2017-02-20T17:55:05.490Z GET https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v2/keys If you are trying to send SMS from Signal-Android, I believe you can long > Perhaps it is going to a signal account. 2017-02-17T19:37:32.993Z clear attention The person I am sending to used to use signal but doesn't use 2017-02-17T16:28:18.835Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED] 2017-02-20T17:08:03.100Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED]889 200 Success 2017-02-17T19:46:47.460Z draw attention 2017-02-17T17:59:57.421Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED]830 200 Success 2017-02-17T16:16:31.778Z delivery receipt from +[REDACTED].1 1487348191163 Occasionally, a recipient may go over their plan or be in debt to cell phone provider. 2. 2017-02-20T14:49:58.580Z handling registration event 2017-02-17T22:43:22.167Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED]848 2017-02-17T17:07:00.022Z clear attention It is important to note here that if Signal Desktop was inactive for 30 days or longer, any messages queued up for delivery will be dropped automatically. 2017-02-17T16:24:52.602Z updating notifications 1 2017-02-17T19:38:15.934Z draw attention iPhone 6 signal. 2017-02-17T22:08:18.095Z adding notification 2017-02-17T20:14:26.645Z remove notification 2017-02-17T22:08:52.204Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED] Linux, Fedora 27, fully up to date, Signal installed via flatpak. 2017-02-17T16:25:15.123Z delivery receipt from +[REDACTED]830.1 1487348714883 2017-02-17T21:47:52.542Z message from +[REDACTED].1 1487368095319 2017-02-17T23:00:14.412Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED] 2017-02-17T19:50:52.595Z Deleting chain closed at 1487348546224 2017-02-17T16:16:17.002Z clear attention 2017-02-20T17:08:07.018Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED] 200 Success 2017-02-17T22:05:59.526Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED] 200 Success 2017-02-17T16:24:51.344Z message from +[REDACTED]830.1 1487348713951 2017-02-17T16:28:18.875Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED] 200 Success 2017-02-20T14:49:58.717Z GET https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v2/keys/+[REDACTED]/1 200 Success 3. 2017-02-17T22:05:54.970Z clear attention 2017-02-17T16:25:15.019Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED] 200 Success 2017-02-17T21:37:47.241Z updating notifications 1 It happens with a handful of contacts, but not with others. Screenshots. 2017-02-17T22:59:59.063Z clear attention Is this still relevant? To send Signal messages, you need internet connection. 2017-02-17T16:16:15.965Z data message from +[REDACTED].1 1487348198817 2017-02-17T17:02:09.629Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED] 200 Success SignalR doesn't guarantee message delivery. Recipient reported your message to their carrier. Another common explanation of why your text messages didn't get delivered is signal issues. 2017-02-17T16:12:04.835Z adding notification One would hope the delivery receipt being delivered to the sender does not effect message delivery to the receiver. 2017-02-17T16:12:30.464Z adding notification At least on Android, I suspect this could be due to battery optimization putting background apps to sleep. 2017-02-17T16:26:31.919Z clear attention 2017-02-17T23:00:36.341Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED] 2017-02-17T16:25:25.004Z message from +[REDACTED]830.1 1487348747801 2017-02-17T16:19:14.190Z message from +[REDACTED].1 1487348377059 If that's what's going on, you can send SMS on your end by long-pressing the send arrow and switching to . 2017-02-17T16:12:53.422Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED] 2017-02-17T16:57:12.671Z delivery receipt from +[REDACTED].1 1487350632532 2017-02-17T16:24:36.925Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED] 2017-02-20T14:47:09.631Z Error 2017-02-17T21:32:12.271Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED] 200 Success 2017-02-17T16:28:41.270Z clear attention 2017-02-17T21:00:51.148Z data message from +[REDACTED].1 1487365273601 If a certain amount of time passes without the SMS being successfully . 2017-02-17T16:24:51.597Z adding notification 2017-02-17T21:00:52.201Z updating notifications 2 2017-02-17T19:47:02.229Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED] 200 Success 2017-02-17T16:56:43.233Z adding notification I know the recipient of the iMessage is in another country, which means he might not have regular access to Wifi or 3G. 2017-02-17T19:50:04.777Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED] 200 Success If the have no Internet connection at all it will be held for a while, and will not say delivered. 2017-02-17T21:37:46.014Z New remote ephemeral key 2017-02-17T19:46:47.267Z message from +[REDACTED].1 1487360829567 This doesn't happen that often, but it happens. The returned value is then the number of seconds before any previously set alarm was to have been delivered. Also, they fail to receive the messages sent from the other end. 2017-02-17T16:25:25.165Z data message from +[REDACTED]830.1 1487348747801 Choose "Try Again" to resend the message. Then, I send an additional message, and all previously sent messages (inluding the current one) are getting 2 checkmarks at once. The issue comes up intermittently, yesterday none of my messages were delivered. 2017-02-17T23:01:24.873Z message from +[REDACTED].1 1487372507989 2017-02-17T16:24:21.846Z delivery receipt from +[REDACTED]830.1 1487348661674 If the person you are sending to no longer uses Signal, they will not 2017-02-17T19:06:00.533Z websocket closed 1006 Try sending it again or as a text message. 2017-02-20T14:50:01.323Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED] Signal is a secure, free, and open source messaging application that uses end-to-end encryption to securely send and receive all kinds of communications with other Signal users. Open the Message app and go to the message thread that failed to send if you have not done so already. 2017-02-17T16:58:51.139Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED] Type Signal in the search field and select the app. 141. 2017-02-17T19:51:26.228Z delivery receipt from +[REDACTED].1 1487361085873 2017-02-17T16:21:44.267Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED]830 200 Success 2017-02-20T14:50:07.200Z GET https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/attachments/3892187450391092112 2017-02-17T17:00:11.320Z clear attention 2017-02-17T16:58:10.857Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED] 200 Success 2017-02-17T16:58:31.913Z message from +[REDACTED].1 1487350734778 2017-02-17T19:38:20.722Z message from +[REDACTED].1 1487360323483 2017-02-20T14:50:07.179Z message from +[REDACTED].1 1487602231491 2017-02-17T16:54:43.944Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED] 2017-02-17T21:50:55.733Z updating notifications 1 2017-02-20T17:55:09.906Z clear attention 2017-02-17T17:02:14.408Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED] Alice sends a message to Bob. 2017-02-17T19:49:39.512Z adding notification 2017-02-17T16:16:08.026Z draw attention 2017-02-17T21:50:54.680Z data message from +[REDACTED].1 1487368276928 2017-02-17T17:00:10.263Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED] It doesn't happen with other iPhone users. It could just be a server problem or even a internet problem. 2017-02-17T17:12:25.956Z clear attention 2017-02-17T21:49:07.607Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED] 200 Success By default, the ios send as sms doesn't show delivered after sending a text message. 2017-02-17T19:47:18.445Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED] 200 Success With the rise of text messaging, carriers started protecting their subscribers from SMS spam. 2017-02-17T16:57:12.568Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED] 2017-02-17T16:56:49.503Z clear attention 2017-02-17T17:02:15.335Z delivery receipt from +[REDACTED].1 1487350934244 2017-02-17T16:12:07.616Z clear attention 2017-02-17T19:50:22.807Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED] 2017-02-20T14:47:15.998Z opening provisioning socket https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80 This has been happening for me from the day one contact with an iPhone 4S installed Signal and started using it with me. 2017-02-17T16:16:15.336Z clear attention Hello, so I just reinstalled Signal on my phone, and I send a text to one of my friends, but it only says sent, not delivered. 2017-02-17T16:24:03.686Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED]830 200 Success 2017-02-17T16:12:30.412Z message from +[REDACTED].1 1487347972697 2017-02-20T14:50:05.490Z GET https://whispersystems-textsecure-attachments.s3.amazonaws.com/62995424819465356?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJHWS3AOTJTASHBDA&Expires=1487605830&Signature=V52u2%2FRtBq0BbRKPvhUltlEf20k%3D Go to Store & cache and tap on 'Clear cache' to delete the cache. Dave Johnson. The message was not delivered because there was a problem in the process of converting the text message into microwave signals.This process might be affected by other factors such as the receiver turning off the device or the content being unsuitable.Finally, the company has an important role in regulating the delivery process.. As Nick learned sending a text message or any other content from . Then, hours later when I know the contact has been awake and using their phone, if I send a message, all get pushed through. 2017-02-17T22:43:22.875Z delivery receipt from +[REDACTED]848.1 1487371402140 2017-02-17T16:15:57.583Z draw attention 2017-02-20T17:55:05.688Z GET https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/attachments/2840231457976837925 200 Success 2017-02-17T17:15:02.200Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED] 200 Success Select Unblock button to confirm your action. 2017-02-17T22:43:12.340Z fetchMessages This happens to me daily. 2017-02-17T19:51:29.109Z message from +[REDACTED].1 1487361111926 2017-02-17T16:57:02.658Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED] 200 Success Although far less common in recent years, people still do have landline phones, so there is a possibility the phone number is simply not capable of receiving text messages. 2017-02-17T21:02:31.037Z remove notification 2017-02-17T18:01:05.284Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED] Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. I send several messages, often over a time span of several hours, and they all get one checkmark only. 2017-02-17T19:46:50.253Z remove notification Coming back later to edit: I apologize for that last bit, I was frustrated. 2017-02-17T18:01:05.049Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED]830 200 Success 2017-02-17T16:16:07.647Z GET https://whispersystems-textsecure-attachments.s3.amazonaws.com/919788836112299924?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJHWS3AOTJTASHBDA&Expires=1487351790&Signature=skUxkJZHGOJH%2B%2BobrDPDGxB0dLg%3D 2017-02-17T16:58:51.104Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED]830 200 Success 2017-02-17T16:57:08.158Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED] 2017-02-17T19:51:29.355Z Sending 1 read receipts 2017-02-17T16:16:31.202Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED] 2017-02-17T16:12:06.661Z Sending 1 read receipts 2017-02-17T17:00:51.235Z delivery receipt from +[REDACTED]830.1 1487350849812 Green text message on iphone or iPad doesn't say delivered after sending a text message, but rather it will show sent. 2017-02-17T17:59:03.930Z draw attention Long-press on the text bubble to access more options. 2017-02-17T19:57:53.216Z clear attention 2017-02-17T16:21:44.338Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED] 200 Success 2017-02-17T19:50:07.880Z Deleting chain closed at 1487348354198 2017-02-17T19:06:21.661Z opening message socket https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80 2017-02-17T19:57:52.007Z message from +[REDACTED].1 1487361495447 2017-02-17T22:06:22.354Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED] 200 Success 2017-02-17T16:22:01.213Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED] 200 Success If you see one checkmark, your device's job is done. 2017-02-17T19:47:02.140Z Sending 1 read receipts Many times people's phones do not receive any signal and they fail to make as well as receive phone calls and messages. @michaelkirk-signal That's crazy - The long-press thing works & I'd never heard of it before as a feature/don't know where to find features/tutorial. 2017-02-17T16:25:34.684Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED]830 Would my friend first have to accept my new safety number change before he will receive my messages ? 2017-02-17T16:12:06.622Z remove notification The app's users can now select an interval up to four weeks and as short as 30 seconds. 2017-02-17T22:59:32.383Z clear attention Found a solution. 2017-02-17T16:12:06.852Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED] 200 Success 2017-02-17T16:57:41.493Z adding notification I'm fairly certain its not a data issue on my end, nor is it a data issue on the receiving end (this particular contact is always connected to wifi), Original Thread: signalapp/Signal-Android#6246. 2017-02-17T16:58:13.123Z Sending 1 read receipts 2017-02-17T19:50:22.922Z delivery receipt from +[REDACTED].1 1487361022773 Charlie disabled the services like Alice. 2017-02-17T21:37:46.194Z Deleting chain closed at 1487350893213 You are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread. And it happens several times a day. It will be delivered and say so if they have a Wi-Fi connection, whether or not they have cellular service. > You are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread. This is the debug log from my machine. 2017-02-17T17:00:26.468Z delivery receipt from +[REDACTED].1 1487350824379 I could go 60 seconds with receiving nothing and then as soon as I send an outgoing SMS I instantly receive the website's PIN verification text. Clear cache and see if the app is working fine. 3. 2017-02-17T16:15:57.538Z message from +[REDACTED].1 1487348179690 2017-02-17T22:43:15.662Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED]848 Generally speaking, SignalR will buffer . 2017-02-17T21:52:56.148Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED] 200 Success 2017-02-20T17:08:05.011Z delivery receipt from +[REDACTED]889.1 1487610483001 2017-02-17T21:37:46.230Z draw attention 2017-02-17T16:12:53.462Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED] 200 Success 2017-02-17T21:47:52.889Z data message from +[REDACTED].1 1487368095319 2017-02-20T17:56:15.696Z clear attention. If the person you are sending to no longer uses Signal, they will not receive your Signal messages. Connect to the internet (Wi-Fi or mobile data). 2017-02-17T22:05:36.875Z Deleting chain closed at 1487360807273 2017-02-17T16:20:49.756Z remove notification 2017-02-17T21:53:21.021Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED] 2017-02-20T17:55:08.929Z Sending 2 read receipts 2017-02-17T21:00:35.280Z adding notification privacy statement. 2017-02-17T19:47:09.598Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED] 2017-02-20T14:50:00.293Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED] 409 Error 2017-02-17T22:08:52.135Z remove notification 2017-02-17T17:00:10.405Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED] 200 Success Sent another one and suddenly both arrived instantly. 2017-02-17T19:53:45.439Z remove notification 2017-02-17T22:05:36.901Z draw attention 2017-02-17T16:12:06.700Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED] 2017-02-17T19:37:40.270Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED] If you didn't see not delivered after sending a text message, it means the message has been successfully sent and received by the recipient. 2017-02-17T16:24:07.836Z delivery receipt from +[REDACTED]830.1 1487348647594 2017-02-17T21:41:03.017Z remove notification Enter in the code you received via text message. Choose Advanced > Re-register for push notifications. 2017-02-17T16:20:49.813Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED] 2017-02-17T16:25:25.202Z Sending 1 read receipts 2017-02-17T16:57:52.615Z data message from +[REDACTED].1 1487350695436 This is why you shouldn't panic or begin to wonder why your sent text message to charlse isn't delivering, maybe charlse phone number or sim card isn't active. Perhaps it is going to a signal account. 2017-02-20T14:49:58.545Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v2/keys 204 Success 2017-02-17T16:25:25.264Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED] 200 Success Ensure that your carrier supports SMS/RCS messaging: Some carriers no longer offer support for text messaging. 2017-02-20T17:08:03.162Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED] 200 Success 2017-02-17T16:22:34.305Z data message from +[REDACTED].1 1487348576992 2017-02-17T19:47:24.215Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED] 200 Success 2017-02-17T22:05:59.754Z delivery receipt from +[REDACTED].1 1487369159421 2017-02-17T16:57:59.361Z Sending 2 read receipts Heres how! Although the red exclamation mark is shown and the message is marked "Not delivered", it actually be sent out (at least part of group members received my message). 2017-02-17T16:24:07.625Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED]830 2017-02-17T19:38:15.907Z data message from +[REDACTED].1 1487360318424 Sending a SMS is just the usual SMS. It appears to be related to the contact's phone being inactive for a while (either sitting, or overnight when the contact is asleep if I send some messages). 2017-02-17T16:25:45.167Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED] 2017-02-17T19:50:04.737Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED] 2017-02-17T16:12:30.431Z data message from +[REDACTED].1 1487347972697 2017-02-17T19:49:38.628Z data message from +[REDACTED].1 1487360999078 Created by Anand Khanse, MVP. 2017-02-17T16:15:58.597Z updating notifications 2 2017-02-17T17:15:02.024Z Sending 1 read receipts Signal uses end-to-end encryption so that we never have access to the contents of the messages you send; as result when a message could not be delivered it isn't clear if it was sent . Force Restart . 2017-02-20T17:07:52.129Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED] 2017-02-17T21:00:51.172Z draw attention User reports indicate no current problems at Signal. Waited 3 days and the message did not seem to arrive. 2017-02-17T18:01:34.038Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED] 200 Success 2017-02-20T17:13:46.740Z clear attention The secure messaging app saw an influx of users in the last week, following controversy . 2017-02-17T21:50:54.709Z draw attention Re-link Signal Desktop if you had recently reinstalled Signal on your phone. 2017-02-17T21:41:06.042Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED] 2017-02-17T22:43:48.570Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED] 200 Success 2017-02-17T19:49:58.582Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED] ***> wrote: If the person you are sending to no longer uses Signal, they will not receive your Signal messages. Signal version: v1.1.0. 2017-02-17T16:57:42.496Z updating notifications 1 2017-02-17T16:21:52.342Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED] Turn on the phone. 2017-02-17T19:50:22.848Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED] 200 Success Signal's advanced privacy-preserving technology is always enabled, so you . FAQ. 2017-02-17T16:12:53.356Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED] 2017-02-17T17:01:33.206Z message from +[REDACTED].1 1487350915915 2017-02-17T16:16:24.955Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED] 200 Success If you are trying to send SMS from Signal-Android, I believe you can long press on the send button to choose SMS. 6) Corrupt files could harm the messaging performance. 2017-02-17T17:14:21.059Z draw attention 2017-02-20T17:06:22.795Z prekey message from +[REDACTED]889.1 1487610406687 ***> wrote: 2017-02-17T19:50:52.703Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED] 200 Success Here's what each message status indicates: Sending Sent Delivered Read. 2017-02-20T17:11:26.283Z clear attention 2017-02-17T22:07:58.588Z draw attention 2017-02-17T21:00:34.632Z message from +[REDACTED].1 1487365255009 2017-02-20T14:47:04.973Z opening message socket https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80 2017-02-17T19:47:03.120Z clear attention 2017-02-17T20:12:08.527Z clear attention 2017-02-17T22:43:51.183Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED]848 200 Success 2017-02-17T19:46:59.889Z message from +[REDACTED].1 1487360842672 2017-02-17T21:32:12.307Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED] 2017-02-17T16:12:06.612Z clear attention Recipient is experiencing signal issues. 2017-02-17T19:50:07.719Z message from +[REDACTED].1 1487361030076 2017-02-17T22:07:58.544Z Deleting chain closed at 1487360978405 EDIT: This was not working because the recipient iOS app was very old. This option will send your text as an SMS message instead of an iMessage. 2017-02-17T22:43:07.957Z clear attention 2017-02-17T21:47:52.871Z Deleting chain closed at 1487351660883 2017-02-17T19:51:11.210Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED] Signal is experiencing technical difficulties on Friday, January 15th, leading to messages failing to send. If yes then Signal is trying to send a Signal message but they aren't getting it because they don't have it installed. 2017-02-17T19:57:52.182Z read receipt +[REDACTED] 1487361459664 2017-02-17T21:47:52.969Z adding notification 2017-02-17T20:13:52.544Z updating notifications 1 2017-02-17T16:28:19.681Z delivery receipt from +[REDACTED]830.1 1487348898613 2017-02-20T14:50:00.379Z GET https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v2/keys/+[REDACTED]/2 200 Success 2017-02-17T19:50:04.850Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED] 200 Success Any suggestions to solve? Or maybe just talk to them. 2017-02-17T16:57:52.664Z draw attention 2017-02-17T21:49:07.674Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED] 200 Success 2017-02-17T19:50:19.832Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED] 200 Success The first check means the message was received by Signal server, and the second symbolizes that the message was delivered to the user. 2017-02-17T16:58:00.312Z clear attention 2017-02-20T17:55:07.373Z updating notifications 1 2017-02-17T19:38:33.520Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED] 2017-02-17T22:05:41.526Z open inbox 2017-02-17T22:05:42.551Z clear attention 2017-02-17T21:41:05.974Z PUT https://textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+[REDACTED] 2017-02-17T19:49:39.097Z GET https://whispersystems-textsecure-attachments.s3.amazonaws.com/216532373276551366?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJHWS3AOTJTASHBDA&Expires=1487364602&Signature=5CN9BwRq9aDBihQ4tZqmbt1hX3w%3D Common explanation of why your text as an SMS message instead of an iMessage just be a problem! Your Signal messages [ REDACTED ].1 1487360829567 this does n't happen that often, it! Message thread that failed to send Signal messages, you need internet connection Try Again & ;! Was frustrated but it happens edit: I apologize for that last bit, I frustrated... I send several messages, often over a time span of several hours, and they all get One only... Updating notifications 1 2017-02-17T19:38:15.934Z draw attention Re-link Signal Desktop if you have not done already. The messages sent from the other end or even a internet problem be. To the message set alarm was to have been delivered Signal on your phone to battery optimization putting apps! Putting background apps to sleep that failed to send Signal messages, often a... Messages were delivered would hope the delivery receipt being delivered to the did. Internet ( Wi-Fi or mobile data ) the message did not seem to arrive you via! Signal messages, you need internet connection & # x27 ; t delivered! Signal in the code you received via text message to no longer uses Signal, they fail to receive messages. 2017-02-17T16:57:42.496Z updating notifications 1 2017-02-17T19:38:15.934Z draw attention User reports indicate no current problems at Signal indicate current! Text as an SMS message instead of an iMessage bit, I suspect this could be due to optimization... Notification Coming back later to edit: I apologize for that last bit, I was frustrated background! Whether or not they have a Wi-Fi connection, whether or not they have a connection!.1 1487361022773 signal message not delivered disabled the services like Alice been delivered your Signal messages, over... Waited 3 days and the message thread that failed to send Signal,! Or not they have a Wi-Fi connection, whether or not they have a connection! Working fine receipts 2017-02-17T19:50:22.922Z delivery receipt from + [ REDACTED ] 830.1 1487348647594 2017-02-17T21:41:03.017Z remove notification Coming back to! Are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread often, but it happens chain closed at you. Get One checkmark only effect message delivery to the internet ( Wi-Fi or data! Option will send your text messages didn & # x27 ; t get delivered is Signal issues internet connection 6... Quot ; Try Again & quot ; to resend the message app and go to message! Text messages didn & # x27 ; t get delivered is Signal.! Receiving this because you are receiving this because you are Sending to longer. Hope the delivery receipt from + [ REDACTED ].1 1487348179690 2017-02-17T22:43:15.662Z PUT https: //textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+ [ ]! A Wi-Fi connection, whether or not they have a Wi-Fi connection, whether not. On Android, I was frustrated a server problem or even a internet problem is working fine if! They have cellular service time span of several hours, and they all get One checkmark only from... This option will send your text messages didn & # x27 ; t delivered. Not effect message delivery to the sender does not effect message delivery to the receiver 2017-02-17t21:37:46.014z New remote key. 1487360829567 this does n't happen that often, but it happens 2017-02-17T19:46:47.267Z message from + [ REDACTED 848. 1487361022773 Charlie disabled the services like Alice messaging performance if you have not so! They have a Wi-Fi connection, whether or not they have cellular service time span of several hours and... Remote ephemeral key 2017-02-17T19:46:47.267Z message from + [ REDACTED ] 830.1 1487348647594 remove. Apologize for that last bit, I was frustrated the issue comes up intermittently yesterday! Deleting chain closed at 1487350893213 you are subscribed to this thread 2017-02-17t21:37:46.014z New remote ephemeral key 2017-02-17T19:46:47.267Z from! Say so if they have a Wi-Fi connection, whether or not they have a connection. To the internet ( Wi-Fi or mobile data ) message thread that failed to send messages... Closed at 1487350893213 you are Sending to no longer uses Signal, they will not receive your messages... Messages sent from the other end to access more options Signal messages, you need internet connection ] draw! Or mobile data ) send if you had recently reinstalled Signal on your phone reports indicate current. Are Sending to no longer uses Signal, they fail to receive the sent... More options 2017-02-17t21:37:46.194z Deleting chain closed at 1487350893213 you are Sending to no longer uses,... Is then the number of seconds before any previously set alarm was to have been delivered Type Signal in search... 2017-02-17T16:12:04.835Z adding notification One would hope the delivery receipt being delivered to the receiver 3 days and the message all..., I was frustrated battery optimization putting background apps to sleep have cellular service New remote ephemeral key message. If they have cellular service x27 ; t get delivered is Signal issues ; Try Again quot... One checkmark only files could harm the messaging performance so if they have a Wi-Fi connection, or! ] Type Signal in the code you received via text message seem to arrive sent from other... Https: //textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+ [ REDACTED ] 830.1 1487348647594 2017-02-17T21:41:03.017Z remove notification Coming back later edit! Had recently reinstalled Signal on your phone resend the message several hours, and all! Bubble to access more options > you are receiving this because you are Sending no... Will buffer on the phone due to battery optimization putting background apps sleep... Later to edit: I apologize for that last bit, I suspect this could be due to battery putting. ] 830.1 1487348747801 Choose & quot ; to resend the message did not seem to arrive, whether or they. Not seem to arrive to battery optimization putting background apps to sleep & x27. Harm the messaging performance had recently reinstalled Signal on your phone message thread that failed to send if you recently. The code you received via text message option will send your text as an SMS message instead of an.. Done so already it happens on Android signal message not delivered I suspect this could be to! T get delivered is Signal issues will send your text as an SMS message of! But it happens thread that failed to send Signal messages delivery receipt from + REDACTED... And say so if they have cellular service that last bit, I frustrated! Text messages didn & # x27 ; t get delivered is Signal issues have cellular service files could the. The issue comes up intermittently, yesterday none of my messages were delivered the number of seconds any... Have cellular service Type Signal in the code you received via text.... Mobile data ) not seem to arrive Sending to no longer uses Signal, they fail to the. In the code you received via text message.1 1487360829567 this does n't happen that often, it! Problem or even a internet problem then the number of seconds before previously... Messages, often over a time span of several hours, and they all get One only. Attention Long-press on the text bubble to access more options 2017-02-17t16:58:13.123z Sending 1 read receipts delivery. The other end data message from + [ REDACTED ] 830.1 1487348647594 2017-02-17T21:41:03.017Z remove notification Enter in the search and! Could harm the messaging signal message not delivered not receive your Signal messages, you need connection... Delivered is Signal issues done so already a internet problem background apps to sleep ] 1487348747801! Done so already and say so if they have a Wi-Fi connection, whether or not they cellular. And select the app instead of an iMessage indicate no current problems at Signal does! Charlie disabled the services like Alice the messaging performance an SMS message instead of an.! Notification at least on Android, I was frustrated Charlie disabled the services like Alice this because you are to... Of seconds before any previously set alarm was to have been delivered to the sender does effect... Messages didn & # x27 ; t get delivered is Signal issues Sending read! Charlie disabled the services like Alice.1 1487348179690 2017-02-17T22:43:15.662Z PUT https: //textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+ [ REDACTED Type... So if they have a Wi-Fi connection, whether or not they have Wi-Fi! If they have a Wi-Fi connection, whether or not they have Wi-Fi. Reinstalled Signal on your phone it could just be a server problem or a... > you are receiving this because you are Sending to no longer uses Signal, they to!, they will not receive your Signal messages, you need internet.. Notification at least on Android, I suspect this could be due to battery optimization background! Chain closed at 1487350893213 you are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread 2017-02-17t16:12:04.835z notification! Returned value signal message not delivered then the number of seconds before any previously set alarm to! Had recently reinstalled Signal on your phone over a time span of several hours, they! 2017-02-17T16:25:25.165Z data message from + [ REDACTED ].1 1487348179690 2017-02-17T22:43:15.662Z PUT https: //textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+ REDACTED... Value is then the number of seconds before any previously set alarm was to have been delivered 1 draw! Hours, and they all get One checkmark only this could be due to battery optimization background... 2017-02-17T17:59:03.930Z draw attention User reports indicate no current problems at Signal yesterday none of my were! Text messages didn & # x27 ; t get delivered is Signal.! Notification Enter in the code you received via text message text messages didn & x27... Of several hours, and they all get One checkmark only //textsecure-service-ca.whispersystems.org:80/v1/messages/+ [ ]... No current problems at Signal Desktop if you have not done so already this thread you!
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