nys petroleum bulk storage database

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation ("NYSDEC") is proposing to revise its regulations on petroleum bulk storage. This dataset has the following 24 columns: Manufacturing (Other than Chemical)/Processing, Underground including vaulted with no access for inspection, Aboveground on saddles, legs, stilts, rack or cradle, Aboveground - in contact with impervious barrier, Aboveground in Subterranean vault with access for inspections, {"coordinates":[-77.62818,43.1972],"type":"Point"}, {"coordinates":[-75.4181,43.22263],"type":"Point"}, {"coordinates":[-73.66532,42.81715],"type":"Point"}, {"coordinates":[-73.89871,40.58804],"type":"Point"}, {"coordinates":[-76.08436,43.06226],"type":"Point"}, License number which identifies the facility, CBS: Chemical Bulk Storage; PBS: Petroleum Bulk Storage Program; MOSF: Major Oil Storage Facility Programs; LNG: Liquefied Natural Gas, Type of Storage Facility: Storage Terminal/Petroleum Distributor; Retail Gasoline Sales; Other Wholesale/Retail Sales; Manufacturing (Other than Chemical)/Processing; Utility (Other than Municipal); Trucking/Transportation/Fleet Operation; Apartment Building/Office Building; School; Farm; Private Residence; Airport/Airline/Air Taxi; Chemical Distributor; Municipality (Incl. The dataset includes the date the TMDL was implemented, pollutant(s) addressed, author(s), acres of the watershed, region(s) within the watershed, and a hyperlink to the TMDL document. These images are available for download from the NYS GIS Clearinghouse ftp servers. Roughly 5,400 mines are in the system, with approximately 2400 active mines and the rest reclaimed since 1975. This data can be used with a free virtual globe program, like Google Earth or ESRI's ArcGIS Explorer. Major Oil Storage Facilities pursuant to Article 12 of the Navigation Law. This dataset contains locations of oil, gas, storage, solution salt, stratigraphic, geothermal, and other service wells. This layer presents a forest condition index for the Hudson River Estuary watershed and surrounding counties. Instructions and further details can be found here. One or more petroleum tank systems (other than on site heating oil) having a combined capacity of more than 1,100 gallons. In the New York-Central Park Area, temperatures for the week averaged 47F, 10F above normal, leading to 72 fewer heating degree days (HDDs) than normal. Important Areas are lands and waters in the Hudson River Valley, delineated with GIS models, that support the continued presence and quality of known populations of rare animals and rare plants, or of documented examples of rare or high-quality ecological communities. secure websites. This dataset provides an approximation of the boundaries of the watersheds where owners or operators of construction activities identified in Table 2, Appendix B of the SPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Construction Activity (GP-0-10-001) must prepare a SWPPP that includes post-construction stormwater management practices designed in conformance with the Enhanced Phosphorus Removal Standards included in the technical standard, New York State Stormwater Management Design Manual. Secure .gov websites use HTTPSA Check if you need to register your PBS tanks, Adobe Reader or Internet Explorer Required. Information may include: Program Number; Program Type; Site Type Name; Program Facility Name; Address; Locality; County; NYSDEC Region; Tank Number; Tank Location; Tank Status; Install Date; Capacity in Gallons; Tank Type; Close Date; Material Name (of substance in tank); Percent (of material in tank - if hazardous substance - CBS tanks only); Expiration Date; (of license or registration); Site Status Name; UTMX and UTMY location coordinates. . April 7, 2021 by michael aram laurel frame. SBAs are 22 landscape areas with a high concentration of biological diversity or value for regional biodiversity. We hope your visit was informative and enjoyable. Updated NYS Petroleum Bulk Storage Regulations. If unknown, the date is blank. Lock Data is currently collected in accordance with the requirements of ECL 15-1501. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION . The 2011 Forest Health Aerial Survey Report is a narrative for the aerial observations from the 2011 general forest health aerial surveys conducted for New York State, associated ground crew observations, and other forest health related information. you will be prompted to sign in. SUBPART 613-4. The information provided is not legal advice. . This information shall be used by the owner of a regulated construction activity to see if their project is eligible for coverage under the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation's State Pollutant Discharge Elimination Discharge System (SPDES) General Permit for Storm water Discharges from Construction Activity (see Part I.D.7. This dataset shows the location of each ambient air quality monitoring station currently being operated by the Bureau of Air Quality Surveillance (BAQS), Division of Air Resources, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. Existing facilities will need their PBS number and associated PIN to access their registrations. Did you know we have bulk pricing to save money on your order? Improper handling and storage of petroleum, hazardous substances/chemicals or liquefied natural gas (LNG) can result in spills that threaten the environment or pose health and safety risks to nearby persons. Latest Mailing Database provides you 95%. NYS Water Withdrawal Permitting, NYS Solid Waste Management Program, NYS Petroleum Bulk Storage Program, EPA SPCC Rule, EPA Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act. Section 2 sets forth the effective date. Advantages: Very useful for site screenings and assessments (See "Policy Objectives") Limitations: The database does not provide geographic coordinates for the spill sites, therefore Denmark reverses the direction of an oil rig for bulk carbon storage,Denmark is moving forward with Project Greensands, an initiative that will take huge quantities of captured carbon out to an oil rig in the North Sea, and pump it down to sequester it in the sandstone formations that once held oil and gas. New York State tidal wetlands south of the Tappan Zee Bridge, as of 1974, for tidal wetlands trend analysis. For more information on becoming a Class A/B/C UST OperatorCLICK HERE. Certified communities have gone beyond the CSC pledge by completing and documenting actions that mitigate and adapt to climate change at the local level. Experience with storage tank, manufactured gas plant, renewable energy, landfill, and/or air projects. Chemical Bulk Storage (CBS) Facilities pursuant to the Hazardous Substance Bulk Storage Law, Article 40 of ECL; and 6 NYCRR 596-599. For US zip codes this includes the four-digit zip code extension, if available. Total design or maximum capacity of a tank, in gallons. Date a tank was permanently closed. Coverages are based on official New York State Freshwater Wetlands Maps as described in Article 24-0301 of the Environmental Conservation Law. Together these maps form a consistent set of geologic and groundwater maps for use in regional management of the groundwater resources of the State. As applicable, both on-shore MOSFs and MOSF vessels must submit monthly license fees and surcharges to DEC. This data displays the locations of DEC-owned boat launches in New York State. Fuel oil that is leaking now may reach our drinking water wells in future years. There is hereby created within the department the "state petroleum bulk storage advisory council" hereinafter referred to as the "council". TITLE 6. The dataset represents the lakes participating in the Citizen Statewide Lake Monitoring Assessment Program (CSLAP). Information may include: Program Number; Program Type; Site Type Name; Program Facility Name; Address; Locality; County; NYSDEC Region; Tank Number; Tank Location; Tank Status; Install Date; Capacity in Gallons; Tank Type; Close Date; Material Name (of substance in tank); Percent (of material in tank - if hazardous substance - CBS tanks only); Expiration Date; (of license or registration); Site Status Name; UTMX and UTMY location coordinates. Spills that meet the following criteria DO NOT need to be reported: If you use fuel oil to heat and/or provide hot water to your home or business, you should consider the following facts: A TANK THAT HAS LEAKED CAN BE VERY COSTLY!! This layer depicts natural land areas greater than 100 acres in size throughout New York State. Frankly, with regards to the Climate Act transition they are in a very difficult position because New York . document.write(new Date().getFullYear()); All Rights Reserved, NYC is a trademark and service mark of the City of New York. This effort has been organized through several separate projects including the Benthic Mapping Project that has mapped the physical environment, the Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Mapping Project that has mapped the extent of submerged aquatic vegetation, and the Biocriteria Project that has conducted extensive sampling of chemical contaminants in the sediments of the estuary floor as part of an effort to develop one or more biological indicators that can be used to assess the ecological condition of the estuary through long-term monitoring. This information can be used in conservation priority setting. Assets represented as point features are man-made items, which require periodic maintenance or inspection. This disclaimer applies both to individual use of the data and aggregate use with other data. Local agencies may designate specific geographic areas within their boundaries as a "Critical Environmental Area" (CEA). The Nassau County Department of Health Article XV Fee Schedule People who do not follow standard safety practices are killed or injured every year while closing or removing tanks. The video and companion booklet called "Tank Closure Without Tears: An Inspector's Safety Guide" are available from the New England Interstate Environmental Training Center at (978) 323-7929. State petroleum bulk storage advisory council. PETROLEUM BULK STORAGE. Additional Mapping Resources #PBS (petroleum bulk storage) On September 30th, 2015, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation ( NYSDEC) announced a series of finalized rules under the petroleum bulk storage ( PBS ), chemical bulk storage ( CBS) and used oil management state regulations. This type of data file can be used with a free virtual globe program, like Google Earth or ESRI's ArcGIS Explorer. Petroleum Bulk Storage Facilities registered pursuant to title 10 of Article 17. This view is currently private. Communicable Diseases. based on available data predicting the likelihood of future extreme weather events, including hazard . Additional resources All water bodies in the state are provided a water quality classification based on existing, or expected best usage, of each water body or water body segment. These aquifers are those in upstate NY that consist of sand and gravel and yield large supplies of water to wells. This is a KMZ file that displays the location of bulk storage sites in New York State. This dataset is used to show the location of dams in New York State's inventory of dams, and lists selected attributes of each dam. Click OK to continue to SPEED. Although these data have been processed successfully on a computer system at NYSDEC, no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the accuracy or utility of the data on any other system or for general or scientific purposes. Point locations for: Chemical Bulk Storage Facilities pursuant to the Hazardous Substance Bulk Storage Law, Article 40 of ECL; And 6 NYCRR 595-599. The NYSDEC Hudson River Estuary Program in collaboration with numerous partners has supported the mapping of vegetated habitats of the Hudson River Estuary. Prepopulated paper applications (for renewals and transfers of ownership) can be requested by contacting your regional DEC office, bulk storage unit. NY Petroleum Bulk Storage Application 2017: 4.8 Satisfied (154 Votes) NY Petroleum Bulk Storage Application 2014: 4.4 Satisfied (160 Votes) . Use OData to open the dataset in tools like Excel or Tableau. Boundaries of Bear Ranges in New York State. https://data.ny.gov/d/8vxz-p7nm?category=Energy-Environment&view_name=Bulk-Storage-Facilities-Map, NYSDEC_BulkStorageFacilities_Overview.pdf, NYSDEC_BulkStorageFacilities_DataDictionary.pdf, http://www.dec.ny.gov/cfmx/extapps/derexternal/index.cfm?pageid=4, ftp://ftp.dec.state.ny.us/der/FOIL/bulkstorage.zip, ftp://ftp.dec.state.ny.us/der/FOIL/bulkstorageGIS.zip. The layer displays continuous patches of forest greater than 100 acres, classified into core forest and a 100-meter buffer of edge forest habitat. View More (63 Lines) S841A (ACTIVE) - Bill Text download pdf To prevent leaks and spills, the New York State Legislature passed the Petroleum Bulk Storage (PBS) Law - Article 17, Title 10, of the Environmental Conservation Law - requiring DEC to develop and enforce a State code for storage and handling of petroleum. NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Division of Environmental Remediation, Bureau of Spill Prevention and Response 1 Hunter's Point Plaza 47-40 21st Street Long Island City,NY11101-5407 Phone: (718) 482-4651 derweb@gw.dec.state.ny.us We know that the movement of groundwater is such that we are currently drinking water that was recharged into the ground many years ago. Examples of community types include deep emergent marsh, red maple-hardwood swamp, dwarf shrub bog, hemlock-northern hardwood forest, and tidal creek. The SPDES permit program in the Department's Division of Water regulates municipal and industrial wastewater treatment facilities that discharge directly into navigable waters. When emailing the DEC regional office for your PIN, please use an email address listed on your registration so that we can easily verify your identity. Publishing to the public requires approval. Point locations for: Chemical Bulk Storage Facilities pursuant to the Hazardous Substance Bulk Storage Law, Article 40 of ECL; And 6 NYCRR 595-599. Data source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, federal and state motor fuels taxes table . DEC's Division of Environmental Remediation offers access to its cleanup site and spill data in a searchable format. This is a shapefile file that can be used with programs like Google Earth, Google Maps, and DEC's State Lands Interactive Mapper . Features represent occurrences of rare or high-quality natural communities (ecological communities), as recorded by the New York Natural Heritage Program. These data are a set of ARC/INFO coverages composed of polygonal and linear features. Current status of the facility: Active - Currently regulated under one of the Bulk Storage Programs; Unregulated/Closed - A facility that does not meet the thresholds for quantity or product type for regulation under one of the Bulk Storage Programs or has been closed by the DEC for management purposes. Purpose & Organization This handbook provides guidance for New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Division of Environmental Remediation (DER) staff on conducting inspections at Petroleum Bulk Storage (PBS) facilities to determine compliance with New York State (NYS, State) statutes [Environmental Conservation Law (ECL) Mar 1, 2023 | Equipment, General News. Coverages are available on a county basis for all areas of New York State outside the Adirondack Park. These fees apply to each barrel of petroleum the first time that the petroleum is imported into New York State (see Navigation Law Section 174). One or more aboveground tank systems having a combined storage capacity total of 250 gallons or more that contain petroleum other than heating oil (i.e., motor oil, lubricants, transmission fluid, hydraulic oil, cutting oil, dielectric oil and diesel fuel). lock ( Petroleum Spills must be reported to NYSDEC at 1-800-457-7362 and NCDOH within 2 hours of the spill occurring. The Ins and Outs of Oil Storage: What is the Shelf Life of Oil? Bedrock aquifers, although significant in some areas, are not addressed here. Petroleum Bulk Storage Facilities registered pursuant to title 10 of . The percentage of hazardous substance material in tank. Elisabetta DeGironimo 1220 Washington Avenue State Campus, Bldg 5, Flr 1 Albany, New York 12226 PH: 518-242-5048 E-Mail The NYSDEC Hudson River Estuary Program in collaboration with numerous partners has supported the mapping of vegetated habitats of the Hudson River Estuary. 17-1013. These composite reflectivity geotiff raster datasets display acoustic reflectivity of the mudline for the shallow waters in the west side of the Manhattan and Brooklyn waterfronts. Delivery Prohibition None at this time Forms To become authorized, Operators must be trained and must pass a DEC-administered exam that demonstrates their competence to operate these tank systems. The information balloon for each census block group area displays the census block group ID, total population, percent minority, percent below poverty level, and a link to more information on the Department of Environmental Conservation's website. Vessels that transfer petroleum to another vessel while operating in the waters of New York State must also obtain an MOSF license prior to these transfers. Changes that can be made include: (COMING SOON) PETROLEUM BULK STORAGE (PBS) RENEWAL APPLICATION, (COMING SOON) PETROLEUM BULK STORAGE (PBS) NEW FACILITY APPLICATION, (COMING SOON) PETROLEUM BULK STORAGE (PBS) TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP APPLICATION. .gov website belongs to an official government The remainder of the photos are planned to be scanned. This dataset is developed by the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), Division of Water to delineate the boundaries of the areas subject to SPDES General Permit for Phase II Stormwater Regulations. UST Operations and Maintenance. The Division of Mineral Resources maintains information and data on over40,000 wells, categorized under New York State Article 23 Regulated wells. 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