Flowers: creamy-white, laceca. Zones: 3-8, V. plicatum var. tomentosum Mariesii (doublefile viburnum) VIBURNUM, OPENING DAY 3-5 GALLON . This Asian native will take a lot of shade, and you could try making tea from the leaves. Flowers: white snowbal. Xanthocarpum, a white-flowering lacecap type, is one of my top-10 viburnums. Where is this species invasive in the US. We put together this helpful guide of, what to do when you receive your plants in the mail, Partial Shade to Full Sun (At Least 3 Hours Of Direct Sunlight). Some varieties of viburnum are ideal for tall privacy hedges or screening. Comments: excellent compact form; lime-green foliage turns yellow in fal. Bloom time: May. Zones 3-8, sun/part sun, 2' tall x 2' wide at maturity. Sandankwa ovate-shaped green leaves are rough and leathery. Height and width: 15-20 x 10-15 ft. Viburnum flowers range from creamy white to pink. As a result of this inverted schedule of discovery, the sterile form was mistakenly given a species name (Viburnum plicatum) and the subsequently discovered fertile form (f. tomentosum) was named as if it were a variety of the species. The beautiful snow-white globular flowers contrast nicely with dark green leathery oval leaves. The City Garden in our Kemper Demonstration Gardens contains several shrubs of the species, while the April-blooming cultivar Compactum, at just 2 to 4 feet tall and wide, can be found in the Fragrance Garden, the Rhododendron Garden and the Woodland Garden. Viburnums vary in their height, spread, and style of flower but are similar in preferring sun to part shade and in being disease and pest resistant. intoxicatingly fragrant spring flowers. can i grow viburnum as a winter plant? The buds, often shaped like small nuts, are usually attractive as well. The green shrubs leaves grow up to 6 (15 cm) long and wide. American cranberry bush, however, does not like dry locations. A viburnum that gives you three different looks from spring to fall. These shrubs can grow around 1 to 2 feet per year with proper care and maintenance. Zones: 3-8, V. alnifolium* (also known as V. lantanoides) (hobblebush) Fruit: yellow to glossy red to purple. Sandankwa viburnum is an evergreen perennial shrub in warm climates such as Florida. Growing this shrub from seed is a long and lengthy process and can take as much as 18 months for the seeds to germinate. Fruit: red-scarlet, often persists into winter. Large viburnum multi-stemmed shrubs can grow as small flowering trees in your garden landscape. Fruit: red to purple-black. Enjoy lacy white flowers in spring. ", Use Geometry to Create a Beautiful Garden Plan, Shade Gardening: How to Plant Under Mature Trees and More, The Best Native Viburnums for the Northern Plains, All About Growing Catmint - Plant Trial Results, Watch Out for New Garden Pests Heading This Way, Designing a Beautiful Back BorderPlanting Plan, Small Gardens Aint So Bad | Letter from the Editor. Zones: 5-8, V. carlcephalum (fragrant snowball viburnum) Sweet viburnum berries are red as they ripen and gradually turn black when fully ripe. If your dream shrub is American Mariesii can be found blooming from the last week of April through the second week of May in the Woodland Garden. To care for viburnum shrubs, make sure that the plants get enough water during dry periods. Viburnum opulus Nanum is a dwarf type of viburnum, Blackhaw viburnum can be grown as a large flowering shrub or a small tree. Flower clusters appear in two rows or files, hence the common name. In its native environment around hammocks, swamp edges, and near-river . Flowers: maroon lacecap flower with white floret. Flowers: creamy white lacecap, slightly fragran. David viburnum is a compact shrub that grows between 3 and 5 ft. (1 1.5 m) tall. It can be risky for a nursery owner to go out on a limb about naming his favorite plants. The viburnum got a new home without competing for space and light and is thriving. Laurustine is a viburnum shrub with a dense, rounded growth habit and evergreen foliage. Mapleleaf viburnum flowers grow in the shape of tubular clusters. The Koreanspice viburnum, Viburnum carlesii, offers a glorious, sweet and fresh scent in late April from its pinkish and whitish flowers. These typically can be prevented by not watering with overhead irrigation and keeping the leaves dry. Zone: Zone 6 - 9. Some viburnum species grow well in tropical regions, where their leafy foliage stays green throughout the year. Laurustine (Viburnum tinus) is a winter flowering shrub with whitish-pink flowers in flat-topped clusters. Zones: 2-7. Mapleleaf viburnum is a small shrub with white flowers and foliage that is similar to maple leaves. This shrub prefers well-drained, loamy, slightly acidic soil but has a wide range of tolerance for most soil types. Flowers: creamy-white lacecap. It is important to know that all of our plants are clearly labeled for which growing zones the plant can survive in. This viburnum shrub grows best as a flowering hedge, evergreen screen, foundation planting, or colorful shrub border. Winterthur is more compact. tomentosum Newport, V. carlesii Compactum, and V. bodnantense Dawn. crops of berries, and fiery autumn color. The scarlet-red berries contrast nicely with the lush green shiny foliage. Give them some nutrients. Combine Providing months of fragrance and color, while being What a fabulous and distinctive hedge! Spice Baby requires another Viburnum carlesii for pollination before its flowers produce fruit. $21.99 Each. Photo Credit: UF/IFAS. Hardiness Zones: 5-8. Flowers: pink buds open to white; fragrant. Please Note: The pictures below are to give a general representation of the different container sizes. Wednesday, February 1 - Thursday, August 31, Member Speaker Series: Curating our Living Collections. Zones: 4-8, V. trilobum* (American cranberry bush) It does not do well in intense heat (though will survive if it has some shade and is mulched to keep the soil cool), and it may experience frost damage if a warm winter concludes with bitter cold at the end of the season. The clusters are made up of tubular white-pink flower panicles. Depending on the climate and species, viburnum can be evergreen or deciduous plants that thrive in full sun. Semi-evergreen means that the shrub holds some or all of its leaves in a mild winter. Fruit: red to black. Get the latest how-to and design inspiration articles plus special offers sent straight to your inbox. Comments: large shrub or small tree, green-purple fall foliage, deer-resistan. The blackhaw, Viburnum prunifolium, uniquely places it flowers up above its leaves (while the flowers on many viburnums are nestled); you can see this species in the Bird Garden and Woodland Garden. The green spring and summer leaves turn reddish purple in the autumn. However, not every gardener has a space big enough Height and width: 10-12 x 5-6 ft. Control measures should target the larvae, not the adults. Flowers: pink opening to white snowballs, fragran. Fruit: red to black. One of the identifying features of many viburnum shrubs is their horizontally tiered branching growth. Guide: How to Care for Your New Plant(s). Viburnums are attractive flowering shrubs that add beauty to any garden. Accept Flowers: pink buds open white, very fragrant. Some good choices include: A close relative of the doublefile viburnum is the Japanese snowball bush (viburnum plicatumdoublefile viburnum is actually a form of V. plicaturm). While most flowers are unscented, those that are fragrant are wonderfully so. that stays at half the size. Two different forms of this shrub are commonly sold in commerce: (1) Japanese snowball bush (f. plicatum) which is the type form featuring sterile, snowball-like, orbicular inflorescences (2-3 diameter cymes) of non-fragrant, showy white flowers along the branches in spring with no subsequent fruit and (2) doublefile viburnum (f. tomentosum) which is the wild-related taxon featuring fertile, flat-topped flower clusters (2-4 diameter cymes) which bloom along tiered horizontal branches in doublefile form, each cluster containing an outer ring of large showy sterile florets surrounding a center mass of tiny non-showy fertile florets which when fertilized give way to egg-shaped fruits and viable seed. Viburnum leaves come in various shapes and sizes, depending on the species. Dwarf viburnum shrubs grow between 1 and 5 ft. (0.3 1.5 m) tall. Height/Spread: There is a wide range of sizes, from a few dwarf varieties like Viburnum opulus 'Nanum' at just under 3 feet, to large species like V. seiboldii that may reach 20 feet tall. Blackhaw viburnum is a small tree with dense foliage, masses of white flower clusters, and stunning fall foliage. There are more than 150 species of Viburnum; many are native to North America, growing in USDA Hardiness Zones 2 to 9. These viburnum shrubs grow up to 10 ft. (3 m) tall. This wild form is native to China and Japan. Get complete site access to expert advice, regional content, and more, plus the print magazine. Grow doublefile viburnum in full sun to part shade locations. Grafting has been used by plant growers for thousands of years, and many of the most popular shrubs, Winter is the perfect time to rejuvenate and manage your dormant woody plants, Margherita Fabrizio and her husband, Andy Jordan, live in a beautiful historic 1918 home in the heart of downtown Ithaca, New York. Fruit: orange to red to black. Dwarf Types of Viburnum If you are a gardener with a smaller yard, you won't be able to plant the Koreanspice viburnum ( Viburnum carlesii), the shade tolerant shrub with intoxicatingly fragrant spring flowers. 3 Gallon. Laurustine grows up to 8 ft. (2.4 m) tall. Form: Rounded upright, layered. Introduced by William Judd at the Arnold Arboretum in 1920, Judd viburnum ( V. juddii) is an extremely heavy flowering hybrid of V. bitchiuense. Generally, plant viburnums in full sun to partial shade, in soil that drains well but retains some moisture. Remove a full one-third of all stems, and also remove any water sprouts or suckers at ground level. Bloom time: Ma. The doublefile viburnum (Viburnum plicatum f. tomentosum 'Mariesii') is a medium-sized deciduous shrub (8 to 16 feet in height) that blooms with white flowers from April to May. Peel off the lower two leaves to create wounds from which the roots will grow. Viburnum plants have excellent spreading growth, and you should plant them in a location where they have enough space to grow. 10 Year Size: 12'x10' Color: Green. While it prefers dry feet, its adaptable to many soil types, and to sunny and shady sites. The Missouri Botanical Garden displays over 50 different species and cultivars in the Viburnum genus. Fruit: red to black. Height and width: 6 x 8 ft. The nannyberry, Viburnum lentago, is a tall shrub, up to 16 feet, that blooms the last week of April through the first week of May and can be found in the Kemper Bird Garden. A more dwarf, compact seedling of V. plic. Fruit: rarely produces frui. Read on for information about small My current garden is in Zone 6, Connecticut, but Ive also grown viburnums in the Zone 2 climate of Vermont. multi-season pleasure, but in a smaller size. Height and width: 7 x 5 ft. Bloom time of f. plicatum typically occurs about two weeks later than that of f. tomentosum. For more information, please go to our Shipping & Returns page at the bottom of the website. The multi-stemmed shrub has long lance-shaped glossy-green leaves. After five weeks, check the cuttings for roots; they may be evident through the drainage holes in the bottom of the tray, or you can gently tug on the cuttings to see if there are sufficient roots to keep the cuttings anchored in the soil. Comments: foliage emerges bronzy-green, matures to dark green. Cookies, This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google, Viburnum plicatum f. tomentosum 'Shasta' (Doublefile Viburnum), Viburnum trilobum 'Redwing' (American Cranberrybush), Euphorbia characias subsp. Bloom times are for Zone 6. Sweet viburnum will grow up to 20 ft. (6 m) tall and wide. Last but not least is V. sargentii Onondaga, a knock-out cultivar introduced by Dr. Egolf. Zones: 5-9, V. opulus Xanthocarpum (yellow-fruited European cranberry bush) An interesting source of diversity in the viburnums comes with the leaf shape and texture. This shrub flowers on the older mature wood, and if you pruned it before it flowers or too late in the fall, then it doesn't have time to grow the branches needed to produce blooms. It grows quickly up to 12' tall and 10' wide in part to full shade and is deer resistant. For the amount to use, follow product label instructions. For example, the Viburnum Snowball Bush has clusters of white flowers that bloom from November until March. Not sure which Viburnum to pick?Compare All Viburnum, Buy Viburnum carlesii Spice Baby (Koreanspice Viburnum). If you provide us with your name, email address and the payment of a modest $25 annual membership fee, you will become a full member, enabling you to design and save up to 25 of your garden design ideas. Get plant information, garden quotes, & exclusive offers directly to your inbox. As part of a flowered hedge, as a standalone or in shrub beds, its growing and maintenance is easy. The Viburnum opulus Nanum is a dwarf viburnum that doesnt grow taller than 2 ft. (0.6 m). Again, our #1 priority is to ship the plants to you healthy and ready to thrive in your location. Awabuki viburnum plants are ideal for hedging in front or backyards. Spring through July is the best time to take cuttings, as new growth will be present on the branch tips. Viburnums have berry-like fruits that vary in color. Because of their bushy growth, viburnum plants are ideal as hedge plants, specimen plants, or mixed border shrubs. This romantic and delicate planting includes mostly chalk Low maintenance and fairly easy to replicate, this planting Use our interactive toolsto design your dream garden. In addition, this 10-12 feet shrub is distinctly branched horizontally (giving the plant a layered look). Height and width: 8 x 5 ft.. Like all varieties of viburnum, the Chindo variety requires little maintenance to keep its shape. In fall, the shrubby plant turns warm shades of orange and red. The mapleleaf viburnum, Viburnum acerifolium, has leaves that could easily be mistaken for maple leaves, but the secret is out in the first to second week of May when bright white, lacecap flowers hang off a long stalk. Mariesii Viburnum Spacing Reaching a mature size of 10 to 12 feet Mariesii Viburnum would be an excellent choice as an accent plant or focal point in the perennial bed and make a beautiful hedge along a property border. In my garden, it usually makes it through winter looking good. Nannyberry viburnum (V. lentago) is another native that enjoys moist shade, but it can also adapt to sun and dry soil. VIBURNUM, DBL. Bloom time: June. New growth emerges with a reddish tint. Elegantly held above the foliage, they are followed by bright red berries, borne in dense upward clusters. Some dwarf viburnum shrubs bloom in winter, adding color to a barren garden landscape. Doublefile Viburnum Shrubs are a medium-sized, deciduous flowering shrub that have levels of horizontal branches that display the magnificent, large, white, lacecap flower clusters in spring. To work out how far apart to space the shrubs, divide the mature width by two. Bloom time: May. Flowers: light-pink snowball. Like most viburnum species, the maple leaf variety thrives in full sun, well-draining soil, and USDA zones 4 through 8. 'Shasta' with all th attributes of 'Shasta' but growing only the size. Comments: great for all-summer blooms; yellow-orange fall color. The cut should be made about 1 inch below the second set of leaves. tall, a formidable size for a small garden. Viburnum hedge plants create lush, dense privacy screens that produce fragrant spring flowers. Fruit: yellow to red, persistent. What more could you ask of a shrub? Zones: 2-7, V. trilobum Compactum (compact American cranberry bush) Zones: Zones 2-11, depending on variety. The flowers form in flat clusters, 2 to 4 inches wide, giving way to small, red, egg-shaped fruits that bear viable seeds. Limbs that had fallen on the ground had taken root and formed a colony. Plants are very resilient and will rebound quickly when cared for correctly. Simply let us know if your plant has died within one year of receiving it and well get you a new one shipped out. Continue to grow them for a month or so in their pots, then transplant them into the landscape. Height and width: 10-12 x 7-8 ft. Its dark-green foliage turns purplish-red in fall, and its fruit turns from pink to bluish-black, with a waxy, gray bloom. Burkwood viburnum (V. burkwoodii), semi-evergreen in a mild winter, is extremely fragrant and has many cultivars. Bloom time: April-May. Grows with a rounded, dense, spreading habit up to 4-6 ft. tall (120-180 cm) and 9-12 ft. wide (270-360 cm) Winner of the Gold Medal Award of The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society. Pinkish-white flowers appear on the shrub when its in bloom in late winter and early spring. Talk about a luminescent white in the landscape. Comments: good in dry shade; fall color ranges from creamy pink to deep purple. Grow this species in full sun or partial shade in well-draining soil that is kept moist. When youre pruning, its important to use. Soil is clay. One plant can grow to 10-12 ft tall and 15 ft. wide. Viburnum flowers are made up of clusters of smaller flowers called panicles in varying white or pink shades. Introduced by Maries from Japan in 1879 for Messrs. Veitch. Comments: purple-red fall foliage; lovely native tree, mildew-resistant. Dip the tip of the cutting and the exposed leaf nodes in powdered, Fill a seedling tray with a good well-drained potting mix containing roughly 60 percent sand or perlite and 40 percent. Viburnum plants can also produce intoxicatingly fragrant flowers, which attract humans, birds, and butterflies. Comments: very dark-green foliage turns wine-red in fall; excellent for borders. Bloom time: Jun. It weathered a recent drought here without looking the least bit straggly. This compact evergreen shrub is cold hardy in USDA zones 8 through 11. How fast do doublefile virburnum shrubs grow? The dainty viburnum flowers start as colorful pink buds in winter and start blooming in spring. Zones: 5-8, V. dilatatum Oneida Leaves turn burgundy red to purplish red in fall. truly small with Viburnum opulus Bullatum, which doesnt get above 2 Zones: 5-8, V. plicatum var. Height and width: 15 x 8 ft. We use cookies on this website, you can read about them here. This large viburnum species is a shrub with a rounded growth habit. Viburnum plicatum is a dense, upright, multi-stemmed, deciduous shrub that typically matures to 8-15' tall with a slightly larger spread. viburnum (Viburnum carlesii), the shade tolerant shrub with They are usually spherical or ovoid and may be red, yellow, blue, or black. Bloom time: May. Another issue for your viburnum not blooming could be because of the time of year it was trimmed. Apart from the beautiful white flower blooms in May and June, the ornamental dark green foliage and red-burgundy fall colors extend the plants seasonal interest. Its maroon foliage emerges at the same time as fertile flowers that are a little darker maroon and set off by sterile florets in white with a tint of burgundy. Flowers: creamy-white, fragrant lacecap. Comments: scarlet to burgundy fall color foliage. Shop all vegetable producing plants including cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, cucumbers & more! Zones: 3-8, V. plicatum var. Deciduous. The white flowers contrast with ovate, glossy green leaves. I would be hard pressed to pick just a handful of exceptional viburnums, so this hefty chart lists a few dozen. One plant can grow around 1 to 2 feet per year with proper care and maintenance clusters. Pictures below are to give a general representation of the website least is V. sargentii Onondaga, a Size! Roots will grow color ranges from creamy white to pink ground level attract humans birds! Flowers that bloom from November until March is their horizontally tiered branching growth resilient and will rebound quickly when for... For viburnum shrubs grow up to 6 ( 15 cm ) long lengthy. 1 to 2 feet per year with proper care and maintenance viburnums, so this chart! 50 different species and cultivars in the autumn a mild winter, is one of my viburnums! 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