object contour detection with a fully convolutional encoder decoder network

of indoor scenes from RGB-D images, in, J.J. Lim, C.L. Zitnick, and P.Dollr, Sketch tokens: A learned This paper forms the problem of predicting local edge masks in a structured learning framework applied to random decision forests and develops a novel approach to learning decision trees robustly maps the structured labels to a discrete space on which standard information gain measures may be evaluated. convolutional encoder-decoder network. The main problem with filter based methods is that they only look at the color or brightness differences between adjacent pixels but cannot tell the texture differences in a larger receptive field. 9 presents our fused results and the CEDN published predictions. An immediate application of contour detection is generating object proposals. We also note that there is still a big performance gap between our current method (F=0.57) and the upper bound (F=0.74), which requires further research for improvement. Recently, the supervised deep learning methods, such as deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), have achieved the state-of-the-art performances in such field, including, In this paper, we develop a pixel-wise and end-to-end contour detection system, Top-Down Convolutional Encoder-Decoder Network (TD-CEDN), which is inspired by the success of Fully Convolutional Networks (FCN)[23], HED, Encoder-Decoder networks[24, 25, 13] and the bottom-up/top-down architecture[26]. Kivinen et al. Object Contour Detection with a Fully Convolutional Encoder-Decoder Network. We develop a deep learning algorithm for contour detection with a fully convolutional encoder-decoder network. In this paper, we have successfully presented a pixel-wise and end-to-end contour detection method using a Top-Down Fully Convolutional Encoder-Decoder Network, termed as TD-CEDN. Recent works, HED[19] and CEDN[13], which have achieved the best performances on the BSDS500 dataset, are two baselines which our method was compared to. Early research focused on designing simple filters to detect pixels with highest gradients in their local neighborhood, e.g. Kontschieder et al. Concerned with the imperfect contour annotations from polygons, we have developed a refinement method based on dense CRF so that the proposed network has been trained in an end-to-end manner. 520 - 527. This allows our model to be easily integrated with other decoders such as bounding box regression[17] and semantic segmentation[38] for joint training. Our proposed method in this paper absorbs the encoder-decoder architecture and introduces a novel refined module to enforce the relationship of features between the encoder and decoder stages, which is the major difference from previous networks. Most of proposal generation methods are built upon effective contour detection and superpixel segmentation. More evaluation results are in the supplementary materials. icdar21-mapseg/icdar21-mapseg-eval Fig. We formulate contour detection as a binary image labeling problem where "1" and "0" indicates "contour" and "non-contour", respectively. AB - We develop a deep learning algorithm for contour detection with a fully convolutional encoder-decoder network. All the decoder convolution layers except the one next to the output label are followed by relu activation function. semantic segmentation, in, H.Noh, S.Hong, and B.Han, Learning deconvolution network for semantic Our network is trained end-to-end on PASCAL VOC with refined ground truth from inaccurate polygon annotations, yielding much higher precision in object contour detection than previous methods. The convolutional layer parameters are denoted as conv/deconv. SharpMask[26] concatenated the current feature map of the decoder network with the output of the convolutional layer in the encoder network, which had the same plane size. 13. machines, in, Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on The detection accuracies are evaluated by four measures: F-measure (F), fixed contour threshold (ODS), per-image best threshold (OIS) and average precision (AP). The state-of-the-art edge/contour detectors[1, 17, 18, 19], explore multiple features as input, including brightness, color, texture, local variance and depth computed over multiple scales. The network architecture is demonstrated in Figure 2. This video is about Object Contour Detection With a Fully Convolutional Encoder-Decoder Network Publisher Copyright: We use thelayersupto"fc6"fromVGG-16net[48]asourencoder. Note that we did not train CEDN on MS COCO. Since visually salient edges correspond to variety of visual patterns, designing a universal approach to solve such tasks is difficult[10]. network is trained end-to-end on PASCAL VOC with refined ground truth from A tag already exists with the provided branch name. PCF-Net has 3 GCCMs, 4 PCFAMs and 1 MSEM. Lee, S.Xie, P.Gallagher, Z.Zhang, and Z.Tu, Deeply-supervised abstract = "We develop a deep learning algorithm for contour detection with a fully convolutional encoder-decoder network. We evaluate the trained network on unseen object categories from BSDS500 and MS COCO datasets[31], If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again. [21] developed a method, called DeepContour, in which a contour patch was an input of a CNN model and the output was treated as a compact cluster which was assigned by a shape label. The above mentioned four methods[20, 48, 21, 22] are all patch-based but not end-to-end training and holistic image prediction networks. Price, S.Cohen, H.Lee, and M.-H. Yang, Object contour detection Being fully convolutional . To address the quality issue of ground truth contour annotations, we develop a method based on dense CRF to refine the object segmentation masks from polygons. detection, in, G.Bertasius, J.Shi, and L.Torresani, DeepEdge: A multi-scale bifurcated generalizes well to unseen object classes from the same super-categories on MS Jimei Yang, Brian Price, Scott Cohen, Ming-Hsuan Yang, Honglak Lee. The final high dimensional features of the output of the decoder are fed to a trainable convolutional layer with a kernel size of 1 and an output channel of 1, and then the reduced feature map is applied to a sigmoid layer to generate a soft prediction. At the core of segmented object proposal algorithms is contour detection and superpixel segmentation. DUCF_{out}(h,w,c)(h, w, d^2L), L There is a large body of works on generating bounding box or segmented object proposals. Task~2 consists in segmenting map content from the larger map sheet, and was won by the UWB team using a U-Net-like FCN combined with a binarization method to increase detection edge accuracy. Ren, combined features extracted from multi-scale local operators based on the, combined multiple local cues into a globalization framework based on spectral clustering for contour detection, called, developed a normalized cuts algorithm, which provided a faster speed to the eigenvector computation required for contour globalization, Some researches focused on the mid-level structures of local patches, such as straight lines, parallel lines, T-junctions, Y-junctions and so on[41, 42, 18, 10], which are termed as structure learning[43]. Conditional random fields as recurrent neural networks. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. CEDN. Work fast with our official CLI. If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. 3.1 Fully Convolutional Encoder-Decoder Network. [41] presented a compositional boosting method to detect 17 unique local edge structures. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. To achieve this goal, deep architectures have developed three main strategies: (1) inputing images at several scales into one or multiple streams[48, 22, 50]; (2) combining feature maps from different layers of a deep architecture[19, 51, 52]; (3) improving the decoder/deconvolution networks[13, 25, 24]. , A new 2.5 D representation for lymph node detection using random sets of deep convolutional neural network observations, in: International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, Springer, 2014, pp. 8 presents several predictions which were generated by the HED-over3 and TD-CEDN-over3 models. The number of channels of every decoder layer is properly designed to allow unpooling from its corresponding max-pooling layer. The training set is denoted by S={(Ii,Gi)}Ni=1, where the image sample Ii refers to the i-th raw input image and Gi refers to the corresponding ground truth edge map of Ii. It is likely because those novel classes, although seen in our training set (PASCAL VOC), are actually annotated as background. Detection, SRN: Side-output Residual Network for Object Reflection Symmetry In SectionII, we review related work on the pixel-wise semantic prediction networks. [48] used a traditional CNN architecture, which applied multiple streams to integrate multi-scale and multi-level features, to achieve contour detection. Fig. quality dissection. The architecture of U2CrackNet is a two. A. Efros, and M.Hebert, Recovering occlusion The network architecture is demonstrated in Figure2. Observing the predicted maps, our method predicted the contours more precisely and clearly, which seems to be a refined version. Abstract: We develop a deep learning algorithm for contour detection with a fully convolutional encoder-decoder network. [21] and Jordi et al. Abstract. A quantitative comparison of our method to the two state-of-the-art contour detection methods is presented in SectionIV followed by the conclusion drawn in SectionV. Semantic pixel-wise prediction is an active research task, which is fueled by the open datasets[14, 16, 15]. 41271431), and the Jiangsu Province Science and Technology Support Program, China (Project No. 2015BAA027), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Project No. Fig. Measuring the objectness of image windows. (up to the fc6 layer) and to achieve dense prediction of image size our decoder is constructed by alternating unpooling and convolution layers where unpooling layers re-use the switches from max-pooling layers of encoder to upscale the feature maps. D.Hoiem, A.N. Stein, A.Efros, and M.Hebert. Inspired by the success of fully convolutional networks[34] and deconvolutional networks[38] on semantic segmentation, Different from the original network, we apply the BN[28] layer to reduce the internal covariate shift between each convolutional layer and the ReLU[29] layer. We find that the learned model generalizes well to unseen object classes from the same supercategories on MS COCO and can match state-of-the-art edge detection on BSDS500 with fine-tuning. . boundaries from a single image, in, P.Dollr and C.L. Zitnick, Fast edge detection using structured Encoder-decoder architectures can handle inputs and outputs that both consist of variable-length sequences and thus are suitable for seq2seq problems such as machine translation. The encoder takes a variable-length sequence as input and transforms it into a state with a fixed shape. Different from previous low-level edge detection, our algorithm focuses on detecting higher-level object contours. evaluating segmentation algorithms and measuring ecological statistics. We find that the learned model Download the pre-processed dataset by running the script, Download the VGG16 net for initialization by running the script, Test the learned network by running the script, Download the pre-trained model by running the script. FCN[23] combined the lower pooling layer with the current upsampling layer following by summing the cropped results and the output feature map was upsampled. Learning to detect natural image boundaries using local brightness, Given its axiomatic importance, however, we find that object contour detection is relatively under-explored in the literature. NYU Depth: The NYU Depth dataset (v2)[15], termed as NYUDv2, is composed of 1449 RGB-D images. We further fine-tune our CEDN model on the 200 training images from BSDS500 with a small learning rate (105) for 100 epochs. . We choose the MCG algorithm to generate segmented object proposals from our detected contours. The final prediction also produces a loss term Lpred, which is similar to Eq. We have developed an object-centric contour detection method using a simple yet efficient fully convolutional encoder-decoder network. This code includes; the Caffe toolbox for Convolutional Encoder-Decoder Networks (caffe-cedn)scripts for training and testing the PASCAL object contour detector, and TD-CEDN performs the pixel-wise prediction by Compared the HED-RGB with the TD-CEDN-RGB (ours), it shows a same indication that our method can predict the contours more precisely and clearly, though its published F-scores (the F-score of 0.720 for RGB and the F-score of 0.746 for RGBD) are higher than ours. nets, in, J. This study proposes an end-to-end encoder-decoder multi-tasking CNN for joint blood accumulation detection and tool segmentation in laparoscopic surgery to maintain the operating room as clean as possible and, consequently, improve the . 2016, 2016 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Continue Reading. object detection. We trained the HED model on PASCAL VOC using the same training data as our model with 30000 iterations. The MCG algorithm is based the classic, We evaluate the quality of object proposals by two measures: Average Recall (AR) and Average Best Overlap (ABO). We initialize our encoder with VGG-16 net[45]. We develop a deep learning algorithm for contour detection with a fully convolutional encoder-decoder network. We set the learning rate to, and train the network with 30 epochs with all the training images being processed each epoch. We initialize the encoder with pre-trained VGG-16 net and the decoder with random values. [37] combined color, brightness and texture gradients in their probabilistic boundary detector. which is guided by Deeply-Supervision Net providing the integrated direct N.Silberman, P.Kohli, D.Hoiem, and R.Fergus. key contributions. Different from our object-centric goal, this dataset is designed for evaluating natural edge detection that includes not only object contours but also object interior boundaries and background boundaries (examples in Figure6(b)). 2013 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. Some examples of object proposals are demonstrated in Figure5(d). Long, E.Shelhamer, and T.Darrell, Fully convolutional networks for S.Zheng, S.Jayasumana, B.Romera-Paredes, V.Vineet, Z.Su, D.Du, C.Huang, Our network is trained end-to-end on PASCAL VOC with refined ground truth from inaccurate polygon annotations, yielding . COCO and can match state-of-the-art edge detection on BSDS500 with fine-tuning. [19], a number of properties, which are key and likely to play a role in a successful system in such field, are summarized: (1) carefully designed detector and/or learned features[36, 37], (2) multi-scale response fusion[39, 2], (3) engagement of multiple levels of visual perception[11, 12, 49], (4) structural information[18, 10], etc. It employs the use of attention gates (AG) that focus on target structures, while suppressing . Index TermsObject contour detection, top-down fully convo-lutional encoder-decoder network. DeepLabv3 employs deep convolutional neural network (DCNN) to generate a low-level feature map and introduces it to the Atrous Spatial Pyramid . S.Guadarrama, and T.Darrell, Caffe: Convolutional architecture for fast Compared to the baselines, our method (CEDN) yields very high precisions, which means it generates visually cleaner contour maps with background clutters well suppressed (the third column in Figure5). Dive into the research topics of 'Object contour detection with a fully convolutional encoder-decoder network'. Different from previous low-level edge detection, our algorithm focuses on detecting higher-level object contours. Our network is trained end-to-end on PASCAL VOC with refined ground truth from inaccurate polygon annotations, yielding much higher precision in object contour detection than previous methods. S.Guadarrama, and T.Darrell. Our network is trained end-to-end on PASCAL VOC with refined ground truth from inaccurate polygon annotations . top-down strategy during the decoder stage utilizing features at successively Previous algorithms efforts lift edge detection to a higher abstract level, but still fall below human perception due to their lack of object-level knowledge. In this section, we comprehensively evaluated our method on three popularly used contour detection datasets: BSDS500, PASCAL VOC 2012 and NYU Depth, by comparing with two state-of-the-art contour detection methods: HED[19] and CEDN[13]. This work shows that contour detection accuracy can be improved by instead making the use of the deep features learned from convolutional neural networks (CNNs), while rather than using the networks as a blackbox feature extractor, it customize the training strategy by partitioning contour (positive) data into subclasses and fitting each subclass by different model parameters. Fully convolutional networks for semantic segmentation. However, the technologies that assist the novice farmers are still limited. persons; conferences; journals; series; search. Multi-stage Neural Networks. The proposed soiling coverage decoder is an order of magnitude faster than an equivalent segmentation decoder. prediction. With the further contribution of Hariharan et al. Constrained parametric min-cuts for automatic object segmentation. Convolutional Oriented Boundaries gives a significant leap in performance over the state-of-the-art, and generalizes very well to unseen categories and datasets, and learning to estimate not only contour strength but also orientation provides more accurate results. . [46] generated a global interpretation of an image in term of a small set of salient smooth curves. We train the network using Caffe[23]. We find that the learned model hierarchical image structures, in, P.Kontschieder, S.R. Bulo, H.Bischof, and M.Pelillo, Structured However, since it is very challenging to collect high-quality contour annotations, the available datasets for training contour detectors are actually very limited and in small scale. We compared our method with the fine-tuned published model HED-RGB. conditional random fields, in, P.Felzenszwalb and D.McAllester, A min-cover approach for finding salient TableII shows the detailed statistics on the BSDS500 dataset, in which our method achieved the best performances in ODS=0.788 and OIS=0.809. elephants and fish are accurately detected and meanwhile the background boundaries, e.g. H. Lee is supported in part by NSF CAREER Grant IIS-1453651. We develop a deep learning algorithm for contour detection with a fully convolutional encoder-decoder network. [13] developed two end-to-end and pixel-wise prediction fully convolutional networks. Among these properties, the learned multi-scale and multi-level features play a vital role for contour detection. Our method obtains state-of-the-art results on segmented object proposals by integrating with combinatorial grouping[4]. search dblp; lookup by ID; about. This paper proposes a simple and scalable detection algorithm that improves mean average precision (mAP) by more than 30% relative to the previous best result on VOC 2012 -- achieving a mAP of 53.3%. Figure7 shows that 1) the pretrained CEDN model yields a high precision but a low recall due to its object-selective nature and 2) the fine-tuned CEDN model achieves comparable performance (F=0.79) with the state-of-the-art method (HED)[47]. We propose a convolutional encoder-decoder framework to extract image contours supported by a generative adversarial network to improve the contour quality. Ganin et al. Recently, deep learning methods have achieved great successes for various applications in computer vision, including contour detection[20, 48, 21, 22, 19, 13]. The complete configurations of our network are outlined in TableI. kmaninis/COB In each decoder stage, its composed of upsampling, convolutional, BN and ReLU layers. There are several previously researched deep learning-based crop disease diagnosis solutions. We develop a deep learning algorithm for contour detection with a fully convolutional encoder-decoder network. support inference from RGBD images, in, M.Everingham, L.VanGool, C.K. Williams, J.Winn, and A.Zisserman, The Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. Object contour detection is a classical and fundamental task in computer vision, which is of great significance to numerous computer vision applications, including segmentation[1, 2], object proposals[3, 4], object detection/recognition[5, 6], optical flow[7], and occlusion and depth reasoning[8, 9]. As input and transforms it into a state with a fully convolutional encoder-decoder.... 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