A) Google makes certain that female candidates interact with current female employees. A dangling modifier is a phrase or clause that is not clearly and logically related to the word or words it modifies (i.e. It includes the presumption of causation. (1 point) prepositional phrase gerund phrase participial phrase appositive phrase 6. The sentence becomes muddled and harder to comprehend as a result. A) A limited partnership is a modified form of a general partnership. Adding the subject "the architect" to your sentence helps the reader understand exactly who you're talking about. 11th Grade English: Tutoring Solution Course Practice, Introduction to Literary Theory: Major Critics and Movements Quiz, Overview of Literary Periods and Movements: A Historical Crash Course Quiz, How to Analyze a Literary Passage: A Step-by-Step Guide Quiz, How to Answer Multiple Choice Questions About Literature: Test-Taking Strategies Quiz, Antagonist in Literature: Definition & Examples, Antagonist in Literature: Definition & Examples Quiz, Dangling Modifier: Definition & Examples Quiz, Vernacular: Definition, Meaning, Examples Quiz, What are Antonyms? b) Some are directed toward select people in society. At the garage, mechanics changed the oil, fixed the brakes and checked the transmission. C) Lots of people are going to lose their jobs as a, Which of the following statements about the English language is most likely not true? They are NOT in the labor force C. They have NOT looked for work during the past four we, Which of the following statements is true regarding surface acting? A) "No warranties" B) "Seller makes no warranties on this product whatsoever" C) "As is" D) None of the above. Adjectives are a great way to give compliments to someone. External Acts done by the BODY through the command of the will. 1. B. Changing employee attitudes is necessary if you are to manage dissonance. a. Explanation: A dangling modifier or a misplaced Adding a subject (Anna) allows the reader to know who has read the book. A) M2 measures assets primarily used as a medium of exchange. most cases, the dangling modifier appears at the beginningof the sentence, although it can also come at the end. Kim will take . Since a modifier has to provide more information about something, by definition, the thing it is modifying has to exist. The sentence above makes it seem as if the sisters were accepted into Harvard at the age of eight. The modifier describes, clarifies, or gives more detailed information about the concept. C. The cost of doing business in a country or region is always independent o, Which of the following statements best describes the 12 Federal Reserve Banks? A. Frankly speaking, the novel is terrible. Which of the following statements about the Expected Loss is the most correct? 0000000656 00000 n B) Supply-chain management includes all the activities that produce goods and services and delivers them to the customer. A) Business angels invest in more startups on a yearly basis than venture capitalists. A) a battle for supremacy between American movies and foreign movies B) a proxy war between two nations that are allied with China and the U.S. C) a ho, Which of the following sentences would be best to use in a system proposal report? A dangling modifier, or dangler, consists of descriptive words or phrases that either have nothing to describe or describe the wrong term. In which sentence are the italicized words a dangling modifier? A) Granting agencies are very visible and well-known, so it's normally not hard to find one. Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. Which revision corrects the misplaced modifier in this sentence? Skilled at graphic design, the contract was won by InfoWorks. (A dangling modifier is a phrase that doesn't modify the noun that's near it.) To raise a good dog, patience is useful is the example of a dangling modifier. Dangling Modifiers Modifying words or groups of words that opena sentence should be followed as closely as possible by the word that they describe. We look forward to completing your order when we receive your credit card information. Since prepositional phrases should be closer to the subject they modify, moving "by fixing the transmission" to the front of the sentence also helps you avoid fixing a misplaced modifier. You're probably familiar with adjectives as modifiers of nouns and adverbs as modifiers of verbs,. Looking toward the south, a funnel cloud stirred up the dust. The baby crawled. You'll also find past participial phrases without their subjects. C. They saw a fence made of barbed wire behind the house. is placed next to). (1 point) What is an example of a modifier in a sentence? B) Almost 75% of expatriate families adjust and find the interna, Select the correct option to complete the sentence. (a) With Six Sigma, a teacher and mentor is known as a Green Belt. Createyouraccount. The sentence above makes it seem as if the sisters were accepted into Harvard at the age of eight. The most common kind of a dangling modifier is an introduction statement that refers to the wrong object. human activity, act, deed. C) Supply-c, Which of the following statements regarding substitutes is accurate? A dangling modifier occurs when the intended subject of the modifier is missing from the sentence, and instead another subject appears in its place. 0000002526 00000 n a) Pro forma financial statements are projections for future periods based on forecasts. A) New managers are usually not expected to create change. C) Gol. A. Well show you its functions and formats, and also provide example sentences. In order to provide emphasis, clarification, or detail, a modifier modifies, clarifies, qualifies, or limits a specific word in a statement. A. B) Significantly challenging goals that are pursued blindly may increase unet, Which of the following statements is correct? A. A. prepositional B. participial C. gerund D. infinitive 2. However, sentences aren't always simple. She arrived home and fell onto the sofa covered in sweat. For example, in the following sentence the word hamburger is replaced by the word vegetarian: Example: I go to Saturn Cafe for a veggie burger. But if the noun it modifies is missing, you've got a dangling modifier. Quiz is loading You must sign in or sign up to start the quiz. HTMO@[?Qul'+!$ )JE { 27. The door didn't take one last look at the room, but who did? Dangling modifiers are usually introductory word groups (such as verbal phrases) that suggest but do not name an actor. For example, in the following sentence, the word burger is modified by the word vegetarian: Example: Im going to the Saturn Caf for a vegetarian burger. C. The mural was not listening to Cuban music. Many important companies in the United States and abroad are requiring the suppliers of their food to use genetic modification in order to decrease prices, Which of the following statements is true regarding change in an organization? Adding "my dad" (or another subject) to the sentence makes it clear who is actually performing the action in the sentence. According to research, U.S. women earn approximately __ as much as men. Take, for example: Jumping merrily along the road, my hat flew off. The part before the comma is a modifier phrase. An adverb, a word that modifies a verb, adjective, or another word or phrase. A) Equity investors expect to get their money back, along with a substantial capital gain, through the sale of their stock. A modifier describes or qualifies another part of a sentence. For example, in the sentence . Instantly enhance your writing in real-time while you type.With LanguageTool. It's easy to lose track of the word they're modifying in these cases, particularly when the sentence begins with a participial phrase. The modifiers of human acts include ignorance, passions, fear, violence, and habit. They can modify nouns, or they can function as adverb phrases to modify a verb. Logically, it's "people" who are stuck standing in line, but with the way this sentence is structured, grammatically that phrase must refer to "the elevator," making the sentence nonsensical. Directions: In the blank beside each sentence, indicate whether that sentence contains a dangling modifier (DM) or a misplaced modifier (MM). c. If some, - Select the correct option to complete the sentence. View the full answer. Determine what the opening phrase changes. It seems pretty obvious and intuitive when written in a simple sentence. Unless your story is about an amusement park that is self-aware, you need a subject to be "heartbroken." Lakshmi typed in the search words. A subject object is a word or phrase that tells us more about the subject. Just one word can be a dangling modifier if it is unclear which part of the sentence it modifies. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. Examples: a. LYRjPPi>T%vP. 23 is Most of the modifiers in the following sentences are dangling because they do not really modify anything in the sentence. b) Don't hire an older worker; they can't learn new skills. Which of the following is NOT one of the faces of change: A) transformation B) transition C) turnaround D) tools and techniques, Which of the following search statements would be most likely to retrieve relevant articles on the topic of the health risks of genetically modified foods for children with food allergies? One can mistake which word is being modified. When that other word is missing, the modifier becomes a dangling modifier, making the sentence unclear. Values of a, Which of the following statements about pro forma financial statements is incorrect? B) Organizations must recognize that they ca, Which sentence is punctuated correctly? In both business and ethics, there are strategies and decision-making procedures that can be relied upon to always produce correct decisions. Which of the following statements is true of an explanatory hypothesis? C) M1 includes assets primarily used as a means of saving. CorrectWhile sleeping soundly, Mary was awakened by the alarm clock. a) There is no need to offer child care to him; men aren't interested in child care. A. D. It excludes the presumption of causation. It makes no statement with respect to causation. xref copyright 2003-2023 Study.com. (d) A grocery store expands its hours of operation. LanguageTool will detect and correct any errors to ensure flawless writing! C. It modifies (describes) a noun. (A dangling modifier is a phrase that doesn't modify the noun that's near it.)A. Which of the following sentences contains a dangling modifier? b. Jill obtains information from external sources and shares it with the team. Complete refers to an action, but does not name the performer of that action. Try as might I, I could not bring him round. Filled with cream, covered in chocolate frosting, and dusted with sprinkles, you will enjoy this cupcake. 9. Flying beneath the cloud, the pilot could see. 3. The dangling modifier is "After walking to school". B) If a personal resi, Which of the following statements is untrue regarding recent companies attempts to address female diversity? Answer: Human acts are actions done intentionally, free, and deliberate of a person. c. Carlos presents two p, Which of the following statements is correct regarding business format franchises? Which of the following inversion sentence is acceptable? All rights reserved. 0000007198 00000 n However, "the big dog" is a complete phrase. B) Managing change is a lengthy but straightforward task. of a sentence. 0000003012 00000 n Sam and Dean were shocked to find they both enjoyed playing soccer. d. My audience should understand. A) "addition of additional" B) "plans include", Which of the following statements best describes the current view on genetically modified foods? Commonly Confused Words: good / well Good is an adjective. Misplaced and dangling modifiers quiz with answers pdf rockola 1448 jukebox for sale used corvettes for sale on facebook marketplace. \\a. Questions: 10 | Attempts: 2569 | Last updated: Mar 22, 2022 Sample Question This sentence contains a dangling modifier. Which group gave land to the daimyo for protection? The phrase "tired of my lateness" modifies the teacher, who is missing from the original sentence. \\ A) Supply-chain management includes hiring the qualified HR Director. A modifier is considered dangling when the sentence isnt clear about what is being modified. The assumption that when one event precedes another, the first caused th. -those acts, which though originating from the will are completed through other internal or external powers of man controlled by the will. Then rewrite the sentence to correct it. Both terms refer to modifiers that are connected to the wrong thing in a sentence. e.Limit sentence content. We spotted a curious scene filming the . All rights reserved. 2a: limit or narrow the meaning, especially in grammatical construction. 0000003089 00000 n Check each sentence for an introductory phrase that comes before the subject in the main clause. If the sentence is correct, label it C. DM 1. A dangling modifier is a word, phrase, or clause that modifies an element that is missing from a sentence. Even though they smelled delicious, the children didn't eat the cookies. While taking a shower, Jerry pounded on my door. a) If a process is in statistical control, there are no causes of variation b) If a process is in statistical control, assignable causes of variation should be sought c) If a process is out of statistical control, Which of the following statements about reengineering is not true? 1 : to call forth or draw out (something, such as information or a response) her remarks elicited cheers. 2. If it doesn't . While Steve was walking down the street, the clouds burst into rain. Playing with the children, it was obvious they had a great time. Who exactly is "wonderfully talented" here? A modifier is a word, phrase, or clause that provides additional information about another element in a sentence. On completing the quiz, sharpening your pencil is acceptable. a. union membership has been decreasing steadily since the 1930s b.union membership decreased from 1930-1960, but has, Which of the following statements is an appropriate purpose statement? A) Business format franchises are less popular than product and trademark franchises. She arrived home covered in sweat and fell onto the sofa. . 2. (a) Economic profits induce firms to enter an industry; losses encourage firms to leave (b) Economic profits induce firms to leave an industry; profits encourage firms to leave (c) Economic profits and losses, Which of the following statements is CORRECT? Each of these can influence peoples actions negatively. A. like B. want C.appreciate D. intend The subject is English. For every country that experiences an, Which of the following statements is correct about laws? An act that is performed only by a human being and thus is proper to man. B) Growth in sales revenue is a poor indicator of an entrepreneurial firm's potential to survive today and be successful tomorrow. High pay alone is not likely to create a satisfying workplace. Which of the following statements is true regarding a bureaucracy? B. B. Which of the following attributes has been identified as some of the worst behaviors exhibited by coworkers? In business, but not in ethics, there are strategies and decision-making. My gut feeling tells me that the following examples are dangling . B. What is the difference between human act and act of man? B) Etsy hosts courses for aspiring female coders. B) Drivers in our state are confused by the outdated driving law. For example, "Big" makes no sense without specifying what is large, which leaves "large" as a dangling modifier. C) If employees are resistent to change, the only option le, Which of the following statements best describes the fallacy of composition? We have made plans to create a reduction in our operatingWhich of the following sentences does not contain any buried verbs? English, science, history, and more. Man cannot attain perfect happiness in his life, because God can never be known. Check the answers by using the key below. For example, "The big" doesn't make sense without telling what is big, which leaves "big" as a dangling modifier. B. The assumption that when one event precedes another, the first caused the second. A. I scheduled my exam for Sunday; my plan is spend four or five hours studying on Saturday. A) It involves foregoing emotional expressions in response to display rules. They are privat. A) The chef said "I dislike cooking scallops". When faced with poor performance, one punishes the person more if we make an external attribution. I cant believe I heard you complain about your surprise party! C. English is th, Which one of the following is TRUE? B. Hanging modifier After a walk to school.. Can you spot the danglers? D. all of the aboveE. a. Adjective clauses and adverbial phrases are examples of modifier phrases that are used to describe adjectives and adverbs. What is the greatest good as explained by Aristotle? A dangling modifier is a word or phrase that modifies a word in the sentence that isn't explicitly expressed. When a sentence opens with such a modifier, readers expect the following clause to name the actor. In other words, a dangling modifier is the phrase and word it is supposed to modify are not related in a rational way. C. It's correlated, but not causal. Today's businesses are expanding their hierarchies to meet the demands of their workers and their competition. For example, Big makes no sense without specifying what is large, which leaves large as a dangling modifier. Which of the following phrases is sufficient to disclaim an implied sales warranty? Dangling modifiers arent the only thing that can throw your readers off; spelling and grammar mistakes can, too. First, look to see if your sentence has an introductory phrase that comes before the subject of the main clause. . C) Busines, Which one of the following statements concerning processes is not correct? Playing with the children, it was obvious they had a great time. 5. Resting on the sea bottom, the old trunk held many coins. When that other word is missing, the modifier becomes a dangling modifier, making the sentence unclear. Some of the things you'll need to know include the definitions of modifier and context. D. Arriving ten minutes late, the store was closed for the night. Incorrect Tests of the Shroud of Turin have produced some curious findings. , Hanging modifier. Which of the following statements best describes the fallacy of division? Add semicolons as needed. C) Regretfully, we must turn, Write in each blank the letter of the choice that best describes the sentence structure problem with each item. You can also check out the 18 most common grammar mistakes that may be affecting your writing. Unlike a misplaced modifier, the subject isn't in the wrong place it's just gone. However, they need to come right before the words they modify to avoid becoming dangling modifiers. C. Magma comes out of a volcano vent, becomes lava, and then cools and becomes part of the land around the vent. 232 0 obj <> endobj You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser, 13. a. Even though they smelled delicious, the children didn't eat the cookies. The two common types of modifier errors are called misplaced modifiers and dangling modifiers. (1 point) prepositional phrase gerund phrase participial phrase appositive phrase 7. Prepositional phrases provide more information about a noun in the sentence. This includes various physiological processes, such as the beating of the heart, breathing etc. Here is the same sentence without a dangling modifier. A. sentence fragment B. comma splice C. misplaced modifier D. fused sentence E. lac. b. A dangling modifier is a word or phrase that modifies something not clearly stated in the sentence. Adding "the children" into the sentence clarifies what you're trying to say. The phrase can't possibly be modifying the movie, since the movie can't read. B. Pigovian taxes from polluting firms are used to fund pollution permits. Adjectives and adjective phrases can become dangling modifiers when they don't have anything to modify. A dangling modifier occurs when the intended subject of the modifier is missing from the sentence, and another object appears instead. Some sports fans argue endlessly, 5. Good should never be used as an adverb (modifying a verb). This site is using cookies under cookie policy . A dangling modifier requires more extensive editing. At globalanswers, Josie writes content. (A)To read properly, a good light should be put nearby. C. Among the guests was standing Mary. What are hanging modifiers in a sentence? All rights reserved. Explanation: A dangling modifier or a misplaced More : Answer: The sentence that contains a dangling modifier is To raise a good dog, persistence is important. A. Copyright 2023 - globalanswers - All Rights Reserved. A) If the Fed wants to decrease money supply, it sells government securities. While I was riding my bike, a raccoon crossed the street. When it comes to her interests, she enjoys dancing, traveling, and listening to music. (B)Though well potted, I cannot get my roses to bloom. B. Consider the following example: At eight years old, both my sisters were accepted to Harvard. A) Only about 30% of multinational corporations provide any cross-cultural training to expatriates. Create your account to access this entire worksheet, A Premium account gives you access to all lesson, practice exams, quizzes & worksheets, 11th Grade Literary Terms, Theory, and Analysis: Tutoring Solution. After talking with our veterinarian, I felt better about the prognosis. grace is right! In the following sentences, which one contains an unacceptable dangling modifier? City of Denton Streets Department 215 McKinney St. Denton, TX 76201 (940) 349-7146 October 8, 2019 Dear resident or property owner: We are contacting you to inform you that the City of Denton will begin street reconstruction and water utilities repairs in your area on October 16. , e XXWW Motivation Leam M = Working pentin Together Cuidance. d.Use extensive repetition. To fix the dangler, you might revise the sentence as follows: You must make sacrifices to climb the corporate ladder. Hanging modifier a phrase or sentence that has no clear and logical relationship to the word or words it modifies (i.e. As a member, you'll also get unlimited access to over 84,000 lessons in math, The difference between a misplaced modifier and a dangling modifier is that you can fix a misplaced modifier by simply relocating the modifier. Which of the following sentences contains an incorrect use of an abbreviation, a number, or an acronym? Which of the following occurs in the long run? Keep reading for dangling modifier examples, explanations for why they happen, and how to fix them in your writing. c) Some govern the behavior of institutions rather than individuals. Directions: In the blank beside each sentence, indicate whether that sentence contains a dangling modifier (DM) or a misplaced modifier (MM). a. Tom focuses more on members' needs than the team's goals. A company may exclude a short-term obligation from current liabilities if the firm intends to refinance the obligation on a long-term basis. 1. human action something that people do or cause to happen. , Always place modifiers as close as possible to the words they modify. How happy are the children! C. The production manager was, Which of the following sentences does not use slang or a cliche? 0000003785 00000 n Is it clear for you and the readers? Collecting groceries, the store got busier and busier. Because of that, its vital to know how to use them correctly. 2023 LoveToKnow Media. IGNORANCE in its SUBJECT person in whom ignorance exists Vincible ignorance conquerable ignorance supplanted by knowledge; culpable ignorance Invincible ignorance ordinary and proper diligence cannot dispel; inculpable ignorance IGNORANCE in its RESULT referred to acts that are performed in ignorance. However, big dog is a complete phrase. A) The surge in immigration, especially over the last two decades, has flooded the United States with low-wage foreign labor. placed side by side). B) NAFTA excluded transition provisions and favored a rapid phaseout of trade, Which of the following statements about attribution is correct? A. Pat likes to jog, hiking, and playing football. Which revision corrects the misplaced modifier in this sentence? C. The assumption, Which of the following statements is most correct? Cross out semicolons used incorrectly, using the delete ( ) symbol. A. Which of the following sentences contains a dangling modifier? d) All of the answers ar, Which of the following statements is true of different types of unions? B. If there were one, it would be found right after the comma. 0000001275 00000 n -T, Which of the following statements is not an example of stereotyping? A dangling modifier, or "dangler," consists of descriptive words or phrases that either have nothing to describe or describe the wrong term. Privacy Policy. The car's engine didn't fix its own transmission. Assume that c = 0.6. This sentence contains a dangling modifier. To make perfect lasagna, an authentic Italian recipe is a good place to start. A. 0000001038 00000 n Starting sentences with prepositional phrases is also an effective way to vary your sentence style. Riding in a swiftly moving vehicle, the landscape becomes blurred. The actual subject of the sentence is missing. B. C. When she talks to her parents, she is reminded that she is lucky that they are happy and healthy. A modifier is a word, phrase, or sentence that modifies, that is, gives information about another word in the same sentence. D) The diner said, "Lets eat t, Identify the run-on sentence from the choices below. participial gerund appositive****, A This sentence is parallel. The two principal types of modifiers are adjectives (and adjectival phrases and adjectival clauses), which modify nouns; and adverbs (and adverbial phrases and adverbial clauses), which modify other parts of speech, particularly verbs, adjectives and other adverbs, as well as whole phrases or clauses. A. B) It involves changing one's likes and dislikes to be in sync with display rules. Which of the following statements is true about culture? The baby crawled across the floor, knocking over the blocks. Yes! When you add a proper subject such as "my new boyfriend," it's clear who was hoping to garner favor. Two notes about dangling modifiers: Unlike a misplaced modifier, a dangling modifier cannot be corrected by simply moving it to a different place in a sentence. The phrase filled with cream, covered in chocolate frosting, and dusted with sprinkles incorrectly describes you. Definition of a dangling modifier: "A dangling modifier fails to refer logically to any word in the sentence. Learn about dangling modifiers in writing. Modifiers are words, phrases, or clauses that add description to sentences. A. style and tone B. organization C. punctuation and spelling D. content and clarity, Which of the following statements is incorrect regarding franchising? "America loves its patriots" Here are the different types of fallacies of ambiguity we have seen: Equivocation, Amphiboly, Accent, Hypostatization, Division, Composition, Which of the following verbs is usually followed by a gerund phrase rather than an infinitive phrase? When a human being does such acts, they are called acts of man but not human acts. Reordering the sentence clarifies who is unbeaten (the Wildcats). Falling off the cliff, Jake was surprised to see a large boulder. C. Not knowing the danger, the soldiers marched into the trap. When watching a theater performance, audience members should silence their cell phones. Doing exercise daily is good for health. 1. and a. The dangling modifier is a word or a phrase that modifies a word not clearly stated in a sentence. Adding "my sister" as a subject is a good way to correct this dangling modifier. O b. 1. B. Which sentence contains a misplaced or dangling modifier? Crawling across the floor, the baby knocked over the blocks. 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