Genius Tip: It might be good to take notes and hold off on responding/defending your child immediately so that it doesnt get tense in the few minutes you have together. S/he tries to understand complex concepts well and asks for help if otherwise. What are some strategies you use to encourage critical thinking in your classroom? Sure, you want to tell some parents to get their act together. We continue the conversation then through different lenses: What would you like to see as the student? "Teachers must build the capacity of their students. I want to share with you something lovely your daughter did for her friends last week. We need to view it as an opportunity to find a united approach to helping the student. Listen. You may not agree with them, sure, but at least you understood them. For reasons of confidentiality, you only want to meet with one set of parents at a time. "We actually include more work than time allows. They may be held because of an incident. Dont view parents as clients (even if they are), the enemy, or a problem. How can we work together to support my childs learning? The process was simple: One person played the role of the parent, and another served as the teacher faced with a scenario that was not so black and white. Parent-teacher conferences need not be intimidating. When you have a parent saying things that you disagree with, it can be tough to resist assuming a defensive tone, but do try to be mindful of your language. "This year, I had every parent and student show up for conferences," Melidis recalls. How does the school handle standardized testing and prep for those tests? After you, another Parent-Teacher Conferences: Five Important QuestionsPrepare yourself for parent-teacher conferences by thinking about wh Organization: Advice for ParentsDeveloping good organizational skills is a key ingredient for success in school and in l Search our growing library of professionally created teacher resources. . Sure. You need to be able to pivot to any curriculum area and talk about the childs ability in that area immediately. Can you suggest any resources? The range of parent expectations varies- a lot. Our Mission:To drive the development of exceptional workforce quality in public school districts by supporting and aligning best practices in the human capital environment in schools, districts, and states. In addition to preparing their binders or folders, students spend the weeks before conferences talking about how to present and lead the conversation with their parents. 17 0 obj <> endobj xref 17 44 0000000016 00000 n What can I do to support you and make your job easier as we work as a team for my childs growth this year? It's important to remember that not all teachers are at the same level of comfort with giving over this time to the students. Getting Parents Involved You can use a wide range of projects and activities to getand keepparents involved in the Parent-Teacher Communication Advice from Veteran Teachers. So, now, I am strict in ending the conference at the allocated time. Parents, keep this in mind: 90% of parent-teacher conferences go smoothly and happily. Case study detailing one district's human capital and human resources reform work. Don't conduct a parent-teacher conference from behind your desk. What are some tools we can use at home to help my child grow in his understanding of the basic math concepts you are teaching in your class? Parent-teacher conferences are usually stacked in an evening after school. If youre late, you will be interrupting all the other parents. Instead, view the teacher as an incredibly valuable asset who can help your child succeed. In order for your child to succeed, I think. We are published by the George Lucas Educational Foundation, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization. To call a conference because a student performs well means a lot to the student and the parents. But remember that you need to sustain a positive working relationship with your childs teacher for the rest of the school year. I was a 22 year old male fresh into the teaching profession. It is an opportunity to If you storm into the classroom making demands and piling up the complaints, youre doing it wrong. Describe the behavior concern to be addressed.? Invite parents to bring a list of questions, issues, or concerns. We use performance cookies to understand how you interact with our site.They help us understand what content is most valued and how visitors move around the site, helping us improve the service we offer you. 0000002957 00000 n How can I support them with this at home? Its simple, really: You grab a co-worker, spouse, or friend for a risk-free activity that will get you thinking about all the possibilities you could encounter during a parent-teacher conference. Classroom Organization Tips from Veteran TeachersUse accordion folders with 10 to 14 slots to organize anything. Name the top five skills you hope children will walk away with this year. They are the students carers and have their own culture, values, and beliefs that must be respected. After the conference, parents can take the prepared handouts with them. Your teacher will happily do that. Teachers also work around the time limits by rearranging their schedule to allow for 15-minute conferences, or by making sure that the time blocked off for student-led conferences isn't usurped by other issues. Getting some more supplies the student needs. I like to jot down small reminders of anecdotes about each child that I can refer to in the conference. We often think we know best after all, were professionals. You can view or download Mock parent teacher conference presentations for your school assignment or business presentation. "We view the prep work as a critical time for reflection," says Braun. How do I help my student gain independence in middle/high school? About The Helpful Professor Parents information begins on page seven. 0000005701 00000 n ", Not only does investing time in conference prep ensure a successfully led conference, it also encourages student and parent attendance. With a clear mention of the date, the form would eliminate the risk of unmindfully forgetting about the important meeting on part of the parent. WebAllow them 2-4 minutes for each scenario. With the help of certified and current classroom teachers, TeacherVision creates and vets classroom resources that are accurate, timely, and reflect what teachers need to best support their students. Conferences at Wildwood happen twice a year. But below are some little tips and reminders about ways to ensure it goes even better. One of the most frequent questions I get is: But what about math? or How is she going in literacy?. 0000039616 00000 n How do I help them without humiliating them (especially if they are older)? If you have that documentation in front of you, that makes you more credible to a questioning parent. ", For teachers that may have the time flexibility to prepare, "I would say to get creative," suggests Melidis. 0000009467 00000 n Parents respond very well to seeing their childs work. What is your preferred method of asking a question about my student: email, phone or a note in the planner? How does that influence grades? It includes information for both educators and parents. The most productive thing to do is treat parents as team members. What do you see happening? So remember that the teacher should be acknowledged. Required fields are marked *, This Article was Last Expert Reviewed on October 23, 2022 by Chris Drew, PhD. Parents commonly complain that teachers dont genuinely listen to their concerns. More often than not, I found that the student was harder on themselves than I would have been. Make Allies. Use this printable multiple-choice quiz to test how much students know about accomplished women in American history. Before you go, ask your child, What do you think your teacher will bring up? Take notes. So, first and foremost, listen and take what you hear into genuine consideration. You and your childs teacher both play a role in your childs learning developmentyou know your child better than anyone else, and their teacher is well-versed in educational principles. A child needs a team behind them. WebTeachers 4 Social Justice Justice Matters Parent-Teacher Conference Skit Narrator: Mrs. Bacon, a teacher, is at the door talking to another teacher (Teacher 2). Always. The teacher will show you some lovely bits of progress your child has made, youll discuss one or two small things the teacher is currently concerned about, and you will thank each other for your time. Julie Davidis married to a worship pastor and after 20 years in ministry together with three daughters, she is still developing the tender balance of thick skin and gracious heart. The cookies we use on Flipsnack's website help us provide a better experience for you, track how our website is used, and show you relevant advertising. And lastly (from a teachers perspective! And they all seemed so scary to me. Still, those special conferences put a smile on my face, too, and I never had to worry about calling a timeout during that kind of stress-free get-together. It can help you feel more empowered in your childs education and boost your childs academic progress. Here, youll find a total of 31 Halloween activities, Digital Citizenship Week is right around the corner. "Each subject area must be included, and the reflection pieces also must be included. The teachers also liked the new model better, saying that it felt less like they were defending the grades they gave students and more like a conversation about the students' learning. But try to find some positives for every student as well. Nevertheless, parent-teacher conferences are a wonderful opportunity to extend lines of communication between home and school, keep parents informed about their children's progressboth academic and socialand for developing cooperative strategies that can ultimately benefit every student. Parent-teacher conferences can be nerve-wracking for parents, as much as it can be for us. 52 Creative Writing Prompts for Kids to Let Their Imagination Fly, 31 Halloween Learning Activities for Kids, 9 Ways to Celebrate Digital Citizenship Week as a Family, Fisher Cats and education nonprofit team up to help New Hampshire children read, dream. 0000007925 00000 n Are they polite and respectful to teachers and students? The parents can access my event and sign up for time slots or materials needed with just a click of a button. What educational skills will my child be learning in class this year? All the team members need to push in the right direction, provide support, care and a united approach. So remember, itll probably all go great. Photo credit: Sebastian Herrmann/ What are some ways that my students 504 or IEP is being fleshed out in your classroom? What are my childs strengths and weaknesses? What can I do to support literacy when my student is at home? If theyre being condescending, yelling, or doing anything else that makes you feel uncomfortable or even if you dont feel prepared at that moment the best plan of action is to simply stop the conference right there and kindly ask them to reschedule. Heres what your kids been doing. Take time to ask your teacher what skills your child will be learning this school yearincluding ones they havent started yet. exhibits a positive outlook and attitude in the classroom. Women's History Month is not just a great opportunity to teach students about the important female figures from history Hosting a Successful Open House The Universal After-School Question Expert Opinion Here's a nifty idea I always share w Classroom Organization Tips from Veteran Teachers. You may be nervous about the thought of parent-teacher conferences. I was very fortunate to have mostly happy parents, but there were a couple that were more difficult. "Conference time was not taken as seriously before, but now the school is full and lively on conference night. A conference is part of the job that you might not want to wing either., Example of a parent/teacher conference. Keep track of meetings for multiple grades and teachers with a tabbed sign up. The students prepare some kind of presentation, which differs by grade and is scaffolded to their skill level. Have several examples of work handy across different subjects or units you teach. %PDF-1.7 % They learn to appreciate how stories work, they hear the wonderful way sounds can match with rhymes, and, Looking for educational Halloween activities with all treats, no tricks? New teachers will find this resource particularly valuable. In the classroom? 0000001176 00000 n TeacherVisionis part of the Sandbox Learning family of educational and reference sites for parents, teachers and students. Choose something that says to the parents: I know your child well. 0000005209 00000 n A parent-teacher conference is an opportunity for teachers and parents to meet up to discuss a childs progress at school. Itll be a moment to check in with each other and get to know each other better. Having a feel-good conference can make a significant impact on a student whos doing everything they should be doing trying their best and earning high marks but who may not be receiving the feedback or encouragement that they need for growth. Parents who expect you to do a presentation. The most important way for you to be involved is to stay in touch with your childs teacher throughout the year. What can I do? Teachers who have been around a while will be more than willing to share some memorable stories about strange parents and even stranger conversations with those parents. Invite parents to bring a list of questions, issues, or concerns. Have sample textbooks readily available. Establish a waiting area outside your classroom. For reasons of confidentiality, you only want to meet with one set of parents at a time. Don't conduct a parent-teacher conference from behind your desk. When I was in school, parent-teacher conferences were just that meetings between the parents and the teachers. That way, its not just the students words through the voice of the parent. Often, teachers will work with you in a way that suits you best. But that is not a productive solution. Then, each parent wants their childs teacher to truly enjoy their child. What will have the biggest impact on my students grade in your class? Establish a waiting area outside your classroom. But if you have a clash, approach it as a hurdle to be overcome together. 36 Learning Game Ideas from Genius Teachers. Your email address will not be published. 2022 Sandbox Networks Inc. All rights reserved. For instance, the eighth grade classes prepare binders with their work and reflection sheets, while younger grades may prepare a poster board or packet to show their parents. So get to know your language. I proposed a scenario-based e-learning solution to let teachers practice conducting a one-on-one parent-teacher conference in a risk-free environment. This project will help teachers gain confidence and skills when communicating students struggles and discuss solutions with parents professionally and effectively. 2023 USHCA All Rights Reserved. What can I do at home to keep academic and behavior expectations on track? Once youve made a plan, make sure to check in regularly with their teacher to discuss your childs growth and where they continue to struggle. What questions would you recommend I ask my child on a daily basis about what is happening at school or in your class? She currently leads a small group of high school junior girls. 0000031408 00000 n Check and double-check names. I still keep their regular scheduled time for student-led conferences because I believe it is important for all students to present their learning to their parents and spend that vital time reflecting as a family.". As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Scenario focused on the relationship between an HR office and a state university education department, Scenario on differentiated support to high needs schools, Scenario to focus on new teacher experience, Scenario to focus on candidate experience, Scenario on benefits of being a principal in a high needs school, Scenario focused on the internal working of a team, Scenario exploring the role of HR Partner and Principal in retention, Scenario focused on retaining high performing teachers, Scenario on moving to the next level in planning around retention, Scenarios exploring the way principals need to analyze data and make HR decisions, Scenario exploring role of principal as HC manager, Scenario exploring performance management, retention, and the HR Partner role, Scenario to start a discussion on how to improve HC teams performance in teacher pipeline, principal quality , and team service. The parents, like you, want the child to be happy and successful. Another one was with a parent who accused the teacher of deception. Yet another hypothetical situation was about a parent who didnt agree with a consequence double yikes! I tried my best to schedule one such happy conference per quarter so a total of four positive check-ins a year. They are there, prepared, and waiting. What would your teachers like to see? [3] That way, you can keep an eye out for these skills on your childs homework and focus on them together. Youll have experiences to draw from, and youll be more comfortable when that irate parent does come in questioning you about their kids C-. Plus, remember: parents are experts on their own children. Strategic HR to recruit & retain the best teachers and principals for best student results. Copyright 2023 Helpful Professor. 0000091428 00000 n Speaking of being prepared, one of the most useful preparation activities that I learned in my teaching graduate program at the University of Vermont was role-playing. You will discover heightened levels of conversation and comfortableness on the part of parents this way. 0000001770 00000 n "When we begin to prepare for student-led conferences," says Jennings, "I have a conversation with students around what they feel should be included in their binders. After you, another parent wants her one-to-one time with the teacher. Sandbox Learning is part of Sandbox & Co., a digital learning company. This is simple respect. Remember when I said you and the teacher are two parts of the same team? Begin with a warm greeting and a positive observation about their child. How do I know if he/she is overbooked? I wish I could have done more, but I was unfortunately quite busy., Video from WCPSS about parent/teacher conferences. 1) Detailed worksheet with a student-led script to allow students to prepare for their student-led conferences. Thats a very human reaction. Parent-Teacher Conference Scenarios by krcteacher - Flipsnack Parent-Teacher Conference Scenarios krcteacher Published on January 10, 2017 Here are Copyright 2022 While that time seems like much, setting reasonable constraints can help the students feel more comfortable presenting. Yes, there are so many scenarios and unknown variables when it comes to parent-teacher conferences that it can be overwhelming to even think about. 0000005079 00000 n Work with students (the parents) to prepare for the conference ( has some great materials, just click on the link under the Preparing for a parent/teacher conference by scrolling up the page) Students create a parent/teacher dialog Role play a parent/teacher conference Edutopia is a free source of information, inspiration, and practical strategies for learning and teaching in preK-12 education. 5. When it is time to start prepping for conferences, students can then go to that portfolio and choose what they want to include in the conference binders or folders to show their parents. Some teachers set loose guidelines about what must go into the binder or folder, but the students are given a lot of freedom over what to include. Asking him to think for a few minutes about his teachers' point of view will: Give you insight into what he thinks are his strengths and weaknesses. 0000001568 00000 n Even if we disagree with parents, we need to respect their perspectives and their wishes. After discussing your childs progress and where they could use support, come up with a plan together to help your child continue to learn and improve. Be sure your schedule is coordinated with other teachers in the school. Here are some reasons I like this approach: To stand out as a student-focused educator, heres another tip. 0000003654 00000 n Schedule parent teacher conferences with a sign up. 0000039169 00000 n View an Example. ), please dont cause any more worry or stress for the teacher. "We never get through everything," says eighth-grade teacher Rebecca Braun. (Features & Stereotypes). "They're giving each other feedback on their paper, so it's really an authentic way to design and conduct a student conference. Web The teacher has been in the assistant principals office in tears on three separate occasions because, she says, she cannot deal with this child. The teacher has asked Parent-teacher conferences are usually stacked in an evening after school. Theres no better way to do this than to tell them stories about their child in the classroom. He is very attuned to adult conversation and this way, there would 0000019816 00000 n 0000054755 00000 n However, thats not usually the case, so having these resources for home use, small group study,or reinforcement of introductory lessons, could be helpful. For example, if youre calling a meeting because of a low mark, its constructive to have the grade printed out with evidence supporting that decision. And talk about whether you would like to follow up over the phone or with an in-person meeting. 0000003388 00000 n One of my biggest weaknesses has been to go overtime in one parent-teacher conference, which has made me late for the next. To have a positive working relationship with parents, you need to respect them and their time. Are there field trips and is there a cost to the families? Use specific examples when discussing the child's growth and progress. What have you observed, both negative and positive, in regards to my childs response to classroom behavior expectations? What is your teaching style and how can we be consistent with those methods at home? WebGOALS: Support parent teacher partnership OBJECTIVES: Develop consistent and positive communication STRATEGY: A communication notebook which can pass between teacher and parent at drop-off & pick-up time might replace any verbal communication about Johns behavior. Our Vision: There will be a high-quality teacher in every classroom and a high-quality principal in every school, because the best people will drive the best results for students. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. You can create one as well really easily. 0000006274 00000 n What modifications will you make for my student during standardized testing? This flipbook was made with flipsnack. And then you ace the real thing. Address: 4246 Riverboat Rd, Taylorsville, UT 84123. You can offer up your time in the classroom. Scenario: The parent has initiated the conference over a concern about 3 year old Maggie Mae. Learn more about our academic and editorial standards. Is my student giving his or her best effort? When the school piloted the idea of student-led conferences five years ago, a few of the teachers were simply asked to find ways to give the students a little more presence at the conferences, whether through a letter to the parents, a podcast, a poster or by just being at the conference themselves. We use essential cookies to make our site work for you. 47 Examples of Feedback for Teachers (from Parents), 51 Short Thank you Messages for Teachers (From Students), parents are experts on their own children. This is from Harvard Family Research Project. If you dont have physical examples, make sure you have a few ideas on what to say about each area of the childs learning. Personally, Ive made every effort to include students in parent-teacher conferences because it gives them ownership and a voice. 2. Kids have a tendency to forget about all the wonderful learning they've experienced in a quarter. Are there behaviors you see at school (both good and bad) that you think I might not be seeing at home? Its also worth noting that conferences occur for multiple reasons and each has its own unique flair and tone. 0000010285 00000 n Not everyone has the time to be an active part of classroom eventsand thats okay! Many parents will have more than one child in school and need sufficient time with each teacher. Students focus on the glows and grows of their academic quarter or year. Read on for a list of good questions to ask at upcoming meetings or parent-teacher conferences. Tell me about your perspective on this situation. Im focused on them and care about their interests and growth. Students are excited to tell their parents what they've learned, and parents are more apt to attend because their kids are excited. WebA parent teacher conference form is a handy aide when you are about to host a conference in your school with the parents of your students. "We don't get too crazy about guidelines," says Jennings. But if you do have time, consider helping with school events or other aspects of the school community. The scenarios and case studies in this section can be used for small group meetings, Each conference lasts ten minutes, due to the number of families that teachers have to see. What are some books you think my student would enjoy if she doesnt like to read? More than that will discourage most parents. 0000008927 00000 n You may look forward to conferences, or you may dwell on them, but the reality is that they are not going away so you may as well be prepared! . But it's important for the students to have choice in what goes into their binder. (For examples and more information on portfolios, see the Resources section at the bottom of the article.) I was there to meet up with about 20 pairs of parents for my class of grade 2 children. Pick out a piece of work that you think sums up the childs personality. What are my childs strengths and weaknesses? There might be issues like behavior problems, bullying concerns, or frequent absences that need serious discussion. "Typically, what we do is we get with a buddy, and they can read to their friend," Melidis says. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. Here were a few different types of parents that I found: Personally, though, I think the best mentality is this: Parents and teachers need to see each other as being on the same team. His biological father fathered him and two of the girls in his family. 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