The Cold War is over, my friends. matched the colors and pattern perfectly? Question: Based upon the data shown in Fig. Read on to find how octopuses in science fiction are actually portrayed and how it, Read More Backyard Aliens? Antarctic octopuses do not use the universal genetic code. But the government of Russian president Vladimir Putin claimed that nothing of scientific interest was found because the former KGB strongman hopes to weaponize the organism. 2023 Scientific American, a Division of Nature America, Inc. (yet), 1st Poster: I sincerely and deeply hope Trump gets well, and fast enough that he doesnt need to drop out. If an arm of an ordinary octopus is cut off, the severed limb will crawl away sometimes even seize prey and place it in the mouth of the octopus. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. [Video], What's in Your Wiener? The 33-foot-long man-eater also boasts extraordinary camouflage that helped it stalk the researchers. Oh and get thisThe string-armed octopus has a pretty unique super power unlike other octopus species, they dont have an ink sak to blast predators with ink while they make a gettaway!They will instead detach their spaghetti thin arms to confuse predators as they make their getaway.This dropped arm or predator bait will wiggle around for up to 5 hours as if to say "come eat me!" Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Since in Russia all stories with the inexplicable are strictly classified we cannot say that this is a real case. Seems there are some new trunk monkey ads out since last I looked. Tell me, O Octopus, I begsIs those things arms, or is they legs?I marvel at thee, Octopus;If I were thou, I'd call me Us.-Ogden NashThe octopus, formerly known as both a delicacy food item and for being thrown onto the ice at hockey games, now has a new recognition: a living testament to the effects of global warming.Genetic information from an Antarctic octopus species adds to a growing body . So yea, color me (extremely) skeptical on this one. One about your almost favorite cephalopod type would seem written just for you. And then theres the theory of life forms from one planet thrown to the next in huge oceanic floods exchanged in that interplanetary charge exchange. lol and crunches through mountains of ice cubes and dines on abominable snowmen when they slip. Extra-tiny! These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Did not know this: I was also thinking: what if this was a juvenile creature, with a parent somewhere that is much larger. If you want to educate yourself some more about all sorts of different cephalopods, take a look at our encyclopedia. This really really needs to be a sequel to The Thing, and then Quatti Mates The Thing, Then Sons and Daughters of Quatti. So we dont know what kind of (hydrostatic) pressure the divers were dealing with. Anyone with cursory knowledge of California gang culture knows that Piru is Swahili for blood. So this poor lady is literally drowning in the Lake of Blood. Octopuses in Antarctica survive subzero temperatures because of blue pigment in their blood, a new study finds. To become a paid member, visit member registration. Pope Nero-Caligula, in his circus show, Many species of octopus can alter their appearance, usually to avoid larger predators, Dr. Padalka explained. I suggest you contact Kerry Cassidy at Project Camelot or go through some of her hundreds of interview topics. They have bulbous heads, large eyes, and eight very useful arms. This arm is specialized with grooves to store sperm, ready to transfer it to the female when mating. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. My husband and I have had a theory for some time that part of what they were hiding in this area might be prehistoric creatures in the lake I mean that certainly isnt impossible and there were some pretty nasty things in the water during the age of dinosaurs, (all of those ages). Sounds like a euphemism for a crime syndicate with many intelligence connections thats particularly dangerous: even if you chop an arm off it will come back to get you. Ho, ho, ho, declared Mikhail Belochkin of the Bureau of Truthful Information. The Antarctic octopus had the highest concentration of haemocyanin in its blood compared with other species. Octopuses are extraordinarily intelligent, able to negotiate mazes, use tools and even build structures with Legos. Ancient inhabitants of Antarctica massacred most of the Grendels, a few survived. The Antarctic octopus' haemocyanin was also found to shuttle oxygen between gills and tissue far better when temperatures were above freezing. didnt the arm also pickpocket the teams valuables? Regular readers here know that I think something mighty strange is "up" down there. Sacs of colorful pigments called chromatophores allow them to change colors, and by contracting their muscles they can blend in with the smooth ocean floor or a craggy coral reef. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". in Jesuit PhD, New research shows that if done right, urban farms and gardens can support all kinds of speciesfor the good of people and the environment. lol THANK U Dr. Farrell By the time the closest scientist realized what it was, it had grabbed him and torn him to bits.. Jen, a good catch. to get down that well casing, & some Sandoz squid ink From Capt. If an arm of an ordinary octopus is cut off, the severed limb will crawl away sometimes even seize prey and place it in the mouth of the octopus. The Bigger Your Butt, the More Likely You Are to Be Abducted by Aliens, Study Shows.. Um, now who looks like controlled (or uncontrolled) opposition? 22, 88, etc.). Continue reading with a Scientific American subscription. Color me skeptical also. As can be seen, the idea that an unknown life form in the form of microbial life is not implausible, especially in an underground lake on an isolated continent, which lake itself has been isolated from the rest of the world for quite some time, millions of years in fact. So far, analysis of the venom has revealed two toxins that are new to science. With so many of you asking us questions on our Facebook and Instagram posts, we wanted to share some more fun facts about the octopus arms and everything they can do! Hmm. Fun read, a cross between Release the Kraken! and EBEs at Area 51. The Antarctic Ocean hosts rich and diverse fauna despite . This documentary took us into a patch of kelp forest where a Common Octopus let a human into her world. And really, why the hell is Pence?, 4th Poster: Ever notice the lack of muscle movement, especially in the face? I can only imagine what its like.. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. To revist this article, visit My Profile, then View saved stories. Roger, before cv19 was cv18, etc etc. Imagine if they were deposited in reservoirs and lakes across North America?. Fast forward to an article again in Ancient Origins from 3/21/16: titled Stash of Books from the Witch Library of Nazi Chief Himmler Found in Prague It was as if it had hypnotized him telepathically.. Arms and suckers make up most of an octopuss squishy body and are extremely important body parts. Pair this with their suckers ability to taste and smell what they touch and it starts to make sense why two-thirds of an octopus brainpower is located in their arms. Then hell break off his mating arm and give it to her so she can fertilize her eggs!3 The life span of 7-arm octopuses remains unknown at this time, however, it may have a relatively long life span to reach its large size (for instance giant octopuses live 3 to 5 years! 3. what can be said about the process that generates the Antarctic octopus' K+ channels? Redirecting to (308) The octopus doesn't have a real name yet and is going by the temporary moniker, Parledone species 1. Pompeo be going down there soon? But Organism 46-B has another trick up its sleeve. Is THAT what really drew all those world leaders? Did Earth get its water from Mars??? At the time, I speculated that perhaps Kerry's visit was really about conducting diplomacy. Yet I am intrigued if for no other reason than H. P. Lovecraft. Antarctic octopuses eat [], All the Settings You Should Change on Your New Samsung Phone, Fat, Sugar, Salt Youve Been Thinking About Food All Wrong, You Can Turn Your Backyard Into a Biodiversity Hot Spot, No, the James Webb Space Telescope Hasnt Broken Cosmology. I dare you not to fall in love with these fun-sized cuties! To their great disappointment, however, the Russian government claimed that the team had found no life in Lake Vostok and denied that divers had even entered the water. When it comes down to it, octopuses are a really smart ball of muscles and neurons. Yep, someone is having a bit of fun with this one. I've rehearsed the strangeness of the place many times on this website (and in my books dealing with what I've called the post-war "Nazi International"). U.S. and British experts were puzzled by the announcement. Science fiction is full of imagination, and there are plenty of sci-fi movies where aliens take the form of octopuses. Right out of the tank, from which it was birthed. Without the magick, ultra, enigma or what ever decoders it will make no sense to any one except its target(s). The geologists expected to be honored internationally for their amazing find. From the way it adapted each time we changed our tactics, we became convinced it is at least as intelligent as an average human, Dr. Padalka revealed. Everywhere. That's quite a secret handshake!) Angela Watercutter. And the lack of humor, introspection or humility? The giant Pacific octopus is considered the largest octopus species in the world and inhabits the northern Pacific Ocean off the United States up to Alaska and around Japan. You can be alarmed to within an inch of terminal shock and awe, yet appear perfectly placid. Everything You Need To Know About An Octopus Brain! mRNA is likely modified before translation. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. We watched helplessly as it used its arms to tear off his head, then popped his remains its mouth. Octopuses have 8 arms, which have suckers along the entire appendage, with most species having two rows per arm. circa 1961. Even for researchers accustomed to unfamiliar sights, the white octopus and other unusual creatures were enough to give them pause. occupies a fish tank in Moscow. If it had neurons and could regenerate the rest of its body then it could be considered a full creature eventually. With testing banned, countries have to rely on good maintenance and simulations to trust their weapons work. Experts say thats because each arm contains a cluster of neurons essentially its own brain. The team that discovered the new Antarctic sea-vent octopus was able to film the new eight-armed bottom-dweller on the go. Loved the sci-fi story. But how much ocean are we willing to sacrifice? and why, Apollo 11 astronaut Ed "Buzz" Aldrin, who visited the continent, and allegedly tweeted some odd things about his visit, both before and after it. Vindogradov swimming outside the sub at those depths would have had his insides imploded by the pressures at that depth. It is the essential source of information and ideas that make sense of a world in constant transformation. Where have I heard that one before??!! The 7-Armed Octopus (Haliphron atlanticus) is there to throw everything into chaos. Dr. Chandra Wickramasinghe, who some consider the father of the panspermia theory, was one of the researchers of this study. Other stories in the Forsythstories series include: Other stories in the Forsyth series include: Or maybe its just a mashup of John W. Campbells novella Who Goes There circa 1938 (the shape shifting Thing of Outpost 31), Fantastic Voyage circa 1966 (remember Rachel Welch?) Deep in the DNA of an Antarctic octopus, scientists may have uncovered a major clue about the future fate of the continent's ice sheet raising fears global heating could soon set off runaway melting.. One can go on Youtube and look at any number of videos of octopus solving complex puzzles, or even watching other octopus solving complex puzzles, and then doing the same task themselves. The venoms are being studied. The author noted that this original diversity was whittled-down by volcanism, asteroid/comet strikes, etc., over the ages with the result that Earth today is much poorer in fundamentally different species (not different plumage or minor stuff) than at the time of the Cambrian Explosion. Maybe it was the tentacle that they captured and brought back? Ad Choices, Antarctic Octopuses Discovered With Sub-Zero Venom, A research expedition to Antarctica to study the regions octopus life has returned with descriptions of four new species, and the first known sub-zero venoms. The Secret to Bruce Lees Superhuman One-Inch Punch. Their work took place from 1935 to 1944. The modern Nazis also wanted it & attempted to claim it for their own. I imagine there arent many people in that fossil ice cavity for regular Tetradecopus (?) It was in early February 2012 that members of the Russian Antarctic Expedition succeeded in the drilling through more than two miles of thick ice to Lake Vostok a project that took more than 30 years. And curiously enough, there have been for a number of years stories of battles in (or beneath) Antarctica, with postwar British SAS forces battling everything from Nazis to "monsters". You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Miraculously, the eggheads were able to capture the creature in a tank. Visit our corporate site (opens in new tab). It disabled our radio, which we later learned to our alarm, was intentional.. The tank is another metaphor for the story itself being distributed worldwide; taking on a life of its own. as his mafia degree Subs, divers and QUATTUOROPUS, oh my! From Ancient Origins Officially, Ahnenerbe was registered as a study society for primordial intellectual history and German Ancestral Heritage. Should be prey my spell checker got in the way giant prey animals/fish/aquatic reptiles etc. Let us set the record straight here and now: Octopuses have 8 ARMS and ZERO tentacles. DNA sequence predicts protein sequence. This species can regenerate their arms in a quick 6-8 weeks. My name is Paul the Octopus and I approve this message. Australia will just have to settle for the less tentacled but nonetheless multicolored good old fashioned Mendelian selected Kangaroo Paws, not to be confused with the Tanzanian Presidents COVID positive paw paws. After the five surviving scientists made their way to the surface, the programs director ordered that the bore hole be immediately plugged. The octopuses drift into clouds of plankton and feed on cope pods until they are ready to go to the bottom of the ocean 3. We thought it was one my colleagues swimming toward us in scuba gear. And by God, I hope some day we find out it is actually true! Having known more than my share of brilliant plebes and ignoramus brainiacs, I give this one a down vote with one caveat: there are many aspects of this that are crazy and true. Could you imagine fixing yourself a meal and completing a puzzle all while not having to take your eyes off the TV? In 1951 during the fog of the Korean War and with the Secretary of the Treasury in the hospital, the Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury not Congress handed the power to set interest rates independently of government economic policy entirely to the Federal Reserve System. Its a little bit of an anti-climax, geologist Dr. David L. Meckenroy of the U.K. said on TV at the time. Where do they keep these other neurons that amount to 60% of their brainpower? And then I catch something like this that lays out the history that I can remember of events around some of this trolling. One million species are at risk of extinction, but a handful of charismatic creatures get all the hype. Norwegian Masonic researcher claims Some 6000 of the books were taken from the Norwegian order of Freemasons in Oslo. But, this "blue blood" also helps explain why different species of octopuses live in such diverse environments, ranging from the freezing waters around Antarctica to the warm equatorial tropics. Climate scientists have been struggling to work out if the ice sheet . I find the weapon and capture story really dubious, unless the managed to kill the thing and I suspect to do that they would have needed an entire back-up team probably from the Russian Military. She has a Masters degree in marine science from the University of Auckland and throughout her career has worked on multiple international marine conservation projects as an environmental consultant. If so, then the questions is, with whom? It does not store any personal data. Al Hubbard in a Russian trawler version of Car 54 Where Are You ? Because the freshwater lake has been sealed off from the rest of the world for between 15 and 34 million years, scientists had predicted they would find new species that had evolved far differently than any seen before. We thought it was one my colleagues swimming toward us in scuba gear. All the time. this is a companion piece, more details on the Old hag from Threadneedle St that I had known. Although the creature has 14 arms instead of the usual eight, it kills in a similar manner to an ordinary octopus seizing its prey, injecting it with paralyzing saliva then dismembering it into small pieces with its beak. They sought the information amongst at least 260 libraries and archives. That list includes: With that context in mind, recall that many years ago there was something of a minor "furor" over whatever it was that the Russians had discovered in their deep drilling efforts over Lake Vostok, a vast underground lake on the polar continent. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Imagine being on the couch and telling your arm go find the remote because youre trying to concentrate on your show. Recent expeditions to Antarctic seafloor vents have yielded haunting new images of hairy-bellied yeti crabs, a seven-armed starfish and an eerily pale octopusits curling arms encased in almost translucent skin. Some species of octopus lay 200,000 eggs, he pointed out. 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