As for the salamander that blew AIR on fire while Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) was in it, we know that salamanders do not generate fire. Nothing prevents Moses from taking a bath with us except that he has a scrotal hernia.' So once Moses went out to take a bath and put his clothes over a stone and then that stone ran away with his clothes. Al7amdulillah i have tried it twice when residing in saudia arabia. (Secondly): if an animal is not harmful, it is not permissible to kill it. P.S. It is true that there are Ahadith encouraging the killing of salamanders. There isnt much to eat in that landscape. iMuslim: From the Sunnah we know were not supposed to eat donkeys meat (although were allowed to eat zebra!) Lizard testified in the Prophet (saw), a powerful reminder from brother Muhammad Abdul Jabbar about a man who had a lizard with him and he came up to the Prophet (saw) and insulted him and dishonored him and then after this incident he accepts Islam.. Subhan'Allah I ask because I was under the impression we cannot eat carnivores and scavengers, so it DOES taste like chicken and yet with the bones like a fish but it IS tasty. It is the Hadith which Allah (SWT) communicated directly to the Prophet (PBUH) through inspiration or in a dream Although it is a revelation from Allah, it is not part of the Qur'an It is a Hadith which one of the Prophet's sahabas (companion) reports what the Prophet said, what he did or what he approved to be okay Question 2 30 seconds Q. upgrading to decora light switches- why left switch has white and black wire backstabbed? If a Muslim did not kill a salamander, we pray to Allah he does not get punished, unless if that Muslim decide with the intention to deliberately ignore one of Prophet Muhammed sunnah, which is the case regarding any order in Islam. -add black pepper, all spices or curry powder & bay leaves. Arent lizards carnivores? Dubb with rice Obviously, almost everyone would endeavor to follow that useful advice to protect themselves and loved ones. Or is this another trinity lie? Perhaps the questioner is not aware of the fact that the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said of the wazagh [a type of lizard] that it used to blow on (the fire of) Ibraaheem (peace be upon him). Required fields are marked *. 2) Cooking: The Islamic tradition has much to say on different animals. test* They serve up lizard outside of Jame Masjid in Delhi. I will never eat any reptile at all. Sometimes I forget these little reminders. A Hadith which is meaningless; for example, `Do not eat a pumpkin that has not halaled.'. Why then would you declare it haram? It is proven in Saheeh Muslim, in a report from Shaddaad ibn Aws (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: Allah, may He be exalted, has decreed ihsaan (proficiency; kindness) in all things, so when you kill, kill well. It is not ihsaan to kill anything for fun or for no purpose. (Sahih Muslim and Sunan abi Dawod), Allah's Messenger () ordered that the salamander should be killed and said, "It (i.e. Its is clearly said in Quran that Muslims are only allow to eat those animals (4 feet only) which are mammals and doesnt hunt for meat like lion, cheetah and which doesnt have claws. The app contains 41000+ hadith from Most Accepted and Authentic Hadith books. I would never eat it but to each his own. Based on this there is a Hadith in Sahih Muslim that we should kill Lizards. Maybe the chicken tastes 100% like the lizard? the salamander) blew (the fire) on Ibrahim. (Bukhari Volume 4, Book 55, Number 579), Narrated Abu Huraira: Allahs Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: He who killed a Salamander with the first stroke for him is such and such a reward, and he who killed it with a second stroke for him is such and such reward less than the first one, and he who killed it with the third stroke for him is such and such a reward less than the second one. Ive heard about it and read about it but didnt know the English equivalent, now I know!! 0. astaghfirrullaheuuu whats tis coz i never ate dhab He (may Allah have mercy on him) replied: With regard to killing the wazagh, it is Sunnah and there is great reward in that. 2) 'A reptile that has legs which runs around at the roots of grass'. Among them are: 1) 'A harmful reptile'. Also, does anyone know of a tradition that shows Muslim eating Dab or lizard during or after the time of our first Caliphs? Is there any hadith or verse that says to kill a lizard has a reward?? said: O Mother of the Believers, what do you do with this? She -cook for 1:45 to 3 hours. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. A spider web hid the cave entrance But a lizard made a noise and broke the web, which would have helped enemies to find our Prophet and Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq (Peace be upon them). Assalaamu alaykum, my dear respected Shaykh. I was just wondering has this anything to do with war times??? In other words, if we can derive from these Ahadith that the Prophet (peace be upon him) did advise his companions to kill salamanders, this advice should be seen as a religious order, recommendations, and an advice that is not only in line with the natural desire of human beings to be on the safe side, undisturbed and clean. Diffrenet is crocodile haram=forbidden to eat. Why was the nose gear of Concorde located so far aft? (Reported by al-Bukhaari, 4981, al-Nisaai, 4242, and Abu Dawood, 3300). It does seem disgusting to many of us but think about how people eat brains, tongues, intestines, feet, eyes, and even the head of lamb or cow! Please refer me how to get that. Prophet Muhammed ordered us to kill any harmful animals and reptiles and stating that the salamander blew Air at the fire of Prophet Ibrahim does not constitute any doctrine of original sin in Islam as explained in the above-mentioned evidence section. @Ahmed honestly speaking I have never looked deeper in this topic. If you dont like something and you excuse yourself from eating it, they will be on you to try it, try little bit of it, just take one bite, etc, etc. Do it like the Prophet sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam: its not the food of my people :) , , and . Imagine how important to kill salamander when you can, especially when this is an order, advice and recommendation from our beloved Prophet Muhammed peace be upon him. A recovery and discussion subreddit for those who were once followers of Islam. divid the carcass by cutting it in 3 parts; Allahs Messenger (may peace be upon him) stretched his hand towards It, whereupon some of the women who had been in the house of Maimuna said: Inform Allahs Messenger (may peace be upon him) what he intends to eat. so creamy. Almighty Allah Says in his book (QURAN) and the Prophet (Blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) has declared that He is the last Messenger of Allah. If an elder of the community, is advising his people to kill salamanders, just as any other human being may advise people to kill some animals that are considered harmful, dangerous, and dirty, what would a decent community member do? I took a Lebanese friend and a Columbian friend to a desi cookery, and ordered a cow-brain dish. I said: Messenger of Allah, Is it forbidden? rev2023.3.1.43266. He was told that the man was in . As he grew up, he became known to be truthful, honest, trustworthy, generous, and . (Sahih al-Bukhari), 'A'isha reported that Allah's Messenger () said about the gecko as a noxious creature". Fuzzy Search e.g. said: We kill these house lizards with it, for the Prophet of We know that a couple of things were interpreted/implemented that one would not otherwise find in books of traditions. Local ulama say that it is Halal, but doesnt comply with the manners of a Muslim. As regards the lizard, some scholars stated that the lizard and gecko are the same animal, and some other scholars said that they are different and that the lizard is a kind of chameleon. I do not like to taste it, I dont care its halal or not. Islam emphatically and in absolute words does not approve of the original sin or the inheritance of sin at all. Hop to be helpful :). And if it goes into your kitchen and breathes into your food you can get sick because that type of creature usually eats bad things such as flies, and many other dirty things. Before the mission of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) as a prophet, His people were ignorant of science, and most of them were illiterate. Mughirah, It is reported that the Prophet once entered a mosque and saw at prayer a venerable old man with a long white beard. Well i have also found a hadith in Abu Dawood (021:3787) narrated by AbdruRehman Ibn Shibl The apostle of Allah (pbuh) forbade to eat the flesh of lizard. SubhanAllah! Those that are harmful are to be killed, and those that are not harmful are not to be killed. Above all the tradition shows a great . Hadith on Honesty: The Prophet loves truthful speech Al-Miswar ibn Makhramah reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, "The most beloved speech to me is the most truthful." Source: a View More Hadith on Bay'ah: Companions pledge their loyalty to Islam A Hadith which should have been in the knowledge of numerous authorities, but only one narrator reports it. Be cool and safe for Abraham! This is cause by the history of lizard that took sides on Namrud Ibn Kan'an and it followed to burnt the Prophet Ibrahim 'alaihi sallam. Khaalid ibn al-Waleed reported that some grilled lizard meat was brought to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and put in front of him. I especially like your comment Seeker7.thanks for the adaab tips! Imam Malik narrates in the Muwatta the hadith Do not kill frogs; their croaking is tasbih., Good point J. the salamander) blew (the fire) on Ibrahim. (Bukhari Volume 4, Book 55, Number 579) Narrated Abu Huraira: Allahs Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: He who killed a Salamander with the first stroke for him is such and such a reward, and he who killed it with a second stroke for him is such and such reward less than the first one, and he who killed it with the third stroke for him is such and such a reward less than the second one. Muslim, Book 026, Number 5557: Planned Maintenance scheduled March 2nd, 2023 at 01:00 AM UTC (March 1st, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup, Ticket smash for [status-review] tag: Part Deux. Hadith are statements of the Prophet which were narrated by his Companions and subsequently narrated to the next generation until these sayings were compiled in hadith collections. The important thing is that any kind of animals which CRAWLS is haram any kind of creature which is a reptile or amphibian is Haram .!! The Prophet replied: 'On the contrary, the true champion is a man who is struck by Satan in his heart until his anger intensifies and his blood boils but then he remembers God and by his clemency defeats his anger.' 35 On another occasion the Apostle of God said to his companions: 'Shall I inform you of the one amongst you who is most like me?' On the contrary, the reports about spider cobwebs (as mentioned in some of the Islamic history books) narrate that a spider-made cobweb by Allahs order existed and that the cobweb was one of the main reasons that deterred the Arab Pagan polytheists from entering Saur cave, thinking that no one could be in the cave. Yet the Bible advice to kill the serpent and its generational offspring which according to the Bible committed sin by helping the Satan, 14So theLordGod said to the serpent, Because you have done this, Cursedare you above all livestockand all wild animals! This hadith came up when I took the AlMaghrib Code Evolved class in regards to things that the Prophet (saw) may have personally disliked, but they were still permissible. Surprisingly, it tastes 100% like chicken. Who ever claims being Prophet after him, is a big liar, a deceiver and a cheater. The Prophet (SAW) has taught us the best of deeds are those that done consistently, even if they are small. Calamari is good if its fried, but it isnt always fried. commanded that (Bukhari Volume 4, Book 54, Number 525) Narrated Um Sharik: Allahs Apostle ordered that the salamander should be killed and said, It (i.e. :p This hadith has been transmitted on the authority of Ibn Abi Shaiba with a slight variation of wording. Regarding the killing lizard, First you need to appreciate the difference between lizards and salamanders. they should be killed., - - .. The harsh reality is the conduct of Ayesha and her war mongering cohorts was that which violated the . There's also an issue in the translation geckos and lizards are reptiles while salamanders are amphibian some translators also interpreted as Chameleons: The Messenger of Allah () ordered me to kill chameleon. If that is the case that everything becomes a sunnah, and nothing remains distinguished by the virtue of the prophet having done it. The fatwa of the Standing Committee reads, One of the conditions for the validity of the sale is that the sold item should have a lawful benefit without a need, but the lizards are of no benefit, so it is neither permissible to sell nor to buy them.. Narated By Thabit ibn Wadiah : We were in an army with the Apostle of Allah (pbuh). I have never eaten it, but I saw my neighbors when I was in Saudi holding it with rope attached to its tail. I have not heard him ordering that it should be killed. On the contrary, the reports about spider cobwebs (as mentioned in some of the Islamic history books) narrate that a spider-made cobweb by Allahs order existed and that the cobweb was one of the main reasons that deterred the Arab Pagan polytheists from entering Saur cave, thinking that no one could be in the cave. Based on this there is a Hadith in Sahih Muslim that we should kill Lizards. I don't know of any interpretation or analogy made for lizards. Then We delivered him, along with Lot, to the land We had showered with blessings for all people Quran (21:68-71) Critical note: No soul burdened with sin will bear the burden of another. The wazagh is a small animal, and it was said that its name reflects the fact that it is light and moves quickly. During his lifetime, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) used to teach his Sunnah by three methods: verbal, written (dictation to scribes), and practical demonstration. You will crawl on your bellyand you will eat dust all the days of your life.15And I will put enmitybetween you and the woman, and between your offspring[a]and hers;he will crush[b]your head, and you will strike his heel. Summary: The Salamander blew Air at the Fir while Prophet Ibrahim was in it and did not blow fire. The animal about which there is an Islamic text that states that one gets a reward for killing it is the gecko. Some scholars consider this story to be good (Hasan) and others consider it to be weak. You can eat the stew without adding rice , with bread. Answering Common Questions on Salvation That Christians Pose to Muslims. in the hadith from Ibn Abbas, the Prophet did not eat the meat because he simply disliked it. The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) enjoined killing the wazagh lizard. is that refers to salamander? Nevertheless, many scholars are in the view that it is acceptable to mention this story of the spider cobwebs but nothing regarding any lizards or two doves or pigeons laid eggs as there is no evidence for lizard breaking the spider cobweb or any doves or pigeons laid any eggs. So, the common theme here is that those animals or reptiles are being killed for being harmful and nothing do with any original sin. Term Boosting e.g. 7. Those that are found in houses and those that are found on farms are the same. A Hadith in which the narrator quotes an authority he had never met, and no one else confirms his narrative. Some scholars consider this story to be good (Hasan) and others consider it to be weak. The wazagh is harmful and has an evil nature, unlike many of the other lizards that resemble it. We ordered, O fire! the thing is that it is makruh which means disliked but not forbidden. [Podcast] Man 2 Man: Why Western Academics Hate Hadith, The Forbidden Prostration: A Translation Of An Urdu Jurisprudential Work On Sajda Tam, Peer Pressure On Social Media: Lessons From Surah Yusuf, [Podcast] Vulnerable Sinners vs Arrogant Saints | Sh. Btw, calamari (fried squid) is another one that I assumed for some odd reason couldnt have been halal But everything from the water is alhamdulilah. (Bukhari - Volume 4, Book 54, Number 525) Narrated Um Sharik: Allah's Apostle ordered that the salamander should be killed and said, "It (i.e. Prophet Muhammed peace be upon him did NOT like eating it as he was NOT used to eating it despite it is not forbidden to eat. So, the common theme here is that those animals or reptiles are being killed for being harmful and nothing do with any original sin. You can search for fatwa through many choices. Even some hadith are very recommended Muslim to kill lizard which get a title as a fasiq animal from the Prophet Muhammad Shallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam. Muhammad orders him planted in the ground and pelted with stones. JazakAllahuKhayran for the adaab reminders, too! I thought they eat mice. All rights reserved. It resembles the wazagh but is not as bad as it, and does not cause harm. Reported rewards for killing salamanders- Building on the fact, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said these above-mentioned hadiths, and given that, we consider killing salamanders as part of the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace be upon him). They concluded, Burn him up to avenge your gods if you must act. Located so far aft he grew up, he became known to be good ( Hasan ) others! Us the best of deeds are those that are not harmful, it is not ihsaan kill! ; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA, i dont care its lizard testified in the prophet hadith not! 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