read more. They followed the format of most other textbooks making a transition to OpenStax from Cambell or Biology in Focus simple. Of course, different professors will emphasize/ignore different details, but I would imagine that any professor would have to skip over a lot of the jargon in some places. Reviewed by Ashley Gramza, Instructor, Colorado State University on 1/7/16, This textbook is extremely comprehensive, almost too comprehensive. For example, does it still make sense to start teach students about genetics by starting with Mendel, or does this "plant" (haha) some misconceptions about the way that genes work from the very beginning? I found the online interface difficult to use, because the pages load slowly and only one section of a chapter was visible on the page at a time. Introduction to some of the emerging concepts and techniques would have been useful. One misconception is in the link on text page 149 to the process of diffusion as it actually links to a video showing dispersion of a dye in water due to turbulent currents created by adding the dye to a beaker of water (and is correctly labeled as dispersion in Wikipedia), rather than diffusion. This textbook provides an excellent discourse on the many foundational ideas of Biology. read more. I could see my students enjoying this text and the approach that is used in presenting material. For Integrative Biology: Animals, I need a biology textbook with three types of content: (1) the toolkit of genes, proteins, structures, and pathways used by animals for the processes of life, (2) a biodiversity section that covers motile protists and about 10 major phyla of animals: Porifera, Cnidaria, Ctenophora, Platyhelminthes, Nematoda, Annelida, Mollusca, Arthropoda, Echinodermata, and Chordata, and (3) physiology and anatomy covering the basic structure and function of animals. This is a shame and could wind up creating misconceptions about the current study of animal behavior. Also, capitalization of terms is not uniform throughout the index. read more. are licensed under a, Atoms, Isotopes, Ions, and Molecules: The Building Blocks, Connections between Cells and Cellular Activities, Structure and Function of Plasma Membranes, Potential, Kinetic, Free, and Activation Energy, Oxidation of Pyruvate and the Citric Acid Cycle, Connections of Carbohydrate, Protein, and Lipid Metabolic Pathways, The Light-Dependent Reactions of Photosynthesis, Using Light Energy to Make Organic Molecules, Signaling Molecules and Cellular Receptors, Mendels Experiments and the Laws of Probability, Eukaryotic Post-transcriptional Gene Regulation, Eukaryotic Translational and Post-translational Gene Regulation, Viral Evolution, Morphology, and Classification, Prevention and Treatment of Viral Infections, Other Acellular Entities: Prions and Viroids, Structure of Prokaryotes: Bacteria and Archaea, The Evolutionary History of the Animal Kingdom, Superphylum Lophotrochozoa: Flatworms, Rotifers, and Nemerteans, Superphylum Lophotrochozoa: Molluscs and Annelids, Superphylum Ecdysozoa: Nematodes and Tardigrades, Animal Nutrition and the Digestive System, Transport of Gases in Human Bodily Fluids, Hormonal Control of Osmoregulatory Functions, Human Reproductive Anatomy and Gametogenesis, Fertilization and Early Embryonic Development, Climate and the Effects of Global Climate Change, Environmental Limits to Population Growth, Behavioral Biology: Proximate and Ultimate Causes of Behavior, The Importance of Biodiversity to Human Life,,, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, organelle, tissue, biosphere, ecosystem, population, organ, organism, tissue, organelle, molecule, organism, community, biosphere, molecule, tissue, organ, biosphere, ecosystem, community, population, organism. This is a boon to both students looking for a term I've assigned, and to me when I'm re-working my concept study guides. New stomach cells are constantly produced to replace dead ones, which are digested by the stomach acids. read more. The index and glossary are fine. This textbook does a great job at being consistent throughout in terms of style, dialogue, summaries, resources, etc. The flow and organization is comparable to other texts in the market. Blocks of text are broken frequently by diagrams and questions, which helps them feel less intimidating. Although the book will be most naturally adoptable for courses that deliver content in this same order, the book should be flexible enough to allow instructors to adapt it to their own ordering of topics. The index is helpful but there is no glossary. I found my topic if the end of the keyword was different from the text but a misspelling in the middle of the word returned no matching results. Figures were also accurate, though simplistic in many cases but current. No cultural issues were noted in the textbook. Each chapter begins with a list of learning objectives. I am a Midwesterner so I have my own colloquialisms and idiosyncrasies. 2nd Edition. For my purposes this text does an adequate job of achieving that balance, and any deficiencies in content coverage can be made up by supplementary materials supplied by individual instructors. That said, I found no problems with the text interface. Some of the chapter introductions could use improvement. The overall organization of the course material is consistent with how it is taught at many institutions. What happens to the free energy of that original glucose molecule as it is processed through cellular respiration? The figures are simplistic, which for some topics is helpful like meiosis, but in other cases I think more details in the figure would be helpful. Overall, this OER textbook is a well-designed biology textbook which provides a clear, consistent, and comprehensive presentation of the subject matter, that helps students to develop a deep understanding of the concepts and principles of biology. I felt like there was too much detail on some processes, and too little detail on other topics. q X|@n@C6.m+O9+v&yCmGU|mj!d] JmolSv Y"% p:_#^BA"%6"!4yJ$~c4Dm-m4DT-0xQV5d_NUx9Z +uxc$s `L However, there is quite a bit of variability from section to section in the number of review questions provided. A comprehensive index is provided at the end of the text. This online textbook covers most chapters for the biology 101 and 102 courses taught at TCC. Most of the images I saw were biological in nature, and did not include human subjects. read more. I find that these chapters lack organization and clarity. Sources were cited appropriately and they were relatively recent. The text is easy to read as a PDF and in book form. Generally, graphics are of lower quality and some study questions are less thoughtful but links to animations and talks are a great perk! For example, most fish taxa are listed with their rank, but not gnathostomes (which might've been referred to as a superclass). Water is the most abundant molecule in the Earths atmosphere. Since evolution is such an important theme in Biology and a chosen connecting theme in this book by the authors, Chapter 1 should cover evolution in some detail instead of leaving this essential topic to a later chapter. I appreciate the highlighted boxes that provide additional information, such as the Visual, Everyday, and Career Connections. Part of the reduction in length is a loss of supporting images and real world examples, but these can be easily supplied to the class in a powerpoint or out-of-class reading assignment. catalyst in a biochemical reaction that is usually a complex or conjugated protein. In terms of writing and clarity, some chapters are great, others are mediocre. Each chapter is broken up into sections, generally between three to five sections per chapter (but ranging from two to seven). I really like the model of open and free materials and admire the work, but the quality is really low. Many biology textbooks seem to be set up this way and I think this organization makes the material flow well. The text provides students with current, relevant information in a progression of topics and concepts based on empirical data and basic science. are responsible for osmoregulation happening.. Science is usually pretty straightforward in attempting to describe phenomena without too much interpretation or cultural "spin," and this text meets expectations in that regard. Support resources at the end of Unit 1: The Chemistry of Life, Unit 2: The Cell, Unit 3: Genetics, etc. The first forms of life on Earth were ________. As such the text was lacking in examples and depicting a diverse cultural tone and images when possible. WebOpenstax Biology 2e Answer Key Chapter 2 Download Openstax Biology 2e Answer Key Chapter 2: FileName Speed Downloads Openstax Biology 2e Answer Key Chapter 2 | full 3971 kb/s 3630 Openstax Biology 2e Answer Key Chapter 2 [Most popular] 1278 kb/s 4838 Openstax Biology 2e Answer Key Chapter 2 | added by users 798 kb/s 4512 The OpenStax name, OpenStax logo, OpenStax book covers, OpenStax CNX name, and OpenStax CNX logo glycosidic bond. They are very basic and do little to help students visualize biological concepts and structures. Giving a more accurate representation may sway students to pursue some of the more cutting edge aspects of Biotechnology research. Any student who can download Acrobat can search for vocabulary terms I assign. Biology includes rich features that engage students in scientific inquiry, highlight careers in the biological sciences, and offer everyday applications. However, as with any subject, certain topics in generally biology (e.g. The text is available in multiple formats: online, pdf, app, print, and iBook. Webopening section of a scientific paper that summarizes the research and conclusions. Unit 7, Chapters 33 41, covers the major systems of animals, including digestive, nervous, sensory, endocrine, musculoskeletal, respiratory, circulatory, excretory, immune, and reproductive systems. Using the terms soft and hard to differentiate between biological and social sciences simply furthers the divide between the two and also imparts a value judgment where "soft" sciences are not viewed as rigorous or quantitative as biological sciences. At the end of each chapter, there is a glossary of key terms, chapter summaries (divided by section), visual connection questions, multiple-choice review questions, and short-answer critical thinking questions. However, chapter contents need to be revised for clarity and new figures are needed to help students make connections between what is presented in the text and the figures. Cultural Relevance: A This book focuses on proper concepts and details, not extraneous stuff. The comprehensiveness varies but is overall mostly appropriate. For the most part, the content is up-to-date, but I did find a few sections that already needed updating. Generally, having so many possible ways to access the material makes the interface exceptionally positive for students. Figure 1.16 is one example where the display issues make the figure almost useless. While the authors/publisher did not create the video, they are responsible for it being embedded in the textbook. I have no special comments for this metric. The index and glossary are fine. consent of Rice University. 3. I've found all the terminology to be consistent. The information provided is up to date and comparable to similar texts. Note: I have not yet used this book in a class. then you must include on every physical page the following attribution: If you are redistributing all or part of this book in a digital format, In fact in the first chapter, the second image that contained a person, showed researchers excavating a paleontological site in Spain. There are also chapter summaries and review sections at the end of every chapter. The book covers everything a traditional introductory biology major textbook covers at an average level of detail, organized in the usual hierarchy from atoms to ecosystems. Reviewed by Aruna Kilaru, Associate Professor, East Tennessee State University on 4/13/20, This book will serve the purpose of introductory biology and could very well be used in place of the expensive textbooks. I do have a couple that I need to add to this page. You can even purchase a bound copy from Amazon for around $60, which is very reasonable for a textbook. The topics are arranged in a typically progression and build on one another in a traditional fashion. read more. Text modularity is good. The sentence structure and vocabulary beyond the scientific terms are simple enough that even ESL college students should be able to glean information. Jan 9, 2023 OpenStax. 5. Granted that the texbook is "inaccurate" with respect to T cell subpopulations (at this detail level), but if one wants to know more about T-cells, then perhaps an Immunology textbook would be more appropriate! I have tried to obtain a paper copy of the textbook, but it is not as easy as calling my publisher for a desk copy. Their art connections have good diagrams Single-celled eukaryotes and the major phyla of animals. Within the evolution section, no outwardly offensive material was presented that would make conversations difficult with students of a variety of belief systems. Links are provided for quick navigation and the PDF is fully searchable. The text provides comprehensive coverage of foundational research and core biology concepts through an evolutionary lens. The book downloads easily, and can be viewed and searched online easily. The book is organized in a very similar manner to most introductory Biology textbooks - with good reason. I reviewed the book for use in the Some of the links would not open, such as a video link illustrating the fluidity of membranes. The book orders information the same way as a traditional biology textbook. But I applaud the effort and appreciate that they are there to use as I settle in to the new text. The text provides comprehensive coverage of foundational research and core biology concepts through an evolutionary lens. The overall organization of topics is very sensical as it goes from "small-scale" Biology (cells, DNA, etc.) Although alternative splicing is mentioned in Chapter 16, it should be described in Section 15.4. This is often a matter of opinion across Biology professors, so that is not surprising. Some of the charts and photos were a bit pixelated, but it didn't detract too much to the meaning of these photos/charts. The links to learning videos are often from utube with no evidence that they come from scientific peer reviewed sources. This textbook is extremely comprehensive, almost too comprehensive. In every other published textbook, taxonomy is presented first, and it can then be discussed how cladistics is a better approach since it takes relationships into account. It has a good online index that is searchable. glycosidic bond. OpenStax Biology 2e Instructor Answer Guide Critical Thinking Questions 24.Describe the different cell types and their functions in sponges. A compressed-air cylinder stands 100cm100 \mathrm{~cm}100cm tall and has internal diameter 20.0cm20.0 \mathrm{~cm}20.0cm. The text doesnt reference or picture actual people very often, and generally seems to avoid gender-specific pronouns in hypothetical scenarios. These topics are presented in similar ways in most genetics and biology textbooks and havent changed much in the years that I have been teaching. When more depth is required, other web sites and tutorials can be added to the students' reading materials. This would necessitate a rewriting. However, as the text reads currently, some "self-referencing" will be necessary to maintain connections among chapters and between sections within chapters. This means that tens of thousands of people in the United States alone are excluded from existence by blanket statements such as the one above. Acids, but not bases, can change the pH of a solution. The content, as least in the chapters I cover, is extremely similar to my current 7+$3 X@mc !B"+ One aspect of this book that I feel was done very well was the coverage of the scientific method and the manner in which this was tied into subsequent chapters again and again. Examples are found on page 27: A community is the sum of populations inhabiting a particular area. The basic content doesn't seem to be at any more risk of becoming dated that a traditional text. For example, the large aquatic reptiles of the Mesozoic Era were not in fact dinosaurs; they were just contemporaries of dinosaurs. This book does suffer from the expert gap phenomenon. There are no issues with images or charts. I would have like to see a more up-to-date depiction of Biotechnology and Biotechnological techniques. WebCh. The next section, 19.3 Adaptive Evolution, does focus on natural selection but not in the context of population genetics. The clarity of the text is very well done. The text embraces cultural diversity and is written from a perspective that respects humans as humans, and life as life. it could be conveyed that it notes ALL species variation is directly related to genetics). The links within the text are all good, as well as the images, which can by sized-up for ease of reading. The chemistry of life and macromolecules in biology have to be discussed before gene regulation which itself has to precede the various organ systems. It hits all the major points of cellular respiration, covering some of them in more detail than I would require of an introductory course (the section on glycolysis, for example, walks through each step of the process in the main text, instead of shunting it off into a figure as I have seen in traditional textbooks.) For example, in chapter 5, the book states, A variation of diffusion is the process of filtration. As noted above, I like the logic of the subdivisions of each chapter (not too many, not huge blocks of text) and the amount of material on one page is less than I feel most other books offer. I have found assigning readings to be easy and convenient. In some places, information is repeated within a paragraph. This video again reinforces the misconception of genetic determinism. 14 Key Terms - Biology 2e | OpenStax Key Terms We're unable to load Study Guides on this page. Hypothesis-driven science using controlled or semi-controlled experiments is indeed the gold-standard in science, but by no means is it the only way that science is done. There is a comprehensive table of contents, index, and "Key Terms" page for each section. Overall, This OER textbook is a well-designed biology textbook that gives a clear, consistent, and thorough presentation of the subject matter, so assisting students in developing a solid grasp of the concepts and principles of biology. They are at just the right level for a first year biology student. Many of the links are to YouTube videos, some of which are embedded and play directly in the text, whereas others open in a new tab. One way that heat is transferred from place to place inside the human body is by the flow of blood. However, it is a reality that not all students will be facile with such foundational knowledge, so inclusion of these terms and figures in subsequent chapters reduces compromising student understanding. Generally, this text meets the level of accuracy I find in other texts. Some of the figures did not match well with the text. I could probably use them! Navigate to, 2. I think the authors have done an excellent job explaining the concepts, but I still have some student confusion after their initial reading of the text, particularly in the molecular/cellular biology sections. Only issues I've found are in the accuracy of illustrations -- several are mis-labeled. I didnt find many examples of research made by women or by scientists from diverse backgrounds. The second-weakest section for my course is on developmental biology, and there are some other texts that offer more (e.g., on polarity genes, segmentation genes, and hox genes). The text in that section was correct, but an incorrect figure can easily confuse students who are not familiar with the topic. The text is mostly consistent however, they have provided the square for accessing videos, and also provide a link to videos, but sometimes the link to the videos is not available on a pc computer. This example most closely resembles which type of reasoning? The chapters are divided into topical sections, making it easy to assign or not assign specific topics. I think that the chapter glossaries and ample index do a good job with the jargon. I have not encountered grammatical errors in the text. It would be nice to be able to click on images and have them blown up or popped out, but it is easy enough to zoom in the browser. Therefore in order to reach this audience effectively (to help them retain material), it is better to have a few more images. It is acceptable for a general reading level. The underlying theme of evolution is throughout the book and unifies the theme. Career Connections are great throughout, but some appear to be written from an American perspective. I found no grammatical errors, nor did I find distracting terms. However, it still seems slightly dated even with this consideration. I did notice a few grammatical errors, but it wasn't terrible. read more. As is typical, some of the video does not have captioning so every video does not allow full accessibility. As with any science textbook, periodic revisions will be necessary for many of the units. From nutrient and water uptake transport: root absorption, cation exchange, active transport into root hair Some are terrific, and worth a student spending time there to better understand the material. But given the abundance of information in this text, I am quite pleased at the factual accuracy. The book is comprehensive and suitable for use in a 2-semester (year long) college-level biology/science majors general biology sequence. The subsections are natural and permit the instructor to easily select the specific topics they wish to cover or not. Modularity is good! read more. The figures in the online version are too small. Vocabulary terms i assign how it is processed through cellular respiration are mediocre on the many foundational of! Are constantly produced to replace dead ones, which can by sized-up for ease of reading the emerging and! Some places, information is repeated within a paragraph the large aquatic of! To date and comparable to other texts in the biological sciences, and generally seems avoid... I am quite pleased at the end of the figures in the text provides with! Thoughtful but links to learning videos are often from utube with no evidence that they are responsible for it embedded... 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