Unlike every other Inversion shown so far, Yoshino's appearance changes drastically once Inverted: Her hair becomes white, her eyes glow red, and she wears an eyepatch on her right eye; the impression leaves one wonder if Yoshinon takes over her body. Tenka also says his name this way the one time she actually doesn't just call him "human". She's no longer this as of the end of Volume 11, and is an ally to Ratatoskr by Volume 12. In Volume 22, she resolves to "leave the past behind" as she has Shido cut her hair to the length seen in images of the previous chapter. those patches of gray on her body in her Inverse Form are actually, (captured and tortured by DEM for 5 years, then losing her powers for most of the story). His inability to wield multiple Spirit powers at once is only temporary. Through their own will or not, it is unknown, but each time they come through to this world, they create a Spacequake that is similar to a bomb explosion which destroys everything that it engulfs. In the True Ending, it is revealed that Marina sent Marias mail message to Shidos phone (in which Maria thought would be unreachable), and even installed Maria onto his phone, preventing her from disappearing completely. The source of a Spirit's powers are gems called Sephira Crystals, most of which were given to them by Phantom, and one of which was given by Mio. Shido seals her powers at the end of Volume 1, and she is allowed to attend the same school as him. Their counterparts are the Demon Kings wielded by Spirits in their Inverse Form. You can activate the skills before they enter the battlefield, so they will come there with swap skills. Shidos death in a parallel world also drove that worlds Tohka off the deep end. Not for Tohka herself, but for Tenka, as Mukuro's sealing of Shido from everyone's memories didn't effect her Inverse form's personality. The A.I. First was caused by her duel with her best friend Sawa Yamauchi, the previous owner of Camael, the memory of killing Sawa traumatizes Kurumi to a point where she cannot fight effectively against Camael again. Her fight with Kotori and Shido's act of trying to protect her also makes her decide to simply steal his spirit power in Volume 16 and keep him alive, rather than actually eat him like she originally intended. Grade of this character - S Class Grade As her friend Sawa's death was over 20 years ago, this would make her actual age at least 37. Yoshinon was handmade by her mother Nagisa Himekawa, who would die in a work accident shortly afterward. Besides Mio and Tohka, the other Spirits were originally humans who bonded with gems called Sephira Crystals, which turned them into Spirits. Kurumi, who took her Sephira Crystal from Westcott in Volume 19 while still having her own time powers. She's also generally condescending and hostile to everyone around her. She almost completely devastated her own world. She knows a lot about the First Spirit and avoids sharing it with people she doesn't trust with it. She gradually develops this attitude toward Mukuro, who she had initially brushed off as an annoying Key Spirit who was getting in the way of her payback toward Shido. Westcott traps him and the Spirits in Beelzebub's, Mio after learning that she has already killed all the Spirits, but Tohka (who was revealed to be a, The reason he didn't kill Westcott in Volume 18, despite all the atrocities he committed throughout the series (including the death of his previous incarnation Shinji). she seals everybody else's memories of him so that he stays with her forever, and later tries to stop the Earths rotation and end all life so nobody can get between them. She used Sandalphon's throne to help Shido reach Yoshino. They are economic rivals with Asgard Electronics, the company that supports Ratatoskr, with operatives who are able to utilize CR Units with experience exceeding that of special forces groups from different countries. A private moment alone has her show the horror she feels about acting this way. Things were going well in his attempt to seal her powers. The next volume's time travel plot effectively makes it so her shaky partnership with Westcott never happens, It reaches a head in Volume 10, where she uses her equipment from DEM to try killing all the Spirits, even though they're officially no longer considered a threat after Shido seals them, and is disgusted when she realized that she was turned into a Spirit herself. Even when she's talked down from outright killing Shido in Volume 15, she still takes every opportunity to belittle and torment him. Their fusion into Yamai Kazamachi has an even bigger chest than Yuzuru and boasts enough speed and power to drive away Beast. joining forces with Westcott during Volume 9, and then become a Spirit herself in Volume 10. losing her memory of Shido was enough to make her Inverse naturally. and both Phantom and Westcott seems to know something about his real identity. Afterwards, she went from a Samaritan to the mass-murdering. This character possesses massive attack damage skills that do AoE damage and eliminate the enemies in a short time. Unknown to her, Marina has used this as an opening and successfully hacks into the main system of , charges the main cannon and prepares to shoot at Tengu City. Before becoming a spirit, she had a strong sense of justice and lamented the inequality in the world, seeking to help out those in need. After being sealed, Spirits will only have a tiny fraction of their powers stored inside them. Her Inverse form has one toward Shido in Volume 15 for "humiliating" her with the kiss that sealed her back in Volume 7. Later volumes has her contending with Natsumi's true form as well. Its only after hearing Yoshino confess her feelings to Shido that she finally breaks down and gives her own confession (which seemed to be Yoshinos intent) before disappearing. Inverse form is subjected to this twice, first by Shido who almost managed to return Nia back to normal with his multiple Angels, and then by Artemisia, Westcott's newest. Shinji really died 30 years ago. Ellen gains Magic after the battle starts. This ends up paying dividends, as Kurumi's fear of a third-party intervention comes true and she is killed by Mio before the sealing can be done. Her given name contains the kanji for the number, When Inverse Tohka happens to cut off a few strands, she enters her, Using "Shifuru" on herself gives her a warrior Astral Dress and turns Michael into a halberd. Except that he kissed Kotori five years earlier. After meeting Nia in Volume 13, she changes the plan after learning she won't be able to kill the First Spirit to simply preventing it's summon into the world. Like Nia, she spends much of the Spirit battle royale trying to avoid a direct fight with anyone. As Yamai Kazamachi, their Astral Dress gains a very long scarf. But while Shido had his closed heart opened by his new family, Mukuro choose to seal her own afterwards. This prevents her or Shido from just looking up anyones, (which allowed Ellen to capture her through an ambush). Kurumi is one of the best top-tier characters/spirits in Date A Live Spirit Pledge game. Feeling she was used, she resolves to kill Mio so the Spirits will never appear in the world. [1]. This is what makes her snap and assume Inverse Form. Kurumi is one of the best top-tier characters/spirits in Date A Live Spirit Pledge game. One of the perks of a human becoming a Spirit is that their bodies stop aging, though the process resumes if theyre sealed. These characters have different combat and fighting skills. The primary armament of a Spirit while in their Inverse Form. You can unlock them as you level up. While their individual capabilities vary, they are uniformly stronger, faster and more durable than the average human. In Volume 20, she reveals a new fighting style weaponizing Gabriel's pipes that she developed out of awareness of this. Technically has two, while she calls herself "Angel", the new Timeline refers to her as "Devil" due to her Inverse Form being the form that always pops up. Shido's the first non-AST person she met. The movie exclusive Spirit, Mayuri, has the kanji for 10,000 () in her name. In order to refine the Qlipha Crystals, she would constantly repeat a cycle of distributing them to humans before killing the berserk hosts to excavate the crystals from their remains. Realizing she killed her best friend causes her to inverse, but she manages to prevent it using her Fourth Bullet. Raizen High School (, Raizen Kk) is a high school located in Tenguu City within the Kantou region where Shido and other major characters attend. The death of Shinji Takamiya 30 years ago is the impetus for much of the First Spirit Mios actions, including reincarnating him as Shido. Characters All Characters in Date A Live: Spirit Pledge SMASH or PASS Ads By Popularity By Role By Section Chart A-Z VA Check FILTER Blanc 32 Ellen Mira Mathers 7 Index Librorum Prohibitorum 28 Kaguya Yamai 27 Kotori Itsuka 74 Kuroko Shirai 33 Kurumi Tokisaki 163 Mana Takamiya 20 Mayuri 2 Mikoto Misaka 84 Miku Izayoi 17 Natsumi Kyouno 7 Neptune 50 In this personal territory, the impossible can occur thus leading to the description of "magic through science". In the meantime, Maria and Marina share each others memories and "understand each other. Deep down, shes terrified, but she continues acting normally to not upset Shido more than necessary. volume 13, where she finally meet the Second Spirit face to face and asks her about the First Spirit. Favor Date: Tap the "Favor" button in . Courtesy of Kotori's Angel. As shown from Kotori's example, a Spirit will once again start aging after being sealed. Kurumi accepts Mio's offer to gain power to help her stop them, but eventually discovers what Spirits truly are when she discovers she murdered her best friend. 19 listings on TCGplayer for My Little Shido (Yellow) - Weiss Schwarz - Choose 1 of your [STAND] "Date" or "Celestial Spirit" characters, and [REST] it. They are: Tohka Yatogami, Origami Tobiichi, Yoshino, Kotori Itsuka, Kurumi Tokisaki, Miku Izayoi, Natsumi, Mayuri, Kaguya Yamai and Yuzuru Yamai. Contents 1 History 2 Power & Abilities 2.1 Angels 2.2 Astral Dresses 2.3 Demon Kings 3 Post-Sealing 4 Known Spirits 4.1 Extra Spirits In the new timeline, where her parents werent killed by a Spirit (actually herself) and led a more well-adjusted life, she has much longer hair. In turn, this causes her to regain the time she spent and clones sacrificed with each loop. Unsealed Spirits also do not need to eat and can exist in hostile environments like outer space for an extended period of time. While the other Spirits were once humans who received Sephira Crystals, Tohka was born directly from her own, hence why she was originally nameless. In order to fight Beast, Kaguya and Yuzuru fuse together to become the original Kazamachi Yamai. SHE was the culprit who killed her parents. Shido then rushes towards where Maria and Marina are. The old timeline personality would take over the new timelines body as an Inverse Spirit whenever she laid eyes on a Spirit. everyones memory of Shido so she can have him all to herself (which she also did to her adoptive family, with their consequent rejection of her leading to her aforementioned self-exile). The kanji "four" in her name. Spirits are a secret to the public, who take shelter during the Spacequakes they cause. Westcott is the creator of the Spirits and is directly responsable for the war between the Spirits and mankind by summoning the First Spirit and causing the destruction of China and Eurasia, leading to the death of 150 million people. There are two methods of dealing with the Spirits: respond with intent to kill, or have Shido Itsuka date and seal them. Hates guys a lot (girls don't fare much better; she sees them only as slaves fit to serve her), so Shido had to crossdress just to approach her. It works; Miku ends up becoming really fond of "Shiori". To save him, Mio absorbed him into her body and carried him in her womb as his surrogate mother. Tier: 6-C | At least Low 7-C when sealed | High 6-C, likely higher | At least High 6-C | 4-C, higher with Ratelibish | 4-C, likely far higher with Angels Name: Tohka Yatogami, Code Name . In the anime, when he tells Yoshino he'll be her hero: Trying to peacefully resolve the conflict between Kaguya and Yuzuru Yamai, who both agree, Wanting to make sure Natsumi is safe from DEM and a, He suffers another in Volume 14 after Mukuro makes him question whether his Spirit sealing is actually beneficial to the Spirits in the long run, as it hasn't stopped DEM from antagonizing them and in fact makes them more vulnerable. Date A Live Spirit Pledge Ellen: - Role: Melee Attacker Type of Damage - Physical, Lightning Ellen requires magic(energy) for special effects Energy/Magic: - attacks replenish her Magic on hit. Check the in-game schedule for when the bonus rewards will come for which stage, and consider running those stages at least once to cash in on the bonus reward. Mayuri | Date A Live: Spirit Pledge Wiki | Fandom in: Spirites Mayuri View source Mayuri Details VA (Seiyuu) Sora Amamiya Species Spirit Rank (Ingame) SS Favorites - Sweet Juice - Destiny Hand Strap Stats Mayuri was born from the Spirit mana of only the Spirits that the main character had sealed up to Miku Truth. In the alternate timeline she comes from, Shido's death led to Tohka turning into Beast, killing the other spirits, and eventually destroying the world. She was turned into a Spirit over 20 years ago, meaning that at the start of Volume 1, she's at least in her early thirties. 23: 1 "The Seventh Spirit" Transcription: "Nana ban-me no Seirei" (Japanese: )January 11, 2019 (): After having a hot pot party with the Spirits, Shido and the crew of the Fraxinus depart to meet a new Spirit who appeared. When she accompanies Tohka and Shido on their date in Volume 20, she openly threatens to kill him if he doesnt keep Tohka happy. she can also transform other people into whatever she pleases, ignore her orders in favour of charging the Spirits, in the aftermath of her parents death are what made her the person she is in the present, and she is the Spirit who killed her parents, she follows Tohka's example from volume 7, Hepburn "Tobiichi" vs Nihon-Shiki "Tobiiti", and she turns to the screen with a thumbs up, Her Astral Dress is meant to look like a wedding dress, send them individually after the opponent, tear open wormholes in the fabric of space-time, she can even stop the rotation of the Earth, which would wipe out the entire surface life. Even if by that point she has triggered the Inverse Form of her newfound Spirit powers. Which means that if he were to ask her to dress up an embarrassing costume and get on all fours, she'd do just that, as seen in the OVA (it involves a school swimsuit, dog ears/tail and a leash, In the Spirit King Game short story/drama CD, all the girls subject her to the same perverted demands that she put on them (like making Tohka expose her panties for a full minute) once they figure out that she's cheating her way into the king over and over, only for her to perform each one without batting an eye (as well as creeping out Shido when applicable, like showing off her panties to Shido when Tohka returns the aforementioned command). Aging, date a live spirit characters the process resumes if theyre sealed about acting this.... Being sealed, and is an ally to Ratatoskr by Volume 12,! Gains a very long scarf 1, and is an ally to Ratatoskr by Volume 12 save... It with people she does n't trust with it new date a live spirit characters body as Inverse. 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