Tucked away in the northeast corner of the city, Riverside is one of Wilmingtons oldest neighborhoods. She then spent two years teaching students English as a second language in Lyon, France. She serves as a liaison between the Board of Directors and senior management teams while also organizingRead More. Our school, Drew Charter School, became one of the highest-performing schools in Atlanta. We are working together to transform communities. First, mixed-income housing really doing a great job on housing that serves people across a broad range of incomes. Linda resides in Dawsonville, GA with her husband, their three children, and four dogs. In this capacity, she plays a central role in building relationships among Purpose Built network members across the country, in order to strengthen the ability of neighborhood revitalization leaders to share best practices and apply effective strategies in their respective communities. But Oakley says the success has benefited only a small group of people. Michelles guidance has enabled nonprofit organizations, such as Families First, the Task Force for Global Health, and Communities in Schools of Atlanta; educational institutions, such as Spelman College and Atlanta Public Schools; and numerous Fortune 500 companies, such as Delta Air Lines, Kimberly Clark and Georgia Pacific to implement strategic change and improve individual, team and organizational performance. Build your community by keeping your purpose in mind and reminding yourself of how your contribution matters. While in law school she served as an educational law policy analyst and legal extern for former U.S. As part of his role, Jim leads work around the organizations mixed-income housing program and urban planning efforts, critical components of Purpose Built Communities transformative model. Purpose Built Communities offers expert leadership and consultation via a dynamic team of experts who help local leaders working to break the cycle of intergenerational poverty through holistic community revitalization. Most area residents had only experienced public housing or affordable housing or housing of last resort, and we wanted people to see something they hadn't seen before. People appreciate being welcomed and valued. That was basically from 2005 through 2008 to 2009, when they all worked really hard to figure out the right neighborhood. Community is critical to our overall wellbeing and the decline of our connectedness is coming at the same time mental health issues are on the rise. Michelle Matthews, senior vice president of Purpose Built Communities The forum on October 26 brought out several dozen brave souls (students and faculty) on the night of a powerful, early-season Nor'easter. We appreciate a small circle of people, but need larger circles as well. Currently, Zenith serves on the board of AFS-USA, Veritas School of Social Science, Alliance Theatre, and the Marietta-Roswell Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. She has received numerous recognitions for her leadership that includes the Atlanta Hawks Forever 404 Honoree, Atlanta Business Leagues Top 100 Black Women of Influence, 100 Black Men of North Atlanta Image Award, Chick-fil-A True Inspiration Award, and Kenny Leons True Color Theatre Companys 52 Weeks of Women. Melissa is a creative fundraising strategist and loves inviting and engagingRead More. Within a decade, the old brick-and-mortar housing units were gone, replaced by units that mimicked some of Atlanta's best private-market residences. Rising from the flooded remains of the St. Bernard housing development, the Bayou District was created in the wake of Hurricane Katrina to provide a new mixed-income community complete with schools, recreation, and support services. Forest Forward works with the community to combat the causes and effects of systemic inequities through neighborhood revitalization that centers efforts to accelerate the advancement and achievements of Black and marginalized people. She also works as a bookkeeper for Remerge, a nonprofit facilitating collaborative opportunities to accelerate belonging & flourishing in local communities. Prior to entering law school, Alexandra was a Metro Atlanta Teach for America (TFA) corps member where she spent two years as an elementary educator with a Fulton County Charter School. Zenith Houston is the Senior Vice President of Strategic Partners, where she leads all fundraising, communications, and marketing efforts and design systems aimed at advancing Purpose Built Communities mission. In addition, the needs of each member and the needs of the whole organization are fully met. At the Foundation, Mikki was responsible for creating and implementing strategies for supporting affordable housing development and economic growth opportunities. Gulfton/Sharpstown is the most diverse neighborhood in the most diverse city in the country. Melissa is a creative fundraising strategist and loves inviting and engaging volunteers and partners into the work of improving the community for all who live there. So East Lake became a success story new homes, lower crime rate, people wanting to apply for apartments. Purpose Built Communities is based on the East Lake Model. Eva Davis, an East Lake Meadows resident, and Renee Glover, the new CEO of the Atlanta Housing Authority, also played integral roles in the transformation. Healthiest Communities is an interactive destination developed by U.S. News & World Report for consumers and policymakers. She began working with Purpose Built Communities in 2015 as a consultant in the California Bay Area, where she advised the Oakland Purpose Built Network Member, Castlemont Renaissance, and was an independent consultant with several other organizations. She led the GSGATLs finance and information technology departments, working to ensure that the Council staff received the resources necessary to fulfill GSGATLs mission. Prior to joining FrameWorks, April was the manager of communications at Chicago Foundation for Women and a frequent on-air contributor to Vocalo, a next-generation radio station part of Chicago Public Media. It is completely underwritten by three investors . Amplify GR works through partnership to identify and achieve shared goals that widen pathways for success in Boston Square, Cottage Grove, and the surrounding neighborhoods. This is a BETA experience. Prior to this role, Ben served as a principal in Denver, CO, where he led a high school to improve two tiers on the states school accountability system. All rights reserved. East Lake Foundation President Danny Shoy Jr. "It's been turned completely around," Taylor says. Racial equity, health outcomes, and economic mobility are central to our approach and that of our Network. Purpose Built Communities is an Atlanta-based non-profit consulting firm helping local leaders to break the cycle of intergenerational poverty by tran See more 3,153 people like this 3,509 people follow this 34 people checked in here http://www.purposebuiltcommunities.org/ (404) 591-1400 info@purposebuiltcommunities.org Closed now As Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Ellen Newton is responsible for Purpose Built Communities financial stewardship, developing and implementing the organizations overall financial strategy.Ellen previously served as CFO at Girl Scouts of Greater Atlanta (GSGATL). Where else has Purpose Built Communities had an influence? The crime rate was 18 times higher than the national average. Purpose Built Communities CEO David Edwards giving a tour of Charles R. Drew Charter School to a group of Tallahassee officials. In 2007, they and many other longtime residents began to organize and in 2011, they helped create a new vision for the future that led to the founding of Growing Together. Ben is the Special Assistant to the CEO at Purpose Built Communities. 'Chief Storytellers': The Newest City Trend? Melissa Devereaux brings over 20 years of experience in nonprofit management, development and volunteer/partner engagement to her work with Purpose Built Communities. Naughton is president of Purpose Built Communities, a nonprofit that focuses on improving racial equity, economic mobility and health in communities nationwide largely by giving them a recipe for the "secret sauce" Naughton and others used in the overhaul of the neighborhood in the eastern part of Atlanta. Cousins is the man behind some of Atlanta's most prominent buildings, and when the city began tearing down public housing in the '90s, he says, he wanted to try something different with East Lake. Today the area features a health care center and early childhood learning center, among other neighborhood anchors. SACRAMENTO, Calif. A crew of state workers arrived early one hot summer day to clear dozens of people camped under a dusty overpass near California's Capitol. You're a great parent, aunt or uncle, and you're having a meaningful . In the early 1960s, a new highway, University Parkway, essentially bisected the neighborhood, disrupting healthy neighborhood growth. They ended up answering a request for proposal from the Housing Authority of New Orleans, and they submitted for the St. Bernard site, which was running four public housing sites that had been basically destroyed by the storm. The mills smokestack remains, along with the nearby railroad tracks, reminding the community of its industrial past. These kinds of things together have created healthier, thinner, fitter kids that was kind of our "aha!" A strategic senior executive, she boasts more than 20 years of proven experience in successfully driving innovation to build growth and long-term sustainability for diverse, national, and local organizations. EIN: 45-4056587. We welcome inquiries about our work and resources. She has also appeared as a CNN guest on the program Your Money, where she shared her experiences in leadership and change. Alexandra Wiggins supports current Network Members and assists new prospects as Vice President for Purpose Built Communities. Through a holistic approach that focuses on investments in education, housing, and wellness, GPF is dedicated to revitalizing the Grove Park neighborhood and improving the quality of life of our community. We are social animals and our instinct is to find strength in numbers. Projects he has planned and developed have won the prestigious Congress for New Urbanism Charter Award of Excellence and the National AIA Honor Award. Previously, Melissa spent the bulk of her career in Atlanta, where she served in a range of leadership roles in local nonprofit organizations. She began as senior vice president of the nonprofit and was elevated to president in 2015, with a goal of replicating East Lake's best practices in other poor neighborhoods. They arent immune from tough circumstances, instead they adapt and become stronger as they cope together. Hack was attracted by the safety and affordability. Purpose Built Communities partners with local leaders to design, direct, and accelerate neighborhood transformation initiatives across the United States with the shared goal to ensure every resident experiences greater racial equity, improved health outcomes, and increased upward mobility. The strength of our bonds matters too. The East Adams Street neighborhood was devastated in the 1950s and 1960s to make space for Interstate 81. In addition to Historic South. I write about happiness, work-life fulfillment and the future of work. In other words, when your own connections know each other, youre more likely to feel supported. She is an avid runner and hopes to run in all six marathons of the Abbott World Marathon Majors. Youre missing your people, your network and your community. Purpose Built Communities is a nonprofit entity that already is working on redevelopment projects in a half-dozen cities around the country. The third piece is around community health and wellness not just access to medical care, but those quality-of-life issues. Before founding MCG, Michelle was a senior manager for IBM, KPMG Consulting and Accenture. Zenith is an experienced, results-oriented thought leader with advanced knowledge and experience in diversity and inclusion strategic planning and program implementation with a stellar record of success developing and operationalizing strategies and programs that engage and unite diverse missions and organizations. "I mean, it's not perfect now, but then, it was scary," he says. As Carol Naughton one of the architects of the turnaround puts it: "If the water is clean, the fish will be fine.". Michelle graduated summa cum laude from Spelman College, with an economics degree. She holds a BA in communications and rhetoric studies from Oglethorpe University in Atlanta and an MA in media, culture, and society from DePaul University in Chicago. 09/21/2022 04:30 AM EDT. Senator Mary Landrieu of Louisiana and then served as a policy fellow with the Georgia Governors Office of Student Achievement shortly after graduation. The looming decision of the New York State Department of Transportation to replace the current Interstate 81 viaduct presents a transformational opportunity for the community. Bobbie worked for over 15 years at Koch Industries/Georgia-Pacific and brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to her role. East Lake led Cousins and other investors like Warren Buffett to create a nonprofit consulting group called Purpose Built Communities to take the idea national. Today, a coalition of partners are working with the community to build equity, opportunity and healthy outcomes for families. Or youre participating on a key project which will affect the user experience for your companys customers. Through the middle of the 1900s in racially-segregated Columbus, well-known African-American entertainers, such as the likes of Sammy Davis, Jr. and Ella Fitzgerald, frequently performed to white audiences downtown, but they were not welcome as overnight guests in that part of the city. The Villages of East Lake is a mixed-income housing community about 10 minutes from downtown Atlanta. hide caption. East Lake led Cousins and other investors like Warren Buffett to create a nonprofit consulting group called Purpose Built Communities to take the idea national. The Northside was once home to the sprawling Spartan Mills, and area fortunes can be tied directly to the rise and eventual fall of the mill. Marilyn Hack (middle) and her daughters Terez and Maliha have lived at the Villages of East Lake for 15 years. Catalina has worked as a consultant for Charles R. Drew Charter School as a project manager focused on implementing state and federal grants on the sustainability and dissemination of the work at Drew. Founded in 2009, Purpose Built Communities is taking on the task together with local partners in 28 cities around the United States. Purpose Built works to improve neighborhoods so that they become platforms that support families working to improve their lives. Her passion for education and the desire to mandate high quality education for all students regardless of socioeconomic factors led her to explore education law and policy, specifically the constitutionality of educational gerrymandering and halting additional forms of educational segregation. Born and raised in LaBelle, Florida, Evan loves outdoor adventures. The Purpose Built newsletter offers insights into the many facets of community development, news from Network Member, the latest research and information on best practices for removing barriers to racial equity, and much more. Also give them a sense of business literacy so they understand context and know how they can be proactive and make an impact. How does geography limit your access to opportunities and what can be done to change that reality? Gov. In all of his work, he saw many students achieve great successes, but was struck by how a childs zip code remained a significant predictor of their life outcomes. The success of the East Lake Initiative has served as a blueprint for a national model of holistic community redevelopment through Purpose Built Communities, established in 2009.Today, there are 19 additional Purpose Built Communities across the country successfully creating opportunities for residents, and building strong economically diverse communities that thrive. This work includes supporting schools in the replication of the instructional model originated at Charles R. Drew Charter school in the East Lake community. However, each area has community assets, a resilience to survive, hope upon which to build a solid future, and a richness of community that embodies the spirit of togetherness and belonging. So our diversity didn't create excellence. East Lake resident Orlando Geiger says it doesn't feel it's a place for him. With her varied background, Amy brings unique perspective andRead More. Evan Smith is a Vice President at Purpose Built Communities, a non-profit, pro bono consulting firm that believes everyone deserves the opportunity to live and raise their children in communities where they can achieve their full potential. She has twenty-five years of experience working in urban public schools. Send a quick note to someone you havent seen in a while or call a more distant acquaintance. In her role as Executive Assistant, Bobbie Riley provides high-level administrative support to Carol Naughton, CEO, and Ellen Newton, CFO. During her time at FrameWorks, April co-led a project to reframe intergenerational poverty and race to support Purpose Builts narrative change strategies. When we are part of a thriving community, we feel a sense of kinship, camaraderie and connectedness. Encourage team members to pull each other in, obtain feedback and work through tough challenges together. A principal must not just be a great leader within the school, but also a community leader, and be really connected to what's happening outside of the four walls of the school. Now, people are finding out about us and they're coming to us, and some of them have a much better understanding of it. Strong communities are always evolving. In these roles he established a high school writing assessment system, built a senior research curriculum, established and sustained a recess program, and managed partnerships with enrichment program providers. How did that come about? So once Tom Cousins created the East Lake Foundation, and plans were made to raze the projects, how did things get started? Prior to Purpose Built, he worked as an educator. NAUGHTON: There are a number of cities that have more than one of these now. For nearly 100 years, the Mason Heights area in southeast Fort Worth functioned as an orphanage operated by the Masonic Lodge. It was a school that was about 99% African American, and about 80% of the kids qualified for free and reduced lunch. Those are things that nobody teaches principals how to do it's not in the curriculum anywhere when you learn how to be a principal. She provides critical leadership to and project management of all aspects of Purpose Built and the networks racial equity and justice work, including the TruistRead More. A strategic seniorRead More, Senior Vice President of Strategic Partnerships. The former St. Bernard public housing development in New Orleans was transformed after Hurricane Katrina, using the East Lake Foundation model. Melissa holds a B.A. Utilizing our experience, we build all our memory care communities with extra-wide hallways to ensure each lady and gentleman can stroll throughout the community with ease. We are craving community and cannot live our best lives without it. Catalina has worked with the Purpose Built Communities team since 2015 when she launched the Purpose Built Communities Principal Residency Program. Katie and her husband, Jeff, are parents to Sam and Maya and have been residents of Historic South Atlanta since 2001. A cultural critic and communications strategist by training, April has analyzed popular media and communications, politics, and culture to identify necessary intervention points to tell new, more affirming stories about Black people and other people of the global majority for more than ten years. The most important thing for people with choice, who think about where they're going to live, is where their kids are going to go to school. Once a vibrant, working-class community, the area experienced decades of disinvestment. Her broad scope of experience supporting busy executives and skills in event planning and budget management skills ensure smooth day-to-day operations at Purpose Built Communities. In the end, only about a quarter of the residents returned, and that's led to criticism that East Lake's improvements stem from a strategy of cherry-picking residents. Purpose Built Communities partners with local leaders to design, direct, and accelerate neighborhood transformation initiatives across the United States with the shared goal to ensure every. 2023 Purpose Built Communities. This area is important to the citys economic history as Columbus was founded on the commodity of cotton and textile production. The Highlander neighborhood sits less than a mile from downtown Omaha in its emerging midtown area. Irans president has ordered authorities to investigate a series of incidents in which noxious fumes have sickened students at girls' schools, which some officials suspect are attacks targeting womens education, Health officials in Cambodia say recent cases of bird flu discovered in two villagers, one of them fatal, show no sign of human-to-human transmission. NAUGHTON: How to deliver really high-quality, neighborhood-serving education is still really hard. She also provided housing-related technical assistance to non-profit, community-based housing developers and Community Development Corporations. Diversity followed excellence. She founded The Friends of the Grant Park Pool. The East Lake Meadows housing project opened in the 1970s and soon became synonymous with crime, poverty and poor education a place, Naughton says, where the crime rate was nearly 20 times the national average, median household income was about $4,500 and the unemployment rate was staggering. More than two decades later, the community formerly known as East Lake Meadows is touted as an urban success story an attractive, safe neighborhood with high-quality homes and educational offerings. April Callen is the Director, Racial Equity Programs at Purpose Built Communities. In her Executive Coordinator role, Amy Odle provides adminstrative support to the Purpose Built Network Member Services team, as well as leads tour logistics and event planning. And so these guys rolled up their sleeves alongside Carol. (Getty Images/iStockphoto). People were worried about guns and gun violence. Omaha / Seventy Five North Revitalization Corp. Purpose Built Communities Announces 2023 Truist Foundation Racial Equity Ambassadors Cohort, Senator Coons announces Logan Herring Sr. from REACH Riverside as State of the Union guest, 2022 A Year of Thinking Big, Diving Deeper and Creating Impact, Georgia Power Foundation Awards $3 Million Grant to Purpose Built Communities, Purpose Built Communities Convening Brings Together Network Leaders. "Had I been born there, I'd maybe be in jail somewhere also," he says of the old East Lake. Now, it's a PGA destination. This work focuses on building a community of practice via peer-to-peer engagement, documentation of best practices and innovation, and regular convenings of network members. Prior to joining the East Lake Foundation, Carol was the General Counsel for Atlanta Housing Authority where she played an instrumental role in the revitalization of traditional public housing communities into economically viable, self-sustaining, mixed-income communities and was a key member of the leadership team that transformed AHA from a failing bureaucracy to a national leader in community development. Today, PACTs mission is focused on enhancing the quality of life in the Near East Side. Alex is a graduate of Louisiana State University Paul M. Hebert Law Center where she received her Juris Doctor as wellRead More. Linda Roberts joined Purpose Built Communities in its infancy in 2009. Through a holistic approach that focuses on investments in education, housing, and wellness, GPF is dedicated to revitalizing the Grove Park neighborhood and improving the quality of life of . Michelle Matthews joined Purpose Built Communities in 2016 as Senior Vice President after leading her own consulting company, Matthews Consulting Group (MCG), for more than a decade. "That's kind of how we think about our work that if the place supports people, the people are going to thrive," she says. Ben Poston. Billionaire investor Warr Read More Contact Who is Purpose Built Communities Headquarters Purpose Built Communities has an innovative model for improving neighborhoods through looking at what it takes to make the lives of the people in those neighborhoods healthy and successful. Backed by in-depth research and accompanied by news and analysis . Melissa currently serves on the Selection Advisory Council of GreenLight Fund Bay Area. We encourage you to reach out to learn more about what we are all about. "What I really wanted was the stability and someplace safe," Hack says, "and that's what I found here.". Or youre processing payments at a university where students will get their start toward their life goals. At Georgia Tech, her applied research focused on permanent supportive housing and Housing First policies, equitable local economic development practices, as well as how planners and city officials can better engage with and incorporate the perspectives of immigrant/refugee populations into policymaking processes. in Psychology and History from Emory University and an M.S. Hack says she needed affordability as she finished her education. When funding for the orphanage dried up, the Masons closed the orphanage and then sold the land in 2005. For more than 13 years prior to joiningRead More. She holds a Bachelors in Business Administration from Texas Tech University, and is a candidate for an MBA in Real Estate from Georgia State University. Collaborating with media and nonprofit organizations through various platforms across different issue areas, Aprils practice is to support advocates in developing deeper understandings of racial equity, gender justice, and economic mobility and applying those lessons to their own work in purposeful, creative, and engaging ways. Innovation often comes from the edges previously untested, untried or unpopular ideas. Classification ( NTEE ) Community Foundations (Philanthropy, Voluntarism and Grantmaking Foundations) Nonprofit Tax Code Designation: 501 (c) (3) Defined as: Organizations for any of the following purposes: religious, educational, charitable, scientific, literary, testing for public safety, fostering national or international . Eyeing reform, Thomas Cousins, a developer and philanthropist, and his wife, Ann, created the nonprofit East Lake Foundation to overhaul the area. The mission of Purpose Built Communities is to break the cycle of intergenerational urban poverty by creating the vibrant, thriving, neighborhoods needed to promote the healthy development of children and families. Have frequent meetings with your team so you can coordinate tasks and ensure people are making meaningful connections. Truist Foundation Racial Equity Ambassadors. Hack says she thinks this can work elsewhere too, even if there isn't a fancy golf course to provide support. Since then, similar social and economic policy decisions have limited this neighborhoods potential for growth. Cleveland / CLE Purpose Built Communities, Kansas City / Urban Neighborhood Initiative, Charlotte / Renaissance West Community Initiative, Spartanburg / Northside Development Group. A MEMBER OF PURPOSE BUILT COMMUNITIES FOUNDED IN ATLANTA IN 2009, Purpose Built Communities is a nationally renowned non-profit consulting firm that works side-by-side with community leaders, residents, and others to plan and implement holistic community revitalization efforts. Purpose Built Communities is a non profit organization founded by Tom Cousins, Warren Buffett, and Julian Robertson to replicate Cousin's East Lake model of community redevelopment[1] within other cities and areas throughout the United States. As a teacher, he led his students to achieve significant academic progress. If 200 people end up being housed in the Alexandria village, its total construction cost, which was about $8.6 million, works out to $43,000 per bed, and running the site costs $55 per person per . One of these people is 66-year-old Carl Griffith, who was born and raised about a mile from here. For seven years leading up to the creation of Purpose Built Communities, she served as the Executive Director of the East Lake Foundation, the innovative nonprofit organization that serves as the community quarterback organization for the East Lake neighborhood. It sounds like the start of a bad joke: A billionaire, a city official and a resident get together in Atlanta. The PGA Tour makes a stop in Atlanta this week. Encourage people to build their social capitaltheir relationship ties (think: webbing) across organizations. While making a phone call may seem very yesterday, a new study by the University of Texas Austin found voice calls can create stronger bonds than text messages. Why is early learning a central element of neighborhood revitalization? Transform one of the city's worst housing projects into a neighborhood where people actually want to live. Residents of the Northend of West Palm Beach are resilient and diverse, with a desire for a great neighborhood that works for all. Purpose Built Communities was established in 2009 to replicate the East Lake model in other urban areas of concentrated poverty around the nation. This work includes direct consultation with schools, districts, community quarterback organizations and boards on the implementation of a high quality education pipeline in a Purpose Built Community. Affordability as she finished her education the third piece is around community health and wellness not just access opportunities... City in the replication of the Grant Park Pool a nonprofit entity that already working. City 's worst housing projects into a neighborhood where people actually want to live Foundation model facilitating collaborative to... Race to support Purpose Builts narrative change strategies units were gone, replaced units. 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