Ive enjoyed your posts about it immensely and Im amazed at how much fuel it takes to make just one pint, so this little gadget that Bill put together must be a wonderful time- and fuel-saver. But Im sure some folks in the Maple Syrup Making fb group could give you suggestions. Some of them are in series like yours and some ROs are set up in parallel. Our family makes anywhere from 15 to 25 gallons of syrup each year. I am using 150 gpd filters. Thanks for all the hard work you do to spread the sweetness! I literally know nothing about this unit aside from what you read here. I saved a incredible amount of time and firewood.. The amazing beauty of this ROd to about 5% then electric skilleted to 21 ounces of 35% for a quart jar. 2. How long are they typically good for? I may even have some sap later this week to test it on here in Ohio! This post contains affiliate links & I may receive commissions for purchases made through links in this post. You really only need one to measure the low numbers up to 15 % sugar, I purchased one yesterday and it is to arrive today. When it is low, remove it from the fire and transfer the syrup into a waiting finishing pan. At the end I was up to 5.5. EZ-FLO 0.170-in ID x 150-ft Polyethylene Tubing Item #879275Model #98632. No, weve never needed to do any needle valve maintanence. It will definitely be worth the time and (your husbands) efforts!! I have quadruple-checked everything and cant seem to find the problem. By using a reverse osmosis machine, we can eliminate 50% of the water in our sap before boiling, thus greatly reducing the amount of time it takes to go from sap to syrup. We chose 4 membranes cause we read that any more is pointless, but wanted to maximize what we could. Michelle, fyi my issue was a bad membrane. Works like a charm! That is insane return on my investment!. Given that i have the same equipment, I am surprised to report that my yield is far below the 5 gallons in 45 minutes you declare ( more like one), I wonder if you might speculate where Im going wrong? At 70 psi I am getting 3 gals of sugar water every 10 minutes with 20 to 25% water coming off the sap. Cost-wise, the investment can pay for itself in just a few years with this savings. ) The tube that is colored red in the drawing is the tube of sap that you will then boil down for syrup. I have not been able to remove much water just passing the sap thru the system. Plus, youll have the piece of mind that your sap has been filtered in food-safe way for longer storage. And you can definitely try another pump. Have you done any upgrades to your present listed system at all? Im doing a pretty small operation, but getting just large enough that my fire cant keep up, so wondering if I can cut a few corners and come up with something for closer to $200. Alan. After seeing loss, I checked calibration with distilled water and got 0%. I always collect in late afternoonand averaged about 120 gallons of sap a day. My sap went from1.5% sugar to 4 to 5% sugar after running through my ro. Cook zucchinis, garlic cloves and rosemary for 4 mins until beginning to colour. At what pressure do we run our RO? We run it at 60/70. I bypassed it after testing permeate coming out of each membrane and working properly now. Thank you very much for this system. The line with the needle valve is the line that carries the ROd sap that then is boiled. I got it all through amazon, eventually (after returns for having the wrong size fittings thank you Kohls). I just ordered for myself and cant wait to try RO. Do you still have to filter the syrup prior to bottling? Weba maple syrup producer records the amount smithsonian jet works instructions pdf/east dorset open water swimming club/ a maple syrup producer records the amount/east dorset open water swimming club/ a maple syrup producer records the amount Whether you are aspiring or experienced, or somewhere in between, we want to learn with you. We are a very small family operation and your RO works really well. That would still account for only 60 of the missing 130 grams. Hi, love what you have come up with. Wow, 3 days of banging my head against a wall trying to get it working and it came down to the one-way valve and having the needle valve hooked up to the wrong outlet of the 4th membrane. Assuming your sap is gravity feed to the pump, is there any suggested distance above the pump for the container of sap to be for this to work? Wanna save hundreds of dollars a year on fuel by adding a homemade RO system to your backyard sugaring operation? I know nothing, as you can tell. But I can absolutely answer your second question. I will more than likely build it. Thanks for letting us know Martin! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Thats why we own this one: https://amzn.to/2X0X9cM Both are fine choices, depending on what you want. Oh, boy, any technical questions I have to run by Bill. Does it cope ok? And I have huge respect for Bill and for YOU, since youre here. Does it make sense that the flow from both the permeate and the clean water is similar? There is one more thing I need to get and that is a more sensitive hydrometer. Heat olive oil and butter in large frying pan over high heat. Ray says, For anyone who is thinking about building one of these, I say do it! For that reason, it actually makes more sense for a backyard operation. The product you will use it called membrane preservative (Metabisulfite Sodium). document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. I only have 40 taps, but if this works I will tap more. Chris M. is a backyard sugarmaker who is extremely pleased with his return-on-investment after building this RO system. Jason. What a great question. What I see of it looks like an improvement over mine. I was spoiled in the last house where we had an RO system hooked up to our water tank that brought it right to my kitchen sink. I love making syrup, and baking with syrup, and writing about maple syrup, but I do not know how to build something like this awesome Reverse Osmosis set up that we have. Guessing that was the major design consideration. At the start of the following year you will want to do an RO Wash cycle and permeate rinse for at least an hour.. Follow up questions re: cleaning. Thanks for your suggestion about the elevation, Aaron, and I will pass your appreciation on to Bill. After filtering when do I need to process. According to Leader Evaporator, it is a process through which a semi-permeable membrane is used to separate water from salt, sugar, minerals, and other impurities. In other words, water is fed through a system that removes impurities and leaves you with just pure H20. Learn how your comment data is processed. Also, since I boil the sap over propane, I bought 2 extra snap it valves to set up a drip bucket over the fire. Im a New England homesteader and the author of Sweet Maple. Kudos to your husband for that ingenuity, and to you for sharing the how-to instructions so clearly!! But if you are a hobby sugarer with less than 100 taps, it doesnt really make sense to spend that much money on your system. Nope, thats all my husbands ingenuity. of pure water an hour. This makes me so happy to hear! What happens if you use fewer membranes? Am I correct? just goes to show attention to detail is vital.. And Id love to hear about your alternations if you find great success! tanks of propane. So glad youre finding it helpful. Looking forward to next year. Thanks for that suggestion. How do you clean the membranes for storage off season? 3/8 needle valve, also put in just 2 400 GPD membranes. Apparently everyone else figured this out, all I had to do was go buy the different tubing and I am good to go! WebMaking Maple Syrup - Easy Homemade Reverse Osmosis System for Water Removal from Maple Sap Rudi Jones 4.11K subscribers Subscribe 3.9K views 10 months ago Hi Michael, No need to apologize I could never build one of these myself. Thats a We filter out the impurities (aka the sugars in the sap) and keep them. I kinda found one of my problems, one of the elbows on the membranes was a one-way valve that I had hooked up backwards so I replaced it with a standard elbow and the system is pumping correctly. Sounds crazy, but Ive talked to too many folks who do this to not believe em. (And all the money it saves you!!). This is the one we use: https://amzn.to/2MhygVd. I guess looking at the elbows and paying attention to the image of your setup is crucial to a correct build. I just ordered all the parts :). Webbiogen senior engineer ii salary. We were only tapping 12 trees the year Bill built this and it paid for itself by the second year. Free samples of maple products and maple baked I can confirm all your answers have been great and correct I have built 4 of these units now,and everyone loves them. Does the lower pressure extend the filter life because the flow is faster across the filter which might help reduce build up? I keep having to relearn to push the tubing ALL THE WAY IN. Ive had this bookmarked for a while and finally made mine. Hi Marlowe. Then checked the permeate and it was 0.3%. I just found your post this a.m. after writing Michelle this weekend with the same issues. If you decide to take the plunge, let me know what you think. The stuff I order is the same as your part spec. Click on the image below to pin this post. From the photo it looks like you connected the larger tubing to the pump, wondering if maybe I am missing something? I did find this suggestion for the seasonal storage of RO membranes: Storing your membranes in the off season: I walk you though each part of the system and explain what each part is/does. I think Im removing maybe 10% of the water and am running at 70psi. Dont use rusty or corroded spouts, buckets, or other maple utensils. Glance at myResource Pageif youd like to get a glimpse of other supplies I use for maple syrup making (as well as gardening, homeschooling, homesteading topics, nature journaling, and more). Hope that helps! I will say the last one I built was for an Omish guy and he used a car battery with a 12 volt pump. After a few runs this season I find that the water removal becomes minimal. The second time through runs at about 4-5 min/gal and yields an additional 20-25% permeate. Bill confuses me sometimes too. The pump is available for sale on line; I linked to the one we use above. At the end of every season, we run 5-10 gallons of permeate through the system, then we remove the filters from their casings and mark where each filter was in the system (so we can change their position each year, to hopefully give them a longer life) Then we put them in a ziplock bag and store them in the refrigerator until the next sugar season. After running your sap through your RO (you can run it through twice if you want) you want to IMMEDIATELY process it. Okay, the 90% is for the big-wigs, using the really fancy, high-end ROs, but this sweet little DIY RO saves us at least 50% of our costs here on our little sugarbush every year, so man-oh-man is it worth it! (Sorry, bad pun. Required fields are marked *. Looks beautiful in a kitchen or on a table as a display piece when not in use. It comes ready-to-use and just needs a test run to check for loose fittings before hooking it up to your sap. I cant wait to hear what you do with the permeate, and or what you use it for! At the end of every season, we run 5-10 gallons of permeate through the system, then we remove the filters from their casings and mark where each filter was in the system (so we can change their position each year, to hopefully give them a longer life) Then we put them in a ziplock bag and store them in the refrigerator until the next sugar season. Thank you Michelle for posting this small scale RO system on-line and thanks to Bill for spending the time to create the system. This is handy benefit for hobby maple syrup makers who only boil on the weekend. When its time to start up the RO again the next year, all we do is take the filters out of the fridge and use them. The first time through, the flow rate, at 70psi, is about 3 min/gal and I get about 20% permeate. Another unique benefit of the Sugar Cube is that it adds an Ultraviolet (UV) filter to the system as well. Once you have all the parts in front of you, itll take you a few hours, tops. Seriously. Im going to try the parallel setup first, recycling it thru several passes faster. 2. The frame is a rectangular base welded from 1 1/2 in angle iron. It measures 18 inches wide by 24 inches long. It has a mounting plate for the h 8. Before you run valuable maple sap through your unit it is a good idea to test it on 50-100 gallons of clean water. Fill a tank with 50 - 100 gal What pressure do you run at? You will glue on an end cap on one end and then install a threaded cap on the other. , Clarissayou may be shocked to know that in the process of writing Sweet Maple I have talked to numerous folks in the Pacific Northwest who very successfully tap trees and make syrup!! Im up to $541 ordering the recommended parts on Amazon and am attempting to reduce the cost. Had readings starting out with 5 gallons of right at 2% which should be about 380 grams total sugar. The colored line is water in the picture but continues processing in the drawing. Or if youd like to read through the process we go through to actually bottle our maple syrup,go here. WebBeautiful handcrafted maple cheeseboard with walnut & red inlays measuring 19"x6". Thanks so much for your information. Sap can be put through the system repeatedly and becomes more concentrated with each pass through the RO membrane. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. She is a Founder and Editor of Homestead How-To and also blogs about her family's homestead life at The Happy Hive. Do you want 24 V or 120V near all that water? We have 110 taps and process roughly 5 gallons of sap through the RO every 45 minutes. Winter storms coming in off the ocean cause such drastic changes in weather fronts that trees gush sap even when temps never dip below freezing. First at the lowest pressure and then, the second time, at the highest pressure. All said and done, I ended up with about 2 gallons of syrup, using 2.5 tanks of propane and finishing in the kitchen. If you have a new parts list that you used, with the corrected item #s and details, that would be helpful. And check for a leak on your vacuum side (the unfiltered sap side). For the sake of others who may read your comment, Ill link here to where I describe the refractometer: https://soulyrested.com/2020/01/25/how-to-make-syrup-what-tools-do-you-need/. Apple Bitters, Organic Maple Syrup and Garnished with Maple Infused Bacon. , So interesting!! 10. Our evaporator is heated by a wood fire and it usually takes around 50 gallons of sap to cook down into one gallon of syrup. It will take more water out of the sap, I was just happy to get it down to half. The plywood base is roughly 3 foot by 3 foot. No, reverse osmosis doesnt remove sugar from your sap. I also list, below, every single item Bill bought to build our system. We particularly love the UV filter in the Sugar Cube for food safety reasons. (If you need a giant cookie fixand I do mean giantyoull want this recipe.). Do I need to replace the filters ya think? Likewise, as much as we love sitting outside by the evaporator with friends, there comes a point where 18 hours of boiling each weekend can feel cumbersome; getting to syrup faster is not a bad thing. At the end of the system, there are two lines that the liquid exits (shown clamped to the upper wooden RO membrane support). Greetings: I just received the last of the items needed to begin assembling. One option is to build your own reserves osmosis set up using filters like those that are used for water purification and are available at many hardware stores. Cut the tubing pretty square. Plan on doing this well ahead of time. I guess looking at the elbows and paying attention to the image of your setup is crucial to a correct build. could you explain how you first startup the system and shut it down for storage at the end of the maple season. so am excited to get this up and running. WebCooldown the maple syrup to about 95 F. Once cooled, get your arm ready, find a partner and take turns stirring and stirring some more. 1. Attached is a pdf of the components you'll need. I have no particular relationship with the suppliers or brands listed, they just happened to be This is working really well and Im obviously removing half of the water (that takes about 45 minutes). Thanks for the great instructions. Making maple syrup is a labor of love, especially for a hobby sugaring operation with small equipment. We live in Northern New York, think near the Canadian border north. The drawback is that you need 4 needle valves, one for each sap line/canister to create the proper back pressure. Im wondering if your system would cope? Part of the problem here is describing the tubing. formId: '608a538fe8b3a8e1e4d62a1d', Happy sugaring!! I have completed the building of my RO kit and am awaiting sap season here in minnesota. Yes, Christine, the permeate tube is the water that is left after the sugar water has been filtered out. I MAY be able to talk hubby into it though He was wondering if there is upkeep/maintenence needed on the needle valve? THANKS AGAIN. Build a fire to boil the sap. At the end of the season we store the filters in a ziploc bag in the fridge until next season. I use pruning shears. 6. Also, I am getting conflicting messages regarding storage..you freeze your RO filters, correct? I looked into RO years ago but never realized one could build one. Knowing our sap has been filtered and is safe to use for longer helps us feel better about waiting until the weekend to boil. Im making birch syrup in Alaska and it takes about 100-110 gallons of sap to make 1 gallon of syrup. I have additional questions regarding cleaning and storing the filters : Thanks for making me not look wrong. Thank you so much for sharing. when you say running a bucket of permeate ., Im assuming you mean going through the bucket using the system the same way you use it to go through your SAP. Thanks for any suggestions. https://youtu.be/o1pbklwyYw4. I currently only have 1 tree that gave me 60 gallons this season. Im a VERY small backyard producer, making less than 10 gallons of syrup per year. While they are more expensive (although the hydrometer is a nice chunk of change too, once you add in the cup), it is much more versatile. My personal mission is to help my family become more self-reliant and more connected to the land on which we live. Large maple producers pay thousands of dollars for high-quality reverse osmosis set-ups which work well for their size and scale. Psalm 34:8. If you mean needle valve, its on the permeate side. We use filters intended for 150 gallons per day, and 5 gallons goes through in about 45 minutes. Hi Adam. So we persoanlly choose to boil our sap with propane. will be compatible for the smaller volume of birch sap you will process. It was amazing!, Check out my book, Sweet Maple, with 5-star reviews, touted as the book of wisdom on all things maple, Professional Sugarmakers Tips on How to Make Maple Syrup, How to use pumps to make your sap collection so much easier, My detailed list of all the best tools for a backyard sugarmaker. How long does it take for a 5-gallon bucket of sap to go through the system? Im a New England homesteader and the author of, heres a facebook live video showing how it works, one of the Top 20 Must-Read Homesteading Blogs of 2018, read more about my camera and even purchase your own here, One tip that will save you hundreds on your DIY maple syrup, https://soulyrested.com/2017/04/12/make-maple-syrup-step-step/, https://soulyrested.com/snag-free-ebooks/, https://soulyrested.com/2020/01/25/how-to-make-syrup-what-tools-do-you-need/, https://soulyrested.com/2020/03/02/how-to-make-syrup-using-pumps-for-collecting-sap/, Chocolate Chip Cookies made with fresh flour, 8 Things You Can Make (Better) Yourself (S4, E10). The floorboards creak, the barn roof sags, and the rocky land seems unforgiving. Compare to last year where we got about 1 gallons and used 4(!!!) I know some folks argue it impacts the flavor to do so, but weve never found that to be the case. This is only to remove any sediment, bugs, or twigs from the sap. Also we were told by our distributer that tap water has many different things in that is removed by the RO which is a good thing for concentrating raw sap, but they recommended not drinking it as it probably could cause diareha, consequently I never tried drinking it. I had no Idea what it was going to do when I built it.. His pump is pushing up to 140 PSI Hi Michele, Just wanted to add after you told me about getting a refractometer. Especially the maple section because we have been making 11 years on Prince Edward Island. the system is working flawlessly now. I am excited to get this working and I am determined to figure it out. Find out why SoulyRested was considered to beone of the Top 20 Must-Read Homesteading Blogs of 2018and then one of theTop Homesteading Blogs of 2019 as well. Hi Wayne, Maybe you need to play with your needle valve and adjust the pressure? At this rate, itll only take a few seasons to return the investment on the hardware. Is this not correct? Yep, we often run it through twice. Try setting you brass valve (petcock) to around 70-80 psi. I will share your story with Bill (cause hes never on my blog :)). ridgid 3/8 x 30 pex tube (30 faucet) item #751655, model #7227-30-38-2 Still need a few parts, but am getting there. WebHeat allows maple syrup to develop the characteristic color and flavor that make it so desirable. If you dont, drop me a line and let me know! I am intrigued by this system and would like to attempt to build one however I have a few questions as I have no experience with ROs. Based on 403 gm / liter of sucrose at 35 Brix, that comes out 250 grams or only 2/3 of available sugar at start. Read thisarticle right here. I would run the RO over night and extract about 7 gals. We run it at 60-70 psi, which we regulate with the needle valve. Just wanted to thank you for the great instructions on building an RO. WebMaple Syrup - Reverse Osmosis (RO) Preservative Flush Roseum Maple Syrup 458 subscribers Subscribe 5.9K views 3 years ago ROSEUM MAPLE SYRUP This video Last year, I made about 1 gallon of sap and used 4(!!!) A box end wrench works well to press in on the release collar in tight spots. Is your sap house heated s0 that the RO machine doesnt freeze or do you somehow keep it from freezing or doesnt it matter if it freezes? Anybody else with similar experiences? Ive never met a hydrometer that measures sugar content of sap, but my latest purchase makes me extra happy in that category. Great question, Jerry. If youre like me. I think the beauty of making it yourself is totally tweaking it to fit your needs. How long does it take to put it all together? My concentrate was sound 4%. You could run it through even more times, with 2 membranes, but of course youd be quadrupling your work time. This article goes over how to use reverse osmosis in a sugaring operation using a few different methods. Some years ago I was a much larger producer, and had an 8 tube RO. This is really interesting! Sap is running in SE Wi. February 23, 2023. Im blessed to live in an old farmhouse, by a mountain lake, on acres of stone walls and sugar maples. Never mind. Look into a refractometer. Larry. Id sure like to reduce my energy cost. Great for serving cheese & charcuterie as well as many other small bites. Would you please send a picture of the collection vat and the attachments you have to bring it from the vat to the pump? I asked Bill but sadly he said no, he hasnt tried that. Happy sugaring!! My goal for this was to have it run when Im not actively monitoring it and want to save the pump. My setup is nearly the exact same as yours. Your tubing from the sap to the pump and then pump to filter you Reverse Osmosis in the Maple Syrup Industry The maple industry utilizes this technology to separate a large percentage of the water from maple sap. Apparently everyone homemade reverse osmosis maple syrup figured this out, all i had to do any valve... Through amazon, eventually ( after returns for having the wrong size fittings thank you Kohls.... The beauty of this ROd to about 5 % then electric skilleted to 21 ounces of 35 % a! Begin assembling through twice if you mean needle valve and homemade reverse osmosis maple syrup the pressure for food safety reasons this. Tight spots permeate side high heat to not believe em next time i comment a! Valve maintanence for spending homemade reverse osmosis maple syrup time and ( your husbands ) efforts! )! Believe em per year each pass through the RO homemade reverse osmosis maple syrup a year on fuel adding! 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