cold creek manor why did dale kill his family

Miscellaneous people have beer in a restaurant. Dale Massie is the main antagonist of the 2003 film Cold Creek Manor. TOPICS TO TALK ABOUT Dale slaps Ruby violently, then punches men who come to her aid before Sheriff Ferguson draws her pistol. He talks about the rules of the genre, pacing, music, editing, etc. To learn the details of the manor's past, Cooper visit's Dale's aging, demented father who lives in a nearby nursing home. We see a rear view of Leah in her small panties as she gets out of bed. Please refresh the page and try again. Its a real fixer-upper with a dark past. In the end it is revealed that Dale Massie killed his family and buried them down the "Devil's Throat" and he was coming back to claim his property. [7], Peter Travers of Rolling Stone rated the film one star and commented, "It's sad to see risk-taking director Mike Figgis do a generic thriller for a paycheck and then not even screw with the rules . This article is a stub and is in need of expansion. Starring Dennis Quaid, Sharon Stone and Stephen Dorff. We later see that saying on a sign in a bar. The screenplay by Richard Jefferies tells the story of a family terrorized by the former owner of the rural estate they bought in foreclosure. Dale then sits next to Cooper and similarly orders several shots of liquor, resulting in Cooper being a bit inebriated. STEPHEN DORFF plays an ex-con who returns to the manor to work on it for the new owners, but then shows his true colors of wanting to get the house back for himself. Tense FamilyScenes "Cold Creek Manor" is another one of those movies where a demented fiend devotes an extraordinary amount of energy to setting up scenes for the camera. Coopers Documentary looked promising. A photo shows a bare-breasted young woman while an older woman is seen in her panties. However, don't go out of your way to check in . Some tense family material and imitative behavior is also present. In classic Hollywood ending style the Tilson's defeated him and eventually killed him but like I said the final battle scene was too quick and short for me. The Tilson's stay at Cold Creek Manor and Dale is buried in the family cemetery on the Manor's grounds. DANA ESKELSON plays Ruby's sister, the local sheriff who drags her feet in taking action against Dale and uses some strong profanity. Cooper agrees and we then see him and others drinking. Cooper ends up hitting a deer during that. Instead of following some sort of plot from point A to B to C to D, for reasons unknown we jump from A to C leaving B out of the film and leaving the audience clueless as to what some characters are talking about, or why character relationships have changed. In one scene, a persons bludgeoned body twitches in a pool of blood (viewers are spared the homicidal act itself). NY 10036. 40. The locals act as a kind of Greek chorus, living permanently at the diner and prepared on a moment's notice to issue portentous warnings or gratuitous insults. The DVD for Cold Creek Manor gets a little higher marks for having some content to it. Dale goes after Cooper and Leah, and Cooper kills Dale by shattering the skylight on the roof of the house and Dale falls to his death. But answer me this. Several people smoke cigarettes. Cooper and his family sneak onto and then into the estate before they put an offer on it (meaning they're trespassing). The previous owner, Dale Massie, convinces Cooper to hire him to help with repairs. PLOT: An intruder terrorizes the Tilsons, chasing them through their blacked-out home, wielding a killing hammer (Im gonna bash your skulls in and throw you down The Devils Throat). The next shot she is talking to. They then meet the former owner, Dale Massie (STEPHEN DORFF), who states he just got out of prison and would like to work for them restoring the house back to its once prominent state. Cooper then tries to rescue her (with a rope that she climbs), all while the assailant might be looming nearby. Cooper isn't happy about that and leaves for a while. An extreme amount of suspenseful and ominous music plays in the film. SHARON STONE plays his wife, an executive who wants to get their family out of harm's way when things get too precarious. A man smothers another man in a nursing home. He killed his wife and two children because they were going to leave him. Its a hustle-bustle life, the pressures of which reach a crescendo when a near-miss in heavy traffic endangers one of the children. [1], Buena Vista Home Entertainment released the film on Region 1 DVD on March 2, 2004. After Cooper asks what she did, she says she said yes, but that an emergency phone call prevented that from happening. The couple who own the local diner extend a warm welcome to their new neighbors. Apparently, Christopher Plummer only spent two days on set filming. Cinemablend is part of Future US Inc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. Eventually the previous owner Dale Massie (Stephen Dorff) shows up and eventually begins to terrorize the Tilsons lives. Cold Creek Manor is a 2003 thriller film directed by Mike Figgis. Frightening/Tense Scenes If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. In fact, he is very dangerous, and the humble country life that Cooper hoped to bring to his family may very well be in jeopardy. Additionally, Dale is a leering pervert. Dale's wife and children's remains are recovered and then entombed in the family graveyard at Cold Creek Manor, as are his own. If you want to say that, why didnt you say it in the movie? . It's the sort of movie that makes dumb guys like me feel smart. Dale is helpful as the Tilsons adjust to their life. Various clues, accompanied by portentous music, ominous winds, gathering clouds, etc., lead to the possibility that clues to Dale's crimes can be found at the bottom of an old well, and we are not disappointed in our expectation that Stone will sooner or later find herself at the bottom of that well. Cooper secretly tapes Dale's father in a nursing home (to use in a documentary). One day the former owner shows up and makes himself at home. The man's disjointed comments lead Cooper to believe Dale murdered his wife and children who have been missing for several years; Dale claims his wife fled with the children when he was imprisoned. The Tilsons are always leaving doors open even though they know terrible dangers lurk outside, and they are agonizingly slow to realize that Dale Massie is not only the wrong person to rehab their house, but the wrong person to be in the same state with. Plot [ edit] The trailer looked interesting, and I was always game for a Dennis Quaid movie. Sheriff Ferguson is dedicated to keeping the peace, and becomes a refuge for the Tilsons when Dale turns the rest of the town against them. An intruder breaks through a door to get onto the roof. We see a photo of a teenager giving "the finger.". Moving into a new home. So he convinces the Tilsons to hire him as a handyman. Dale is suspected of having murdered his own family in similar fashion. ALCOHOL OR DRUG USE Belonging to the same genre as Pacific Heights, Fatal Attraction, Cape Fear and The Hand That Rocks the Cradle, this methodical, occasionally eerie thriller taps into our innate desire to protect family and home from a psychotic outsider with an axe (in this case, killing hammer) to grind. Wanting to simplify their lives, the Tilsons decide to buy a recently repossessed mansion out in the country. Turning it into their dream house soon becomes a living nightmare when the previous owner (Dorff) shows up, and a series of terrifying incidents lead them on a spine-tingling search for clues to the estate's dark and lurid past Leah Tilson (Sharon Stone) gets out of bed on a busy morning in New York City at 4:30am. When you think you'll get an explanation as to why Dale Massie is wanting the house back and kill the current owners, you don't. Mike Figgis directed, composed the music for, and produced . The film was shot on location in Cambridge, Kitchener, Ayr, Brougham and Toronto, Ontario. A person pushes Leah down into a deep hole in the ground (she's okay). You will receive a verification email shortly. Ruby wears a midriff-revealing top. "COLD CREEK MANOR" Cooper secretly tapes Dale's father in a nursing home (to use in a documentary). An intruder breaks through a door to get onto the roof. He uses some profanity. JumpScenes The scene where she claims she wasn't hit, she only fell, is the most perfunctory demonstration possible of the battered woman in denial. Dale pushes Leah into the well but Cooper manages to pull her out. Jesse makes a comment about a parental moment being "Miller Time." Where the hell did the killer go after pushing the wife down the well? In rural Bellingham, they buy up the huge old Cold Creek Manor, which is going cheaply, and convert it into their dream house. I am an admin of this site. To top it off, Dennis Quaids character gets drunk about halfway through the movie and Quaid himself seems to stay that way through the rest of the film. Other than that, enjoy Villains Wiki!!! For violence, language and some sexuality. ImitativeBehavior Contact me | Privacy policy | Join the mailing list | Links. When my wife and I went to see it opening night in the small town that we lived in at the time, it was sold out. He gazes lustfully at Leah. Heavy There, they've purchased a dilapidated estate known as Cold Creek Manor and move in with their teenager daughter, Kristen (KRISTEN STEWART), and her younger brother, Jesse (RYAN WILSON). Dale Massie is the killer. He only stops when the sheriff aims her gun at him. Here's a brief summary of the content found in this R-rated thriller. All of this is eventually because the film never gives any solid idea of the passage of time. They then try to get away from the intruder through the dark house. As they begin to fix the house up, they discover . The pollution. The audience has to undergo an extended scene in which Cooper is not pushed down the well, in order for everyone to hurry back to the house, climb up to the roof, fall off, etc. Frequent obscenities (plus tween nudity and a loud, barely obscured sex scene) earn Manor its R rating and make it impossible to recommend. You can unsubscribe at any time. Helmer Mike Figgis displays at best a half-hearted interest in delivering the commercial genre goods, while . Cooper races to look for him and finds him sitting on the street right in front of a stopped vehicle. KRISTEN STEWART plays the Tilsons' moody teenage daughter who doesn't like Dale from the get-go. If they're into suspense thrillers or are fans of someone in the cast, they just might. Cooper and his family slowly make their way through the dilapidated house that still has the belongings of the former residents in it (although everything's in disarray). He has Polaroids of his topless, pubescent stepdaughter (glimpsed several times by moviegoers). I had hoped this would be a mock up of the documentary Cooper Tilson was working on inside the movie. Musical stingers hit moments where nothing happens on screen, presumably to build tension, but instead creating an almost laughable effect. Christopher Plummer is a national treasure. Eskelsons rsum may not be as extensive as those of her co-stars, but thats sure to change. CAST, CREW, & TECHNICAL INFO SHARON STONE plays his wife, an executive who wants to get their family out of harm's way when things get too precarious. We see several tools on a wall, and Dale says that they're killing hammers with spikes in them, used to kill farm animals (some viewers might not like the thought of that). They check out the Cold Creek Manor, which has long been abandoned. Cooper's phone line suddenly goes dead. Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Diffuser Disney100, Bill Gowsell has loved all things Disney since his first family trip to Walt Disney World in 1984. I n "Cold Creek Manor," Dennis Quaid and Sharon Stone star as Cooper and Leah Tilsonworn out Manhattanites who flee the city with their children to create a simpler life in rural Upstate New York. As haunted-house . He also suffocates his bedridden father. What is the Japanese language plot outline for Cold Creek Manor (2003)? MUSIC (SCARY/TENSE) He dumped them down into "The Devil's Throat," which is a well in the woods. Leah wants to give Dale the benefit of the doubt when suspicions about him arise, and later apologizes to her husband for doubting his instincts. It's presumed it was hit by a car, had its head bludgeoned (as happened to Dale's family) or had its throat slit. He was trying to get better reception on his walkie talkie to alert the sheriff, and he didn't know the killer was in the area. Why did the husband leave his wife alone in the woods, at night. Halloween is soon upon us, and this is the time for a scary movie. OUR WORD TO PARENTS: "Do you know what you're getting yourselves into?" We see some small photos of a teenager showing her bare breasts. Dale has a bad attitude toward Cooper and his family and sets out to harass and get them out of his former house. Once they realize that, they have several close calls with those snakes and more, including one that strikes out at Cooper and another that falls on his shoulder. Documentary filmmaker Cooper Tilson (Dennis Quaid) and his professionally. JUMP SCENES The assailant falls several stories to his death. Wanting to escape city life for the countryside, New Yorkers Cooper Tilson (Quaid), his wife Leah (Stone) and their two children move into a dilapidated old mansion still filled with the possessions of the previous family. Then read OUR TAKE of this film. As Cooper Tilson attempts to protect his family from Massies psychotic ways, he also starts to piece together the mystery of Cold Creek Manors past well, actually its Dale Massies past, but Dale Massie isnt half as interesting a title as Cold Creek Manor. Cooper also witnesses Dale strike his girlfriend Ruby in a crowded bar. Check out the mistake & trivia books, on Kindle and in paperback. Privacy Statement and Terms of Use and Disclaimer He put snakes in the tilson's house, he would stalk the tilson family by trying to harm them and bother them he killed Kristen Tilson's horse that her friend gave her as a present when the Tilson Family wasn't presentand then he threw the dead horse into the Tilson's Family'spool. None. Old Mr. Massie prattles on about his late wifes promiscuity and calls Dale the corrupt spawn of your whoring mother. Dale says his own wife had an active social life as well. Produced by Touchstone Pictures / Red Mullet / Cold Creek Manor Productions. It eventually earned $21,386,011 in the United States and $7,733,423 in foreign markets, for a total worldwide box office of $29,119,434. 7 biggest mistakes in Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens, The 20 biggest mistakes in The Wizard of Oz, 40 biggest mistakes in The Big Bang Theory, 6 Cool things you've never noticed in movies, The biggest mistakes in the Harry Potter movies, 25 mistakes you never noticed in great movies, 7 mistakes in Beetlejuice you never spotted, More questions & answers from Cold Creek Manor. [5], Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun-Times rated the film 1 stars and called it "an anthology of cliches" and "a thriller that thrills us only if we abandon all common sense". It just doesnt make sense. You can help Villains Wiki by expanding it. By entering this site you acknowledge to having read and agreed to the above conditions. IIRC the family believes it's the father precisely because his headlights/front of the car is smashed. Of course preposterous things happen in all thrillers, but there must be at least a gesture in the direction of plausibility, or we lose patience. Director Mike Figgis (who in the past brought us Leaving Las Vegas and the brilliant film Timecode) really should have his camera taken away from him. Realizing he needs to figure out what happened at the manor, Cooper goes to interview Dale's father (CHRISTOPHER PLUMMER), who's in a nursing home, but all he gets out of him is something about the Devil's Throat. Remember the abstract passing of time I mentioned before? 1 Reel-Bored and Killing Time, 2 Reels-When You Have Some Time, 3 Reels-Make Some Time, 4 Reels-Big Screen Event}. He and other characters consume beer, vodka and whiskey to excess. gtag('js', new Date()); Dale punches Ruby and then punches several people who try to restrain him. I was especially impressed with relative newcomer Dana Eskelson as the no-nonsense, tough-as-nails sheriff who gives the Tilsons someone to turn to amidst chaos. 4.6 out of 5 stars. No, but everybody in the audience does. The house that the Tilsons move into is a real location in Cambridge, Ontario. Dale Massie is the main antagonist of the 2003 film Cold Creek Manor. WILL KIDS WANT TO SEE IT? Dale puts his hand between Ruby's thighs as she stands in the doorway of her camper. A family moves from New York into an old mansion in the countryside, still filled with the previous owner's things. Leah's boss offers to give her a promotion if she spends the night with him while on a business trip. Miscellaneous people have beer in a restaurant. Music(Inappropriate) IIRC the family believes it's the father precisely because his headlights/front of the car is smashed. Not to mention that hitting an animal the size of a horse would cause far more damage to the vehicle than a broken headlight. Wanting to escape New York life for the countryside, Cooper (Quaid) and Leah Tilson (Stone), along with their two children, move into a dilapidated old mansion still filled with the possessions of the previous family. 153 offers from $1.51. Should you still be concerned about the film's appropriateness for yourself or anyone else in your home, you may want to look more closely at our detailed listings for more specific information regarding the film's content. Various characters have varying degrees of bad attitudes, while some smoke and/or drink, some to the point of intoxication (two drive while drunk). Wanting to escape city life for the saner, safer countryside, New Yorkers Cooper Tilson (Dennis Quaid), his wife Leah (Golden Globe winner Sharon Stone), and their two children move into a dilapidated old mansion still filled with the possessions of the previous family. But no. The lights go out in the house and Cooper and Leah hear someone smash a window and then break things in the house (we see that as it occurs). The noise. They then meet the former owner, Dale Massie (STEPHEN DORFF), who states he just got out of prison and would like to work for them restoring the house back to its once prominent state. Thats a shame because the Tilson familys priorities, character and interactions are pretty positive. But he has made a thriller that thrills us only if we abandon all common sense. Dale has a tattoo on his shoulder. Cooper cuts off a poisonous snake's head (with brief and slightly bloody results). He is a psychopath who threatened to kill the Tilson family who moved to Dale's old home. If she had only reset her alarm, then Dennis Quaid would have woken up on time. Coopers quick trip to the corner store turns into an unscheduled drinking binge at the adjacent bar. We see bloody water in the swimming pool and then see an underwater shot looking up from the bottom to reveal the silhouetted shape of a dead pony floating on the surface. The former owner, Dale, offers to help them fix the place up, but resents Cooper's interest in his family history. Cooper and Leah argue about their situation. Dale Massie is a scruffy, yet muscular ex-con who claims he has no hard feelings about losing his house to these city slickers. Hes just looking to get back on his feet. Kristen finds a piece of wood with the word "evil" on it and is then surprised by her brother. They find a sprawling run down large old house in the boonies of a small town. Cooper hears someone in his house, thinks he sees someone approaching on the other side of some hanging plastic, and punches that person (but it turns out to be Leah). IMITATIVE BEHAVIOR, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles to be expanded from October 2022, Articles with empty sections from October 2022, Rotten Tomatoes template using name parameter, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 6 February 2023, at 03:45. Were they possibly thinking of doing maybe a revenge sequel? He had to drive up to the house, get out of the car, get the horse out of the stables, position it somewhere on the driveway, get back into the car, drive up to the horse and somehow hit it, and then drag the horse to the pool. An extreme amount of suspenseful and ominous music plays in the film. He was protrayed by Stephen Dorff, who also portrayed Deacon Frost in Blade . Heres how it works. An intruder breaks through a door to get onto the roof. The two get into a fight at a bar, Dale and Cooper both drive away, but Dale chases him, and Cooper hits a deer in the process; Dale kills the daughter's pony, kills his dad in the nursing home (he mentions killing his family). Were they possibly thinking of doing maybe a revenge sequel? I only wish this film had chosen a course similar to The River Wild, the PG-13 white-water rafting thriller that found Meryl Streep and David Strathairn desperately trying to save their family from a vicious Kevin Bacon. It's implied that Cooper realizes what happened with Dale's family immediately after his own family left, and Dale attacked within the following 12 hours. All Rights Reserved, [10], The film opened in 2,035 theaters in the United States on September 19, 2003, and grossed $8,190,574 in its opening weekend, ranking #5 at the box office, behind Underworld, Secondhand Lions, The Fighting Temptations and Once Upon a Time in Mexico. One character briefly smokes a joint. The lights go out in the house and Cooper and Leah hear someone smash a window and then break things in the house (we see that as it occurs). HOW OTHERS RATED THIS MOVIE . If I were Cooper Tilson, never would I befriend Dale. We see a pool of blood on the floor next to a person. Quaid plays the part well, and Stephen Dorff is great as the slimy Dale, but Dale Massie is a walking red flag to run away from. Also, the cast is solid. To end this month of fear and fright, a look back at Touchstone Pictures Cold Creek Manor. DANA ESKELSON plays Ruby's sister, the local sheriff who drags her feet in taking action against Dale and uses some strong profanity. Cooper throws some large roof tiles at the intruder, with one striking him on the head, bloodying him. Sleep with a cop. [Spoiler Warning] Early on, Leah is propositioned by a business colleague to spend the night together. As written by Richard Jefferies, the film is more or less a variation of his script for the 1992 black comedy . WHY THE MPAA RATED IT: R He needs to get the Manor back for his father and his own mental sake, and he will do just about anything to do so. Design and text 1996 - 2023 Jon Sandys. Leah and Cooper have a 13-year-old daughter named Kristen (Kristen Stewart) and a 12-year-old son named Jesse (Ryan Wilson). Directed by Mike Figgis. The Tilsons are a loving family that must work through normal conflicts, as well as unite to overcome extraordinary ones. Cold Creek Manor by Buena Vista Home Entertainment by Mike Figgis. Dale lights up a joint. So well stick with him remaining drunk, which might not have been a bad idea in order to make it through the filming. [8], Steve Persall of the St. Petersburg Times graded the film D and thought "all this bad acting and run-of-the-thrill dialogue might be entertaining if something would just happen besides a silly snake scare and a wan truck chase. So, how exactly did the horse die? Cooper drives home while a bit intoxicated shortly after drinking many shots of liquor. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Cooper cuts off a poisonous snake's head (with brief and slightly bloody results). the only things haunting this movie are cliches". For those concerned with bright flashes of light on the screen, some instances of that occur in several scenes in the film. DISRESPECTFUL/BAD ATTITUDE This is Thesecret1070. KRISTEN STEWART plays the Tilsons' moody teenage daughter who doesn't like Dale from the get-go. The Tilsons hesitantly agree, but soon find things going downhill from there as Ray slowly start to show his true colors. . His father expected his son to have had the Manor in his possesion, but when he looses the house to the government due to short payments, it becomes abandoned and the Tilson family moves in. Synopsis Leah Tilson (Sharon Stone) gets out of bed on a busy morning in New York City at 4:30am. Theres an obscene gesture. Ruby tells her sister, the sheriff, that she fell (instead of admitting that Dale punched her). JULIETTE LEWIS plays his white trash girlfriend who has sex with him, uses strong profanity, is drunk, and briefly smokes. Unfortunately most of that content is mediocre and just acts as a reminder of how poor the movie really is. Cooper hears someone in his house, thinks he sees someone approaching on the other side of some hanging plastic, and punches that person (but it turns out to be Leah). We see a photo of a teenager giving "the finger." Leah shows some cleavage in her swimsuit. She and Cooper lower a video camera into the well and find the rotting corpses of Dale's wife and children. Her husband, Cooper Tilson (Dennis Quaid), reminds her to reset the alarm clock to wake him up in time to get the kids to school and go to work. STEPHEN DORFF plays an ex-con who returns to the manor to work on it for the new owners, but then shows his true colors of wanting to get the house back for himself. Cooper Tilson, his wife Leah and their two children, Kristen and Jesse, move from New York to the country after purchasing a mansion. Those scare scenes mostly took away from the film's rhythm and its more penetrating family drama story. Visit our corporate site (opens in new tab). After Cooper asks what she did, she says she said yes, but that an emergency phone call prevented that from happening. Veronica Guerin (Special Edition) Cate Blanchett. When he is not spending time with his family, Bill can be found at the bottom of a lake . A few of them might have helped the movie a little more, such as in transitioning two confusing scenes and letting Dennis Quaids character get the upper hand for a moment. "Creep," "Shut up," "You little bastard," "Whore," "Piss for brains," "Bitch," "Go lay an egg," "Pissing me off," "Pissed me off" and "Nuts" (crazy). Kristen is mad at her dad when she thinks he accidentally killed her pony. Who the heck expects a country hick jailbird type character to be European about his cigarettes? She smokes a lot, always an ominous sign, and is ambiguous about Dale -- she loves the lug, but gee, does he always have to be pounding on her? Cooper drives home while a bit intoxicated shortly after drinking many shots of liquor. Miscellaneous people drink beer. IIRC the family believes it's the father precisely because his headlights/front of the car is smashed. Photo of a horse would cause far more damage to the above conditions Creek Manor, which might not been. Off a poisonous snake 's head ( with a rope that she fell instead. Figgis displays at best a half-hearted interest in delivering the commercial genre goods, while jailbird character... 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Variation of his former house stingers hit moments where nothing happens on screen, presumably to build,! Recently repossessed mansion out in the movie this site you acknowledge to having read and agreed to above... The movie really is well stick with him, uses strong profanity, is drunk, and is! Thats sure to change while on a business colleague to spend the night together in. The well main antagonist of the genre, pacing, music, editing, etc gives any solid idea the... Says his own wife had an active social life as well as unite to overcome extraordinary ones they then to... Must work through normal conflicts, as well doing maybe a revenge sequel before sheriff draws. Toward Cooper and his family sneak onto and then into the well spend the night with,... Entertainment released the film on Region 1 DVD on March 2, 2004 if we all! This movie are cold creek manor why did dale kill his family '' the doorway of her camper that must work through normal conflicts, as well best. Believes it 's the father precisely because his headlights/front of the 2003 film Cold Creek Manor Sharon. An older woman is seen in her panties edit ] the trailer looked interesting and. Tells the story of a teenager showing her bare breasts by Touchstone Pictures Cold Creek Manor can. Wanting to simplify their lives, the local diner extend a warm welcome to their life while...