For those who enjoy a margarita, a blanco tequila is usually the way to go. I'm a Tequila/Agave Connoisseur, Taster & Reviewer from Long Island, NY. In order for tequila to be tequila, it has to be produced in one of the five areas in Mexico from which it's allowed: Michoacan, Tamaulipas, Guanajuanto, Nayarit, and Jalisco, the most famous and where most tequila comes from. Originally, tequila producers would bake pias in large pits containing rocks to hold in the heat. Its a fast and economical way to distill tequila. 3 Amigos Tequila fermentation process begins with small amounts of yeast that is added to the extracted sugars that are fused in large stainless steel tanks to start and control the fermentation process. If the tequila being produced is going to be sold as a mixto tequila (literally 'mixed' tequila) it is at this stage that cane or corn sugars will be added to a maximum of 49% of the fermentable sugars. Fermentation is simply converting sugars and/or carbohydrates to alcohol, by using yeast in anerobic (non-oxygen) conditions. Tequila Matchmaker users prefer tequilas distilled with copper pots. BELOW- stainless steel, wooden, and cement/stone fermentation vats (tanks). Just for fun, lets take a look at the various types of stills used in the production of tequila. This is the same method used by agave nectar producers. You may also know this type of tequila as silver. They also use a the pot still first, to hopefully add some complexity before going to the column still, which doesn't add any. Theyre easier to clean and are more efficient. The fermentation process can take anywhere from seven to 12 days and is usually done in large wooden vats or stainless steel tanks. Traditional brick ovens in use at the Cascahuin distillery in El Arenal, Jalisco. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. It is distilled twie to retain its unique flavor and character acquired during fermentation. Climate, rainfall, harvesting methods, fermentation styles, and overall production all play a major role in the spirit's flavor profile. Distillation is done slowly at a low temperature so as to allow an amount of heads and tails to remain in the distillate, to keep some of these flavors, as it is in these heads and tails that much of the flavor resides. Creating great tasting cocktails at home is easy once you have some recipes. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Most tequilas are aged in used barrels, often coming from the bourbon industry where barrels can only be used one time. The large fermentation tanks at Cazadores fill an entire building and the yeast is treated to classical music which blares from wall-mounted speakers. Hand Crushed (86.71): There is currently only one product in our database using this method, and its the same one that cooks agave in an earthen pit: Siembra Valles Ancestral. At many of the modern distilleries, stainless steel autoclaves are used instead of brick ovens. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. When the 'head' comes out of the condenser it's generally partly discarded (drained off) because it contains Acetaldehyde (Aldehyde), Ethyl Acetate (Esther), Propanol (Higher Alcohol) and Isobutilic and Isoamilic Alcohols (Higher Alcohols). This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The agave plant is not a cactus, but a succulent in the lily family. Using natural and naturally made yeast is always better than using synthetic yeasts, as synthetic yeasts create sub-products. They are cost effective, and the copper parts can be replaced when they wear out. These chemicals or accelerators are not a good thing, as it adds those sub-products and unfavorable flavors to the profile. Some examples of tequila produced in this way are all Sauza products, Casa Dragones, and Cazadores. Give it a try! At 83C these and other components start to vaporize. . Diffuser (59.41): By far the lowest scoring products are those that convert their products using the diffuser alone, without the use of heat. Like we mentioned before, distilling tequila requires the Blue Weber Agave plant, while distilling mezcal can be produced from more than thirty . It is produced along with ethanol, a desirable alcohol that humans can easily digest. Giving the yeast full access to as much sugar as possible is the goal. May involve dilution, the addition of mieles dulces, other sugars, and/or yeast. Tomorrow is National Tequila Day, which is pretty much every day in our house. This is the only way to verify that it was distilled twice, as it's a continuous distillation. The pia is cooked and then crushed, and Its juice is mixed with water and yeast for fermentation. The first distillation is called 'Ordinario', and after the second distillation the liquid is called 'Tequila'. Some fibers are broken in the process, but not as much as the roller. Your email address will not be published. Yeasts thrive in warmer temperatures and so fermentation is carried out more quickly in the summertime. Experts expect the tequila market to expand to over $15 billion by 2029. A screw mill doesnt break as many fibers as a roller mill (see below), so it can be used in conjunction with the tahona and speed up the process. Thanks Grover! Copper pot stills inside of the El Pandillo tequila distillery, located in Jesus Maria, Jalisco. Fermentation tanks. However, 51% of the sugarsneed to come from the Weber blue agave plant. We use cookies to give you the best experience. The Milling. Unlike whisky where the majority of time is spent in the ageing process, producing tequila requires a vast amount of time invested in cultivation. First Distillation: Physical separation of the alcohol from the agave pulp and juice, producing what is known as "Ordinary" Tequila. Tequila Production, including Agave Harvesting, Cooking the Agave, Shredding the Agave, Fermentation, Distillation, Aging and Bottling Tequila. The main characteristics of the heads are strong fruity and floral smells and tastes, and that is why it is so important that with a gentle maceration, this one producer gets to keep his full heads. It is common practice for distillers to redistill only the heart of the distillate that is captured in the flask. Water is an important necessity, as agave sugars must be diluted in order for the yeast to ferment them. Let's learn about Brands & Agave Spirits on FB, Instagram, and YouTube. During the fermentation, the yeast will convert the sugar of the diluted mosto into alcohol. The goal is to convert the raw agave pia's carbohydrates and starches into fermentable sugars, much in the same way that grains are turned into a mash, which then ferments to become whiskey. Often but not always, Tequila sold in Mexico is sold at 35-38% abv, but all imports to the US must be 40% abv (80 proof). They are mature at 7 to 10 years of age. For tequila 100% (100% agave sugars), fermentation will utilize only the agave-derived juices. Restaurants and bars can use this as training material. Regardless, much of the "heads" normally get thrown away and the same goes for the tails, but because they can have a positive effect, they are often re-distilled again to capture the extra tequila, to make the product more robust. During fermentation, the tanks get warm from the chemical reactions and can bubble quite vigorously (See Below). All that is needed here is yeast, the juices of the cooked agave (called must or wort) and water. For this reason, there is usually some level of copper somewhere in the process, even if it is a small part. at patrn:two parallel processes. They used their knowledge of the distillation process to convert the Aztecs traditional pluque drink into what we would recognize as a spirit. In this case, its just a very efficient extraction tool. Average fermentation requires 48- 60 hours. During the process, the syrup is naturally fermented by its own micro-organisms. They feel that their gentle maceration with a tahona, let's them end up well below industry standards at this stage, so they are able to retain more complex and natural flavors. As with any spirit, there are specific steps used to produce each type. Next, the pia needs to be baked so that the sugars can be extracted. The fermentation process usually takes 3-5 days, but can take up to 12 days. This stage is also when many of the core flavor compounds in a tequila are born. The main distinction between tequila and mezcal are that they each use a different type of Agave plant for the fermentation process and that they are both distilled in separate areas of Mexico. Agave maintains a high production level of fructose and sugars called agavins, which spur on the fermentation process of making tequila. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Water is an important necessity, as agave sugars must be diluted in order for the yeast to ferment them. While it can be served over ice with a twist of lime, it is most often used to make cocktails, like a classic tequila sunrise. To turn the mosoto into a spirit, it has to go through the fermentation process. Your email address will not be published. They are more expensive than a still made of stainless steel, and they will wear out over time. Here you will find distilleries making premium brands like Casamigos, Cazadores, Corazn, and Tezn. The object is to collect the vapors of alcohol, chill them, so they turn back into liquid and collect the alcohol from the still. The result has about 55% alcohol and is then considered 'Tequila'. The fermentation process follows. Keeping the yeast "happy" is key. Diffuser (67.1): A fully-diffuser product tends to score lower across the board, and we suspect that this is more about the speed of hydrolysis (as explained above) than the actual form of extraction. Here is a SIMPLE DESCRIPTION OF THE FERMENTATION TO DISTILLATION STAGE for making Tequila: After steaming (cooking) the pinas, generally by horno (oven) or autoclave (stainless steel oven), inulin carbs transform into fructose. Roller Mill/Tahona (79.1): Combining these process is something that Siete Leguas, Patron, and Olmeca Altos does. We set out early in the morning on May 16, 2020. promote longevity and even stop or reverse aging. The use of either type of yeast can result in different taste profiles. All plants are cut by hand, no machines in sight, and a very sharp coa de jima (similar to a machete) is used to clean up the plant and reveal the heart. Today, people are enjoying exploring the complex flavors of different varieties and reimagining their favorite drinks. Just like every other step in the process, tequila distilleries employ different methods. Using the tahona wheel is a very traditional method and it was originally pulled by horses, mules, or oxen. For instance, they may add caramel extract during the tequila production process to enhance the color or oak extract for a more aged flavor. The ratings for this method were dramatically higher than any other process. Other barrels used include new and used white or French oak and sherry casks. However, I would MUCH rather see the same analysis done including only puros. In the fermentation room, the process of making tequila mirrors every other distilled spirit. Tequila is an agave-based spirit that is derived from agave and produced in Mexico. He said that the aggressiveness of the shredder/milling would break the fibers and cause the cellulose to produce so much more methanol and superior alcohols during fermentation, that it would necessitate cutting the heads. About 15% of water is added in but not much more, or the yeasts won't do their thing. Olmeca Tequila, for example, uses both types of cooking processes, and it gets lower scores among our users because its a mixto (not 100% agave) tequila. The temperature is critical, and if it's too cold fermentation will slow, and if it's too hot it causes the yeast to die off, keeping in mind that the process of fermentation itself, produces it's own heat. The effect of yeast strain, the agave age and the cultivation field location of agave were evaluated using kinetic parameters and volatile compound production in the tequila fermentation process. Agave tequilana is a plant in the Agave plant family that produces tequila. For that reason most producers avoid it. used as yeasts in the fermentation process. Fermentation. It is unique to the distilled spirits produced in Mexico and different varieties are used for the various agave-based liquors produced in the country (mezcal, pulque, sotol, raicilla, and baconara as well as tequila). The tails are a cloudy liquid with very unpleasant smells and taste and all brands cut tails. Im particularly interested in what types of yeasts are used. . Technically Column stills are the most efficient, but not used often, and not the most desired procedure. This process is natural and may be the only part of the procedure that man does not totally control. TEQUILA is uniquely distilled from the Blue Weber Agave plant (or blue agave) in the Asparagaceae . This tool is used to remove the leaves from the pia bulb. Get the full picture of your on-premise performance in any market or on any menu with Overproofs Menu Analysis. There are enough seats at the bar for everyone! The first distillation takes about 2 hours, and although some say that smaller pot stills make a better product, overall it takes the must at 4-5% alcohol and turns it into a product of around 25%, where the alcohol boils off leaving most of the water and solids behind. The first distillation contain usable alcohol and organoleptic compounds that goes into, and often enhances the body and flavor. Its production consists of harvesting the agave, pilling the agave leaves, cooking the agaves heads, milling and extracting the agave juice, and the subsequent fermentation, distillation and tequila aging processes [10, 11].One specific characteristic of the tequila 100% agave production is that Agave tequilana Weber blue . The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Interestingly with wood vats, the wood gets impregnated with yeast from prior lots, and this helps jump start the process as opposed to stainless where the process has to be started fresh each time. It's the process of purifying a liquid, as you start with the fermented tequila and heat the liquid. Harvest the agave. For Corazn Tequila's fermentation process, we use a proprietary yeast that helps us achieve its unique profile rich in flavors and aromas. This type of tequila is aged for at least a year in American or European barrels, although, some producers will include other types of barrels in the aging process. Using acid and/or enzymes, hydrolysis can occur without any heat at all. This removed the smoky aromas and flavors, and made it quicker and easier to load/unload the agaves. This single step does not consign one to a bad tequila. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Why not join us and the rest of our tequila-loving community on these fine sites: Please join, follow, and introduce yourself. This fermented juice is then distilled into the final product (in pot or column stills, depending on the producer), bottled and sold. If you want to forego these additives and drink pure tequila, look for bottles labeled 100% agave.. THE PROCESS Crafting COA de Jima Tequila COA de Jima Tequila is the result of the time-honored process of crafting quality tequila. The ability to make alcohol at home is a process that has been around for centuries, and active dry yeast is one of the most common ingredients used to create ethanol. Tequila fermentation. Our tequila is 100% blue agave. To learn more about how tequila and mezcal suppliers and brands are performing on the menu in the state of California, download our market report here: When all the available oxygen is used up, yeast will convert sugar into . It also protects the industry as a whole, which has done wonders for the quality of tequilas available to us today. There is also a potential but under-utilized market for paper and textiles using these agave fibres. must fermentation and usually rely on spontaneous or pure Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain inoculation. None of these results surprise me. We took every rating within the Tequila Matchmaker app database (48,345 in total) and analyzed them based on three different steps in the production process: Cooking/Hydrolysis; Extraction; and Distillation. The middle part is called the 'heart' or Corazon, and this is the desired area. 'the sweet spot', and it is saved for the second distillation. On close inspection, there may be other things that are dragging down the combo score. Click Accept to consent to cookies. In most cases, tequila will be distilled twice. Autoclaves can cook a batch of agave in 7-12 hours. Regardless of whether the process takes longer, to obtain the best and most concentrated flavors, Tequila Orendain agave pineapples are cooked exclusively in masonry ovens. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Tequila Matchmaker, our free app for iPhone and Android, can detect your own individual "flavor fingerprint" and match you with tequilas that are right for you (and then tell you where to find them.) FERMENTATION- When adding natural airborne or proprietary yeast into the vats containing aquamiel during fermentation, the yeast fungus will eat the sugars, and the discarded "waste" YES- IT'S WHAT YOU THINK, will become alcohol, in the form of ethanol, carbon dioxide and other aromatic compounds. Grinding: Physical separation of alcohol and water. I know Camarena does this with his El Tesoro line. Step 4 - Fermentation. When acid is used during the conversion process, it can take as little as 4 hours to complete. Distillation normally occurs in the 'Alambique', also known as 'pot stills' (See Above), which consists of three parts- the 'cucurbit' (the stack), the 'still pot' (containing the liquid to be distilled, which is heated by a flame) and the 'head' or 'cap', which fits over the mouth of the cucurbit, (connected by the anbik section) to receive the vapors, and is attached to a downward-sloping 'tube' leading to the 'receiver' container. The 6-year old agave came from Mexpan, Ixtln del Ro, which is located 80 kilometers from Tequila in the Mexican state of Nayarit. Herradura uses a 100% natural fermentation process. The agave plant is harvested and the pias (large central cores) are cooked and crushed. Many distilleries use large, often stainless steel tanks of up to 100,00 litres, as a larger body of liquid will not heat or cool as quickly as a smaller one. The fermentation process creates a sweet, low-alcohol liquid known as "mosto." This is longer than most diffuser products because they dont use acid to speed up the process. Witnessing the beautiful landscape and the labor-intensive process for producing it makes this spirit worthy of tremendousrespect. Specific yeast may be added to accelerate and control the fermentation. One thing that is clear, though, is that this is not the slow-going, traditional method of production that our app users really love. This bottle is tall and skinny, giving off a very regal flair that dwarfs every other bottle on the shelf. At Patrn it takes about three hours to crush seven tons of agave with the tahona, and one hour to crush 14 tons of agave on the roller mill. What remains is a slurry of uncooked starches and inulin, which is then pumped into an autoclave where the conversion to sugar is achieved using heat (sometimes with the assistance of acid.). And, of course, we encourage you to experiment and see which methods you like the best! Agave fields are everywhere in Jalisco and come harvest time, you will see in the jimadores (field workers) removing what looks like a giant, spiky pineapple from the ground. This process can take 50 to 72 hours when it is done in a masonry oven, or 8 to 14 hours if it is done in an . The two main categories of yeast used in tequila are commercial brewers yeast, and yeast that comes from pre-cultivated existing yeast, that has been preserved. The nature of the handmade copper stills not only harkens back to the days of traditional tequila making processes, but also produces a cleaner, smoother tequila. Screw Mill (82.9): When used all by itself, a screw mill is an efficient compromise between tahona and roller mill. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Originally, tequila producers would bake pias in large pits containing rocks to hold in the heat. The fermentation process is the key to producing tequila's unique flavor and aroma. Esters - such as ethyl hexanoate; Alcohols - like such as 2-phenyl ethanol and isoamyl alcohol Tequila is a distilled beverage that is made from the fermentation of the sugars found from the blue agave plant once it has been cooked, the main sugar being fructose. Distillation There is talk from some producers, building new facilities soon, that a zero waste production is soon possible. All tequila is clear right after distillation and any color comes later, from aging in wooden barrels or from additives like caramel (in mixto) or colorings. Extraction: Process of crushing and rinsing cooked agave to separate sugar from fiber. If left untouched, the plant will grow a tall spire called aquiotefrom the center which can reach heights of 15 feet or more and produce flowers. The importance of a controlled fermentation of tequila musts in the production of this drink is well established and recognized, however, the role that musts play in the process is seldom recognized. DeLen Tequila is an excellent choice for sipping or using as a mixer in cocktails. As mentioned above, more methanol is created during this process because fibers are torn or broken. I know copper pot stills have to be cleaned often (steamed) but they do provide a nice taste. Some products made by Herradura are said to use this process. Along with this, we utilize native yeasts from the region that occur naturally in the air. Here's what Tequila drinkers should know about the difference between the Highlands and Lowlands of Jalisco, Mexico. great article. Likewise, the bottle of Don Julio 1942 (sells for around $100) has a stately presence. The idea is to separate and purify the fermented "musts" to eliminate any undesired elements, and doing so is called 'cutting heads and tails'. The second and usually the last distillation takes 3-4 hours. The main differences between mezcal and tequila are the types of agave used, the fermentation and distillation process, the regulation (tequila) or lack thereof, and most importantly the history, tradition and point of origin of the two spirits. However, the fermentation process also plays a significant role in various aspects of the sensory profile of the alcohol - primarily the flavors and aromas of the tequila. Do tequilas from an autoclave have a diminished flavor. Usually the liquid is filtered into small tanks to remove any excess solids and remaining fibers, before starting distillation. excellente ! These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. The heart holds the bestliquor. From there, the tequila is ready to be aged. Advanced search features within the website. A modern descendant of the alembic is the pot still, used to produce distilled beverages, and is usually copper or stainless steel. Our perfect pias are slow steamed for 26 hours in hornos, converting the natural agave carbohydrates and starches into the fermentable agave sugars for the fermentation process. George Clooney was not the first celebrity to own a tequila brand with Casamigos Tequila. In the tequila industry, fermentation is traditionally achieved at sugar concentrations ranging from 50 to 100 g x L(-1). During the fermentation process the sugars are transformed into alcohol within large wooden vats or stainless . In this guide, we will take a closer look at the history of tequila, the different varieties, and what exactly goes into the tequila production process. I don't see anything wrong with this, as some very high quality brands do it. This gives it more body and a silky texture. This plant contains a core bulb known as the pia. 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