A below-inflation public sector pay rise will not increase inflation, especially if lower-paid staff are the biggest beneficiaries of a deal. Read about our approach to external linking. Private sector workers received a 6.9% pay rise, according to the latest data from the Office for National Statistics, but much of the increase was driven by bumper pay packages in the financial sector and staff in the accountancy and legal professions. Departments should discuss options with the DDaT function before submitting a business case. associated with machinery of government changes or repositioning staff within the pay range), transformational pay and workforce reform (including introducing Capability-based pay frameworks), to address recruitment and retention issues (including adopting the Digital, Data, Technology and Cyber pay framework), transfer of funds from the non-consolidated pay pot to consolidated pay. What claims do you want BBC Reality Check to investigate? It will take only 2 minutes to fill in. Before taking account of inflation, average total pay growth for March to May 2022 was 7.2% in the private sector and 1.5 in the public sector. Proposals should provide evidence that demonstrates expected efficiencies and savings resulting from the duration of the pay discrepancy. When submitting a business case departments must demonstrate they have considered the following headline principles throughout their proposals: The above principles should be met and are applicable specifically to the following business cases: All business cases must also include a detailed plan for implementation, including departmental Trade Union engagement. In the accompanying excel tables, tables 1 to 9 show central government departmental spending on a budgetary basis. For departments looking to adopt the DDaT framework, they should discuss their business case with the DDaT function before submitting. Dont include personal or financial information like your National Insurance number or credit card details. The figures do not include distortions caused by the. On 17th February the Scottish government was the first administration to offer an NHS pay rise for 2023/24. Departments and NDPBs are permitted to reduce their non-consolidated performance related pay (PRP) pot permanently as a percentage of consolidated paybill to offset agreed increases in paybill costs applied to meet targeted recruitment or retention pressures and to address pay anomalies. Departments cannot reduce the IRC by deferring the date of implementation of component increases. Cabinet Office and HM Treasury will consider requests from departments for pay flexibility proposals where it meets the requirements set out in section 3. PRP pots may not be reduced to provide additional funding for the consolidated pay bill generally (for example to fund an across-the-board increase to staff), but must be targeted to address recruitment and retention pressures or pay anomalies. It is important that pay awards ensure sustainability of public finances and deliver value for money for the taxpayers. Transformational and targeted: proposals should deliver long-term focused transformational changes to departmental delivery and therefore significant improvements in productivity and/or resolve specific problems encountered by Departments. If agreed, that would mean an increase of 9.42 per cent this year and 22 per cent over the two years since April 2021 for the lowest paid, with a 2023 uplift of 3.88 per cent for top earners. She urged Rishi Sunak to negotiate with public sector unions to head off strike action. any remaining historic progression increments, cost of increases in the non-consolidated performance pot above its existing proportion of total paybill, non-consolidated payments (except for payments related to performance from the non-consolidated performance pot), buy-out of allowances or non-pay entitlements, incentive payments relating to the implementation of pay reforms, cost associated with changes in non-pay benefits (e.g. This is the difference between the projected remuneration cost and the baseline remuneration cost expressed as a percentage of the baseline remuneration cost. "If you went below their recommendations, you'd save a bit of money but what would be the net saving?" Departments, in exceptional cases, can seek targeted pay flexibility to address specific problems associated with recruitment and retention in specific grades and/or professions within their department. Throughout the guidance the term department(s) includes all organisations (ministerial and non-ministerial departments, agencies and NDPBs) that come within its scope, unless the context clearly implies otherwise. The business case should cover, where relevant: Departments should also work constructively with trade unions on the development of their overall pay and reward strategies and may find it helpful to discuss proposals with trade unions as these are developed. Using the 10.1% average figure for the consumer price index forecast by the Office for Budget Responsibility, "the cost would be. The deadline to submit a case for the 2022/23 remit year is no later than 1 December 2022. Job roles within the public sector includes . DDaT business cases will not require HMT ministerial approval. The increase covers over one million NHS staff, as well as school teachers, police officers, prison. Police officers in England and Wales would get an increase of 3.5 . More information about these changes is available in the monthly ONS public sector finances (PSF) release. You have accepted additional cookies. Royal College of Nursing general secretary and chief executive Pat Cullen said the move was a "tacit acknowledgment from ministers they have underpaid nursing staff". This may include adverts from us and 3rd parties based on our understanding. pesa.document@hmtreasury.gov.uk. A Machinery of Government (MoG) re-organisation was announced on 7 February 2023 re-allocating various functions to new departments. Departments are also advised to use the DDat business case template when preparing to submit a case. are well explained and readily accessible, are managed impartially and objectively in the public interest. Public sector pay growth has lagged that of the private sector, averaging just 1.5% over the past year compared with 8% for the latter. SW1A 2HQ. Vacant posts do not generate recyclable savings, because until the post is filled the salary cost to the paybill cannot be determined. Departments, NDPBs and Agencies are required to submit a short business case to their relevant Secretary of State or appropriate Minister for approval. The cost of any revalorisation must be included in the pay award, i.e. As such, in return for higher pay awards, cases should be cost-neutral by delivering cashable savings and/or demonstrating frontloaded, tangible productivity gains within the business case lifecycle and over the Spending Review period. Pension contributions: Enter the total cost to the department of pension contributions. Departments also have additional flexibility to pay up to a further 1% where they can demonstrate targeting of the pay award to address specific priorities in their workforce and pay strategies. Once the annual pay remit has been agreed by the relevant Secretary of State, departments can enter formal negotiations with the trade unions. Departments should expect to be challenged on whether alternative measures are more appropriate to address the issues they have identified. The government has already agreed to finance a 3% rise, so the extra cost is only 18bn, he says. deserve a pay rise. The ONS said 417,000 working days were lost to strike action in October, the highest since November 2011 when just under a million days were lost due to public sector workers walking out in a row over pension reforms. A series of strikes has focused attention on the gap between pay in the public and private sectors. When the pay data was adjusted for inflation, pay for all workers fell by 2.7%, cutting living standards at a time of financial stress for millions of people. Pay proposals at-a-glance: Nurses in England would get 3.5% in 2023-24. Public-sector employees are generally those paid directly by the state such as teachers and members of the armed forces. The public sector pay freeze was implemented after the first Covid lockdown damaged the UKs economy. Could meltdowns signal a need for self-care? The prime minister should stop attacking working people trying to defend their pay, and sit down to negotiate fair pay rises with unions, she said. The assessment of a business case will take into account the individual circumstances of the department. And we know that employees in the public sector worked hard during the pandemic, weren't generally furloughed and were less likely to lose their jobs than those in the private sector. See today's front and back pages, download the newspaper, order back issues and use the historic Daily Express newspaper archive. This year has been the worst for real wage growth in nearly half a century, she said. HM Treasury will issue a commission directly to departments to formally begin the WPR process. An increase of 3.88% on all allowances (as listed in the 2022 NJC Pay Agreement Circular dated 1st November 2022). The IRC calculation should assume that all increases are implemented from the settlement date. This comes on top of the 7.5% pay increase for 2022/23. Scope and purpose of the pay remit guidance, Key factors determining the 2022/23 pay remit, Check benefits and financial support you can get, Find out about the Energy Bills Support Scheme, Civil Service Pay Remit guidance, 2022 to 2023, nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/3, The latest SCS Pay Practitioners Guide can be found here. Departments must ensure pay awards are affordable within their Spending Settlements and the need to balance other budgetary pressures, with consideration of the wider economy and the Governments macroeconomic framework. So how much would it cost to give public sector workers a pay rise? For example, through changes to terms and conditions of employment, and other areas such as recyclables. Much of the increase in employment was in the public sector and mostly in the NHS. Civil Service HR Expert Services In some areas the awards cover England and Wales, whilst in others - such as health and education - pay is set by ministers in the devolved administrations. UK public sector workers to get 5% pay rise, Financial Times reports By David Milliken People walk through the City of London financial district during warm weather in London, Britain, June 17, 2022. NHS staff, members of the trade unions and health campaigners delivered a petition, calling for a substantial pay rise for NHS workers, to Downing Street on 20 July 2021. Number of employees on the NLW: The number of eligible employees that are on (or are within 5 pence of) the NLW from April in the pay remit year. Tax, Salary and Payroll in the UK; UK Average Salaries in 2023; Public Sector Salaries 2023; Salary . Access unmatched financial data, news and content in a highly-customised workflow experience on desktop, web and mobile. While the non-consolidated pot as a proportion of consolidated paybill remains unchanged at 3%, the cash value is reduced to 570,000 (3% of 19 million). There were an estimated 5.77 million employees in the public sector in September 2022, 73,000 (1.3%). Proposals should also provide evidence that demonstrates expected efficiencies and savings resulting from the duration of the pay deal. Includes all staff-related costs excluding the cost of staff not on the formal Civil Service payroll, comprising direct wages and salaries, employer pension contributions and employer National Insurance Contributions. This 2022/23 pay remit year is the first of a three year spending settlement for departments. A full explanation of this decision can be found in PESA 2016 Annex E. Changes to Total Managed Expenditure (TME) and public sector debt interest in all years are due to updated ONS data. This is in comparison to private sector wage increases being a third lower than they were pre-crisis, at 1.8 percent. . In a multi-year spending review period, we also welcome departments to consider how their long-term pay strategy delivers on workforce priorities and efficiencies. Measurable: timelines and milestones must be provided to enable the tracking of the pay reform to ensure savings and impacts are being achieved. The IFS also calculates the percentage gap between public and private sector pay if you take into account characteristics such as a worker's education and experience, which is the red line in the chart below. Departments must be satisfied that their proposed reduction will not jeopardise the operation, development or effectiveness of their performance-related pay arrangements. You're going to have strikes in any event, but that would make things much worse.". Over four-fifths of employers planned a pay review in 2022 and of them 40% expected basic pay to increase, 7% expected a pay freeze and 1% expected a decrease. Progression pay cost is the cost of moving someone through the pay range and in spine point or step based system relates to the costs of incremental steps. It raises the prospect of a wave of strikes later this year, with several unions already threatening industrial action if salaries fall behind. Percentage increase in remuneration cost (IRC) (%): Enter the percentage change in the IRC. Patrick Roach, general secretary of the NASUWT teachers' union, said: "If the government hopes that teachers' anger will dissipate over the course of the summer break, they are wrong. The industry leader for online information for tax, accounting and finance professionals. Evidence-based: proposals should demonstrate low levels of pay that are below relevant comparators and how this has translated into significant recruitment and retention problems (including relevant statistics) and robust evidence that the pay discrepancy will have a front line impact on business delivery, outcomes, and productivity. It is based on National Accounts definitions and covers spending by the whole of the public sector. Sponsor departments are responsible for enforcing this. It is imperative that pensioners, who cannot increase their income, are fairly rewarded for their years of public service with a pension that retains its value.. the date upon which the pay remit year commences, vary from one body to another. Any department that is uncertain as to whether what they propose to agree constitutes a significant difference from that specified under the remit should contact the Cabinet Office for advice. From 2011-12 onwards the grant-equivalent element of student loans is no longer part of the TES framework and has therefore been removed from the Education function. This ended the one-year public sector pay freeze, that had been put in place in the 2020/21 Spending . Chief Secretary to the Treasury, John Glen, made a written statement to the House of Commons on public service pensions increase. For example, showing low levels of pay that are below relevant comparators, and how this has translated into significant recruitment and retention problems (including relevant statistics). This includes doctors and nurses and other NHS staff, civil servants, police and fire services, state school staff and social care workers. Resource . Requests to increase the size of the non-consolidated performance pay pot, permanently or temporarily, will not be considered. So 2022 is set to be yet another tough year for public sector employees. Regular pay is still higher in the public sector, but whether that is fair is a tricky question. Public sector . This analysis excludes pension provision, bonuses and overtime payments, which are not the same in the public and private sectors. The IFS warned: "The continuing fall in public sector pay relative to the private sector poses recruitment and retention challenges for public services, and could threaten the government's ability to deliver on its public service objectives.". Become a member of the CSPA to support our campaigning, and gain access to a wide range of benefits. And while unemployment is currently low, job security may become more of an issue as the country enters recession. Departments are reminded that there is an additional bank holiday to be held during the 2022/23 pay remit year. Nurses leaders have said they are prepared to negotiate over the final settlement, but say health ministers have failed to consider the offer. For departments looking to introduce a capability-based pay framework, they should contact Civil Service HR Expert Services, contact.cshres@cabinetoffice.gov.uk, for further advice. News stories, speeches, letters and notices, Reports, analysis and official statistics, Data, Freedom of Information releases and corporate reports. Unions are pressing for pay to reflect the cost of living, as inflation rises at the fastest rate for 40 years. Paybill per head (FTE) is total paybill divided by full-time equivalent (FTE) workforce. 1 Horse Guards Road We also use cookies set by other sites to help us deliver content from their services. This will be welcome news to many Civil Service pensioners who struggle by on average pensions of 9,180 and for women only 6,800. HM Treasury has overall responsibility for the Governments public sector pay and pensions policy, and maintaining control over public spending including with regards to departmental spending. If you look at the total pay figures, which include bonuses, private sector pay has actually overtaken public sector pay. Full time equivalent: Enter the total Civil Service workforce on a full-time equivalent basis, calculated as the average for the remit year based on the size of the workforce at the end of each month. Dental specialty trainees can further increase their basic salary to 58.398. It covers departmental own spending as well as support to local government and public corporations. Official data show annual growth in total average earnings reached a 15-year high of 6.2 per cent in the private sector in the first three months of 2022 while. Cases must be cost neutral and must not place a cost pressure on the departments budgets. They are re-earnable and do not have associated future costs. Departments will still be required to demonstrate and evidence the cashable and sustainable savings, alongside the tangible productivity and efficiency gains unlocked by the introduction of such systems. These cases must include associated efficiencies and reforms to deliver sustainable savings going forward. The latest SCS Pay Practitioners Guide can be found here. The CMI survey showed only about half of firms surveyed between March 31 and April 5 had definitely decided to raise pay this year, with 48% either deciding against a raise or unsure. They have offered a one off payment of 387 to 939 (dependent on band), plus an average salary increase of 6.5%. Pay review bodies. Real pay for all workers also lags behind inflation, piling on pressure amid cost of living crisis. Cabinet Office Annual pay reviews for almost half of public sector workers - including teachers, nurses, police, prison staff, civil servants and the armed forces - are due shortly. In 2022/23 dental trainees received a pay rise of 2%, in line with junior doctors pay rises. Transformational and targeted: Proposals should address specific problems associated with recruitment and retention in specific grades and professions within their department. For queries on WPR reporting: WPR@hmtreasury.gov.uk. In milestone and reference-point based systems, progression means the cost of moving staff within the pay range. Funding remaining within the ring-fenced PRP pot following an agreed reduction, is expected to be applied to performance-related payments. Departments are encouraged to discuss any potential business case with the Cabinet Office in the first instance at civilservicepay@cabinetoffice.gov.uk. Average regular pay growth for the private sector was 6.9% in August to October 2022, and 2.7% for the public sector; outside of the height of the pandemic period, this is the largest. They cover departments own spending as well as support to local government and public corporations. These are the aggregates used by the government to plan and control expenditure. The Treasury had said public sector average weekly earnings rose by 4.5 percent in 2020/21. So the problem with comparing average earnings for the public and private sector is that highly educated professionals would be expected to be earning more. UK public sector wages increased by 2.7% in the year to October, according to official figures that will fuel the anger of rail and health sector workers preparing to go on strike in the run-up to Christmas. Delivers efficiencies and productivity: proposals are expected to deliver cost-neutral savings which cover the Increase in Remuneration Cost (. See here for a complete list of exchanges and delays. Further analysis of the different parts of the private sector shows average earnings growing by 7.7% in the finance and business services sector, contrasting with a low rate of 2.8% in manufacturing. The RMT has called for a minimum of 7%, while some healthcare unions have suggested they would accept a similar amount. Types of payment include: The organisations existing non-consolidated performance pot is a cash value derived from a percentage of the consolidated baseline paybill, and not a fixed cash amount. Public-sector pay was frozen from 2011-13 and then capped at a 1% annual increase until 2018. "If the staffing exodus continues, waits for ambulances, operations and other treatments won't reduce.". It therefore has wider coverage than the budgeting framework and is also more stable over time. We also use cookies set by other sites to help us deliver content from their services. You can change your cookie settings at any time. To view this licence, visit nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/3 or write to the Information Policy Team, The National Archives, Kew, London TW9 4DU, or email: psi@nationalarchives.gov.uk. This guidance covers pay setting arrangements for civil servants throughout the Civil Service, including departments, non-ministerial departments and agencies, as well as for public sector workers in non-departmental public bodies [footnote 1] and other arms length bodies[footnote 2]. The government has announced pay rises for millions of public sector workers as inflation eats into salaries. Departments can also consider a business case to implement the Digital Data and Technology (DDAT) pay framework to address specific recruitment and retention challenges (see below). value of raising public sector pay. To help us improve GOV.UK, wed like to know more about your visit today. Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning. In the accompanying excel tables, tables 10, 10a and 10b show public sector expenditure on services broken down by function over a longer number of years, allowing long-term trends to be identified. We also welcome departments to consider transformational reform over the Spending Review period when considering long term pay strategy, as set out in section 3. So 2022 is set to be yet another tough year for public sector employees. As a matter of course, departments are encouraged to work constructively with recognised trade unions on the development of their overall pay, reward and workforce strategies, including annual pay remits and the development of pay flexibility business cases. You have rejected additional cookies. Prior to this, we had been working on an assumption (which we shared at the March briefings) that the NJC's bottom pay points would need to rise to around 10.25 in 2022 and 11 in 2023 to provide some headroom, if the forecasts came in at the top of the ranges we had seen over the previous two years. Proposals should demonstrate robust evidence that the pay proposals will have a front line impact on business delivery, outcomes, and productivity. Vacancy Rates: Enter the number of unfilled posts (or forecast vacancies) in the final month of the remit year in question, expressed as a percentage of (headcount at the end of the month plus vacancies). Please ensure that headcount and FTE are calculated on the required basis for all years, and if necessary enter revised figures. How are public sector pay rises determined? Mr Glen stated that public service pensions will be increased from 10 April 2023 by 10.1 per cent, in line with the annual increase in the Consumer Prices Index up to September 2022, except for those public service pensions which have been in payment for less than a year, which will receive a pro-rata increase. He noted that this was because Legislation governing public service pensions in payment requires them to be increased annually by the same percentage as additional pensions (State Earnings Related Pension and State Second Pension)., CSPA General Secretary, Lisa Ray welcomes the increase: We are pleased to see at last the confirmation of public sector pensions increases of 10.1% from the Treasury. This will include all relevant guidance and information. 3%, then further approval is required from Cabinet Office and HM Treasury Ministers. UK's Taylor Wimpey cuts jobs amid housing slowdown, National Express says more Britons shift to buses after rail strikes, Reporting by David Milliken; Editing by Leslie Adler and Marguerita Choy, Britain's Nationwide curbs cryptocurrency purchases by customers, LSE Group targets Blackstone/Thomson Reuters stake buyback as raises outlook, Sterling falls as interest rate outlook and strong dollar weigh, Biden admin offers $1.2 billion for distressed, shut nuclear plants, Russia says West is 'burying' Black Sea grain deal, Blinken, Lavrov spoke briefly on margins of G20 meeting - U.S. official, Factbox: What to look for as China kicks off its annual session of parliament, Exclusive news, data and analytics for financial market professionals. Alastair Hatchett writes that pay growth for some is quite strong, while for others it is very weak. Chancellor Rishi Sunak will use his Budget on. This chart shows average weekly pay for public and private-sector workers, excluding bonuses, adjusted for rising prices. Earlier this year, the Government agreed to a three percent pay rise for NHS staff - an exception to the pause. The Government wants to ensure that it is attracting the best and brightest to work for the Civil Service, and rewarding hard working staff fairly. The cost of such changes should be calculated and included in the IRC calculation. The DHSC in England hasn't formally offered a . Coherence: proposals must take into account wider Civil Service context and departments may decide it is appropriate for them to look towards more consistent approaches and policies. Nurses have rejected the governments pay offer and plan to go ahead with strikes in England, Wales and Northern Ireland in favour of a deal that adds 5% to the RPI measure of inflation. Where reference is made to civil servants, it also includes references to other workers employed in an organisation covered by this guidance. Recent developments. The period for which the approved pay remit applies. About 5.7 million people are employed in the public sector in the UK. There were an estimated 5.77 million employees in the public sector in September 2022, 73,000 (1.3%) more than in September 2021. Designation can be broadly interpreted to mean that the statistics: Once statistics have been designated as National Statistics it is a statutory requirement that the Code of Practice shall continue to be observed. A 5% rise would cost almost 7 billion pounds ($8.3 billion) more than a 2% rise, but may have to be funded from within existing budgets, the FT said. Choose to calculate a pay rise within the same tax year (2022) or whether to calculate the rise as an annual pay rise across two tax years (from 2021 to 2022) Enter your current Salary; Enter the pay rise percentage; UK Tax and Salary Tools. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. It will take only 2 minutes to fill in. Evidence-based: proposals should demonstrate low levels of pay that are below relevant comparators and how this has translated into significant recruitment and retention problems (including relevant statistics) that severely risk service delivery, and the degree to which any turnover problems are associated with pay rather than other wider organisational factors. Evidence-based: proposals should demonstrate robust evidence in the form of data to back up the proposals. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. 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