In many cultures, violence towards girls and young women is accepted as a social norm. It includes physical, sexual, verbal, emotional, and psychological abuse, threats, coercion, and economic or educational deprivation, whether occurring in public or private life. Currently deploying GBV experts to Trkiye, Ukraine as well as . To give justice sector actors the tools they need to respond to reports of gender-based violence in El Salvador, OPDAT works to incorporate a gender perspective in the decision-making process for judges, prosecutors, police, psychologists, and social workers. A review of research on the prevalence and consequences of abuse during pregnancy . In accordance with the requirements of section 620M of the FAA, also known as the Leahy law, project beneficiaries or participants from a foreign governments security forces may need to be vetted by the Department before the provision of any assistance. Oh! Final approval is contingent on the applicant successfully responding to the review panels conditions and recommendations; being registered in required systems, including the U.S. governments Payment Management System (PMS), unless an exemption is provided; and completing and providing any additional documentation requested by DRL or AQM. Applications sent by email will not be considered. The Contact Center is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, except federal holidays. Gender-based violence are acts of violence committed against women, transgender and gender diverse people because of their gender, gender identity, gender expression, or perceived gender. Victim Advocate Cover Letter Example 1 I am excited to be applying for the Victim Advocate position at the Rape Crisis Center. Gender-based violence and harassment is specifically highlighted, and the approach also takes into account third parties (e.g. Gender-based violence - Causes and consequences. The letter was co-signed not only by 74 MEPs but also by almost 60,000 people from all over Poland, who all believe that the problem is . Section 2G of the PSI for more information. DRL welcomes applications from U.S.-based and foreign-based non-profit organizations/nongovernmental organizations (NGO) and public international organizations; private, public, or state institutions of higher education; and for-profit organizations or businesses. A final narrative and financial report must also be submitted within 120 days after the expiration of the award. Here is the Gender Specialist Cover Letter example: Dear Ms. My Tovar, I am applying for the Gender Specialist position at The QED Group. Let me begin by apologizing for all that you went through. Applications are due no later than 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time (EST), on April 12, 2023 on or SAMS Domestic ( under the announcement title DRL Inclusive Approaches to Gender-Based Violence (GBV) in Northern Central America, funding opportunity number SFOP0009396.. If an original document within the application is in another language, an English translation must be provided (please note the Department of State, as indicated in 2 CFR 200.111, requires that English is the official language of all award documents). I am passionate about helping victims of sexual assault and domestic violence, and I firmly believe that every person deserves to be treated with dignity and respect. Organizations based outside of the United States and that DO plan to do business with the DoD should follow the below instructions: Step 1: Apply for an NCAGE codeby following the instructions on the NSPA NATO website linked below: NCAGE Homepage:, NCAGE Code Request Tool (NCRT): Additionally, to ensure that all applications receive a balanced evaluation, the DRL review panel will review from the first page of each section up to the page limit and no further. - Analyze gender-based violence from the women's human rights perspective. All application submissions must be made electronically via or SAMS Domestic ( The Grants Officer will determine technical eligibility of all applications. The program objectives are: 1) women and girls from marginalized communities in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras are knowledgeable about their rights and safely engage with community leaders and reporting mechanisms to prevent and respond to gender-based violence, harassment, and abuse; and 2) networks and capacity of local civil society organizations and collectives that represent and support vulnerable women can advocate together, exchange knowledge and promising practices with one another to better support survivors of GBV and the rights and safety of girls and women and 3) marginalized women from all communities, including women with disabilities, indigenous, Afro-Caribbean, rural, LBTQI+, returnees, and young women are engaged in accessing justice and do so. It focuses on study, prevention and support for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking, human trafficking and other forms of . DRL is committed to an anti-discrimination policy in all of its programs and activities. DRL's goal is to prevent, address, and respond to GBV within Libya. I always strive to be a better Gryffindor- where dwell the brave at heart. Fight. Gender-based violence is enacted under many different manifestations, from its most widespread form, intimate partner violence, to acts of violence carried out in online spaces. Gender-based violence (GBV) is a serious violation of human rights and a life-threatening health and protection issue. Please note that reasonable accommodations do not include deadline extensions. Rachel Hartman (Goodreads Author) (shelved 1 time as gender-based-violence) avg rating 3.91 8,975 ratings published 2018. The Center for the Study and Prevention of Gender-Based Violence is an interdisciplinary, feminist, intersectional collaborative that integrates scholarship with community activism. This must be challenged as a matter of urgency, and the blame, shame and stigma faced by victims must be . Additionally, organizations must remember to save a screenshot of the checklist showing all documents submitted in case any document fails to upload successfully. The Contact Center is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, except federal holidays. Please refer to the website for definitions of various application statuses and the difference between a submission receipt and a submission validation. There must be an extensive and comprehensive safety and security plan based on the initial security plan in the proposal which can be submitted within the first 90 days of award approval. An open letter to a victim of Gender Based Violence. Step-by-step guide to Gender Equality Training Preparation phase 1. Contribute in program design and the preparation of concept notes and proposals. The total duration of any award, including potential non-competitive continuation amendments, shall not exceed 54 months, or four and a half years. Sub-Chapters A through E shall apply to all foreign organizations, and Sub-Chapters A through D shall apply to all U.S. and foreign for-profit entities. This kind of mobilization will work wonders, both, for you and other victims. Support in the monitoring of indicators according to the log frame and to the spending figures and propose relevant adjustments. Program beneficiaries subject to due diligence vetting will include any individuals or entities that are beneficiaries of foreign assistance funding or support. For assistance with accounts and technical issues related to using the system, please call the Contact Center at +1 (800) 518-4726 or email The numbers are staggering: 35% of women worldwide have experienced either physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence or non-partner sexual violence. 2023, Bold Limited. Should One Strive for Womens Equality or Equity? What is the feeling of safety? These different forms are not mutually exclusive and multiple incidences of violence can be happening at once and reinforcing each other. Demonstrated knowledge of GBV Guiding Principles, survivor-centred approach, latest evidence, research, global guidelines and good practices on prevention and response to gender-based violence, across the humanitarian and development continuum. Other forms of gender-based violence present in the Region are bride kidnapping, honour killings and female genital mutilation. Type of Solicitation: Open Competition If you prefer your poster on domestic violence to look more creative, add some graphic elements such as icons, illustrations, or stickers. Customize this Letter Nolan Santana City, State, Zip Code Home : 000-000-0000 Cell: 000-000-0000 Dear Ms. Atwell, I would like to apply for the Domestic Violence Advocate position with Victims Outreach Center. Rendered quality-counseling services to survivor's sexual assault and domestic violence and their families Developed rapport and relationships of trust Facilitated clear communication Provided emotional support to survivors Coordinated service networks for psychological, medical, and legal assistance Gender-based violence is the human rights violation and a public health problem affecting many out of every three women. The program should take an intersectional approach by accounting for the ways in which Indigenous women, women from socially excluded communities, LBTQI+ women, women with disabilities, low-income women, women in public-facing positions, women from racial and ethnic minority communities, and other intersections are further impacted the dynamic of gender-based violence. Gender-based violence is violence directed against a person because of that person's gender or violence that affects persons of a particular gender disproportionately. DRL has the mission of promoting democracy and protecting human rights and fundamental freedoms globally. Applicants should not expect a notification upon DRL receiving their application. The provision of humanitarian assistance; Development of high-tech computer or communications software and/or hardware; Purely academic exchanges or fellowships; External exchanges or fellowships lasting longer than six months; Off-shore activities that are not clearly linked to in-country initiatives and impact or are not necessary per security concerns; Theoretical explorations of human rights or democracy issues, including projects aimed primarily at research and evaluation that do not incorporate training or capacity-building for local civil society; Micro-loans or similar small business development initiatives; Initiatives directed towards a diaspora community rather than current residents of targeted countries. If a cooperative agreement is awarded, DRL will undertake reasonable and programmatically necessary substantial involvement. Providing cost sharing, matching, or cost participation is not an eligibility factor or requirement for this NOFO and providing cost share will not result in a more favorable competitive ranking. An assessment of the overall projects achievements should be included in each progress report. South African women have taken to Twitter to share personal stories of the violence and sexual assault they have experienced, and how the country's pervasive gender-based violence (GBV) has affected their daily life. I have a master's degree in mental health counseling and for the last two years, I have worked as an assistant to a highly respected Gender Specialist where I gained valuable experience in this industry. Applicants should be aware that DRL understands that some information contained in applications may be considered sensitive or proprietary and will make appropriate efforts to protect such information. At this point, two things are of utmost importance. All documents are single-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, with 1-inch margins. I have no doubt that I would be an asset to your team at Victims Outreach Center. The allowability of costs incurred by commercial organizations is determined in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) at 48 CFR 30, Cost Accounting Standards Administration, and 48 CFR 31 Contract Cost Principles and Procedures. Keep following up with the case. If chosen for an award, applicants will be asked to submit information required by DS Form 4184, Risk Analysis Information (attached to this solicitation) about their company and its principal personnel. Organizations based outside of the United States and that DO NOT plan to do business with the DoD should follow the below instructions: Step 1: Proceed to to obtain a UEI and complete the registration process. Both systems require registration by the applying organization. In cases of more than one FADR Data Element, typically program or sector and/or regions or country, the successful applicant will be required to maintain separate accounting records. Speak up whenever you see gender inequality. registration must be renewed annually. Please begin your registration as early as possible. Gender-based violence (GBV) is the most pervasive yet least visible human rights violation in the world. Considering the increase in the number of reported rapes, molestations, eve-teasing incidences, harassment at work places this is hardly surprising. 116-94)(SFOAA), on funds appropriated under title III of the act for assistance for Burma. In accordance with the Executive Order on Advancing Racial Equity and Underserved Communities, programs should implement strategies for integration and inclusion of individuals/organizations/beneficiaries that can bring perspectives based on their religion, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, sex characteristics, national origin, age, genetic information, marital status, parental status, pregnancy, political affiliation, or veterans status. and being widowed at a young age allowed Ban Zhao to virtually live a life of letters and governance as her male counterparts did. Never compromise. Editor's note: This story contains details of sexual violence. Applications submitted by for-profit entities may be subject to additional review following the panel selection process. 11/08/2020. Applicants must follow all formatting instructions in the applicable NOFO and these instructions. Failure to submit information when requested, or failure to pass vetting, may be grounds for rejecting your proposal prior to award. For technical submission questions related to this NOFO, please contact It leads to derailment of both, physical and mental health of the victim. Any and every form of violence against women - physical, mental, verbal, psychological or emotional - is a violation of their human rights, has severe and long-term impacts . Additionally, applicants must save a screen shot of the checklist showing all documents submitted in case any document fails to upload successfully. DRL reserves the right to request additional background information on applicants that do not have previous experience administering federal grant awards, and these applicants may be subject to limited funding on a pilot basis. Why do we talk about GBV? Can, not wearing provocative clothes, really stop crimes against women? Dear Ms. Cooper: When I learned of your search for a Domestic Violence Advocate, I felt compelled to submit my resume for your consideration. Its something that makes one feel secure, calm and eliminates any sense of fear. Customer support is available 24/7. When you harass or vilify someone, you not only disrespect them, but yourself also. But there will also be support and this should be your strength. I am passionate about helping victims of domestic violence and have been working in the field for the past five years. Please refer to 2 CFR 25.200 for additional information. If an applicant experiences technical difficulties and has contacted the appropriate help desk but is not receiving timely assistance (e.g. In the Australian media, you're more likely to hear the issue referred to as "violence against women" rather than gender-based violence, but they mean the same thing. DRLs preference is to avoid duplicating past efforts by supporting new and creative approaches. As a professional gender specialist, I would bring a strong sense of dedication and respect for each patient to your organization. Please join us for this twitter space! if you have not received a response within 48 hours of contacting the help desk), you may contact the DRL point of contact listed in the NOFO in Section G. The point of contact may assist in contacting the appropriate help desk. Subject to TVPA for funds obligated during FY 2023: Additional requirements may be included depending on the content of the program. According to a study conducted by Unicef in Africa, approximately one out of three women . F. Federal Award Administration Information. Gender-based violence is clearly linked to gender . Write good terms of reference 5. If more applications are recommended for approval than DRL can ultimately fund, the review panel will rank the recommended applications in priority order for consideration by the DRL Assistant Secretary. DRL reserves the right to request any additional programmatic and/or financial project information during the award period. It is also an extreme manifestation of gender inequity, targeting women and girls because of their subordinate social status in the society. Competitive proposals may also include a summary budget and budget narrative for 12 additional months following the proposed period of performance, indicated above. Applicants may form consortia in order to bring together organizations with varied expertise to propose a comprehensive program in one proposal. Programs should demonstrate how at least 40% of funding under the award will go to local organizations and their activities. All branches of government (executive, legislative, judicial) at all levels (national, regional, local); Public schools, universities, hospitals, and state-owned enterprises, as well as government employees; Cash, training, equipment, services, or other assistance provided directly to the government, assistance provided to an NGO or other implementer for the benefit of the government, and assistance to government employees. This includes restrictions, pursuant to section 7043(a)(3) of the Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2020 (Div. Support GBV officer in assessments to identify . Note: is not the same as SAMS Domestic. According to the report: "Based on prevalence rates of, between 20% and 30% of women experiencing gender-based violence within a given year, this study estimated that the economic impact of. Justice will be sought. I am an effective communicator with the ability to listen carefully to the patients. Letters of support and MOUs must be specific to the project implementation (e.g. This includes, for example, race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity,gender expression, sex characteristics,sexual orientation, and pregnancy),national origin, disability, age, genetic information, marital status, parental status, political affiliation, or veterans status. We offer. I would like to apply for the Domestic Violence Advocate position with Victims Outreach Center. : no Application Submissions Guideline: In order to apply for this vacancy you need to complete the template on the following link: Please email your CV with an example of written work and a cover letter, outlining why you are interested in the . This NOFO supports the leadership of the White House Gender Policy Council; the National Strategy on Gender Equity and Equality; the direction of the U.S. Strategy to Prevent and Respond to Gender-Based Violence Globally; and the Root Causes Strategy (Pillar V: Combatting sexual, gender-based, and domestic violence). Validation of an electronic submission via can take up to two business days. For all application documents, please ensure: Complete applications must include the following: Applications that do not include the elements listed above will be deemed technically ineligible. DRLs goals of this program are : 1) that local organizations build their network and ability to respond to GBV; 2) to ensure that women and girls in all their diversity, are safe from violence; 3) which will enable them to advocate and organize on their own behalf, for equal rights, to remove barriers to services,to improve access to survivor-centered justice, and to safely participate in all aspects of public life. Program Planning. Gender Based Violence Quotes. Gender-based violence both reflects and reinforces inequities between men and women and compromises the health, dignity, security and autonomy of its victims. . Every time a woman steps out of her comfort zone, this very feeling of safety is absent. Women and gender diverse people are disproportionate targets of gender-based violence, including intimate-partner violence. The distinction between grants and cooperative agreements revolves around the existence of substantial involvement. Cooperative agreements require greater Federal government participation in the project. City, State, Zip Code Cell: 000-000-0000 Dear Dr. Mason, I am writing to you in response to your advertisement for a Gender Specialist for the Equality Counseling Center. Application for the Position of Gender-Based Violence Counsellor. This guidance and instruction are to the best of our knowledge based at the time of posting this solicitation. The Leahy Law prohibits Department foreign assistance funds from supporting foreign security force units if the Secretary of State has credible information that the unit has committed a gross violation of human rights. RT @milahcampana: Such a powerful conversation! Gender-based violence (GBV) does not involve every harmful act a man or a woman may be experiencing. You mustnt be feeling very safe now. An applicants identity must be protected due to potential endangerment of their mission, their organizations status, their employees, or individuals being served by the applicant. Where appropriate, competitive proposals may include: Activities that are not typically allowed include, but are not limited to: This notice is subject to availability of funding. This information should indicate what objective(s) and/or activities could be accomplished with additional time and/or funds beyond the proposed period of performance. My non-judgmental and calm demeanor are an asset to soothing highly stressed and traumatized individuals. Log frame and to the patients that reasonable accommodations do not include deadline.... Submission questions related to this NOFO, please Contact drl-genderprograms @ of abuse during.! Victim of gender inequity, targeting women and gender diverse people are targets... 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