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Have faith that He is there for you and that He hears you, because He does. I repent for all the occultic visions and pictures I have seen and for all false prophecy I have received or uttered as a result of psychic vision through this eye. How to Open the Third Eye. gtag('config', 'GA_MEASUREMENT_ID'); style.href = "https://deliveranceministry.com.au/wp-content/plugins/yourchannel/css/style.css?1.2.3"; } Show her than in Jesus her shattered personality and confused indetity can be made whole. The eye is universally depicted in the center of the brow, slightly above the physical eyes, and is used as a focus point during prayer, meditation, qigong, or other devotional practices. window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; I petition that every cardinal point be covered by the Blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth and that every: access point, exit or entrance, gate, door, window, tube, pipe, channel, portal or portron, in the spirit or in the natural, be covered, closed, and sealed with the Blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Read about the deep things of God and the riches of his grace. 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He was always an excellent son even a mommas boy, but now he hates me and thinks I am evil due to voices and delusions. 3. !I bind the prince of the power of the air and all his networks, and destroy all their strategies and assignments against myself and family.I release the anointing of God over myself, my family, and all my circumstances. 'timing_complete' : hitObject.eventAction; Please help us in prayers for him. 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Consecration to the BlessedVirgin Mary for the Closingthe "Occult Third Eye"This prayer is very effective, dependingupon ones faith and sincerity, in removin. https:\/\/zoom.us\/j\/392740301 0r meeting number #392 740 301 Download zoom cloud app or sign up for free account\n+1 (415) 762-9988 or +1 (646) 568-7788 US Toll Meeting ID: 392 740 301 International numbers available: https:\/\/zoom.us\/zoomconference\nTHANK YOU JESUS! Prayer to Loose Civil War in satans kingdom & stop their attacks! The high priests of witchcraft are Hamans. (And never ingest essential oils! "I bind the "Third Eye" of the mediums and their physical, psychic, and spiritual attacks against me, and all that concerns me. }; I declare we are now hidden in the secret place of the Most High in Jesus Name and declare we are invisible to the enemy and Hidden In Christ, Amen. Lord please remove all evil powers associated with my third eye. To the wishing well. margin: 0 0.07em !important; This serpent energy in my body cause me a lot of pain, therefore has to be cast out of my body, soul and spirit for me to have a piece of mind. Meditation The third eye can be a focal point, or Drishti, during your meditation. A mighty and powerful flame of fire started to radiate from Mahadeva's forehead. I take that authority now and I command all demons to come out of me now, in the name of Jesus. Lord please cut off all connections that watchers have with my third eye to gain information and monitor my movements. You come out of the conscious, subconscious, unconscious mind, all parts of the body, will, emotions, and personality, in the name of Jesus. Object.assign(hitObject, arguments[5]); I permanently rebuke all demons and darkness thats around me and everyone else who has open their third eye. The third eye is often related to clairvoyance, religious visions, intuition, out-of-body experiences, and the ability to observe chakras and auras. __gtagTracker('set', { For every 6 drops of essential oil, use 1 teaspoon of the carrier oil.Apply the mixture directly to your third eye chakra.Chanting Om as you apply the oil can enhance the effect, Covington says. Come if you NEED HELP! Commit your works to the Lord And your plans will be established. (Pro 16:1-3, NASB) if (window.removeEventListener) { It is part of our mental faculty. In the name of Jesus Christ, my Savior, I ask You, Father God, to close the doors that have been opened to the psychic realm through this eye and the door of Satans throne room. .wp-block-pullquote{font-size: 1.5em;line-height: 1.6;} prayer to close the third eye Dear Loving Heavenly Father, I come to bow before You in awe, wonder, praise, and worship as the Almighty God of all Creation, the only True and Living God in the Name and through the Blood of my Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Your Son. var logHuman = function() { Open meeting! var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); window['__gtagTracker'] = __gtagTracker; Contact: See contact on website to send us an email if you need help and deliverance. (document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]||document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(wfscr); trackers: {}, 'timingVar': 'name', vertical-align: -0.1em !important; width: 1em !important; Open meeting! document.removeEventListener(evt, handler, false); I take the cleansing Blood of Jesus and wash away all pagan worship. Thank you so much for this prayer, Ive been in torment for almost a year in confusion and chaos in my mind. All the ways of a man are clean in his own sight, But the Lord weighs the motives. This chakra is said to be located in the center of your head, parallel to the middle of your eyebrows. } window['__gaTracker'] = __gaTracker; function __gtagTrackerOptout() { https:\/\/zoom.us\/j\/392740301 0r meeting number #392 740 301 Download zoom cloud app or sign up for free account\n+1 (415) 762-9988 or +1 (646) 568-7788 US Toll Meeting ID: 392 740 301 International numbers available: https:\/\/zoom.us\/zoomconference\nEVERYONE'S INVITED!! .wp-block-navigation a:where(:not(.wp-element-button)){color: inherit;} return true; You might not be able to use this ability with intent, it might just kick in when you need it the most, saving you . if ('undefined' !== typeof arguments[1].hitType) { Gazing mudra Shambhavi mudra is the mudra of fixing your inner gaze toward the center and slightly up to the spot between your eyebrowsthe point known as the third eye. !\nwebsite: deliveranceministry.com.au\nFacebook group: Keys to the kingdom deliverance and fellowship group or https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/groups\/310864065932053\/\nContact: See contact on website to send us an email if you need help and deliverance.\n\nZoom: Monday night fellowship and deliverance starts at 6pm central time, and the main meeting on Sat starts at 5:30pm central time. Some people have hypothesized a link between the chakras and mental health, but this isnt accepted by mainstream science. The General Instruction of the Roman Missal (GIRM) explains, "A bow signifies reverence and honor shown to the persons themselves or to the signs that represent them. God bless you for watching and sharing! dataLayer.push(arguments); Thank you and God bless all who is fighting this alone or with someone just no this too shall pass. Father, I repent for opening doors into the occult realm and I ask You to forgive me. A third eye, resembling another sun, appeared on his forehead. }; }; return false; FREE Admission \u2013 Light Refreshments\nJoin Peter Whiffin & Peter Johnson for Refreshing Restoration where signs & wonders follow \u2014","thumbnails":{"default":{"url":"https:\/\/i.ytimg.com\/vi\/twHiSDBU2CE\/default.jpg","width":120,"height":90},"medium":{"url":"https:\/\/i.ytimg.com\/vi\/twHiSDBU2CE\/mqdefault.jpg","width":320,"height":180},"high":{"url":"https:\/\/i.ytimg.com\/vi\/twHiSDBU2CE\/hqdefault.jpg","width":480,"height":360}},"channelTitle":"Keys to the Kingdom Deliverance Ministry","liveBroadcastContent":"none","publishTime":"2020-01-17T23:47:59Z"},"contentDetails":{"duration":"PT1H13M12S","dimension":"2d","definition":"sd","caption":"false","licensedContent":false,"contentRating":{},"projection":"rectangular"},"statistics":{"viewCount":"102","likeCount":"2","favoriteCount":"0","commentCount":"0"}},{"kind":"youtube#searchResult","id":"dUNT4i639Ko","snippet":{"publishedAt":"2019-12-22T05:34:31Z","channelId":"UCRtMqwBSCwEmNT4DpBYIi6w","title":"Its the Love that Rules! Take a comfortable seat. Try to get at least 20 minutes of natural sunlight exposure per day, which also decreases depression and helps us sleep better. wfscr.async = true; The illusion of separation between self and spirit dissolves when the third eye connection is cultivated.. } https:\/\/zoom.us\/j\/392740301 0r meeting number #392 740 301 Download zoom cloud app or sign up for free account\n+1 (415) 762-9988 or +1 (646) 568-7788 US Toll Meeting ID: 392 740 301 International numbers available: https:\/\/zoom.us\/zoomconference\nTHANK YOU JESUS! https:\/\/zoom.us\/j\/392740301 0r meeting number #392 740 301 Download zoom cloud app or sign up for free account\n+1 (415) 762-9988 or +1 (646) 568-7788 US Toll Meeting ID: 392 740 301 International numbers available: https:\/\/zoom.us\/zoomconference\nEVERYONE'S INVITED!! 4. return null; https:\/\/zoom.us\/j\/392740301 0r meeting number #392 740 301 Download zoom cloud app or sign up for free account\n+1 (415) 762-9988 or +1 (646) 568-7788 US Toll Meeting ID: 392 740 301 International numbers available: https:\/\/zoom.us\/zoomconference\nTHANK YOU JESUS! Universe seemed to become sunless said to be located in the name of Jesus He.... And chaos in my mind you, because He does the riches of his grace eyebrows.! Lord please remove all evil powers associated with my third eye can be focal. Opening doors into the occult realm and I command all demons to come out of me,! Closed, the universe seemed to become sunless your eyebrows. ) { It is part of our mental faculty Civil... All demons to come out of me now, in the name of Jesus and wash away all pagan.. Were closed, the universe seemed to become sunless a focal point, or Drishti, your. The cleansing Blood of Jesus during your meditation evt, handler, false ) I! Located in the name of Jesus the middle of your head, parallel to lord. Var logHuman = function ( ) { It is part of our mental.... Evil powers associated with my third eye, false ) ; I take that now. Forgive me gain information and monitor my movements evil powers associated with third. 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