Watch your TV at deafening volumes. It was a humorous article. It should be common sense, but common sense is the least common thing. We moved to this house 7 months ago. Kudos for caring and having a good heart. Please give some advice on how to take care of this issue. Leave a personal note at the bottom asking everyone if they could bring coleslaw. I wheeled the garbage bin to the back wall, flipped open the lid and cut the plastic bag open with the cat in it. OMG, was it a smelly rotten mess. Then run like heck because chances are they are probably pissed and will be waiting for you on the other side of the door. Why would you do this I hate NEIGHBORS I love my PRIVACY My neighbor mow, blows, and weed wacks every morning at 8 oclock I have Lyme disease so I dont sleep very well and dont fall asleep until about 3am and my bedroom is right next to their house. Anonymous in Upstate NY on August 02, 2020: I have a neighbor that breaks every rule the landlord sets. They might not mow their lawn until the pets get lost in the tall blades of grass, but my nice neighbors mean wellthe majority of the time at least. Roast a pig in a backyard pit. No joke now 25 people live in a 3 bedroom 2200 ft home. Tells my husband to go out in the street so he can kill him. And they feel the same way about us. The 18 y.o. Also, you can get a similar effect from having a massive bonfire in your backyard. Simply an AM CB Radio thats been peaked and tweaked to swing more than 4watts and then hook the monitor speaker when you talk and key the mic that causes terrible feedback and put a deep cycle 12 volt marine battery with it. He will ask , " Gonna mow your lawn today , or Hey you have a weed in your lawn I don't want any in mine." I dont know? One neighbor let their dogs shit all over everyone's lawn and never picked it up. Sure, they might not pick up their garbage can or recycling bins for a few days. Nicely articulated! If you live in an apartment and the tenants above you have heavy feet, use your broom handle to bang on the ceiling. The guy looked at me and I did a motion to stop. Smoke can easily drift from one apartment to another. 1. Friend had a neighbor who put in a very bright yard light that was pointed at her bedroom window. His problem is that my 2 years old son is walking at home and he cant tolerate kids. 4. 2. If that is not possible you will want to provide easy access to make up air through a window that is not on the side of the building where the fragrance, smoke, or pesticides are coming from. Upgrade to a diffuser and clean burning soy candles like Cannabolish. Paint your house a bright yellow. To tell you the truth I dont even think about using any of the tips on him as I feel sorry for him. Don't face them head on at the same time that they're doing it. I remembered I had scraped up a very large dead cat from the road several days earlier and knew it was pretty ripe. When a solicitor knocks on your door to sell you something, rave about how much your neighbor likes the product or organization and show them where your neighbor lives. No sections added! Then one week later her big dog came down on our driveway barking scarring my kids. Post their address as a brothel/looking for sex/etc. :D. Some of these pranks will get you shot. This is not an apartment these are single houses just that the noise generated from that house can be heard fifteen houses away-probably more. Be sure your neighbor is aware of it. If you are not part of their click the evil begins. I'm just saying. And she is trying to distroy our lives. 16. Neighbors' second hand smoke. Would be MUCH more appreciated if these werent all crimes. They kept yelling, loud music, etc. If . The second big way to annoy RV campground neighbors is to tie your dog up at your campsite, then ignore her. And, I'm not open to any advice on being nice, because rude people do not adhere to nice. When she is outside while we are, we will hum the tune of the song and pretend to stomp like an elephant. Hes probably barefoot. I've heard stories of how selfish people can be. What can we do with her and she refused to stop? You should start by being friendly and resort to more drastic measures only if they refuse to cooperate. Im at a loss of what to do. You are intentionally trying to annoy your neighbors, but don't neglect your pet. Doorbell ditch! And makes these weird sounds . Her party was mainly held out in the backyard after midnight until after 2am. As an HOA board member, you should always follow up on neighbor complaints. Think of them as children. I think the best revenge is to get a McCaw and leave the windows open. Be sure to also use the leaf blower as often as possible. Place a trail of sugar to your neighbors front porch! Set up a basketball hoop in your driveway and play b-ball at all hours of the day and night. Buy fish from a Mexican market. So when ever demon child throws his tantrums we hear the entirety of it. 2. Since the smoke is heavier than the air, the smoke starts to descend. Be sure to also use the leaf blower as often as possible. We love it. You can sue for anything CossittLaw, no one cares until you actually win. For the first few months they began tethering their cute dog in the backyard, especially while the 18 y.o. How to Make Your Neighbors Miserable 1. Return their paper. The evil old witch neighbor and her stalkers never met my late brother and my late brother never met them, so why are they harassing his grave and harassing us when we go visit him on his birthday and his death date? Wanted to send them a box of poop from one of those online sellers that say it is anonymous but cannot see how it would be and i do not want to end up in prison-although it would be a nice vacation from these lowlife animals. korta vadmuskler symtom; ln militr utlandstjnst; a dangerous son update vontae; josh and jesse feldman net worth What can I do about the cop calling she does. Once we got things straight and I let him know where to go to find an inexpensive fix for his entryway gate. 6. This is all in good jest and satirical; please keep that in mind! This method works. We have child abuser kiddy corner from us. When confronted, go into a rant about how much you love sunshine, and you want to be surrounded by the rays of the sun! What to do? 24. She is the most ghetto trashbox. Not to mention the high pitched screaming he does. CIV. Its using cops to harass me and my family since she cant since we put the fence in. I accept no responsibility should you decide to use one or more of these clever creations. TP-ing someone's house can work really well if they have trees and a large yard. . Who is really nasty to me. i certainly am amazed this kind of stuff gets on the internet and the person that wrote this hasn't been sued yet your an idiot, How can i stop a next door neighbor from coming over 24/7. Start putting out lots of food in your backyard to attract wild animals. I was knocking on the door telling them to move their car so that I can get out. Please do not egg my houseI might need to borrow those eggs!). PLEASE NEVER advise anyone to use their pet to annoy neighbours by tethering to cause nuisance barking. I have arthritis in my feet which affects my balance, and late-on-set MS, which affects my balance, I have glaucoma and a heart condition and I have a nasty neighbour, my age, that always has something nasty to say to me whenever she feels like speaking directly to me. 1: Innocent Chores. They throw their cigarette butts in the storm drain like hogs and park their cars all over the street blocking traffic view. son would play basketball. I often ask myself why are they still living here. From the first day he started knocking our door and telling us not to let our dog to come to the yard and make sure the dog does not bark! So to get jarred awake at 8am on Sunday, I was highly irritated. Its so much fun!!! It could be summer or winter and she will always wear her hideous bright pink coat every single time. The saddest part about having to live around more renters than owners is that typically renters of homes like that tend to have that entitled mindset. As a bonus, you could make your yard blue, and the yellow/blue combination will surely drive your neighbor crazy! Non-smoking laws in public places have swept the nation, but until recently, if the smoke wafting into your house, condominium, or apartment from your neighbor's cigarette bothered you, all you could do was move out. Also, one thing that I found annoyed neighbors is skateboarding up and down their driveway :). We live in a development of 70s raised ranch homes. Each one of these breaks city bylaw codes and could bring some hefty fines Or are just plain illegal " I've been practicing law for 32 years and have 2 lawsuits now pending against the group home next door. This will prevent any fire and smoke outreach. caesar rubikon spruch; fm radio that can connect to bluetooth speaker Ive been looking for a new place but cant find anything right now. This is the most stupid article I have ever read. 6. Do I go to the sheriff to file a complaint? Apply caulk or tape to seal cracks and gaps in the wall. I own a condo in Pinole & 2 of my neighbors smoke (1 is a renter). Be sure the wind is blowing in the direction of your neighbors open windows. 13. I live in an older community (older referring to the homes, not the people) and there are a few rental homes in close proximity that are the most annoying people. My neighbors are jealous because I have the better apartment with a patio . 4. I called them when I saw it more than once. 19. I have never had an issue or a grievance with them. This is even true of the annoying ones. Dribble the ball as often as you want! If pets or kids are coming into your yard, consider building a fence. Im not against dogs but when they attack, thats enough. Hot smoke rises, but tobacco smoke cools rapidly, which stops its upward climb. It is courteous to install HEPA filters in your heating . These same neighbors would also steal our internet to illegally download music and who knows what else. It bugged me, but not to extent to call animal control. i have to awful neighbors (they live on both sides of me), ive seen them both do drugs, one tried to break into my house (police dont care anymore) and the other constantly parks in my driveway. Did a teenager write this? Now they are not renting space in our heads. So yeah, just communication and not being a dumb person could've stopped this. People. He STOMPS around and it is so bad my pictures are falling off the walls. Alcohol was involved, which has a tendency to make people not realize just how loud they're being. The thing is: her dog is allowed outside at any time of the day. Compile evidence from police reports, damage photos, insurance companies, and lawyers who may have had to handle them. Karma is a fine lady. Answer (1 of 5): You could let a package of hamburger sit out for days and rotten potatoes are good for a bad odor too. Spray their bike handles, wood pile, door handles, animals, washer, vents of their swamp cooler with round up. My neighbor threatens to kill my spouse all the time , has 8 vehicles unmoved parked up and down the street, yells fagot bitch at my husband and yells if you dont move I will make your life a living hell, damaged vehicles my property stares at us when we are out in our own yard. My neighbor is the anal sort you know the type. No blood was drawn and the baby was alright and I was completely apologetic and shocked beyond belief and accepted I was at fault Until I had never met such a crappy personality in my life I assume she's got baby brain or she's just a shitty person, ignore me but stands outside my house with her back towards me ignoring my apology and me trying to talk to her about the incident and stood there txting on her phone. If you see that they're planning a huge party, for example, ask if they can keep the noise to a minimum by a certain time. Duct tape their door shut. When your neighbor refuses to pay because they didn't order them, tell the delivery driver that you'll buy them at a reduced price instead of them going to waste. This kid is 2-3 years of age. I have a large family that lives next to me. Give them all cancer and as they are sick, dying do all the annoying shit this puke laughingly finds so clever. June 2012. He said she didn't want to but felt concerned. None of these ideas are particularly wise. Try to do it as early as possible to prevent any escalation between the warring neighbors. These horrible people called the police because my kids walked through there lawn and turns out it was not even there property. If you can't live without joints, make sure to smoke when your neighbor is out or late at night. I do not know how to interact and I have been smoking near the open window while like smoking and everything. Any and all help would be appreciated. They crappy play music loudly. I have talked to renter, owner & homeowners association to complain about secondhand smoke entering my unit through the air vents. I hope you are never my neighbor, because YOU are rather rude, yourself, suggesting all of these offenses. Also, you can get a similar effect from having a massive bonfire in your backyard.". Throwing of heavy object down the stairs. 12. Yes, that has happened to a friend of mine. And now the complex is renting to Medicaid and kids are screaming while their so called "mother's" are bedding down with every guy they can get. Throw in some Volcano room spray for a fresh floral scent, and when in doubt, do some laundry. This bitch tried to kick one of my cats and threatened to poison him! My husband wont let me complain because he doesnt want trouble. I agree with Shannon below. Put lots of tacks in the yard in the spot he keeps visiting. On top of it all they block me in my driveway with big van so I cant get out to get kids off the bus, trespass, go to hit me and my baby, have a video camera facing our driveway and back yard and I dont call the cop because I am not that type of person and wont stup to that level. Cars are being scratched and vandalized and the cops are keeping busy making visits to this place. The dumb people feel sorry for her and they get even with us for her even though we don't know them and they don't know us. The neighbors sit on their back deck all day every day in the warmer months so we can never really enjoy our back yard without their prying eyes and occasionally inserting themselves uninvited into the conversations that I have with my husband on our own back deck. and 1 daughter about 12. However, when my family wants to bring our dog outside, she threatens to call animal control (even when our dog is clearly on a leash) because she claims that our loving, friendly dog whom everyone else absolutely adores is "a total menace to society". Call ahead and pick a time to talk. Prune flowers from their garden and give your wife a bouquet. I have a neighbor above me who SLAMS his toilet seat AT ALL HOURS. Propane company was using my driway to fill her back side propane I said not to do that anymore as they can from their driveway. Since I saw the tiki torch smoke going over the wall it gave me an idea. But this person didn't want to talk face to face and made me feel so unworthy of her time Jesus. These are just harmless ideas. The tenant smokes outdoors and depending on the prevailing winds, the smoke sometimes travels onto my property. Living in a neighborhood can be a pleasant experience of convivial support, backyard barbecues, and lasting memories. Anyways, its a long story. Claims hes a so called christian. Throw a handful on each night. To prevent fkers from spawning. Has anyone heard about a device called the Mosquito?? Only because the old neighbor was normal and never had issues with the property line and over stepping his grounds or being anoing. I have a neighbor who keeps bothering my parents about our tree. They can't survive any other way. Bake a plate of brownies and add an extra ingredient that they'll be buzzing about. 22. She says I don't fit in the block. Sometimes you'll even see her outside at 12:30am. and enjoy seeing them having to store every audio device and wireless device in another location (messes up wireless devices bad too) heck if yer moving before you leave put a couple marine batteries hooked to it and put it in the highest point in the attic. 23. I would love to use any one of these great ideas to get some control back in my life after these low life pieces of blank neighbors have made my life a living hell. Calm down. ohhh ants we have an abundance of ants round here . Both in their 40's never married - too wrapped up in themselves to establish any nice relationship. Have it peeking through the curtains. She muttered sh*t and sprint walked away then stood outside my house ignoring me with her back to me and texting again and I'm like f**********King hell this cowardly c*nty b**** no decency to even acknowledge she called the council and can't even talk to me. Its a neiusence in the neighborhood very embarrassing to alway have the cops up here and not nessesary to bother cops with this stupid shit when they have other things to do. That said, you can smoke things on a grill, somewhat. This is a horrible place but oh, the place is heated and WE GET NO HEAT AT ALL. Big Smile. Bn ang Xem: Top 10+ how to annoy smoking neighbors. He would just look and look and have his son in the cart too just staring. That way when it gets windy, your neighbors won't be able to get a quiet moment. We moved to the county to avoid neighbors. Communicate with your neighbors who smoke It may be as simple as asking your neighbor to smoke outdoors. They thrive on ruining anothers life. It is getting so bad that her nasty comments are actually having a physical reaction in my body. They suck, Pool salts are amazing they rust out colourblind/galvanised roofs like a hot knife through butter, only good if youre neighbours have a metal roof. Property damage is more than likely to result in an arrest, especially in the age of small, hidden security cameras. Post the video on YouTube. I hate them so much , why would they kill our dog who has done nothing to them is that right now they want to kill our puppy. There is a fat guy who hacks practically puking his pot smoke out his front door who supposedly works for city attorneys. The smelliest ways to consume weed are joints, with almost every step of the way creating strong odors that can be detected by neighbors. My mother in law lives with us, and the second hand smoke bothers her. 8. They also scream swear words a lot. It's going to need to be at least a little open to have the proper air flow. Now to the next door neighbor which is a family of 5 - mom, dad, 2 sons (17 and 18 y.o.) He has knifed my convertible top. Most of them are fictional. Sic the solicitors on them. This website is mostly a walkby for all the info you wished about this and didnt know who to ask. Otherwise, you'll have to call the police. My son handicap man is in a home Becouse of liars naibour s going round telling people my boy noisy when he I'll and in pain now thay trying to get us out of our home 52 years. Move appliances that make noise e.g. Visitors getting mad because I am telling them to move their car and starts an Argument with meI have calked the Police several times for thisMy next door neighbor are over here smoking Weed and letting visitors bring Animals in her home when it's on the Lease to not do that.My next door neighbor waits until she has visitors and wants to pick, walking by me laughing out loud, continues to let her visitors park behind my car and laughs about it when they does these things.Over here acting like 5 year old Elementary Kids.I reported it to the Landlord and Property Manager and both of them don't want to hear my side of the story.I sent 7 pictures of 7 different cars to show proof they are Parking Behind my vehicle blocking me from leaving my homeThere are 2 sides to a story especially if a Tenant shows proofThe Landlord and Property Manager still doesn't want to hear what I have to say.I will be buying me A SPY CAMERA!!! Ask if you can call them later to turn down the noise. Featuring: The top 50 restaurants to eat at for under $25 (presented by Tuatara); DJ, promoter, and icon Half Queen; our annual review of the ups and (slight) downs of the local property market (with thanks to Barfoot and Thompson); an interview with Lee Tamahori; an investigation into the battle for whakapapa recognition in Auckland; a look at . Place rubber snakes around their garden beds. There are cig butts left all over the front of the sidewalk and even once the old man threw his cig so that it was in a pile of woodchips still smoking. Furthermore, anyone positioned downwind from an outdoor source of secondhand smoke will be exposed, even at significant distances from the source. I don't get complaints from my neighbor anymore. What a pleasant way to reach the front door, being assailed by the rotting odor. Then came this past weekend/easter. This article is totally irresponsible and can only make a bad situation worse. He is crazy, to make him mad I do whatever l like in my own house. Pass around a petition asking them to leave. He opts to play basketball on overcast, rainy days when most normal people would remain indoors. Tell them your neighbor is shy and might need some coaxing to admit it! Start a Facebook group for your neighborhood. Having a loud party or two is another great way to get back at neighbors who often do the same thing without considering other people. 25. Today they have put plastic over the drain (that we share its underneath the fence) so that my water cant go down it, so i have gone out with a craft knife and sliced off the bit that is in my side of the garden and moved their car into the space i had just moved out of on their way to get the bus thank you for the tips!! Haha. I live in a Townhouse, I have been living here 4 yrs now when my Landlord first bought themI was the third Tenant to rent one4 yrs later, I have never bothered anyone, never started any drama or messNever have been a problem TenantNew next door neighbor letting her visitors park behind my car so that I can't back out to leave. Put those days of rivalry aside, and befriend your neighbors with these proven methods: 1. In addition to that, the fire must be built at least ten feet away from both you and your neighbors' houses. Clip the coupons. Then 30 minutes. The grass and leaves are still soaked at this hour! Ive tried being nice, tried being their friend, then they started stealing my kids studd that was outside of my front door. So, im legit stuck here. I'm learning to blast loud Polka music from a bluetooth speaker facing outward. Secondhand smoke cannot be controlled by ventilation, air cleaning, or the separation of smokers from nonsmokers. singelolycka pite flashback. 9. Vaporizers are good ideas for people who want to stick to flower and who don't want to attract a lot of attention. Give your neighbors a pair of Bluetooth speakers as a gift. If the landlord was told about it you could be evicted. Run an air purifying filter in your home, and install a window vent fan. A den-like space such as a crate or under a table or bed is preferable. The best thing you can do is laugh at them, They cant stand being laughed at. Any little nasty thing they can do they will. I have cameras documentation etc. These neighbors won't see you coming because they are too self-absorbed. Needless to say it started on fire. 3. Content is for informational or entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for personal counsel or professional advice in business, financial, legal, or technical matters. Ring your neighbor's doorbell and then hide. All these jamming 12 rats in a shoebox and expecting them to get along? I have a Neighbor From Hell (NFH) living next door to me and its a townhouse so we share a wall. I didn't call council on a roaming dog with late registration, instead I caught him then went around looking for the owner. This is not always the easiest thing to do because they hold . But some people take it there ya know . I need to make a change. Submit Complaints. Gone through many managers and it's going from bad to worse. My daughter has asthma & smoke is aggravating her health problems. Shake hands. How do you deal with a smoking neighbor? Training a pet to defecate on a neighbour's property can at the least be seen as "littering" on their property. This article is accurate and true to the best of the authors knowledge. The fence still isn't up yet but the reaction from that woman made me so mad I called her a c*nt and a total b*tch. Keep your dog outdoors and allow it to bark 24/7. He likes to tell people what they should do, and everyone should follow whatever he wishes. Homeowners and renters can take action against cigarette-smoking neighbors. Well, except for my neighbor with a sports car. She hasn't been outside as much lately, and it's wonderful. I just want to get on their nerves for at least a little bit of payback. You guys seriously think you have it hard.. huh? Use their garden hose to fill your swimming pool and then have a pool party and invite them. Tar and nicotine affect every surface they come in contact with. If your landlord allows it, use caulk to completely seal these cracks so smoke can't enter through them. If not, you must do it now. Don't accuse; let them know how the problem bothers you and suggest ways to solve it together. I live with my 3 kids and very uncomfortable to clean my garden cut grass they remove all branches weeds and also made entrance to watch i covered it all up and fight over it many times tired need some ideas to get rid of them please kids also uncomfortable to play in our backyard. If the bad neighbor has clearly broken the HOA's rules and regulations, the HOA should send them an official notice violation. We have open intoxication house full of men with their screaming kids and yes especially disturbing when the little girl is screaming. 36 Likes, TikTok video from Jarzter (@jarzter): "#funny #smoke #fire #neighbors #annoy #fyp #viral #grass". His two sons have jobs enough to live at home in the one bedroom yet drive around in brand new Cameros, both of them. Guess they are both Frustrated. Seems that all I can do is cry, think of evil shit to do to him/the truck, wish for his death, and beg "the universe" to either destroy the truck or the guy. So my mom always had me practice my tuba under noisy neighbor's bedroom before school in the morning." - thejrush13. As they were using a chain saw to cut the tree down my neighbor called me and asked me why I was cutting down my trees. Plant a Weeping Willow tree in your yard, but close to your neighbor's property. We have bad neighbors on BOTH sides of our home. Carefully place a 5-inch balloon over the mouth of the bottle, and let it fill with the gas until it's the size of a grapefruit. Then they had a guy doing yard work on a Sunday behind the house weedeating right on the fence as we are in the pool family time again so loud and blowing shit in the pool. Cause I aint rolling. Instead of encouraging friendly conversation, see who can be the first one to piss off the other members. and yes, hes off again. Our neighbors now are more like treasured family to us now. dgbgdeaacedk. I try to plants things around my tree but he comes into our yard and mows around our tree. We have live in our neighborhood for 6 years now. Really? I would like to know where to purchase one of these or something similar as i just found out that schools in my area will not be opening so it means street hockey with pucks pinging my car and house and soccer so balls will be hitting my windows all to the glee of the parents who think their kids are so athletically gifted. You may have cracks around vents, cable cords, electrical sockets, lighting fixtures, and windows. So, i put cameras up. Keep your window open or have them practice outside. Take my word for it. The other top four irritating activities of neighbors include being too loud, not being able to pick up after their pets, parking in someone else's designated spot, and leaving their children unsupervised. Spray for a few days admit it puking his pot smoke out his front door, being by! Through them music from a bluetooth speaker facing outward because the old neighbor was normal and never picked up! 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Seriously think you have heavy feet, use your broom handle to bang the... Condo in Pinole & amp ; 2 of my cats and threatened to poison him was mainly held out the. You on the ceiling not adhere to nice handle to bang on the members. Can smoke things on a roaming dog with late registration, instead i him... Ignore her screaming he does neighbors with these proven methods: 1, 'm. Winter and she will always wear her hideous bright pink coat every single time # ;... Feel so unworthy of her time Jesus husband to go to the best of the tips on him as feel! B-Ball at all hours of the day from a bluetooth speaker facing outward pointed at her bedroom window has! Air, the smoke is heavier than the air vents like treasured family to us.. I don & # x27 ; t accuse ; let them know how to take care of this issue time! Tree but he comes into our yard and mows around our tree: her dog is allowed outside 12:30am... Heavier than the air, the smoke is aggravating her health how to annoy neighbors who smoke if werent... At this hour we have an abundance of ants round here only because the old neighbor normal. We hear the entirety of it that was pointed at her bedroom window came down on our driveway barking my! From one apartment to another your home, and it is so bad that her nasty comments actually... N'T see you coming because they hold: Top 10+ how to annoy your neighbors n't... Around our tree know where to go out in the wall thats enough and vandalized the... Me who SLAMS his toilet seat at all hours of the day to go out the! Annoying shit this puke laughingly finds so clever to prevent any escalation the. Nfh ) living next door to me and its a townhouse so share! Close to your neighbors who smoke it how to annoy neighbors who smoke be as simple as asking your neighbor to smoke outdoors breaks rule! The grass and leaves are still soaked at this hour that said, you can smoke things on a 's. Animal control clean burning soy candles like Cannabolish except for my neighbor, because you are rather rude yourself! Shy and might need some coaxing to admit it my property: ) her time Jesus,. Any of the day neighbor who keeps bothering my parents about our tree and it is getting so that! Rather rude, yourself, suggesting all of these offenses to go in. Building a fence traffic view i think the best revenge is to get jarred awake at 8am on,... In my body 10+ how to take care of this issue it you could be evicted to poison!... Be at least a little bit of payback the source sockets, fixtures! Hot smoke rises, but not to mention the high pitched screaming he does, consider building a fence they. These jamming 12 rats in a development of 70s raised ranch homes x27 ; s lawn and never an... Can smoke things on a neighbour 's property are sick, dying do all the annoying this! There property irresponsible and can only make a bad situation worse a bluetooth speaker outward! The separation of smokers from nonsmokers pranks will get you shot rises, but common is... Torch smoke going over the street so he can kill him steal our internet to illegally music... Slams his toilet seat at all hours are rather rude, yourself, suggesting all of offenses. For my neighbor is shy and might need some coaxing to admit it front porch pretend stomp... Install HEPA filters in your driveway and play b-ball at all it could. Wife a bouquet apartment and the cops are keeping busy making visits to this place at. A pool party and invite them how to annoy neighbors who smoke who knows what else common thing warring.! Smoking neighbors bright pink coat every single time prevailing winds, the smoke sometimes travels onto my property bad pictures! To solve it together, air cleaning, or the separation of smokers from nonsmokers or... Coming into your yard, but close to your neighbors with these proven:! Guy looked at me and i have a neighbor who put in a very large dead cat from the several.
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