Jeff Bolander To better understand fishing patterns, conditions to predict ferocity of fishable events and locations. Didn't try to hard but mixed bag of bluegill, crappie, and perch on small pieces of white plastics in 15' of water. and my Up North fishing and resort web sites at The ice is good. Now mind you we have had some of the meanest weather I have ever seen on the northwoods. 7 days ago was real tough, a "small day" as I call them. It's all about presentation which is sometimes different on a daily or hourly basis.One more I was asked, "On a certain fishing show there is a guy who uses "XYZ" brand baits when he catches fish. and my Up North fishing and resort web sites at Stage 4, post spawn, a few days after dropping the eggs, the females are starting to recover and the males are protecting the beds, feeding is light but the males are protecting the beds by attacking anything that he perceives will threaten the hatch. We still put plenty of fish in the boat but not near the numbers as the previous week. Check out my Real Estate website at Fishing Reports, Guides & Other Information Beautiful Tiger Musky Courtesy of Cynthia Christman Kids Love It! Lot's of folks coming in to see the latest gear along with their old favorites and some surprises, all specially priced. I know I preach flexibility a lot but a good example of that was had yesterday by myself and clients. Find the flats and areas they are normally in and work out to the first or second break to find them now. We had a fantastic weekend. and leeches by the pound. It looks like the ice might be coming next week. Facebook page at A week ago I was fishing with clients and the heat was nauseating. If you don't get a response as we can be very busy, you can always call me at 715-892-2751.-----------------------------Jeff Bolander, owner of Dewey, Catchem and One guy just texted me a photo of 15 nice ones he got in shallow water on live bait. It is 980 acres in size with a maximum depth of 53 feet and has semi-clear water. Also remember your 1st scoop of crappie minnows is only $2 with any purchase. And the crappies were all the way down as well.Which brings me to my tip of the day, so to speak. It seems this year every time we head to a lake we are starting over trying to figure the fishes MO for the day. And there dyede Seynte Johne, and was buryed behynde the highe Awtiere, in a toumbe. the dozen, 1/4#, 1/2# and full pound. Most lakes are froze over and are making ice daily. It's gonna be great! I hope your getting the boat ready or have been using it by now as the ice is gone. One fella that fishes the Rainbow often said he drove all over the place out there the other day and he found up to a foot of ice in some places.Panfish have been doing well lately. My advice is to do a couple of things to find those green speckled devils. When queried how they are fishing it's always the same thing, one way and one way alone. Pretty good actually. - Wednesday, November 15, 2017 at 10:53:46 (PST) If you don't get a response as they can be very busy, you can always call me at 715-892-2751.----------------------------- When jigging for action fish I'll start with spoons like the Kastmaster, Leech Flutter Spoon and Rippin' Raps. The ice in the secluded bays, 5-7", is still there but, top down, it's covered up by slushy snow, then a couple of inches of ice then a couple of inches of water and then the original 6" of ice. Until then, have a safe late ice season.----------------------------- But over the last few days we have been catching Walleye while fishing for everything else, including a dandy 19" the other day on a spinner bait! There's a bunch of places to get on the ice out there and the fish are biting VERY well. Same with the largemouth although they aren't quite as deep. Well I can tell you for sure we will. Whether we get sun or rain or not will determine how much time we have left on the ice. Water temps should be around 50 degrees or so. Reports at In any case though, waxies, mousees and spikes are the best. Jeff Bolander, owner of Dewey, Catchem and The icing on the cake is the temps are going to jump up into the 50's again! St But green weed edges in the 10' feet of water range is probably gonna be where you should start. If none of my spots are giving me fish I start to watch the graph a little closer on areas I my not normally fish. Many smaller males have been caught but the big gals are just starting to get active. We still don't have to fish for them but at least we're catching them along with bass and walleyes. The difference in the amount of fish caught by each one was minimal.In another example, yesterday we were throwing crawlers after smallies. The warmer temps last week kicked the surface water temps back up to the low 70s again. Hope this helps . I've had some folks tell me that why move, the fish will be there eventually. Reports at Jeff Bolander, guide and owner of Dewey, Catchem and 50s and 60s are in the forecast so that should help get things back to normal.I will be heading back north on the 17th and will start changing the shop over to summer inventory on the 18th. !----------------------------- Jeff Bolander, guide and owner of Dewey, Catchem and We caught 90% of our walleyes after 10am. Just work your bait slowly through the greening weeds. And sure enough, a pile of fish were hunkered down there. No middleman! Jeff Bolander Jeff Bolander BUT, for those that are on the lake the musky, walleyes, perch and crappie are snapping.Suckers are a key bait right now as it's difficult to throw baits in this weather. Get all the fishing intel you need to start catching more, and bigger, fish. We have a bunch of snow in the forecast for Friday. Only difference is we'll have to pay attention to social distancing and hygiene more than we might have in the past. ----------------------------- They are everywhere right now. The fishing has been fantastic. Minnows work but are hard to keep alive in the warm weather. Lots of phone calls and e-mail filled with these questions and ones similar. 2nd Annual Bob Lemmer Memorial on Lake Kathrine on Saturday, February 17th. and are the property of BOTEK CORPORATION. How at Low winds, warm temps and lots of sun. Here's the talking points of what I know right now.Blue gills for the most part are not on the beds but are getting close. Some VERY nice fish are being caught.Northern will be caught fishing for anything else as always. Jeff Bolander, guide and owner of Dewey, Catchem and Freuen Sie sich auf kostenloses WLAN, Parkpltze auf dem Gelnde und einen DVD-Player. Walleye: Best walleye populations of the St. Germain area are found in Big St. Germain and the Rainbow Flowage, says Jackson, with lots of fish of size generally between 12 and 18 inches. And to our pleasant surprise the big bluegills were smacking those minnows too! Tranx, Curados and Stradics are included.----------------------------- The walleyes are about a week away from becoming very active on most lakes. Check out my Up North fishing and resort web sites at 90% of the fish we are boating are in the 15-25 fow range. Fishermen are buying two scoops of minnows at a time right now and the usual small plastics are working well as well. Little St. Germain has fish exceeding 48 inches. You may have to throw everything at them right now to entice them to bite but bite they will. and see piles of fish photos at Up North Fishing Photos at Also remember your 1st scoop of crappie minnows is only $2 with any purchase. I usually reply that it depends on the lake and there are no right or wrong answers, just good places to start. How at Facebook page at Remember, the big danger this time of year is just because you got out there doesn't mean you'll get bask. CORPORATION It was slow by my standards but she had a good time (she said). Foot travel will be the norm. Reports at Plastics outfished live bait a few times the past week so keep an assortment of them on hand too. A Great Selection of But when I tied on a PBnJ colored Senco worm, that did the trick. Jeff Bolander After sitting out the storm we headed back to the same area for walleye and crappie. Many baits will work in catching the walleye but at this moment they are not real active so most cranks and too fast for them. 715-892-2751 cell Seems all you have to do is find wood or rocks in 10 to 20 feet of water and you'll find fish. Again, the bigger fish came from deeper water. But we have been catching fish. and see piles of fish photos at Up North Fishing Photos at And the best part is the fish are cooperating. - Sunday, October 23, 2016 at 10:41:17 (PDT) With the tough winter bite and crappy ice conditionsmost of the winter and that virus thing we won't dwell on, it's been a long winter season. Make sure you use a Vexilar type electronics to be able to find the depth that the crappies are feeding.With the game fish season closing until the first Saturday in May, anglers will start to focus on panfish. They are all UV and Glow and covered in what looks like sugar crystals. Early and late for most everything and overnight for walleye. I surprised the interviewer by telling him that our business was triple what it was the year before on gamefish opening day weekend and the month of May has more than doubled last year. and see piles of fish photos at Up North Fishing Photos at Then the next day we went after more smallies with half crawlers and caught 30 and a limit of Walleye. It's really picking up. Fresher and lower priced.----------------------------- Those little devils can dictate how we fish. "max-width": "calc(25% - 20px)", Jeff Bolander, guide and owner of Dewey, Catchem and We start work on the aquarium this week, too. Oh, and drug right across the bottom. I'm a big believer in fishing wind blown shorelines. I finally got a day off a few days ago and headed out wif the da wifey. This is a tough report to put together. }, That's probably due to the fact the smaller lakes were frozen over when the snow storm hit while the larger lakes didn't lock up until after the storm and hence they have been making better ice due to the smaller snow cover.Most fisherman have been doing well with nice catches reported. As the water cools the fish start to realize that winter is a comin. be the guides that fish the area and their associates. We have some red/panfish worms in the shop that are the best we have ever had. Ice thickness is the same or thicker and most lakes are improving a great deal in the travel area. YEAH!Time to go put some more Crappie minnows in a bucket for someone. We are fishing deeper. Northerns have been making a comeback on big northern suckers. You can still get nice catches of them with all kinds of bait but keep that jig size as small as you can and still feel it on the end of your rod. Crawlers, leeches and minnows are always popular. If you don't get a bite with bugs on change to minnow. Weedless jigs are sometimes necessary but small jigs can work just as well if you learn to gently pull it thru the weed stalks. Throw that rig right into the weeds and slowly, I mean slowly, bring it thru the weeds. But there is still plenty of ice but a lot of shore lines have pulled away, a long way in some cases. NORTHEAST "button": "Add to cart" Water temps are in the 80's in some places. and see piles of fish photos at Up North Fishing Photos at }); If I listed each bait that each type of fish was caught on during the past week the reports would be pages long. and see piles of fish photos at Up North Fishing Photos at Check out my Up North fishing and resort web sites at I felt like I was a little kid again, literally giggling out loud as those 8, 9, and 10 inchers came into the boat. And, of course, very tasty.Walleyes are also starting to turn on. How at Trust your electronics. And the fishing has been pretty good too, although not ka-boom.As the water temps continue to try and make it into the 50s, the musky sucker bite continues to get better. The fish weren't active. Smaller river shiners were the best on small glow treble hooks. Still not a heavy feed. It's not going away folks. How Bait Shop and Guide Post at Many other kinds of fish are there too, bass, perch, bluegill, etc., but you gotta get thru them to get the walleye. You can search for a lake or body of water using the search box below. The weather for Opening Day is forecast to be great, maybe up into the 70s and south winds from 5-10 mph. But let's not go there cuz it just gets me and everybody else all riled up. I know, too much work, right. Just fish for bluegills and you should find nice perch along with them.Northern are still active everywhere. How at I taught one lady in my boat a few days ago how to twitch a surface bait and every time I'd hear a loud OH MY, I knew she had another one on. And as usual remember we have 2 dz jumbo crawlers for $5, your 1st scoop of crappie minnows for $2 with any purchase and we are loaded with Musky Suckers. Take a stab at guessing and be entered to win a $50 Biblio gift ce Minnows, crawlers, leeches and jerkbaits are catching walleyes. Swedish Pimples, Kast Masters, Shiver Minnows and Hyper Glides, all with small treble hooks tipped with waxies, are doing well. - Thursday, October 25, 2018 at 16:17:32 (PDT) Our first load of Golden Shiners, Rosie Reds, Spikes and other winter specific bait will be on hand this weekend. Remember take dad or go with dad on the water this weekend. Notice I haven't mentioned any fish in particular here. How are we gonna do it?? Lots of fun!Looks like a few days of cold are coming our way which should make the ice even better. Jeff Bolander, also known as 'How' of Dewey, Catchem and The reports I got were that each fisherman had his secret bait and they differed greatly. WHO CARES! We still have a couple of K-Drills and Pistols left and are pricing them to go away. "total": "Subtotal", This fell on top of the almost 1" of rain we got the two days before. If I could get out tomorrow I'm sure I would have to start the process over again. Although the few we have caught on minnows have had a more violent strike. Gotta go!----------------------------- Later guys. Now, granted, it's a small sampling of fisherfolks but it is what it is. Walleyes are being caught by accident too which is a good sign. Northerns have been pestering the heck out of folks and the bass are starting to come on. How Bait Shop and Guide Post at How at But there was 8" of ice 10 feet away from where he went in. What that means is the Crappie are done spawning and are now recovering. Come see the changes.Until then have a great Thanksgiving holiday. I love feeling that hit.Walleyes have been better lately on tip ups armed with small/medium shiners. Our minnows come direct from trappers in central Wisconsin. Let me adjust my magic prognosticators hat for a second. The fish will let me know what they want. I'm seeing quite a few trucks, snowmobiles and ATVs out on the ice. NOT!!! After that gruesomely long winter we will take anything that includes a dose of warmth and sun. Man, have we been getting the rain, day after day after day. Easy "margin-bottom": "0px" Each lake will have it's own Walleye personality and it because of the weather it may change a lot.Northern pike have been a little scarce for me lately. The ice underneath is layered with the bottom section ranging from 4-8". ---------------------------- - Thursday, May 14, 2020 at 12:31:08 (PDT) Can you guess which first edition cover the image above comes from? That's not the best time to catch them. I haven't had a chance to get on the water the past week so I'm going by what my experienced fisherpeople are telling me. Search the whole water column for them.Get out there and enjoy as the fishing is still good and who can resist a fresh fish fry!----------------------------- Actually, crawlers are still working better than minnows but that is starting to change. Fresher and lower priced. The skimmed over ice is shoved down into the lake so stay away. The biggest topic lately is can I go ice fishing yet. As usual, everybody is employing the only method that works (for them). Unless of course you need to get into the 40-50 foot depths.Top water presentations are still hot right now. We do have 2 dz jumbo crawlers for $6.75 and bulk crawler flats for $60. If you've never caught a big Musky under the ice you gotta try it. ----------------------------- After all, that's the fun part. And when I say 'they' I mean fish in general. I said it. ----------------------------- Turnover is coming but not here yet. If they don't want it why should I keep it down there.Time to go check my lines and sharpen my hooks for tomorrow. Jeff Bolander Back to small piece of white plastic, nice bluegills in 15'. ANd they weren't babies. After a great week of putting the hurt on crappies, walleye and northern, the weekend came and scared them all away. This For more info call 715-356-6961 Small or big, they are coming on stronger each day. Check out my Up North fishing and resort web sites at Yeah!There have been a few fishermen out this past week with mixed results. Can anyone help me with current water temp? If you know where some rock humps are that house crayfish next to deep water you will find smallies. Also remember your 1st scoop of crappie minnows is always only $2 with any purchase. Crayfish next to deep water you will find smallies with dad on the ice is gone plenty... 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