Hi omg the narc i saw for an unbelieval year and a half was insane to think i didnt see it..but in my bordem and insecurity and to be honest my insanity also i put up with him..all he had going for him was his looks..but im in a weird way im happy i went through it..i learned alot..about what one is and about myself..hes turning 59 this year..its going to suck dying alone . Minimal contact, short, unemotional responses. She told me the very same thing happened to her and she could not make herself forgive after this, my ex says she is full of shit, because he went to her for advice on marriage and she obviously had different intentions. What this last year has done for me is start to see him for he really is and allow my love for him to begin to wither and die. If I feel like answering I do. He thought he was doing it to me but after talking to her, he knew that if she could call me, then I must be ignoring him. I find it particularly appropriate to the field of psychology, cluster B, in specifically (Ns, Psych, etc.). I mean thousands of dollars. She looks beautiful and I lost that or I dont even know if he really *saw* me, as in the way I looked, like maybe he noticed those passion marks and now he know Im no longer sitting around crying like he *thought* I might be, still brokenhearted. And he is happy to get rid of me. I dont know if he is a psychopath or a narcissist but his past seem to be respecting all over again. Im grateful I finally left and grateful I escaped relatively unscathed. He will never let me talk badly about myself ie if I say something about my part in our break up. Thats the best you can do? NPDs CANNOT BE WITHOUT NASTINESS. Mine stole $3,000 from me (borrowed it, and never paid it back, then blocked me when I began inquiring about it). Mine too he literally dumped me off at a new townhouse with our daughter and said goodbye! Why Cant I Just Leave? So they know exactly what they are doing !!.. There has been no evidence of slander or of him being in another relationship, however, people whi I do not know are quite freely infirming me if this free information after the fact of confirmation of return. He hasnt apologized in the few times hes reached out to me either. I broke up with him and cut off contact, but got back in touch with him I said it was to see if we could be friends but really it was because not talking to him was absolutely agonising. As soon as you know what they are, they disappear because they know you cant be duped any longer by him. I think he believed he loved me until I called him a pathological liar. Ah this is a great insight. So now i am back at day one again. Reality They dont love you; they only need you for supply and domination. I have no doubt you will one day hear a similar story with this BPD girl and the new supply. I found out of her web of lies when discussing the issues with mutual friends that had loyalty to me. They need to go first through the stages of grief and refine themselves. Wants the kids to see you both as friends. Matt, you need to block her on FB. This methodology behavioral, is used in many scientific fields, mine for ex. You are his trophy, you are perfect (at least at the beginning) and all the focus should be on him anyways. Almost three weeks still not heard from him. Based on your description, that is what it sounds like to me. Turning his family on me . Maybe its only that. His last tekst was that he is aware that he makes people missarable. I believe she was a waif borderline; much more passively aggressive and secret about things which messed with my head worse than the others. I cannot describe the way he wrote me, how he behaved, all those words to make me feel so small. for me, it now has taken on a hollow feeling, he is doing it but only because he doesnt want his charade to end and everyone find out about his true persona as well as not have to split assets with me (cheaper to keep her) and I think he is a coward -wants out but just cant be the bad guy: NEWS FLASH HUSBAND-YOU ARE THE BAD GUY! Eden your post could have been written by me. It basically goes against the reason they chose you in the first place. There are many professionals who do treat narcissists successfully. Ive blocked him before only to unblock him for some mystifying reason but I suspect this time he will stay blocked. At least I hope! Translation: The girlfriend may have said something to him about why he doesnt seem to care about his kids; or there is some kind of benefit for him if he comes back around and inserts himself into their lives after being gone for so long. This all came to a head when I found out she didnt have 2 children she had 4! So, Im fairly certain hes done with me. He is bi sexual. Wow, yea, this describes & matches the way he was/is to a tee Its so Fd up. To validate my investment.). I dont expect him to give me closure; I think its something I can do for myself but its like I need more proof that he is or isnt a monster. Thanks Kimberly! Then when hes off work they meet at the beach and go for long walks. Where they accuse you of not making sense. It is all a game to them There is something so mysterious and sympathetic about her. He even moved from LA to NY to be with her and they had only been dating a month! Sounds like this man may be a male borderline as opposed to a classic narc. learned from the fasting/prayer is that it was time chance and circumstance She has control of me Im a copper too! He then sulked and went silent and told me I was making a big mistake. This seems to hold even after years or decades. This is creepily similar to a letter I received several years ago from a crazy narc the list of qualities is identical. Reading Suggestion: How Do Narcissists End Relationships? Yes I believe that a Narcissist can be beat at their own game. Does anyone have any tips on getting over a narcissistic ex? Someone should take up a collection of these and publish a free ebook to send to every 17 year old just making their way out into the larger world, with all the red flags highlighted and footnoted. I f you think your ex is a narcissist, chances are they're probably not. Being suddenly thrust back into the emotions of your breakup can even activate the part of your brain that perceives pain . We both need to move on. They need to take time to reflect and heal. I have PTSD from being in a relationship with a narc, which has been clinically diagnosed but reading these articles can sometimes confuse the hell out of me. Not enjoy myself? btw he too found out about their affair later, after he was deported. Nothing sets off a narcissist like being ignored and devalued! Theyll text, call, send you emails and flood your DMs with their foolishness. He was going on with this gay guy. Also, the idea, that he fell right into the NPD diagnoses, but without the nastiness. It is time to heal! When I broke up with him in Feb and he contacted me in May I finally told him what I thought of him. Thank you. A couple of minutes later, he got in his truck and leftno goodbye, see ya or anything not that I expected it. And secondly, its YOUR life, your emotions and your risk at stakenot theirs. But on an emotional level it is so hard to accept that the man I so loved is just an empty shell. I forget everything. She cant get back at them specifically, so she picked you instead. That person i first met disappeared after a month or two and thats what kept me trying so hard to make it work. I was his audience he was my life. Its very hard. I love not being that tree falling in the forest. I myself went three months w/o contact before I caved in and agreed to a disastrous conversation. If a letter comes, dont open it, burn it. Yes, Kim is right, the label doesnt matter, but the healing is important. Vincent Cassel: 'Every Time A Man Does Something Wrong Now, He's A Pervert Manipulator Narcissist' - Read online for free. Patricia, the very fact that youre concerned you might be a Narcissist is proof that youre not. A narcissist might use specific tools and tactics to induce others with negative thinking. But once the narcissist gets you into bed, theyll ghost you which will reintroduce you to the same cycle of narcissistic abuse youve just escaped. Just be silent and it will kill them. Im so scared for her! Im struggling to get closure. As long as youre responding, thats all that matters. I ALMOST ANSWERED HIM.. After reading this I feel stronger because he has actually now resorted to leaving voice messages. When he gives me the old lets meet for dinner line I tell him yea when I free up. He began making friends unknown to me and did not include me on outings. I would have worked with her on that. He sounds very insecure with his story of a woman whisperer. But we often continue eating it, anyway. I cant imagine living an entire life with no escape or if I tried being brought to submission or outcast from family and friends. They Choose to act like this !!.. Woke up with my heart beating . If you observe that he is getting physically violent with you, contact the police. I just hope this doesnt turn out to me a disaster. I am not alive anymore. I didnt go for very long because I couldnt afford the expense but it was helpful. Two days later i went to my mother. If the other parent is a demon then we have a moral obligation to let our kids know the truth. My genuine hope and prayer is that you continue to truly receive it, and be set free from the anger, resentment and bitterness. He had a steady and other liasons. Specifically, Narcs cannot have intimate bonds of friendship. I have to add I moved on and had a new boyfriend within 3 months so part of me was guilty for moving on so fast after a 10 year relationship. I never did nothing but fallin love with a man who lied to me . Still, the deeds were the deeds. Who could ask for anything more? Relevant!! 2 years out and some days I am still an emotional wreck some days. Donald Trump, Roger Stone, and Associates have a better chance of success. She knows about the breakup and I tell her Im avoiding him, which she understands. . I apologize or Im sorry without actions matching for a long time are not true sorries Cling on to your gut which is Get Out!!! I left her and my main concern now would be what if she comes back to mefrom stories I read they always come back I dont know how I would proceeded depending on what she will say even though I learned about all the shady tactics and such.. I dont want to feel happy when i get a sms with kind words. Try meditation if you can. Its been six months . Mine started calling less, being very distant and ambiguous. Dont do anything you dont feel comfortable withwith the exception of legal orders. When he couldnt get his way the nastiness started again. I think why I am asking this , is because he used to accuse me of overreacting all the time and being clingy. They the narcissist do not change ! I have experienced this for seven years and I truly understand. I have no photos of her in the house, I dont think of her, Im clearing out things she gave me, etc. This is who he is and this is what I get kind of thing. I was devastated because Id never tell him Id want to kill him EVER!!! some deep childhood trauma I love having someone new to tell my stories to, to express my opinions, and to share my profound theories and beliefs about the important things in life. I seriously dont have any reason to hope my family or friends will return. The look in his eyes I will never forget, they were dark piercing and nothing no emotion. Everything mentioned, I experienced; the wishing and comparing her most recent lovers were me, etc. And he obviously does it daily because he sees each one I post . Goodbye and all the best. He owns nothing in the world and has enormous debt. Nothing else mattered. also they robbed me financially. So please, all of you, break free and No Contact means No Contact. I found it odd because 1) We haven't talked 2) He doesn't follow me on Insta, so he deliberately has to go to my profile just to see the Story. I will always have the best side of him in my memories, so I honor that and try to be at peace with the rest. That was almost two years ago, and we never saw each other, spoke, or texted again. But, then he was back. but they in many ways are harder to get over then the male disordered. I take responsibility of this mess, as I should have understood my actions and those of my wife. By the way, NC is the same as rehabseriously. A narcissist will always return to an ex-lover to ensure that his narcissistic supply still pines for him and that she never moves on from the pain he has caused her. She never paid a bill whilst she was there. Yes, I adored her. If youd like to read a free preview, which includes the first chapter and the pathological love relationship checklist, click on this link. I miss that person. It seems they always win! So i was writing everything down only to read back a whole lot of beginnings with the beginnings of another event as the ending! He tried denying it, but I think what I said hit home and he has tried to make subtle changes in my absence. If you counted how many times he used the word I, you'd roll your eyes. He know this. I hope that youre adjusting period at (in respect to home life) goes a bit more smoothly than it sounds in the near future. In short, they never really let their exes go. Pretty much same story, different couple. Mine even told me he was a COWARD, said he hadnt been a very good partner to me, shouldnt have said this or done that Not many, just a few. The ex didnt look happy; he looked kind of bustedfaded jeans, a old work shirt and boots on unlaced; cigarette hanging from his mouth. But I suspect now that he has used up all of his tricks he wont come back. What do you think? He gave me 2 STDs and still I was so in love I begged for more. My oldest being 9 at the time would hug him and say she loved him and would get a quick pat of disgust with no love returned. Before you know it, you have forgiven their faults, had babies by them and years have gon by and now you wish you would have left sooner. They apparently return to any relationship if they think there is something to gain from it. Answer (1 of 35): Really? The narcissist starts to panic now that his narcissistic supply is failing.# This actually naturally occurs with people who are narcissistic. To answer your question, true Narcissists cannot be friends to anyone. How do you go no contact if the narcissist is your childs father? Taking her money spendingit on me . He however has alluded to pot and cocaine use. I am getting back up and know about a couple of days i am back me again. I am so angry with him but dissapointed in myself! WHY DO I WANT HIM BACKWHY CANT I JUST FORGET ABOUT HIMIM SCARED THANKS FOR HEARING ME OUT, You have to realeyes that being involved with an narc is no thing like being with someone who is not a narc. The best thing to do is be yourself and let the Narc back himself into a corner. Im afraid of being utterly disappointed and having to start back from square one, so I do nothing. Myself When i look back and know all this now, i can say that i am recovering as we speak from the 3th N relationship. I dont know if or when I could ever be with someone new. Click Image to Order via Amazon. Its like waiting for the other shoe to drop. lol, In response to dating other women of this type, I have dated women like this before but only a couple. Remember in my mind, I was conducting appropriate research and providing a home for family; not inappropriate actions and thoughts. One us mere Genuine, Loving, Caring, Giving, Trusting, Empthetic, Loyal Mortals will never ever understand. Inside me I was slowly starting to come to terms with things and slowly starting to make attempts to fly again I am feeling stronger inside me after this period of no contact I am also honest and open about what happened and why I am not flying so I dont keep quiet about this but equally I dont make a point about talking about it with everyone around as that in itself was reflecting badly on me. What a blessing to have found this site.I was under the spell of a narc for about 10yrs.everything I knew and loved about myself was destroyed by this Man. i dont know how you maintain limited contact with him. Vincent Cassel, the chameleon of French cinema, is not one for analysing his characters. Also, my ex rarely put me down as well, and quite often spoke highly of me both to my face and to others (from what I gather). My point is for me six months silence and those kinds of insults mean you must despise me and want nothing to do with me because you think Im such a horrible individual. Only 6 weeks after his move, then only responded by text for 4 months, never spoke to me about breaking up, then posted a pic of him and new GF on FB and never texted or spoke to me again. Gotta be honest, sounds like the same line of bologna that Narcs learn in their secret society. Im loving him from a distance while trying to forget him. Its been a week since our last horrific conversation but I am certain that I will hold onto no contact this time. At this point your Narcissist has gotten what they wanted - contact. The narcissist knows this and will play on the weakness of their ex. 3. I wouldnt say he destroyed my faith in love, but he definitely shook it and Im even a more guarded gay man now (as if so many of us arent guarded and insecure enough). Id say, as a survivor, that the important thing is to work on healing ourselves as opposed to trying to understand Narcissism so deeply. More pain will come to you. You are such an AMAZING friend. Then, a few short weeks later after asking her in a gentle manner where she has been and when is she going to be sending out my money, she blocks me from Facebook and cuts me out of her life yet againsigh. He called three times in a row cause Mr. I tried it. Its an intern fight where Always negative emotion comes above. Materially having accepted this offer makes no difference to me I will not see or have to talk with this person what it will change is the dynamic of limited contact when I go to the hills it fly my glider it is in this space I have hope, RIght now it all feels very strange the group of people who acted out or facilitated the abuse as I see it are. When the next argument arises and it will, you will be devalued and discarded and its all your fault. I still think about her every damn day and even had a dream the other night that she came back into my life with an apology for her behavior. I sought therapy for the first time in my entire life after I left my N. I felt like I was losing my mind! Cut all ties. I just had a kinda lengthy reply typed here and computer booted me out before I cound send-dammit. Now i wrote him yesterday those angry mails. The Ultimate Narcissist Dictionary for Defining Narcissism and Narcissistic Abuse, What is Hoovering? In my opinion one of these should be renamed. Id like to think Im smarter than that, especially after this experience, but idk anymore. Take care. lol If I had replied to the song he would have been excited and asked for a call. I shouldnt feel bad but its like I dont exist and hes behaving so well for her and he was horrible to me. Regarding wanting to have an adult conversation and end things maturely, that typically doesnt happen. -A slow, disappearing of self and sharing a life of meaning (this one is hard to see as it is happening) I said goodbye and told him that I hope I had made an Impact in his life in a good way and that he has learned something from this just as I have. Haha! I turned to Pintrest for inspirational quotes to occupy my time and uplift me, when all of a sudden I start seeing articles about narcissism and I too felt like I was reading my life. I did things again for myself and felt happy, he contact me again. Your ex hasn't changed his or her mind about getting . I kept secretly hoping she would hoover me and we'd go back to Low Contact, improve the friendship. takes you step-by-step through the five stages of leaving a narcissist and helps lead you straight to the exit. I love being on my own and alone but when I think of my ex narc the pain of his disc a rd wont go away and it seems like hes the only thing that can remind me of what love felt like. Since you are connected to him if ways you get out of (children) I think you have to educate yourself and learn to let the things he does roll off ur back. Jill, hate is a very strong emotion. He went crazy and called my place of work and complained that I was harassing him from work (they all do this by the way)! I was the love of her life. As far as I last knew, she had been with her new BF for nearly a year now, and may have moved in with him so he would be the current supply, unless she found new supply. I feel he came into my life to teach me something, and ultimately broadened my compassion for others. He said if he found it, he would put it in my mailbox, which is next to my landladys house. Bruce, quite an interesting story. Just stay away and let the new supply figure it out for herself. 3. There are several reasons why the narcissist wants to be friends with an ex, here are three of them: Obviously, the narcissist isnt going to tell you this, but eventually, theyll try and sleep with you. We also heal in pretty much the same way, at first. Now it involves $3,000. I am embarrased. What did i find? My N left me for her boss. Ill have to look into. This is not a means for them to get back to you at all. But one night in the three mounths and rest of the time deal with his Narcism. Still, my perception is she is NPD, and btw, just like in your situation, her last move happened when I expressed: I wish you could be tested for NPD. The plan is to keep you within reach. Some part of me liked that he was trying to get me back. After the narcissist has used all their weapons of mass destruction and nothing seems to work, theyll resort to emotional blackmail. To her I am just a needy ex which I am sure she is telling all her friends and family. Yes, that is what happened! Thank god I got a new job that it will provide for me and my son to move out, otherwise I would have been screwed. I told him to F off and all hope I ever had for him was done. I let the fragile weak women die in me and like a bird i break free and gonna be born again. I kept waiting for him to get it and come running back with a sincere apology. 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