If you are informed of a tsunami, the best way to escape is. It is NOT PROPHETIC. If were gonna get wiped out, whats the best plan escape plan? As with any oncoming disaster, TIME is your best friend. What about the Tampa Bay area? Several miles could be flooded inland for more feet- than one would wish to wade..Inland, elevation is more important to know than the state. Continuing to learn never hurt anyone (since Galileo). Just prepare for having to walk out and if you can use your car, go as far as you can. Actually, the distance a tsunami will travel inland has more to do with the energy remaining as it hits the shore. Just yesterday there was a scare in the Canaries, though they say all clear now. It would impacted Wales then spread out ward, Ireland would deflect some of it, but the channel surge would be up through the St. Georges channel to the Irish Sea. Lots of activity happening in that area lately . Inundation distances can vary greatly along the shorelines, depending on the intensity of the tsunami waves, the undersea features, and the land topographic elevations. But I believe in God as does my family and I believe we will be ok, we have a great work to do for Him. The 13 to 26 feet is for a collapse and runout. One guess for 30 meter tsunami is it would go generally 20 miles inland on near sea level land. Its been predicted for a 9 earthquake . I believe so. La Cumbre Vieja (Canary Islands) has erupted 3 days ago. I think God is directing me to do it, but I still have doubts. New Jersey is extreme lowland for almost the entire state. I had tried to let people know that just because there is a 500 ft wall of water at the shore does NOT mean that everywhere under 500 ft further inland will be inundated. But be prepared that in the case of either traffic jams or accidnets, because of the timing of impending danger, you may have to leave your vehicle and travel on foot. Make sure your soul is right with God first. I just had to do that.) Lava filled the valleys as millions ran for their lives & I turned to look behind & these people were following me. Get on the survival sites and take notes. Would it be through a mobile phone alert like other weather alerts? You wont be safe in Philly. Or 1 Mile inland. While all of that is eminently logical, it also would cause terrible disease from polluted water. THE EARTHQUAKE WILL BE CAUSED BY AN ASTEROIDLOOK UP INFORMATION ON A GUY NAMED EFRAIN RODRIGUEZ. An earthquake, depending on the size of its epicenter as well as its depth beneath/within what some refer to as the crust and mantleas deep as ~1600feet (or perhaps deeper) as some suggest or on the surface of the crust. A tsunami that reaches a height of 300 feet when it rears up at the shore (or any height), will lose energy as it travels inland. So I live in one of the many Great Lake states, how much tatsumi flood water can I expect? The Weather changing drastically will be your first big Notice, account we will start to have multiple Volcanoes get active around the World (Bali just became active), Tornados where we never had them before. We may be at our harms way of a 300 ft tsunami. This man saved the people & he showed me how to care for someone other than myself. Using the list, you can click on the counties and those counties placement within the state appear in red on the right of the page. We just suffered through Ida which hit NJ horribly and I happened to be up for a few days hanging out with my kids and granddaughter who still live up there. Hi i want to know How Far Inland Would this wave Go On The west coast of africa and specificaly morocco answer me please. As far as Texas and the Gulf, the effects of the tsunami will be greatly reduced because it is mostly blocked by Florida from the East. The reach of a tsunami is highly variable and dependent on many factors including the size of the tsunami wave, the local geography, and the sea floor topography. Land,the size of 1500 miles; 300-400 feet wide would slide into the ocean. Pray, repent, give your life to God. Dont stress about anything thatll kill you faster than any tsunami would. The world would be uninhabitable. If we view an earthquake as sound, know that it propagates in a 3D bubble, able to bend corners and repropogate a new set of special dynamics based on the energy lost and the angle that sound escapes through. Marshall law would definitely follow. Yes, I believe we are but there will be no rapture on September 23 and when the SHTF is anybodys guess. Voting actually matters. I stay ready for anything ready to go. NY pepper just put a video . Best advice I can with you. of a wall of water as it hits land, urban areas, estuaries, bays, hills, etc. Even if Im at the beach were I work as a ranger, I could walk to a place 300 above sea level in 5 hrs. Obviously elevation from coast is in your favor but the rivers http://www.virginiaplaces.org/watersheds/watershedsall.html. Everyone and everything dies eventually. The US Navy has drawn up Flood Maps showing where we will lose roughly about 150 Miles of our Coast Lines around the USA. If the event happens, will likely reach our east coast within 8 hrs. Have a couple totes available and know in advance what it is he absolutely has to take with him. Please, keep talking and prove that to be true, as well as ironically proving that you are the mindless person in this comments section! Martial Law will mean Travel Restrictions, Food Restrictions, Gasoline Restrictions, etc. When it came to the last group one had to remain behind & this man told me to go.with great love & admiration I pushed him & said you go Im ok. & I was. Just my luck! I am concerned about the predicted asteroid hit by Ephraim Rodriquez, I think I am in a very safe area above Farmington Maine, but how far inland would a much larger tsunami than 300 ft travel. So Im just curious about tsunamis and I live in Miami. I would like to see a 500 foot scenario, especially for what the Mississippi River and tributaries would look like. Only thing Id be worried about is stuff from the Passaic river contaminating the lower elevations as its pushed north by the flow. I live in Manchester NJ approximately 15 mies from the ocean and approx 10 miles from the Toms River River and the bay. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zb4T8a1K5tw. What are the possibilities of it being much higher. About 25 miles away from new york city it is all mountainous and rural (400-1800 feet in elevation). Beg you to move above 300 feet elevation, and why delay? If you cant, HOW WILL YOU KNOW (or plan) WHERE TO GO if you find you have to do that??? But, with activity increasing, I dont see anything calming anytime soon. Thats close enough for horseshoes. Ive seen it as well. 80% of the World, about 8 Billion People now, lives by the Ocean. There actually is scientific evidence of an event like this occurring. head north stay on the western side of the east coast mountains and leave yesterday . We are less than a mile from a river, so that was a little concern for us. I just heard that the Canary Islands are having hundreds of small earthquakes, speculating that the volcano IS waking up with more of a threat of blowing than ever before. Well as a resident of Staten Island New York. This thing would unravel so fast that they just could get away with it. I have reviewed every simulation map I can find and I can find none that show anything for Panama. No matter the wave size we just dont have a chance. How far inland would a 1000 Ft tsunami go? BUT GEE WHIZ.. it is SUPER important to know how to see where YOU ARE on a MAP. Would this city be effected. This is the culmination of dreams, prophesy and predictive programming. and there will be more waves after the first, Tsunamis could continue for hours depending on energy and back up of frontal waves making those behind more intense and increased height. I also wonder what effect the continental shelf will have.. Water intersecting water absorbs energy. Subsequent preparedness might involve the basics, like having a plan and/or an evacuation plan. If living in Galveston TX. Regularly tsunamis travel at the speed of a airplane 500-600 miles per hour and once its over the ocean water will reseed. But even with the idea of a tsunami is not as likely as a lot of other threats that are around the pike. I live next door to a dozen + Fukishimas. The maps have nothing to do with fluid dynamics and the many other variables which would affect the behavior of a tsunami in any given area. For those this really interests or concerns, TAKE A GEOLOGY CLASS! Just as likely to be hit by something major, I could put one together for a future post. any update on this situation playing out in the canary island on La Palma as we speak? Should I be concerned? Having said that, there are many variables and factors affecting how far a tsunami would travel inland. (Cumbre Vieja is a volcanic ridge on the volcanic ocean island of La Palma in the Canary Islands.). The Lord can do whatever he wants to do. Some years back I dreamt of an enourmous earthquake in the early morn causing a violent volcanoe eruption. Is Orlando far enough in that youll think we will survive? I live on the Gulf coast of Florida, which I believe WILL be underwater someday, and have been in prayer regarding a move to Northeast Ohio. I live about 45 minutes north of Tampa. If any tsunami hit Floridas East Coastwere toast. Hi, i live in the northern coast line in Porto and i was born in the Azores islands (middle of the Atlantic) where my family still lives. Just out of curiosity. I do believe in every dream I was in Panama City Beach, FL. Nice to have a mountain range or two between. Eyes open but so confused. Is the city itself a bigger worry than the suburbs for water? I grabbed her hand and said , Dont be afraid, I will see you in a couple of minutes( meaning I would see her when we crossed over). Anonymous Karen, I live in Paulsboro too. Reston, Gainesville, Manassas, Haymarket. God bless and guide us all. Based on the maps, a 300 wave would just about the center of Greenville, florida (the entire state) would be an overwash! Im praying it might not happen if His children would seek his face & turn our ways to Him. This rationle applies strategically as we move towards AI based trucking, in context of sovereign state threats to satellites, and ability of rogue nations to effect EMP events harmful to all solid state dependent transport, Utilities & communication. Glad I live up in the mountains (grin). I urge you to look them up. Personally if your thinking of being prepared, Id never depend on anything supplied out of your control. It is interesting that the New Jerusalem is 1500 miles. I would go to the top of a building or hill with a height of at least 350 feet. To say that a 300 ft wave will go completely across Florida because there is no topography to absorb is incorrect. Canada. Its now October. I live in central NJ, but you cut NJ off, lol! Thats whats causing all of this. then i have two of them in the past three weeks. What if it was a nuke , far fetched i know. Any ideas? I guess that leaves two solutions. How early would a warning be issued and how would it be issued? What Speed and Height of Tsunami would be created if a Large Astroid hit in the Ocean? But its not the wave at that point but the flood waters coming up . IF the ground underneath remains stable. Are you saying we will be 10 feet under water ? After this, I was caused to lower my body downward but still in a standing up position (travelling straight down effortlessly) and I came below the mans feet where I noticed the lower legs and sandals he was wearing. I am a prepper and do my best with that. Only 40 above sea level. I been praying what I should do with what Ive seen.. and it was not too longer after, I went back and read my note on my phone where I had wrote down and dated and timed my dream.. ok my dream happened on 7/16/19 5:15am.. but when I went back to look at my note in my phone.. the date I wrote was 11/16/19 5:15am.. part of what has me staying on all this is I think the Lord had me stumble across Perry Stone a few months before my dream.. Would my family be safe in Philadelphia Pa? While Mega Tsunamis are a rare event, what stops the unlikely scenario of several Mega Tsunamis happening in a years time? However, we also know that the 3D soundwave is not a single pure vibration, rather, most typically, a series (symphony) of vibrations about the z-axis that wrap themselves and spin/corkscrew about the skeletal body moving about the x and y axis (arbitrary, yet crucial to define and keep consistent). Do you feel the government ramp up in supplies in Fema Region 3 and them bringing in foreign troops is to prepare for this tsunami?. florida will be hit hardespecially the coast..maimi etc.. even the gulf coast. I recall an episode of How The States Got Their Shapes that covered everything you just mentionedeven the fact that many refer to these individuals as massholes. I know we are supposed to not worry as believers and trust that Jesus has saved us by his loved poured out for us on the cross, which I believe, praise God!! Search Dana Coverston on YouTube. JT I have heard folks say we need to be west of Blue Ridge parkway. The down side is the river that expands out. He is not a doomsdayer and has accurately been predicting volcanoes. My arse would be getting as far west as possible and tf out of Florida/NYC, etc. It looks like its touching us from 225-300 ft. Good Luck, Yes, theres a couple scenarios possible. So say for example, if a person is living in New England how far would a wave this huge would go inland? @NativeNewYorker: Parts of the Catskills, 50 mi north of NYC is probably the closest area to you. Are there any instances in which the UK would be more affected than the predicted 23ft waves in the map? Could someone that is familiar on how to calculate the waves radius inland tell me that information? Think about that. How much time would we have to react? etc etc etc. Its the little things! The comet has broken up into thousands of pieces (big and small) as it went around the sun two days ago due to the extreme heat and pressure. :-), Yes, because you need to get off the island regardless of the issues. If we were hit by a 300 foot wave, our cities, road, electrical grid, and building would be destroyed. Ive scanned all the comments and saw this area brought up a few times. Any thoughts? Its growing much stronger and the sides are dissolving once they are gone the land will crack along the already cracked fault lineits a monster. Near the very end, Wood is outrunning the water and you can get an idea of how much momentum the incoming water loses as it encounters the convolution of mountains and valleys. It depends. Id like to know if you happened to make up a West Coast scenario, Ken. The solution is simpleslaughter the unrepentant, wicked, and Satan worshiping Luciferian globalist elite and their guards and get their property. Note the strong influence of dispersion in spreading out an original impulse into a long series of waves of decreasing wavelength. Tsunami waves can be very long (as much as 60 miles, or 100 kilometers) and be as far as one . Or, maybe we will go take our last walk on the beautiful beach. Where should we go? Philadelphia is 49.5 miles from the Jersey Shores. @WorriedPerson Hi Dagny in NJ- The earthquake alone will devistate everything from I-5 west. Lol. dont wait for a warning from the news! Is that area safe? How far inland would a 1000 Ft tsunami go? I also worry about our government and the way they would handle things after. Karen As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Psychological? hi, im a high school student in my final years i am doing a physic assignment i need to know how you calculated the distance a tsunami travel in land please if you could tell me. In addition, the weight of all of that water could make Florida sink as there is not much underneath Florida except caves, caverns, honeycombed caves, aquifers, etc. Do you think its going to be sooner rather than later that LA Palma will blow? Look up the definition of Ensure, please do. The highest point in my county in NJ is 300 feet above sea level. Cool thread by the way. sorry, I think fema camps would follow as well. Question. I have seen this tsunami in my dreams, the first two times I dreamt of it.. it was way off shore, I was standing on the beach in Florida and I could see it coming very high in the distance.. no it was already a huge wall of water even out at that distance, no boat has the ability to ride that out.. my third and last dream was this summer, except now I was hearing the water rushing, by the time I looked outside, the wave was right in front of me and crashed onto land. Think about it this way. In in Orlando, go to Walt Disney World.get past the thin wall of securityand go to Mt.Everest and get to the top most part of the structure. Greatly appreciated! I tried to stop my mom but they are on the way to Florida as I post. In your case, however, perhps those dreams are prophetic, although I hope not. Please pray for me as I make this difficult decision as I pray ALL Christians see the light. 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