As is the bird, so is its song; as is the man, so is his manner of speech. Locus penitenti -- Place for repentance. Rex non potest fallere nec falli -- The king cannot deceive or be deceived. Indigne vivit per quem non vivit alter -- He by whom another does not live does not deserve to live. Pater familias -- The father of a family. Nihil aliud necessarium ut sis miser, quam ut te miserum credas -- Nothing else is necessary to make you wretched than to fancy you are so. (On the bust of Franklin.). Sunt pueri pueri, pueri puerilia tractant. Read the whole if you wish to know the whole. Le refus des louanges est souvent un dsir d'tre lou deux fois -- The refusal of praise often proceeds from a desire to have it repeated. Desunt ctera -- The remainder is wanting. Voices of Fauns are often heard, and shapes of gods often seen. Not even Hercules could contend against two at once. Facsimile -- An engraved resemblance of a man's handwriting; an exact copy of anything (literally do the like). Mieux vaut voir un chien enrag, qu'un soleil chaud en Janvier. Esse quam videri -- To be rather than to seem. Apio opus est -- There is need of parsley, i.e., to strew on the grave, meaning that one is dying. Argumentum ad ignorantiam -- An argument founded on the ignorance of an adversary. Ignobile vulgus -- The base-born multitude. ponderat; As. There is need of parsley, i.e., to strew on the grave, meaning that one is dying. The poverty which oppresses a great people is a grievous and intolerable evil. On termine de longs procs / Par un peu de guerre civile. Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2021-09-21 A partaker in a crime; an accessory either before or after the fact. Hibernicis ipsis hibernior -- More Irish than the Irish themselves. Post bellum auxilium -- Aid after the war is over. We use cookies to enhance your experience. Deridet, sed non derideor -- He laughs, but I am not laughed at. A judicial writ. (On the bust of Franklin.). Usage Frequency: 1 Prudentis est mutare consilium; stultus sicut luna mutatur. Vi et armis -- By force and arms; by main force. an tibi notitiam mora temporis eripit horum? Pour se faire valoir -- To make one's self of consequence. A posse ad esse -- From possibility to actuality. Happy they who steadily pursue a middle course. Reference: Anonymous. -- Are you trying to appease envy by the abandonment of virtue? Gratis asseritur -- It is asserted but not proved. Jucunda rerum vicissitudo -- A delightful change of circumstances. Aperte mala cum est mulier, tum demum est bona -- A woman when she is openly bad, is at least honest. Non bene imperat, nisi qui paruerit imperio -- No one makes a good commander except he who has been trained to obey commands. Tot homines, quot sententi -- So many men, so many minds. [Greek: oimoi; ti d' oimoi? for Nemine contradicente -- Nobody opposing. Viris fortibus non opus est mnibus -- Brave men have no need of walls. Stultitiam dissimulare non potes nisi taciturnitate, Stultitiam simulare loco, sapientia summa est. Scire ubi aliquid invenire possis, ea demum maxima pars eruditionis est. Except that you were not with me, in other respects I was happy. Expetuntur diviti ad perficiendas voluptates. In toto et pars continetur -- In the whole the part also is contained. Argumentum ad invidiam -- An argument which appeals to low passions. From professional translators, enterprises, web pages and freely available translation repositories. Tam Marti quam Mercurio -- As much for Mars as for Mercury; as well qualified for war as for business. Ne te qusiveris extra -- Seek not thyself outside of thyself. By continuing to visit this site you agree to our use of cookies. Inter canem et lupum -- Between the dog and the wolf; at the twilight. Obiter dicta -- Remarks by the way; passing remarks. In flammam flammas, in mare fundis aquas -- You add fire to fire, and water to the sea. Ex quo et bono -- In justice and equity. If you don't find what you are looking for here, the phrase maybe a proverb or motto in which case you should check the Dictionary of Famous Quotations Don't be what you are not, but resolutely be what you can. Tchtig Wort: Verein' und leite, Bessrer Hort. Absit omen -- May the omen augur no evil. Nem. Adscriptus gleb -- Attached to the soil. What has been always, been everywhere, and been by all believed. See that the commonwealth suffer no detriment. A lie, untruth, falsehood, fiction. Communibus annis -- One year with another. Suggestio falsi -- Suggestion of what is false. for Nemine dissentiente, Nemo ita pauper vivit, quam pauper natus est. Linguam compescere, virtus non minima est. Arma cerealia -- The arms of Ceres, i.e., implements connected with the preparation of corn and bread. Vita brevis, ars longa -- Life is short, art is long. Contraria contrariis curantur -- Contraries are cured by contraries. Don't throw yourself in the way of a hungry man. Hoc erat in more majorum -- This was the custom of our forefathers. "This discovery will draw us closer to the day when humanity can cast aside its evil ways and eventually join the galactic civilization.". In perpetuam rei memoriam -- In everlasting remembrance of a thing. Spe via obliqua prstat quam tendere recta -- It is often better to go the circuitous way than the direct one. Dominus vobiscum, et cum spiritu tuo -- The Lord be with you, and with thy spirit. Are you trying to appease envy by the abandonment of virtue? Offhand; summarily (literally with a short hand). On everything knowable and some other matters. Gradu diverso, via una -- By different steps but the same way. Crimen ls majestatis -- Crime of high treason. Secundum usum -- According to usage or use. Obiter cantare -- To sing as one goes along; to sing by the way. Entries where "servanda" occurs: Citations:perfixere: fr ltere Deutsche Geschichtskunde, Deutsches Archiv fr Erforschung des Mittelalters, Bhlau, page 409: Quisquis propriae desertor ecclesiae nullis perfixere. Secundo amne defluit -- He floats with the stream. From the effect to the cause; by induction. Biden sacram sanctionem impetrasse Chinese conatibus pati. Imperium in imperio -- A government within a government. He himself (viz. Nulla res tantum ad discendum profuit quantum scriptio -- Nothing so much assists learning, as writing down what we wish to remember. Dat Galenus opes, dat Justinianus honores / Sed Moses sacco cogitar ire pedes -- Galen gives wealth, Justinian honours, but Moses must go afoot with a beggar's wallet. Intus si recte, ne labora -- If inwardly right, don't worry. [Greek: Kadmeia nik] -- A Cadman victory, i.e., one in which the conquerors suffer as much as the conquered. Ex uno disce omnes -- From one judge of all. Hoc genus omne -- All persons of that kind. Magna est veritas et prvalebit -- Truth is mighty, and will in the end prevail. Alia tentanda via est -- We must try another way. Coram non judice -- Before one who is not a judge. Usque ad nauseam -- Till one is utterly sick of it. Dii majores et minores -- Gods of a higher and lower degree. Non sequitur -- It does not follow; an unwarranted inference. Magnum est argumentum in utroque fuisse moderatum -- It speaks volumes for man that, when placed in quite different situations, he displays in each the same spirit of moderation. Per fas et nefas -- By right ways and by wrong. Ab ovo usque ad mala -- From the beginning to the end (literally from the egg to the apples). Risus abundat in ore stultorum -- Laughter is common in the mouth of fools. An dives sit omnes qurunt, nemo an bonus -- Every one inquires if he is rich; no one asks if he is good. -- To change the subject abruptly; to talk at cross purposes. Mortalia acta nunquam Deos fallunt -- The deeds of man never can be hid from the gods. A cause for war; originally, fortune of war. Galen gives wealth, Justinian honours, but Moses must go afoot with a beggar's wallet. We use cookies to enhance your experience. Pecuniam perdidisti: fortasse illa te perderet manens. Astra regunt homines, sed regit astra Deus -- The stars govern men, but God governs the stars. In medias res -- Into the midst of a thing at once. Laughter is common in the mouth of fools. Requiem ternam dona eis, Domine -- Grant them eternal rest, O Lord. An act of faith; a name applied to certain proceedings of the Inquisition connected with the burning of heretics. We're part of Translated, so if you ever need professional translation services, then go checkout our main site, Usage Frequency: 1. Clarum et venerabile nomen -- An illustrious and honoured name. Infra dignitatem -- Beneath one's dignity. Chi non ha cuore, abbia gambe -- He who has no courage should have legs (to run). Quapropter eiusdem procurandae moralis viget obligatio, quatenus consequi comprobetur finem suum proprium, nempe nutritionem et imbibitionem aegroti; qua quidem . DOCUMENTA II. Dens theonina -- A calumniating disposition (literally tooth). Deo dante nil nocet invidia, et non dante, nil proficit labor. ORDO UNCTIONIS INFIRMORUM EORUMQUE SPIRITUALIS CUR. Filii non plus possessionum quam morborum hredes sumus -- We sons are heirs no less to diseases than to estates. You are aiming at the heavens; your anger is bootless. Of this many have said many things, all something, no one enough. La feuille tombe terre, ainsi tombe la beaut. Do you want to translate text, files, tickets, emails, etc.? Often when we are oppressed by one deity, another comes to our help. By a leap; by passing over the intermediate steps. Famine, pestilence, and war are the destruction of a people. Brave as lions in peace, timid as deer in war. Those who write books on despising fame inscribe their own name on the title-page. Usage Frequency: 1 Hold him the best prophet who forms the best conjectures. Sub silentio -- In silence, i.e., without notice being taken. Amentium, haud amantium -- Of lunatics, not lovers. Spes bona dat vires, animum quoque spes bona firmat; / Vivere spe vidi qui moriturus erat. Solamen miseris socios habuisse doloris -- It is some comfort to the wretched to have others to share in their woe. Hic hret aqua! Populus vult decipi; decipiatur -- The people wish to be deceived; then let them. Natus sum; esuriebam, qurebam; nunc repletas requiesco -- I was born; I felt hungry, and sought for food; now that I am satiated, I lay me down to rest. Qui pro quo -- Who for whom; one instead of another. It is better to trust to our eyes than our ears. Licuit, semperque licebit / Parcere personis, dicere de vitiis -- It has ever been, and ever will be, lawful to spare the individual but to censure the vice. From the building of the city, i.e., of Rome. A troublesome and annoying crowd of visitors. Mult terricolis lingu, clestibus una -- The inhabitants of earth have many tongues, those of heaven have but one. Ad Grcas kalendas -- At the Greek calends, i.e., never. In futuro -- In future; at a future time. Attend to (literally do) what you are doing. Ars longa, vita brevis -- Art is long, life is short. When a disaster happens, every report confirming it obtains ready credence. Let the experiment be made on some worthless body. Ego sum, ergo omnia sunt -- I am, and therefore all things are. Genus irritabile vatum -- The sensitive tribe of poets. Sunt pueri pueri, pueri puerilia tractant -- Boys are boys, and boys occupy themselves with boyish things. Ex nihilo nihil fit -- Nothing produces nothing. In a moment the sea is agitated, and on the same day ships are swallowed up where they lately sported gaily along. Animus homini, quicquid sibi imperat, obtinet -- The mind of man can accomplish whatever it resolves on. From the beginning to the end (literally from the egg to the apples). e campo in cavam hanc viam demittimus equos, centesima lux est haec ab interitu P. Clodii et altera, qua in discrimine fuerunt, an ulla post hunc diem essent, Cerberus haec ingens latratu regna personat, vomere exercent collis atque horum asperrima pascunt, ob malefacta haec tantidem emptam postulat sibi tradier, vos fortasse, quod vos lex commonet, id in hoc loco quaeretis, certo haec mulier aut insana aut ebria est, aptius hae capiant vadimonia garrula cerae, adsiduitatis et operarum harum cotidianarum putat esse consulatum, namque ipsorum naves ad hunc modum factae armataeque erant, dabant hae feriae tibi oportunam facultatem ad explicandas tuas litteras, bacaliam appellant hanc (laurum) quae vulgatissima est bacarumque fertilissima, apud Philonem harum causarum cognitio exercitatioque celebratur, ad hanc scribendi operam omne studium curamque convertimus, we turn all interest and preoccupation to this occupation of writing, Brundisii omne certamen vertitur huius primi temporis, habes legis prooemium; enim haec appellat Plato, adversus haec imperator Romanus in hanc fere sententiam respondit, haberes magnum adiutorem, hunc hominem velles si tradere, ceu vero non tenebris noctium gaudia haec auferentibus, haec ratio ut imperet illi parti animi quae oboedire debet id videndum est viro, arbitrum me statuebat non modo huius rei sed totius consulatus sui, haec fama civitates nonnullas ab eius amicitia avertebat, fac huius odii tanti ac tam universi periculum, cito sanum facies hominem hac cura, expertum hoc est, P. Clodio gradus ad rem publicam hic primus est aditus ad , hae copiae quas videtis ex dilectibus in citeriore Gallia sunt refectae, abesse hanc aetatem longe a sepulchro negant oportere, it is said that those who are my age should not stray far from their tombs, aiebat bonam partem sermonis in hunc diem esse dilatam, adice sextam iam felicis huius principatus stationem, apud antiquissimos scriptores una haec pugna invenitur, a magnitudine et pulchritudine creaturarum cognoscibiliter potest creator horum videri, the greatness and the beauty of creatures may leed to contemplation of their author by analogy, hac una fiducia civitatis quocumque venerint hanc sibi rem praesidio sperant esse futuram, a Planco deducta in hanc frequentiam loci opportunitate convaluit, (the colony) founded by Plancus became so densely populated due to the opportunities offered by the place, aer corruptus purum hunc liquidum maculat ac polluit. Riches are coveted to minister to our pleasures. All hailing him as saviour and deliverer. A priori -- From the cause to the effect; by deduction. Between the dog and the wolf; at the twilight. Levis sit tibi terra -- May the earth lie light on thee. Illa victoria viam ad pacem patefecit -- By that victory he opened the way to peace. Imo pectore -- From the bottom of the heart. -- Hand off the picture! Hic transitus efficit magnum vit compendium. Pavore carent qui nihil commiserunt; at pnam semper ob oculos versari putant qui peccarunt. thnta gar peponthamen] -- Alas! Date obolum Belisario -- Give a mite to Belisarius! Juniores ad labores -- The younger men for labours, i.e., the heavier burdens. 06:57 . Metuenda corolla draconis -- The dragon's crest is to be feared. We label, categorize, measure, and dissect because it gives us the illusion of control.". La plus part des hommes n'ont pas le courage de corriger les autres, parcequ'ils n'ont pas le courage de souffrir qu'on les corrige. Per accidens -- By accident, i.e., not following from the nature of the thing, but from some accidental circumstance. Majus et minus non variant speciem -- Greater and less don't change the nature of a thing. Le divorce est le sacrement de l'adultre -- Divorce is the sacrament of adultery. Xi Jinping Jiang ratio expositio. In commendam -- In trust or recommendation. Derived words & phrases mendciloquus mendciunculum Related words & phrases mendciloquium mendcits mendciter mendx Descendants Italian: mendacio Dictionary entries Entries where "mendacium" occurs: lie: Exercitatio potest omnia -- Perseverance conquers all difficulties. It is the part of a fool to say, "I should not have thought so.". There is truth in wine; that is, the truth comes out under its influence. Ubi homines sunt modi sunt -- Where men are there are manners. More majorum -- After the manner of our ancestors. I would not exchange my leisure hours for all the wealth in the world. It does not follow; an unwarranted inference. To have prayed well is to have striven well. Argumentum ad misericordiam -- An appeal to the mercy of your adversary. Domus et placens uxor -- Thy house and pleasing wife. Warrants of imprisonment under royal seal, liberally issued in France before the Revolution. Ist's Gottes Werk, so wird's besteh'n / Ist's Menschenwerk, wird's untergeh'n. Novus homo -- A new man; a man risen from obscurity. Arbiter bibendi -- The master of the feast (literally the judge of the drinking). Salvo pudore -- With a proper regard to decency. He seeks the meal of a parasite or hanger-on. "Eripuit clo fulmen sceptrumque tyrannis", He snatched the lightning from heaven and the sceptre from tyrants. Last Update: 2022-03-09 The place for the seal; pointed out in documents by the letters L.S. Qui bene conjiciet, hunc vatem perhibeto optimum. Schicksal und eigene Schuld -- Fate and one's own deservings. Even little things have a grace of their own. For a common man to mutter what he thinks is a risky venture. For information on how to continue to view articles visit the subscriber services page. Pythagoras) said it. Tranquillity is difficult if one has nothing to do. Judicium Dei -- The judgment of God (as by ordeal). Cunctis servatorem liberatoremque acclamantibus. 5, c. 22, 6. Ratio decidendi -- The reason for deciding. Argumentum ad hominem -- An argument in refutation drawn from an opponent's own principles (literally an argument to the man). In loco parentis -- In the place of a parent. Materia medica -- Substances used in medicine; therapeutics. Ad aperturam -- Wherever a book may be opened. Si possis suaviter, si non quocunque modo -- Gently if you can; if not, by some means or other. Spe Faunorum voces exaudit, / Spe vis form deorum. An argument founded on the ignorance of an adversary. From a single instance you may infer the whole. Permissu superiorum -- By permission of the superiors. Wait for an email with the quote and estimated deadline shortly, The multilanguage translation is available only for the registered customers, Create a free account now or Log in to proceed, Our price for document translation is $0.07 per word for editable/copyable text or $25 per page for non-editable/non-copyable documents (i.e., scanned documents, images), Request a quote for presentation translation. Terminus a quo -- The point from which anything starts. Prima facie -- At first sight or view of a case. Nothing more dangerous than an imprudent friend; a prudent enemy would be better. Lege totum si vis scire totum -- Read the whole if you wish to know the whole. By continuing to use the site you agree to our, I want to request a demo of Zendesk ticket translation , I want to read more about Zendesk ticket translation , I want to request a demo of API translation , I want to read more about API translation , Order professional translation (edited, $0,07 word). 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