Under a progressive provision of the 1849 California Constitution, her status as a married woman allowed her the right to own property separate from her husband. Here are some interesting Ghana facts which were chosen and researched by kids especially for kids. Meet the influential author and key figure of the Harlem Renaissance. 2 thoughts on " Luzena and Wilson and Jessie Benton Fremont " weemcgraw says: June 2, 2015 at 2:58 am. She resided in a hotel, living off real estate transactions. The best way to a gold miner's heart and fortune and is through his stomach. Yes, he was the oldest of 12 children! Before beginning her journey, Luzena thought it would be a small task. She made one fortune in the Klondike Gold Rush, lost it, and amassed a second, which lasted most of her life. He swore that he would either have the land or kill every man who disputed his ownership. Nine months later, a fire swept through Nevada City. Guests slept behind a hay bale. Eventually, Luzena and Mason Wilson became substantial landowners in the town of Vacaville. Guests were charged $17.50 a week for a clean room, laundry services, and savory meals. This looked hopeless, and I told him I guessed we wouldnt go as we had no money, she explained in her memoirs. The buildings were of the roughest possible description, Luzena noted in her journal. Break in the Levee She resided in a hotel, living off real estate transactions. California Gold Rush entrepreneur. Their business was ruined. They were part of the great westward movement of Americans in the 1840s and 1850s. This hotel was tenanted only by rats that galloped madly over the floor and made journeys from room to room through openings they had gnawed in the panels. In 1872 Mason Wilson abruptly abandoned his family and moved to Texas. Like thousands of others, Luzena undertook the nearly 2,000 mile journey to an unknown land, where she'd rise from flood and fire, a survivor of the wild frontier. Literacy: More than 94% of the people can read and write. With a full table at every meal, they had ten thousand dollars invested in the business within six months. Name: Republica de Colombia or Republic of Colombia. After he built a crude shelter to help keep his wife and children warm and dry, he hurried off to stake out a claim. [1]The family had moved to Andrew County, Missouri by 1843, and in 1844 Luzena . I little realized then the task I had undertaken. Her culinary skills were popular during the rebuilding of the mining camp. Luzena invested their money in numerous properties in the area. During their stay in Nevada City the roads had been drastically improved. At times I have had a larger amount of money in my charge than would furnish capital for a country bank. Luzena did provide capital for Nevada City residents at ten percent interest on loans. Sometimes a whole day was consumed in going two or three miles, and one day we made camp but a quarter of a mile distance from the last. Upon arrival in Nevada City Luzena saw a sign for the Wamac Hotel and remarked, that her being a woman made her decide to take in boarders as a source of income. Mason Wilson farmed and the family prospered. document.documentElement.className += 'js'; Meet the influential author and key figure of the Harlem Renaissance. Others perceived you as an idealist illuminating path to the future. Language: Spanish. On the off-chance Mason never found a fortune in gold, the couple left behind funds with the justice of the peace to make another payment on their homestead. Wilson came overland to California from Missouri with her husband and two small children in 1849. Nevada City was sixty miles from Sacramento. Around us in every direction were groups of Indians sitting, standing, and on horseback, as many as two hundred in the camp. You were a seeker of truth and wisdom. Nine months later, a fire swept through Nevada City. In 1881, Luzenas daughter helped her compile her remembrances into a book entitled, Argonaut: A Womans Reminiscences of Early Days, . She moved to San Francisco, where she spent the rest of her life. Luzena Stanley Hunt was born 1 May 1819, the third of nine children born to a Quaker family living in North Carolina. They built a mercantile and furnished it with all the supplies prospectors needed. During the two months she operated the boarding house there was never a vacant room. Prior to news of the Gold Rush captivating Masons imagination, the plan was to work the multi-acre homestead and pass the farm on to their children and their childrens children.2, Rumors that the mother lode awaited anyone who dared venture into Californias Sierra Foothills prompted Mason to abandon the farm and travel to the rugged mountains beyond Sacramento. 120 seconds. In spite of the overwhelming challenges the Wilsons faced en route to California, many travelers before them considered them to be fortunate. They sold their oxen for $600 and purchased a hotel called the Trumbow House. He offered her five dollars for her biscuits. In, This page was last edited on 20 January 2022, at 15:43. The journal she started at the beginning of their harrowing trip did not end when she arrived in California on October 1, 1849. Mason Wilson, Luzenas husband of five years, marched into the house just as she closed the lid on the trunk and fastened it tightly. Luzena stayed on in Vacaville until 1877 when two fires destroyed her property. Finally Wilson found her tongue and accepted the offer. You could have seen your future lives. Luzena recounted her memoirs to her daughter Correnah, in which she describes her journey from the early days In her memoirs, she remarks how they later laughed at the idea that those few items would have really made a big difference. She was preceded by Margaret Wilson, Woodrow's first wife, and succeeded by Florence Harding. The gold claim was a half a block from where her business stood before the fire. And at one time I must have had more than $200,000 lying unprotected in my bedroom., Luzena never worried about being robbed. The Hardship of Heading West The wooden structure was the first one of its kind built in Vaca Valley. He was found guilty of theft, not only of the mule, but also the earnings of the young man who had placed confidence in him, [and who] gave him his bag of gold dust to take out. His parents were Joseph Ruggles Wilson, a Presbyterian minister, and Janet Woodrow. "Nothing but the actual experience will give one an idea of the plodding, unvarying monotony, the vexations, the exhaustive energy, the throbs of hope, the depths of despair, through which we lived," Wilson recalled in her memoir. Get the latest on new films and digital content, learn about events in your area, and get your weekly fix of American history. She, Mason and the children ran to the top floor of the hotel and stayed there for seventeen days as the floodwaters lapped outside. So, I bought two boards from a precious pile belonging to a man who was building the second wooden house in town. Some women worked in the gold rush's notorious sex trade. In Sonora, Mexican women hawked tortillas and tamales on the street. Willis Jepson, one of Masons friends, wrote a letter to the Wilsons oldest son Jay explaining why he believed Mason chose to leave his home and family. A whole night costs from $200 to $400." She was thirty years old. Get the latest on new films and digital content, learn about events in your area, and get your weekly fix of American history. In the event the Wilsons were able to stake out a claim for themselves in the Gold Country, they would sell their Missouri home and use the proceeds to aide in their new life. Mrs. googletag.cmd = googletag.cmd || []; In the spring of 1849 Luzena and Mason Wilson packed their wagon and drove west from their log cabin on the Missouri frontier with their two young sons. Mason agreed, and the two decided to go into the hospitality business. But behind the myth of the games creation is an untold tale of theft, obsession and corporate double-dealing. She told her story to her daughter Correnah in 1881 while Correnah was recovering from an illness, and her daughter later published it. This is a helpful summary of the roles of some specific women in San Francisco. She also expanded and renovated the hotel and purchased a new stove. Solano County historian Sabine Goerke-Shrode called Luzenas book an important historical source illustrating the Gold Rush from a womans perspective.28, On July 11, 1902, Luzena died of thyroid cancer. Luzena Stanley Wilson (c. 1821-1902) was a California Gold Rush entrepreneur. Five decades later, we hold true to his vision: sourcing directly from the world's finest estates, handroasting to order in small batches, and making sure every cup is brewed as fresh and full-flavored as possible. Cholera spread and the dead were hastily buried along the trail. We took possession of a deserted hotel which stood on K Street, Luzena wrote in her memoirs. Well-respected judges, such as Murray Morrison and Justice Serranus Clinton Hastings of the California Supreme Court, were frequent guests at the establishment. She had remembered that "the travelers were almost all men" (Wilson). The Wilsons packed up and moved to the rough mining camp of Nevada City. With a full table at every meal, they had ten thousand dollars invested in the business within six months. Cholera spread and the dead were hastily buried along the trail. In addition to the clean accommodations offered at Luzenas were her biscuits. With my own hands I chopped stakes, drove them into the ground, and set up my table. Like 25,000 other Americans that year,. I bought provisions from a neighboring store, and when my husband came back at night he found, mid the weird light of the pine torches, twenty miners eating at my table. In 1850 women made up just three percent of the non-Native American population in California's mining region. The majority of boarders at the Trumbow House were men. According to her journal entries, lawbreakers were dealt with quickly and harshly. On July 22, 1850, she witnessed the severe punishment inflicted upon a man who had stolen a mule. All of her worldly possessions were tucked inside it: family Bibles, two quilts, one dress, a bonnet, a pair of shoes, and a few pieces of china. It wasnt until the sun began to slowly sink in the sky and Mason announced it was time to make camp that Luzena became terrified. Mason Wilson, Luzenas husband of five years, marched into the house just as she closed the lid on the trunk and fastened it tightly. We never gave a thought to selling our section [of land], but left it. I had read and heard whole volumes of their bloody deeds, the massacre of harmless white men, torturing helpless women, carrying away captive children the most precious in the wide world, and I lived in an agony of dread that first night., Luzena noted in her memoirs that the Indians never posed any threat to her or her family. Wilson came overland to California from Missouri with her husband and two small children in 1849. (Enter your ZIP code for information on American Experience events and screening in your area.). Her kitchen was also her bank vault. French girls charged an ounce of gold just to sit next to a customer and a Swiss woman working an organ grinder made $4,000 in a few months. In the six months she lived in Sacramento, she saw only two other women. Within six weeks of opening her business, Luzena had earned enough to pay the money owed to the miner who brought the Wilsons to Nevada. Luzena sold the property for $100 to a miner. Sex Trade He attended Farsley Farfield Primary School and Pudsey Grangefield School. Luzena quickly went to work unpacking, making beds, and firing up her stove. Kids play area . Immigrants quickly moved in and squatted on Luzena and Masons property. var googletag = googletag || {}; Once in Sacramento, Luzena quickly learned the value of being a female minority in a male-dominated group. Q. As a woman, Luzena found herself a rarity in the adventure that lay ahead. Mason Wilson, Luzena's husband, told her it would be necessary to abandon her dirty, but prized calico apron, and three sides of bacon to spare the oxen on the ever-worsening roads. He felt the painstaking effort seldom resulted in a rich find and that the prospector had probably located all the gold to be had on that spot. My Checkered Life is Luzena Stanley Wilson's classic account of her family's 1849 overland journey and life in early California. He put as much distance between himself and Luzena as well as he could. Ten years after Mason left Luzena and California, word came from an attorney in Waco, Texas, that he had passed away. Elk, antelope, geese, pheasant, cattle, and bear were all on the menu at various times. Luzenas homemaking skills were well received and in high demand. We never gave a thought to selling our section [of land], but left it. In the next episodes, we will hear the story Some died in battles fought with Native Americans trying to protect their lands, but more succumbed to illness, accidents, and to violence among wagon train members. Mason agreed and abandoned his quest for a strike. There were few women in Sacramento or the outlying gold mining camps. Mason had $500 in his pocket he had forgotten to place in the stove the night before. He has a sister, Joanna. Names Wilson, Luzena Stanley, 1819-1902. Rumors circulated during that time suggested that Mason might have been suffering from a mental illness. I had read and heard whole volumes of their bloody deeds, the massacre of harmless white men, torturing helpless women, carrying away captive children the most precious in the wide world, and I lived in an agony of dread that first night.7, Luzena noted in her memoirs that the Indians never posed any threat to her or her family. His father moved to Massachusetts to study at Harvard, and Barack and his mother stayed in Hawaii. The Wilsons packed up and moved to the rough mining camp of Nevada City. Kirby Puckett's family is auctioning off hundreds of pieces of . It took twelve days to make it to the bustling mining camp. Initially Luzena Wilson thought going to California "a small task," but the journey was not to be taken lightly. Louise Amelia Knapp Smith Clapp, who wrote about the mining camps under the name Dame Shirley, observed a woman making $100 a week washing clothes at Rich Bar. Luzena then made him her business partner. Women in a Sea of Men The Wilsons lacked the funds to purchase a wagon and team to get to the boomtown. Luzena lived on the family farm until she and Mason wed on December 19, 1844. Luzena enjoyed eighteen months of prosperity before she, Mason, and her sons, along with eight thousand other Nevada City residents, were left homeless and virtually destitute. They were scorched by heat, enveloped in dust that reddened their eyes and parched their throats; they were bruised, scratched, and bitten by innumerable insects. Beneath an Oak Tree Luzena had went with her husband and brought along their two kids. By the end of the summer in 1850, Luzena had an average seventy-five to two hundred boarders living at the establishment, each paying $25 a week.13, She named her establishment El Dorado after the fabled kingdom in Spanish America supposedly rich in precious metals and jewels, which had lured sixteenth century explorers away from their homes. 15 15. Women Get Rich As the Wilsons moved west, they found the trail littered with household items discarded to lighten loads of the tired beasts. Her mere presence meant she could command top dollar for her meals. By the end of the summer in 1850, Luzena had an average seventy-five to two hundred boarders living at the establishment, each paying $25 a week. Body length: 2.2-2.5m. Luzena Wilson died at age 83 of thyroid cancer on July 11, 1902, at the Hotel Pleasanton in San Francisco. She was thirty years old.1, The Wilsons were farmers with two sons: Thomas, born in September 1845, and Jay, born in June 1848. During the six-month stay in Sacramento, Luzena saw only two other women. In the next e (Enter your ZIP code for information on American Experience events and screening in your area.). She was one of the most-borrowed authors from British libraries in the early 2000s. William Bentley, was a homeschooled child, with a deep affinity for nature. Mason had $500 in his pocket he had forgotten to place in the stove the night before. He left the house on an errand of ejectment, taking with him a witness, in case he should be killed or be forced to kill the squatters, many of whom knew and feared his reckless and determined purpose, would not have hesitated to dispose of him with a bullet.23, The courts were called upon to intercede and settle the matter; in the interim, the Wilsons moved from Benicia to Vaca Valley. Government: Presidential Republic. WATER FOUNTAINS, PATIO TABLE SETS, GAZEBOS, PLANTERS, STATUARY, ETC!!! They exchanged a smile, and Mason picked up the trunk and carried it outside. Surprisingly it was not a scientist, but a young farmer from Vermont, who took the first micro-photograph of a snowflake in 1885, when he just 19 years old. The wooden structure was the first one of its kind built in Vaca Valley. Some women worked in the gold rush's notorious sex trade. Late in 1850, Luzena expanded her commercial enterprise, hiring cooks and waiters.14. The son of a Presbyterian minister, Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924) was a president with strong moral convictions. the '49ers found a lot of gold and built homes there. Therefore, she was able to gain a lot of business from the men who desired a meal cooked by a woman. By the time her husband came back that evening she already had twenty men eating at her table in the El Dorado hotel. The Wilsons thought that unless they were able to rid some weight they would be dropped behind the others in the caravan and traveling alone could be dangerous. Well-respected judges, such as Murray Morrison and Justice Serranus Clinton Hastings of the California Supreme Court, were frequent guests at the establishment.24, In January 1855, Luzena and Mason welcomed a third son to their family, Mason Jr. Mrs. Hay was selling in San Francisco at a $150 a ton, so my husband, leaving me to my own resources, set hard at work cutting and making hay; and I, as before, set up my stove and camp kettle and hung out my sign, printed with charred fire-brand on a piece of board, it read Wilsons Hotel.. Luzena remained in Vacaville until 1877, when two fires devastated her property. "I hesitated he repeated his offer to purchase, and said he would give ten dollars [about $240 in 2005 dollars] for bread made by a woman," wrote Wilson. The majority of boarders at the Trumbow House were men. It was May 1, 1849, Luzenas birthday. On April 21, 1851, the Wilsons were able to purchase two hundred acres of land along Alamo Creek. Late in 1850, Luzena expanded her commercial enterprise, hiring cooks and waiters. While some kids grasp information quickly, others take their sweet time to learn. Miners flocked to her table and paid in gold. . My husband was furious, Luzena recalled in her memoirs. El Dorado burned to the ground, taking with it the Wilson's fortune. She created a sign with scrap wood and charred embers saying Wilsons Hotel and started over again. After six months of hard work, Luzenas El Dorado Hotel was estimated to be worth $10,000, and the stock of goods in the new store was worth even more. Mason became an agent for the Wells Fargo Company and operated the Wells Fargo office out of the hotel.26, In December 1872, after twenty-eight years of marriage, Mason abandoned his wife and family to travel to Missouri and Texas. In total, immigrant women numbered about 800 in a sea of 30,000 men. To add to the miseries of the trip it rained, and one night when the wagon was mired and we could not shelter under it, we slept with our feet pushed under it and an old cotton umbrella spread over our faces. The native tribes of California saw themselves as stewards not owners of the land. Her meager beginnings with the Wilsons Hotel grew once again into a money-making business. One afternoon in late December 1849, after days of heavy rain, Wilson was cooking supper in Sacramento when she heard the cry "the levee's broke!" Water and food for the livestock was hard to find and the beasts grew bone thin. } Mrs. Also collecting gold was a job. Be ready to capitalize on your strengths. Luzena Stanley Wilson, '49er (1937) contains reminiscences of her overland journey and early years in California dictated to her daughter in 1881. The two started dating and quickly fell in love with each other. Guidebooks purchased by miners (49ers) spoke of how the crucial timing was to a successful journey; therefore, it was not uncommon to have multiple groups of men traveling together. Mrs. In 1849, she left Missouri for California with her husband and their two children. He did not travel far before he was overtaken and brought before a jury, the Sacramento Transcript newspaper reported on the scene. Luzena Stanley Wilson, '49er (Dodo Press) | Luzena Stanley Wilson (c. 1821-1902) was a California Gold Rush entrepreneur. The Wilsons lacked the funds to purchase a wagon and team to get to the boomtown. [2] The family had moved to Andrew County, Missouri by 1843, and in 1844 Luzena married Mason Wilson there.[3]. It was not uncommon for men who survived on a regular diet of beans and bacon to offer Luzena $5 for one biscuit. Smile, and savory meals, Luzena never worried about being robbed to miner. A man who was building the second wooden House in town, STATUARY, ETC!!!!! 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