doctor wants to discuss mri results in person

At my last MRI I had to go in person.If it were that serious they would not have told you they were normal. You are a new patient & your medical history is almost nonexistent, so face to face makes sense to me. You should ask how long the results for the MRI will take to return. We avoid using tertiary references. No such luck. Some even say they can be found in humans. We cant build our way out of the ventilator shortage. 2017;64(1):53-59. doi:10.1093/cid/ciw666. Recently I read an article in the New York Times by Elisabeth Rosenthal. You are using an out of date browser. What would you consider urgent, and non urgent? You must log in or register to reply here. A corresponding procedure code must accompany a Z code if a procedure is performed. I made an appointment at the moffitt cancer center. When do we expect 2024 Europe Itineraries to come out? Do healthcare providers call you if test results show bad news? My husband even took 1/2 day off to come with me - because we didn't know if I'd need him there. She wanted me to come in the next day, but I am going in tomorrow. (It's not doing anything, so there it stays.) I had a STAT MRI of my brain in early November and with that, they give you the results immediately. Ask your healthcare provider about how test results will be delivered. The physician might review it him/herself, but not necessarily. Time until emergence of HIV test reactivity following infection with HIV-1: Implications for interpreting test results and retesting after exposure. Do doctors call asap of test results are bad? Instead she, in my opinion, callously and cynically took the low road in positing that physicians are money grubbing, greedy bastards who hoard the medical records of their patients in order to keep them coming back. Show up to your appointment prepared to discuss your condition and the medications you're taking. Best day to book nursery on Alaskan cruise. That can give them all sorts of clues, because different types of lump behavein different ways, and theymight see a pattern in the appearanceof it after you have the contrast because of what it's made of. Youre primary care doc wouldnt have told you the results are normal if they werent. This physician is burned out. Hope it all goes well and just try and take each day as it comes. She has written several books about patient advocacy and how to best navigate the healthcare system. Doctors die. doctor wants to discuss mri results in person Home; About; Schedules; News & Events; Contact Us While it's true that emailing you results could violate HIPAA laws, practices can send electronic messages (or post results to a patient portal) if they have a secure means of doing so. I wouldnt get bunched up about it right now. Want your test results? Meeting in-person to go over results helps you both see what's happening and figure out why. My GYN called the very next day when my blood work was whacky and when I needed an abdominal sinkgramni got results right away as well. I know it's hard, the waiting is just the worst. Or you may be tested during or after your appointment and get the results later. He is probably concerned but if it was urgent, he wouldnt set an appointment that far off. The scan is painless and can take anywhere from 15 to 90 minutes depending upon what the MRI is scanning. Hi all. Why do doctors who hate being doctors still practice? But the radiologist is the one that reviews the MRI data and then forwards the results over to the doctor. Marley Hall is a writer and fact checker who is certified in clinical and translational research. I'm ready to help. What I *meant* was, I wish instead of tapdancing around the issue, the nurse would say the following, "I can't tell you the results AT ALL, you need to come in." I wouldnt be worried. Don't wait. If you're taking medications for chronic conditions, regular in-person appointments can help you stick to the treatment regimen. Ideally, when your doctor orders an MRI, they should tell you how long it will take to obtain results. Indian J Med Res. A Biopsy would do that. The mri I had was also back quickly, going by the date on the report, but I wasn't asked to come in sooner than the appt I'd got two weeks later. Part of being a medical assistant is attention to detail. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Most insurers don't want to pay for unnecessary appointments. Healthcare providers will usually send a copy of your records to a new practitioner at no charge, as a professional courtesy. A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan provides highly detailed images of your body by generating a magnetic field. I think it's quite likely that because you have some swelling they weren't able to see very well what was going on, and they might get a better idea with ultrasound. What You NEED To Know About How To Interpret Your Back MRI Results. thanks I didn't realise the whole day thing with cycle, I think is coz I have implants and there is definitely something wrong with left one maybe a silent rupture?? She asks a profound and important question that requires a nuanced, intelligent, well researched answer. I cant imagine an MD thats seeing you as a new patient simply calling you up and saying youre good. In theory this is a life-threatening condition so it is very appropriate to discuss the situation in the office with good documentation. But some benign things can look like that too, so it's not definitive, just another clue. If it's a judgment call and the doctor decides that in a particular case, the results should be given in person, that's one thing. After twenty minutes of feeling like Pooh stuck in his honey jar, and finally surviving it, I asked the technician, and he said, "yeah, it's open on the other end, but we were looking at your head, so of course you were in from your head to your hips". They are also trained to politely decline requests for test results. For another one they found issues but just kept my follow up appointment for 3 weeks later to discuss it. There is no way to ensure they are really talking to you, and legally, they cannot give your information to anyone but you. Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. . My husband even took 1/2 day off to come with me - because we didn't know if I'd need him there. If its life threatening they call you and dont make you wait a week. I am just shocked how quick the results came back I had a ct with contrast due to lymph nodesdone in August and results took 10 days to come back. The doctors said i wouldnt live past 2 weeks old but here I am 28 years later. But there are lots of ways to save money, lots of things to cheap out on, and lots of middlemen that can be removed from medicine. Verywell Health's content is for informational and educational purposes only. 2023 Dotdash Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Forums Temporarily Unavailable. Let us help you with your next Disney Vacation. Dr. David is online now Related Medical Questions There are many reasons you may need to get an MRI. Wishing you the very best with your test results and future good health. Thanks for this comment. I doubt that any results were back within 4 hours & shes set your appointment out far enough that it doesnt sound like a critical need. And yet if they take a long time then we always find ourselves complaining! Who is reading the MRI: A doctor interpret the MRI results. News of a new diagnosis should usually be given face-to-face. You may also get another imaging test, such as an ultrasound of the breast , which uses sound waves to make pictures of the inside of your breast at the area of concern. Then YOU have the disc for your records if they scan you in the future, and you can see if there is anything worrisome in the report. Does chewing gum work? Add message. I'm sure you can look on the web for information on how this technology works. PDA. Follow-up appointments for going over test results are appropriate if you're just being diagnosed, monitoring treatment effectiveness, or trying to manage chronic illness. How long your results take depend on several factors, including if you are getting the MRI due to an emergency situation. Pregnant and doctor called to discuss bloods. Even if the news is "good," it may be important for the healthcare provider to explain what the results do and don't mean. The doctor looked at the mri and now want me to get a CTA read more Ask when results will be ready and call that day or the next. Hi just wondering what the outcome was and hoping that everything is ok,in may my stomach started churning but started losing my appetite before then and lost loads of weight everytime i eat my tummy goes crazy,had blood tests all clear,and other tests all clear 2nd of july had ct scan and showed thickening of my womb so just had mri on monday and actually hoping they find something cause going crazy with it all now. I can only speak to my experience. It was just super quick to report on. Wow Im so sorry that happened but thats great they caught that and handled it immediately! They may seek out another opinion from an additional medical specialist. Period, end of story. Hi everyone, I'm in a bad state tonight and mostly need a place to vent. We were only there for a little over an hour before the pain became debilitating and I couldnt even eat, had to go home.. sucked a lot. Her work has been published in medical journals in the field of surgery, and she has received numerous awards for publication in education. 4 hours after my MRI the receptionist at the doctors office called and said that my doctor wants me to set up an appointment. Categories Z00-Z99 are provided for occasions when circumstances other than a disease, injury or external cause classifiable to categories A00-Y89 are recorded as 'diagnoses' or 'problems'.This can arise in two main ways: You will typically go to a follow-up appointment to review not only your results, but also the treatment options relevant to the MRI findings. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. They will have looked at a lot of breasts and a lot of lumps so sometimes it is obvious to them, but even then it often has to be checked with a biopsy, or taken outto be on the safe side. I believe the reason the call came so soon was because your doctor intended to see you no matter the results, but wanted to make sure the MRI was actually done before scheduling. the nurse DID tell me all my bloodwork results. Oh okay that makes sense.. take my money I guess lol I just wanna know :/. Urgent most likely would be the same day, or next day, but I feel that if she is wanting to see you within 2 weeks, she is concerned about something, but not necessarily something bad, but just the fact that she knows about your tumor history. The first few times I had to go in for the results, even though they and I knew it was nothing. No one here can tell you whether the reason your doctor wants to see you is serious or not but if he/she is not asking to see you immediately it is very possible that it is not life threatening. Thanks! I will have to restore the database from a backup. (DH thinks we can just use it for our Xmas card picture. In my experience, all MRI results are discussed in person at an appointment, so waiting to discuss in person tells you nothing one way or the other, it's just standard procedure. If the latter, I'd prefer you taking care of me than my doctor, since my dogs get reallllly good care from their vet. I would call the diagnostic center and ask for a copy of the report and disc of the results. One individual had benign lymph node enlargements, which were confirmed by a biopsy. I see my lab results before my doctor through patient portal. It may even be less than that. Family Practice. It may not display this or other websites correctly. If your doctor wants to do anything radical get a second opinion. The MRI wouldnt be able to tell if it was malignant or not. American Associated of Retired Persons: AARP. I was a basket case over this, and glad I"m going to be OK, cyst's she said are very common. I knew it showed something because they would not tell me anything over the phone. My doctor wanted me to do the same thing with my MRI - but I think it is honestly just so they can get another co-pay. So sorry to hear about your spine troubles, I truly hope youve started to get some relief! An appointment gives you an opportunity to talk about: It can also help avoid confusion over what the results mean. When the first test (or first battery of tests) have been done, you'll be called for a follow up, and don't be surprised if further tests are scheduled. I explained that the pathologist wanted to perform additional stains and cell typing on other samples that we took. veggiedog. JavaScript is disabled. There are currently 2 users browsing this thread. It would very quickly become known if normal / negative results were routinely given out and you were only told of Big Scary Things face to face. First, you have the right to see the results of every test you undergo. I asked the nurse if she could tell me if they found something or if everything was okay, but she told me she isn't allowed to discuss it over the phone yet that the doctor said the results were adequate to keep my appointment for the injections. Please read the comment policy. chyna ( 49478) "Great Answer" ( 3 ) Flag as . Yes, but then he couldnt bill the insurance company for a visit. I thought maybe they said that to everyone and then they would give me good results on the phone. well I'm seeing the surgeon on 9th March so even if the US still doesn't explain nothing I know some point after that the implants will be out soon. I got the MRI done yesterday morning at 10AM and they got the results back same day, letting me know at 3:30PM. It was ordered and reviewed by my primary care physician after PT and chiropractic visits. Ive talked to my rheum and orthopedic drs many times about it and they really dont believe my hip/lower back joints are being affected by the RA but that Im too young for AS to show up in imaging. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Obviously youve got a serious medical situation. Oh, good, that leads to my joke about the "open" MRI. Then scheduled the visit for 19 days later. Hopefully that's all it is. Second, mistakes happen. New uses and indications for MRI have contributed to the development of additional magnetic resonance technology. She began to cry, as I heard other family members who were listening around the room on speaker do the same. @chyna Since this is a new doctor, it is very reasonable that she wants to see you in person to discuss your results of your MRI in person, especially since she has nothing to compare it with from your earlier results. In effect, by relaying results over the phone, I would not only be providing a free service, I would, in fact, be coming out behind. The pain is deep stabbing and throbbing consistently day and night, and then theres shooting pain that feels like electrical shocks or growing pains which can go all the way down my legs but usually stops at my knees, and then theres achey/dull pain which makes sitting/standing/lying down sooo uncomfortable and a lot of times unbearable. It also would have been nice, since she knows me (small town, you know, PS DL SuperVet, I read your name, and decided you were either a park veteran, or a veterinarian! She did not come in for her office follow up with me, which was concerning, because while one of her lung biopsy samples was negative, there were other parts of the procedure which the pathologist took longer to report. For more information about our radiology services, or about wait times for imaging results, call us today at (561) 795-5558. Im no doctor, but if I was dealing with a tumor, Id not feel comfortable making a diagnosis based solely on an MRI. My neurologist told me he discusses ALL MRI results in person. Read our. There is usually a blanket policy of "no results over the phone" for this sort of thing precisely in order to avoid these types of situation. If those actions occurred on a regular basis, radiologists wouldn . She yelled in disbelief but I got the results, they were negative! Her disbelief turned to sorrow and shock, as it often does when one learns of this diagnosis. So I wonder if that might be something else to keep on the table, as it were. I guess I can't speak for all doctors, but for me, its a no-brainer. That might feel like a waste of your time and money. Since this is a new doctor, it is very reasonable that she wants to see you in person to discuss your results of your MRI in person, especially since she has nothing to compare it with from your earlier results. The fact that your Dr. wants to talk to you about the results is very good. Recommend that you return for another . OP here, just begging y'all not to turn this into a "doctor-bashing" thread (my beloved SIL is a g.p. So you just had an MRI of your lumbar spine (lower back) and you went to see the doctor for the results or tried to read the MRI results yourself. This is one of the reasons why patients with certain medical tests are asked to come in for results, and this is what I try to explain to them when I ask the question of why tests simply can not be sent to them. A doctor may recommend an MRI head scan if they suspect that a person has: a brain aneurysm blocked arteries a brain tumor a chronic condition that affects the head, such as multiple. Good Health so it 's not doing anything, so it 's hard, the waiting just! He discusses all MRI results in early November and with that, were. Care doc wouldnt have told you the results for the MRI data and then they not... Go in for the results those actions occurred on a regular basis, radiologists wouldn node enlargements, were! Get an MRI, they were negative it comes doctor wants to discuss mri results in person not definitive, just another clue took 1/2 day to! N'T speak for all doctors, but i got the MRI is scanning my. Ideally, when your doctor wants to discuss mri results in person wants me to set up an appointment gives you an opportunity to talk about it... But not necessarily a long time then we always find ourselves complaining he is probably concerned but if it nothing. 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