Our lease was up so we were safe with that. No contractors will come forward because the banks and asset companies pretty much blackmail them into losing all their work, and jobs if they say anything, cuz theyll just get the next guy to do it. I dont want to be left out in the rain until I save up enough to find another home. Contact a qualified real estate attorney to help protect you from the costs and frustration of construction defects. We have a new construction that has mold and daughter, 2 yr old grandson, and pets all experiencing health symptoms of mold sickness. If you come to an agreement, you can close your small claims lawsuit. In a hospital setting, fungal infections among a population of immune-compromised patients can be deadly. The findings by the CDC are not surprising. I know exactly what most of you could/should do. Im very sorry you have not received a response. i had noticed it in the bathroom but it is common to have in bathrooms. They came to look at it and scheduled to have both bathrooms torn out and replaced completely. Due to the water damage there was and still is black mold on the visible cinder block walls in my basement. Still as I write this lengthly letter the problem is getting worse. Something seems very wrong. My kids keep getting sick with high fevers, breathing problems, allergy like symptoms for the past 3 months that I moved to my new apartment. The median amount awarded in auto accident cases was $16,000. You cant put a price on my childs health, but SOMETHING needs to be done, so they cant hurt anyone elses child! Could I potentially counter-sue her for actually causing the flood, not handling the so called mold issue herself (lease states shes responsible for leaks and other plumbing repairs), and for the 7 months of rent she didnt pay by breaking the lease? I alerted the rental office who sent a maintenance man twice who claimed it was dust. children, which are my two sons have been complaining about breathing problems at night and I believe it could be due to the mold. Patio door/front door would get saturated with water ODOR increased, immediately notified manager of complex he would have the company that cleans the carpets for the complex come to extract the water and shampoo that carpet. Given my current state of health Id do my best to have everything out by the end of February, however I highly suggest they have the house tested before re-renting. This nightmare took four years of our life, It is when you start paying with your life that wakes you up. Been like this for 3 mnths now. Check for plumbing, electrical, septic tanks if applicable, roof, foundation and even permits with the county checking accesors inquiry making sure that all their ducks are in order. Despite the complaint, no repairs were made and a strong musty odor developed. Have left many phone messages with no reply. Finally, several million-dollar-plus verdicts and settlements demonstrate that mold claims continue to be a serious issue for property owners, landlords, employers, and those who insure them. Here are some examples of lawsuits resulting in high-dollar awards to those who suffered because of toxic mold: A group in California was awarded $1.3 million for claims against contractors that performed work so poorly it caused leaks and allowed mold to enter their homes. This was covered by my insurance company. I have a very hard time breathing and my skin gets irritated now also, it turns red and then if anything touches it, it becomes itchy and little solid bumps that look like pimples I get on my face. We now find out that we have toxic mold and I have been in the hospitol numerous times on life support no less because I couldnt breath! Any help you could offer me would be great! We have tried to get the roofing company out for the last 8 months and they keep telling us that they will but they dont. We will receive certification when the work is finished. My son has developed asthma along with some other health issues. Im 46 years old and reside in Georgia. Ive mentioned it to our irresponsible manager and he said there was nothing he can do. They are going to make me work down there with the mold and I will die. I feel the same and am actually relieved to find at least one other person who shares the desire to make our voices heard For a second I was losing my hope that I indeed was not losing my mind Thanks again. The worst part is, our government, my employer will spend millions illegally hunting down turtle eggs on the beach to hatch in incubators, but not a dime to fix this building, nor pay for my medical bills. The wall had to be replaced in a spot because it came through it. Ive had always paid my rent, even with this mold issue, the hole in my roof that has leaked for months. We have been drained by these people financially had have had to have all our window and doors open and my small children have been getting sick. Results show very high mold growth. We are having such a difficult time finding a new home because its not easy going out in the cold to see the new places, especially when we are disabled. Can i contact my HUD worker and have a health specialist come out to inspect the mold growth and if its harmful. If so how do I go about getting out of this situation? The reason is that they were changing all the old units, but they did not want to fix mine. According to court documents, the plaintiffs maintained that the premises contained toxic mold and toxic mold spores. Miller said the Mazzas began to suffer from a number of health problems about six months after moving into the apartment. Defendant owners and landlords, likewise, typically prefer the finality of settlements and the lack of negative media publicity that would result from a verdict. A couple of weeks after submitted management came over with there own personal maintenance guy to view unit. All rights reserved. When we went to court i brought pictures to show the judge and he said he couldnt look at them because we werent there for that. I had to move my mattress out of the bedroom because of the leaking, I have not been able to sleep in my bed since the end of February the first part of March 2020. When your landlord either delays or refuses to fix the mold problem, the health of you and your family are at risk and you can sue. I contacted my landlord who said it was no big deal and that he would fix it. A word of caution though, manufactured homes are engineered for only so much weight on the roof, so you should make sure the new roofing isnt too heavy for the structure. would like some toxic mold suits in Canada or does it matter what country? Other claims are pending. Plaintiff had purchased the Tomjanovichs Pacific Palisades home in 2007 and alleged that they failed to disclose the existence of water leaks and mold in the residence during the sales transaction. Those issues include mold. The maintenance men came out clean the wall and painted over all of it. I paid for it myself. He had it in his brain and it is a silent killer. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Back at the beginning of march I was in the hospital twice in the same week for breathing issues, low O2 stats-mid 60s, and for chest pain that lasted 3 weeks=[ Was sent home after 2 days the first time. My husband wanted the roof repaired and so he helped the man since another rain storm was coming. Thus said, right now I am pending lab results and additional testing to prove what molds are in me. Friday I contacted the health inspector and they will hopefully be coming out tomorrow. They tore out and replaced walls in both my baths. My family and have lived in our mobile home going to 12 years in the past year I have noticed black mold in our master bathroom and I clean it and it returns. Then I had a very high water bill for one person. I have a 3 year old who for the last 8 months has had at least 6 ear infections. I have missed work, incurred doctor/x-Ray and medication bills, have no place to sleep and my landlord wants his rent. I will be taking my children to the emergency room tomorrow to be tested and myself as well. My son and I have lived in an appartment with mold for 4 yrs and are very sick . In what appears to be the largest single plaintiff personal injury verdict in 2016, an Essex County Superior Court judge awarded $1.8 million to a music teacher employed by the Milburn Board of Education. She needs help .please . They also told us that if it comes back we will actual test it. I was having finals at school and thought it was anxiety until they did a CT scan and revealed it was costochondritis my chest wall was inflammed he said from maybe over erretion which i though was rediculus then i looked up that mold can cause this. the city in my state failed the inspection..i am planning to move out (with a 1yr lease not over) and im not going to pay that moneyi emailed them the pictures and nothing they dont care huhif they take me to court you think i have a good chance to win the case..i have all my pictures and information i need for court just in case. apologize for the lengthly statement but needed to explain to the fullest the best I could,it goes on further that this tried to make it short. I have pictures and documentations of this issue. Between 2010 and 2014, Ordog billed Medicare for $6,524,660 in services and was paid $2,573,667. We notified the landlord and he assured us that the paint he was using to paint over it would fix it. The next day I began my first asthma flare-up in years. IgG demonstrates whether a person is having any hypersensitive or respiratory response by virtue of inhaling a foreign substance, and his/her body is trying to fight off that substance. I know it probably isnt your first choice, but for your healths sake and if you can afford to, I would recommend you put on a proper new roof. I have been living in a top-floor apartment unit for 3 years. I had 3 different crawl space inspectors come and give me bids to repair the problem. My health is progressively becoming worse and I have more issues then I can list. Mold removal, also called mold remediation, can be costly and time consuming but it is absolutely necessary for the health and safety of those who use the building. Please advise me what can be done legally. It is ridiculous what some landlords do to save a buck. The fire chief came out with his testing equipment and it wasnt any of the usual toxins (carbon monoxide, etc) but he said it was in the wall. Her lungs had a beating before and now again.. boy oh boy.. Living room- 4 to 5 weeks later the results came in and I was positive for Rhizopus mold, Aspergillus niger and some other mold but I cant remember the name of it. Maybe they figured this was a good way to unload a problem apartment. My landlord is very slow at making needed rapirs. The workers comp dr tried to do a six minute walk test, I lasted about a minute, oxygen SAT level fell to 86, they stopped the test. I found a house that night that was new and mold free, the owner is a realtor so she had it inspected thoroughly. I contacted the property manager to ask for She has had a mold problem that recently surfaced, and along with it Toxic Mold Poisoning, diagnosed by doctors at an emergency health care facility. no reimbsmnt for anything. Good luck. First step: dont panic. If anyone knows a lawyer not afraid to take on the government and take my workers comp case, please let me know. Im renting a house that has black mold or toxic mold in the home. 8 months later, during rainy season, the same wall leaks, saturating carpet. I feel like my health has been scarred and til this day i have not been feeling like how i usto and my breathing has been bad ever since . Migrains, bronchitis, many, different effects happen to us when we are effected by mold. That same neighbor took me 4 doors down to show me how bad the mold was in that apt. Hi, You have reported properly and have incurred significant expense and physical suffering. I do not have a lease in this room. A written disclosure is a document that is signed by both the landlord and the tenant. To prepare for yoursmall claims court hearing: Are attorneys allowed in small claims court? I took my antibiotics and Tylenol for a week and was fine for two days until i cant breathe through my nose and my throat hurts so bad ive even lost my voice off and on throughout the day. I just started with earaches. Ive approached the managers and the owners about the smell and mildew that i have personally seem and smell but they told me to dont worry about it and spray airfreshner. We have used dehumidifiers that are like bags that we hang and they suck up the moisture, but even then, they are full in a day or two and we cannot afford to spend all our money on mold preventatives. I sent him this back in the winter- Service Master came out and found the mold had spread over the doorways and down the hall. A group in California was awarded $1.3 million for claims against contractors that performed work so poorly it caused leaks and allowed mold to enter their homes., This is actually crazy! months, their health and even lives could be at risk. There is also a very foul odor coming from our kitchen sink which does not go away upon cleaning. According to Miller, water intrusion started leaking into a master bathroom vent in the Mazza unit from an upstairs toilet in November 1999. Tenant agrees to regularly allow air to circulate in the Premises by using bathroom fan(s), using ceiling fans, where available, and regularly opening the windows and/or sliding doors where available. I got sick first with the flare up of my sarcoidosis for which I had no symptoms since 1999. Thank you for your assistance. You do not want the mold that landed on her clothing to take root in her home. about me and the mold I will send you a copy. On the day we met in court my landlord one the ruling even after I presented photographs of the current condition of the living quarters and proof of the existence Black mold in the home. However, our landlords have never treated the mold and I contacted the board of health to address the issue to them. This is out of control and time to do something. Not even a month ago I purchased a trailer in Waterloo Iowa. The story is complicated and long but the moral is wear protection if you are cleaning up mold, and if you think you have a mold problem pay the money to get a air sample. The rugs molds and smells putrid. one week later the whole house is flooded as the first bathroom the contractors fixed the pipes bust. My ceiling looks like a puzzle with sporadic pieces laid all over (water spotting and stains). Me and my youngest son have had a cold and respiratory issues for 4 months straight. Every unit pays almost that amount to live here monthly in HOA fees. Ive been asking since Nov. 2012 and no one has ever showed up yet=[ All you have to do is give them my #. Please help! I could not eat, the only thing that did not upset my stomach was ice cream. This article is very informative, I completely agree with you, I think having beautiful rooftop makes anything much more beautiful and attractive, I appreciate you for sharing. My sons room esp is what I am worried about. I have a screw on plastic bidet for my toilet so I dont have to use as much toilet paper. Ive hand several brain scans to find out why I have amnesia from that last week. It also took him 5 months to fix my backdoor area that got ruined from all of the rain in Aug. 2012. [] Why Bleach is Ineffective Examples of Mold Lawsuits []. We told our supervisors and they preceded to do nothing. Black mold is deadly even if your are not allergic to it it is still lowering your immunity, and my doctor, just says to my spouse it hasnt got you yet! I had a water leak from the ac system due to a clogged drain . Seems to be a new mold word, Wow. They stated under oath that they knew nothing of mold and lied to the judge about me calling multiple times throughout the tenancy about it. I currently live in subsidized housing and Ive been having a huge mold problem. We have not had any other water damage so the previous damage I could only assume to be the culprit. up to 4 in every where. Use a HEPA-filtered vacuum cleaner for your floors and with a bristle attachment for everything else and keep vacuuming! If you have an issue with these, you should talk to your landlord. On top of that I have an 18 month old who has had many instances of ear infections and flu like symptoms often. Its really bad, and my dog almost died as well. Well I started moving furniture around and scrubbing the carpets. If so, do you send out blog posts like these to your list? Can one take legal action against the time share company for Black mold sickness? I finally broke down after 2 weeks crying after the power to my fridge went out because of a problem with an overload on power. I attempted to fix the problem myself with tile adhesive and new tiles I purchased from Home Depot but the horsehair plaster (the house is almost 200 years old)cannot support the weight of the tiles. My asthma doc. We started getting bad headaches, runny and stuffy noses, and a heavy cough to name the least. I found an affordable hotel, had issues, but not bad. They have subjected us to the dust and particles for two days now. He is 64 so 135 is almost deathly looking. It is not easy for me to just pick up and move as I already struggle However, my mom came to stay with me and woke up deathly ill and we had to get her a hotel room for the rest of her stay. My realtor came to me and I looked at the home and it had a new roof. That is fatal. The Centers For Disease Control and Prevention has found that Pugliese'streatment protocol for mold exposure had "no scientific evidence of being beneficial" and "the potential to cause harm.". Over the years I became more illl and I crashed Completely 2 years ago. Luckily Im moving in a few weeks, but in the past year and a half living here, Ive had mono twice and have gotten very sick and doctors cant seem to figure it out. This is my last effort to try and fime somebody who can help us because it seems as if every door we come to it shut in her face and there is no help or justice for right anymore. My mother had issues with her hip that are gone now, and in rehab she caught pneumonia, then heart issues and to another hospital and another rehab and then out to the affordable monthly hotel and she started to get better. They have been looking for a new place for a couple months. We found black mold. Miller said that the unit in which his clients resided had levels of stachybotrys, aspergillus and penicillium on surfaces, in air and in a carpet test sample. In addition to making a causal link from the existence of mold to specific illnesses, plaintiffs must determine who is ultimately responsible for the mold damage and how they may be liable. I asked about seeing the apartment before signing the lease, because I still did not know what I was getting. My parents have contacted the owner several times. I tested the room and my furniture has black mold too. I am unable to live in my home, the Freddie Mac Loan is trying to foreclose. Now mold was becoming a thing here, and when getting the ice from the ice machine, i might have been over cautious about mold being everywhere and looked at every corner what was in my path.. And now, oh wow, I noticed that in the drain of the ice machine, just below the tray that holds the ice bucket up, that i saw what looked like black or very dark green mold.. Was this a concern.. Na I thought and maybe I was now making a big deal.. And if I complained again, we might lose the good deal on the room rate.. on the phone stating that my email really irrated her. There is insulation above the leaks. Has anyone gotten any help with those mold issues? I am beginning to feel sick when in the apartment for a couple of hours or more and have headaches all the time when inside. We have a black mold problem & our landlords rent, because they refused to fix the leaks. This is in NYC. I really dont know what legal action to take and do not know if i can in the state of iowa but i fill like we have been poisoned by something that was known about and not disclosed. Just needs re gluing?? Looked on the same wall different corner and same thing. To date, as you can imagine I have had a battle on many front and the greatest has been finding an attorney well versed in this area in Pittsburgh pa. My attorney does not want to go to court because he doesnt feel like I have a good enough case to win and the guy that was going to be my landlord is fighting my lawsuit left and right. Laws related to mold and mold damage vary from state to state. This is what my landlord wrote back. This article on Toxic Mold Litigation may help in your case, depending on what state you are in, specifically the section on landlord liability. He sent some cheap-ass over a month ago to fix my apt. He told me he has someone he works with that could help, and would talk to her and call me back with the name and number. on each end about 2-3 in. It entire bedroom ceiling is gone and we have obvious mold. Ive constantly got sick and am currently sick now, my question is, not all of us are on the lease, in San Francisco that is common and not surprising, but we have had countless of repair people come in and out of our apartment and not say one word about the mold and it is completely noticeable in the restroom its EVERYWHERE Im worried and scared of my personal health and my friends but yet they are too afraid to say something because If we have to leave the building (which Im sure we would have too) wed have no where to go. Should I look into a lawyer for all of this?? My assistant began experiencing the same symptoms and as a healthcare provider myself I began to feverishly research are declining health. I just found that there is a lot of black mold under the floor and also under the roof. Management told us that they would fix the whole but did not believe that there was mold. Never give up. is there anything I can do and is there any way of telling how long the mold or black mold has been in the house. Mold In Military Housing Leads To $350,000 Verdict For Marine and Family In April, a Virginia federal court jury found in favor of Marine Gunnery Sgt. If the test comes back as a high level of toxic mold, I dont know what to do. Within that time after a few weeks I continuously was smelling a very FOUL ODOR throughout my apartment. With there own personal maintenance guy to view unit why I have a black mold problem our. To unload a problem apartment found that there was mold can list those mold issues doctor/x-Ray and bills. The home and it had a beating before and now again.. boy oh boy pending lab results and testing... Treated the mold I will send you a copy we notified the landlord and the tenant roof! Anyone knows a lawyer for all of this? this room let me know government and take workers... Comp case, please let me know had always paid my rent even. 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