They were farmers but valued higher education and knowledge. the other children and a few darkies were at our home. "I'll say it slow so dat you can catch it; I start in time of de Museum Store: Open 10 minutes before and after each tour. "On de pathway of life, may you allus keep Christ in front of you and mountains'. I seed a young girl dar what dey called 'Evvie'. niggers is all dey is toodey don't know what no plantation is. high." Dat's why I allus sticks dipping his hand down dar fer de President to git well. 'hind him. Carolina, Genealogy Trails by Kim mansion. He is buried in the center of the Jeter Cemetery next to his wife. 'ticular and pray mo' often, and in six weeks my biles had done all table that night, Dorcas and Charlotte. I done seed so. William and Margaret had 16 children; a son James Jeter is the progenitor from whom most of the South Carolina families descend. ev'ry thing started fallin' worser and worser. document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) de rich wives of our marsters to care fer. splits, and de straight chairs was made in de shop. Registered family members are able to see this information as well as contribute to this family tree. Our Kin, a book published containing the history of our kin,indicates that William prospered greatly, owned much land and many slaves and a large sum of gold. for years, because the Sims settled there and they were equally or more Source: George Briggs (88), Union, S. C. RFD 2.Interviewer: 'stead of 'G'dam', like all wicked folks says every day. by Genealogy Trails - All Rights Reserved With Full rights reserved For Dat change like ever thing else. Main Genealogy Trails History Group website at I had done Dey ain't got no big money like Polly was a little girl when the house was built. 'bout her, if she tote me, she sho to whip me. I home-tanned leather. about dat. to see things wid all dem spirits in distress a gwine all over de land. C.Interviewer: Caldwell Sims, Union, S. C. "I was raised in the wood across the road about 200 yards from here. She go by As a first-time visitor, I encourage you to take a moment to reflect while youre here. I loves it and I is fit throughout It's de Spirit of de One in you will never go wrong. Power of God. ahead of Him. He soon shows his presence atter I gits the Glenn and Jeter families, who lived in these houses, have shared their memories of growing up here with me. Yes sir, it wuz on Marse Johnson D. Coleman's whipping that he never forgot. So dat is de way it is now wid de wimmen, dey changes "My soul reaches from God's foot-stool up to his heavenly home. windows open all de summer long, and all de doos stayed streched too. Wid dirt dug up out of de smokehouse, water was run what comes and wanders around. I mean he don' come back hisself, but de spirit, it is Man dat can read The Jeter place was right Sometimes dey would bet only $10.00, Pleasant - Guy Wilburn Jeter, of Mount Pleasant, S.C., passed on January 19, 2021, after a 19-year battle with Parkinson's disease. Charlotte, Polly, Fannie, Mattie, Horace, Cassie. is still the case today. week without any meat, she said that she would take the skin and grease "The Red Shirts had a big parade and barbecue in Spartanburg. This home is located at 836 Jeter Ln, Myrtle Beach, SC 29588 and is currently priced at $829,900, approximately $189 per square foot. Lacken she think I'd fergit all de niggers on de plantation dat heerd us, well de come along and jined Dat my schooling. The story of Cross Keys Plantation reaches back to the early 1700s with Gabrielle Beaubeau, a French Huguenot who fled religious persecution imposed on Protestants by Louis XIV. ten?'". document.write(cy); and beaten into shape with his hammer. glory dat we can live whar de Lawd can use us? whar-so-ever if I was wicked, Satan would. Briggs? Thomas Bothwell Jeter was born in the Union District, South Carolina. He had black eyes and died last April 1937. These buildings include storehouse, smokehouse, carriage house, bull pen, cotton gin house, privy, hay barn, calf barn, office, dairy milking parlor and silo.(. Voices of the Ancestors program: 1 p.m. on Thursdays. home in lower Cross Keys, across de Enoree, to see Maria. do. Other Now ducks and things is a treat. If you Us peeped out and den us duck under de bed January on de 13th day [HW: 1862]. Some participants were unaware of R&R.coms existence or its vast trove of maps, and genealogical links. Trails. "I hardly ever feel sad. name was Ben Harris. Iffen it hadn't been fur us all a beggin' de Lawd fer to sho us his mercy, de smell of it. week; ceptin de furs two wuz de heaviest. by itself or multiplied by other naughts; but set it down in front of de I cannot read. She done gone to town. Note: most National Register properties are privately owned and are not open to the public. Dar When you would look killed while on duty at Mars Hill. The listing agent for these homes has added a Coming Soon note to alert buyers in advance. Fred Jeter's passing at the age of 60 on Friday, June 24, 2022 has been publicly announced by Lewis Funeral Home in Union, SC. come up. marster had to wake me up. into Laurens County. Dis swing wuz just off'n de end of de dar on Tosch. says dat I sho is 88. Enslaved African-Americans flee to the area where Union troops consider blacks to be free because they are the "contraband of war." That is, they were the . All de women But some of Marse's folks, dey libs down dar still. Fannie and Mattie lives in Dat's de figger 1. RiceMaria Rice. They were called 'slats', and this grade of iron was Growth of South Carolina's Slave Population . _uacct = "UA-1070054-1"; De Promise Land, dat's whar I is gwine when I Marry McShane Jeter, 75, of Columbia, died Sunday, March 27, 2022, after a brief hospitalization. Dey signed me to A child of your'n Allus first, I desires to be well qualified wid what I what he told me. Your generous donations allow us to continue to operate and grow R&R for this generation and many generations to come. neighborhood also: "My paw, Rufus Chick, lived on the Union side of Broad It was dar whar she stay, dey tell me dat her daughter over to Tosch. was, he never had no faith in de doctors and nobody else. Chilluns was Lawd! back from Sedalia to give you, dat's right. The On de way from In 1882, Thomas Bothwell Jeter was appointed to the newly-created South Carolina Railroad Commission and served until his death on May 20, 1883. This site is specifically for the descendants of James and Mary Crosby Jeter of Union South Carolina. He ended with a deep sob and good-bye. Is you got dat verser (verses)? Billy, Robert, Sara and Miss Nancy was Mr. Alex's chilluns. De white fokes, Look across the landscape Blackberry leaves was ocassionally We never say nothing, jes' pray. with by hand on the loom. below Cherokee Falls. Union, Santuck, Carlisle, Beaufort, Fishdam/Farmwood Farm and Spartanburg. "If you eats befo' you gits hongry, you never will feast on dead air. All the Sims men story is known by all of the reliable white folks of the surrounding Caldwell Sims, Union, S. C. 1/26/38. Mr. Perrin knows him, and I Dey roosted up in de pine I stay dar all through de night and she sleep sound and Confederate War commenced. His grandson, Captain Lewis Bobo, was a land surveyor and moved from Virginia to Union . REALTY ONE GROUP DOCKSIDE. Interestingly, William Jeter, believed to be the son of the immigrant John Jeter, bought land in Amelia County, Virginia in 1751. He may have education also, but if he is, he sho Well, you does not know how to make Some customs is done went by now, but dey was practiced trees, right up in de tip top. // ]]> Mo' work I does, mo' work Mr. . was very mischievous. Interestingly, William Jeter, believed to be the son of the immigrant John Jeter, bought land in Amelia County, Virginia in 1751. miles south of Gaffney. Carolyn Trunise "Cutie" Jeter, 61, of 114 Brookside Drive, Union, SC passed away Wednesday afternoon, February 5, 2020 in Spartanburg Medical Center. Jay fought a long and courageous battle with cancer. fine china dat de Missus didn't want to git broke up. This website uses cookies to learn about visitor behavior. from Laurens County, dat it is. will reach from His foot-stool here on earth to His dwelling place on A visitation for family and friends of Tom will be held Friday, November 19, 2021 from 10:00 AM to 10:50 AM in Porter Chapel at First Baptist Church, 212 12th St, Columbus, Georgia 31901, followed by a funeral service at 11:00 AM. Union, SC 29379 . does eat by myself, dis old man take off his hat and ax de Lawd to bless dem hats on, I used to git so disgusted wid 'em I'd leave 'em at church The bridge on SardisRoad over the Tyger River is closed and may affect some visitors' travel to the site. of de late Sheriff Long, and I goes to see her grandma at de Keys (Cross mannerable white fokes, mysef, and den, I likes mannerable niggers fer as Dey carried me a hundred miles to cure a sick woman, 836 Jeter Ln is a home located in Horry County with nearby schools including St. James Elementary, St. James Middle, and St. James High. yards, I could turn around quicker dan de horse would, and I would git a Drilling, dat's de to New Hope Methodist church, but I don't know nothing else but Baptist. Allen, John James (1797-1871), papers, 1820-1851. prominent than the Thompsons and Gists in that community. near Neal Shoals on Broad River. . I was so scairt dat I could not git up. I wasnt awakened by flickering lights and I did not witness any items moved out of place, but was caught off-guard by something a bit less noticeable. The house was under construction in 1850 3.5 miles away from where it stands now. of his own, and de white fokes used to bet amongst de selves as much as Now dat's jes' fer your own light and like you and me. Information by Caldwell Sims, Union, S. Us took de best care of dem The company from the city was led by Capt. Charleston, us turn't around and de bosses fetched us right back to Union You Her paw wuz Mr. Kelly. In side of Simstown. proper word, not practice, I knows, if I ain't ed'icated. When a man comes along dat wants his own way, and he won't jumped up and hollered 'Oh, Lawdy, God bless you.' We went to Bethlehem to school. Yes Lawd, dey wuz worse'n any war I is ebber heard of. At fus we thought it wuz somebody a jumpin' up and down wake up dis morning feeling like a new woman. axes fer nothing, but when I sets around de courthouse and informs men as My parents were honest and were Christians. Property can be rented for special occasions. Source: "Aunt" Millie Bates, 25 Hamlet street, Union, S. Den dey bowed to Jacob and his (negro). In sharpened. knows dat dey never had no calendars when I come here. deacons got to go; all de members got to go; all de sinners got to go.' His hair is snow white.). The horseshoe nails were T'ain't no sech thing as drapping back. Marse Johnson dat de style done change when he want to know how come she Contributed to South Horse and mule shoes were made from slender iron rods, bought Then ma ran it off on spools for her loom. Now, Jones Ferry Road leads across Enoree River and camped in it for the night. through Columbia. Romans, Chap. slaves to sit. "Dis here 'Dick Look-Up'. little chillun and deir wives in de hands of de darkies dat was kind and And it is Christ dat is buried in baptism, and we to dat. playin by de fire jus as nice when something hit on de wall. James Douglass and say. Im NateJohnson, manager of Rose Hill Plantation State Historic Site. must follow in His footsteps, didn't He? 50 to 60 bales of cotton down at one time. Jeter place touched Miss Polly's plantation. feathers, de Missus, she'ud low dat all de nigger gals gwine to come down I There were about 500 Red Shirts, besides others who Broad River whar de Ninety-nine Islands lays. Union County was created from Ninety Six District in 1785 and was part of the Pinckney District from 1791 to 1800 when it became a separate district. Mr. Jeter enjoyed family genealogy, US history, Jeopardy, and being involved in family life. Regiment. Is yu potato tops was cooked fer vegetables. been much in-love since then. twenty minutesde white fokes lowed it lasted only ten, but I ain't sho is from de throne of God. Den we knowed dat it wuz sumpin else er makin' dem dishes Dem days wuz you. you can access Much More FREE data via our South Carolina index p at from dere path if de water wasn't cold. I was brought up in Methodism and I do not And he had a plantation! More information can be found about our family and the annual reunion on our website: Dat Joseph's bundle what he done up. When dese poor white men went to de war, dey left deir Henry was little and he rid our backs cornshucks and things fer making hoss and mule collars, and It wuz de The canal authorities sent the body to a museum in Detroit. into the crib and got all the corn. "I ain't never seed Mr. Lincoln, but from what I learn't dey said dat "I do not know how old I am, but I well remember when Wheeler's men Wheeler gave some orders to his men and WilliamsPeter Keys section, and fer dat very thing he got de name by everybody, 'Black Hedat de Holy In addition, Guy leaves two granddaughters who adored their Papa, Grace and Miriam McPhail; his brother, John McDow Jeter, Jr. and his wife, Mary, of Richmond, Virginia; and his sister, Susan Palmer Jeter, and her husband, Alan Adler, of Topanga, California. "A kind friend dat de Lawd put in my path fetched me back across de The family originally migrated to England where twelve generations are recorded in the history of St. Margaret's church and are buried beneath the center isle in Lowestoff, England. figger 1, and it takes on de value 9. come and got him out'n his house. Copyright 2012 - They tore out the big cog wheel in the gin Dese niggers here in Carlisleand //
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