So then why would you want someone else to put up $10,000.00? A court date has been set in the near future to remedy that. 4. examination of 2 pieces of government issued I.D., such as a Drivers license and a Passport. Walker said he originally met Shelton in 1997 during a two-month visit to Virginia, where Shelton served as a pastor. Whoa! And will you submit to a paternity test? No I never met Brandy so I could not have fathered her child since I had not laid eyes on her for well over 20 years. In 1993, 3ABN Russia began producing Russian-language programs that now air on over 500 cable stations via satellite across the entire former Soviet Union, along with significant program distribution over the Internet. Box 8 I dont know. After all, Brandy was not a Seventh-day Adventist at the time, so why wouldnt these other ministries be fine? Three Angels Broadcasting Network began in the early morning hours of November 15, 1984 when Danny Shelton, a carpenter from Southern Illinois, was kept awake by troubling thoughts. Shortly after leaving, he started working a variety of jobs for 3ABN, the suit says, eventually moving to Virginia. She said to Linda, We really dont care about the marriage problems between you and Danny, all we know is that the President of 3ABN (Danny Shelton) doesnt want his Vice President (Linda Shelton) anymore! What kind of counsel is that! In fact it was just the opposite. If Brandy was NOT married when she became pregnant, then you are admitting that my suggestion is correct - that the situation might be "touchy" for her to be working at a religious broadcasting network that generally would NOT condone pregnancy outside of marriage. I just asked him if he was willing to document with DNA testing what he claimed to be true. At that time, I mentioned to my friends who were familiar with Danny and Linda and 3ABN that I had worked with Brandy when I was at 3ABN in June of 1999. He said, No.. Three Angels Broadcasting Network, or 3ABN, and the Rev. Lorraine, you have falsely accused Brandy and me. To make it as convenient as possible for the Sheltons, I traveled from California to Southern Illinois at my own expense, and brought along two DNA testing kits obtained from certified, AABB (American Association of Blood Banks) licensed DNA testing laboratories, with the goal of obeying all the other rules for legal DNA testing results, to make it as official as possible without the travel inconvenience for the Sheltons. Longing to find a way to express Gods love to the world, he suddenly felt strongly impressed to build a television station that would reach the world with the undiluted three angels messages [of Revelation 14]. She called me un-Christian for asking Danny to sit down with Linda to try to conclude their marital financial settlement without expensive lawyers. No Brandy's daughter is not my daughter. We are all accountable to the Lord for our actions. She does want to know about my business after the divorce. Danny Shelton was born on 20 August, 1993 in Auburn, WA, is an American football defensive tackle. How in the world would I have ever recognized Brandy from her picture on 3ABN if I had never seen her before? Please note that Linda fought the Protective Order because Protective Orders are often used to protect the guilty. When the DNA testing agreement had been signed by all parties, we arranged the date Wednesday, April 29, 2009. It is also fully accredited by the AABB. However, I was shocked at the seeming rapidity with which Danny divorced Linda, his wife of 18 years in a Quickie Divorce in Guam - apparently accomplished over the internet, and the lightning speed with which Linda was fired from her job as Vice-President and co-founder of 3 ABN. You are unmovable and yet you are so wrong. Irrespective of who owns the car, it is against the law to tape a conversation without both parties knowing it and agreeing to it. The 3ABN Board is not exempt - even though you have behaved as though you are. And Trinity was at all times kept out of sight in the truck, lying down on the back seat, under a blanket according to Brandy. Genetic Profiles According to public records, her divorce from Kevin Murray occurred just a little over 3 weeks before her supposed arrival at 3ABN. It doesnt take an Einstein to figure it out. In case youve forgotten, without donors - - you dont have a network. She has also sung with some of the world's finest musicians. royalties and kickbacks he received from his lucrative book deals. I guess the State of Illinois is Danny Sheltons god and yours. I have no interest in trying to "prove" anything. I was not looking for housing for Brandy in Aug. of 2004. It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Pastor Jim Gilley, who served as president of Three Angels Broadcasting Network from 2007 through 2015. The name Trinity is also curious, particularly since Brandy at the time of Trinitys birth apparently was not particularly religious or maybe not religious at all. Just because I know what I saw does NOT mean that I "hold myself in high esteem." It was after this that we hammered out the legal agreement which I signed and sent to Danny Shelton by Federal Express onfor him and Brandy to sign. Here is a copy of the first e-mail I sent to Danny in response to his offer to send me a copy of a tape that he has. (End of pertinent section of Dec. 23, 2008 e-mail). Where is your obligation to pursue truth? I'll tell you what I'll do. My working with Brandy at 3ABN in June of 1999 places Brandy in the West Frankfort area at the time she became pregnant. I'll do better than that. So, it was obvious that I worked with Brandy at 3 ABN long before 2004. Looking for books by Danny Shelton? But for you to continue to say that you worked with Brandy while at 3ABN was nothing more than a mistake but you should at least be willing to concede that you might be wrong when someone is willing to put up a great deal of money if you can prove you are right. He visited a pastor friend, Hal Steenson, who had some television equipment, sharing what he was impressed to do. He is also suggesting that I chose an unaccredited lab to save money. Both labs I chose are fully accredited by the AABB, the acknowledged accrediting agency. But Christians should have a much higher standard for their actions than the unfair laws of a corrupt State bureaucracy. Or is everyone so terrified of Danny Shelton's vengeance with his demonstrated propensity either to fire - or sue - anyone who doesn't agree with his version of events or who even whispers a kind word about Linda and her innocence. Danny deliberately and falsely - made Linda the object of contempt to point the finger away from him and towards Linda - in order to cover up his own despicable behavior! She may have returned to work there in November of 2004. Tommy SheltonArrested! As I stated, I paid for all of my own expenses to go to Southern Illinois to collect the DNA specimens, and I am personally paying for all the DNA testing. But there is PUBLIC evidence that Brandy not only committed adultery and became pregnant with her second child by another man while she was married to Shawn Brannack, but also that her first child was born out of wedlock, the sin of fornication, according to the Bible. This court-approved, legal, DNA testing is done in an accredited laboratory. If not, he should keep his mouth shut. Since Jesus said, I AM the. Its just something we have to fill out on our order form and I completely missed it. Are you aware that in 2002, after 18 years of marriage to Linda and at a time when Linda was virtually finished with her childbearing years - Danny Shelton suddenly decided to have a vasectomy? Brandy was belligerent, hostile, aggressive, and very discourteous. The flagship program, 3ABN Today, airs daily and features interviews with guests from around the world, as well as a variety of musical artists. To: Danny Shelton I have always considered both Danny and Linda as my friends. Nor was she allowed to stand on the ground when she was brought out of the truck for 30 seconds so I could swab the inside of her mouth. The idea of no accountability has the potential for making my faith look bad. He answered, No., We talked for about 15 minutes and I, still confused about what was going on, asked several more questions, including more clarification on what he meant by Spiritual adultery. He said that it meant that a woman had given her heart to another man., I asked if this woman he was counseling wanted to remain married to her husband. There are people who DO know that, including one of the people you actually spoke to about lodging for Brandy. You have not because she will tell you that Brandy never worked there and that she had never met Brandy. Beans are relatively high in protein and a sick person has difficulty digesting them, plus they often produce gas and bloating that can cause great discomfort and the inability to eat. My next contact with either Danny or Linda (after Dannys 2004 phone call to me) occurred about the middle of July of 2008 four years later - when I received a call from Linda asking me if I would be willing to call Danny and ask him to meet with her in a public place to talk over the financial settlement for the divorce so Linda would not have to pay increasingly expensive attorneys fees - with money she did not have. The cost is the same. One board member who has been repeatedly touted by Danny Shelton as having counseled Linda about her marriage problems actually gave her NO counsel at all. Trinitys last name on her birth certificate is Murray. According to available public records, Brandy was still married to Shawn Brannack when she became pregnant (in May or June of 1999) with Trinity by a man other than her husband, according to Brandy, herself, since she is the one who designated Trinitys father as Kevin Murray. We are not owned or operated by any person or outside organization, and neither are we funded by any church or denomination, although many of our employees and volunteers are members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. If this child belongs to a sister of Brandy and (obviously) another man, naturally Danny would test negative as the father of this child presented for testing. 154 So far, I am totally healthy and strong as an ox. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. he was the owner of the property, but 3ABN suedover Tommy! Mrs. Fonda Summers donated two acres of land in Thompsonville, Illinois, on which to build the station. I challenge any Board Member to show me any evidence that Linda committed adultery. [2] In October 2017, 3ABN announced the sale of 14 LPTV stations to HC2 Holdings.[3]. Mene, Mene,Tekel, Parsin Where is your intestinal fortitude to tackle a difficult problem? But again, my traveling to Southern Illinois to obtain the DNA test specimens has raised more questions than it has answered. Don't you think she and the Dr. would have jumped all over that if it were true to try to expose me a long time ago. Since YOU are the one who threw Linda out of her marriage, her home, and her job so rapidly and so precipitously, it is natural for people to say "Why?" Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 11:51 AM You all have believed Danny Sheltons version of events without having any evidence. Obviously that didnt come from me as I had already signed the agreement and sent it on to Danny. If you can prove from work records, Work records can be expunged as completely as you have expunged ALL evidence that Linda ever worked at 3ABN, or even stepped foot on the property. And why did Trinity not say a single word? We donors have a right to know the truth. I was not allowed to take her picture, or take her fingerprints, or to examine her identification documents directly. After that, Danny and I had many conversations by e-mail. 3ABN radio networks are available listening through local radio stations, international satellites, 3ABN+ app with Apple and Android mobile devices, Roku, Amazon Fire TV, Apple TV, Smart TVs, Android TV. But he did. Danny rightly identified the Remnant of Bible prophecy as those who keep the Commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus. We are a 501(c)3 nonprofit company, and are governed by a Board of Directors who work very hard behind the scenes to ensure we stay true to our mission. But, as anyone can see, I had much more association with Danny during the years I was coming to 3ABN than I had with Linda. He falsely accused Linda of the sin of which he is guilty. She was not given an opportunity to stand on her own so it was impossible to tell how tall she was. But I am not that easily programmed. Otherwise, why wouldnt they produce it! To: Danny Shelton Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN) is a 24-hour Christian television and radio network, consisting of nine television channels and five radio channels in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, and French. When one demands a large sum of money like that, naturally there would be few who could or would put up that amount of money, and take all the time that I took in hammering out a DNA testing agreement and traveling to Southern Illinois to take the DNA specimens. How could you make such a blatant mistake and say no mistake? As Danny began speaking at area churches, others began to catch his vision. On Dec 21, 2008, at 11:13 PM, Danny Shelton wrote: Lorraine, He was a pastor, evangelist and conference president during his long career. I am not saying that I know that Danny or Brandy committed fraud. At that time, Brandy was pregnant, apparently by a man other than her husband, because she gave birth to Trinity just 4 months later (February 26, 2000), and gave Trinity the last name Murray. Yet Kevin Murray was NOT her husband when she became pregnant with Trinity. So here is the sequence: Tommy Shelton, the brother of the network's founder Danny Shelton, were named in the complaint filed by plaintiff Alex Walker, of Mattoon. Who IS the father of Trinity Murray? In all my years, I have never known of any other divorced person doing such a thing. Yet there is NO evidence whatsoever that Linda ever committed adultery with ANYONE while she was married to Danny Shelton, irrespective of Dannys false accusations. Thousand Palms, CA 92276, An Open Letter to the Chairman, Walter Thompson, The truth is that there are forty accredited DNA testing labs. I stayed there three or four days and gave her a whole set of my videos, educated her about God's Health Plan, taught her daughter Tammy how to cook healthful food for her and make the juices, prayed with her and told her the importance of following God's Ten Step health Plan with 100% commitment, including learning to FORGIVE everyone who has ever wronged you, including learning to LOVE one's enemies, including learning to be totally Unselfish, including learning to truly trust in God. Dr. Yvonne Lewis-Shelton, Founder/Consultant for 3ABN's Dare to Dream Network, has enjoyed successful careers as a studio vocalist, doctor, author, lecturer, and television host before coming to 3ABN, and has been pleased to use all her expertise to launch and manage the 3ABN Dare to Dream Network. All I know is that I worked with Brandy when I was at 3ABN LONG BEFORE 2004. How can anyone know if Danny Shelton is right or wrong without hearing Lindas side? If he says it, it must be accepted as truth and never questioned. There is no legitimate reason for them to do so. I cant read his mind to detect the reason, but I had told him repeatedly that demanding that I or anyone else put up $10,000.00 before he would be tested certainly made him look guilty. I have a copy of Thompson's letter to Linda in which she was notified that she was fired. I was gone over the holidays and just got back today and read your e-mail. That would not automatically "prove" that you were having an affair with her at that time. At Lindas request, I even agreed to go to Southern Illinois and sit down with both of them to try to help them work out a settlement. from Remnant Publications, Inc. alone, largely at 3ABN's expense. is missing from Part III of Schedule J. But no one had brought them. There was no way for me to document the identity of the child presented for testing the identity of the child whose paternity is in question! 63-20 p. 5 at 16(c), p. 9 at Request #1). Free Shipping over $50.00 of qualifying products. 3. the social security number of each person who is teste He did not purchase it. On March 1, 2010, Brandy Shelton filed for divorce from Danny Lee Shelton. One more question: Danny brought up the fact that he and Brandy and this child purported to be Trinity Murray had all been DNA tested just several weeks before I came to Thompsonville on April 29, 2009. In addition, according to Illinois law, it is against the law to tape a phone conversation between two people unless BOTH people know it and approve it. His friend told him that someone had recently offered to buy his equipment, but he had been strongly impressed to keep it until God directed him otherwise. There you go again. There are still major questions left unanswered about this DNA testing episode, in addition to the even bigger question as to WHY a husband - Danny Shelton - who claimed to love his wife, Linda, would falsely accused her of both spiritual adultery (whatever that is) and physical adultery, would destroy her reputation publicly, would have her fired from her job of 18 years, would tell her within about 4 weeks of his first false accusation against her that he wanted her out of his house, would divorce her in a Quickie Guam divorce less than 3 months after his first false accusation against her, and order 3ABN employees to remove Lindas name from every television program, every document, and every other nook and cranny at 3ABN within one month of the time she was fired and divorced by Danny? She came to 3ABN for the 1st time in Nov. of 2004 period. (Please see e-mails below.) But anyone can accuse and cause all kinds of problems for if you or Joy or Pickle or Linda will put up $10,000 to make $20,000 let me know and I will play your game. I am. Since you say you KNOW who the real father is, is HE willing to take a paternity test? And this began a full two years before Danny suddenly started accusing Linda. Danny that land instead. This is the tape that Danny said, several times, he might send me. News reports stated that How curious can it get! website of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in Hillsborough County, the Instead Danny handed me Xeroxed copies of the documents (a picture of one page of the passports for Danny and Brandy and Trinity, and Drivers licenses for Danny and Brandy). after redacting out addresses, phone numbers, the names of minors, They usually are very curious to see what is going on around them. Firing Linda for no reason, humiliating her publicly, falsely accusing her of adultery, destroying her reputation, and throwing her out of her home, job and marriage on false charges - is NOT Okay with God, irrespective of the unjust laws of the State of Illinois. Learn how and when to remove these template messages, Learn how and when to remove this template message, List of Three Angels Broadcasting Network affiliates, "Edge Spectrum Inc Acquires 3ABN Stations | Broadcasting Alliance", "3ABN Deals Away 14 LPTV Properties - Radio & Television Business Report",, 3ABN Latino Radio Network (Spanish language), 3ABN Russia Radio Network (Russian language), 3ABN International Network (partial simulcast of the main 3ABN with some foreign programming), 3ABN Dare to Dream Network ("urban Christian lifestyle"), 3ABN Plus (3ABN+) live streaming broadcasts of all 3ABN television and radio networks with videos on demand, and so much more, and the subscription is free, This page was last edited on 20 October 2022, at 18:01. Pastor friend, Hal Steenson, who had some television equipment, sharing what he was impressed to.. Truth and never questioned accredited laboratory Request # 1 ) not mean that I know what I does! 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