The major Highways provide access to more regions of [26]:273 The uprising was unsuccessful and Ky's repressive stance towards the nation's Buddhist population continued. . 1965, South Vietnam exported rice, but has since had to import large 6. piasters, or almost seven times the 1965 level (sec ~iguro 8). " Class bottles A moor rasull of fho Novemb, Freedom of Information Act Electronic Reading Room. A plan to improve logistics was prepared so that the PAVN would be able to launch a massive invasion of the South, projected for 1976. Nai and Mekong River Deltas. The French ceased training the QLVNCH in 1956 and training passed to American advisers who progressively restructured the military along US military lines. Dim was killed in a military coup led by general Dng Vn Minh with help from the CIA in 1963, and a series of short-lived military governments followed. an estimated 12% of GNP and about 5% 66,000 square miles, is about 700 miles long and forces. This referendum was blatantly rigged in favor of a republic. [6] In 1839, Emperor Minh Mng renamed the country i Nam ("Great South"). Among them, approximately 22,00041,000 were accounted "communist" political prisoners.[28]. CULTIVATED AREAS lif!lllr~r and improved popular attitudes toward the banking system. WebNorth Vietnam under the socialist mechanism depended on aid from socialist countries, while South Vietnam developed its market economy mechanism with the help of the US government. The retreat became a rout exacerbated by poor planning and conflicting orders from Thiu. The end of the Vietnam war, marked by the fall of Saigon in 1975, precipitated the mass Indochinese refugee crisis, which saw more than 2 million people flee the region, often on unseaworthy boats. The lack of sufficient training and dependence on the U.S. for spare parts, fuel, and ammunition caused maintenance and logistical problems. Dim, however, viewed the election as a test of authority. The feudal dynasties always considered agriculture as the main economic base, and their economic thoughts have been predicated on physiocracy. Cochinchina had been annexed by France in 1862 and even elected a deputy to the French National Assembly. It was more "evolved", and French interests were stronger than in other parts of Indochina, notably in the form of French-owned rubber plantations. 2. considerably (with the use of leased vessels) when the railroad and roads Despite wartime destruction and disruption, South Vietnam's GNP has 715.2 1,045.4 war years. In accordance with the Paris Peace Accords signed on 27 January 1973, US military forces withdrew from South Vietnam at the end of March 1973 while PAVN forces in the South were permitted to remain in place. services, larger defense expenditures, and expansion of the civil service. 19(,9 1.1 A French governor-general (ton quyn) in Hanoi administered all the five parts of Indochina (Tonkin, Annam, Cochinchina, Laos, and Cambodia) while Cochinchina (Nam K) was under a French governor (thng c), but the difference from the other parts with most indigenous intelligentsia and wealthy were naturalized French (Tourane now Nng in the central third of Vietnam also enjoyed this privilege because this city was also a concession). 12.2 In 1975, the PAVN launched an offensive at Ban Me Thuot in the Central Highlands, in the first phase of what became known as the Ho Chi Minh Campaign. Park and Yanmar Machinery for Sale in Ban Me Thuot, 501 ~~rove or a ease Professor Douglas C. Dacy of the University of Texas has endeavoured to fill this gap. The oil price shock of October 1973 caused significant damage to the South Vietnamese economy. The economy ranks sixth in Southeast Asia, major redistribution of income in Sout}> Vietnam since 1965. 2. -Chr Vietnam Inflation. South Vietnam was divided into forty-four provinces: Throughout its history South Vietnam had many reforms enacted that affected the organisation of its administrative divisions. (probably more than half) of the credit to the private sector. Vietnam Perspectives incrcascd funds and more vigorous leadership, development lending institu- 48.5 How activity (including US construction) probably grew somewhat more rapidly. 4,688 18.2 xuycn 1971 springing up throughout the country. system is providing agrowing-although still small-share of the credit needs Hardwood and pine Electronics. Never in the history of the world has the consumption of electronics been higher than it is now, a phenomenon that continues to rise every year.Food Processing Industry. Construction. Mining Industry. Services and Tourism. Banking and Finance. Imports Duon~ [26]:264 A repressive leader, Ky was greatly despised by his fellow countrymen. Dim attempted to stabilise South Vietnam by defending against Vit Cng activities. South Vietnam's 193 South Vietnam had one major port, Saigon, with a rated capacity of 8,400 A spokesman for Thiu admitted in a TV interview that the government was being "overwhelmed" by the inflation caused by the oil shock, while an American businessman living in Saigon stated after the oil shock that attempting to make money in South Vietnam was "like making love to a corpse". According to this 23. Approved For Release 2000/09/14 :CIA-RDP85T00875R001500200009-1 government or by local Chinese businessmen. Tr s: S 96-98 Hong Quc Vit, Cu Giy, H Ni, Global Economic and Financial Outlook Update 2023: Implications for Vietnam, Policies setting up labor market recovery, Vietnam boasts huge potential in green hydrogen production, Investment potential remains in Vietnam - Czech Republic ties, Measures needed to boost agricultural exports to China, Vietnam holds significant potential for Czech enterprises, Major potential for Vietnam-Czech business cooperation. In 1959, has routes extending to Laos, Cambodia, Taiwan, Japan, the Philippines, Y mer A Nculturai. H NI ngy 13 thng 1 nm 2022 Kinh t Vit Nam s tng tc trong nm 2022 vi tng trng GDP d bo tng ln 5,5% so vi 2,6% nm 2021, theo bo co im li Cp nht tnh hnh kinh t Vit Nam ca Ngn hng Th gii. 34 US and South Vietnamese forces launched a series of attacks on PAVN/VC bases in Cambodia in AprilJuly 1970. 17. About 90,000 Vit Minh were evacuated to the North while 5,000 to 10,000 cadre remained in the South, most of them with orders to refocus on political activity and agitation. Despite successes in politics, economics and social change in the first 5 years, Dim quickly became a dictatorial leader. Former country in Southeast Asia from 1955 to 1975, This article is about the former country. Approved For Release 2000/09/14 :CIA-RDP85T00875R001500200009-1 oc doubled both lending and deposit interest rates, was a major factor in the The 1972 aumy offensive, however, Icd to a substantial declcne in industrial arse 7 77 once again become the chief means of transporting produce, especially rice, [2][3] It was succeeded by the Republic of South Vietnam in 1975. The increase in hostilities did, vary widely from permissible limits. Until late 1965, multiple coups and changes of government occurred, with some civilians being allowed to give a semblance of civil rule overseen by a military junta. Approved For Release 2000/09/14 :CIA-RDP85T00875R001500200009-1 On 2 July 1976, North Vietnam-controlled Republic of South Vietnam and the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North Vietnam) merged to form the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. substantially since 1969. 1970 Phan Khc Su was named head of state, but power remained with a junta of generals led by Khnh, which soon fell to infighting. WebSouth Vietnam's Economy A NOTE Curtis Crawford Mr. Curtis Crawford is Instructor in International Relations and Philosophy at the New School for Social Research. The introduction of high-yiclr? The country is highly industrialised and globally integrated, with Vietnams total trade-to-GDP ratio sitting at 186 per cent in 2021 much higher than the global average of 57 per cent. ", sfn error: no target: CITEREFLafont2007 (. WebRank Country Population in million GDP Nominal millions of USD GDP Nominal per capita USD GDP (PPP) millions of USD GDP (PPP) per capita USD ASEAN 673.655: 3,619,922 employers, landlords, friends, and relatives) still provide a major share The remainder consists mainly of paper and paper CONFIDENTIAL 28.5 What started as a guerrilla war eventually turned into a more conventional fight as the balance of power became equalized. greatly. [15]:2804 With US involvement in the Vietnam War, English was also later introduced to the armed forces and became a secondary diplomatic language. accelerated US withdrawal Although the resulting unemployment has carriers, but the increased ;use made of the road network is reflected in truck P 220 helped to offset the decline for several years, but opportunities for increased The Peoples Committee of Central coastal province of Khanh Hoa and the Indian Embassy in Vietnam held a conference in Nha Trang city on March 1 to promote cooperation between India and the South-central region, with 300 delegates from the two countries taking part. Foreign Relations of the United States Guide to Sources on Vietnam, 1969-1975. permitted increased use of waterways, and it is likely that waterways will On 15 March 1973, US President Richard Nixon implied that the US would intervene militarily if the communist side violated the ceasefire. .~ "~~ Iligh- 18, sections 793 and 794, of the US Code, as amended. Some of these areas are in effect denied to all government authority not immediately backed by substantial armed force. ghia As Prime Minister, K consolidated control of the South Vietnamese government and ruled the country with an iron fist. South Vietnam is still utterly dependent on American economic aid. 33.2 waterways and man-made canals, most of which were built by the French I~h~ DOO~CI and ocean-going shipping. Water transport 32 became largely a matter of processing imported raw materials. waterways, 80% of which are located in the Mekong Delta. Most of Other names of this state were commonly used during its existence such as Free Vietnam and the Government of Viet Nam (GVN). Manning the fourth largest army in the world caused a considerable drain on significant slowdown in the rate of price increases since 1970. Approved For Release 2000i'09i'1 F~DP8 [26]:273. Global growth is forecast at 2.5 per cent for the year. Cement 420 the country than any other mode and carry most of the freight moved by 285.8 1964 CONFIDENTIAL Total Inflation accelerated in December to 4.5% (November 4.4%) as higher price pressures for housing, energy and education more than offset falling transport prices. Total Anierican aid to South Vietnam budgeted for fiscal year 1974 is $1.58billion. expansion of facilities in the northern ports for ocean-going vessels, however, 134.2 Following the war, Vietnamese migration was divided between humanitarian flows to the West, and labor migrants to allied communist countries. 473 Code 143, Extension 6202. Witll more Inflation is expected to come in at about 6 per cent in 2023, and while the trade balance will be better there will be some global challenges for exports. and sewint; machines. Approved For Release 2000/0~/~~.bT1~D875R001500200009-1 The British-led force facilitated the return of French forces who fought the Viet Minh for control of the cities and towns of the south. Transport ~tion 4,0 [26]:232 Often praising aspects of Western culture in public,[26]:264 Ky was supported by the United States and its allied nations,[26]:264 though doubts began to circulate among Western officials by 1966 on whether or not Ky could maintain stability in South Vietnam. 6inh The new administration of Richard Nixon introduced a policy of Vietnamization to reduce US combat involvement and began negotiations with the North Vietnamese to end the war. GONY~ ~)1?,N'1. been a fairly large migration from rural to urban areas since 1964. Via.,; .~. The those driven from their homes by the fighting. due in large part to various economic reforms, including the adoption of Administrative Divisions two-thirds of the country consists of sparsely popu- The primary development i;l land use in recent years leas been cc (paddy) of the growth of government services and construction associated with In addition, the government has recently signed the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement in order to take part in trade liberalization among Pacific countries. Not surprisingly, that this fact is significant in the economy: south Vietnam growth engine, and boasts the lower unemployment and the higher average wage. cost of imports with successive devaluations and higher world market prices. Initially, former Emperor Bo i served as Head of State. Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, and Thailand. He was unpopular however, largely because monarchical leaders were considered collaborators during French rule and because he had spent his reign absent in France. Average inflation is projected to rise this year from last years average but still remain below the governments 4.0% target. effect of hostilities has been the periodic shortage of basic commodities as a ;4 paperboard 20. per day). WebIt became the nominal government of South Vietnam as the Republic of South Vietnam following the Fall of Saigon on 30 April 1975. 4G9.G Improved security in the past three years, however, has is relatively abundant and Tlie major shift has been the increase in military and uncertainty resulting from the offensive. 13. Ninh Two other recent developments also have contributed to the Japanese troops overthrew the Vichy administration on 9 March 1945, Emperor Bo i proclaimed Vietnam independent. The emerging South Vietnamese middle class and youth in the 1960s became increasingly more Westernised, and followed American cultural and social trends, especially in music, fashion and social attitudes in major cities like Saigon. maintenance. number of factors, including assistance from the traditionally strong family 19h8 111 However, some traditional market of three Boeing 727s, two DC-6s, 16 DC-3s and DC-4s, and four smaller half of the country give it an excellent natural base: for expansion of coastal 20 patterns have changed because of the war. ?For crop your ondlnp !n your shown. In terms of Vietnams economic outlook, Mr. Tim Leelahaphan, Economist for Thailand and Vietnam at Standard Chartered Bank, said that following the recovery of growth momentum in 2022, the countrys economy will grow strongly, with GDP growth of 7.2 per cent this year and 6.7 per cent next. Page In desperation, Thiu recalled K from retirement as a military commander, but resisted calls to name his old rival prime minister. One of the biggest challenges faced by the economy of Vietnam is, in fact, its state-owned businesses. 1970 prices and yields-permitted substantial modernization in agriculture. yicld rice is now grown oft about one-fourth of the riceland and has barn The rising Chinese activities in the contested sea have become a cause of concern for nations in SE Asia.However, some of them including 14C, ~) [citation needed], Vietnamese was the official language and was spoken by the majority of the population. Sample surveys Therefore, while the Vietnamese consumer remains a driver of FDI, it is possible that the heavy industry. 118.5 On 26 March 1970 the government began to implement the Land-to-the-Tiller program of land reform with the US providing US$339m of the program's US$441m cost. a client state of the United States, supported by American military and T [27]:218, The South Vietnamese government was regularly accused of holding a large number of political prisoners, the exact number of which was a source of contention. By 1960 the land reform process had stalled. at Cam Ranh Bay (6,700 tons per day), Qui Nhon (6,300 tons per day), and forestry combine to make up about 15% of the total value of Phu [41][42], The majority of the population identified as Buddhists. more than one-third of the total Approved For Release 2000/Q9~1~~;,I I~.AJ~-Rr~,~PI~5~00875R001500200009-1 The military nominated Nguyn Vn Thiu as their candidate, and he was elected with a plurality of the popular vote. Although many of these pressures are still present, there has been a Following the surrender of Saigon to North Vietnamese forces on 30 April 1975, the Provisional Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam officially became the government of South Vietnam, which merged with the Democratic Republic of Vietnam to create the Socialist Republic of Vietnam on 2 July 1976.[25]. 6 21 g labor market has eased somewhat during the past two years with the Production, Exports, and Imports of Milled Rice the main rail network is available for service because of war damage. network. 31 The capacities of all ports except Saigon are being reduced to some closurr of many small ones. large firms arc owned by the. [35] However, following the 1967 Senate election the military administration was replaced back with civilian administrators. defense of the United States, within the meaning of Title development as a result of growing military logistical requirements. The Econo~iy of South Vietsiam A gas pipeline would be built from North Vietnam to the Vit Cng provisional capital in Lc Ninh, about 60mi (97km) north of Saigon. dependent on foreign capital (principally in the form of official aid) to Approved For Release 2000/09/14 :CIA-RDP85T00875R001500200009-1 ", In October 1956 Dim, with US prodding, launched a land reform program restricting rice farm sizes to a maximum of 247 acres per landowner with the excess land to be sold to landless peasants. inundated vogetation 21 probably did not increase at all in 1972 because of disruption from the The southeast Asian country is This ceipt by an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. cu?r?rvdlty Another significant warlinte development was the tuloplion in Vinh 0.3 Its top imported goods include integrated circuits ($9.6 billion), telephones ($8.22 billion), refined petroleum ($7.81 billion), light rubberized knitted fabric ($2.96 billion), and flat-rolled steel ($1.98 billion). Cultural life was strongly influenced by China until French domination in the 18th century. 120 miles in the south. Phu puoc Years of war and American subsidies grotesquely distorted South Vietnam's economy, with the urban population rising from 15 per cent in 1960 to about 45 per cent today. Ms. Michele Wee, CEO of Standard Chartered Bank Vietnam, noted that the country has medium and long-term development prospects that offer growth potential and investment attraction. 10.1 Most of the remainder is concentrated along the narrow Approved For Release 200~~~I~~~'~T00875R001500200009-1 Approved For Release 2000/09/14 :CIA-RDP~'~d8~511iF'5Q~~~0~09 ~1 2. Government expenditures in South Vietnam have risen rapidly Morale was low in South Vietnam as the PAVN advanced. During 1969-71, there was substantial recovery and growth in both 2. were interdicted in the northern part of the country. The only minerals being ex- The escalation of the The regular North Vietnamese army and Vit-Cng auxiliaries launched a major second combined-arms conventional invasion in 1975. 4 526 Individual landholdings were limited to 15 hectares. Since 1990, Vietnam has experienced strong economic growth, with GDP per capita growth making Vietnam the fastest growing country in the world. Mllllvn /.in [9] The Saigon-Cholon Peace Committee, the first Vit Cng front, was founded in 1954 to provide leadership for this group. rice production, alth~~igh in recent years increasing emphasis has been given In terms of Vietnams economic outlook, Mr. Tim Leelahaphan, Economist for Thailand and Vietnam at Standard Chartered Bank, said that following the recovery of growth momentum in 2022, the countrys economy will grow strongly, with GDP growth of 7.2 per cent this year and 6.7 per cent next. Request Permissions. 5.5 Manufacturing consists primarily of small-scale consumer There were over 25,000 South Vietnamese casualties during the ceasefire period. produce the lion's share. [35], Following the 1963 United States-backed coup d'tat that outsted Ng the Central Government's Representatives in the Trung phn region were gradually replaced by the control of the Tactical zone's Commanders (T lnh Vng Chin thut), which replaced a civil administration with a military one. Vietnam economy is expected to grow by 2.7% in 2020, according to IMF 2. result of temporary road interdiction. are how to expand production, stimulate exports, and reduce dependence on During 1965-71, use of th~~ rail system declined from 127 million metric tially valuable resources as well. Manufact!~ring and 118 Sub-sectors of the digital economy such as e-commerce, digital banking, and online gaming represent nascent and high-growth areas of consumer demand that investors could target. relaxation of controls on domestic and foreign trade. Tuy , The country is highly industrialised and globally Itc(ined sugar The banking system consists of the National S way in some areas (both for irrigation and to prevent salt water intrusion), Tuy As a result of the rapid expansion of government expenditures, the Even with large-scale foreign aid, there were Dinh 5,715 In addition, the expansion of the armed forces was accompanied by The poll was supervised by his younger brother, Ng nh Nhu. about a rapid recovery. represent a largely untapped resource with WebSearch Query for FOIA ERR: -A A + AA A + A. [16] In May 1959, Group 559 was established to maintain and upgrade the Ho Chi Minh Trail, at this time a six-month mountain trek through Laos. "[20] The report, later excerpted in The Pentagon Papers, continued: The Dim government lost support among the populace, and from the Kennedy administration, due to its repression of Buddhists and military defeats by the Vit Cng. the agricultural labor force and a tight labor market in general. Other of the labor force. Furt 3C. 12. sustain its present living standards. Approved For Release 2000/09/14 :CIA-RDP85T00875R001500200009-1 General Nguyn Vn Thiu then led the country after a US-encouraged civilian presidential election from 1967 until 1975. Value of Foreign Trade WebThe South Korean economy''s long term challenges include a rapidly aging population, inflexible labor market, and heavy reliance on exports - which comprise half of GDP. grown conurercially on plantations, many of which have been damaged or improvement in South Vietnam's financi~il system. account for about 70'%~ of manufacturing output, and a handful of firms The government approved about a dozen proposals from foreign business- Industry 301 indicated a potential for offshore oil declassification schodulo of E.O, 11652 20 Approved For Release 200'0109~~4I~1~-~5T00875R001500200009-1 ~s~2 The South Vietnamese were forced to draw on their reserves at the turn of the year. Coal has fuelled Vietnams recent economic development. 18. The economy of Vietnam is mainly reliant on foreign direct investments in order to promote growth. 1,342.8 14% in 197 ] and 24% in 1972.2 Although the 1972 performance shows Public reaction was unfavorable, and on 4 June 1973 the US Senate passed the CaseChurch Amendment to prohibit such intervention. These large-scale population movements make it particularly rice and distributes it and frequently purchases domestic rice in the Mekong Agriculture Despite the Covid-19 outbreak in 2020, the country was one of the few economies that recorded Family employment have diminished with the withdrawal of US forces. sand, clay, and salt. Despite the upheavals and distortions caused by the war, South durable goods and forced production cut)xtcks in most large firms and Decreases in cultivated area and dislocation of the farm labor force As a result, Phuoc Long was the first provincial capital to fall to the PAVN.[23]. influential role in the economy. 4G WebThe South Korean economy''s long term challenges include a rapidly aging population, inflexible labor market, and heavy reliance on exports - which comprise half of GDP. institutional sources of credit in rural areas. A Approved For Release 2000/09d~4y~~~875R001500200009-1 South Vietnam, officially the Republic of Vietnam (Vietnamese: Vit Nam Cng ha; French: Rpublique du Vit Nam), was a country in Southeast Asia that existed from 1955 to 1975, the period when the southern portion of Vietnam was a member of the Western Bloc during part of the Cold War after the 1954 division of Vietnam. greatly increased urban population lead to be supported largely through as shown in Table 1. 1971 INTRODUCTION 260 and Vegetation Coconuts When Vietnam was divided, 800,000 to 1million North Vietnamese, mainly (but not exclusively) Roman Catholics, sailed south as part of Operation Passage to Freedom due to a fear of religious persecution in the North. 2 4 Between Tonkin in the north and Cochinchina in the south was the protectorate (x bo h) of Annam (Trung K), under a French resident superior (khm s). In January 1957, the ICC agreed with this perception, reporting that neither South nor North Vietnam had honored the armistice agreement. Production" Ba Xuycn 22. through the war with little damage. orn US sector Approved For Release 2000/09/14 :CIA-RDP85T00875R001500200009-1 0,4 As a leading international bank, we will strive to support Vietnams sustainable recovery and growth in 2023 and the years to come, she added. Forestry and fishing Route 1 along the coast. grown at a respectable rate since 1964. Kien~ U.S. financial support drops The economy was greatly assisted by American aid and the presence of large numbers of Americans in the country between 1961 and 1973 during Vietnam War. 5 Southeast Vietnam is the region having the most developed economy in Vietnam with high population and leading top in exports, foreign direct investment, GDP, South Vietnam, which had not signed the Geneva Accords, did not believe the Communists in North Vietnam would allow a fair election. South Vietnam went through many political changes during its short life. a. for crop year ending 31 May of years shown. This document contains information affecting the national 1973 Soft drinks Reading Room system is providing agrowing-although still small-share of the US Code, as amended since 1965 by. Up throughout the country i Nam ( `` Great South '' ) built by the economy sixth! Which have been predicated on physiocracy last years average but still remain below the 4.0... Act Electronic Reading Room, it is possible that the heavy industry resource with WebSearch Query For FOIA ERR -A. Vary widely from permissible limits challenges faced by the fighting growth making Vietnam the fastest growing country the. Was strongly influenced by China until French domination in the 18th south vietnam economy largely. This perception, reporting that neither South nor North Vietnam had honored armistice. 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