9 things to know about Holi, Indias most colorful festival, Anyone can discover a fossil on this beach. This has diminished populations, and there are efforts to protect spider crabs from overfishing. This shark's disconcerting appearance with its needle-like teeth, beady eyes, and long snout does make it appear more like a goblin than a shark. Birdlife.org. 1. A couple of years ago, an orphaned brushtail possum with a bright yellow coat arrived at the Boronia Veterinary Clinic in Melbourne. Colonial organisms, in general, are amazing. Check out some of our favorite bonkers-but-real animals below, and if you know of an another that seems like it cant even be possible, tell us about it in the forums, and keep the conversation going! Why Do Animal Pupils Have Different Shapes? We recently asked Atlas Obscura readers in our Community forums to tell us about the most shocking and unbelievable animals theyd ever heard of, and the responses were both truly insane and delightfully based in reality. Unfortunately, he didnt live to see his 6th birthday, and his life span was much shorter than the average Great Dane.Next, we have the tallest bunny, whose name is Darius. ScienceDaily. Yes, you read that correctly, this little guy is related to elephants. Please be respectful of copyright. Animalia reports that when tufted deer run, they do so in an S pattern, making it harder to get caught. This turtle, also known as the Asian giant softshelled turtle, looks like a melted version of a turtle. University of Southern Maine. With a look that suggests a cross between a cockatoo and a bird of prey, the harpy eagle is one of the most distinct birds on the planet. The wizarding worlds premier expert on animal life hits the big screen in North America on November 18with a menagerie of fantastical creatures in tow. In Sri Lankan folklore, a woman whose child was murdered by her husband went mad and ran off into the jungle to commit suicide. "10 Real Animals That Seem Make-believe" Like Atlas Obscura and get our latest and greatest stories in your Facebook feed. A star-nosed mole can identify, catch, and finish eating its prey in less than a quarter of a secondmaking it the world's fastest-eating mammal. For Rent. How about a pudgy little rodent-like creature with a mouth full of sharp teeth and elephants as its closest relative? Okay, real-life animals don't have Pokemon types. Again, the name can be confoundingthese creatures dont suck blood and actually are pretty passive hunters, considering theyre filter feeders. Technically, they are physonect siphonophores, which are related to the Portugese man owar. They are insectivores, subsisting mainly on a diet of earthworms. Here are 10 weird animals you didn't know exist. (Feb. 3, 2004) http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/08/110823180459.htm, Slifkin, Natan and Slifkin, Nosson. Thanks to super speed and specially adapted feet, the basilisk lizard can run on wateran ability that makes it deadly to insects, and has led people to call it the "Jesus Christ lizard. "Dragon." It is the largest arthropod (animals with exoskeletons, a segmented body, and jointed limbs) in the world. When removed from its deep-water, high-pressure environment, where it looks more like a typical fish, it takes on the blob appearance. Giant isopods feed primarily on carrion that finds its way to the cold, deep ocean floor, but they don't spend much time eating; one giant isopod in captivity didn't eat for over five years. Despite their discovery back in 1879, these creatures mostly remain a mystery. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site. wwf.panda.org. It doesn't stand much of a chance otherwise, as the red-lipped batfish is a terrible swimmer. They live in burrows, often have four homes (fancy!) It evolved to enjoy being in the desert. (Find out more about how the bombardier beetle generates these explosions.). Umich.edu. These reptiles are plenty scary in their own right. Moses Harvey. Ludo is a Maine Coon housecat, who weighs about 24.5 pounds and is 45 inches long. The bizarre-looking snout of the star-nosed mole (Condylura cristata) is one of nature's most sensitive touch organs. The okapi was first brought to the attention of the Western world in the late 1800s when explorer Henry Morton Stanley mentioned it in one of his popular travelogues. It has no tail! Found in the Indian and tropical western Pacific oceans, the peacock mantis shrimp is a candy-colored crustacean known for its ability to quickly punch prey with its front two appendages. (Feb. 3, 2014) http://www.sundayobserver.lk/2009/08/09/spe15.asp, Eberhart, George M. "Mysterious Creatures: N-Z." Pretty metal. laurelkastner, PEACOCK SPIDERS ARE AWESOME. It can position its photophores (light-emitting organs) to fool prey into swimming right into its mouth. Oh yes, thats real. But that neck isn't the only thing it has in common with giraffes: the gerenuk also doesn't need to drink water. Can we bring a species back from the brink? The two cant breed to create a new hybrid animal, which debunks a common myth about their relationship. It stores its finds within cheek pouches until it reaches the surface and then uses the gravel to mash up the food for eating a platypus has no teeth. Scientists found this strange creature at the Great Barrier Reefs Lizard Island and named it, aptly, the Christmas tree worm. Some of the most successful ones even used similar leg colourings as there are so many species. Tardigrades Per month, Darius can eat through 360 carrots, 30 apples, and 15 cabbages. (Feb. 2, 2014) http://www.birdlife.org/datazone/speciesfactsheet.php?id=2222, Coleman, Loren and Clark, Jerome. The hairy frog gets its name from vascularized, hair-like appendages that sometimes grow on males. Twitter. That's evidenced by one of my several pet dogs, a basset hound-pit bull mix named Madge, who has a huge fearsome looking head and powerful jaws, attached to a long body with stubby legs. The flip side of that coin is that the blowfish inflates itself, like Qwilfish, causing spikes to protrude from its body. So in a sense, a majority of the creatures lurking below the surface may as well be aliens. The star-nosed mole's 22-fingered nose is one of the most touch-sensitive organs in the animal kingdom, studded with thousands of microscopic sensory receptors called Eimers organs. To find food, the aye-aye taps on trees to locate buried insects and then gnaws a hole in the wood so it can reach in with its long, skinny fingers to grab the tasty treat. Instead, its a solitary flower wasp that parasitizes mole crickets. Real-Life Animal: Bombardier beetles (Subfamily: Brachininae). However, its believed that giant isopods grow so large in order to withstand the pressure at the bottom of the sea. by Delilah McCarthy Pretztail 4.1K 84 24 It's the end of the world. One of Earth's loneliest volcanoes holds an extraordinary secret. The ethnographic museum of the past is making its way to the exit.. Doggos, cat babies, and all creatures that just have a good spirit are welcome. 6. Set in the Genesis flood narrative, Dave is a Nestrian, a brightly coloured aardvark-like creature whose only skills seems to be making comfortable nests and secreting a foul-smelling cloud of blue gas whenever he gets emotional. It has fewer vertebrae than any other vertebrate! I still have one attached to the rearview mirror in the car and usually it just jiggles about provocatively but if you take a certain corner on the way home, at a certain time of the afternoon, its shadow runs sideways along the dashboard, which I find hilarious. They like to live in herd in treeless steppe regions. The platypus is a forager that scoops up insects, larvae, shellfish, worms and gravel with its bill from the mud on the bottom of streams. Film Summary A mysterious map prompts a group of Nestrians to find a lost village before Goonrila does. Zazu vs. a real hornbill. The Giant Squid, Architeuthis dux, is absolutely the stuff of nightmares. In that spirit, here are 10 animal species so strange and wonderful that they seem make-believe. "Oarfish (Regalecus glesne Ascanius)." 2: Harpy Eagle. In Fantastic Beasts, a billywig is a blue stinging insect from Australia. Today's world if full of scandals by people misusing funds, abuse of power, and taking advantage of the . The okapi mimics a giraffe's rolling gait by stepping with the front and hind legs on the same side of the body, instead of using the legs from the opposite sides, as other grazing animals tend to do. He weighs over 2600 pounds and stands at over 210 centimeters tall. When threatened, the beetle can produce a noxious spray that can reach temperatures of 212 degrees Fahrenheit (100 degrees Celsius) and can fly at predators at up to 22 miles an hour (10 meters per second). In the Harry Potter world, the horklump is an animal that resembles a mushroom, and few mushroom-shaped animals have proved as mysterious, and controversial, as Dendrogramma. Offer subject to change without notice. (Feb. 2, 2014) http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/mammals/platypus/, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. 8 Things You Didn't Know About the Creepy-Cute Aye-Aye. It goes by quite a few other names, including the scaly-foot gastropod, scaly-foot snail, and even the sea pangolin. Today, its multilayered shell structure is inspiring stronger materials, from airplane hulls to military equipment. The "pard" was a swift big cat and probably the one we now call the "cheetah." The "leopard" was the bigger and more aggressive one that was similar to the pard but also similar to the lion and said to be the . These are used for breathing and catching prey, but they can be withdrawn if the Christmas tree worm feels threatened. Looks like something a child with a big imagination might draw. That creature has so many superpowers, I cant even get my head wrapped around it. You love weird marine creatures. Sea sapphires often cluster by the surface of the water, making the ocean appear studded with a galaxy of diamonds. These 15 specimens of Dendrogramma reflect two different species. One of the few known octopods known to use bioluminescence (or glowing with its own light), the Stauroteuthis syrtensis octopus lives about one mile deep in the Gulf of Maine. Adults, however, feed mainly on nectar. At only two weeks old, these animals learn to balance on their hind legs. Power is often misused and abused. There aren't many creatures left on the planet that we can't see in photos. Just looking at pics makes me wonder if these birds try to out-pouch each other, I mean how big can that pouch get? CDVV86, For sheer bizarre looks, Id have to also nominate the geoduck (pronounced more like gooey-duck than gee-oh-duck). There were three animals with similar names reputed to live in Africa in the Middle Ages: the pard, leopard, and camel-leopard. If it gets sick, or even stressed, it just reverts into its younger self so it can get strong and mature again, bouncing between youth and adulthood forever. tralfamadore, Hydropotes inermis more people need to know about these saber-toothed deer. Museumofhoaxes.com. July 2, 2010. With a tail like a squirrel, eyes like an owl, and a face reminiscent of a raccoon, the aye-aye has quite the motley appearance. If you can imagine a creature that's a cross between a donkey and a zebra that walks like a giraffe, then you've got a pretty good mental picture of the okapi (Okapia johnstoni). Please copy/paste the following text to properly cite this HowStuffWorks.com article: N. A. Naseer/www.nilgirimarten.com/naseerart@gmail.com. Noah Is Gone. 10 The Mexican Walking Fish -The Adorable Mexican Walking Fish is seriously threatened with extinction because of habitat destruction and water. We depend on ad revenue to craft and curate stories about the worlds hidden wonders. One of which is seeing colors that we humans cannot even imagine that are in existence! kmarley38, How about some love for the rock hyrax? This gives the fish the unofficial title of worlds ugliest animal. Before joining Pop Mech, Courtney was the technology reporter at her hometown newspaper, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Its one of the most beautiful animals Ive ever seen, plus its invisible like half the time. "Giant Squid." Artists sometimes take a lot of creative liberties when creating animal characters, but others have similar behaviors as the real animals they're based on. Russ Hopcroft / University of Alaska Fairbanks, Cocaine Bear Isnt the Only Animal Getting High, Team Uncovers Major New Truths About the Legendary Giant Squid, This Jurassic Deep Sea Creature Looks Like a (Terrifying) Starfish with Razor Teeth. Nightmare Fuel: Why Giant Prehistoric Insects Ruled Earth Before the Dinosaurs. According to Newt Scamander, the billywigs sting is something to be desired, inducing momentary levitation and feelings of giddiness. The saiga antelope looks like just another antelope if you start at the body. Imagine a tiny black-and-white kangaroo that lives in trees, and you've got the basic description of the dingiso (Dendrolagus mbaiso). Its name means earth-wolf in Afrikaans and Dutch. Brawler9, I find all species all fascinating, but to me the one that blows my mind has got to be the axolotl. Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History. Finny, who is a fictional species of animal called a Nestrian, is among the animals who go to the Ark, along with Leah, who is a fictional species of vaguely dog-like predator called a Grymp. The body itself is only about 15 inches. Raw: Giant Squid Makes Rare Appearance in Bay. Nestrians have three black "toes" on each foot, four black "fingers" on each hand, and a long trunk which is curled and can be used to release a foul blue gas that can either be released on demand or by instinct when they get scared. (Feb. 2, 2014) http://acms.sl.nsw.gov.au/album/ItemViewer.aspx?itemid=823415&suppress=N&imgindex=6, Okapi Conservation Project. The grumpy-looking, gelatinous blobfish has won a public vote to become the official mascot of the Ugly Animal Preservation Society. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Consider supporting our work by becoming a member for as little as $5 a month. The frilled shark, Chlamydoselachus anguineus, is one of the gnarliest looking creatures in the sea. Theres no other snail in the world armored like the Crysomallon squamiferum, which lives over hydrothermal vents deep in the Indian Ocean. There are different kinds, but they all absolutely look like a creature I would have made up as a child. The Japanese spider crab can reach 12 feet long if you count the leg span. It is about 21 inches (53 centimeters) in length and has heart-shaped spots and prominent black-and-white ear tufts that give it a suitably eerie appearance. Real-Life Animal: Stick insects (Order: Phasmida), Range: Global, mainly in the tropics and subtropics, Size: Up to 24.6 inches (62.4 centimeters) long. / Wikimedia Commons. Real-Life Animal: Star-nosed mole ( Condylura cristata) Range: Canada and the United States of America Size: 7.6 inches (19.3 centimeters) long IUCN Red List Status: Least Concern Fantastic. This bizarre-looking fish is also known as the Galapagos batfish and can be found at the bottom of the ocean. This has resulted in many people getting a nasty sting. This particular specimen, Platybrachium antarcticum, flies through the deep Antarctic waters hunting the shelled pteropods (another type of snail) on which it feeds, according to the Marine Census of Life. 5 Pages. Rafiki vs . Extra Credit: Why Do Animal Pupils Have Different Shapes? Of course verifying the existence of these animals can be solved with a simple visit or researching the local newspaper archives. "How many species are we losing?" Hailing from Australia, the platypus is about 2 feet (61 centimeters) in length and weighs just 3.5 pounds (1.5 kilograms) [source: ADW]. Although the red-lipped batfish appears to have legs, its limb-like appendages are actually fins, which the creature uses to stand on and to check out its surroundings. A female Diamma bicolor, a species of wingless flower wasp, Real-Life Animal: Blue ant (Diamma bicolor), Size: Up to one inch (2.5 centimeters) long. Dave is constantly moving around searching for a place to stay, a real home, much to the despair of Finny, his son . Earth is more alien than we often give it credit for. Brittanica.com. It was worshipped as the manifestation of the Aztec god, Xolotl, it typically spends its whole life in a forever young, larval tadpole form, it can regenerate its limbs and organs (heart, lungs, eyes, brain, etc.) Its named for its red lips, which make it appear to be wearing lipstick. The result? (Feb. 3, 2014) http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/Okapia_johnstoni/, Animal Diversity Web. The nose and head quickly change that perception with a hooked snout, making it look more like a camel mixed with an elephant. John Hunter, they worried that it might be a hoax foisted upon them by a mischievous taxidermist [source: Museum of Hoaxes]. In the ancient world and right up through the Middle Ages, people told tales of monstrous giant reptiles called dragons, which sometimes sported bat wings and barbed tails, and wreaked carnage by breathing fire [source: Encyclopaedia Britannica]. (Feb. 3, 2014) http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/australiaandthepacific/australia/7868250/Tasmanian-Devils-rebranded-after-Warner-Bros-cartoon-ruins-reputation.html, Museum of Hoaxes. Completed nestrians funny relatable +5 more # 2 But as it turn. Never miss a Moment Just to make things clear, this is not a real animal. Nov. 2, 2013. I'm ashamed to admit I *just* realized a hornbill is a type of bird and not just a mean nickname Nala came up with. This content is imported from youTube. Despite the wide range of habitats, it is listed on the IUCN Red List as critically endangered, due to local people harvesting them for meat, accidental killing, and becoming bycatch in fishermen's nets. If it looks like an ancient beast, thats because it is: the prehistoric creatures roots go back 80 million years. The 42-foot-long (12.8-meter-long) serpent is the biggest known snake, living or extinct, and weighed some 2,500 pounds (1,134 kilograms). It's found near the Galapagos Islands and off the coast of Peru. Because the immense creature lives deep underwater, humans never saw a living one until 2006, when a research team in the Pacific Ocean south of Japan managed to hook a 24-foot (7.3 meter)-long specimen and pull it to the ocean surface [source: Smithsonian]. Finny is an aquatic aardvark-like creature known as a Nestrian and Dave's son. April 27, 2002. The Telegraph. if they get damaged, and its a model organism for studying treatment and cures for degenerative diseases like cancer, heart disease and injuries such as third degree burns. Monsieur_Mictlan, Who can help but love the ocean sunfish (Mola mola and its relatives)?! In the Harry Potter novels, the blast-ended skrewt is the product of a breeding experiment gone wronga crablike creature that smells of rotten fish and can explosively blast its enemies. Curators are realizing that returning looted artifacts isnt closing museumsits opening new doors. All rights reserved. Yashar Books. On average, a great white shark will live between 40 to 70 years. It was only discovered a little over a decade ago, back in 2007, but the curious sea cucumber has a survival tactic that points to its longtime evolution: bioluminescence to ward off predators. 84 24 it & # x27 ; s son Africa in the Middle:! Quickly change that perception with a galaxy of diamonds softshelled turtle, also known as child! Our latest and greatest stories in your Facebook feed completed Nestrians funny +5... Following text to properly cite this HowStuffWorks.com article: N. A. Naseer/www.nilgirimarten.com/naseerart @ gmail.com on,! Creature with a simple visit or researching the local newspaper archives geoduck ( pronounced more like typical! Pouch get snail in the Indian ocean technology reporter at her hometown newspaper the... Snail, and you 've got the basic description of the most beautiful animals Ive ever seen plus... 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