I was wondering how it could be true. (Numbers 12:6-8). Mary speaks of his second coming in this event as a Judge and is His second time to intervene in human history but is not the final coming that theologians relate to; that will take place later in the final sixth and seventh Church ages in the future. God does reveal his plan even in our time. This is not true. Canonized, Venerable, and Blessed saints have given us riddles or clues for time frames. "I don't know." {DEVOTIONS} {SPONSORS} {PRAYER ROOM} {RESOURCES} There are more prophecies with riddles and many straightforward prophecies that complete an understanding of what is coming soon, as detailed in the book, "After The Warning To 2038. Mirjana told Fr. The earth will be covered in darkness and hell will be loosed on earth . Medjugorje? An old confidante of Mirjana, he told the station: When this will happen we have not yet known. May he rest in peace. Mirjana has received all ten Secrets and on behalf of all the Medjugorje Intervista a Padre Petar Ljubicic, Medjugorie sotto lacqua, il terzo segreto, La Croce, 3 marzo 2015, Testimoni di Medjugorje fin dalle origini - 04/02/2021: Incontro con Padre Petar Ljubicic scelto da Mirjana per rivelare i DIECI SEGRETI, Mirjana Changes Her Story (2): The Apparitions for Her Birthday. Ive read in many books (and pilgrims have told me, too) that I chose Father Petar. [Laurentin,Dernires nouvelles de Medjugorje, n 12, O.E.I.L., 1993, p. 19]. I don't between the first and second secret is of a certain period, between the second In 1982, Mary requested Mirjana at Medjugorje to choose a priest to announce the first two secrets to the world. will receive her grace which will enable him to read the first secret. visionaries she will reveal them when the time comes. Later I will have to fast and prepare for seven consecutive days. Lets dance! Non posso spiegarvi il perch, ma dentro di me non c'era paura n ansia. she cares for her children," said Mirjana of the Blessed Virgin. The "feast of a saint, martyr of the Eucharist" will be celebrated on a Thursday during March, April, or May and between the days of the eighth to the sixteenth. Ljubicic. Petar. REPLY: She The "three popes" prophecy that Conchita of Garabandal relates to, confirms that the last of the three popes, an innocent person Benedict XVI will pass on around this time of the first presentation, the Warning. To the rest of us, God reveals to us in Riddles. Leovigild, the King of Spain, who followed the heresy of Arianism, had two sons by his first wife Theodosia, Hermenegild and Recared. greater. What message will they deliver when the time for their revelation comes? The seer said the apparitions have been a preparation. Father Petar Ljubicic, that there would be events in the first two secrets she was given that would . I always said Father Petar was the priest that I met at the beginning and I liked him so much. I only know that I was filled with a deep sense of joy and security. What follows is a rare interview with Father Petar Ljubicic who speaks freely about the secrets of Apparition hill. secret may take place today and the second one already tomorrow.". my head. go and see suffering or a disaster. A brief history allows us to understand why Heaven brings the martyrdom of St. Hermenegild to our attention. appeared to be the one conducting the 1985 interview, ten days before it occurs, and As they endeavor for a better life, to such people, God Himself is Join me (and my bandana) on a madcap tour of the world with the people who make it all possible, our wonderful travel providers. fulfilled that the world, as a while, will believe in the authenticity of cursing by using God's name. ", Mirjana, who has been The third Secret is the visible sign on This will be fulfilled in a literal way on the day of His Outpouring upon all of humanity 17 on a Sunday. He says his mother could not have children during the first five years of her marriage, so she offered prayer. When this will happen we are not yet given to know, but we have the presentiment that with each passing day, we are getting closer and closer to that moment. Only through prayer will you understand the thoughts of God for yourselves." ". Quando ho incontrato Mirjana, lei mi ha domandato: Sai gi che tu dovrai annunziare al mondo i segreti quando arriver il momento? Risposi: " possibile questo?" My Sporting Weekend Subbuteo, yabbuteo! 13, Our Lady of Peace to Pedro Regis: "Humanity is contaminated with evil and my poor children pursue the paths of self-destruction. . She mentioned the sin of Petar as the priest chosen to reveal the secrets, whereas in older interviews, he was always mentioned. We must not and cannot live as if we do not have to account for how we live and what we do, but more than anything else it is important to be ready for the encounter with the living God at any moment. will it be something that will last for an extended period?" He said: She is an incredibly beautiful woman, about 20 years old, one metre and 65 centimetres tall, fair complexion and pink cheeks. Michel Rodrigue (read in "Latest Developments") where he talks about 6 1/2 weeks of revival that will occur after the Warning and before Satan gets a grip on events again, what comes to mind is the length of the period of Lent. to say different things. Mirjana claims to have been told by Our Lady to choose a priest to whom to reveal the alleged ten secrets a few days before they would come to pass. Rate this book. 10 Secrets brought to earth by the Virgin Mary. "will know immediately that it is in connection with the secrets." In an interview conducted by a priest a day after a vision in which she was In 2023, the Thursday will be April 13. Petar Vlasic died. This morning at 4:00am in Medjugorje, the pastor of St. James, Fr. This is the feast day of St. Hermenegild, a martyr of the Eucharist. reads the first secret, he will have to make its contents public [if he so What will happen for the Big Reveal is something that all the top agents might want to take on board for their particular big news. This is the second secret or event that will take place. This is not true. This bonded us, and we always remained together. 20 (Spring of 2038). To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. The message of each secret will contain teachings: the life that God has given us, the time we live are gifts from God for us. "Will the interval between the first and second secret be lengthy?" "Many people ask me to Praying Rosary Medjugorje Pilgrim is Witness to Mysterious Image in His Living Room.. Is it Our Lady, The Holy Family or Angels? Summarizing the whole story, with the same expressions used by Mirjana over time, Mirjana needed to choose a priest and she chose Father Petar, who accepted. Not so with my servant Moses, throughout my house, he bears my trust, face to face. The first Comment: The words in this prophecy are riddles or clues for the date such as "Calvary." Come, let us return to the Lord, for it is He, who has rent (shattered or broken) us, but He will heal us, He has struck us, but He will bind our wounds. discerns after prayer and fasting] and afterwards he may do with it whatever he Of course many people have No. "I Only those who humble themselves and seek God's wisdom and guidance in prayer and fasting will discover the truth about God's plan. material," said Mirjana. The Seventh Secret has been taken away by the many prayers of the Jesus appeared such, as we know Him during His Passion. Pope John XXIII died on June 3, 1963. Croatian, which of the first three secrets the visionary Medjugorje. Continue with Recommended Cookies, Exploring the ways faith effects our lives. large numbers will come to the village as the secrets begin to unfold, but that Father Petar Ljubicic is the priest chosen to divulge the secrets. providing the soul repents sincerely. QUESTION: Are knows my phone number and it will not be a problem to get together. Comment: When we look at the prophecies of Fr. To which Fr Petar unsurprisingly talked around like any of the best politicians: It can be said that they concern particular events that will happen at a certain time and place. some sort of power, I mean special strength which actually restrains us from It was normal that it was Father Petar. It can be said that they concern particular events that will happen at a certain time and place. "No, it will not be anything as huge as that. When this will happen we are not yet given to know, but. Communism, Totalitarianism, Cultural Marxism-the "errors of Russia" predicted by the Virgin Mary in an apparition to three shepherd children at Ftima in 1917-are the systematic evils John Paul II speaks of in his book. Petar Ljubicic (the priest to whom Mirjana has charged with the revealing of each "secret") has alleged the first two or three alleged secrets will take place in Medjugorje. This is a clear sign; the Warning will be soon. "Just as any mother, [Mirjana Soldo, My Heart Will Triumph, Catholic Shop Publishing, Cocoa FL 2016, p. 187]. Jacinta-visionary of Garabandal (1960s): "These difficult events will take place before the Warning because the Warning itself will take place when the situation will be at its worst." secrets. peek at these secrets, if they could see -- they would convert in time. Era difficile per me trovare parole e sentimenti per dare una risposta. Petar Ljubicic turns 68 today. Petar it is worth reminding ourselves that the visionary Mirjana says she knows the exact date the secrets are to start and she has said she sees signs that events are already in motion. anguish. The message of each secret will contain teachings: the life that God has given us, the time we live are gifts from God for us. During a vision on October 25, 1985, Mirjana, whose daily apparitions ceased in Ive waltzed with Judy Murray, partied with Brian Lara, manned the barricades with Civil Rights leader Myrlie Evers and even unmasked The Donald as a mariachi fan. Mirjana, one of the visionaries of Medjugorje, said: "Ten days before the first secret and the second secret, I will notify Father Petar Ljubicic. It will make the world pause and think.". I now know things that are not particularly pleasant. Its all a matter of faith but would you want to miss 2022 the year of the Big Medjugorje Reveal? It will Gaudentius Rossi Pellegrino p 23, Marie-Julie Jahenny-the Breton Stigmatist (prophecies) by Marquis de La Franquerie p 43,44,45, We Are Warned: The Prophecies of Marie-Julie Jahenny, https://www.britannica.com/topic/Arianism, https://www.ewtn.com/catholicism/library/st-hermenegild-martyr-5527, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hermenegild, "The Bridge to Heaven" p164- Interview with Maria Esperanza by Michael H. Brown & Spiritdaily.com. Climate Activists: Having children is now a climate crime. 11, Our Lady of Medjugorje's yearly apparition of March 25, 1985, to Mirjana, relates to events just before the time of the Warning: "It is an upheaval of a region of the world. think that this sort of thing attracts people at all. first and second," replied Mirjana in the biggest hints to date about her While in Rome September 2011, Medjugorje The thought was rather unsettling. finally understand that. Petar Ljubicic will pray and fast for seven days, and then he will announce it publicly to the world, three days before the secrets are to take . Interview Fr Petar excitedly goes on: Mirjana will deliver me ten days before something similar to a letter-sized parchment that Our Lady gave her. In this time of grace, Satan wants to seduce you; but you, little children, keep looking at my Son and follow Him towards Calvary in . Slavko. But it could be any Friday. And he is surely the best messenger for the pilgrim tour packages that go out there, chief among them my friends at Marian Pilgrimages. "Something like a If I am correct in saying that the Warning of Garabandal is also the . like pictures projected on slides and that it "shook me the most. The time of the last secret or 10th event unfolding called the Chastisement from God is revealed to us by St. Bridget of Sweden and Marie-Julie Jahenny. Yes, we will listen to the prayers of your friends, not one will perish. The Third Secret is an everlasting Non posso spiegarvi il perch, ma dentro di me non c'era paura n ansia. Fatimas Hidden Russia Secret The Sun will dim.It will be the last effort of the demon to run our life., Especially for sinners, at three oclock in the afternoon beg for My mercy The hour of great mercy for the whole world. Benedict passed on December 31, 2022. secret is revealed," Mirjana said. She explained everything to us and gave us perfect instructions. always forgives all those who genuinely convert.". Stanko Cosic (2013) Vicka (2013) Walking Toward Her Encounter With Our Lady (11/2/13) Top Of Krizevac; Thirty Years Of Grace - June 25, 2011 It was a great honor for me, but also a responsibility. Buy on Amazon. is referring to, Mirjana has indicated that there will be three warnings given Whats the story, Medjugorje? In the continuation of this article, Fr. I speak to him; plainly and not in riddles." Want to read. It is impossible to invent this description., And, of course, you dont have to be a journo or broadcaster to know what the next question was. Courage. Oh, how terrible is that day! your responsibility of announcing the Medjugorje Secrets in advance, could you Petar will be given a parchment containing the ten secrets. 90-91]. This relates to Christ's crucifixion and on a "Friday." godlessness to stop. Were regularly bombarded with building suspense for all manner of political, showbiz or sporting announcements but what about 2022 the year of the Big Medjugorje Reveal? We are given clues that lead us to an understanding. "That varies according to the secrets," answered Mirjana. She exudes unspeakable goodness, sweetness and joy. Our Lady of Medjugorje Messages February 25, 2023. But we have the present that with each passing day, we are getting closer and closer to that moment . No times or dates have been indicated from the seers. Ivan Dugandzic warns: The Antichrist is among us!He wishes to define human nature anew. { CONTACTS} {GIFT They are not in chronological order, but to confound the frivolous and the wicked. E, se si chiede a me, sar padre Petar. Petar, with his usual sympathy and closeness, made the . She wears a white veil that covers her head, shoulders and back and comes down to her hips. Video: Healings- Stories from Medjugorje, Priest ponders miracles witnessed in Medjugorje, Nun reports Medjugorje sun miracle in 1986, Our Ladys message today: The future is at a crossroads Medjugorje eNews, Todays Medjugorje message: God is love Medjugorje eNews, New Medjugorje book! Father Petar Ljubicic: When I heard one evening 39 years ago that Mirjana had chosen me to announce the secrets, I initially thought it was a joke. She will give him Comment: When certain Saint's feast days fall on certain Church feast days , final events of Chastisement directly from God will unfold. It is like an intriguing treasure hunt. Searching the internet or asking many sources no one knows the answers. He had been suffering from cancer. In it, we read: Those who follow the "apparitions" of Medjugorje know that there are the so-called ten secrets which will be revealed three days before they occur by a priest chosen by the visionary Mirjana. We often and chastisements will be sent to the world. Testimony of Fr. 1982 (but proceed now on certain occasions), said she was shown the first secret a miracle, a sign which is occurring every day. number, although, again, it does not appear to be global. b>Petar Ljubicic is roughly 73 years old (born in 1946). "There never was an age such as this one, never To read the most well-documented articles on the secrets available on the . with Father For 7 days Mirjana and I (Father Petar) will have to pray and . especially mentioned the need to pray for one's own soul," said the seer. All she asks for, the one thing she waits He will come to us like a rain, like a spring rain that waters the earth." Again on 8 August 2001, interviewed on Radio Maria by Father Livio Fanzaga, Mirjana clearly reiterated [emphasis added]: Father Livio: Tell me everything you can and then I'll ask you for some clarifications. I have to tell him what will happen and where, ten days before it happens. Petar Ljubicic is roughly 73 years old (born in 1946). It was strange for me to imagine why Mirjana had chosen me. Mirjana: Well, I needed to choose a priest to tell the ten secrets to, and I chose the Franciscan Father, Petar Ljubii. "Distinct, distinct. 14. I chose the Franciscan Father, Petar Ljubii, La Madonna prepara per il mondo un futuro di pace, Intervista di padre Livio Fanzaga a Mirjana, I never chose Father Petar, but I will have to choose (maybe), a longer excerpt from the interview can be found, that I chose Father Petar. the secrets are such that she was sometimes "distressed" to the point I was wondering, Can this really be true? All of this did not leave me indifferent. OF THE MONTH} {GOSPA'S Take care of your spiritual life." Certainly God Visions of the Children by Jan Connell p 66, The Christian Trumpet by Fr. I can't explain why, but inside me there was no fear or anxiety. It will not be at the end of the year, but in the first months that I will clearly give My warnings " (In the first part of the year when it is still winter but not yet spring.) each one of these people would be shocked to their senses and would view our Who would, for example, go to Italy to see a - I needed to so that Father Petar could prepare. King Recared and the whole kingdom of the Visigoths in Spain converted to the truth. Anche questo non vero. Se si chieder a me, Original Italian words: Quando, una sera di 39 anni fa, ho sentito che Mirjana mi aveva scelto per annunziare i segreti, ho creduto dapprima che fosse uno scherzo. Ten days before the first secret is to be revealed, Fr. her secrets are the same as those to the other five visionaries, except for Medjugorje itself but said it would be convincing or witnessed by "all It is then that I sober up and ask myself, `What am I doing, what is living the Gospel and in accordance with the Messages which Our Lady gave in So solo che fui pervaso da un profondo senso di gioia e sicurezza. On that Sunday, many will turn to him, and receive His outpouring of love. Mirjana Soldo, the visionary who will reveal the ten secrets, recently clarified the questions surrounding the ten secrets and Fr. Then, three days before the event, Father Petar will make a public announcement as to what is to happen and where. comment, turning away discussions of the secrets and instead emphasizing the joy Petar Ljubicic and Medjugorje #231584. ", "First and foremost, the first secret, mankind must work at eliminating greed The Lord heard her prayer and Fr. for, is for all of us to repent so that we may be forgiven. It's not that I can say, "It will be Father Petar". as the Secrets are concerned, if anybody is interested to know, I could say that Leovigild sent soldiers to slay him on the spot. Anointed July 16, 2012\ An outpouring of the Holy Spirit will take place upon all humanity. the paper], because the day is approaching when I will have to give this paper It speaks of the "Calvary of Humanity." Medjugorje eNews. It can be said that they concern particular events that will happen at a certain time and place. to mankind along with a great sign. Furthermore, they will be of "paramount importance" for the Church to recognize the alleged apparitions. . He was a priest for 47 years. In an interview with Radio Maria (February 2021), Father Petar Ljubicic he said that "when the time comes to reveal the first secret, Mirjana will deliver me something similar to an A4 sheet of parchment ten days earlier. All eyes are on Father Petar Ljubicic who has been bestowed the honour by one of the six visionaries . ], I 10 segreti di Medjugorje. Era una cosa incredibile per me che Mirjana avesse scelto me per questo compito e missione. Above: Blessed Mother arrives at 1 minute 17 seconds Question: Vicka, tell us about Heaven Vicka: Heaven is a vast, Western sanctions and condemnations intended to pile pressure on Vladimir Putin instead seem to be rallying Russians behind him. A Friday will be marked forever. The three major events or admonitions are the Warning, the Outpouring of God's Holy Spirit upon all mankind, and the day of Miracles and Miracle signs. "It will take place on or between the eighth and the sixteenth." No one knows how good or bad he or she is. It is also confirmed that as the Secrets will be something, she said, "that everyone, everywhere, will immediately Pero's heart is totally open to the Lord. Having highlighted this, now let's see the rest of the story, which we will now document. Small angels were flying above them., Medjugorje March 4, 2021 Our Lady says Wake up from the tired sleep of your soul and say to God with all your strength, Yes! When he was chosen by Mirjana, Father Petar Ljubii was 38 years old. "It will make the world pause and think," said Mirjana in this So solo che fui pervaso da un profondo senso di gioia e sicurezza. Hosea 6:1-6: "In their affliction, they look for me. Maria Esperanza (1928-2004) Stigmatist, was interviewed in 2003: "It is very different than what people think. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. seer, Mirjana, has chosen to announce the 10 Medjugorje Secrets. But we have the present that with each passing day, we are getting closer and closer to that moment.. Mirjana Soldo, the visionary who will reveal the ten secrets, recently clarified the questions surrounding the ten secrets andFr. Determined is the day of justice, the day of Divine wrath. came close to disclosing a secret, but then, suddenly, something flashes through Arianism asserts that Jesus, the Son of God, was created by God the Father and was neither co-eternal nor consubstantial, denying the divinity of Christ. Mirjana declined to say if the event or events in the first secret will occur at We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Catholic Prophecy God Spy Medjugorje. The interview was published in 1958 with an Imprimatur. If you knew that the date of their occurrence was still far into the future, why did you act so far ahead of time? All eyes are on Father Petar Ljubicic who has been bestowed the honour by one of the six visionaries Mirjana to announce the News (it might not be all good though) to the world. At what precise hour and minute and how long what is contained in that given secret will last.. A miracle is necessary, said Mirjana, for the We are approaching that moment. The message of each secret will contain this teaching: the life that God has given us, the time we live are gifts from God for us. It is a Warning from God. Petar was born in 1946. When I met Mirjana she asked me: Do you already know that you too will have to announce the secrets to the world when the time comes?. Visionary Mirjana Dragicevic Soldo Our Lady gave it to remember when every secret would happen. Yes, riddles are a way of quietly revealing to the wise through humility, prophecies that reveal many other secrets including times and dates. Petar was born in 1946. Learn how your comment data is processed. In this case, the earliest day that the Warning could come, on any Friday, is after April 13, 2022, up to almost a year before the day of the Miracle and Miracle signs on April 13, 2023. 30. If the people saw the first 8, Mirjana says, "The first two secrets will come as advanced warnings for the whole world and as proof that the Blessed Mother is here in Medjugorje." Tutto ci era per me un grande onore ma anche una responsabilit. And yes we see too that he has given himself some wriggle room. All of this was a great honor, but also a responsibility. Venices 5 entry fee is a bridge too far, 2022 the year of the Big Medjugorje Reveal, Let there be light today Saturnalia and Apollo, George Clooney and Amals Amsterdam hotel, This is Wicked and more like Storm Elphaba, Why Columbus mistook manatees for mermaids, Sign up for the Civil War it is Virginia, See off Voldemort, then for a beer at Moes, Aaawlando Orlando, the rollercoaster capital, A tale of two new cities Belfast and Derry, Liam Neeson promoting Ireland and he will find you, Tabasco Irish Louisiana and the source of the sauce, Thirteen years an Irishman five top cities, Thirteen years an Irishman My capital cities (and Istanbul), Thirteen years an Irishman Five holy holidays, Thirteen years an Irishman My Sporting Weekend Five, Thirteen years an Irishman My five Irish homes, Rainy Days and Songdays The Royal Canal and other Irish landmarks. The popes that Our Lady is referring to are Pope Paul VI, Pope John Paul II, and Pope Benedict XVI. An Alexandrian Catholic priest Arius proposed this heretical position, sometime after 250 A.D. and it spread throughout the Eastern and Western Roman empires. Hungry and Thursday Martiniqis in Martinique? Our Lady seen above Pope Francis in Offical Vatican video during the blessing of Urbi et Orbi. About how The Mother of God looked which was well for being over 2,,000 years old. It will allow you to see all your life. Currently, he is a vicar in the parish of St. Pascalin Vitina, about 20 km from Medjugorje, where numerous pilgrims visit him. unpleasant" [Mirjana's emphasis]. the Secrets are fulfilled all will know that the visionaries were telling the "32 "This (the Warning) will shock the world, will move the world. Gospa 's take care of your friends, not one will perish to imagine why Mirjana chosen! Will allow you to see all your life. who genuinely convert. `` such as... 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Now let 's see the rest of us to understand why Heaven brings the martyrdom of St.,!
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