It doesn't go so well. (though she does end up killed off in the end so that Mark can have his son with her without having to see her). Even as a 22 year old he anxiously awaits the day his father would come back to take humans and the earth. In the Multiverse, in many universes, there is always that one person that never exists in another universe. two teens learning that it's a lot of smoke and mirrors Art hands him a suit, but Mark wasnt sure about orange and yellow and wanted something more iconic, which Art understood. She and other Viltrumites attended Nolan's inauguration ceremony on the warship. Nolan looks at his hands and flies away, breaking through the atmosphere as he cries. She flies back to see her husband and two children [11]. trying to avenge her death by killing Invincible, who they view as being responsible. And maybe a few extra if I feel like it. Invincible is based off of Superboy/Conner Kent from the DC Comics. Thragg. tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits. He still receives a common complaintthat it's really uncomfortable. Once they are in the sky, his father tells him he would get the hang of flying, having to focus at first. #Invincible #season1 #Markandeve #sceneDon't forget to subscribe and hit that bell notifications to never miss a video when i upload! Later, news broke that the Guardians had been missing for a week. He landed back on Mars and told the Martians he needed to take a rock. He tells Nolan that he wouldnt let him destroy his home, and Nolan tells him that he didnt know what he was saying, and wouldnt let him interfere. A day later, She runs into Mark on the warship, much to his anger. Thragg ultimately weaponizes this, conquering Thraxa and setting up a breeding program via an enormous multi-generational harem of Thraxan women to build an army of. Mark out of costume looks like a relatively normal human. In helping out your new home, Earth, will you develop a relationship with the coldest man you know? Mark was surprised to find out she knew Omni-Man was his father, but she explains that it was obvious. Eve gets called by Debbie and asks what was happening. He is the Viltrumite / Human Hero, Invincible and son of Nolan Grayson / Omni-Man and Debbie Grayson. Thragg found out and killed the scientist that discovered it because he is enraged that Viltrum's most infamous traitors are the heirs to the throne. Examples include his interference with Levy Angstrom's experiment which turned the man to supervillainy and eventual genocide via alternate reality Invincible clones, blindly making deals with the blatantly shady and unscrupulous Cecil Stedman, rescuing Dinosaurus in attempt to use his evil intellect for good which caused millions to drown from melted ice caps after it didn't work out, making deals with Thragg to have him and remaining Viltrumites live on Earth, frequently changing his kill and no-kill stances, and eventually deciding to not even try to stop his hero-turned-tyrant comrade Robot from taking over the Earth. Mark asked him if he could go, and Nolan let him go, telling him they would train the following day. ToddD.A. However, Robot wanted Invincible to try out as well, but Invincible told him that his father wanted to train him himself. Invincible races through the sky and goes to a rooftop, where he meets Titan. Paramedics receive her and the agents mention Invincible was cleared. She asks him if he had liked Nepal or China, but he doesnt know how to respond and changes the subject, buying her a rice separator. Really 700 Years Old: In the final pages of the series' epilogue Mark is in his five hundreds, with his appearance settling at a very muscular and well preserved man in his forties. They make it to Nolan's room, where they see Nolan laying without responding. And right now, he needs to buy time. Robot tells the team about the Flaxans and asks Invincible if they could count on him to help in the future. He asks her if they could start over once again, which she accepts by faking a phone call with him. However, Mark couldnt sleep and remembers when his father told him that he was from a planet called Viltrum and had great strength, could fly, and moved at superspeed, leaving Viltrum in order to protect Earth. Anissa talks to her husband, and she is glad that her husband helped her become a better person, and regretted what she did in the past, especially to Mark Grayson. . She tells him that a lot had changed for her as well and she felt she had upgraded since living with her parents. The next day, he discovered that Atom Eve was also a student at his school. She told him that she wanted to know the guy who had taken a punch for her. Mark got home and told Debbie that Nolan had saved them from the Flaxans but had gone into one of the portals. "If you would've told me at 13 that this would be my life, I would have never believed you". He asks if they can talk about something else, but William tells him that everybody in the whole world was talking about it, which angers Eve and Amber. Nolan congratulates him and tells him that they would train the next day. When Nolan was born, Viltrum was already the greatest empire in the galaxy, deciding to make it the only once. While another Viltrumite approached Nolan, she used the opportunity to whisper missed you, to Mark, much to his disgust. Mark asks if everybody had to go through a funeral again while looking at the graves for a second speech. ", Terra was shown to throw up a few times when she was a baby (right on her father when he was holding her), Omni-Man threw up when Green Ghost passed through him during. In Mark's case, he is nearly full-blooded. Art Rosenbaum greets Mark and tells him it was a pleasure to meet him, and gets Mark excited. Atom Eve also uses her powers to remove clothes and place them, neatly folded, in a drawer. Mark cries, but Nolan reassures him that this was for the greater good, not being able to know the truth until he had his powers. All the while, he has to deal with choosing a college, graduating high school and, of course, falling in love. effectively not fighting at all. OG character basically gets ATLA style powers, but with some extra kick based on what some of the characters in both ATLA and LoK do/learn and since being in a modern era would allow some more creativity as to how to use powers. She left, hoping that Mark realized the danger before then. They mention they would be going to Berlin, which makes Mark jealous. Everyone has secrets, of course. She apologized to him. He tells her not to show it to any geologists, and she thanks him for the rock. Only hope for a brighter future. However, his father tells him that he could go himself once his powers kicked in. Mark tells them they should go out. Mientras se acostumbra a la vida de hroe, Rick Sheridan reflexiona sobre sus emociones, sus sentimientos y la forma en la que cambiaron las cosas desde que es un ReAniman. He tells Mark that he would live for thousands of years since Viltrumite DNA was so pure, he was nearly pure Viltrumite. After hearing Mark was back on Earth, She rushed to the Viltrumite Warship and Eve attacks her. The man shooting it was being shot at by cops, but this didnt bother him. Issue 84 has him break out Dinosaurus in an attempt to find better ways to save the world. He tells Mark that the Coalition of Planets would want to hear about him since the Coalition was trying to unite enough worlds to stop the Viltrumite empire and mentions Mark could be the advantage they were looking for. Mark's inability to remember fighting The Elephant, despite fighting him multiple times. The Flaxan army invades the city once again, and Robot tells Teen Team that the Flaxans were now immune to the timestream, and they should consider the city lost. As Debbie walked in with snacks, Mark smiled nervously and left. She retreats with Thragg and other Viltrumites to Viltrum [4] There, she and other Viltrumites readied themselves for the Coalition to attack. Rick asks William if they wanted pizza, which he agrees to. When he gets up, Mark punches him again, fracturing his jaw. Occupation She asks him if he was new to the whole superhero business, and he reveals that he had just gotten his powers. They try flying again and fly through a bridge until a hole in the ground opens and Invincible meets Teen Team. He adds that everybody he loves and knows would be gone before he even looked 30, so he tells Mark that Earth wasnt his world, but he could help out by ending hunger, stopping wars, and giving them medical technology. but justifying it on the basis that he owns the comic and can do whatever he wants. Next two pages we see a multitude of characters' reactions to the event, ranging from suprise, confusion, fear, disconcert, and indifference. Mark is forced to decide then, and he says he does want to be a hero. Art told him that he needed a name from him so he could grab inspiration from there, telling him to let him know later. He told Mark that things would start changing for Mark when he started puberty, which excited his son. On Earth, news told the success the astronauts had in Mars. He asks Cecil if he would tell him what had happened, but Cecil told him it depended on whether he wanted to be a hero or not anymore, but Mark didnt know the answer. The Graysons make it back to their house. Invincible apologizes to Cecil for having punched Sinclair like that, but he understands and tells him he would lock Sinclair up, while doing his best for the humans who had been experimented on. a man in a trench coat with four mechanical arms coming out of his back. Planet-saving efforts and managing an ex-Empire left little time to relax or reflect on his home. At a baseball game, a young Mark gets ready to hit the ball as Nolan angrily watches from afar. RELATED: Invincible vs. Superman Who'd Win in a Comics Fight. He tells him that when he told the Coalition of Planets he had been going to Earth instead of Urath, they had lost their minds and lets him know there was a Viltrumite in his planet. He tells the doctors to save him since they needed Invincible, but also tells them to get a blood sample just in case. he'd be like with someone he comes to care about if he found that person. Mark and Debbie visiting Nolan in the hospital after the attack on the Guardians of the Globe. Mark complains that his parents shouldnt talk about sex in front of him, but his mother tells him that he should be happy to hear them express their love. William keeps asking Mark about being Invincible, but the latter mentions he doesnt even want to be a superhero and wasnt sure Amber would forgive him this time. He disc. She leaves but turns around to tell him that he should only tell Amber his identity if he was serious with her. Eve was able to drive many of them back, but had something thrown to her face which covered it. She later attempted to kill him by bear hugging him, but is attacked by Thaedus and released him. the what-if scenario shown to Mark by the alien glowing spaghetti plant. Cecil says that if Mark wanted to go, he would be doing a great favor, so Nolan asked Debbie for support. In the aftermath of his capture, D. A. Sinclair and Cecil Stedman talk. Mark understands, which surprises Eve, but he tells her that he had messed up when Black Samson and Monster Girl nearly died because of him and wonders if both of them need a fresh start. His father regularly reacts to threats further away than Mark can notice, When the Guardians of the Globe are called together in issue 7, most of them are in the middle of something, or just finishing up taking down a villain, so the call comes across as a bit of an annoyance. Anissa tells Eve that she was sorry that she raped Mark, but she did not regret it because she gave birth to Marky. Nolan takes Mark deep underwater, where he stops moving and then throws him into a mountain. Later Mark teams up with Dinosaurus, because despite being. They battled and she was shocked by his new found strength. Mark attempts to leave, but Anissa stops him. She tells him he didnt have to, and only had to be the best version of himself. Invincible tried facing the Martians, but was outnumbered, so he tried lifting the spacecraft, which he managed to do in the end, helping them escape. In 2017, a Live-Action Adaptation was announced, and is still in development as of 2022. Anissa is seen sitting on a bench, aggravated by the two men flirting with her.[5]. They agree that once Machine Head was taken down, he could be taken to the GDA. Mark said that it just hadnt been what he had expected, and she confirms that fights werent what they seemed on television. She tells him to plan the date next time, which he likes. Mark explained that he had left Amber in his room while he dealt with a crisis. The train hits Mark, who doesnt move along with his father and is hit by the blood, bones and guts of the passengers inside. While Mark Grayson and Debbie Grayson ate lunch, Anissa interrupted to get Mark's attention. One of the places visited by Angstrom Levy is a dimension where a virus killed all the Y chromosomes; i.e. He was loud. "*You* might be Invincible, but *I'm* still completel Prequel to the Ultimate Hero He throws them away and walks through the hidden hallway. He told her not to worry, and added that he and Mark could do more outside than sulking there. Her death is confirmed by Allen the Alien. Amber calls Mark, who disappears and returns as Invincible, stopping the cyborg's fatal blow. Mark went to Maya's room, but found out she had died, which Nolan described as part of the job. Mark was happy to find his father awake after his coma. Later, Anissa left with Nolan and the other Viltrumites to confront the drone. Nevertheless, his father quickly passed him. When Mark gets home, he runs into Nolan, who tells him to slow down. She flew through a Magmamite monster summoned by Doctor Seismic, similar to what she did when she arrived to the Earth. ; Retired Badass: After his daughter is born. D. A. Sinclair is an asshole. Background Information In fact he was like his best friend Izuku Midoriya who was quirkless. Well what's the worst that can happen right? Originally, Invincible was going to be named Bulletproof before Kirkman & Walker changed his name and costume. As she punched Rex, Invincible stopped her and told her to cut it out, but was simply thrown in another direction. She also reported that the area where one of Robots drones being located and the Viltrumites were awaiting his order. 1x08 "Where I Really Come From" Michael Jackson and the reader pull even MORE pranks on each other! Debbie asks if he would be late for dinner, which surprised Mark, but Debbie reveals that she had been worried before because Nolan had never been hurt that bad, but taking on aliens was a normal occasion. Invincible told him to leave and sent him towards a satellite, which was thrown back at him. She tore off their costumes, and proceeds to rape him. Justified with the interdimensional beings. Due to his faulty bracelets, Doc Seismic nearly fell into lava, but was caught by Eve, who was in turn helped by Invincible. Cecil hands him a comm device and tells him Eve would be there as well. Mark flew to the drone, attacking it, surprising the Viltrumites. Rex asks Eve and Invincible why they had gotten to the top of a building together, and Eve reminds him that they go to the same school and tells them that he had never gone to high school. Unknown to Anissa, Mark tells Nolan that Anissa raped him, but Nolan gets over it, saying Anissa had changed over the last five years. Enemies Over the course of his heroic career, Mark, as the superhero Invincible, has fought aliens, joined super-teams and bounced from dimension to dimension. Omni-Man reached Mount Everest first, and told his son to take deep breaths since the air was thin. Jarring. Mark lightly fought her off, hoping that she would leave him be. (Y/N) (L/N) and Mark Grayson have been best friends from birth. When the Coalition of Planet Warriors arrived, she launched into Anissa and suppressed him with a neckhold. Atom Eve protecting Invincible during the Flaxan invasion. This book is for any of your imagine ideas to come true. When Mark asks if she was okay, she tells him she had left home and didnt know what she was doing. Mark walks up to his parents and Nolan grabs him, telling him he had seen what he had done. Mark's gruesome "death" at the hands of Dinosaurs is broadcasted live. She asks him if he wants to talk about it and the doorbell rings, with William and Eve standing outside his door. The first two times, they don't speak at all. Omni-Man approached him and told him he looked ridiculous, also mentioning that he had skipped a few steps since he had caused a lot of destruction. He tells them that Monster Girl's only hope would arise if they triggered her healing abilities. Shrinking Ray gets eaten by one of Lizard members. After Nolans betrayal and disappearance Debbie tries to cope but every time she looks at Mark all she sees is Nolan. core of the planet Viltrum - allowing Mark, Nolan and Thaddeus to fly in and rip it apart from inside. Mark trains with his father, who tells him the basics of being a hero. She began to tell him about her refusal to mate with humans. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from Mark takes one of the cyborg's helmet off and finds out it was Rick, but Sinclair told them not to try to talk to him since he had removed his emotions. Latest Appearance He tells him to land, but Mark had a hard time doing so and eventually crashed into the ground. Cecil visited them and told them that they had seen somebody from Mars approaching Earth. Mark asks if he can go and bring Amber, saying he needed it. Anissa wasn't swayed, but much rather enjoying the battle. Robot greets Invincible, as well as Dupli-Kate. Immortal, like his name says, returns. The two lean in for a kiss and Mark flies into the sky happily and heads back home. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (1), Atom Eve | Eve Wilkins/Mark Grayson | Invincible (19), Atom Eve | Eve Wilkins/Rex Splode | Rex Sloane (3), Mark Grayson | Invincible & Omni-Man | Nolan Grayson (3), Amber Bennett/Mark Grayson | Invincible (2), Atom Eve | Eve Wilkins & Mark Grayson | Invincible (2), Atom Eve | Eve Wilkins/Mark Grayson | Invincible, Markus "Mark" Grayson/Samantha Eve Wilkins, Markus "Mark" Grayson & Ethan Crane | Supreme, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, The Secret Origins of the Alternate Invincibles, Mark Grayson | Invincible/Robot | Rudy Conners, experimental as Ive never written for this fandom, Nolan Grayson | Omni-Man & Markus "Mark" Grayson, Markus "Mark" Grayson & Samantha Eve Wilkins, Deborah "Debbie" Grayson & Markus "Mark" Grayson, William Clockwell & Markus "Mark" Grayson, Original Villain Character(s) - Character, who will probably only show up in this fic, this was supposed to be 1k but my hand slipped, My Castle Stands upon Pillars of Salt and Sand, Mark/Amber/Kate/Rex/Original Character(s), Mark Grayson/Samantha Eve Wilkins (mentioned), Marky is a product of rape so there's issues. His project, the Reanimen, is stupidly named and horrific. You have no name, and no more home to go back to. Eve has problems and is uncertain about the future (EP 4) making her a more real character in my opinion. People are setting up memorials for the Guardians when Flaxan portals start opening. The astronauts tell Houston they arrived, and one of them spots Invincible, but none of the others do, so he tells them to forget it and they get to work while Mark looks at pictures of Amber, mentioning that the mission sucked. William worried for Mark when he approached Todd directly. After the defeat of Thragg and Robot and dealing with his newly discovered. At Upstate University, they greet Rick, who helps them with their bags. Two heroes, learning how to save the world - and hopefully save each other. Amber asks which his favorite is, so Mark starts talking about them. Later, Mark visits his father, saying that even if he didnt like being in teams, he found Teen Team to be very cool except for Rex Splode. Ugh. On Mars' surface, the Martians turn to face the astronaut who had been replaced and saw he had been taken over by sequids. Granted, there were moments of peace, moments where those thoughts could creep into his subconscious. After, she grabbed Tech Jacket. She tells him that he had done well for a rookie, which he didnt buy since people had gotten hurt and he had frozen, but she told him that he had helped people escape and revealed that she used to throw up before fights, but got used to it. Later, Debbie finds Mark bleeding and asks if he was okay. [1]. This goes more so into detail of marks mental health and what happened with his father the first time they trained together. Hes surprised when hes called yet again, so he picks up and Cecil pops out from his phone, relieved that Amber had left. Mark refuses to give up and emphasizes his refusal. Mark, exhausted from the ordeal, sat down while she stood, commending him. I do not own DC or Invincible. He originally controlled the robot remotely. a person wearing a red glove with a web design on it. Teen TeamGuardians of the GlobeGlobal Defense Agency You are an alien who crash landed onto Earth. Unfortunately, this revelation kicks off Omni-Man's slaughter of the Guardians of the Globe and reveal as an intergalactic villain. And he watched Sinclairs abominations buzz with the potential to turn Mark into a red puddle on the floor. Mark asks her to leave him alone, saying that he didn't want to fight. Another day, Invincible and Omni-Man fought a villain, who they wanted to talk. But Cecils never been a good man; hes been a man who knows how to get what he needs. Just then, a news report came out, revealing that the Guardians were confirmed dead. The rest of his costume is black aside from the yellow gloves and blue boots that start from his knee's down. He asks Mark what he would have after 500 years, and Mark tells him he would have him. William tells him hes basic, but Mark looks across the cafeteria and locks eyes with Eve, who tells him to go talk to her. Mark told him he was scared and was worried he might not be able to be a hero, but Nolan told him that it was the beginning of a long journey for both of them and told him that it was okay to be scared but needed to push through. He dealt with a web design on it n't speak at all is, so Mark talking... Omni-Man fought a villain, who tells him to slow down his new found strength based off of Superboy/Conner from... Been a man who knows how to get Mark 's gruesome `` death '' the. Can do whatever he wants and managing an ex-Empire left little time to relax or reflect on his home about... 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