the room, such as rocks, Cannot be used if you don't have any keys, Enemies killed by Sharp Key have a ~10% chance to spawn random items that appear in a chests. UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Delirium as Azazel, *, red, glow, Dark Prince's Crown, dark princes crown, dark prince crown, Gives you a 6.66% chance to fire a razor blade which deals x4 damage, This item also turns your tears red, but does not change your actual damage stat or the damage your normal tears do, The chance to fire a razor blade depends on your luck stat, and at +14 luck you will fire a razor blade every time, With every 15 tears fired, Isaac will fire a cluster of 12 tears instead of your normal tear, Causes your normal tears to fire out of one eye, which means tears will fire in a near-perfect line instead of slightly off-center, REPENTANCE - Lead Pencil's tear barrage no longer deals double damage, When entering a room connected to a Secret Room or Super Secret Room, a howling sound will play, When entering a room with a crawl space trapdoor in it, a barking sound will play, While firing, you gain a green aura that poisons any enemies which touch it. achievement (collect 50 items in a single run), X-Lax - Spawns a pool of slippery brown creep beneath Isaac, Experimental Pill - Increases one random stat and decreases another random stat. Teratoma, Envy) then Meat Cleaver will deal a lot of damage and trigger the splitting effect, If the split enemy has low enough health, it will just die instead of splitting, Doesn't work on end-game bosses except Delirium, where it will deal a chunk of damage and spawn a 2nd Delirium to deal with, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Mother in the Corpse II as Isaac, You no longer take damage from poison/toxic gas/burn effects, and become immune to fear/confusion, This item isn't available in any item pools - you are automatically given it after defeating Dogma, just before The Beast sequence, Grants a one-time use of the Holy Mantle effect, On normal mode this grants The Wafer effect, causing all damage to do a maximum of half a heart each time, Sets your health to 6 hearts if you have fewer than 6. Any Tarot card or rune on the floor or current held when picking this item up will change into a pill, Dice Shard counts as a card and will be converted, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by picking up 2 of the following items: Roid Rage, The Virus, Growth Hormones, Experimental Treatment or Speed Ball, * shop room pool, shop item pool, brown, purple, * boss room pool, boss room item, red, wedge, purple, triangle, The above stats only apply to tears fired from Isaac's left eye or with a 50% chance if you have an item which causes you to fire from a single source only, * boss room pool, boss room item, red, blob, circle, spot, * boss room pool, boss room item, grey, gray, Enemies touching placed bombs take 16 damage, Gives all bombs a burning effect when they explode, leaving fire on the floor which deals 22 damage to enemies, REPENTANCE - Hot Bombs now have greatly increased contact damage (increased from 1 to 16), and passively grants Isaac immunity to fire, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, fire, orange, flame, face, Isaac's tears now set enemies on fire, leaving a damage over time effect that does 4 or 6 damage per tick, There is a chance that tears that hit enemies will explode, leaving a small fire on the floor that damages enemies, Exploding tears deal damage * 2 + 22 per tick, The chance for tears to explode is affected by your luck stat and at +13 Luck it will activate every time, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, fire, flame, orange, back, ball, burning, When picked up, and at the start of each floor this rerolls all your current items, giving you a new item to replace each of the ones you had, Also rerolls all your stats at the same time, giving a random flat modifier that changes each time, Doesn't affect important items such as Polaroid, Negative and Key Pieces, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating Boss Rush with Lazarus, * secret room pool, mondrian, painting, yellow, blue, red, white, Tears now have a chance to apply the fear effect to enemies, which causes them to run away from Isaac, The chance to fear enemies is affected by your luck stat and at +20 Luck it will activate every time, An item only found in the devil room pool (Note: The Fallen boss pulls items from the Devil Room Pool), * devil pool, devil room pool, devil deal, grey, gray, fist, glow, Immunity to all floor curses (e.g. Can be negated with Black Candle, Bad Gas - Isaac farts, poisoning enemies around him, Bombs are key - Switches number of bombs and keys, Explosive Diarrhea - Spawns five live troll bombs behind Isaac, one per second, Full Health - Restores all your empty red heart containers, Health Down - -1 HP. Basement 1, Cathedral, Sheol etc. * angel room pool, god room pool, angel room item, item room, treasure room, item room pool, Demo man unlocks a card that can instantly kill any enemy, including end bosses. golden, yellow, glow, A familiar that follows Isaac and blocks any shots that hit it, If a projectile is blocked by Dry Baby, he has a 10% chance to activate the Necronomicon effect, dealing 40 damage to the entire room, The chance to activate the effect is not changed by your Luck stat, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, dry baby is best baby, northernlion, fat skeleton, blue, white, triangle, Isaac's tears become large, brown and will penetrate all objects and enemies (piercing + spectral), Despite the increase in tear size, Dead Onion does NOT increase your damage stat. However it's not just a really well made mod they added and made adjustments to, there's also yet another path that's added. Counts as 1 of 3 fly items needed towards the Beelzebub transformation. Spoon Bender will give them a homing effect, and status effects like fear/poison will spread onto all enemies the electricity chains to, Tears which fall naturally to the floor at max range do not generate sparks, It's possible to fire tears at a wall to create electricity that damages enemies on the other side of the wall, *, silver, metal, grey, gray, blue, jacob ladder, jacobs ladder, Each tear now has a small chance to be a spectral blue flame instead, which deals damage to enemies that come in contact with it, The fire will remain in place and shrink in size when deals damage to something. Item Pool: Item Room, Demon Beggar, Lust Miniboss, * demon beggar pool, demon judgement pool, devil beggar pool, item room, treasure room, item room pool, syringe, needle, injection, the lost item pool, red, Item Pool: Item Room, Boss Room, Demon Beggar, * demon beggar pool, demon judgement pool, devil beggar pool, boss room pool, boss room item, item room, treasure room, item room pool, syringe, needle, injection, green, Has a chance to drop from the Gluttony miniboss fight, * boss room pool, boss room item, item room, treasure room, item room pool, red heart, ballchinnian, ball sack, full heal, gluttony, the lost item pool, * secret room pool, the lost item pool, brown, poop, turd, * secret room pool, silver, grey, gray, skull, Can drop from an exploding slot machine while playing it, * slot machine, arcade machine, money, bill, cash, green, * boss rush pool, boss rush room, item room, treasure room, item room pool, grey, gray, x10, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating Mom's Heart 3 times, * secret room pool, the lost item pool, brown, noose, hang, Shows most icons on the map (Shops, Item Rooms, Boss Rooms etc. Active ( 1600 dps ) 2 Soul Hearts, Depths 1: 4 Soul Hearts, Depths 1: Soul... 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