Using the principle of By their fruits you will know them the FSSP is now showing more and more bad fruit. Which I know some people here do. Dallas, TX Zachary Akers (FSSP Director of Development) on the Fraternity's new album, "Requiem". I like Rad Trad would like to say more but in Justice I can not. Lets move to Louies next post! Dayton, OH All of us have a duties as Catholics. This is the depths to which mens minds can sink when they are not moored to the pursuit of truth. Checks can be written to "Mission Tradition." New - Meal Train - Calling all those who want to grow in love of neighbor! He pretends he never believed anything other than what he spews today. Interesting insight. Stewart and the many faithful who prepared our beautiful convent! I pray that Catholics (on BOTH sides of this issue) read your response and learn that the real enemies of Our Lord love confusion and division. Barbara, North American Headquarters, South Abington Twp, PA It does not matter whether folks think that those Dimond Bros. are fanatics or anything else they may think. Questions: North American Martyrs Parish is a Roman Catholic parish in Edmonds, Washington, served by the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP). The objective truth isnt really all that difficult to see here with respect to the Councils standing in relation to the truths of the faith as they have always been taught. And we must distinguish between the two. Good people do not go along w/heresy. . Hence the old adage that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.. Catholic families (WITH CHILDREN) have broken up because the FSSP Priest told Catholics they were not licitly married because they were married by a SSPX Priest. Why should this action with the SSPX have any meaningful import? His visit was strictly Fraternity business; he is visiting all apostolates in connection with his duties as Superior General. I witnessed their fine example of Catholic kindness, involvement & charity toward those who disagreed with them. b) Moreover, I should like to remind theologians and other experts in the ecclesiastical sciences that they should feel themselves called upon to answer in the present circumstances. It long predated the actions in question of either of them. Berg celebrated a Low Mass at 6:30 a.m. that Saturday morning in the SEAS Chapel. Oklahoma City, OK Nashua, NH Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz close friend of the FSSP and has does many ordinations for them excommunicated the SSPX in his diocese. There is a glee I read here when piokolby and rich and some others come out with yet another outrageous statement about somebody. Catholics are watching and waiting. Clarkdale, AZ Seattle, WA Use those words. We assume they are coming from a position of the Faithbut theyre not. The FSSP really is apart of the novus ordo. The Fraternity is known for celebrating the Mass and sacraments in Latin in what is known as the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite, following the liturgical books that were in place in 1962, prior to the liturgical reforms of the Second Vatican Council. Are they abandoning it if they fail to adopt the same posture as the SSPX? Do you have any insight on this? FSSP International Cardinal Raymond Burke, Bp. I talk to a lot of people In and about the Fraternity. This has happened more than once in America. all the time & with mutually expressed warmth. The modernists are suborning the so-called traditionalists. I think they wanted an experienced priest to help Fr. Chesapeake, VA Pequannock, NJ . Meaning the official constitutions and public documents between Rome & the FSSP. Mr. David McWhirter, FSSP ('12), are all set to join the priesthood, with three other alumni becoming deacons as well. Wolfe: Schism is not something that comes into being by a legal declaration. German-speaking Chaplain Father Gerald Gesch. Pastor of Queen of the Holy Rosary in Vienna. These Catholics focus heavily & almost continually on Bergoglio-who is not the problem. Finding little support, the faith infused at Baptism is stifled and choked by the thorns of the world, and it becomes easy to drift away. Shame on the FSSP! Theres an old definition of fanatic as someone who can change neither his mind, nor the subject. They ignore him as youd ignore an ant at a picnic. Allentown, PA Thank you. But when we try to support one when it does emerge, we have to be clear in holding them up to high standards of governance. The SSPX, Church Militant, and many other Catholics recognize the deep crisis that has been brought about by weak leaders, corrupt leaders, homosexual leaders, feminized leaders in the Church for the past fifty-odd years. Montreal, QC 2022 Fr. Servant of our Lady this man was annouced dead by doctors ,was dead for 3 days In any case, only an idiot (willing or otherwise) would equate every request that comes forth from the lips of a pope with the will of the Father. When Pope John Paul II had the Assisi meeting Archbishop Lefebvre pleaded with the good Cardinals like Siri and Oddi to make a public protest to defend the honor of the Church. That said, we disagree on the points you bring up. The schismatic Orthodox bishops and priests are validly ordained too. Fall - Men's Recollection - The Holy Name Society will be sponsoring a Men's Morning of Recollection given by Fr. Gruner was yet, so I looked past it in ignorance. Those who think this group is the anti-christ will not be moved from that position. I dont know what it means to be disobedient to the Pope even when doing so would help to save souls. What would such an occasion look like for me as a layman? The Catholic Church has not released a public list of clergy members who have been credibly accused of sexual misconduct or assault. Louie February 22, 2023 Blog Post No Comments. Most of the time unfortunately it falls into a type of group. It was sent in by a parishoner when the FSSP got the personal parish. Many people think the Dimond bros are fanatics (God knows what they would think of St. John the Baptist, Jesus Christ or even St. Paul or St. Catherine of Sienna etc.) Edmund Campion dressed up as a jeweler to avoid arrest. This is at the 4 minute mark in the video. That we were all good people. I can see where its slightly off, but no more. Dear de Maria, Wolfe has apparently been rather willing to speak about Vatican II in strongly condemnatory terms, and he also openly criticized Pope Francis in various sermons, although typically on weekdays when they are not recorded. SOLEMNMASS Fr. Unfortunately, people who follow Bergoglio are not Catholic. The war is here where will the FSSP stand? (1 Cor:23). Springdale, AR Kansas City/Westwood, KS Catholics are watching and waiting. The recovery from this disaster will be a century long. Qubec, QC Dear grandfather of. Don't forget to buy yourself a copy here! Im the same age as the Pope but even Fr. Father Gerard Saguto, F.S.S.P. And to do it using the lame excuse that one is trying to speak the truth and warn others is to be blind to ones true motives. There are some whose position gives them the duty to point out faults. Gerard Saguto, FSSP was born and lived on Long Island, where his mother continues to live. Mine is no1. Wolfe) said earlier: Schism is not something that comes into being by a legal declaration. No I didnt. Older Entries Dear piokolbe and/or radtrad, Will the FSSP issue a public statement saying that Father Wolfe does not speak for the FSSP and his views are his own? Scranton, PA "I think today a lot of those devotions are missed," Father Stinson said. Can we just let Michael Voris get on with his shtick? There are many doctrinal errors in this mans supposed apparitions. San Diego, CA First and foremost, however, one must be willing to take a good hard look at the conciliar texts and the new Mass and apply ones intellect as informed by faith. That is a lie. Incomplete, because it does not take sufficiently into account the living character of Tradition, which, as the Second Vatican Council clearly taught, comes from the apostles and progresses in the Church with the help of the Holy Spirit. Saguto, FSSP is the District Superior for the North American District of the Fraternity of St. Peter, and gives retreats, conferences, and days of reflection across the country. I love the Saint so much. To be a contributing part of this effort requires that our Lord possesses a key place in our hearts. The authorities of the FSSP have been notified about all this just as Father Paul Nicholsons Bishop was about his demonic actions. Pequannock, NJ Voris then goes on to quote (without attribution) Fr. Minneapolis, MN At first I thought this was an angry tirade toward Mr. Voris for alleged plagerism. Even the Drumm narrative at the link admits that much just as it concedes that they really did make some bad hiring decisions. In truth, that the SSPX didnt actually run anywhere is the problem: Liturgical Guides to the Seasons (4) What you all may be missing and maybe why Voris is really hitting this now, is that FSSP doesnt have a bishop, but if perverse Fairy Whore(hey!) In an effort to hold on to whatever they could of the Faith, they ran straight into the arms of groups like the SSPX, as well as others. Copyright - Newspaper WordPress Theme by TagDiv. The worst criticism of the SSPX sure comes from the Novus Ordo Traditionalists. These three priests will raise the total number . Saguto was removed for violating rules about not being alone with a minor apparently. (Or he was last time I was around there, at any rate. If Terry Carroll was just another CMTV premium member with an axe to grind, would Michael Voris have done this same about face? Denton, NE (Seminary) Montreal, QC To accuse the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peters members of be responsible for the break-up of marriages is scurrilous and reprehensible. Is there no one out there who can challenge poikolby and rich, and others here who detract from the reputations of these men, and from the reputation of the FSSP but me? ** We have not yet seen Justice in the Fisher Moore College scandal. When making comments please consider that there is a tsunami of baptized Catholics following us who dont have the foggiest idea of what is going on in the Church, and that popular blogs no matter what their angle may be the platform they have to grasp the issues. A cardinal such as Cardinal Burke should speak the truth no matter what the modernist destroyers want. Rather, a home is ultimately an interaction between personalities that are supposed to be loving each other spouses, parents, children, siblings, grandparents. With Thanksgiving Day, many are (or were, depending on where you live) looking forward to getting together at home and spending time with family and friends. The SSPX doesnt tell everyone they meet to avoid the FSSP. Enter Terry Carroll his self-appointed Executive Producer the same guy that bought Mike and CMTV a building at a time when they were about to find themselves without a studio and precious little resources for securing a new one. Liturgical Guides to the Seasons Thats Mr. V.s job. Furthermore, I do agree that Louies blog and the comments that follow are an excellent vehicle for enlightenment during these dark times. Gerard Saguto (US District Superior) and Fr. Don't forget to buy yourself a copy here! May God love you. I love piokolby and others here enough to point out that they may be sinning themselves by their polemics and lack of prudent speech. For this reason Catholics must be wary of them. Thank you for your kind response which I believe to be as sincere as my question. Father Wolfe has been transferred. I cant believe it! Your rash judgement I hope is based on ignorance and not malice. Saguto FSSP on Saturday, October 7, 2017. His pastor for some time (until very recently) was Fr. God bless. Do they care? ** Scranton, PA Hope it may help someone to understand the complexity of it all. They accept the council and while there are priests that personally may object even tell certain parishiners this or that they have by joining one of these groups accepted romes position that the second vatican council is part of the church and tradition. You said it much better than I. I was immediately attacked when I posted a response. Nada. Sunday 22nd October. Had Fisher More College been allowed to stand or fall on its own management and merits (rather than pushed by actors within and out) we might have seen a the start of a formal, independent, institutionalized meeting ground between the SSPX and sundry other traditionally inclined priests and priestly orders. A Person stands behind the doctrine and morals. We all have blind spots about ourselves and situations we may be in, and the realization of such things can be quite the exercise in humility. Joliet, IL I will take a look at the link you posted. Father has done a 180 degree turn since his days in Kansas City, where I also was. Fr. The FSSP offers the Mass according to the form that was in use prior to the liturgical reforms of the Second Vatican Council in the 1960s. If we want to be charitable, we could possibly say that its because of the treatment of sedevacantists described above, that a small number of sedes respond to other trads in a kind of a backlash mode, if you will. Faithful Catholics do not have time to be having this debate with the Synod just around the corner. We are truly living in a period of disorientation. Colorado Springs, CO It has been mine too, coming in from the opposite direction, if you will. I really appreciate the space provided here in regards to the excellent content being discussed. The illness of a spouse or child, the moving away of a close friend, the loss of a job or health can all be real motivating factors to help us realize the genuine value of something. addressed to TWN, Dear marian, Saguto for his work as District Superior of North America since 2015. Quincy, IL Voris used Father Wolfe FSSP in his attacks. One reason for our personal blind spots and missing the obvious can be a lack of courage to face ourselves. Indeed, the extent and depth of the teaching of the Second Vatican Council call for a renewed commitment to deeper study in order to reveal clearly the Councils continuity with Tradition, especially in points of doctrine which, perhaps because they are NEW, have not yet been well understood by some sections of the Church.. Yes, I feel certain that this unfortunate behavior comes from both sides of the aisle (so to speak). If interested, you can contact her at 612-450-0273 or A couple of years ago, I heard a solid Catholic treatment of the Holy Trinity which, in a side note, mentioned that as wonderful as this film is, the part in which the saint explains the Trinity must be ignored. With Advent upon us, the evident threats posed from the secular world compel us all to make concerted efforts to keep Jesus as the reason for the season.. Not good enough for some here. We wait for the coming of the Son of God-made-Man, the focal point of all history, the only God there is, born to hang on a Cross and redeem us from our sins. We covered this recently enough, so I wont go into more detail here. Look, if Michael had a genuine change of heart such that he now feels compelled to change his previous (and well disseminated) stance of these matters, he would address them head on. I dont say any of this as a criticism of those attending and supporting SSPX chapels, or even their clergy, which also includes some fine priests. I do not claim, presume or pretend to belong to an exclusive club. It is indeed a shame that there is not a single fully traditional Catholic college in the country. Dear DeMaria and my2cents, They prefer the Traditional Mass for sure but they are not going to cause any scandal to other Catholics by being disobedient to the Pope even when doing so would help to save souls. FORT WAYNE. And for conversions we pray for, remember that among the Christian denominations there is only one Baptism it belongs to the Catholic Church so ask the Holy Ghost to stir up in them the courage to see where the blind spots are in their profession of faith. Christ asks His Apostles. Be convinced that He always leaves His runaways with a key to get back into the house. Fr. these are mostly priests that *belonged* to the SSPX. LiveMass.Net Thank you and God bless. FUNERAL HOMES. From what Louies stated himself, he welcomes all voices whether blunt, shy, up front, in your face or the opposite as well as the sedvacantist voice, as mine is. This comes about in various ways. radtrad, We here at Church Militant have one concern here: Despite stupid claims that we are doing this for money, we are concerned about the souls of our fellow Catholics. My only point was the Church today is in a dire crisis and the antics of Mr. Voris are the least of our problems. Tacoma, WA 777 Forest St., St. Paul, MN 55106 Call Father Wolfe and ask him about the SSPX! Minneapolis, MN heh-heh, point taken! Phoenix, AZ The SSPX did likewise, and yet will Voris call Burke a schismatic should this happen? The Bishop did not stop Nicholson. This takes a toll on an aging trad & many times that is apparent. (opposite to voris) I would imagine quite the opposite, im sure this approach has caused louie a great deal of problems as of late. In allowing myself and others to comment even though louie most probably disagrees with certain things (speaking for myself) shows that louie has great charity and isnt controlled by anyone. Id also like to see the currently all pervasive Heresy itself honestly made a point of discussion, without sentimentality or appealing to emotions which we all have wrapped up in this topic. I remember that you detested this video and Michael Matts opinion here because I recall that you commented on it when it first came out. In any case, the plagiarized text (as alleged in the link above) is taken from a sermon given by Fr. You are remeniscent of the UBS Executive in the Classic Satire, Network, having turned Michael Voris into Howard Beale and all the Innanity which followed. Priest Training Workshops That said, no Catholic at any time ought ever to turn their back on another Catholic. Wolfes gem about things not coming into being by a legal declaration. Houston, TX While it had varied levels of success, it was an interesting approach, because this reality of the Catholic Church as a home often escapes Catholics when they consider what the Church actually is. The Church is Christ, in her visible human element and invisible divine element, living through the ages in such a way as to be a place of dogmatic and moral security as a house built on rock, and where one understands how to love and live from the Person who is Life itself. That man left MUCH to be desired..even my 18 year old son (at the time) was appalled by the mans evasiveness over extremely serious matters of the Faith. This isnt the behavior of a man who had a change of heart based on a new awareness of truth. Vancouver, BC In charity, I pray that every Catholic should be as blessed. Clearly many of them have the Faith and are holy. Their jurisdiction is supplied by cannon law because they beleive there is a state of emergency in the church because people are in danger of losing the catholic faith. Maybe thats whats got him in a tizzy. The Holy See, FSSP Apostolates Another is the fallen-nature blindness that affects us all and inclines us to take for granted things that we are used to: be it a spouse, family, friends, health, employment, position, or other things. your above comments are quite smug and patronizing. I do not understand the connection and would like to understand. The benefit and usefulness of suffering is evident in such instances, at least in hindsight. The manner in which certain of the staff at, the FM College Administration and local FSSP clergy conducted themselves during the disgracing of the school suggests to me that the whole affair informed, hardened or turned the sympathies now on display at So the horror continues and the FSSP..same story. Terry, for his part, quickly took on what my friend called his own jihad against the SSPX shortly thereafter. Simon Harkins, FSSP as we begin the conversation on August 31st, featuring a fascinating interview with Abby Johnson on her pro-life work and her recent discovery of the beauty of the sacred liturgy. You really need a better source, maybe someone who doesnt provide you with misinformation in order to slander a good and faithful priest. Rules or commands should be in play, and they need to be, but these are not what are supposed to define the home. Wigratzbad Seminary However, sadly, the impression is often given that this is not the case. Schedule is subject to changes. The best way is to always talk about principles not personalities. Sacrificate sacrificium justitiae, et sperate in Domino, Telephone: (570) 842-4000Fax: (570), Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter450 Venard RoadSouth Abington Township, PA 18411, SupportPrivacy PolicyMachine Readable Files, Adjutorium Program (Masses for Living and Deceased Members), Webinar Today: St. John Bosco Camp Application Launch. I absolutely have always loved this film. Gerard Saguto, FSSP We all have blind spots about ourselves and situations we may be in, and the realization of such things can be quite the exercise in humility. This is part of a much longer and laborious dissertation on obedience that has all the markings of an Epistle from Terry Carroll to Ferndale. It is a reaction to the dreadful years after the Second Vatican Council which is getting worse by the minute. If Ratzinger is leading people to hell, denying the divinity of Jesus Christ, contradicting Jesus Christ (re: valid covenant of Jews) and committing sacrilege, Ratzinger is NOT good. Subjectively, the pope will recognize their jurisdiction at that point. Anyone who reads Louies blog should, by now, have developed an awareness of the dismal state of affairs in the Church. Not even one? The same priest asked me to purchase a picture of the Archbishop (Lefebvre) for the Rectory. 2nd group those that attend TLM this can range from someone who may attend a weekday TLM or sunday TLM but who still likes to be involved with their local parish and who sees no problem with new mass. Fort Wayne, IN Things had got worse since 1970 and the SSPX Was trying to compromise its previous postion on the council with rome order to be accepted by rome. The Society operates from the standpoint of speaking Catholic truth in the face of every attack regardless of the source. Refusal of submission to the Roman Pontiff by the Society can be seen in their refusal to reconcile and place themselves under the authority of the Vicar of Christ, rejecting his dogmatically defined full power of shepherding, ruling and governing the universal Church, a power ordinary and immediate over all the churches and over each and every member of the faithful.. I dont have close familiarity with any of the people concerned. I literally admire your use of sarcasm & I must admit, its well executed & actually appreciated. Wolfe. Take a trip over to Novus Ordo Watch to learn about the actual truth of things, not watered down, but assuming those with a genuine sense of the faith will be given the grace to handle it. If we know of loved ones who have wandered, ask the same for them, that they begin to sense the obvious need for the Church and the Sacraments, particularly Holy Communion and confession. Terra as hes still not quite 100% in his health. I do think it possible to simultaneously hold that Bishop Olsons action was in certain ways unjust to the staff and students at Fisher More while also being critical of the administrative leadership of President King. Prior to working at CNA, she was the managing web editor of; she has a BA in. Lets revisit what Voris (and Fr. Voris has done much good and I used to enjoy him but now I actively avoid him. Fort Myers, FL If he so desired, in this year of mercy, to also grant them jurisdiction, TMAHICH could do so. It is their dissent and heterodoxy and lack of courage that have caused all of this to happen. Father John Marcus Berg, F.S.S.P. In the event that a request were made in the future, the present restrictions on Father Sagutos ministry could only be lifted after our normal review process, which would have to include a recommendation from the Ministerial Review Board of the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, Archbishop Hebda added. In the meantime, Im glad to say that I now fully support you and have put my money where my mouth is. This definition of Tradition is what the FSSP publicly holds as a condition of being received into new church. The evidence is all around us. You should do your homework and talk to someone on the inside before you repeat the biased assertions of Taylor Marshall. 3:00pm Closing Talk - Fr. Tyler, TX But the combox is just getting too much. DID I MISS THE PUBLIC STATEMENT FROM THE FSSP? There can be room for disagreement but not when its Our Lord Himself speaking., Dear marian, Home Base - Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter Home Base by Fr. Catholics are STILL watching and waiting. Fraternity Publications I was reading the blogger Leo over on Catholic Truth Scotland and he said a priest once described Vatican II as human respect, dogmatized. The FSSP is wrong on the doctrine,principles and the new mass. The bottom line, in my opinion, is he is merely a distraction from the real issues facing the Catholic world and the world in general. The archbishops statement was read at All Saints Masses the weekend of Nov. 9-10. Confraternity of Saint Peter. Also, the cardinal mentioned Fr. ), Even though Im not real keen on the idea of expending a great deal of energy parsing the criticisms of a man who is so clearly motivated by an agenda that has nothing whatsoever to do with seeking and telling the truth. Im pretty much thinking the same thing. But they are for the most part Catholic. We have been baptized into Christs death, the greatest act of love ever displayed and graciously made available to all. Increasingly, Voriss obsession (which apparently is driven in some way by his backers, Mr. Carroll and Fr. This argument is fair enough; objective reality isnt subject to legal pronouncements. I know one FSSP priest ONE that has publicly said the SSPX is not in schism. If I ever respond with animosity (real or perceived) or have a defensive reaction, I take full responsibility for that & ask forgiveness for the vice it represents. John 10:11],, (3) SSPX now that it is wanting to be in full communion w/heretics is pretty silent itself. But this is a rabbit hole I dont want to take the conversation down.). It may seem ironic, but I have zero tolerance for that. (Both Voris and Marshall refer to JPII and John XXIII as saints - big red flag!). They are within the Church. Hello john6. Kansas City/Westwood, KS God love you! I assume, perhaps wrongly, that anyone who engages in any way with the Dimonds espouses their stance against Church teaching on BOD and BOB & other things I'll not mention here but you know what they are , I hope. Other than what he spews today errors in this mans supposed apparitions )! Long predated the actions in question of either of them clearly many of them your. Your rash judgement I hope is based on a new awareness of.... 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