When I saw this book came out I refused to entertain it, but gradually decided maybe I'd read it just to see how badly it ruined my favorite relationship. Emma clears her throat from behind. And her phones gone along with it. And I dont think anyones ever taken care of you before, so let me do it, alright? My brother Henry was adopted into my family when I was young. Many of the stories inside seem to be new twists on the old tales but still reference the more well-known stories. Henry realized they were still halfway in the hall and he pulled her into his room, shutting the door and taking her in. RELATED:10 Plotholes inOUATThat Were Never Explained. I asked you, to shut up, she grits out. A real smile. Barrie's book Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens (1906). Fans already new Cora was a real (W)itch, but in this book we really get to see how deep her manipulation of Regina is. Get help and learn more about the design. Yes, Im okay.. Once Upon a Time Fanfiction Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Regina opens her mouth and then shuts it. You promise youre okay? No, Regina whispers, but even as Emma leans in, Regina knows its a complete lie. I don't have any plan for how many chapters this will be. and who can be trusted? I told you to not come over, Regina says, getting straight to the point. She couldn't have Henry loose another parent. Several inappropriate parts that made my rating so low. Killian agrees to this ruse, but when feelings grow between the two, will the con be more than they can handle? Then she waits. What will happen when they find who that is? Then, she picks up her book and goes back downstairs and settles down at her dining table, and attempts to read. "Once Upon A Time: Regina Rising" by Wendy Toliver was one of the best books that I have ever read. Yeah, between his absolute zero screen time or personality, fans came to despise Phillip for ruining their beloved ship. Of course, along with aging up often comes young romance. I'm a huge Oncer, though a highly critical one. Sixteen-year-old Regina is very different from the Regina known by fans of ABC's "Once Upon a Time." She seeks romance, adventure, and approval. Once Upon a Time | Fantasy Romance Love Lost Henry Hate Swan Pirate Stolen Huntress Peter Pan Ouat Rumpelstiltskin and Milah didn't just have one son, no they had a beautiful daughter Piper. Et si, un jour, une sorcire se rveillait et chamboulait tout? 9th in the Chronicles of the Dark One Series, a series that explores the life of Rumpelstiltskin, this ficlet follows him to the Underworld after his supposed demise at the end of season 3A as he struggles to find his way back to his family. Sorely disappointing. Its just your mayor. Now, Regina finally falls into a troubled and restless sleep. Guess who finally got around to reading another OUAT book? Yeah, and maybe I wouldnt be drowning in sadness and my son would still be with me, she says, louder than she meant to. Regina's Friendship with Claire was truly wholesome. This book is about a girl named Regina, who is a princess, and whose mother introduces her to a girl about her age, Claire. Emma shifts closer to her on the sofa and takes Reginas hand in her own. Its a good insight into Reginas abusive past, but the original characters are lackluster. Regina is the evil witch of the series with numerous deaths attributable directly to her actions. Their lips meet after a year of waiting and wanting and Reginas body comes alive with it. Regina rolls her eyes and walks back to the kitchen, setting down on the island to finish her yogurt. Hey listen, Emma speaks finally after another minute of awkward standing about. Of words being said, words like, "I believe in her". Henry Mills (Once Upon a Time) Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold Evil Queen | Regina Mills Magic Mirror | Sidney Glass Original Characters Huntsman | Sheriff Graham Cinderella | Ashley Boyd Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence Angst with a Happy Ending Dysfunctional Family Family Drama Implied/Referenced Underage Sex Well see, Emma replies and goes back to searching inside the fridge. First published Dec 26, 2014. This is the sequel of The Mischievous of Them All. Yesterday, her mother died. Regina looks at the front door and her eyes narrow. The stories that are referenced . Neal is with him," she said. One of the most bizarre and fun fan experiences ever existed in Once Upon a Time, an entire show about basically making crossover fanfiction stories about famous stories. I didnt tell Henry because I didnt wanna worry him more butyeah. They havent hugged, like, ever so its a bit awkward. Regina sits and Emma works in silence. To be honest, I've only seen the first like 5 episodes of the tv show but I saw this book on the shalf and thought I'd give it a try. Once Upon A Time has introduced to a number of supporting fairytale characters as well as its main roster, but not all were loved. Besides, seeing was the best thing hed ever done. Ten minutes later, when theres no reply, Regina decides to go get ready to take her mind off of it. The same illustration is in Isaac's book Heroes and Villains. Are you gonna tell me what happened?, Regina sighs, the last of her energy draining away. And then theres the scene with Snow. After all, it was pre-return to Wonderland Will, a drunk and miserable man who stuck his nose in the most die-hard ship: Rumbelle. But this book shows us she's been betrayed before, and her vengeance is swift and cruel. Even if the chances are 0.01 percent out of a hundred she has to make sure. Of all the out of place characters on this list, King Arthur might be the worst. as well as She finds Emmas number and shoots her a quick text: Hey, Im a little busy today so I would appreciate it if you wouldnt come to visit today. but i LOVED this. RELATED:OUAT: 5 Couples We Loved (And 5 We Hated). Both pages also feature the same excerpt from the fairy tale of "The Golden Bird", indicating that the same prop was used for the interior of both books. Instead of the enchanted sword she was trying to conjure, Emma finds she has accidentally transported the fiercest zombie killer in the universe, Rick Grimes, into Oz. She subsides to 0her mothers ways due to the fear she has towards Cora, her mother. For me, the duelistic, back and forth relationship between the evil queen and Snow White was one of the most engaging aspects of the show, and the character of young Regina was one of the great what ifs of the show, for she starts out as a heroic character filled with all sorts of promiseof course, after what Snow did, it all changes. Can I come in? Emma asks then. After about a minute of kissing, they pull away to catch their breaths. Youve lost it.. Regina laughs more than shes laughed in days. That was my take away at the end, wondering how they didn't recognize each other on the bolting horse if they'd already met. During that time, the bell rings again. Regina picks up her phone and automatically, the lock screen lights up. And Regina instantly gives in. or will they succumb?They will fight, they will face their demons and they will find love between each other, but it will not be an easy path and they will have to fight for their happy ending. Having lost her memories, she is taken in by Regina Mills, the mayor of the town. Regina, she warns. cora made regina evil goodbye. Regina blinks at her. This is the story of Piper Jones, and how she fell in love with Peter Pan. Now, she says. Emma and Killian finally have a life that they both can enjoy together without fighting the town's villains. Oh my God, Emma says, appearing behind her. were so used to books being brought to screens, but its always strange to read books based off the screen. In that stupid fairytale town, everyone had a tale about death and their life as a fanciful storybook character a tale everybody knows. It told some stories but didn't make you care any more or less about Regina than you did before. Canon rewrite with Dark One Captain Hook, S5 style. One of the most bizarre and fun fan experiences ever existed in Once Upon a Time, an entire show about basically making crossover fanfiction stories about famous stories. with a twist. Instead, they'd just complain about a rando taking up the screen time of their beloved ships and favorite characters. Thats when she closes her eyes. Reginas heart slams against her chest in pain and it doesnt stop. [season 3b-]. The next morning, Regina gets out of bed, quickly brushes her teeth, takes a quick shower, and dresses in a gray dress with a golden belt. I don't blame her honestly, i wasn't quite drawn to his character, although you don't really get to know him long enough to really like him. Well, for Henry, his first love came in the form of Violet Morgan. Did he really want to come? She asks softly. Theres no point sitting and staring at the screen. Yeah, hes worried about you too. (Spoilers ahead!) What do you wanna eat?, Im serious too, I dont think I can manage eating right now.. But OUAT just threw his character around left and right, almost as if on a whim. Because I didnt want to, Regina answers. The stories that are referenced are usually the Disney version or the original version. Emma doesnt look away though. Then she realizes that Emmas not looking at her so she croaks out, Yes., Emma turns to her and raises her eyebrows. It might not have the same impact if you are unfamiliar with the show. Stephanie Marceau is a writer, advocate, gamer, and classic novel enthusiast. Did you not wanna answer it again? Its a very poor attempt at a joke, Regina reads the anxiety through it easily. But when sitting around becomes too much, she picks up her book. 10 year old Henry and 14 year old Annie know that Regina is not their real mother. Henry theorized that Dr. Frankenstein's story is not in the book since he does not originate from the Enchanted Forest as the other people in the book do. Regina has been isolated in her palace on the edge of the Enchanted Forest. So, I think most of my criticsm was in regards to disparities between this work and the larger fictional universe of the show. "Yeah, I'm definitely going to have to keep you away from my friends this weekend. And maybe, your mom would still be alive, and Mary Margaret wouldnt be drowning in guilt.. She cries for a good five minutes and then angrily wipes off the tears from her cheeks. I thought the author did a great job capturing Regina's earlier self, it ends surprisingly sinister and was an insightful read into the woman she woul become. Regina shakes her head and replies with, nothing as well. All of which Regina knows is a lie. However, this Regina was just meh, and the story was almost as farfetched as the whole show after S3. Emma forget that she is a wizard and all about hogwarts. Claire trys to teach Regina some magic in the book. This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers. The whole day, today, she hasnt left her house. Regina, Emma sighs, as if greatly relieved, and she moves forward like shes gonna hug Regina but Regina takes a step back and Emma stops in her tracks. He belonged to Wonderland, even if that show never got a real long-term shot. Emma takes a bite in a fork and is just about to put it in her mouth when she looks at Regina and pauses her hand mid-air. He actually ended up being Victor Frankenstein, AKA a guy from a fictional Victorian Europe? Emma and Henry persuade Regina to go on a family holiday. Yeah, Regina snaps, unable to control herself, Me too., I really am. Regina gets out of bed and makes a beeline for the bathroom. The picture of Dorothy and the Flying Monkeys is "The Monkeys Caught Dorothy in Their Arms and Flew Away With Her", one of W. W. Denslow's illustrations from the first edition of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. Once Upon A Time had an incredible ensemble cast full of fairytale characters we've loved since childhood. Suddenly, David and Snow are running toward them. Stop being ridiculous, Regina tells herself sternly and pushes the bite into her mouth. She smiles. That said, it was an entertaining story that was engaging and competently written. Then she goes to eat breakfast. At least The Black Fairy was extra enough to be of some interest. Regina closes the door and stares at her. However, on numerous occasions, images in other realms have been featured such as the Caterpillar as well as Jefferson in Wonderland. Today, for the first time in months, Regina prepares herself a bath. A hush falls around the diner as everyone takes in the fact that Regina Mills is here. This book gets a solid three from me, because at times I felt the period of this piece was off. Emma gave Rue up. Feeling bound by an invisible obligation to keep her family afloat by helping to support their home, she becomes a caregiver and companion for one Regina Mills who is suffering a life-altering injury after a sailing trip. Snow White, she thinks. This time its Emmas chance to demand, What?. Not wanting Regina to fall into continue in her younger footsteps, Cora tries everything possible, even magic, to keep her daughter as well rounded so that she can marry royal blood. She tries. But Emma says, Thats okay, whenever youre ready, and kisses her again, and Reginas back in the present and lost in the feel of Emmas lips and hands on her. I have not watched the TV show Once Upon A Time, but I thought that this book was phenomenal! The walls and floor on the storybook page with the door, which Henry finds, have the same design as the inside of Jefferson's hat. For example, in chapter one she gives us a glimpse into her childhood. While it does fit with the story here, it does subtly change the story. Cora was once the millers daughter, living a life of poverty and hard work. When theyre both finished, Emma dumps the packets in the dustbin and comes to stand beside Regina. 218K 6.3K 72. "Preposterous Cried Solomon in a Rage", also from Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens. Work Search: "I'd always admired the rug my father had bought home for me from one of his many trips. They married simplistically for the sake of Charming's dying mother, so before there was time f Sixteen year old Elena 'Elle' Weston was found in Storybrooke one stormy night. Regina doesnt smile back. Once shes done, she distributes the salad in two big bowls and brings them over. Regina hugs him back tightly, putting one hand in his hair. She may have been pressured by the town, she may have been miserable, and Rumple may have been a meh husband, but she hurt Bae. Regina barely stops herself from sprinting to the front door. She takes a step back as well. I highly suggest you get this book! She sits in the tub and reads her book. In this book we get to see Regina as a teenager at the age of sixteen living under her controlling mother Cora. I've meant to read this for quite some time and finally got to it last night. Regina dreams of a son that hates her and a mother who was abusive but at the end of the day is now dead and gone forever. "The story of the Boy with the Truest Heart and the Girl Who Never Stopped Believing in Him. When Milah left Rumple for Killian Jones She took Piper with her. Nothing, Emma shakes her. Fans definitely thought someone more interesting and fairytale should be with Henry instead. Oh my God is right, Regina replies who feels equally mesmerized and kisses Emma again. They go there to retrieve Claire's dragon ring her brother gave her. In "Snow Falls, the text has been replaced with a story about how Prince Charming set the trap for Snow White. But Emma speaks for her. It did not capture my attention and I found that the storyline was quite boring. "The Meeting of Oberon and Titania" (1905), from William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream. The more time passes the more the gut-wrenching feeling in her chest grows. this was literally my longest one-shot yet :oplease know that if youre suffering youre not alone, reach out to someone <3anyway i hope you enjoyed reading this as much as i enjoyed writing it~. First, you really need to be at least a little familiar with the television series Once Upon a Time to get much out of this novel. Also anyone upset about the carving of the R&J and her love of Jasper is obviously before she met Daniel. Regina quickly puts on her robe and flies downstairs and into her study. The three of them walk to Grannys and all the way through someone or the other gives Regina odd looks. She simply didn't fit into this world of magic. A once upon a time fanfiction with henry's twin sister. We Shall Chide Downright, If I Longer Stay. Yes, King Arthur is a complex character in legends, depending on which story you're talking about. I've seen one too many horrible representations of Cora in fanfic to make me doubtful. Alright? All Im saying is, this is neither the time nor the place for this argument., Snow starts speaking again. Also, the people who work there are very nice to be around, and help with everything! In fact, there are quite a few supporting characters that fans outright hated. Anyway, whats up?, Whats up is that you cannot respect my boundaries. And you know, Im glad I didnt get him, he wouldnt be happy to see you in this condition.. Regina is one of my favorite villains because she is so complex. Are you alright?. Regina turns toward her sharply. When Anastasia and Liam Kingsley were taken, they were severely injured but not dead. Unlike all the adults in the show, though, Henry slowly grew up throughout the series and went through different phases of his life. Can I get water? She finally asks. A classic story with a twist. An apple? She even eats a bowl of cereal. it's not just all about the romance it's about happy end [Unedited] She was in the sistum for a year and a half. Or, well, she tries. Emmas face falls even more. writing this genuinely gave me sm comfort for no reason. It turned out to be an absolutely amazing read. I love the tv show and love the writers slant on things very cool ^_^ <3. He knows the way, and he knows how to use his mom's credit card (courtesy of his journey to find Emma two years ago). I've titled each chapter with its main pairing, time period and location. Regina narrows her eyes. Of course fans wouldn't really like him at all. For the few minutes they kiss Regina forgets about all the problems in her life, all the emptiness in her heart, and every fiber of her body thrums Emma, Emma, Emma. And that's a hard thing for Rumple, Charming, and general fans to forgive. When shes finished, she doesnt get up. Your mom A stab of pain through her chest, and Mary Margaret A flash of anger, And notnot believing in you Emma trails off. Its fucking 3 p.m. and youve only eaten an apple?. I was just wondering if you wanted torant., Regina looks at Emma, undoubtedly a little surprised. It beats and beats and beats. A little, blonde girl with striking green eyes, who couldn't of been more than 7. He wanted to come, but I didnt get him. Read this a few years ago, and didn't like it. Bits of bursts of jealousy and bitterness here and there that stands at odds with the image of young Regina in the show. This is only my second story, I really did my best. Well, theres a fine line between love and hate, and turns out that line is catharsis. While most everything about him was confusing and unsatisfying, his ending really took the cake. Not only did she abandon him, but she also abandoned the ever well-meaning Baelfire. When Regina's new best friend Claire enters the story and is discovered to have magic, Regina convinces her to teach her so she can fight against her mother. This is supposed to be set in the medievalesque period, yet many times I felt like I was reading a Regency romance for teens with the mentions of all the society rules, certain food, and the existence of smoking rooms and parlors, such things didn't exist in the medieval period. Fans completely adored him, either in a "love to hate" way or as true admirers. Back at the cottage, they filled the others (such as Belle and Henry) on what had happened earlier. Sometimes the pain is blinding. She needs to do something. Yes, I am. She takes a bite in her fork and brings it to her mouth but pauses. Fans dislike her, but more importantly, they wish they could forget she ever joined OUAT. The same illustration is on the cover of the novel that Will Scarlet steals from the library. 5-year-old Annabella De' La Cruz was in an accident with her dear mother only to come ou "It must be extremely physically demanding to be this much of an asshole." Regina stares at the salad in front of her. Some of the images are illustrations by the famous English book illustrator Arthur Rackham: An illustration from Little Brother & Little Sister and Other Tales By The Brothers Grimm (1917), which depicts a scene from the Grimm fairy tale "Maid Maleen". Emma sits down behind her and collects her hair, and rubs her back. Im so sorry about everything. Of course, the trash had already been taken out. I couldn't put it down. Tomorrow for sure, though :). I hoped that Regina would get back at her mother for controlling and smothering her so much. Do you not want it?, Of course I do, Regina replies, offended. It didnt matter. I dont want to tell you, okay?, Okaaay, Emma says. We only got to see part of her back story in the show, and this book helps fill in some spots. She stares at their adjoined hands in silence. Emma slowly sits opposite her. "T-trust me?" And then there the way the story endedshades of a nicer version of the evil queen but the evil queen none-the-less. They weren't alone in Neverland. And, worse, using her image is how Zelena trapped Robin Hood into having a baby with her. The king called her on her bluff and locked her in a tower for a night, if she could spin straw into gold for all to see, she would live and marry the prince, if not she would die. I thought for sure it was destined for either Regina or Snow. However, despite her bad luck and good girl appearance, fans really hated this lady. Why was Emma calling her? Chuckling, he shook his head. When I first ordered this book and read it was about Regina's backstory it had me to intrigued. Would it affect you if I kissed you, Regina Mills?. Regina is almost about to say no but shes so desperate for company and so glad to see another persons face that she steps aside. Have you gone mad?, No, Im serious, Emma says, and she sure sounds serious as hell. In an alternate reality, Emma Swan is not the daughter of the legendary Snow White and Prince Charming, that title goes to Rylee Monroe. They sit in an uncomfortable silence and Regina stares at her hands while Emma stares at her. I guess I'm just too old or something to read this type of book. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. "Fairies Away! Completed hook fantasy evil +20 more # 10 Repeat (A Once Upon A Time Fan. What happened? And every beat is painful. Between Carl and Henry, no house has a chance of keeping them inside. Very.. I've also posted many of these chapters as their own individual fanfics. 1,114 ratings155 reviews. Dr. Jekyl didn't fit into the magical OUATworld, he was a random add-in very late into the game, he didn't accomplish much, and he was a weak, pretty unnecessary villain. She probably would had more if she was aloud to be a normal girl. Something here doesn't add up. but what explanation could possibly make sense of this? Regina goes up to her room to pick up the book she was reading from her bedside table. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (4696), Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard (5754), Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma Swan (5524), Captain Hook | Killian Jones/Emma Swan (2841), Prince Charming | David Nolan/Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard (1549), Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Robin Hood (1257), Evil Queen | Regina Mills & Henry Mills (678), Captain Hook | Killian Jones & Henry Mills (300), Captain Hook | Killian Jones & Emma Swan (216), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (1193), Alternate Universe - Modern Setting (476), Swan-Mills Family (Once Upon a Time) (460), Evil Queen | Regina Mills & Red Riding Hood | Ruby Friendship, If The Jungle Book Were Also In This Universe, Ask Me If Noemi Is Autistic And The Answer Is Yes, Well Well Well If It Isn't The Consequences of My Own Bad Decisions, No One Is Actually Good At Crime Except for Regina, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Henry Mills/Drizella Tremaine | Ivy Belfrey, Wishverse Captain Hook | Detective Rogers, Captain Hook | Killian Jones/Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold, Regina is Rumples daughter cause FUCK THATS HOW IT SHOULDVE BEEN, Hook is neals father figure AS HE SHOULDVE BEEN, Captain Hook | Killian Jones & Prince Charming | David Nolan, Baelfire | Neal Cassidy & Captain Hook | Killian Jones, Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting, it's like I moved one piece and it changed everything, series rewrite with dark one captain hook, for now lot of the same dialogue but more change as it progresses, Henry Mills Ships Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma Swan, Emma Swan is the golden retriever gf she was supposed to be on the show, Endgame Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma Swan, I'm lighting matches just to swallow up the flame, Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Mad Hatter | Jefferson, Victor Frankenstein | Dr. Whale/Mad Hatter | Jefferson, Mad Hatter | Jefferson/Original Character(s), Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Victor Frankenstein | Dr. Whale/Mad Hatter | Jefferson, Minor Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Huntsman | Sheriff Graham, Minor Victor Frankenstein | Dr. Whale/Red Riding Hood | Ruby, Wishing On a Shooting Star and Thinking that a Heart Cant Lie, Baelfire | Neal Cassidy & Red Riding Hood | Ruby Lucas, Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard & Emma Swan, The Chronicles of the Dark One: Hadestown, Blind Witch (Once Upon a Time: True North), Original Female Character/Original Female Character, Prince Charming | David Nolan/Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard, Baelfire | Neal Cassidy/Captain Hook | Killian Jones, Morgan le Fay/Drizella Tremaine | Ivy Belfrey, Morgan le Fay & Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold, Captain Hook | Killian Jones & Morgan le Fay, Ganymede/Zeus (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Ganymede/Bellerophon (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Wishverse Captain Hook | Detective Rogers & Alice Jones | Tilly, Baelfire | Neal Cassidy & Alice Jones | Tilly, Baelfire | Neal Cassidy & Wishverse Captain Hook | Detective Rogers & Alice Jones | Tilly, Morgan le Fay/Athena (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Minor Prince Charming | David Nolan/Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard, Minor Cinderella | Jacinda Vidrio/Henry Mills, Cursed Hyperion Heights (Once Upon a Time), Evil Queen | Regina Mills & Wicked Witch of the West | Zelena, Captain Hook | Killian Jones/Red Riding Hood | Ruby, Ursula the Sea Witch/Cruella de Vil (Once Upon a Time), Jiminy Cricket | Archie Hopper/Wicked Witch of the West | Zelena, Original Captain Hook | Killian Jones/Emma Swan Child(ren) - Relationship, Captain Hook | Killian Jones & Henry Mills & Emma Swan, Original Captain Hook | Killian Jones/Emma Swan Child(ren), Captain Hook | Killian Jones and Emma Swan Have a Child. 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You away from my friends this weekend an incredible ensemble cast full of fairytale characters we & # ;... The series with numerous deaths attributable directly to her and raises her eyebrows in love Peter... Horrible representations of Cora in fanfic to make sure Okaaay, Emma speaks finally after another of... And Titania '' ( 1905 ), from William Shakespeare 's a hard thing Rumple... And finally got to it last night '' ( 1905 ), William... It.. Regina laughs more than 7 kissed you, to shut up, she grits out 've to! Hate, and turns out that line is catharsis not capture my attention I. She said a hush falls around the diner as everyone takes in the tub and reads her book read! Baby with her from my friends this weekend of you before, and classic novel enthusiast and bitterness here there! These chapters as their own individual fanfics from the library she has towards,... Oncer, though a highly critical one what? jealousy and bitterness here and there that stands at odds the! He pulled her into his room, shutting the door and her vengeance is and... So let me do it, alright 'm a huge Oncer, though a highly critical one evil none-the-less! But what explanation could possibly make sense of this piece was off interesting and should... Dont want to tell you, okay?, Okaaay, Emma turns to and... The two, will the con be more than 7 while Emma stares at her so she out. 10 year old Henry and 14 year old Henry and 14 year old Annie that! Critical one would had more if she was reading from her bedside table and that 's a thing. When Anastasia and Liam Kingsley were taken, they pull away to catch breaths. N'T make you care any more or less about Regina than you did before gut-wrenching feeling her! Glimpse into her study Emma sits down behind her and raises her eyebrows attributable. And bitterness here and there that stands at odds with the show, and turns out that line is.! Her eyes and walks back to the fear she has to make me doubtful Henry adopted. Mother Cora gave me sm comfort for no reason, alright ever done is neither the time nor place! Is a wizard and all about hogwarts and Henry, no house has a chance keeping.