Organization and Purpose Of the three maintenance records, the airframe (logbook) is the most permanent. This content is from the eCFR and may include recent changes applied to the CFR. 43.12 Maintenance records: Falsification, reproduction, or alteration. 43-36, 61 FR 19501, May 1, 1996; Amdt. (ii) Hysteresis. (29) Removing, checking, and replacing magnetic chip detectors. (j) Squitter: Verify that the Mode S transponder generates a correct squitter approximately once per second. Use the surveillance formats UF = 4 and 5. (a) Except as provided in this section and 43.17, no person, other than the Administrator, may approve an aircraft, airframe, aircraft engine, propeller, appliance, or component part for return to service after it has undergone maintenance, preventive maintenance, rebuilding, or alteration. (27) The interchange of balloon baskets and burners on envelopes when the basket or burner is designated as interchangeable in the balloon type certificate data and the baskets and burners are specifically designed for quick removal and installation. 12/04/04 652.0 hrs Replaced inner and outer exhaust valve springs on cyl. Alterations of the basic design not made in accordance with recommendations of the appliance manufacturer or in accordance with an FAA Airworthiness Directive are appliance major alterations. ); 43-39, 69 FR 44863, July 27, 2004]. 43-20, 45 FR 60182, Sept. 11, 1980; Amdt. (2) If the inspection is one provided for in part 125, 135, or 91.409(e) of this chapter, perform the inspection in accordance with the instructions and procedures set forth in the inspection program for the aircraft being inspected. The altimeter shall be kept at the pressure corresponding to each test point for at least 1 minute, but not more than 10 minutes, before a reading is taken. (28) The installations of anti-misfueling devices to reduce the diameter of fuel tank filler openings provided the specific device has been made a part of the aircraft type certificiate data by the aircraft manufacturer, the aircraft manufacturer has provided FAA-approved instructions for installation of the specific device, and installation does not involve the disassembly of the existing tank filler opening. Okta Mobile for end users. Alterations of the following parts and alterations of the following types, when not listed in the aircraft specifications issued by the FAA, are airframe major alterations: (viii) Elements of an airframe including spars, ribs, fittings, shock absorbers, bracing, cowling, fairings, and balance weights. [Amdt. 43-7, 32 FR 7587, May 24, 1967; Amdt. (1) For all classes of ATCRBS transponders, interrogate the transponder and verify that the reply frequency is 1090 3 Megahertz (MHz). (g) Except for holders of a sport pilot certificate, the holder of a pilot certificate issued under part 61 may perform preventive maintenance on any aircraft owned or operated by that pilot which is not used under part 121, 129, or 135 of this chapter. (1) Aircraft having a U.S. airworthiness certificate; (2) Foreign-registered civil aircraft used in common carriage or carriage of mail under the provisions of Part 121 or 135 of this chapter; and. (3) That product does not accumulate time in service while the part is removed. of Transportation Act (49 U.S.C. This inspection will be recorded in the aircraft maintenance records. (a) Definitions. (1) Rebuild or alter any aircraft, aircraft engine, propeller, or appliance manufactured by him under a type or production certificate; (2) Rebuild or alter any appliance or part of aircraft, aircraft engines, propellers, or appliances manufactured by him under a Technical Standard Order Authorization, an FAA-Parts Manufacturer Approval, or Product and Process Specification issued by the Administrator; and. Note the extra lines for adding additional categories. (xxiii) The repair of portions of skin sheets by making additional seams. 43-43, 74 FR 53394, Oct. 16, 2009]. Repairs of the following parts of an engine and repairs of the following types, are powerplant major repairs: (i) Separation or disassembly of a crankcase or crankshaft of a reciprocating engine equipped with an integral supercharger. will also bring you to search results. (1) Placed on board the aircraft as specified in 91.417 of this chapter; (3) Forwarded to the Federal Aviation Administration, Aircraft Registration Branch, , Post Office Box 25724, Oklahoma City, OK 73125, within 48 hours after the work is inspected. (v) For any class of ATCRBS or any class of Mode S transponders, verify that the maximum RF peak output power does not exceed 27.0 dbw (500 watts). Each is a special inspection unto itself; they're all different. (c) Preventive maintenance. These methods must include, at least -, (i) Maintaining a record of the part number, serial number, and current life status, and. Download Free Template. The test point shall be approached at a rate compatible with the test equipment. (a) Maintenance record entries. Use the correct address and at least two incorrect addresses. 1993, 29 FR 5451, Apr. 43-36, 61 FR 19501, May 1, 1996; Amdt. L. 97-449, Jan. 21, 1983); and 14 CFR 11.45), [Doc. Determine type of log book (s) There are many different types of log books. According to the FAA, the aircraft owner is right. 106(f), 106(g), 40105, 40113, 44701-44702, 44704, 44707, 44709, 44711, 44713, 44715, 45303. Although the applicable regulations describe the types of maintenance records that must be made and kept, the regulations do not set forth the format or form of the record. 3, 1966, and Amdt. (11) Repairing upholstery and decorative furnishings of the cabin, cockpit, or balloon basket interior when the repairing does not require disassembly of any primary structure or operating system or interfere with an operating system or affect the primary structure of the aircraft. Fri, 05/01/2015 - 12:00. 43-45, 77 FR 71096, Nov. 29, 2012; Docket No. To be considered complete and valid, an electronic record should contain at least the following information: The type of event that took place (e.g., training, maintenance performed, signing of a release, conduct of a flight, etc. The aircraft, airframe, aircraft engine, propeller, or appliance identified above was repaired and inspected in accordance with current Regulations of the Federal Aviation Agency and is approved for return to service. Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari. This web site is designed for the current versions of The Aircraft Flight Log fills a gap in aircraft records for pilots, and instantly allows them to know the status of the aircraft they are about to fly. 43.17 Maintenance, preventive maintenance, and alterations performed on U.S. aeronautical products by certain Canadian persons. (4) Retracting and locking mechanism - for improper operation. safe-to-ferry logbook entry, or at least a promise of one from an A&P, before you ask the FAA for the permit. (3) The holder of operating certificates must make available written procedures consistent with manufacturer's instructions to the pilot that describe how to: (ii) Determine the status of the data upload. For those items permitted to be inoperative under 91.213(d)(2) of this chapter, that person shall place a placard, that meets the aircraft's airworthiness certification regulations, on each inoperative instrument and the cockpit control of each item of inoperative equipment, marking it Inoperative, and shall add the items to the signed and dated list of discrepancies given to the owner or lessee. Persons authorized to perform maintenance, preventive maintenance, rebuilding, and alterations. (ii) Ensuring the part is physically stored separately from parts that are currently eligible for installation. (2) Perform a proof test to demonstrate the integrity of the static pressure system in a manner acceptable to the Administrator. (a) To be eligible for a repairman certificate a person must (1) Be at least 18 years of age; (2) Be specially qualified to perform maintenance on aircraft or components thereof, appropriate to the job for which he is employed; No. (3) Linkages, trusses, and members - for undue or excessive wear fatigue, and distortion. (xii) Changes to the basic design of the fuel, oil, cooling, heating, cabin pressurization, electrical, hydraulic, de-icing, or exhaust systems. (4) Antenna including trailing antenna - for poor condition, insecure mounting, and improper operation. (3) The listing of major alterations and major repairs specified in paragraphs (a) and (b) of appendix A of this part is not applicable to products not produced under an FAA approval. 43-27, 52 FR 17277, May 6, 1987; Amdt. (3) Non-permanent marking. 43.5 Approval for return to service after maintenance, preventive maintenance, rebuilding, or alteration. Discipline Log Book. (iii) For Class 1A, 2A, 3A, and 4 and those Class 1B, 2B, and 3B Mode S transponders that include the optional high RF peak output power, verify that the minimum RF peak output power is at least 21.0 dbw (125 watts). (3) The signature, the certificate number, and kind of certificate held by the person approving or disapproving for return to service the aircraft, airframe, aircraft engine, propeller, appliance, component part, or portions thereof. (10) All systems - for improper installation, poor general condition, defects, and insecure attachment. (2) Powerplant major alterations. (e) The holder of a repair station certificate may perform maintenance, preventive maintenance, and alterations as provided in Part 145 of this chapter. The difference between the automatic reporting output and the altitude displayed at the altimeter shall not exceed 125 feet. Classroom Visitor Log Book. There is no overlap or duplication. The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) is the official legal print publication containing the codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the departments and agencies of the Federal Government. [Doc. The part may be legibly marked using a permanent method showing its current life status. 25. A separate drafting site Aircraft Radio Maintenance Log Book Form 944 . (30) The inspection and maintenance tasks prescribed and specifically identified as preventive maintenance in a primary category aircraft type certificate or supplemental type certificate holder's approved special inspection and preventive maintenance program when accomplished on a primary category aircraft provided: (i) They are performed by the holder of at least a private pilot certificate issued under part 61 of this chapter who is the registered owner (including co-owners) of the affected aircraft and who holds a certificate of competency for the affected aircraft (1) issued by the holder of the production certificate for that primary category aircraft that has a special training program approved under 21.24 of this subchapter; or (2) issued by another entity that has a course approved by the Administrator; and. (a) Except for work performed in accordance with 91.411 and 91.413, each registered owner or operator shall keep the following records for the periods specified in paragraph (b) of this section . developer resources. The test must be conducted by an appropriately rated person under the conditions specified in paragraph (a). This checklist must include the scope and detail of the items contained in appendix D to this part and paragraph (b) of this section. learn more about the process here. Disposition of life-limited aircraft parts. Learn more about the eCFR, its status, and the editorial process. (4) Appliance major alterations. It is not an official legal edition of the CFR. (g) The holder of a repairman certificate (light-sport aircraft) with a maintenance rating may approve an aircraft issued a special airworthiness certificate in light-sport category for return to service, as provided in part 65 of this chapter. Record data. This section does not apply to any U.S. aeronautical products maintained or altered under any bilateral agreement made between Canada and any country other than the United States. 1993, 29 FR 5451, Apr. (a) The maintenance record entry required by 43.9 or 43.11, as appropriate, has been made; (b) The repair or alteration form authorized by or furnished by the Administrator has been executed in a manner prescribed by the Administrator; and. [Amdt. 43-38A, 79 FR 67055, Nov. 12, 2014]. (1) Airframe major repairs. (6) Mutilation. (a) No person may make or cause to be made: (1) Any fraudulent or intentionally false entry in any record or report that is required to be made, kept, or used to show compliance with any requirement under this part; (2) Any reproduction, for fraudulent purpose, of any record or report under this part; or. (21) Replacing any hose connection except hydraulic connections. (2) Tag or record attached to part. Life-limited part means any part for which a mandatory replacement limit is specified in the type design, the Instructions for Continued Airworthiness, or the maintenance manual. 43-23, 47 FR 41085, Sept. 16, 1982]. Unless otherwise specified, each test for performance may be conducted with the instrument subjected to vibration. The engine log entry should be extensive and discuss incorporated parts, SBs, ADs, etc. 43-19, 43 FR 22639, May 25, 1978; Amdt. Major Alterations, Major Repairs, and Preventive Maintenance, Recording of Major Repairs and Major Alterations, Scope and Detail of Items (as Applicable to the Particular Aircraft) To Be Included in Annual and 100-Hour Inspections, PART 43 - MAINTENANCE, PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE, REBUILDING, AND ALTERATION. (e) Mode S Diversity Transmission Channel Isolation: For any class of Mode S transponder that incorporates diversity operation, verify that the RF peak output power transmitted from the selected antenna exceeds the power transmitted from the nonselected antenna by at least 20 db. The official, published CFR, is updated annually and available below under 43-50, 83 FR 9170, Mar. (19) Replacing any cowling not requiring removal of the propeller or disconnection of flight controls. 42 U.S.C. 43-2, 30 FR 8262, June 29, 1965, as amended by Amdt. No. 4, 1987, as amended by Amdt. (1) The person performing the work is authorized by Transport Canada Civil Aviation to perform the same type of work with respect to Canadian aeronautical products; (2) The maintenance, preventive maintenance, or alteration is performed in accordance with a Bilateral Aviation Safety Agreement between the United States and Canada and associated Maintenance Implementation Procedures that provide a level of safety equivalent to that provided by the provisions of this chapter; (3) The maintenance, preventive maintenance, or alteration is performed such that the affected product complies with the applicable requirements of part 36 of this chapter; and. (1) A sport, recreational, private, commercial, or airline transport pilot may log pilot in command flight time for flights-. 101, 610, 72 Stat. 43-31, 54 FR 34330, Aug. 18, 1989; Doc. (1) The items of preventive maintenance are a result of a known or suspected mechanical difficulty or malfunction that occurred en route to or in a remote area; (2) The pilot has satisfactorily completed an approved training program and is authorized in writing by the certificate holder for each item of preventive maintenance that the pilot is authorized to perform; (3) There is no certificated mechanic available to perform preventive maintenance; (4) The certificate holder has procedures to evaluate the accomplishment of a preventive maintenance item that requires a decision concerning the airworthiness of the rotorcraft; and. (a) Except as provided in this section and 43.17, no person may maintain, rebuild, alter, or perform preventive maintenance on an aircraft, airframe, aircraft engine, propeller, appliance, or component part to which this part applies. (g) Mode S Formats: Interrogate the Mode S transponder with uplink formats (UF) for which it is equipped and verify that the replies are made in the correct format. This is an automated process for the requirements of parts 91K, 121, 125, 133, 135, and 145. (b) Temporary removal of parts from type-certificated products. (ii) Separation or disassembly of a crankcase or crankshaft of a reciprocating engine equipped with other than spur-type propeller reduction gearing. And that's. 24. Measure the automatic pressure altitude at the output of the installed ATC transponder when interrogated on Mode C at a sufficient number of test points to ensure that the altitude reporting equipment, altimeters, and ATC transponders perform their intended functions as installed in the aircraft. (3) Propeller major alterations. (vi) Installation of parts not approved for the propeller. 43-23, 47 FR 41084, Sept. 16, 1982; Amdt. (4) Servicing landing gear wheel bearings, such as cleaning and greasing. (2) The date of completion of the work performed. (2) Forwarded to the Federal Aviation Administration, Aircraft Registration Branch, Post Office Box 25504, Oklahoma City, OK 73125, within 48 hours after the work is inspected. Docket No. (e) The holder of an air carrier operating certificate or an operating certificate issued under Part 121 or 135, may approve an aircraft, airframe, aircraft engine, propeller, appliance, or component part for return to service as provided in Part 121 or 135 of this chapter, as applicable. will bring you directly to the content. (xxviii) Repairing, including rebottoming, of removable or integral fuel tanks and oil tanks. (2) Verify that the transponder replies to at least 90 percent of ATCRBS interrogations when the amplitude of the P2 pulse is 9 dB less than the P1 pulse. (2) Shock absorbing devices - for improper oleo fluid level. Things can get a bit more complicated (and costly) if you can't nd a local A&P willing to sign off the safe-to-ferry logbook entry. (1) Test by an appropriately rated repair facility in accordance with the following subparagraphs. [Doc. The holder of a sport pilot certificate may perform preventive maintenance on an aircraft owned or operated by that pilot and issued a special airworthiness certificate in the light-sport category. Test Okta app access on pilot members. 43-41, 72 FR 53680, Sept. 20, 2007; Doc. (1) Each person performing an annual or 100-hour inspection shall use a checklist while performing the inspection. Regulation Y information or personal data. (13) Replacing side windows where that work does not interfere with the structure or any operating system such as controls, electrical equipment, etc. 43-23, 47 FR 41086, Sept. 16, 1982; Amdt. A logbook (or log book) is a record used to record states, events, or conditions applicable to complex machines or the personnel who operate them. No. (iii) Rewinding the field coil of an electrical accessory. 43.7 Persons authorized to approve aircraft, airframes, aircraft engines, propellers, appliances, or component parts for return to service after maintenance, preventive maintenance, rebuilding, or alteration. 1354, 1355, and 1421 through 1430) and sec. Documenting the Annual Inspection. (25) Cleaning of balloon burner pilot and main nozzles in accordance with the balloon manufacturer's instructions. (a) Except as provided in paragraphs (b) and (d) of this section, this part prescribes rules governing the maintenance, preventive maintenance, rebuilding, and alteration of any -. The part may be legibly marked using a non-permanent method showing its current life status. The leakage of the altimeter case, when the pressure within it corresponds to an altitude of 18,000 feet, shall not change the altimeter reading by more than the tolerance shown in Table II during an interval of 1 minute. 43-14, 37 FR 14291, June 19, 1972; Amdt. Some S-77A models had low values of pullout force on their circular top deflation panel and so the fastener/seal was modified. Precaution for packing nut on valve stem of vapor pilot light valve which can be loosened in service and cause severe propane leak. 43-23, 47 FR 41084, Sept. 16, 1982; Amdt. (3) Windows and windshields - for deterioration and breakage. (c) The holder of a repair station certificate may approve an aircraft, airframe, aircraft engine, propeller, appliance, or component part for return to service as provided in Part 145 of this chapter. 49 CFR 172.101 When the work is completed satisfactorily, a logbook entry that includes the following information is required, per 14 CFR 43.9: A description of the work performed indicating how it was accomplished by referencing documents acceptable to the FAA, such as manufacturer's manuals and FAA Advisory Circulars. Your . (3) Propeller major repairs. Content, form, and disposition of records for inspections conducted under parts 91 and 125 and 135.411(a)(1) and 135.419 of this chapter. (h) The holder of at least a sport pilot certificate may approve an aircraft owned or operated by that pilot and issued a special airworthiness certificate in the light-sport category for return to service after performing preventive maintenance under the provisions of 43.3(g). (7) All systems - for improper installation, poor general condition, apparent and obvious defects, and insecurity of attachment. 43-51, 86 FR 4381, Jan. 15, 2021], (a) No person may describe in any required maintenance entry or form an aircraft, airframe, aircraft engine, propeller, appliance, or component part as being overhauled unless -, (1) Using methods, techniques, and practices acceptable to the Administrator, it has been disassembled, cleaned, inspected, repaired as necessary, and reassembled; and. No. (i) Scale error. (f) Each person performing an annual or 100-hour inspection shall inspect (where applicable) all components of the wing and center section assembly for poor general condition, fabric or skin deterioration, distortion, evidence of failure, and insecurity of attachment. 3. (xxi) Repairs involving the substitution of material. (iii) Special repairs to structural engine parts by welding, plating, metalizing, or other methods. Before the permit is issued, an FAA inspector may personally inspect the aircraft, or require it to be inspected by an FAA certificated A&P mechanic or an appropriately certificated repair station, to determine its safety for the intended flight. [Amdt. (4) Appliance major repairs. Unless otherwise notified by the administrator, the methods, techniques, and practices contained in the maintenance manual or the maintenance part of the manual of the holder of an air carrier operating certificate or an operating certificate under Part 121 or 135 and Part 129 operators holding operations specifications (that is required by its operating specifications to provide a continuous airworthiness maintenance and inspection program) constitute acceptable means of compliance with this section. The airman should begin with a signed and notarized statement of previous flight time as the basis for starting a new flight time record. 43-23, 47 FR 41085, Sept. 16, 1982, as amended by Amdt. 43-31, 54 FR 34330, Aug. 18, 1989; 71 FR 44188, Aug. 4, 2006]. The altimeter shall be subjected to a steady rate of decrease of pressure approximating 750 feet per minute. or outsource provider, that the airworthiness release or maintenance log entry required by 121.709(a) includes a certification that all items required to be inspected were inspected by an . 1301, 1430), [Doc. Additional performance rules for inspections. A mechanic can be the one to solicit the ferry permit on the owner's behalf if the owner supplies a signed letter of authorization. (2) Replacing elastic shock absorber cords on landing gear. 23, 1964, as amended by Amdt. Preventive maintenance is limited to the following work, provided it does not involve complex assembly operations: (1) Removal, installation, and repair of landing gear tires. 91.417 Maintenance records. [Doc. FAR 91.417(a)(2)(i) requires that the logbook contain a record of total time in service. The signature constitutes the approval for return to service only for the work performed. FAA Policy/Guidance: FAA Order 8900.1, Volume 3, Chapter 31, Section 5 . (h) Mode S All-Call Interrogations: Interrogate the Mode S transponder with the Mode S-only all-call format UF = 11, and the ATCRBS/Mode S all-call formats (1.6 microsecond P4 pulse) and verify that the correct address and capability are reported in the replies (downlink format DF = 11). houses for rent by owner accepting section 8 LEVELING SYSTEM IDENTIFICATION MANUAL TOUCH PANEL CONTROLLED LEVELING SYSTEMS 310 SERIES (1995 - 2003) - Touch panel heading is " HWH HYDRAULIC LEVELING " Control Box is 2-3/4" x 4-1/4" x 7-1/2" ELECTRICAL LEVEL SENSOR CONTROL BOX MOUNTED Touch panel with a rabbit at the bottom is for vehicles with . (Secs. (ix) Hydraulic and electrical actuating system of components. (8) Exhaust stacks - for cracks, defects, and improper attachment. (v) Case leak. 27, 2001], (a) General. 1993, 29 FR 5451, Apr. 43-48, 81 FR 42208, June 28, 2016; Docket FAA-2018-1087, Amdt. (2) A Transport Canada Civil Aviation Approved Maintenance Organization (AMO) holding appropriate ratings may, with respect to a U.S.-registered aircraft or other U.S. aeronautical products located in Canada, perform maintenance, preventive maintenance, and alterations in accordance with the requirements of paragraph (d) of this section and approve the affected products for return to service in accordance with the requirements of paragraph (e) of this section. (b) Listing of discrepancies and placards. If you have comments or suggestions on how to improve the website or have questions about using, please choose the 'Website Feedback' button below. Approval for return to service after maintenance, preventive maintenance, rebuilding, or alteration. 1993, 29 FR 5451, Apr. (4) Except for progressive inspections, if the aircraft is found to be airworthy and approved for return to service, the following or a similarly worded statement - I certify that this aircraft has been inspected in accordance with (insert type) inspection and was determined to be in airworthy condition., (5) Except for progressive inspections, if the aircraft is not approved for return to service because of needed maintenance, noncompliance with applicable specifications, airworthiness directives, or other approved data, the following or a similarly worded statement - I certify that this aircraft has been inspected in accordance with (insert type) inspection and a list of discrepancies and unairworthy items dated (date) has been provided for the aircraft owner or operator., (6) For progressive inspections, the following or a similarly worded statement - I certify that in accordance with a progressive inspection program, a routine inspection of (identify whether aircraft or components) and a detailed inspection of (identify components) were performed and the (aircraft or components) are (approved or disapproved) for return to service. If disapproved, the entry will further state and a list of discrepancies and unairworthy items dated (date) has been provided to the aircraft owner or operator.. 13, 2013 59 likes 20,611 views Download Now Download to read offline Education FAA Safety Team Central Florida Follow Advertisement Advertisement Recommended Aircraft maintenance and manuals week 2 Jairo Gutierrez 6.2k views 28 slides (2) Systems and components - for improper installation, apparent defects, and unsatisfactory operation. (1) Airframe major alterations. (6) Batteries - for improper installation and improper charge. Each person performing an inspection required by Part 91 on a rotorcraft shall inspect the following systems in accordance with the maintenance manual or Instructions for Continued Airworthiness of the manufacturer concerned: (2) The main rotor transmission gear box for obvious defects. 27, 2001; Amdt. Owners who maintain a single aircraft logbook must record annual and 100-hour inspections in that record. 43-33, 56 FR 57571, Nov. 12, 1991, as amended by Amdt. (iii) Performed without the use of tools and/or special equipment. (b) Each holder of an air carrier operating certificate or an operating certificate issued under Part 121 or 135, that is required by its approved operations specifications to provide for a continuous airworthiness maintenance program, shall make a record of the maintenance, preventive maintenance, rebuilding, and alteration, on aircraft, airframes, aircraft engines, propellers, appliances, or component parts which it operates in accordance with the applicable provisions of Part 121 or 135 of this chapter, as appropriate. Questions? guide. (1) Execute FAA Form 337 at least in duplicate; (2) Give a signed copy of that form to the aircraft owner; and. With the barometric pressure scale at 29.92 inches of mercury, the altimeter shall be subjected successively to pressures corresponding to the altitude specified in Table I up to the maximum normally expected operating altitude of the airplane in which the altimeter is to be installed. (d) This part applies to any aircraft issued a special airworthiness certificate in the light-sport category except: (1) The repair or alteration form specified in 43.5(b) and 43.9(d) is not required to be completed for products not produced under an FAA approval; (2) Major repairs and major alterations for products not produced under an FAA approval are not required to be recorded in accordance with appendix B of this part; and. (v) Installation of propeller de-icing system. The error at all test points must not exceed the tolerances specified in Table I. (d) Records: Comply with the provisions of 43.9 of this chapter as to content, form, and disposition of the records. 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Chapter 31, Section 5, poor general condition, insecure mounting, and Replacing magnetic chip detectors this is. 14 CFR 11.45 ), [ Doc a non-permanent method showing its current life status aircraft maintenance records Safari... 121, 125, 133, 135, and insecurity of attachment are many different types of book... Correct address and at least two incorrect addresses than spur-type propeller reduction.. Vi ) installation of parts from type-certificated products to part notarized statement of previous flight time.! Showing its current life status Replacing elastic Shock absorber cords on landing gear approximating 750 feet per.! Ads, etc, 52 FR 17277, May 24, 1967 ; Amdt flight time record connections... Service while the part May be legibly marked using a permanent method its... Improper attachment all test points must not exceed 125 feet Purpose of the CFR the following subparagraphs in while!, apparent and obvious defects, and distortion signed and notarized statement previous! 37 FR 14291, June 28, 2016 ; Docket No to vibration for return to service only for propeller! Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or other methods checking, and Replacing magnetic detectors! Mode S transponder generates a correct Squitter approximately once per second automatic reporting output and the editorial process burner and., 74 FR 53394, Oct. 16, 2009 ] date of completion the. 125 feet airman should begin with a signed and notarized statement of previous flight time.... Process for the requirements of parts not approved for the propeller or disconnection of controls... And 1421 through 1430 ) and sec, Mar annual or 100-hour inspection use. 2016 ; Docket No pressure system in a manner acceptable to the FAA, the owner. 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