Work Search: "The technology inside this device will give you a huge advantage in the war. Great Jumpin Hera!. She was fully recovered from her fight with Robin, and her own clashes with the Nazis had left her unharmed. Hmm, no sign of an accent to his impeccable German. (Ash will absolutely not do that at least, shes not stupid, the gangs are basically training dummies for Robins. Only, how. Erns concentrated, before stiffening in horror. Vandal Savage disappeared beneath the waves aboard his metal deathtrap, and sank without a trace. Carrying two injured men, Hawkgirl soared to get a better angle to try and find Green Lantern, and saw him carrying a third. Hal! Barry shouted, smacking the green lantern on the back of the head. With more already marching aboard giant aircraft larger than anything John had ever seen barring spaceships. 9. Batman is very suspicious of the newly arrived Amazon princess, but he isn't the only one. Most of the time, the real threats they had to handles were like when Hades tried to escape; a solo-act with too much power and ego. . Despite there being only four of the newcomers, they showcased superior skill as under their guns Axis fighters were killed relentlessly by their fury. Her name is Vikisha and she is a half superhero and a half villain, the most powerful hero and villain in the universe. The scream which tore from Martian Manhunters throat was real, as agony beyond his expectations crackled throughout his form. .. The very proof of it was in this room, with technology decades and decades ahead of its time. Except Shining Knight had been so outclassed, maybe Zoro had not thought whatever he used was necessary? Not so long as he called himself 'Flash.'. Injustice for All Part 6 Some choice," he said sadly and guiltily as he looked away, and she herself found the ground better to stare at. With that he was off, leaving a trail of smoke behind him as he headed back to the town. Instead they were busy stuck with a fighting retreat, trying to keep as many soldiers alive as they could manage. And more are coming. Hes a hero too. Green Lantern huffed, and lost some of his humour. On this beach at least. As he had told her, his wounds were all healed, except never before had he been scarred. Despite this, the two heroes had come to the decision that it was best to stick together and reinforce one position to the best of their abilities. The paper is softer and feels less generic. The man walked over to a countertop to the side, and picked up something from underneath a piece of cloth. General Hoffman. To be perfectly fair, figuring out how and where these impossible weapons were coming from was the highest priority. That they would acknowledge her experiences as a cautionary tale of the dangers of using it, even against the Gordanians. Regardless, even if this was not that Savage, he was certainly a Savage. said the biggest, with his jacket open to show his muscular chest, sleeves ripped off, extra-large gun (an automatic? . Green Lantern threw aside his gun and helmet. He could feel it in his soul. John Stewart and his compatriots found themselves surrounded by idyllic countryside. ", Their father floundered under the weight of their sham puppy eyes, "This wasn't- you can't-", "Remember what you said!" Martian Manhunter decked the shocked torturer into unconsciousness. With a line of those massive, wheeled tanks rolling aboard them, each of the multi-story high vehicles utterly dwarfed by their new mothership.. Gunfire rattled around him until he heard Easy Company covering him with their own guns. The ones still being produced were likely spares, or of course to make more planes. On hiatus until the summer. Clearly showing his best friend why he was the Green Lantern, and not the likes of Superman or Batman. Would have been a much shorter story, including with how after the tanks are handled, all the Justice League converging on Berlin and handling Savage.Except the truth is that this is surprisingly important for later plot points, particularly the Justice Lords. Go to Gotham City, they say. Computer slash phone they never sayrose: I knew it!black, no, wa--rose: explain so much. the eaten apple in the logo, its literally the devil's work. Smaller bursts of fire and destruction could be seen upon another, and his own vessel began to shake. Honestly, I did originally have plans for him, but for the sake of brevity I compressed three episodes into two chapters, so that subplot had to go. Indeed, their first time together had been to fight the Imperium when they had invaded, which had ended with the aliens extermination. Driving further and further inland, filled with the belief that they would be ultimately victorious. Say your prayers, Savage! A right hook stunned the would-be conqueror. Hawkgirl! Beardy was actually Wildman, and for reasons John did not want to know, the last and youngest was named Ice Cream Soldier. Whatever he is, said another, with a big, red beard, he doesnt look German., Dont let that fool you, said the first speaker. A scene from a TV show when he was flipping through the channels, back before he had even gotten his powers. As soon as they passed over a small bridge overlooking a hill, he let go and threw himself down, safely rolling with the impact. Face hardening, Savage stood up and said, Very well. Without looking away from them, she said Great, even as she hefted her grenade launcher at an officer. Steve Trevor had been a spy escaping Berlin when she and Martian Manhunter ran into him. A war-cry full of anger and defiance as a mace smashed through the glass. Each plane landed in perfect formation, and she was sure that many modern pilots with their fancier planes would struggle to do so well. Hairs on his neck went up just as he heard the ominous sound of cocking guns, and turned to find himself looking down the barrels of three rifles. Looked like they were back in the past to World War Two after all. Vandal turned to aim the metal glove he wore at the general, and shocked him with a blast of electricity. Leaving the others behind to finish getting up, he dashed up some rubble to where the roof was torn off to get a view from the second-story. Because theres no ignoring what a threat the Straw Hats are. "Radio the others," he crisply ordered, "tell them to go on without us." No, I dont think thats true. Diana stated. A Knight of Shadows, Part 2 Today, the Justice League was having a Bring your kid to work day. Got a nasty spitball.". As the sun rose for a new day, the Justice League knew that against impossible odds, they had won. . . Lets hit em, and hit em hard, ordered Sergeant Rock. Now his enemies were fleeing for their lives, and would retreat back to Britain to stew in their failure. I didnt think he would have been okay with this, let alone come! He glanced down at John's hand. Glaring, the man repeated the torture, and now John was hugging his arms to himself as the agony ravaged every one of his nerves. No way! Then the boats had landed, with British, Canadian, and American troops making their landing, successfully liberating territory with greater ease than anticipated. And even now they were taking the occasional hits from those super-tanks. I will go inform him now, since you didnt care to.. Suddenly more planes began exploding as friendly reinforcements arrived. Something Superman could understand a little, having heard Lois story of how she had travelled to an alternate world where her death had hardened his own other-self into a tyrant. Again, I am late, but better late then never. Ruined! raged Vandal, picking up the wrecked laptop left mockingly out on his table. Looking away, he beamed at his savior, What took you?. The Heroes The commando dodged a back-handed slap, and grabbed his forearm where the glove did not cover, wrenching it up so Vandals own face was shocked by it. Their only real concern was whether there were any further surprises. Sure we did, and we left him behind with pirates gone nutso!, And if we didnt get through the portal, everything wouldve been for nothing! snapped Green Lantern. Maybe force them to land? (See the end of the chapter for more notes.). 21. ? she choked off her words for a moment, before saying instead, Do you think they killed him? Besides, why would he ever have to worry about fighting in a war? I saw them working on that, pointed Flash. Breaking off a pipe, he started swinging it to burst others, tear out wires, and whatever else looked vulnerable enough to make it crash. Only a few turrets missing. Something which seemed to be happening more and more, lately. "I still can't believe you left him behind!" They opened fire, but he was too fast and got in close. For the briefest moment, Fuhrer Savages mask of smug arrogance slipped. Can you use their communicator to send a warning?, Im not sure the signal is strong enough!, Weve got to alert the Allies, keep trying., "It's not too late," said Wonder Woman decisively. I pulled this from the control panel, said Martian Manhunter without preamble as he rejoined them. Groaning, John felt himself hefted off the ground by his arms, and dragged down hallways and up stairways. However, while the heroes had always won, it had been pretty close at times. Under one particular truck, a muddy and bruised Green Lantern held on tight. Well, that was fun, said Flash darkly as he rejoined the others. You cant stop em single-handed! Sergeant Rock yelled after him. other Batman had identified for them. 2. Four years later Robin rescues the ghost boy Lila has kept her Promise. Who knows! Starting with how it was only the six of them here, and no one else from the future. . Huffing and puffing, Flash took a moment to catch his breath. "I can still stop the invasion.". All while juggling her complicated feelings for the man she once thought she would spend the rest of her life loving. Billionaire Playboy by day, and Batman by night. She had forgotten the unconscious man was there for a moment. None of her usual enthusiasm at a good fight on display. And how much money did he spend on all this shrimp? Something else to add to my list of reasons why we need better teamwork and training, he decided. An island near France which was apparently somehow virtually unknown could be invaluable to the Justice League. That is if they were even willing to do so in the first place, given their general ego games, selfishness, mistrust, and host of other issues holding them back. A number that holds infinite possibilities and o Batfam x Batsis Reader Harry Potter AU "What country are you from? "This time all bets are off!". We shouldnt have just left him there! The best the big boy-scout had managed was to physically slow it down, while Jonn shifted his density to fly inside and pull out important looking things until it stopped moving. Ill be okay! he said back, and hefted up to her the soldier he was carrying. Diana thought as she returned to the cafeteria. Dozens of them. So whatever Zoro had used, it was something unique to them, from wherever those pirates had been stolen from. Hes no spy. ? he said in shock at the figure before him. She nodded in understanding, and went back to keeping a careful eye out. Vandal smirked smugly at them. A place where it was inevitable people would die terrible deaths on every side, and those who survived had to live with the consequences of their actions. He had to raise his voice to be heard over the constant explosions. But what they don't know that her evil twin sister,vidia, dressed as her in order to win Ba. "I couldn't find GL anywhere," he reported grimly, and Superman frowned in response. Only for the tyrant to dodge in turn when the hero tried to bring his fists down on the Nazis back. Furthermore, that future appears to have been made possible by the very act of using that time machine. Its getting too crowded here in the hall to wait for everyone to come.. The prisoner hesitated fractionally before the conviction of a superior man, only to then give a slight grin of his own, and fired. Despite the entire mess of a situation they were in, the two heroes could not help but exchange smiles. Superman threw himself in front of several soldiers about to be gunned down by the enemy fighter planes, shrugging off the machine gun fire. AND they didn't know Batman was you, I figured it out later". 5. Apparently the man was such a genius weapons designer he had earned his advancement on that alone. I see someones excited, Diana teased Barry. Good. However brief, their fight with the two members of the Straw Hats had not been pleasant, and no one was unscathed. ", "Guess you could call me that," he allowed. The guards held their position and opened fire, but Savage raced aboard, and the hatch locked shut. While undamaged, it took Superman by surprise as he was thrown aside. Instantly it began to play, displaying a message from his counterpart. What was now apparently a portal started to flare more and more, flashing a blinding light before safely imploding. Hey, we did pretty fine, all things considered, protested Flash. ", "Don't you even care what happens to him!?". While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Honestly, Vandal would have properly dealt with the man long ago, if not for the mans own connections and supporters, the political necessity of keeping at least one of the old Fuhrers people around (even if Hoffman had not been the firmest of fans), and the fact the man was actually very good at his job. What if these super-men are real? The Kryptonian would have solved this in seconds. 18. Batman has a clone, a sixteen year old clone whos eleven years old. The pirates had taken it to another extreme in their madness and grief, to the point they were unrecognizable. Heads up! called Superman, flying down with a tank held overhead. Next thing she knows, a miracle happens! Was that the slightest hesitation as he brought it over for Martian Manhunter to see? Especially with the risk of the Straw Hats?, At a guess, the alien speculated, the heavy matter was too hazardous for Savage to contain indefinitely. Well, except for a certain heavy man down below. A constant reminder of that battle, and he really was not sure how he felt about it. Diana couldnt help but chuckle when she saw the Flashs nephew speed ahead of everyone, only to turn back around when he noticed he left everyone behind. One passed Hawkgirl a sandbag as part of a chain of men, and she placed it on the improvised barricade. Jonns the best for scouting, so him going to Berlin for answers made perfect sense, except hes also the best for taking down these tanks! Taking his own breather, Superman was stripped to the waist to look at himself in the mirror, and his newest additions. "Best story on wattpad by far!" While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Assuming they were able to get home of course. He had seen Zoro dismember the man, and Savage was still alive as Fuhrer decades from now. For one, he greatly resembled the posters of the Fuhrer Savage in the future, who the . The number Zero means nothing. When the Grayson's died Dick and his little brother Danny where separated at the orphanage and taken by different families. The whole thing was impervious to even Superman, including the transparent bubbles the gunners sat in. Only he could not shake that feeling. 13. The short version is we all need some R&R, and then to get some heavy team training in.. Green Lantern, he weakly said. How was this built?. "Wildman, d'you think you can put a grenade into that rat hole? He glared icily at the accusation, and at the words impossible for this man to know. Hawkgirl stared after him with conflicted eyes, caught between wanting the man to go off on his rescue mission, or to stay here to help. Between Vandals official and personal agents, he would have long been alerted if the Allies had such tricks up their sleeves. Fury The Allies had been pushed back to the beaches, and were boarding boats to safety as fast as possible. He should have walked away, should have gone to the leaky cauldron, rented a room, slept, and owled his friends. You dont know what youre saying.. A jet engine.. Flash, he said with what patience he could manage, well talk about this later, but you know what call Batman wanted us to make for the sake of the world. Wordlessly the four fliers regrouped and gained altitude, looking down at the eight jets below, several of whom were trailing fire. It was safe to do so here, on Blackhawk Island, the home base of their new allies. The expression fell, I hope., I should have known youd be here, said Batman, stepping out into sight. No, it did not matter. Lieutenant Shayera Hol of the Thanagarian Empire was wondering how she was going to explain this in her report. Then the alien kept coming and wrapped his arms around Batman in a hug of all things. So it was definitely a future Nazi time machine . Across the countryside raced Flash, to the beaches, and he did not stop when he hit the water, his sheer momentum carrying him over it as he disappeared into the distance. Even if they were quickly fading. Privately, Superman was fairly sure jet engines had already been developed by now in the original timeline. Justice League & Justice League Unlimited (Cartoons), Mugiwara no Ichimi | Straw Hat Pirates As Family. He was better at covert infiltrations anyways. 12. Nor could it remain private, as he would have to share this with his teammates. No one knew how this morning started like this. even her parents. While this is a sequel, it can be read independently (I give the content you need in the story so you won't miss anything). hiding in plain sight. "Wouldn't be the first time.". Those destined to lead the world., Ah, so his guest had a wit, despite his circumstances. Ash is 14. His sister the stress-relieving part of D An Alternate Universe where Superman had a daughter when was 21. Little does he, and the rest of the league, know that this will lead to a lot more than they bargained for surprising reveals, heart-aching pasts, strengthening friendships, loving families, and unfortunately being targets for pranks. Because while they had been fighting with pirates, he had been scouting ahead figuring out what was so crucial about the lab, and how it worked. Proof that the remaining 10% is both vengeance and the night here. I can't wait for more!! " Take off!. batman robin dickgrayson brucewayne nightwing jasontodd damianwayne youngjustice dc timdrake redhood dccomics redrobin batfamily gotham justiceleague superman joker kidflash batfam 1.2K Stories Sort by: Hot # 1 A Mother's Trust by Krea 78.1K 2.2K 15 Lila's lies made everyone Marinette once trusted turn to her. Unlike others, he did believe there were still heroes in war, except he also knew the whole concept was a horrible thing. When she re-entered the hall, she paused in surprise when she saw who it was. "The instruments in the Watchtower picked up this anomaly a few hours ago. Quickly she briefed Flash on them as they hurried to greet them. He crushed the message in his hand, and threw it aside. Hawkgirl glanced away in dismay and a touch of irritation at his blindness. said Flash. Following it with a trip through a tunnel in time was not recommended. After being impriso After the wars, after all the people she lost, Percy was tired. 11. When it begins to go missing in large quantities, him and his siblings are on the case. Got me in the leg, Sarge, he told them in a pained voice. [1 in batman 1/12/23] It was actually starting to get annoying.. Perfect. Wheres GL?, His Ring went out, she said matter-of-factly, if also a bit louder. Are you alright? Martian Manhunter asked Wonder Woman while they flew to Berlin. Theyre invading America!, After a moment of shock, Steve snapped into action. Some kind of secret weapon? Like proper dogs, the military officers behind him voiced their agreements. The regular troops could handle the mop-up. A devastating attack in Metropolis leaves promising young detective Percy Jackson in desperate need for a fresh start. Superman ends up being taken on a date by Batman and when the rest of the league hears about it they want to join in on testing Batman's charm. His tone was casual, yet Martian Manhunter caught the slight hint it was forced, and believed it genuine. In the end, the two members of the Justice League had chosen to split up, with her covering that angle. It is in first person and does not use Y/N. Five men opened fire with everything they had. . Running to a motorcycle from the escort, John got it going, and raced to keep up with the lead jet. After everything they had already been through together. Summary: The Justice league wonder why Batman is always in a hurry to leave the watch tower, to they place a Martian mind trick on Batman before he leaves that shows them what he sees as a sort of projector, they use it to see what Batman gets up to in Gotham and at Home. And I will also give you a second advantage.". Handsome behind the mask, a justice league fanfic | FanFiction Batman didn't like these events, but Bruce Wayne had too. A stray round from the ships below struck him, and he fell from the sky. "You're right," said John. ", "Sarge, he almost got us killed!" He had escaped with one of the Nazis encrypted communicators, which would allow them to listen in to their most secure messages. Eyes sweeping the horizon, he noted how the super-tanks were withdrawing. Just so he could have the pleasure of staring up at the Fuhrers face, kneeling down before him with piercing, dangerous eyes. Meanwhile the Allied soldiers cheered and advanced. As a bonus, she might be able to keep it too. Except in this new timeline their arrival had been unsafe, and it had cost them a man they had loved, and along with him their sanity. Or maybe he just missed the mans ability to not only be confident in himself, but to make others believe in themselves as well. Seeing as how were stuck behind enemy lines, we couldve used some help., "Ferget it, Sarge," butt in Bulldozer, shoving forward to get right into John's face, exchanging flinty glares. "Guess you ain't such hot stuff without that Ring.". Silently Batman regarded the lab complex, looking for some clue he may have missed. -Urban Dictionary. Just a little work to dispose of all the super-advanced weaponry here and there, and Jonn confirming that the Nazi leadership had defrosted Hitler from his icy prison to lead them again. Why does Brucie Wayne smell like blood? 6. I will be, she said, looking a strange mixture of fury and regret. Hawkgirl, a.k.a. This chapter is an AU of a DCAU episode by the same name.Two and a half episodes actually, which we are cramming into here a bit . Well, at least now they knew where they had all disappeared to. Back to the present (past? . Thankfully, instead of taking offense, Bulldozers squad appeared more impressed than offended. Less from any lingering pain, and more her own mixed feelings about the self-proclaimed pirates. It doesnt work.. cried their leader as the four fighter-bombers dealt with the last of their wounded prey. "He must be pushed aside. . Speaking of which, each of the four men wore the same uniform, yet once again they were distinctly non-military. Because one of the few advantages the John and the rest had over their enemies was that supervillains were notoriously bad at cooperating with each other. Perhaps years.". The jet shook, and Savage cut off his weapon in surprise. Injustice for All Part 1 Those troops are getting decimated! said Superman. The dark knight walked briskly by her and past the entrance to the cafeteria, unemotional as his words he had just spoken to her. John Stewart was ex-military, and knew that was impossible. Like this.". This was not his first time in one either. Lifting up the antiquated rifle, he aimed and fired in the same breath, and the Nazi fell. [1 in catwoman 1/16/23] When he woke up, he was missing most of his memories and identity. For the sake of everything, there was no way was he going to give his enemy even an inch of a chance of surviving. With a sigh, he pushed his feelings aside, and went on to join her. Gun ( an automatic might be able to keep as many soldiers alive as Fuhrer from., shes not stupid, the Justice League was having a Bring your kid to work day not recommended wore. And gained altitude, looking for some justice league fanfiction batman handsome he may have missed his... Reader Harry Potter AU `` what country are you from sign of an accent to his German... 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