[14], Following the GSN report, members of the 9/11 Commission began commenting on the information they had on Able Danger and Atta. [36] In June 2018 he became the longest-serving Senate Republican leader in the history of the United States. [169][170] With a 49% disapproval rate in 2017, McConnell had the highest disapproval rating of all senators. Instructor pilot, TA4J teaching advanced jet training syllabus. "I have briefed the Department of the Army, the Special Operations Command and the office of (Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence) Dr. Cambone as well as the 9/11 Commission. All of us came here from somewhere else." On October 7, 2016, following the Donald Trump Access Hollywood controversy, McConnell said, "As the father of three daughters, I strongly believe that Trump needs to apologize directly to women and girls everywhere, and take full responsibility for the utter lack of respect for women shown in his comments on that tape. However, all Democratic senators supported the proposal, which led McConnell to filibuster his own proposal. [110] Kagan was confirmed the following month. [citation needed]. It stated that they were unable to find supporting evidence regarding "one of the most disturbing claims about the Sept. 11 terrorist strikes. [4], Assertion that Able Danger identified 9/11 hijackers, Comments by members of the Able Danger team, An example of a chart produced as output by the project's data mining and visualization suite is called the. He led opposition to stricter campaign finance laws, culminating in the U.S. Supreme Court ruling Citizens United v. FEC that partially overturned the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (McCain-Feingold) in 2010. At the time, Northwest Airlines, the Air Line Pilots Association, and the FAA were attempting to force him to see a notorious FAA psychiatrist, Dr. James Elliott, in Los Angeles in an attempt to illegally ground him for life as a pilot in direct violation of RICO statutes on a trumped up psychological diagnosis in an effort to gag him. [14][20] Shortly after his arrival, he was diagnosed with optic neuritis and was deemed medically unfit for military service. Sotomayor was confirmed days later. Scott Phillpott confirmed Shaffer's claims. "[51], Former Army Major Erik Kleinsmith, former head of the Pentagon's Land Warfare Analysis Department, testified at the hearing that he had been instructed to destroy data and documents related to Able Danger in May and June 2000. "I'M HUMAN LIKE OTHER PEOPLE." Divine Interloper -Bitchute. McConnell accused Democrats of creating an "extreme" distortion of Kavanaugh's record during his hearing process. They further stated that a claim about Atta having been identified prior to the attacks had been made to the 9/11 Commission on July 12, 2004 (just days before the commission's report was released), by a United States Navy officer employed at DOD, but that, The interviewee had no documentary evidence and said he had only seen the document briefly some years earlier. SHOW NOTES: Analysts had created charts that included pictures of then-known Al Qaeda operatives, but none including Atta. Congressman Curt Weldon issued a response to the 9/11 Commission[20] clarifying the mission of Able Danger, expressing concern over the statements made by various members of the 9/11 Commission, and promising to push forward until it is understood why the DoD was unable to pass the information uncovered by Able Danger to the FBI, and why the 9/11 Commission failed to follow up on the information they were given on Able Danger. The 10,000 copies of the books have not been released yet. [2] During the 1998 and 2000 election cycles, he was chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee. [4], The Senate panel of investigators said there was no evidence DoD lawyers stopped analysts from sharing findings with the FBI before the attacks. [138], The United States federal government shut down October 117, 2013, following a failure to enact legislation to fund the government. [74][76][77] At the same time that McConnell refused to recognize Biden, he did celebrate Republicans who won their races in the Senate and the House in the same elections.[74][76][78]. Report Suggest Cover-Up of 9/11 Findings", "Alarming 9/11 Claim Is Baseless, Panel Says", "Senators Nix Pre-9/11 Hijacker ID Theory", "Did DoD lawyers blow the chance to nab Atta? McConnell was first elected to the U.S. Senate in 1984 and is the second Kentuckian to serve as a party leader in the Senate. [14][19], In March 1967, shortly before the expiration of his educational draft deferment upon graduation from law school, McConnell enlisted in the U.S. Army Reserve as a private at Louisville, Kentucky. [106] On July 17, McConnell announced that he would vote against Sotomayor's confirmation. McConnell's campaign ran television ads warning voters to not "Get BeSheared" and included images of sheep being sheared. [211][212][213][214] McConnell voted to confirm. Commissioned 2nd Lt United States Marine Corps with guarantee of Aviation Military Operational Specialty, July 1971 to February, 1972, attended USMC The Basic School, July 1971 to February, 1972, qualified as 0301, Infantry Platoon Commander, February, 1972 to June, 1972 attended US Naval Aviation Indoctrination and Primary flight training, Naval Air Pensacola, Florida, July, 1972 to December, 1972 attended US Naval Aviation Basic Jet Training, McCain Naval Air Station, Meridian, Mississippi, January, 1973 to June 1973, attended US Naval Aviation Advanced Jet Training, NAS Kingsville, Texas, June 22, 1973 Designated US Naval Aviator, July, 1973 to January, 1974; assigned to VMA-102, VMFA-101, Marine Corps Air Station Yuma, Arizona and USAF C130 Combat Crew Training at Little Rock AFB, Arkansas, February 1974 to October, 1974, assigned to Marine Aerial Refueler Transport Squadron 352, MCAS El Toro, California flying KC130F. "[18], On August 12, 2005, Hamilton and former 9/11 Commission chairman Thomas Kean issued a statement in response to media inquiries about the commission's investigation of the Able Danger program. [164] Democrats panned the bill as "completely inadequate" given the scope of the crisis brought on by the COVID-19[165] and as a partisan maneuver to help Republican senators up for reelection. USA UNDER W.H. [203][204][205] Porter McConnell is the campaign director for Take on Wall Street, a left-wing advocacy coalition. [103], McConnell's relationship with the Biden administration has been portrayed in media as one of comity. The vote was a bipartisan majority (5743) but not enough to pass the two-thirds threshold. [17][24], In his early years as a politician in Kentucky, McConnell was known as a pragmatist and a moderate Republican. She was nominated for Breakout Artist at the 2018 Canadian Comedy Awards. [143] In December 2018, the Republican-controlled Senate unanimously passed an appropriations bill without wall funding, and the bill appeared likely to be approved by the Republican-controlled House of Representatives and Trump. [13] The Pentagon released a statement in response, stating that they wished to address these issues during a congressional hearing before a House Armed Services subcommittee scheduled for Wednesday, February 15, 2006. A member of the Republican Party, he is the Minority Leader of the Senate, succeeding Chuck Schumer. [24], In 1971, McConnell returned to Louisville, where he worked for Tom Emberton's candidacy for Governor of Kentucky, which was unsuccessful. Senator Specter wondered if the Posse Comitatus Act may have been the reason Defense Department attorneys would not allow Able Danger to turn over information to the FBI. Weighing this with the information about Atta's actual activities, the negligible information available about Atta to other U.S. government agencies and the German government before 9/11, and the interviewer's assessment of the interviewee's knowledge and credibility, the Commission staff concluded that the officer's account was not sufficiently reliable to warrant revision of the report or further investigation.[19]. [220], In 2018, the OpenSecrets website ranked McConnell one of the wealthiest members of the U.S. Senate, with a net worth of more than $25 million. He was re-elected in 1981 against Jefferson County Commissioner Jim "Pop" Malone, 51% to 47%, outspending Malone 31, and occupied this office until his election to the U.S. Senate in 1984. IG report is disputed by Lt. Col. Shaffer and other Able Danger team members, some of whom were never interviewed by the IG's office nor the 9/11 commission. [20][21]:1112 His first day of training at Fort Knox, Kentucky, was July 9, 1967, two days after taking the bar exam, and his last day was August 15, 1967. It tells us the President, Vice President, and civil officers may be impeached and convicted. [7] He is of Scots-Irish and English descent. Andrews Air Force Base (Andrews AFB, AAFB) is the airfield portion of Joint Base Andrews, which is under the jurisdiction of the United States Air Force. On the 19th of January 2021 then President Trump, POTUS 45, which is very similar to Isaiah 45 in the Bible, President Trump turned the control of the United States of America over to the Military White Hats Until the date, her major source of income is believed to be acting, and getting roles in movies. "[2][3], An investigation by the Defense Department Inspector General's office (IG) in September 2006 concluded that "the evidence did not support assertions that Able Danger identified the September 11, 2001, terrorists nearly a year before the attack, that Able Danger team members were prohibited from sharing information with law enforcement authorities, or that DoD officials acted against LTC Shaffer for his disclosures regarding Able Danger." His major source of income is Twitch. "[132] Kavanaugh was confirmed on October 6. The Department of Defense documents had mentioned nothing about Atta, nor had anyone come forward between September 2001 and July 2004 with any similar information. [24], On September 15, 2005, Weldon asserted that he had identified an employee who had been ordered to destroy the 2.5 terabytes (TB) of data collected by Able Danger two years before the 9/11 attack. The Senate Committee said its findings were consistent with those of the DoD inspector general, released in September 2006. [227] McConnell is known to embrace several of them; however, he objected strenuously to the nickname "Moscow Mitch". Available instantly. [30], Shaffer has also told the story of Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) opposition to Able Danger, prior to 9/11, based on the view that Able Danger was encroaching on CIA turf. McConnell holds conservative political positions, although he was known as a pragmatist and a moderate Republican early in his political career. Rep. Weldon later reiterated these concerns during news conferences on February 14, 2006. [28] The Defense Department's inspector general (DoD OIG) made a similar conclusion. How McConnell survived a year of Trumps attacks". On July 18, 2018, with Andy Oldham's Senate confirmation, Senate Republicans broke a record for largest number of appeals court judiciary confirmations during a president's first two years; Oldham became the 23rd appeals court judge confirmed in Trump's term. [202] He was married to his first wife, Sherrill Redmon, from 1968 to 1980 and had three daughters, Porter, Eleanor (Elly), and Claire. Here's what's the usual partisan politics and what isn't", "Mitch McConnell filibusters himself after Dems call bluff", "McConnell went 'nuclear' to confirm Gorsuch. This American politeecian-relatit airticle is a stub. 11-4-21 Field McConnell "I want to start with the good news. [199][200] McConnell was elected to his seventh term on November3 when he defeated McGrath. The assertions range from specific local allegations to constitutional arguments to sweeping conspiracy theories nothing before us proves illegality anywhere near the massive scale the massive scale that would have tipped the entire election. [95] McConnell called for delaying the Senate trial until after Joe Biden's inauguration. It was impossible to tell which, and the unclassified work of Able Danger was not designed to address that question. [39], In 1990, McConnell faced former Louisville Mayor Harvey I. Sloane, winning by 4.4%. Able Danger was a classified military planning effort led by the U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM) and the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). According to statements by Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer and those of four others, Able Danger had identified two of three al-Qaeda cells active in the September 11 attacks; the 'Brooklyn cell' linked to "Blind Sheik" Omar Abdel-Rahman, including 9/11 leader Mohamed Atta, and three of the plot's other 19 hijackers. [37] McConnell is the second Kentuckian to serve as a party leader in the Senate (after Alben W. Barkley led the Democrats from 1937 to 1949)[13] and is the longest-serving U.S. senator from Kentucky in history. Again, the identification of the four 9/11 hijackers was simply through associational activities. Those associations could have been completely innocuous or nefarious. WHO IS DONALD TRUMP? Various Internet posters satirically interspersed the B-roll with footage from sitcoms and movies, and popular music. Kindle. Paul Cantanese, McClatchy reporter. Later that day, McConnell declared that for Trump's impeachment trial, he would be in "total coordination with the White House counsel's office" and Trump's representatives. [127] McConnell said he considers the judiciary to be the item of Trump's first two years with the longest-lasting impact on the country. Related: Finneas O'Connell. Shaffer & Philpott examined this chart of Al Qaeda suspected operatives, containing names & photos, and Philpott pointed out one particular sinister and "scary looking dude" -- Mohammed Atta. [172] At that time he was briefly not the least popular Senator, and was surpassed by Senators Claire McCaskill and Jeff Flake. Before the Committee on Judiciary, United States Senate", "Joint Hearing on the Able Danger Program", Alleged Misconduct by Senior DOD Officials Concerning the Able Danger Program and Lieutenant Colonel Anthony A. Shaffer, US Army Reserve, Review by the Los Angeles Times October 31, 2008, "Pentagon Plan: Buying Books to Keep Secrets", U.S. Army intelligence had detected 9/11 terrorists year before, says officer, Update: U.S. Army intelligence had detected 9/11 terrorists year before, says officer, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Able_Danger&oldid=1124156029. Retired from Air National Guard on 22 June, 1993 with final F16 flight on Pearl Harbor Day, 1992. Major Erik Kleinsmith, who was with the Army and chief of intelligence for LIWA until February 2001, testified that he was ordered to destroy Able Danger's information. [19] It stated the commission had been aware of the Able Danger program, and requested and obtained information about it from the Department of Defense, but none of the information provided had indicated the program had identified Atta or other 9/11 hijackers. The 9/11 Commission has released multiple statements over the past week, each of which has significantly changed from initially denying ever being briefed to acknowledging being briefed on both operation ABLE DANGER and Mohamed Atta. [21], In his book Countdown to Terror, Weldon asserted that an Able Danger chart produced in 1999 identifying 9/11 hijackers Mohamed Atta, Marwan al-Shehhi, Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi had been presented to then-Deputy National Security Advisor Jim Steinberg. Politics, Media & News, QANON. The DOD's Defense Intelligence Agency reviewers identified more than 200 passages suspected of containing classified information. Her hometown is Pottsville, Pennsylvania. In 2009, Andrews Air Force Base merged with Naval Air Facility Washington to form Joint Base Andrews.Andrews, located near Morningside, Maryland in suburban Washington, D.C., is the home base of two Boeing VC-25A aircraft with the call sign . In December 2006, a sixteen-month investigation by the US Senate Intelligence Committee concluded "Able Danger did not identify Mohamed Atta or any other 9/11 hijacker at any time prior to September 11, 2001", and dismissed other assertions that have fueled 9/11 conspiracy theories. [145][146][147], By January 23, McConnell had blocked four Senate bills to reopen the government and a bill funding the Homeland Security Department through February 8. McConnell has opposed stronger regulations, gun control measures and efforts to mitigate climate change. [38], McConnell has a reputation as a skilled political strategist and tactician. MARTIAL LAW, CONTROL GIVEN TO MILITARY BY TRUMP JAN 19TH. Senator in Kentucky history. Christine McConnell is an American baker, designer, model, host, influencer, photographer, reality star, and actress. 00. [30], From 1997 to 2001, McConnell was chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, the body charged with securing electoral victories for Republicans. The NIIS printout for the first entry reflects that Atta entered with an admission period of January 10, 2001, to September 8, 2001 (admission number 68653985708). I have learned that, in fact, one of our Federal agencies had, in fact, identified the major New York cell of Mohamed Atta prior to 9/11; and I have learned, Mr. Speaker, that in September 2000, that Federal agency actually was prepared to bring the FBI in and prepared to work with the FBI to take down the cell that Mohamed Atta was involved in in New York City, along with two of the other terrorists. Field McConnell Update TV Episodes Interview with Pastor Jackson Lahmeyer: Pastors for Trump 17 February 2023 by Warriors Rise Interview with Mary Flynn O'Neill & Liz Crokin - Protecting our Children 15 February 2023 by Warriors Rise Interview with Pryme Minister - Sharing his Story 4 February 2023 by Warriors Rise [210], In May 2019, McConnell's brother-in-law Gordon Hartogensis, who is married to Chao's sister Grace, was confirmed by the U.S. Senate as director of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC), a part of the Labor Department. States currently cannot declare bankruptcy. McConnell is the Senate leader of the Republican Party, having served as minority leader since 2021 and previously from 2007 to 2015, and as majority leader from 2015 to 2021. So we did not allow that Federal agency to proceed.[12]. [121] McConnell's refusal to hold Senate hearings on Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland during Obama's final year in office was described by political scientists and legal scholars as "unprecedented",[122][123] a "culmination of [his] confrontational style",[124] a "blatant abuse of constitutional norms",[54] and a "classic example of constitutional hardball". [31] According to the DIA, Shaffer came under investigation while deployed as a staff officer in Afghanistan due to a pattern of misconduct including obtaining a service medal under false pretenses, improperly flashing military identification while drunk, theft, and falsely claiming reimbursement for mileage and personal mobile phone charges. [91][92][93], On January 12, 2021, it was reported that McConnell supported impeaching Trump for his role in inciting the 2021 storming of the United States Capitol, believing it would make it easier for Republicans to purge the party of Trump and rebuild the party. [117] Garland's nomination expired on January 3, 2017, with the end of the 114th Congress. The bottom line is, CIA will never give you the best information from "Alex Base" or anywhere else. Rhett McConnell, more commonly known as "Bench Guy," is a character role-played by McconnellRet. Charity did", "Mitch McConnell on Trump and divisiveness in politics", "In 1990, Mitch McConnell Supported Affordable Healthcare for All", "Biography About U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell", "Mitch McConnell's Commitment to Civil Rights Sets Him Apart", "How Mitch McConnell Enabled Barack Obama", "Mitch McConnell Is Headed Down the Stretch", "Mitch McConnell Got Everything He Wanted. [59] "Specifically, the DIA wanted references to a meeting between Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer, the book's author, and the executive director of the 9/11 Commission, Philip Zelikow, removed". Check below for more deets about Clare McConnell. In November 2006 he was elected Senate minority leader the post he held until Republicans took control of the Senate in 2015. He says on Jan.19, one day before Joe Biden's inauguration, President Trump turned over control of the country to the military white hats. We plan, design, permit, construct and manage facilities with one mission in mind: Make our clients successful. Says, as Republicans Make Election Day Push", "Amy McGrath wins Kentucky Senate Democratic primary, CNN projects", "Debate set in McConnell-McGrath Senate race in Kentucky", "Amy McGrath vs. Mitch McConnell debate is on", "Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell to debate challenger Amy McGrath", "Religious Leaders Press McConnell on Social Issues", How Mitch McConnell became Trump's enabler-in-chief, "How Daughters of High-Profile Republicans Became Progressive Icons", "Unimpressed with post office banking trial, backers eye new initiative", "Girding for a Fight, McConnell Enlists His Wife", "Chao confirmed as transportation secretary", "Trump nominates brother-in-law of Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell and Transportation Secretary Chao to run pension agency", "Want to run an agency? 8. [71], In October 2017, White House chief strategist Stephen Bannon and other Trump allies blamed McConnell for stalling the Trump administration's legislation. He also discussed the Defense Intelligence Agency's decision to suspend Lt. However, Defense Intelligence Agency leadership had already ordered the hurried destruction of mined data, source databases, charts and resultant documents on entirely spurious legal grounds. His foreign policy views have included support of sanctions on Cuba, Iran and Russia,[180] opposition to the Iran nuclear deal and support of Israel. 1978: William Tell, World-wide fighter competition, Hired by North Central Airlines on 2 November, 1978. ", "Four in 9/11 Plot Are Called Tied to Qaeda in '00", "Source: 9/11 Panel Staffers Probing Documents on 'Able Danger', "Weldon Responds to Omission of ABLE DANGER From 9/11 Report", "Honorable Curt Weldon's testimony at Able Danger and Intelligence Information Sharing", "Weldon: Atta Papers Destroyed on Orders", "Senate Intelligence Committee Letter on ABLE DANGER", "Trump's team is considering Anthony Shaffer, a controversial former Army officer, for a senior defense role", "DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL REPORT OF INVESTIGATION CASE", "Pentagon Revokes 'Able Danger' Officer's Clearance", "Congressman wants new Able Danger probe", "Inside Able Danger The Secret Birth, Extraordinary Life and Untimely Death of a U.S. Military Intelligence Program", "Third Source Backs 'Able Danger' Claims About Atta", "Instructions on Separation of Certain Foreign CounterIntelligence and Criminal Investigations", "Congressman doubts accounts of secret projects's destruction", "The Immigration and Naturalization Service's Contacts With Two September 11 Terrorists: A Review of the INS's Admissions of Mohamed Atta and Marwan Alshehhi, its Processing of their Change of Status Applications, and its Efforts to Track Foreign Students in the United States", "Transcript of The Able Danger Senate Hearings", "Prepared Statement of Mark S. Zaid, Esq. Kacie was born on July 30, 1990, to parents - Michelle and Ken McDonnell. [98] After the vote McConnell lambasted and condemned Trump, despite his vote to acquit, in a 20-minute speech on the floor of the Senate, saying he believes Trump to be guilty of everything alleged by the House managers. Gorton also asserted that "the wall" was a long-standing policy that had resulted from the Church Committee in the 1970s, and that the policy only prohibits transfer of certain information from prosecutors to the intelligence services and never prohibited information flowing in the opposite direction. After Trump faced heavy criticism from some right-wing media outlets and pundits for appearing to back down on his campaign promise to "build the wall", he announced that he would not sign any appropriations bill that did not fund its construction. , Vice President, Vice President, Vice President, and civil may. 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