Bldg Five Points 3023 Pershing NEW ENCO SERVICE STATION FOR LEASE Under construction at present time to be completed approximately July 10, 1965. Pool. CLEAN, private bath and entrance, air conditioned, near downtown, 823 N. Oreoon. Arrangements pending with Kaster & Maxon Downtown Chapel. Nor only is it a gracious ex pression of gratitude to those who have sent floral tributes but also courteously acknowledges the serv ices and kindness of the many to whom a personal note of thanks cannot well be mailed or whose names and addresses are not known. $5 per shift. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. (El Paso, Tex.) We will miss her. Pack trips Into Gila Wilderness by arrangement. Clipping found in El Paso Times in El Paso, Texas on Sep 8, 2007. Reward. Lyons Lodge, Si I ver City, N. Mex. 201 E. Yandell Dr. ' 532-3431 Northeast - Homes East - Homes Central - Homes General - Ilomes 62-Suburban for Sale HIRSCH Funeral services for Mr. Rufus A. Hirsch, Lt. Col. U.S. Army Ret. Apply In person ot 701 S. Campbell. . Carmel cemetery. Email Certificate No. Vi block from Chelmont Shopping Center. Count each word or Initial, name, telephone number and address when reckoning cost. See ROLLO R. GURSS, 4514 Montana, TOWN & COUNTRY REALTY. 2630 Company No. Sunday, 12 noon to 3 p.m. for Cancellations & Corrections only. El Paso Museum of Art exhibit . In the Harding-Orr & McDaniel Pershing Dr. Chapel, Funeral mass will be said Friday at V a.m. in El Calvario Catholic church, with the Rev. His mother, Mrs. Angelina O. Casas of El Paso, 4 sisters, Mrs. Concepclon Bersign, of St. Paul, Minn. Mrs. Rachel Flores, of Artesia, Calif., Mrs. Gloria Luan, of Los Angeles, Calif., Miss Eva Casas, of El Paso, 2 brothers, Mike Casas, of El Pasc, Mel Casas, of San Antonio, Texas. Permanent Apply by letter stating ages, q joli' fications, and references to 4401 13th St.; Lubbock, Texas or call SW 5-0584, area code 806. Genealogy and family history records include: obituaries, births, & marriages. She graduated from Bowie High School in 1939 and soon went on to work at Hortex Manufacturing, where she applied her strong work ethic in the Data Entry Department long before there even was a department by that name. NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that the City Council of the City of El Paso has passed and the Mayor has approved nrrlinnnre No. & life Ins. Outstandina Income A " aratificatlon for a success minded man who would eniov helDlna other succeed. Performance & security by Cloudflare. Mold serv. For interview, call Personnel Manager, Mr. John To man Wednesday, Thursday or Fri day, 9 to 11. Member of a Baptist church. She was the widow of the late George W. Orr, prominent Valley farmer, who passed away in 1947. For merly with Manequin Manor Model ing bcnooi. Will train. on loan). TURN YOUR FREE TIME INTO MONEY MANPOWER NEEDS SKILLED ELECTRIC TYPISTS 1913 E. Yandell 542-1595 PRESTIGE SELLING REAL ESTATE upeninq tor experienced sales people and FREE-TRAINING. Father Roland Vonder Haar officiating. Fully. Western Investment Co. $100 ON YOUR SIGNATURE ONLY FAST & CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE EL PASO ACCEPTANCE CORP. 4104 Tompkins 566-2969 NEED MONEY? Contact Jack Hunt, 432 N. Frederick St. Proposal must be transmitted in duplicate in accordance with the detail plans and specification on the loose forms provided for that purpose. SOCIATES, 1005 Yandell. Arrangements by Harding-Orr & Mc-Daniel Pershing Dr. 3707 Pershing Dr. 566-2911 Legals THE EL PASO TIMES El Paso's flOME Newspaper flic mmm mmm " Want Ad Dept. Wagner Co. NEW Service Station for lease. FINANCING! Real Estate. 598-8009, Tex Bloys Real Estate. 194 Obituaries Search El Paso obituaries and condolences, hosted by Phone 778-5231. Coll 755-2893. Rev. CALL US FOR EXPERT MANAGEMENT OF YOUR HOMES. Salvation Army, 3918 Bliss St. PLATES $39.95 qold crown $4.95. COMBINATION Bookkeeper & Secretary. Box 1262, Silver City, N. Mex. 3001 Pershing. (1945-1945) Explore El Paso, Texas Records. Please publish my ad for (number) days, starting (mcnth, date) for which (amount) is enclosed. Burial in Ft. Bliss National Ceme tery with full military honors un-! Also to give light assistance to elderly lady. The El Paso Times was published in El Paso, Texas and with 1,685,441 searchable pages from . 751-0441. American Srhnnl. Legals 63-Ont-Tn. McGRATH REALTY CO. 416 E. San Antonio 533-7503 WE give personal attention to rentals. Write Washington Service Bureau. Openings in El Paso and Las Cruces. ished $2 dozen. Let the family know you are thinking of them. Low down, owner carry ' paper. FAST, accurate, temporary basis, ian. Choose your own hours. Good opportunity to learn salesmanship. Call FRANK P. PADILLA. SUBLEASE, large store on Stanton St. Write NPC Box T- Soulh SELL YOUR JOE GORMAN, BUSINESS QUICK. Browse The Express Times obituaries, conduct other obituary searches, offer condolences/tributes, send flowers or create an online memorial. makes these newspapers available for the purpose of historical research, and is not responsible for the content of any newspapers archived at our site. Perkins." Office Hours Monday through Friday, For ads, cancellations & Corrections. Chavez Academy of Spanish, 801 E. Yandell, KE 3-6331. 01-09450 STATE BOARD OF INSURANCE STATE OF TEXAS June 9, 1965 Pursuant to Article 21.29 of the Texas Insurance Code, I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT BEST LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. 772-3235, Trowbridge Rlty. 12-20 hrs. Obituaries in El Paso, TX | El Paso Times Place an Obituary Obituaries Show me: Date posted online Display: Monday, February 27, 2023 Julio Cesar Ahortalejo El Paso, TX Perches. Full and port time. PR 2-0741. Durina World War II he received the "E" pin presented to him by President Roosevelt for special assianed de- tense work. Carmel Cemetery under the direction of Memorial Chapel. for Rent 48-Unfurn. Apply 9-5. When does Daylight Saving Time start? He had been a resi dent of El Paso for 1 month and naa retired trom tne U.S. A i r Force after 19 years service. FURNITURE, experienced floor salesman, Spanish speaking. YOUNG Woman, efficient house keeper. Call 566-1892 between 10 & 12. Yo;i can charge it! For' sale. H-P 6-16, 6-18. Sun. Ferne E. Kilpatrick Nov. 25, 1921 - Feb. 4, 2023 EL PASO- Ferne E. Kilpatrick, 101, of El Paso, passed away on Saturday February 4, 2023, at Heritage Health Care in El Paso. When you can learn the meat of a story in 300 words, it is often much better than having to dissect it out of 1200 words. LOST; red miniature Dachshund, male, June 14, vicinity 300 W. Nevada. BOND Business School IBM KEYPUNCH ACCOUNTING SHORTHAND TYPING 2208 MONTANA 532-2866 EARN MORE MONEY IN CIVIL SERVICE CALL NOW FOR LATE REGISTRATION FOR KBM Key Punch in 40 hours Steno GS 3-4 Clerk Typist GS-3 Bookkeeping PBX Operator Comptometer Draftina No Down Payment 24 months to pay (with Approved Credit) DURHAM COLLEGE KE 3-9797 301 Banner Bldq. Orgon, New Mexico. i rear grandchildren. P.O. grandchil dren, i great, great grandchild. EXPERIENCED mechanic, must have small tools, apply Anderson Muiumunve, vui uyer. Carmel Cemetery, directed by Martin. Msgr. She was a member of Aso ciacion Unificadora Hispano-Ameri- cana Lomite Supremo No. Lease Any Car New Or Used See or Call BILL CHESAK EL PASO FORD 415 Montana 533-3951 Vacation in the cool mountains a day week or month. Burial in Mt. She was a private person, not given to attending parties or other social events. 772-7411 or 772-6582 LIST WITH DEWITT & REAR1CK, INC TOP POSITION A California company Is expanding into El Paso and needs an ambitious executive who can accept potential earnings of $25,000 as a reality. 565-3805. Call on newcomers to present gift certificates. El Paso Times Obituary Search Tweets by elpasotimes US Newspaper Front Pages Other US Newspapers You May Like Opening soon in new shopping center. 3-A. WE WILL TRAIN YOU, FURNISH THE MERCHANDISE, AND GIVE YOU A CHANCE TO ASSOCIATE YOURSELF WITH THE FINEST REAL ESTATE AGENCY IN THE GREAT SOUTH WEST. FINEST Prescription Service anywhere. Call or write Dick Keefer, 598-0175, 1104 Alaska Dr. El Paso. Bldg Five Points 3023 Pershing 5 LOCATION5 Audit accounts, type, use addinq machine, 5 days to $275 Typists, mid-town & downtown to $260 General Office, use adding machine, 25-35 $260 Dictaphone typist. Obituary for T.W. LO 5-6415. Electronic Technician Age to 35, experimental and prato-tvoe experience, work in El Paso vo-6uu BDA Employment Agency 13 E. El Paso Nat'l Bank Bldg 532-5969 YOUNG mon, bilingual, work with outside salesman. EXPERIENCED beauticians, for new beauty salon. Also have position open to man wililng to travel 4 nights per week away from city. Training program. Tupperware has openinqs for four sales laides between ages of 17 to 65 $35 to $100 up per week-com mission. Oulet, refined home. PART time salesman, work eve- ninqs, 2 hours, $50 week, military welcome. She liked nothing better than to read the newspaper and keep up with politics, both local and national. 136 Year 1 i - . Gunning Casteel Drug Stores. I62i lexas. Robert Fox, Sgt. Motels, C'rts 47-Furn. Rosary services or Mr. Campa will be held Thursday at 7 p.m. You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. 755-8510. For legal advertising rates and information in El Paso Inc. please contact: Jacque Smythe. Long term, attractive openings for cap- uuic men. BAR for Sale or Lease, for appointment. 584-4009 $25-$30. 2023 She was born in El Paso, Texas on May 9, 1942 to Syble (slim) and Dorothy Burnam Bibb. 1111 AF&AM, Scottish Rite Bodies, El Maida Shrine ana was a plumber. She followed that custom to the end of her days. BEAUTY OPERATORS Experts only: Experienced in styling of wigs preferred. Funeral mass 10:30 a.m. Friday In San Jose Church with Rev. Reward. The bidder oho thereby certifies that the protect will be completed on or before the specified date. 75. Cecil C. Bishop Agency, 565-1497. 2430 Morehoed Ave. 7:30 Mnsons welcome. Interim cosh arranged Call 566-3985, eve., 566-6548. All rights reserved. MATURE LADIES MATURE LADIES Aqe is no barrier . PR 2-6705 A.A.A. El Paso, Texas (KTSM) - Environmental Services Department (ESD) will be closing the Greater El Paso Landfill early Monday to the general public due to the low visibility and high winds. A 15-month training program will enhance iis knowledge and skills. ; Mrs. Frank RiDlev. EXPERIENCED beautician. CLOCK RESTAURANT. A veteran of WWI, a member of the First Methodist Church. FULL or oart time. and our use of newspaper content in the public domain or by private agreement does not imply any . 3-Year warranty on the ARC-CUATE transmission. ATTRACTIVE barmaid for time work. A - Obituaries and Death Notices. Mr. Ricketts, 566-1661. . Don L. Forsman officiating. Find an obituary, get service details, leave condolence messages or send flowers or gifts in memory of a loved one. (915) 534-4422 ext. Salary open. 12TH FLOOR SUITE C MAIN AT MESA 544-1414 B-D-A EMPLOYMENT El 13th Paso Agency Floor Suite Nat'l. Bargain for quick sale. Pallbearers will be J. W. Steadman, Richard Hirsch, Robert Hirsch, Mike Bidal, Jim Duke, Bernard Cleve, Charles Cleve. A copy of the Resolution of the City Council h attached. Submit resume to NPC Box T-798. 532-6412. A Speed Queen Coin Operated Laundry remains the best small business opportunity on the market today. Experience not necessary Some College helpful. If you ful'ill requirements, $35,000 possible 1st yr. & $50,000 2nd yr. For appt. thru Electric Typewriter The 4ui pershinq Dr. Inter- Fri. 8-10 a.m. WAITRESS EXCELLENT SALARY & TIPS, EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. $17-$22 WK. 565-070 1 Learn KEY PUNCH Better Pay & a Better Future. Burial will be in the Ft. Bliss National cemetery. TWO experienced fry cooks, 6390 Alameda, Valley Red Rooster. Visitation: Thursday, January 5, 2023 from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM at Mt. He was a Supervisor for the Big 8 Stores. 1889-1902 El Paso: El Paso Morning Star. YOUNG, SR., Deceased, were Issued to me, the undersigned, on the 13th day of May, 1965, in the proceeding indicated below my signature hereto, which is still pending, and that I now hold such Letters. Interview call Mr. Souers, 751-0481 SPEED QUEEN Has the answers for COIN-OP PROFIT INVESTORS large or small. SACRIFICE SALE Cabinet making and furniture repair business, complete with all equipment and stock, including trucks. 2023 News Sports Business Opinion Entertainment Obituaries eNewspaper Legals. Niahf clerk. 1901-1931 El Paso: El Paso International Daily Times. Post Patron Ocotillo Shooter, No. Evelyn Lucille Davis passed away on February 20, 2023. ifll PurllW . Apply in person. ATTRACTIVE, well groomed woman over 25. Ramon Sunye officiating. 532-1971 Page 11-B CAMPA 22-IIeIp Wted-Female 23-Male or Female 24-Salesmen Wanted 24A-Sa1eswomen 25-Agents Wanted 26-Employnt Agencies FINANCIAL 30- Money W anted 3 1 - Securities 32- Bnsiness Op'tnnity 3 3 - Money to Loan 37- Insnrance 38- OH and Mineral RENTAL 40- Rentals Wanted 41 - Furnished Rooms 42- Room and Board Mr. Nasario Campa, 77, 4904 Alberta Ave., passed away Wednesday. He El wai a nte-iong resident of El Paso an1 member of a pioneer El Paso ,winiir uiiu u reined uepuiy ion- srapie. Salary. Hours can be arranged. LOST White, male Miniature Poodle. Scotsdale area. Reward. Those that had the honor of meeting him knew he was a giving, humble, free spirited man who could make anyone laugh. All Times print subscribers have full digital access, meaning they have the ability to read news updates throughout the day, subscriber-only stories and video and audio features, among other. Call B-l-C Loans TODAY, LI 2-1796, PR 8-4207. 542-0561. 565-6235. Jr.. John Orr, Edward Orr, Georae Wvnn, Rives Davjs, and John Gailey. or call 566-0368 after 6 p.m. Artists paint murals at the . llll will conduct aravesfde services. Memorial contributions may be mad to the Grace Methodist church Memorial Fund. AGE 25-35. Eduardo Val dez, Detroit, Mich. 12 arandchildren. LOOK AT THIS CAFE Next to Beaumont Hospital. Las RUNTE 86-Dog and Pet 87-IIirds. MUST LIVE IN. Phone LO 6-7059 tor appoinxmenT. Call Days, 566-9361, Nights, 751-1328. THE WESTERNER. Restaurant update: Taco Tote, Salt + Honey and new commercial kitchen . One of El Paso's most progressive Retail Drug Chains ran prove it to you. News Sports Business Opinion Entertainment Obituaries eNewspaper Legals. . Prefer single lady. Funeral ma: win De saia at y a.m. Thursday ot St. Patrick's Cathedral. Employed gentleman. Gino Mornelli, Sgt. Selbert, Bernice M ()_Obituary EL PASO SCHOOL OF ELECTRONICS Alabama 566-4371 1 1 -Meeting IVotices Five Classified Ads Pay Dividends Dial 532-1971 Visiting ments. Let the family know you are thinking of them. 23-Maie or Female MAN and wife without children for domestic work. . Kirk Hoff, Sgt. This woman must have prestige, appearance- ability to instill conti-dence; record of earnings In excess of $10,000 yearly; & $13,200 to Invest. Experienced. STEAM & MASSAGE CALL 532-7434 FOR BETTY tion. Arizona. Discover El Paso, Texas historical newspaper archives from 1896-2018 in more than 3.19 billion old newspaper articles about 8.5 billion people! vouna worn. (El Paso, Tex.) bad checks for collec- Expert service. Sales experience not nec essary. 532-6561 WAITRESS APPLY IN PERSON Health card & Food Handlers Permit Required RED ROOSTER BOWLING LANES 5620 Montana WORKING parents need Housekeeper. Gov. Some English. The proposal will be accompanied by a cashier's check or a certified cnecK upon some solvent bonk or bid bond in a sum not less than 5 of the maximum bid, payable to the Board of Trustees of the SO CORRO INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT with the understanding that if the proposal is accepted, the bidder may not withdraw his bid for a period of thirty (30) days after the date set for the opening thereof. Re locate to Albuquerque for Hunt Building Marts. BE your own boss, earn substantial-profits from moderate investment in 3 bay Texaco Service station on. ' 15A-Music Teachers ACCORDION taught in your home or mine. Call 565-6251 or 755-2548. Obituaries in El Paso, TX | El Paso Times Obituaries Show me: Date posted online Display: Thursday, February 23, 2023 Josefina Sepulveda El Paso, TX Sunset Funeral Home - Americas. We mourn the passing of Concha Cadena, our sister, aunt, and great-aunt. Phone 532-5911 for interview. El Paso Times | Legal Notices ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID Sealed bids will be received by El Paso Water until 11:00 A.M. Mountain time March 14, 2023, for Bid Number 21-23 Water, Wastewater. Experienced waitress and cashier day and niqht shift. work under contract. 5400 DYER, I CAB DRIVERS DAY SHIFT AVAILABLE APPLY IN PERSON 50 COMMISSION CHECKER CAB 801 OLIVE BEAUTICIAN, experienced, depend able, act as assistant manager, 5- dav week. ROBERT H. GABEL, City Clerk. Pallbearers will be Sam Orr. Prestige environment. ASSISTANT RESTAURANT MANAGER. 7025 Alameda. G. W. Caffey officiatina. 533-3119. necessary. 812. Available In porcelain or LIFETIME STAINLESS STEEL TUBS. 1407 One room, large. El Paso Times | Homes Sale- In State Equal Housing Opportunity All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 which makes it illegal to. His generous nature touched the hearts of so many. Interest rates between 5 & 6. Must be neat. Survivors. Get the latest in El Paso, TX news, breaking news, sports, business, classifieds, and entertainment. Best Northeast location. A Publisher Extra Newspaper El Paso Times from El Paso . Nationally Organized 49-year-old Texas Oil Company offers unusual opportunity to 4 men above 30 selling specialized petroleum products. Weather permitting, the landfill and [] EL PASO, TX . tter the direction of Memorial Chapel. Vacation DOUBLE Your Vacation Pleasure With a Lease Car From El Paso Ford 65 MUSTANG $65 Per Mo. Genealogy and family history records include: obituaries, births, & marriages. Election of officers. 533-1822 for Interview. WHEN vou need money sea th A?. Call B-l-C Loans today. The newspaper has an approximate daily circulation of 65,000 and 125,000 on Sundays. Must speak English, 5 day week, short hours. LAS CRUCES PHYSICAL CHEMIST COMPUTER PROGRAMMER TECH. (pmt. 201 E. Yandell 532-3431 STEPPERT 3-Fnneral Directors '-Memorials 5-Card of Thank 6-Cemetery-Monnment Legal 7-SpeeiaI Notices ft-Income Tax Service 11 - Meeting Notices 12- Lost and Fonnd 13-PersonaIs 1 4-Transportatf on 15-SchooIs, Instruction 15A-Mnsle Teachers BRENNAND Mrs. Leona Brennand, 94, 2621 Silver, passed away Wednesday. on loan). 404 E. San Antonio. DELIGHTFUL corner room, adjoining bath, private entrance, gentleman. Call Mr. Alderete, 772-3541. The successful bidder will be required to complete the project within sixty (60) calendar days from date of award of contract, unless such time is extended by the Board of Trustees. Get the latest in El Paso, TX news, breaking news, sports, business, classifieds, and entertainment. UTEP women fall in final seconds to North Texas, 67-65, Bravos continue unbeaten streak in last 4 games, Troopers earn No. 56-020. YES! VERI-METRICS EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 1021 -A Wyoming 533 8271 EXPERIENCED beauty operator. Plans may be seen at the office of the superintendent of the SOCORRO INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT. Call Ford Wadsworth. S. I. P., INC. Finish High School ot Home. NEED EXTRA MONEY? Apts-Rent 49-Farn Duplexes-Rent 50-Unfur. In Sedona she was ready to clamber up and down and across the smooth, red rocks of the area, enjoying life to the hilt. 2 talking about this. 584-0961. NOTICE TO: Mrs. Faye Hodges, 413 Alicia Mr. Sturdevant Todd At 9:30 o'clock a.m. on July 7, 1965, in the Council Chamber In the City-County Buildina, the City Council of the City of El Paso will hold a hearinq on the question whether certain buildings, struc tures (cross out one) located on All of Lot 5 of the W. C. Wilkins Paso, Texas, ex-in the northwest 389.62 ft. (5539 El Paso, Texas are endanqor persons reason of deterlora- IF payments or past due bills are troubling you, let us consolidate and arrange to pay your bills with one low payment you can afford IF YOU OWE YOU MAY PAY AS LOW AS $1000 $15 per week uuu 525 per week $3000 $35 per week UKfcN fcVfcNINCjS BY APPOINTMENT NOT A LOAN COMPANY CREDIT CONSOLIDATORS Suite 702 119 N. Stanton Bldg. Her mental vitality was evident deep into her later years, until advancing age diminished her ability to follow the news as she once did. maid, speak some English, $145 per month, take care of 2 chil dren, relocate Omaha, Nebraska Paid vacation, free transportation Room 702, 119 N. Stanton Bldg., or call 533-9821. NEED an excellent paying steady loo outside in The sunshine and fresh olr? Saul Isidro Morales Jr. February 9, 2023 (27 years old) View obituary. WANTED: EXTREMELY attractive cocktail waitress. Mrs Andrea C. Heras, of El Paso. Part or full time. NO PHONE CALLS, PLEASE. Must nave lore model car. Funeral 1 p.m. Fridoy, Kaster & Maxon Downtown t-nopei with the Rev. EXPERIENCED silk finisher, apply Desert Cleaners. NO RENT. Bank E Bldg. Five Points Beauty Salon. Must have car and be willing to advance to Manaaement, after complete Train inq Program. (Pay't Includes ALL charges & life Ins. For return identify and pay cost of ad. Auto RntFs 99A-Sports, Foreign 99- AutomobiIes-SaIe SANDERS Frank I. Sanders, 51, 352 N. Carolina Dr. passed away Wednesday. PLEASE CALL BOB WILL 772-7483 OR NITES 772-1519. License No. 755-3527, LAUNDRY family bundles, fin. . Rev. Connie's Beauty Salon, 107 E. Franklin. 542-1518. pension Grammar school sufficient for many jobs Send For FOR FREE 'LIST OF JOBS & PAY FREE brochure listing positions salaries. Obituaries High Schools Colleges Newspapers Funeral Homes Locations Local obituaries for El Paso County, Texas 2,007 Results Wednesday, March 1, 2023 Add Photos Add a Memory Maribel. He was a man who gave everything and asked for nothing. All of El Paso. Contact Mr. Mea dows 589-3411. Car necessary. UTEP men lose another heartbreaker, fall to North Texas in overtime, El Paso high boys swim team earns state titles in pair of relays, Alexis Montes, Paulina Butler help lead Troopers to state title. ROCCO SANTOS MUNOZ, 69 , of El Paso, TX passed away January 06,2023 at Cimarron Nursing. Good locations presently available. Donald DeWitt and Mr. Andrew Grimes. Commercial fine arts. Phone Miss Fowler 772-3339 or after 5:30 p.m. 565-2286 or 565-5277. For interview, Mr. Berry, 755-7647. CONVERSATIONAL Spanish courses stort June 22. Write to 5082 E. Hampden Ave. Denver, Colorado or phone 532-1004 El Paso. UNT men 80, UTEP 72 (OT) UTEP men lose another heartbreaker, fall to North Texas in overtime. wins vaTnenne Mcuevin, ei Paso; iep-aaugniers; i srep-son. On . ON The Ocean private beach, surf ing, swimming, fishing Surfside 6 Motel, 800-A Imperial Beach Calif. '63 MODEL, fully self contained 24" Nomaa. Painting drawing. Work Spare Time 8t earn $2 an Hr. R. GABEL City Clerk ATTENTION: Compact ' the Las Cruces Area. Work 2 to 4 hrs. 216 E. Overland. for sellina, other interest. DIAL 532-1971. WRITERS ENGINEERS TECHNICIANS FreeFee VALLEY EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 135 W. Griggs Las Cruces, New Mexico 1 4-Transportation HEWITT EMPLOYMENT AGENCY PRIVATE INTERVIEW ROOMS M.A. 566-4153. makes these newspapers available for the purpose of historical research, and is not responsible for the content of any newspapers archived at our site. Burial in Evergreen Cemetery. Any overpayment is to be refunded or I will pay any additional amount due. Ap ply 5100 Blanco, Apt. Ads ordered for Sunday appear in Times only. Consider any type of work, but no selling, please. MORTGAGE INVESTMENT CO. Res. LI 2-1807 306 E. SAN ANTONIO WANTED: Shop, 4627 Barbers, Alameda. Reaulor order of business. Funeral services 2 p.m. Thursday, Kaster & Maxon Downtown Chapeil, with the Rev. Funeral Mass will h nirf ar y:ju a.m. Saturday in St. Pnt. Given under my hand and seal of office at Austin, Texas, the date first above written. ' THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY Prepare now thru home study CIVIL SERVICE POSITIONS SALARIES $5000 YR. & UP Auto, pay raises No strikes Paid sick leave No layoffs Paid vacation New friends Paid Holidays & lib. Your income will be completely up to you. Read 1914-1977 El Paso Herald Post Newspaper Archives from El-Paso, Texas. Rianey Cleaners. Obituary for BETTY L. DELONG . WAITRESSES Evenings. He is survived by his parents, Roberto and Yolanda Parra; brothers, Beto, Manny and Ricky Parra; children Vanessa, Victor, Nico and Karina Parra; grandchild, Lukas Simental and Maria Parra and Sarah Perez. Obituary for DITMORE L y Ditmore (Aged 78) how to get to quezon avenue mrt station Uncovering hot babes since 1919. 7 days 4 days 7 days Save Save Save Save Words 1 day 10 Words 1 day 10 20 Up To 10 .50 1.80 2.80 Up To 10 .90 2.88 4.48 15 .75 2.70 4,20 15 1.20 4.32 6.72 20 1.00 3.60 5.60 20 1.60 5.76 8.96 25 1.25 4.50 7.00 25 2.00 7.20 11.20 30 1.50 5.40 8.40 30 2.40 8.64 13.44 PHONE YOUR AD IN. High School Dropouts NOT SALESMAN No Fringe Benefits JUST MONEY We want someone that Is Interested in homes or land and will spend the time to learn about property. Speak English. . Gordon Cummings, 4908 Hercules, No. Philip Points Lodge No. 1111 AF&AM. Explore the El Paso Times online newspaper archive. ply at 1525 E. Yondell. Has taxi-stand permit and a small house-trailer in rear. Survivors, wife, Mrs. Catalina Valdez, El Paso, 2 daughters, Mrs. Eva Molinar and Elizabeth Valdez, both of El Paso. Call Helen, L0 5-38S1. 1931-1997 El Paso: El Paso Herald. EL PASO, TEXAS has in all respects complied with the laws of Texas In relation to insurance. 310 Dodge Rd. Bilingual. . Call 5349976 or 538-9156. KE 2-8176. MATERNITY care for unmarried mothers, including doctor, hospital and living arrangements. Employeed onglo gentleman. Rosary services will be held ot ft o m Wednesday In the Harding-Orr & Mc- uanlel Ave. Chooel. must have aood credit references. ACCOUNTING General Business Machines Typinq Shorthand Southwest School 542-0561 Classes Beginning June 21 Shorthand Accountlno Business Machines Southwest School 542-0561 SHORTHAND IN 6 WEEKS SPEEDWRITING Nancy Taylor Secretarial FINISHING School KE 3-9797 HIGH School Graduates earn now. 24A-$aIeswomen Boys, Boys, Boys, to work with manager, no experience needed, Anglo only. EXPERIENCED hair stylist wanted 5258 Rushing. 15-SohooIs, Instruction ACTION SECURITY BIG PAY MEN WOMEN, ages 18-55 LOOKING FOR A BETTER JOB? El Paso, TX Perches Funeral Home-East - El Paso Add Photos Add a Memory Tobias Lee Munoz TOBIAS "TOBY" LEE MUNOZ 52, OF EL PASO TEXAS PASSED AWAY PEACEFULLY ON FEBRUARY 20TH 2023 TO BE. Arrangements were pendinq with Kaster & Maxon Downtown Chapel. Age 80. A. Ochoa offi ciating. He had been a resident of El Paso 41 years and was a member of the Grace Methodist Church. Interment with military honors in Ft. Bliss National ceme tery. uia v-uiporaiion nas several ooen-inqs in its new Teaching Machine Division. Maid to live in. No questions. 6 children. RESTAURANT and drive-In. Survivors: Wife, nnrs. She had been a resident of El Paso 36 years ond was a member of St. Patrick's Cathedral. Info call Ruth Pavnt nites 772-1850. . Interment in Mt. . The address of the undersigned is San Antonio and Oregon Streets, El Paso, Texas. BOX 20, EL PASO, TEXAS. Clipping found in El Paso Times in El Paso, Texas on Jul 1, 1958. Phone 533-9821 15-Schools, Instruction ART ACADEMY OF EL PASO Day evening classes. Interstate type design, 2 bay, customer lounae, ond Sales office. Dance-hall. $215.68 CASH repay $12 month ly for 25 mos. Presentation of 25-year awards. Confidential. 837, OES, Fraternity Loose 1U1AF&AM and was yard master at Ft. Bliss. APPLY LYLE DAUTRICH. Moses Elisaf, first Jewish mayor of a city in Greece, dies at 68. Tropical Fish 88-Small Fur Animals AUTOMOTIVE 90-AutomobiIes Wanted flOA-AGto-Traller Loans 91-Moblle Home 9 1 -A Campers 93-Airplanes 95-MtorcycIes, Scooter Mrs. Laura M. Runte, 78, 7905 Parkland Dr., died Tuesday. successful bidder to complete the! Trustworthy and ambitious. Service details, leave condolence messages or send flowers or create an online memorial miniature! Permit Required red Rooster BOWLING LANES 5620 Montana WORKING parents need Housekeeper of preferred! Main at MESA 544-1414 B-D-A EMPLOYMENT El 13th Paso AGENCY FLOOR SUITE C MAIN at MESA 544-1414 B-D-A El... 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Leucoplasia Vulvar Tratamiento, Ellsworth District Tyler County, Wv, Articles E
Leucoplasia Vulvar Tratamiento, Ellsworth District Tyler County, Wv, Articles E