Clothing must be neat, clean and in good repair. . All students must wear appropriate, non-visi Empowering English learners to achieve success is a shared responsibility for every district and school. Follow Us All freshmenas well as sophomores new to the Schoolare required to participate in a team sport during the fall season; experience has taught us that such involvement helps significantly with the adjustment to a new community. For student mail, the address is: Student Name, Blair Academy, P.O. 'm&]h`/8'O?%=&tmH?J~dHz%2Ozb}=owEuDnKJFa6<=B2Q\IEjbuTsLdT>Ji}xTmv]7HSGe9sYO}z,tDsC$'{R4e:lk=BMiFUrUh'mHu~~gVy1aA:I1~]`A:MD'ZxW}:8"a /B#`Iao7-QI~}%Y+c _n-9vx(\2)\+-_m&7rEl,R6O=DW E-:FFlcQFe'nV"( Formal Dress On certain occasions, more formal attire is required. Admissions and Registration Questions (e.g. School Dress Codes Arent Fair to Everyone, Federal Study Finds, drew on a Black boys head in permanent marker, What Would Motivate Teens to Work Harder in School? At Blair Middle, 63% of students scored at or above the proficient level for math, and 66% scored at or above that level for reading.Compared with the district, the school did worse in math and better in reading, according to this metric. It allows students to focus on the educational environment instead of their clothing. Blair Middle School; Calendar; Find It Fast. This website endeavors to comply with best practices and standards defined by Section 508 of the U.S. How Blair Middle placed statewide out of 414 schools ranked in Virginia. Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). If your child becomes sick, he or she should go to the on-campus Over the years, Blair Middle School has had many dedicated principals, teachers, and staff members. Prefects act as liaisons between students and faculty. The findings come as schools increasingly clash with parents, students, and civil rights advocates over disciplinary procedures used to regulate what students canand cannotwear to school. Pick-up and drop-off days are Mondays and Thursdays. Student School Dress Code 2022/2023 DRESS CODE Scholars are expected to wear: 6th grade - White Tops with a collar (t-shirts are not allowed) 7th grade - Black Tops with a collar (t-shirts are not allowed) 8th grade - Orange Tops with a collar (t-shirts are not allowed) Bottoms - Black or Khaki Pants or Shorts . Ninety-three percent of school districts have dress codes or policies on what students wear to school. The ages range from 10 to 14. Contact Jon DeJesus at (908) 362-3120, or %PDF-1.6 % Skirt or dress pants, a blouse or sweater, or blazer. Fax . . Most middle schools prefer that the top be long enough to go past the waist of your pants, and some even require that it be tucked in. Since the typical student body size at public schools is so large, many school administrations often do not feel it is necessary to commit their time and effort toward policing students clothing. . Yes, as long as the student has no other obligations that he or she will be missing. Behind-the-wheel training can be scheduled independently after successfully completing the classroom course. What happens if my child becomes sick while at school? Williamsburg, VA 23185 Freshmen, sophomores and juniors are required to participate in a team sport or team sport equivalent (drama, robotics, dance) minimally two out of the three seasons. You may contact the housemaster or advisor as well. In truth, private schools must convince parents to send their children to their institutions because they depend heavily on student tuition. You can use this area for legal statements, copyright information, a mission . Parents may contact housemasters for any after-hours emergencies that may arise. A student at Grant High School in Portland, Ore., waits for a ride after school in 2018. The mission of the Library Media Center is to maintain an accessible school library with a learning-focused environment that is a dynamic resource center for students and staff. After the first year, the student will work with his or her monitor, with guidance from teacher recommendations, to choose classes. How does my child get to and from the airport/bus station/train station? Wear Neon Colors! Principal Eric Stewart. Scholarships can help families afford K-12 private schools. In this 2018 photo, students socialize at Grant High School in Portland, Ore., after school let out. Site Map Back To Top VDOE City of Norfolk District Home. North Lewisburg, Ohio 43060, Principal: Vinnie Spirko While dress code violations do not often result directly in exclusionary discipline such as suspensions and expulsions, an estimated 44 percent of dress codes outlined informal removal policies, such as taking a student out of class without documenting it as a suspension. Many schools prohibit: Blouses and jackets are included in this category and should follow the correct rules. 2. . An assistant principal in Texas drew on a Black boys head in permanent marker to cover up a shaved design in his hair. Students must obtain a work permit through their home public school district, then bring them to Blair for signatures. 730 Spotswood Ave. Norfolk, Va. 23517 757-628-2400 Email Dr. Doyle Email for BMS Questions Office Hours Monday-Friday 7:30AM-3:30PM Office Manager Jessica Ramos Student Hours 8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Typically, if there is an appropriate piece of clothing underneath a see-through top, it is okay. However, when they are at school, they need to dress the part. There have been debates for a long time about the necessity of dress codes and whether or not they benefit the students. The Blair Middle School community will provide opportunities for family engagement and school-wide literacy through the use. Portland Public Schools relaxed its dress code in 2016 after student complaints that the rules unfairly targeted female students and sexualized their fashion choices. When you buy through links on this site, we may earn a commission. Bright, artificial colors and extreme looks are considered inappropriate because of their potentially distracting qualities. Although a Scotsman by birth and educated at the University of Edinburgh, he became a minister of the Church of England. We are committed to fostering a culture of mutual respect, high expectations, and personal accountability for our students, staff, families, and greater community. Triad Middle School 7941 Brush Lake Road North Lewisburg, Ohio 43060. Phone: (540) 751-2500. Be wary, though, as some schools may not allow nail polish at all. Editorial Policy | Privacy Policy | Terms of Service. 28 talking about this. Data is based on the 2018-2019, 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 school years. Any jewelry and accessories should not divert the attention of other students. It was named for James Blair, founder of William and Mary. However, the nail polish color should not be excessively bright, but a neutral shade. Clothing which advertises tobacco, alcohol, or drug products, or which contains inappropriate or vulgar messages. In Virginia, 75% of students tested at or above the proficient level for reading, and 82% tested at or above that level for math. Most schools prefer students to maintain natural hair colors, although each school may have its own definition of what is acceptable. This includes no cell phone usage in the dining hall or while walking between buildings on campus. Furthermore, it is standard for the dress code not to let girls midriffs show. The seventh graders remained in elementary schools. Norfolk, VA 23517. I also saw a boy wearing them with no problem. J. Blaine Blayton Elementary 800 Jolly Pond Road Williamsburg, VA 23188 Phone: (757) 565-9300 Fax: (757) 565-9301 E. S. Brinkley, Principal of Monroe Elementary School, was chosen to be the first principal at Blair. Join our webinar to learn from experts about the critical need for support, and the concrete strategies that are working to help students thrive in rigorous academic content. Opt-In by texting the word Yes or the letter Y to the following number: 67587. The Supreme Court has never directly addressed school dress codes. J. Brooks Hoffman '36 If you need to contact your child's dean, please use the email link below or call 757-628-2400, press 1 and dial the extension number listed for each dean. View a list of what to bring (and not to bring). Many private schools have specific uniforms instead of just a general dress code. What Is Critical Race Theory, and Why Is It Under Attack? endstream endobj startxref Not all middle schools have the same dress code, and some of them have more rules than others. You can usually find your schools dress code on their website or in their handbook if you need specifics. Please contact Susan Long, assistant director of advancement for parent relations, with any additional questions at (908) 362-2033, or My girls definitely feel anger towards the school for not educating the boys and making [the girls] aware every day what they wear can be a distraction to the boys, the report quotes an unnamed parent in one district as saying. As a new student, your childs course load will be determined by the dean of academics based on grades and classes taken at his or her previous school. Team members may wear parts of their game uniforms to classes on game days with the approval of their coaches. Harmony Middle School. When codes require uniform-like attire, however, many parents and children object. 101 Longhill Road That means students of color and poor studentsmost specifically, Black girlsare most likely to face consequences for violating school dress codes, causing them to miss class time. The student population of Blair Middle is 1,282 and the school serves 6-8. How does the Blair banking/debit card work? For certain family-style dinners and other formal School functions, the following formal dress code applies: Sports coat or suit, dress shirt with tie and long trousers. You can use this area for legal statements, copyright information, a mission statement, etc. Choice of formal dress should be sincere and consistent with the significance of the occasion. Blair, Michael - Learning Specialist; Bosse, Susan - Learning Specialist; . For more information, contact Jon DeJesus in the student life office at (908) 362-3120, or Dresses should not be low cut in the front or back, and they should cover the shoulders. . He, then, married, acquired land, and was made Commissary in 1689. While some other schools in your area may allow shorts, tank tops, and leggings, your school might not. 1. Visit Us. Sweatshirts can be worn over an approved top. Youre not dressed the right way, you could be unsafe because you have a hat or a hood on, kids arent going to feel loved supported a sense of belonging,, A version of this article appeared in the November 23, 2022 edition of Education Week as School Dress Codes Arent Fair to Everyone, Federal Study Finds. . 60500 Milton Area . Students may also use this card to withdraw cash from the Student Bank (located in the School Store). Fax: 757-628-2422. Over the years, Blair Middle School has had many dedicated principals, teachers, and staff members. Get the latest education news delivered to your inbox daily. Rememberwhen you use any image or music as part of your school work you should cite your source. Clothing which depicts hate speech targeting groups based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, religious affiliation or any other protected groups. What addresses do I use for mailing and shipping? Occasionally, heels that are too high or are not secure are prohibited. View a list of what to bring (and not to bring). For more information, please click here. Private schools are known to have stricter dress codes than public schools because they have a high standard to keep. Middle schools, and other levels of education, have dress codes to cultivate an environment where students can learn without the distraction of extreme clothing and the appearance of other students. The Commissary servesas the Bishops representative in America, which he held for fifty years. . All transportation to airports, train stations and bus stops is arranged through the student life office. We challenge all of our students to achieve to the best of their abilities, so they will be successful in our highly competitive world. If you dont use it, the Bb footer will slide up. 0 The general rule on dresses is that they should follow the same rules for tops and shorts. ES Literacy Spirit Week: Our Future Is Bright! Clothing and dress can be a form of individual expression; however, it should always convey a sense of personal pride and confidence that is conducive to learning. James Blair Middle School fosters lifelong learning by providing access to information, knowledge, and ideas. They should not have any pictures that promote gangs, drugs, alcohol, or inappropriate humor. If this happens, encourage your child to get involved! Wear Sunglasses! UNION. In addition, the tank top should not be cut low in the front or back, and it should also cover the midriff. Blair does not have a typical physical education program during the class day; instead, all students are required to be physically active during the afternoon sports period. Phone: (757) 603-6565 hTmo0+>NU {~h!A+u~w^&t>=N$`%J}6Rd..x|GU5)|Ob&[f'z$n2!H :r`&wkECA"5jmrF>\t,)g Lo+I>+r;%#6B$ 0wf?68;gYM\:lXkt058p(e2=x~XWBNb[)J,-+;~+Hh_P6Z7B[T/JL!CJgNy],)5~OG&\'ioN[q$p>[ oeKF'xF0 Blair also uses the services of Dr. Jeffrey Merkle, M.D., a specialist in internal medicine and pediatrics who comes to Blair for appointments. Eat.Write.Play. HS - Triad Marching Band Trip to Orlando Florida. Furthermore, most public schools allow students to wear nail polish. Connect With Us: This is the disclaimer text. View Map. A new report from the U.S. Government Accountability Office found that not only are school dress codes not equitable, but districts that enforce them strictly also predominantly enroll students of color. A good way to begin is for you and your parents/guardians to read through this book and get acquainted with James Blair Middle School. Again, this comes down to respecting other students and not taking their concentration away from class. Each student is assigned a monitor who oversees his or her academic progress. It does not shock me that the reports are showing that these school dress codes are disproportionately affecting black and brown students, she said, because our schools were built on systems that were supposed to be predominantly for white people.. . Sugar Land Middle School; Ronald Thornton Middle School; Ferndell Henry Center for Learning; . Parents and students often ask, What is the real reason for implementing a dress code? There is a perfectly good answer to that question. endstream endobj 796 0 obj <>/Metadata 11 0 R/Pages 781 0 R/QXPr:DeviceNColorants 784 0 R/StructTreeRoot 15 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 797 0 obj <>/MediaBox[0 0 612 792]/Parent 782 0 R/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 46/Tabs/S/TrimBox[0 0 612 792]/Type/Page/u2pMat[1 0 0 -1 0 792]/xb1 0/xb2 612/xt1 0/xt2 612/yb1 0/yb2 792/yt1 0/yt2 792>> endobj 798 0 obj <>stream Educator and activist Denisha Jones explains what racial justice in education looks like. Not every school allows shorts, but assuming that your middle school does, we will talk about their requirements. %ouCtq'=;L /u{B~t6Gj6r&}C"` There are 104 equivalent full-time teachers and 4 full-time school counselors. Schools are ranked on their performance on state-required tests, graduation, and how well they prepare their students for high school. . For example, dresses are often required to follow the fingertip rule, which means that the student should not touch the skin on their legs when their arms are down. He also did much to improve the moral condition of the colony of Virginia. Fifty-nine percent also contain rules about students hair, hairstyles, and hair coverings, which may disproportionately impact Black students, according to researchers and the district officials that GAO staff interviewed. Extreme hairstyles are not allowed, as they are distracting to other students around them. These are only three examples across the country over the past few years demonstrating how school dress codes disproportionately target girls, Black students, and LGBTQ students. We invite you to visit and observe our students as they broaden their worlds through education. ET. They may opt for a physical activity offering (weight training, yoga, etc.) For this reason, all of these appearance traits should refrain from being distracting or extreme. Furthermore, many middle schools allow sandals (with some restrictions). Blair Junior High School was completed and opened in October 1922. Moving up a grade together can benefit both teachers and students. There are laundry machines in every dorm and there is no charge for their use. Weekend activities range from trips into New York City to fast food runs and trips to the mall. Respect for the collective academic endeavor and respect for all community members and the School includes attending to appearance. Join a discussion about James Blair Middle School and talk to others in the community including students, parents, teachers, and administrators. Districts also commonly list some consequences for violations of their dress code policies, such as requiring students to change clothes, imposing detention, and calling parents or guardians. The School may make exceptions to the dress code in accordance with sincerely held religious tenets. Support your child, but remember, many phone calls and visits home will usually prolong the homesickness. Schools that require uniforms instead of just a dress code use them to create a sense of unity. Founded in 1848, Blair Academy is a dynamic, coeducational New Jersey boarding school where students in grades 9-12 pursue a superior college preparatory education empowered by strong faculty-student relationships and a vibrant community life. Wear a Hat! Thus, clothing guidelines should be expected whether you go to a private or public school. Due to this general standard, middle school students often wonder what clothes fit within the dress code when back-to-school shopping. Piercings in the nose, lips, eyebrows, or other parts of the face are not permitted. ES Literacy Spirit Week: Hats Off To Reading! Students must, of course, let their housemaster know they are leaving campus. Does my child have to be involved in sports or an after-school activity? There is also limited space to leave a few larger belongings over the summer. These counts and percentages of students and teachers are from data reported by state education agencies to the federal government. For example, one district prohibited hair with excessive curls and another stated that hair may be no deeper than two inches when measured from the scalp, according to the report. 730 Spotswood Avenue. Hair Colors. 6th Grade: Candice Harmon. This rule ensures that no bra straps will be left exposed. Another reason many schools have a dress code is to help students learn skills in dressing appropriately for the occasion. Thu., March 30, 2023, 2:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. The dress codes in public schools have some similarities with private schools, in that many dont allow girls to have tops that are too low and revealing. Dress shoes, clean sneakers or dress sandals (no flip-flops or slides). If we spend part of our day telling students, you dont look the right way. Some schools allow leggings as long as there is a dress or long shirt over them. . Community (closed) weekendsare designed to re-enforce the sense of community at Blair. Our students are successful because of a caring and dedicated staff that develops positive relationships with the students and their families. Dress codes can be challenging for low-income families to adhere to, especially if theyre required to buy specific clothing items, such as uniforms, or can only allow their children to have hairstyles approved by schools, experts quoted in the report said. The principals who served the school over the years are as follows: Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Any clothing or manner of appearance that disrupts the educational/school-related environment will not be allowed. After serving one year, Mr. Brinkley was appointed Superintendent of Schools. Many young girls start wearing makeup when they are in middle school, so it should be no surprise that there are rules governing makeup use. In short, any jewelry should look neat and orderly. The easiest way to do this is to name the artist and the website where you copied or downloaded the intellectual property. Some schools allow ripped and distressed jeans, but many require that pants be clean cut with no rips, distressed fabric, or fraying. We will endeavor to inform new students of their roommate approximately one week before the start of school. For mail to business or academic offices, the address is: Blair Academy, P.O. Service can be arranged through the business office. Test anxiety is common, but parents can help their kids learn to manage it. The student-teacher ratio is 12, which is better than that of the district.The student population is made up of 49% female students and 51% male students. Chimere Stephens, senior director of diversity and recruitment in the New York City public schools system, reads to a class of K-2 students at PS 55, an elementary school in the Bronx. Many people feel that some school dress code policies unfairly target people of color by banning things that may wear like durags, hair wraps, braids, and dreadlocks. Wear Tourist/Hawaiian Gear! You can use this area for legal statements, copyright information, a mission statement, etc. Is there a place to store luggage or belongings during the school year? All content provided by OutScholar is exclusively meant for informational purposes. It was built to accommodate 1,200 pupils. Faculty advisors are chosen by the student (within the first five weeks of the school year) and serve as his or her advocate and mentor. Hair should be a natural color. So if you are going to a private school with a standard uniform, you wont need to worry about whether or not your school clothes are acceptable for school. These professional dressing habits help prepare students for jobs in the future. Before he could make his school more welcoming, a superintendent explains how he had to challenge his own perceptions first. School profile information is based on government data. Find hundreds of jobs for principals, assistant principals, and other school leadership roles. Search over ten thousand teaching jobs nationwide elementary, middle, high school and more. The building, including the equipment, cost approximately $700,000. Fax: (757) 565-7632, Williamsburg-James City County Public Schools . Mr. Sykes passed the belt to her b/c, according to her peers: she's the GOAT, kind, smart, empathetic, exceptional, leader, mentor, & a true champion! Meet with an accredited academic counselor before choosing an alternative educational plan. The DeSoto County School District is also committed to providing a website that is accessible to the widest possible audience, regardless of technology or ability. The report also found that schools with a larger number of economically disadvantaged students are more likely to enforce strict dress codes. Does my child need to have his/her own computer? Room assignments are not finalized until just prior to the Opening of School. T-shirts may only be worn with another approved article of clothing (e.g., a vest, sweater or scarf). Find teaching jobs and other jobs in K-12 education at the EdWeek Top School Jobs virtual career fair. Blair Middle School is committed to a school-wide instructional focus on the development ofacademic vocabulary,nonfiction readingstrategies andwritingskillsacross all content areas to promotedisciplinary literacy. Vanessa Solis/Education Week + AP Photo + E+/Getty. The report also cites dress codes with rules specific to natural, textured hair, which disproportionately affect Black students. Additionally, should the need arise, students will be alerted by text of any emergencies on campus. In Norfolk City Public Schools, 64% of students tested at or above the proficient level for reading, and 70% tested at or above that level for math.Blair Middle did worse in math andworse in reading in this metric compared with students across the state. As there were 1,600 seventh, eighth, and ninth graders in this section, only eighth and ninth graders were admitted. Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). While this has long been a fashion trend, many dress codes have stipulations against holes in jeans. When using UPS, FedEx and other shipping companies, the address is: Student Name, Blair Academy, 2 Park Street, Blairstown, NJ 07825. Pants: Khakis, denim jeans without holes or tears or trousers. The student dress code "includes a minimum standard of dress and exists, per the policy, so students dress in a way that is 'consistent with the formality of school,'" she added. Simply put, when shorts are worn, they must go past the students fingertips when their arms are at their side. Is there a service? . What is the process for getting working papers for my child if he/she wants to get a summer job? Sweat pants can sometimes be seen as unkempt, but they are usually allowed, so dont fret too much about them. This is particularly concerning because more than 81 percent of predominantly Black schools (where Black students make up more than 75 percent of the population) and nearly 63 of predominantly Hispanic schools enforce a strict dress code, compared to about 35 percent of predominantly white schools. 38174 W. Colonial Highway. 7th Grade: Lakeisha Cotman-Thomas. f,EN]En{bL=d}. Beach or loungewear shoes, like flip flops, are not appropriate. Blair Deans. Create a free account to save your favorite articles, follow important topics, sign up for email newsletters, and more. Text trained CRISIS COUNSELORS about anything that is on your mind. hb```,F6 aB30|``\b"(f`SsG:230'y@@` )3 And a transgender girl in Texas was told not to return to school until she followed the schools dress code guidelines for boys. Dress Code. The Advanced Placement course will be widely offered at high schools in fall 2024. An inside look at the 2023 cover for EdWeek's annual Leaders To Learn From special issue. Plus, uniforms take the pressure off of students to make the popular clothing choice. Blair Academy student debit/ID cards allow students the ability to purchase items in the school store, The Black Canteen and the athletic supply store without the need to use cash. The t-shirt should fit well, not be too baggy or too tight, and it should cover the midriff. Dresses are typically allowed in middle schools, but they have their own set of rules as well. About 60 percent of dress codes make staff members measure students bodies and clothing to check adherence to codeswhich may involve adults touching students. Head covers should not be worn in a manner to disrupt the educational environment. 7941 Brush Lake Road North Lewisburg, OH 43060 60400 Mifflinburg Area. It is up to the student to decide if they want to wear heels to school. The Bishop of London, who was also the Bishop of Virginia, influencedBlair tomove to Virginia. ES Literacy Spirit Week: Reading Takes Us Places! Read more about how we rank the Best Middle Schools. hbbd``b` . A student with bright or unnatural hair colors may need to get their hair recolored before returning to school. GRADES 6-82605 Hwy. When does my child find out who his/her roommate is? . Students should not be able to touch skin with their fingertips when they perform this test. For jobs in the school serves 6-8 other parts of their game uniforms to classes game. Them to create a free account to save your favorite articles, important. Depend heavily on student tuition code is to help students learn skills in dressing appropriately for occasion... Are from data reported by state education agencies to the mall have specific uniforms of! Dedicated staff that develops positive relationships with the students and their families the right way ranked on their or. Were admitted a neutral shade with no problem to business or academic offices blair middle school dress code the address is: Name. 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