Senator Joe Manchin, a Democrat from West Virginia, stands in an elevator in the Senate Subway of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., U.S., on Thursday, May 27, 2021. [18][19] The name "Manchin" was derived from the Italian name "Mancini". After becoming a senator in 2010, he became the state's senior U.S. senator when Jay Rockefeller retired in 2015. [91], In June 2021, ExxonMobil lobbyist Keith McCoy said that Manchin was one of its key targets for funding and that he participated in weekly meetings with the company. I'm not going to use natural gas. [130] He again rejected their overtures. I'm open up to see everything". [182], In April 2019, Manchin was the only Democrat to cosponsor the Enhancing Fossil Fuel Energy Carbon Technology (EFFECT) Act, legislation intended to increase federal funding for developing carbon capture technology and simultaneously commit to fossil fuel use. He said that by the end of the year, the American troops in that country should be at Bagram Airfield alone. [51], Manchin easily won reelection to a second term as governor in 2008 against Republican Russ Weeks, capturing 69.77% of the vote and winning every county. He asked: "Do you want chained CPI? [149], In August 2019, as Manchin announced $106 million in disaster relief funding for West Virginia, he said the Trump administration had finally heeded his request by releasing "this desperately needed funding to the people of West Virginia and other areas of the country that are still rebuilding and recovering from horrible natural disasters", and promoted the funding as helping West Virginia "rebuild smarter and stronger and reduce the potential future catastrophic flooding in this area. In the former case, he was one of three Democrats (alongside Joe Donnelly and Heidi Heitkamp) to vote to confirm; in the latter case, he was the only one. Email Joe ; [250], As of 2015, Manchin was the only member of the Senate Democratic Caucus to oppose same-sex marriage. "[181], In April 2019, Manchin was one of 12 senators to sign a bipartisan letter to top senators on the Appropriations Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development advocating that the Energy Department be granted maximum funding for carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS), arguing that American job growth could be stimulated through investment in viable options to capture carbon emissions and expressing disagreement with Trump's 2020 budget request to combine the two federal programs that include carbon capture research. Potential primary opponent Paula Jean Swearengin charged that because of Manchin's vote, weapons sold to the Saudis "could possibly end up in the hands of terrorists. He called it "a closed process" that "makes little impact in the paychecks of the people in his state." ", "Sen. Joe Manchin, the Final Democratic Holdout, Signs Onto Bill to Stop Family Separations", "Joe Manchin III's Ratings and Endorsements on Issue: Immigration", "U.S. Senate Roll Call Votes 117th Congress - 1st Session", "Biden Team Prepares $3 Trillion in New Spending for the Economy", "Joe Manchin May Be Pulling Biden Left On Infrastructure", "Manchin calls for 'enormous' infrastructure package paid for with new taxes", "Centrist Dems Demand Infrastructure Bill Include Tax Hikes on Rich", "Manchin: Chaplains May Leave Military If 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' is Repealed", "Manchin lone Democrat to oppose 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' repeal", "Joe Manchin booed over 'Don't ask' vote", "Manchin won't back Dems effort in support of marriage equality", "Manchin explains why he's the only Senate Dem not supporting Equality Act", "Manchin only Democratic senator not to sign on to Equality Act", "S.515 - Equal Dignity for Married Taxpayers Act of 2019", "Collins, Manchin vote to defund schools allowing trans kids in sports", "Collins supports failed GOP bid to discriminate against trans kids in school sports", "Sen. Capito a 'yes' on same-sex marriage test vote", "U.S. Senate passes same-sex marriage protection bill", "Sen. Joe Manchin Says No To $15 Minimum Wage, Possibly Killing Push In Congress", "The eight Democrats who voted no on 15$ minimum wage", "Democrats reach agreement on unemployment benefits after COVID relief bill hit early snag", "Sen. Manchin calls on FDA to adopt changes in fight against opioids", "Capito seeks better treatment for patients with opioid addiction through sharing of medical records", "Capito, Manchin announce funding for opioid response in rural communities", "Manchin calls for settlement funds to go toward drug treatment", "Bill unveiled for seniors in emergency situations", "Joe Manchin, Grover Norquist, and the Economic Consensus of #ThisTown", "Joe Manchin struggles to explain opposition to GOP tax bill", "Senators offer bipartisan bill to fix 'retail glitch' in GOP tax law", "U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin, a Democrat from West . Manchin grew up in Farmington, West Virginia, where his father owned a furniture store. He has said, "It makes so much common sense that you want to buy oil off your friends and not your enemies." In an op-ed in his home state's Gazette . In July 2005, Massey Energy CEO Don Blankenship sued Manchin, alleging that Manchin had violated Blankenship's First Amendment rights by threatening increased government scrutiny of his coal operations in retaliation for Blankenship's political activities. It also increased the Black Lung Disability Trust Fund tax and ensured that miners affected by the 2018 coal company bankruptcies would not lose their health care. served as chair of the House Ethics Committee from 2015 until 2017 and chair of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Military . [15], Joseph Manchin III was born on August 24, 1947, in Farmington, West Virginia,[16][17] a small coal mining town, the second of five children of Mary O. Senators, cannot bring ourselves to vote for this budget deal that does not put our country on a fiscally sustainable path. His current term ends on January 3, 2025. "[97] The American Conservative Union gave him a 25% lifetime conservative rating and the progressive PAC Americans for Democratic Action gave him a 35% liberal quotient in 2016. [276], In July 2019, Manchin and Republican Marsha Blackburn introduced the Providing Veterans Access to In-State Tuition Act, a bill that would remove a three-year post-discharge requirement and thereby enable student veterans eligibility to receive in-state tuition rates from public schools in the event they decide to use their Post 9/11 GI Bill benefits. "[160] Manchin said the bill would prevent the EPA from "changing its rules on businesses after permits have already been granted. [33] In a financial disclosure from 2020, Manchin reported that his non-public shares of Enersystems were worth between $1 million and $5 million and that between 2011 and 2020 he was paid $5,211,154 in dividend income from them. "[220][221] On January 14, 2017, Manchin expressed concern at the strict party-line vote on repealing Obamacare and said he could not, in good conscience, vote to repeal without a new plan in place. [155], In February 2019, Manchin said the collapse of an omnibus education reform proposal resulted from state lawmakers not laying groundwork for broad support for the proposal, saying, "You don't do major reform, policy changes, for the whole education system in a 60-day session without public hearings. [34][35] In 2020, he received over $500,000 in dividends. [126], Manchin opposed the January 2018 government shutdown. [3], Manchin won the 2004 West Virginia gubernatorial election by a large margin and was reelected by an even larger margin in 2008. Together they have three children: Heather Manchin Bresch (who was chief executive officer (CEO) of Netherlands-based pharmaceutical company Mylan), Joseph IV, and Brooke. And that's fine. Administrator", "Dem senator: Paris accord did not 'balance' environment, economy", "Sen. Manchin's storage hub bill approved by Senate committee Thursday", "Manchin, Capito pushing coal legislation", "Wildlife agencies, groups applaud Senate introduction of Recovering America's Wildlife Act", "Senators call on EPA to restrict key drinking water contaminants", "David Bernhardt Confirmed As Interior Department Chief", "Sen. Joe Manchin slams Green New Deal: It's not a deal, 'it's a dream', "Bipartisan senators want 'highest possible' funding for carbon capture technology", "Senators introduce bipartisan carbon capture bill", "Burr, Gardner push to permanently fund Land and Water Conservation Fund", "McSally's bipartisan bill would bolster nation's mineral resources supply", "Tester, Daines push for full funding of conservation fund", "U.S. Senate: U.S. Senate Roll Call Votes 117th Congress - 1st Session", "Joe Manchin's Dirty Empire: Joe Manchin's Dirty Empire", "The dirty dozen: meet America's top climate villains", "Manchin questions U.S. role in Afghanistan", "Rockefeller, Manchin cast opposite votes on debt ceiling", "How senators voted: These lawmakers crossed the aisle to vote for plans to reopen government", "Senate rejects dueling GOP, Democratic bills to end partial government shutdown", "Senate passes massive 2-year budget deal", "Sen. Manchin Wants America (Mostly) Out of Afghanistan By Year's End", "Opposed to military strike, Manchin introduces joint resolution with North Dakota senator", "Manchin: It's Time to Rebuild America, Not Afghanistan", "Manchin questions military officials on contractors", "W.Va. Congressional Delegation Backs Strikes in Syria", "Dem senator to North Korea: 'We will retaliate', "Manchin praises Haspel confirmation; also discusses North Korea", "Joe Manchin was one of five Democrats who saved Saudi arms sales. . [165], On November 9, 2011, Manchin and Dan Coats introduced the Fair Compliance Act. He won the 2010 special election to fill the Senate seat vacated by incumbent Democrat Robert Byrd's death with 53% of the vote, and in 2012 was elected to a full term with 61% of the vote. Power", "Roll Call Vote 115th Congress - 1st Session: On the Joint Resolution (H.J.Res. Manchin joined Tom Carper and Republicans Mitt Romney and Rick Scott in issuing a statement asserting that "as former Governors, we were responsible for setting a budget each year that was fiscally responsible to fund our priorities. In 2003 Manchin announced his intention to challenge incumbent Democratic Governor Bob Wise in the 2004 Democratic primary. [268] Manchin also sponsored the National Yellow Dot Act to create a voluntary program that would alert emergency services personnel responding to car accidents of the availability of personal and medical information on the car's owner. "[122], In his first year in office, Manchin met one-on-one with all 99 of his Senate colleagues in an effort to get to know them better. Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia said he's a no on the Build Back Better Act, effectively ending negotiations on this version of legislation that would expand the nation's social . [281], The bill has universal Republican opposition, and so would require the filibuster to be eliminated in order to pass. "[266], In July 2019, Manchin issued a release in which he called for a $1.4 billion settlement from Reckitt Benckiser Group to be used for both programs and resources that would address the opioid epidemic. [176], In April 2018, Manchin and Capito introduced the Electricity Reliability and Fuel Security Act, a bill providing a temporary tax credit for existing coal-fired power plants that would help cover a part of both operation and maintenance costs. Manchin stated that the bill before his intervention was "basically using a blanket before when giving money" and added that the bill was incentivizing "companies to do the research to produce a product that gives the same relief as the opioid does, but is not (addictive)." Senator Tammy Baldwin Presses VA for Answers on Misuse Of Suicide Prevention Funds", "Senate Republicans tout benefits of VA Provider Accountability Act", "Blackburn's bicameral, bipartisan bill bolsters educational assistance for U.S. veterans", "Capito, Manchin Announce More Than $7 Million to Help Homeless Veterans", "Manchin says he'll vote against For the People Act and digs in against eliminating filibuster", "Joe Manchin will oppose For the People Act, putting Senate's voting rights bill in peril", "Manchin says he won't vote for 'For the People Act,' imperiling Democrats' major voting legislation", "Governor Manchin Speaks Out on Pro-Life", "Catholic furor over birth control rule turns Democrats on one another", "History of Awards Granted by the University 2017-18", "Joe Manchin objects to MTV's 'Buckwild' reality show", "MTV Cancels 'Buckwild' Following Star Shain Gandee's Death", "John Manchin drops lawsuit against two brothers", "Joe Manchin - Net Worth - Personal Finances", "Manchin's Coal Corruption Is So Much Worse Than You Knew", "Historical Election Results and Turnout", "Dave Leip's Atlas of U.S. Presidential Elections", "Original certification of May 13, 2008 Primary Election Returns", "U.S. Senate Special Election (Unofficial Results)", Inaugural Address of Governor Joe Manchin III, United States Senator (Class 1) from West Virginia,, As chair of the full committee, Manchin serves as an, This page was last edited on 26 February 2023, at 04:27. The Manchin-Toomey bill was defeated on April 17, 2013, by a vote of 5446; 60 votes would have been required to pass it. "[202] In May 2018, Manchin accused Kim Jong-un of accelerating "the nuclear threat" of North Korea in a manner that would enable him to receive concessions and that Kim Jong-un was "in a serious, serious problem with his country and the people in his country" without China. 2298. Some sources have Manchin's net worth at $7.6 million while others have his net worth at anywhere from $8 million to $10 million. [234] Manchin supports the construction of a wall along the southern border of the United States. Beau Biden, the late son of Joe Biden, did serve in the U.S. Armed Forces. Image: "[167], In 2011, Manchin was the only Democratic senator to support the Energy Tax Prevention Act, which sought to prohibit the EPA from regulating greenhouse gas. [146] In a January 10, 2021 interview, he did not affirm his opposition to statehood for D.C. or Puerto Rico, saying only, "I don't know enough about that yet. Manchin said that the VA's efforts were inadequate and called for strict guidelines to be implemented to ensure veterans "are receiving the highest quality of care, and I believe our legislation provides a fix that can be supported by my colleagues on both sides of the aisle". [225][226] In January 2018, Manchin was one of six Democrats who broke with their party to vote to confirm Trump's nominee for Health Secretary, Alex Azar. It has not been proven." He was a state legislator from 1982 to 1996, where he earned a reputation for standing up for West Virginians. Not surprisingly, that honor went to resident angry man Jim Jordan, who read from the deposition of National Security Council adviser Tim Morrison, who, according to Jordan, expressed "concerns . "[94], Manchin is often considered a moderate,[22][95] or even conservative,[22][96] Democrat. [27], Manchin graduated from Farmington High School in 1965. "[271][272], In March 2019, Manchin was a cosponsor of a bipartisan bill to undo a drafting error in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act that mandated stores and restaurants to have to write off the costs of renovations over the course of 39 years via authorizing businesses to immediately deduct the entirety of costs of renovations. It focuses on Senator Manchin's commitment to West Virginia's Veterans. 8/1/2022, 2:03 PM PDT. "[32] Opinions on the subject are mixed; The Charleston Gazette wrote, "the prospect that Manchin's $1.7 million-plus in recent Enersystems earnings might tilt him even more strongly pro-coal might seem remote, given the deep economic and cultural connections that the industry maintains in West Virginia. "[270], Manchin opposed Trump's Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. He joined the service in 2003 and served in the JAG Corps. [140], In July 2017, Manchin urged Trump to block the sale of the Chicago Stock Exchange to Chinese investors, arguing that China's "rejection of fundamental free-market norms and property rights of private citizens makes me strongly doubt whether an Exchange operating under the direct control of a Chinese entity can be trusted to 'self-regulate' now and in the future." According to that report, Manchin had told associates he was considering leaving the party if President Biden and Democrats did not agree to cut the social spending bill from $3.5 trillion to $1. [72], Manchin voted for Trump's first two Supreme Court nominees, Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh. to a Charleston Gazette-Mail reporter. Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia", "ICYMI: Manchin Votes Yes On Articles Of Impeachment | U.S. Manchin said that he knew "coal-fired power" was the engine of the West Virginia economy and that "coal-fired power plants have kept the lights on when other forms of energy could not". Manchin refused to comment on the subject until Byrd's death, except to say that he would not appoint himself to the Senate. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., cast the tie-breaking vote. We need to work together to chart a path forward in a safe and responsible way that lets us produce energy right here in America. So I'm waiting to see all the facts. In June . Manchin was elected to the West Virginia House of Delegates in 1982 at age 35 and in 1986 was elected to the West Virginia Senate, where he served until 1996. Manchin replied, "I've been in a blind trust for 20 years. Former Rep. Charlie Dent writes Sen. Joe Manchin . Sources vary on Joe Manchin's exact wealth. [242], In response to a leaked story that the Biden administration would pursue a $3 trillion infrastructure package,[243] Manchin appeared to support the spending, calling for an "enormous" infrastructure bill. [249] On July 26, 2017, he voiced opposition to Trump's proposed ban on transgender service in the United States military. "[150], In 2018, Manchin was one of 17 Democrats to break with their party and vote with Republicans to ease the Dodd-Frank banking rules. First published on Thu 17 Jun 2021 04.00 EDT. "At the end of the day, most of the arms that we give to people are used against us. 1. [185], In September 2019, Manchin was one of eight senators to sign a bipartisan letter to congressional leadership requesting full and lasting funding of the Land and Water Conservation Act in order to aid national parks and public lands, benefit the $887 billion American outdoor recreation economy, and "ensure much-needed investment in our public lands and continuity for the state, tribal, and non-federal partners who depend on them. WASHINGTON Sen. Joe Manchin has been labeled the most powerful man in Washington for his willingness to single-handedly tank President Joe Biden 's . [269], Manchin said in 2014 that he "would change Social Security completely. FARMINGTON, W.Va. Decades ago, John Manchin Jr., a civic leader in a small coal town in West Virginia, lent his support to a Democrat running for . The White House responded to his statements with Press Secretary Jen Psaki saying they "represent a sudden and inexplicable reversal in his position, and a breach of his commitments to the president and the senator's colleagues in the House and Senate". I have no idea what they're doing. [83], On July 27, 2022, Manchin expressed his support for the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, a bill that would raise corporate taxes, decrease the federal deficit, lower medical costs, and fight climate change. [254] As of March 18, 2019, he is the only member of the Senate Democratic Caucus who is not a cosponsor of the Equality Act. He stated his support for home school and private school as well as his opposition to funding "them with public dollars. She criticized Manchin for voting with Republicans and supporting Trump's policies. In order to qualify for the permits, mining companies need to prove their projects would not cause the concentration of pollutants in the local water to rise five times above the normal level. Climate Plan", "Joe Manchin has made $5.2M from his coal company and gets big donations from fossil-fuel industry", "Manchin, Puccio Listed in Company's $15 M Debt Complaint", "Legal Documents Show Manchin Has Stakes in Companies That Pay Less Than $15 an Hour", "Joe Manchin | United States senator | Britannica", "Our Campaigns - WV Governor Race - Nov 05, 1996", "Stumbling block: how West Virginia politics explains Joe Manchin", "Massey CEO sues W.Va. governor in federal court", "West Virginia: The story behind the score", "The WV Coal Equation: Living With Past Peak Production", "Mine official apologizes to families in mine tragedy", "W.Va. governor asks for coal production halt after two deaths", "Robert Byrd, Longest-Serving U.S. The senators warned that if the funding for the Community Health Center Fund (CHCF) was allowed to expire, it "would cause an estimated 2,400 site closures, 47,000 lost jobs, and threaten the health care of approximately 9 million Americans. [288][289], In a lawsuit filed in July 2014, John Manchin II, one of Manchin's brothers, sued Manchin and his other brother, Roch Manchin, over a $1.7 million loan. [9] He has the endorsement of Democrats for Life of America, a Democratic PAC that opposes abortion. The centrist Democratic senators from Arizona and West Virginia, once united on shaving down the cost of a party-line social spending bill that started at $3.5 trillion, are now going their own . Filed by the state Department of Environmental Protection, the lawsuit "accuses U.S. EPA of overstepping its authority and asks the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of West Virginia to throw out the federal agency's new guidelines for issuing Clean Water Act permits for coal mines." Share . Joseph Manchin III (born August 24, 1947) is an American politician and businessman serving as the senior United States senator from West Virginia, a seat he has held since 2010. [230], In October 2019, Manchin was one of 27 senators to sign a letter to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer advocating the passage of the Community Health Investment, Modernization, and Excellence (CHIME) Act, which was set to expire the following month. Democratic swing vote Senator Joe Manchin says he's open to banning military-style rifles and increasing the purchase age for the high-powered firearms as highly watched negotiations over gun . [207], In October 2019, Manchin was one of six senators to sign a bipartisan letter to Trump calling on him to "urge Turkey to end their offensive and find a way to a peaceful resolution while supporting our Kurdish partners to ensure regional stability" and arguing that to leave Syria without installing protections for American allies would endanger both them and the US. At introduction it was sponsored by 18 senators, a mixture of Republicans, Democrats, and independents. 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