2. Is there a trick to getting fuller boobs, obviously men have different shapes than women, i would love to have fuller boobs? Im going to show you now how to perform a daily massage sequence to gain both volume and firmness: Please, if you have a question about using fenugreek and saw palmetto for male breast growth, dont hesitate to post it in the comment section below. I just wanted to say that I have been using fenugreek and saw palmetto for about 1.5 months and have seen my boobs get denser and firmer and more like female breasts. Here at cosmeticsurgerytips.com, we give you the best tips and advice on how to tend to your body in the most special way. I heard that Pueraria Mirifica is good for growing breasts. Most brands of fenugreek come in 580mg to 610mg strength. These fenugreek breast enlargement capsules are not expensive for what you get. Capsules will be much less effective in increasing your milk supply if you skip doses and only take capsules once a day. I read from you saying youd prefer ground fenugreek so I had to order online, the seeds tho, got it ground, abandoned the capsules and tool the ground seeds, a full tablespoon with large glass of water and a capsule of saw Palmetto everyday, its more than a month, nothing changed instead my husband complained that my breast got smaller so I stopped taking saw Palmetto cus I felt it increased the testosterone in my body, focused on ground fenugreek alone, I drink a lot of water through our the day that has been my habit from day1. Its been 12 years since i was pregnant. What Im going to reveal to you is the same advice hundreds of guys, and I have been using to increase our breast size, nothing more and nothing less. :) thanks a lot! Hi, you mentioned Natures Way Fenugreek Capsules, 610mg. 3 fenugreek capsules is really low, up it to six please, spread throughout the day. I found out by doing it this way, I avoided all the nausea, the maple syrup smell and other side effects or kept them to a minimum. Hi Sahar, I found your blog very interesting and decided to give it a try. To get started, simply take one capsule three times hey hi! I am 70 y/o and had prostrate cancer so before when I went in they gave me a testosterone blocker, about a month ago my breast started to grow. By the end of the second month of using the herbs youll read about in this post, I was comfortably 34C! I am not even considering this option.. How does the regimen change? Fenugreek capsules are a popular way to increase breast size. Learn how we can help. How long could it take before I see results would you say? Over all the growth is steady, but a little slow and that is fine. Thanks X. Hi Sarha. It takes a minimum of 3 months for fenugreek seeds to work in their raw form. I believe that I am between an A cup and a B cup right now. Hi, am so flat chested that I just bought saw palmetto capsule 520mg and fenugreek capsule 610mg. Place your hands on your breasts and rub inwards, continuing around your breasts in a circular direction. Do I need to be taking other herbs also for the process to work ? I had nothing and now I am a B cup with a 36 band. Its been a few months since you posted your last message. Many women forget that to increase their breast size, they need to nourish their breasts and give them "filling" nutrients and "materials". I just start take ground fenugreek on 28/03/22. im using fenugreek capsule for a weeks now but i feel my breast mostly is warm and i have allergy reactions and i feel im gaining weight.i want to know if this is normal coz im planning to buy saw palmetto capsule also and start taking it ,although me and my husband of the result,just the skin allergy bothers us. Can you please help me in getting the _correct_ dosage of these fenugreek and Saw Palmetto capsules to be able to grow my male boobs ??? If you truly want to learn how to grow male breasts quickly, then you have to read this post completely to get the whole picture and to understand the routine hundreds of men have used to increase their breast volume and size fast. What fenugreek seed can do to breast muscles is optimize it, so that breast can grow to its maximum size or the size that it's supposed to be. 2 A compound called diosgenin which is behind this property is capable of producing estrogen synthetically. The second thing is you are probably taking a prescription drug or a supplement which increases estrogens in your bloodstream, check with your doctor for more information. When it comes to increasing your breasts size as a man, a few herbs are going to stand out, and these are the ones we are going to use. For woman who want to enlarge your breast naturally without surgery or pills, you can try Imodstyle Chest Miracle Report (please search on google) . Please help me out here!.I want to do it right and not overload my body with these herbes.. P.S: I am tking these herbes 2 and a half months already and me breasts size has increased a little bit, but not significatly.. No, its fine, keep on for another month and youll see great results, one more thing, stay away from wild yam a little, Im not sure why you use it, but you should only stick to saw palmetto and fenugreek. Hi, Im contemplating buying some Fenugreek capsules/pills, what is the best dosage, and how long till I see effects, I am currently a 32b, and am very excited to see some results, many thanks! ordered online then grinded into a powder form. However i found some difference between your writing and replies that you have answered for other peoples questions and wondering whether i have to take fenugreeks not exceeding more than 4capsules(610mg) per a day or just follow after what you wrote that taking at least 10capsules(610mg) per a day for enlargement of my boobs .this is my question 1 and one thing more i wanna ask is would it effect my breast enlargement by only taking 3~4 saw palmeto per a day except taking fenugreek at all this is my question2 And from which month after i started taking 3~4 saw palmettos per a day am i gonna feel my breast becoming bigger. Say what to do. I love feeling feminine and my wife loves the puffiness. But one of the most important uses for fenugreek is to help augment the bust. Do you think it would help to add it? Im taking 2 fenugreek capsule 1 macca capsule and rubbing saw palmetto oil on my chests every night and leaving it overnight. Sahar I am trying to follow the different pages for Fenugreek, Fennel and Saw Palmetto. Thank you!!!! Now steep it into a cup of hot water for about 5-10 minutes. Feels good to the touch. There is no scientific evidence that breast oils can help the breasts grow, tighten the skin, or increase fat deposits around the breasts. Your nipples will start to feel sensitive. Yes, I have, but using ground fenugreek seeds, not capsules, and yes, it leaves stains and a lot of olive oil odor, I use old shirts whenever I want to apply it, and no, they wont help at all, just stick to fenugreek. Take it in the morning but don't exceed the dosage of 20-50 mg per day. My focus is on health and fitness writing, but Ive done everything from interviews with celebrities to how-to pieces about home improvement projects. Testosterone can stop your efforts when it comes to increasing your male breasts size. As a man, you have to understand that you are already at a big disadvantage, your body is filled with testosterone which is going to reduce fenugreeks phytoestrogens. One breast is a little larger than the other and Im sure this is normal in nature. Can I also use it to enhance my butt and hips? I know that I seem a little weird, but with what I survived growing up I could not be otherwise. Thanks Geenie. How Much Pueraria Mirifica to Take For Breast Enlargement Yes, you need to understand that Pueraria Mirifica is a very powerful and potent plant. One saw palmetto capsule a day with six capsules of fenugreek, that would be all. If you are nursing, have diabetes, or are taking any medications, consult a healthcare professional before use. I started using about week ago and started massaging as well. I saw it on the description. I have been on this routine for only about 2 weeks, but I have already noticed increased sensitivity and puffiness around my areola. This is very rare, but it can happen, so, dont worry, and if they occur often, it can mean one of two things: Large Fenugreek intake, especially without following a good diet thats rich in starches, lots of unprocessed carbohydrates, and more importantly, healthy fats and proteins may lead to hypoglycemia, low blood sugar levels. It is a total of six Three twice a day. I first wanted to charge my anatomy in my 40s taking prescription of Premarin, Cyproterone Acetate for a couple of years. Why Fenugreek Works at Increasing Male Breast Size? The answer is not to consume more than the recommended dosage (500600 mg, three times a day) of fenugreek because that will only stunt the development of your breasts. Fenugreek is an amazing plant to increase your breast growth and volume. M to F Transition. Grind them in the morning to make a paste. Hi Ive just purchased fenugreek 300mg and saw plamentto 3000mg capsules, how many should I be taken daily please. It is nature's most effective anti-androgen and can help any male to female crossdresser or transsexual develop feminine breasts without the risks of surgery or synthetic hormones. Hi Sahar, Is their a difference between saw palmetto for men and saw palmetto for woman. Apply one teaspoon saw palmetto cream to your left breast, Using the tip of your fingers, in a circular motion, massage from the outside to your nipple for a minimum of thirty seconds, Using the palm of your hand, press gently on your breast for another thirty seconds, this is important to soften your breast tissue and to increase liquid retention, Use a paper cloth to get rid of as much fat as you can. Im using 3 capsules 618 mg capsules fenugreek three times a day with saw palmetto 3 times a day 256 mg capsules With food and lots of water Also I use coconut oil and fenugreek oil to massage on my breasts every morning out of the shower Ive been also using noogleberry breast pumps and I think that have helped as well I measure 44 band size and 48 breast size which I think is a B cup? However, on the areola, above both nipples, there are little raised bumps and some white bumps appearing. You cant vouch for the purity of the herbs. Fennel and liver oil are two ingredients that can be combined to make a delicious dish But in reality, it is not! Im a 68 year old Male. The medley of herbs you'd be taking with Fenugreek usually adds up to the same amount as just taking a Pueraria Mirifica supplement. How long would it take If I was to bet to a C cup? Good evening Sahar I have a few question. Can you recommend additional dosage or additional supplements that can help me develop breasts. Well, its typical to start seeing noticeable changes in your breast size after 2 or 3 months of using fenugreek regularlyalthough there have been cases where women experienced growth after 1 month or less. Thanks,Natasha. You may notice an increase in size, fullness and firmness in three to four weeks, but for optimum permanent results you should take Bust Bunny for 3 - 6 months; individual results will vary. It is recommendable that you take 2 pills 3x a day. LEARN MY SECRET FORMULA TO INCREASE YOUR BREAST SIZE IN 3 WEEKS! And I feel sore on my nipples Im I safe? please advice me, maam. Yes, as long as you keep taking the herbs, your breast will look full and perky. Would these work? For a man to grow beautiful breasts, he needs to lower testosterone conversion levels without affecting his sex drive and overall health. I have wanted to be able to lactate since I was a young teenager, do you have any recommendations for dosages or plants that can induce lactation as well? And this is also why fenugreek is often used with male to female (mtf or m2f) breast enlargement with great success. Please answer quickly. Dont forget youre a man, it will take longer. Read also Can you mount a TV into a brick wall? Another question have you recommended or used the Natures Answer low alcohol fenugreek tincture? My current breastsize is 70b, its an Europian size. It depends on the amount because there is a limit you should never exceed, take too much and you may get side effects, so you have to start slow, thats why I keep saying to my readers to not exceed two times a day. Suggestion for tea. anyway, your technique will work as well, go ahead and use it. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Hello, I have commenced taking 6 fenugreek 600mg supplements twice per day alongside 2 (supposedly) 3,000mg saw palmetto supplements per day. Either way you have a great blog and I have enjoyed reading it. 4. Complement fenugreek with other breast enlargement herbs or exercises. appears to be a new type of antiandrogenic compound . Finally, you can slowly increase the amount of fenugreek you consume until your urine and sweat begin to smell like maple syrup. Yes, it will help you, please contact me via my contact page. Fenugreek for increasing breast milk works like magic. For many women, 3-4 capsules three times per day is the ideal dose. Personaly, I have been mixing different herbs for a long time and I have had only great results, my advice is to ignore this and take action, the herbs you mentioned are amazing, use them. How much fenugreek powder should i take for breast enlargement Introduction Fenugreek is a plant that has long been used to treat health concerns, such as diabetes and low milk supply in nursing mothers. But what if I just use the oil and rub it on that area only. This is the mistake I see men doing all the time; they start consuming fenugreek in large amounts on an empty stomach, soon, they would find themselves feeling nauseous, irritable, and having stomach and intestine issues such as gas and diarrhea. I have dedicated my life to Health & Fitness since the age of 18. Seeds It depends on your body weight and the severity of your condition. grocery store powder fenugreek sticks to your mouth so I try to deluite it in water. Mine went up a full cup size with 3 capsules 3 times a day. Hope that helps. A dose of 1 gram daily of an extract of fenugreek seeds has also been used. No more than six a day, try to not exceed 600mg per capsule. Estrogen pills. According to studies, the general safe dose for humans is considered as 1-2 mg/kg b.w./day (milligram per kilogram of body weight per day). I dont want to lose my male function or size I would love to be at least a b cup or c . Some reports suggest that a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds should be consumed first thing in the morning, but if you find it difficult to develop a taste for it then you can even have it in your curries, dal or other food preparations. I am also using fresh picked stinging nettle in my homemade breast cream (as well as emptied fenugreek and saw palmetto capsules in the oil) as I was told it is also a galactogogue plant. 500 mg 4* a day. I really pray this works for me! I also added 1 capsule a day of 150 mg of black cohosh. As many as five capsules per day may be taken, but they should be taken with food to avoid stomach upset. However, taking large amounts of phytoestrogens comes with many side effects. But we have a better way, a faster waysimply combine fenugreek with other breast enlarging herbs, such as blessed thistle, black cohosh, and fennel seeds. Yes, this is quite normal, dont worry, it will pass soon. Please help! as a Man I had regular man boobs, a bit of gynecomastia had set in already and I decided rather then drugs and possible surgery to actually try and enlarge my breasts using this method coupled with NOOGLEBERRY breast pumps Well if my measurements are correct I am a full B cup which is awesome. Then I remembered the saw palmetto, and the hormonal effect. Hello im a man and im not taking any herbs yet but i want but anyways my breats are sensative especailly around the nipples and i have gained a little size in them and they kinda hurt a little when i dont have something like a bra or sports bra or a wrap around them so sould i buy fenugreek and saw palmetto and what would be my dosage and will i have any effect on my penis like will it shrink or stay same size and even though i feel feminine now will i feel a lot more feminine later or feel like a female. At $18.50 per bottle, it might be a more cost-effective and hassle-free . dose your breast size i might achieve depend on the size breasts my mother had or is that not related to any of this. To increase your breast milk supply, we recommend a dosage of 1725 mg of fenugreek three times a day for 21 days. So, I even dress up, put on makeup and it helps, but it could be better. Most brands recommend taking 1 capsule 3 times per day, while others recommend 2 capsules 3 times per day. Thank you for your suggestions, indeed, fenugreek powder is far from being palatable or ok tasting. I have got great results w. I tried new herbal remedies every single month, and I kept reading many internet reviews and trying cheap products to see which ones work and which dont. Yes, you can make the paste without saw palmetto, although its very powerful. Again thank you so much! I like what I feel and see. One of my major concerns is blood clotting and other dangerous side affects. And is it dangerous? Great work by you..must acknowledge. Additionally, this herb is available in so many different forms: seeds, leaves, sprouts, capsules, oils, powders, and so on. The word modest may not sound too great, but the thing to note in the study, in my opinion, is that although sexual function did not improve by much, it didnt deteriorate! Massage until the oil has completely absorbed in the skin. They look like mine did when I was 13! And laughed. I find it difficult to believe since these seeds are known to be imported from India, anyway, just get ground fenugreek seeds alone, its more than enough. Is it safe and permissible to use rub the oil of both saw Palmer to and Fenugreek oil into a male breast and get the same results? Our fenugreek capsules have a 97% success rate, with customers reporting noticeable changes in breast size, perkiness, and firmness within 3 to 8 weeks. It is also commonly used to increase breast size. The last month my breasts have really started to form. So, for him, increasing his male breasts needed to be done only with herbs. Fenugreek is undoubtedly the most commonly herbal galactogogue, in other words, an herbal remedy which increases breast milk flow in nursing mothers, you can read more here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4585338/ . can other meds such as heart meds have an affect on the growth of Breast. You should not use fenugreek if you take diabetes medication because it could lead to very low blood sugar ( hypoglycemia ). I have the patience, no worries, and I intend to use this method like for 6 months or so. Been less than a week and can feel my small man boobs changing shape. Any information is appreciated. Try the internet, especially Amazon.com. No, coffe is good, alcohol not so good, avoid it. Fruits are a great natural remedy for breast growth as they help boost oestrogen production in the body naturally. Im really sacred. just starting to take 6 610 fenugreek twice a day, and 6 saw palmetto at 250 mg each. Everything going fairly well. Or do you take breaks ? I meant to say I take 1 1000mg of Saw Palmetto 2 times a day. My legs almost hairless! Hi, I just bought fenugreek powder and saw palmetto powder and I read I can mix them with olive oil and apply it on my breast Can I be taking the powder orally as well? It depends on the oil brand, sorry I dont know about your specific oil. Hello .. The table below gives you an idea of the dose amount often suggested for breast enlargement, depending on how you choose to consume the herb. Download Article. my question is, since ive been taking the two my tummy seems to have gotn bigger is this a side effect? One capsule of what power i mean mg ?? Most brands of fenugreek come in 580mg to 610mg strength. May I know is the dosage too high? Hi, I am blown away that I am only about midway into my first week and am seeing very noticeable changes in my breast size. Thank You Ronnie, Hello I am a male and want to start growing my male boobs to be more feminine like, I have started eating phytoestrogen enriched foods such as: Sesame seeds Freshly ground (by myself) flaxseed raspberries strawberries Broccoli sometimes Cauliflower sometimes Red Clover extract 430mg capsules 10:1 concentrated, Today I have just bought: Fenugreek extract 610mg capsules 6:1 concentrated, I just realised I might also need Saw Palmetto I can get 450 mg Saw palmetto with zinc capsules. The next best way is to stick to the doses recommended by dietary supplement experts. thank you!! I got the pills today how fast should I expect results. The answer is yes! So, watch the quantity and consume. Apparently I have been taking massive doses of each. Hi Sahar, me again. You see, although fenugreek is very rich in phytoestrogens, most men simply dont know how to use it properly, they think that by popping some few pills once in a while, they are going to get large boobs! My workouts are intense and I sweat a lot doing them, but would that make them do that? Lol have you tried applying it on your chest? thank you. I am guessing that this process my take a couple or more years?? Can I take 10 capsules (620mg) of fenugreek twice a day. I have found (UK) a brand called Natures Garden, also 610mg. Today, fenugreek is used to reduce inflammation and lower blood sugar levels. A dear friend of mine calls himself Amber and ever since he was young, he wanted to be a woman, to feel like a woman and of course, to have breasts like a woman. You see, fenugreek is going to increase phytoestrogens in your body which is going to stimulate breast growth, while saw palmetto, on the other hand, is going to lower DHT levels, which is a byproduct of testosterone conversion. I am not transitioning to a female I just want female breast. It will give you a nicer hip and butt, a little weight gain if you dont pay attention to what you eat, like myself hehehe. Also take Fennel and Fenugreek together after meals, lots of water. how to make fenugreek oil for breast enlargement TERMOTEC. Can I take 2 capsules empty stomach in the morning and 2 at night time after dinner? In the past, it was used to treat diabetes and heart disease. Try to start with 2 capsules a day. My mother had a 38 c cup breasts and I was just wondering if that is the size my breasts could reach in the end taking both fenugreek and saw palmetto or dose that not factor into what I am trying to achieve. Per day Acetate for a couple or more years? with 3 capsules times. 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