james macdonald julie roys

Julie Roys October 8, 2020. I at least heard of it from somebody by that point. Production and performance have replaced biblical exegesis and fellowship. (God) says, the prudent see danger and take refuge. Ostensibly, one of the assets MacDonald obtained in the arbitration settlement is the list of email addresses of former Walk in the Word supporters. When Christian leaders continue to teach that abuse does not constitute biblical grounds for divorce they are wrong, Vernick wrote. And learn how MacDonald almost escaped being exposedand how six scathing letters that revealed MacDonalds true nature almost failed to reach the elder board. We STILL confuse sex and gender, which leads to conflating a lot of issues when discussing this. And this wasnt a one time thing. Otherwise just say what you really mean in your question: Im better than you because I would never support Hi. No, it wasnt edited. June 17, 2021 James MacDonald, the former megachurch pastor who's been embroiled in scandal and controversy for several years, is lashing out against independent journalist Julie Roys. Hes like the whole the whole thing was about resigning. She also previously hosted a national talk show on the Moody Radio Network, called Up for Debate, and has worked as a TV reporter for a CBS affiliate. I mean his letter, not just talking about the abusive behavior of James, but the things he did with the money going on African safaris with the church money. And I stopped my car. James MacDonald (born October 4, 1960) is a Canadian-born evangelical Christian pastor, television evangelist, and author. James MacDonald (@jamesmacdonald) June 14, 2021. The G in freemasonry stands for generation. Why would anyone who follows Jesus Christ care what Generation Church thinks about anything? But that is my hope. Harvest didnt know what it looked like to not have him as a senior pastor. And there is one thing we know about Satan. I also dont believe girls (or boys) have to like certain colors or behave and dress in certain ways to be real girls/boys. Lets try little role reversal here. Makes me sad and understand why his life went out of control. Great! We turned out to have six witnesses who wrote 28 pages with innumerable charges. Ive looked back at that email thread, Ron Duitsman who was the elder board chairman, resigned that day. You are Julie. Thanks for for standing up for what was right. Thanks that is hilarious!! When I entered my UCC church-sponsored college, I figured out why. A Christian leader, according to 1 Timothy 3:3, should not be "greedy for filthy lucre.". I certainly am no Bible scholar. Hes a large imposing man. But the one letter that isnt published came from Sandy Song. . Am I right? How come church leaders and male congregants are always beating up the women with this particular Scripture but no one ever (to my knowledge) addresses the husbands responsibility to love their wives as Christ loved the church? Hi. I agree. But like you do what that says and the people responded as you hope Christians do. And so really appreciate that and appreciate the time at which you did that. As youll hear in this podcast, there was a strong push to suppress those letters by those loyal to James McDonald. Well, youre welcome. We see this is the third article this month youve found worth reading. Wow! 2. You did you have any idea that that this was out there, and might get aired? But to tell people they have to stay in a situation of violence, trauma and harm, or return to it, this is not a core tenet of Christianity. Its a reference to sex magik and the leaders have given a hat tip to their god right in the church name. Thats about my attitude lately. I asked Sandy Song to potentially write a letter. And I listened to it. Its not being nice, polite, or inoffensive. Thank you for taking the stand that you did. And were like, boy, I hate to say this, but that just felt demonic. Because when you report on this for months, you feel the pain of the people that are involved. Judson is a top ranked Christian university providing a caring community and an excellent college experience. I know a lot of people look at this. And whats so tough in this whole thing is that there are wolves among the sheep. But like I said, Hes really working hard to rewrite history. Then the board announced its executive committee would be resigning over the next few months. . Well, maybe it had approval by the executive elders, maybe it had approval by Fred Adams, who was the CFO at the time. And James, recently, in this video that he posted, said that there was an elder, in these meetings, he says, its very, very disparagingly who, who was holding his Bible and kept reading scripture. It seems we are being punished for the acts of someone who was our spiritual leader. And this is this was this was hard, but at the end of the night, we talked through it, we shared things from the letters. This is not my judgment but that of his elders from HBC. Jacob Ross, all the credit card that James used for personal expenses. In a recent Instagram story, Visconti, pastor of Generation Church in Mesa, claimed abuse is not a biblical justification for divorce. And in an Instagram post on November 21 that received 5,621 likes Visconti wrote: A weak woman with a strong husband will become a strong woman. Thank you Jesus, Amen. Shame on you for reading scripture! *, In an email to TRR, Gregoire claimed that Viscontis view about women does not match the research. How does this relate to his view of women? Then pray for all of us. The audio recording that the elders reference was aired on popular Chicago radio personality Mancow Muller's show.Muller, once a trusted friend and confidant of MacDonald and also a member of Harvest Bible Chapel, has used his platform recently to call the pastor out on his less-than-exemplary handling of his critics. Then let me just ask you from the start, why are you doing this? Because I believe in the church. And then out of the blue, I get slapped with a lawsuit from James McDonald before I published anything. Welcome to The Roys Report, a podcast dedicated to reporting the truth and restoring the church. The way James MacDonald is said to have treated others while pastor of Harvest and the way he behaves on Twitter dont seem to be in keeping with the way the New Testament says we should behave. (Proverbs 27:12). . Ron Duitsman, Chairman of the Board, who agreed to fire James, now appears to be out there, saying that after James got fired, that the elders were were spinning what happened in a false way. What it really means to speak the truth in love, one post read. And had those letters not reach the board, its hard to say where James McDonald would be today. Yes, yes. But again, reading those letters, and it does have a different impact when you read the actual letter than someone summarizes it. Thats even though MacDonalds former megachurch, Harvest Bible Chapel, disqualified MacDonald from public ministry in 2019 for a pattern of sinful behavior.. I mean, just stuff that you just cant even fathom comes from a man who supposedly is a man of God, a preacher of the gospel. Im Julie Roys. I talked to other people who told me of demands that he made for private jets on numerous occasions. But would he have been able to save face do you think? I followed up with this text but Julie did not respond immediately to my request for a comment. It was in the very, very early days of its launch. Now, now James is saying, oh, Mancow edited this to say something that it really didnt say. If you wind back and in in elder meetings, I remember it being said by several several people, years before, if people start arguing the process, you know, you have them right up there arguing in the process. But by the middle of day, right, we were talking about how we were clearly going to have to have an elder board meeting that night. And we were at an absolute stalemate. MacDonald adds, Of the more than 4000 Change Partners once faithfully supporting our efforts monthly, there are now about 150the remnant from which we seek to rebuild. He then invites people to send him gifts. I stepped into a conference room. Right, so now you have this meeting that ends you know, Tuesday night meeting that ends in the wee hours of the Wednesday, February 6. Despite being disqualified from public ministry by his former megachurch for a "pattern of sinful behavior," James MacDonald is preaching at Generation Churchan Association of Related Churches (ARC) megachurch in Mesa, Arizona. The news came less than a week after another update from Julie Roys, . Yeah. And they started reading scripture about the qualifications of the elders. Following allegations of years-long bullying and financial misconduct, the lead pastor and executive team of an Association of Related Churches (ARC) megachurch, Everyone was laughing and goading, like it was a jokeuntil it wasnt. You disseminated down to the elders, and then that became really the sticking point for James, wasnt it? Toward that end, the site requires that people use their full name when commenting. And it was it was a battle in the natural, exposing James McDonald, the letters, the articles, everything. And with that opening, I felt like it was confirmed. Pastor James MacDonald. The picture with deceiver Kari Lake speaks volumes! And I hope I hope that a lot of people have read that and they dont owe me anything, but I hope its been healing to them. Give a gift of $30 or more to The Roys Report this month, and you will receive a copy of "Escaping the Maze of Spiritual Abuse" by Dr. Lisa Oakley and Justin Humphreys. And Stetzer is a huge, huge part of the crooked machine. And so she sent me a letter before it went to the elder board. I did hear from one after I reached out to him because we had another connection with another organization that hes a head of. Give a gift of $30 or more to The Roys Report this month, and you will receive Escaping the Maze of Spiritual Abuse by Dr. Lisa Oakley and Justin Humphreys. She was a late comer to those of us who had been exposing MacD for a long time. So at the end of the night, no one got the letters. Just finished my post on clarifiers that will precede the deception lists. And I thought, well, I got to read the letter. Okay. So Rick was, in effect, the Assistant senior pastor. I mean just absolutely devastating stories and, and feeling the pain. And at the end of the night, we looked around the room, we had talked through it. This is the passage. And there was just this push against a public rebuke. If youd like to find me online, just go to Julieroys.com. It was a battle in the natural but more than that, there was a spiritual battle going on then, and I think its still going on now. And then you know, you would categorize these things. They discuss the role of journalism as it relates to local churches and prominent leaders, and her her current work investigating Harvest Bible Chapel and Pastor James MacDonald. The devil is at work. Tragically . Although as soon as, pretty much after Mancow aired it. I did not cover my iniquity. | (Photo: Harvest Bible Chapel video screen grab) Harvest Bible Chapel has dropped a lawsuit against author and journalist Julie Roys and the writers of the Elephant's Debt blog amid public scrutiny for an alleged culture of fear, intimidation, and financial mismanagement. I remember talking and saying, guys, were all going to give an account to the Lord one day for what were doing in this meeting. The text included the hashtags #gossipslut #gossipmonger #filthygutterwebsite #cancerinChristsbody., MacDonald also tweeted the invitation, referring to me as Julie Jezebel Roys.. And the things that were done to them after they left. I just knew the Lord made it clear I had to do it. He knows! I say this as a Christian who was taken to task by Christian doctors who told me of all sorts of cases that are not as the woman loved murdering her baby as many pro-life conservatives want everyone to believe. He wasnt bringing it to the elders and through a discussion with a couple of the pastors, chose to give it to the elders, which we were thankful for. It was positioned as an attack because the ministry was growing and those people were bitter, etc. That would be my word to Ron Duitsman. James MacDonald, who was recently fired as senior pastor at Harvest Bible Chapel, is now facing an allegation of sexual misconduct by the church's former worship leader. And if he doesnt, what does that mean in terms of employment at Harvest Bible Chapel? However as I grew in age and hopefully in wisdom, I consulted other versions of the Bible. We brought up several things from the letters with James McDonald that night, and he was just dismissing everything we brought up. There were six people who were brave enough, vulnerable enough to write letters. So if youre listening, you need and you havent read those letters, you need to go back and Dean Butters, I mean that one has to be just the emotional impact of the the bullying and the abuse, and then even a video where he mocked a very well known Christian leader because she was getting married in midlife for the first time and mocking her for never having sex before. Christian Rocker Posts Stunning Response to Recent Apostasy of Christian Leaders, Chicago Radio Host & a Former Bodyguard Say James MacDonald Asked Them to Arrange Murders, James MacDonald Took Millions from Harvest & Now Demands Broadcast Ministry, Mancow Airs Shocking Comments By James MacDonald: My Response. Also, make sure you subscribe to The Roys Report on Apple podcasts or Google podcasts. What is the point of bringing this pastors political views into the story? He was like he started appealing the process. The Roys Report is a Christian media outlet, reporting the unvarnished truth about what's happening in the Christian community so the church can be reformed and restored. Again, youre seeing it from a total other perspective where Im the bad guy, James is a good guy. And the pain is overwhelming. Again, she was the the wife of Dave Corning who was an elder at Harvest for over 20 years, and telling her stories, and one of her stories was you know about pictures of her being put up on a on a wall as a target practice for James McDonald and her seeing this shot up with a pellet gun. TED also reported that MacDonald's church Harvest Bible Chapel was $65 million in debt. It wasnt an easy thing to do. I pray for the man. Youre, youre characterizing it correctly. And so I felt relief. I wish I didnt. Jesus died on the cross for to take the weight of our sin so that we could be released from it. MacDonald notes in the email that about a month after the settlement, he was able to write to recipients of the email. . And there were several of us saying, you know, looking at I Timothy 5, looking at Hebrews 13:17, which tells us that elders are going to give an account. They should go to the reconciliation team. Those are simply other examples of posts about controversial issues. I dont see that as absolving James McDonald. And I thought, Oh, my gosh! Tell Harvest Church board hows the fruit now? And by the meeting that night, the executive committee came to the elder board with a unanimous recommendation, per the bylaws, that James McDonalds employment should be terminated for cause at that point. I think, how is it that we had the word of God sitting in front of us, which is pretty clear about what to do. What do you give, he would have been removed from Harvest, theres no doubt. So far, I feel the leadership of my current church embodies this well. Keep in touch with Julie and get updates in your inbox! That this was all a plot by him that he was vengeful, towards James McDonald. And I dont know whether it was Rick Donald, who was was talking at that point about he had the letters, and didnt think that the elders should read all of them. But I think my kat has watched too much Kenneth Copeland. Like so many other cradle to present churched people, all I ever knew was the KJV Bible. Visconti also had posts supporting far-right causes. But over there, you know, I, you know, six, seven people who had read the letters, probably more than that by the time, and we talked about what was in the letters. And its to warn people, right? We see this is the third article this month youve found worth reading. Well, and thanks so much for listening to The Roys Report, a podcast dedicated to reporting the truth and restoring the church. And I got the text. According to his email, MacDonald has been able to hire a small staff and encouraged people to sign up for his Home Church Networkvideo messages for people to use in a home church. Ill tell you one thing, Julie. So its critically important that the truth be told. This wasnt anything else. Send your questions about the Bible, ministry, or personal matters below. This was a many time thing. Your tax-deductible gift helps our journalists report the truth and hold Christian leaders and organizations accountable. And we shouldnt be, you know, happy with standing in line and say, well, so and so said that, right? On Thursday, the seventh, I got a text from one of the elders who said, Call me if you can before such and such a time. Yet he notes that only a small number of former listeners responded positively. Others, who stumbled by the public deception sent many hateful words.. And then if you could, please share the podcast on social media so more people can hear about this great content. Nah Gary, thats just typical cat behavior for you, with or without Kenneth Copeland. (Julie Roys) Eight years ago, prominent author and pastor, John MacArthur, strongly warned the Moody Bible Institute about its association with now-disgraced celebrity pastor, James MacDonald. James MacDonald. I dont know how many people had heard of it. I followed his ministry for almost 2 decades. If you hear that from the pulpit, or you hear that up front, I think, if Im sitting, if Im sitting in the seat, I think well, how fast can I get to my car and confess everything that just the Holy Spirit just brought to mind? At least some did. Today the guys share their conversation with journalist, author, and speaker Julie Roys. And her being in my house and literally shaking as shes recounting. Nearly 30 pages, innumerable charges between all those people, Julie, they served on the staff of Harvest Bible Chapel for somewhere between 40 and 50 years collectively. To donate, click here. And and its sad to me other than when they did finally, the former elders apologize for the lawsuit that was brought against me. What I especially find troubling is this: How come nobody has talked about the false doctrines that MacDonald has been preaching??? Ive already told you there was consensus from board. You know, theres, I would say, round two, but I my guess is there were lots of small rounds in there, of people being silenced and bringing charges and, and the board looking the other way. What does the bible say about that? . I shouldnt be doing this. Opinion: What is Revivaland is it Happening at Asbury? And my job was to get it to fellow elder board. Its more of a social teaching of extreme patriarchal churches to protect and promote the power structure of who is God-ordained to be in charge. Divorce sadly acknowledges the truth. Julie Roys lives for her anti gospel, anti authority, man hating bias - even partnering with shock jocks like Mancow Muller or worse. For narcissists, attracting attention is the point. Christian counselor and author, Leslie Vernick, took exception to Viscontis post. I believe it was from Mancow who texted me. He surrounded himself with yes men and used intimidation tactics to keep people in line. If youre truly interested in hearing other views ask why or tell me how you landed there. And most of them, a number of them, Ill say, have not read any of these letters. This isnt phrased to have constructive conversation. It was the elders failure. I wasnt looking forward to that. And again, youre one of the people who actually apologized for that. Right? That was really wrongdoing at Harvest, would be to repent. Would you consider making a tax-deductible donation to help our journalists continue to report the truth and restore the church? 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