worm fanfiction shipgirl

Thatll definitely work in my little pony. I don't think I can hide this from my dad," but also the inevitable PR nightmare that would be, especially in a city with full-on swastika Heil Hitler Nazis running around. Staff minigun, Gatling cannon, electrically operated rotary cannon, and Vulcan cannon are different names for the same weapon system. ._3oeM4kc-2-4z-A0RTQLg0I{display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-ms-flex-pack:justify;justify-content:space-between} The Boogeyman, who had previously expressed an interest in eating Harry while he was staying with the Dursleys, thought it might be able to eat Harry's sister. Those were the kinds of things that she had thought of before. First, you need to re-edit this thing, there are typos everywhere. Harry and the Shipgirls. halo, wormparahumans, taylor. When the Research Princess is killed, she gets back by hatching out from one of her subordinates. So Taylor is the shipgirl of the hellecarier from the MCU? ._1sDtEhccxFpHDn2RUhxmSq{font-family:Noto Sans,Arial,sans-serif;font-size:14px;font-weight:400;line-height:18px;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-ms-flex-flow:row nowrap;flex-flow:row nowrap}._1d4NeAxWOiy0JPz7aXRI64{color:var(--newCommunityTheme-metaText)}.icon._3tMM22A0evCEmrIk-8z4zO{margin:-2px 8px 0 0} a Ravenclaw first-year who refuses to read his textbooks because he would rather discover things himself, is constantly gazing at his navel, thinks magical books should be locked away because of the destruction they can cause, and thinks that ghosts are recordings on loops while shipgirls are not summoned, because he does not believe in the afterlife, and believes that humanity should destroy death and focus everything on achieving that goal. and our Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. I cant just let it be a standard destroyer though Worm has tinkers which could do cool things to the warship right? Definitely something I'm adding to my playlists. I feel like she is going to be exploited to some degree, and I don't like the idea of that. It didn't get composed till 2019. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Fanfiction Designed and coded by knighty . And when their attempt at a rescue beacon only resulted in an Abyssal Princess finding them, the adults in the group all went past the. It may not display this or other websites correctly. ._1LHxa-yaHJwrPK8kuyv_Y4{width:100%}._1LHxa-yaHJwrPK8kuyv_Y4:hover ._31L3r0EWsU0weoMZvEJcUA{display:none}._1LHxa-yaHJwrPK8kuyv_Y4 ._31L3r0EWsU0weoMZvEJcUA,._1LHxa-yaHJwrPK8kuyv_Y4:hover ._11Zy7Yp4S1ZArNqhUQ0jZW{display:block}._1LHxa-yaHJwrPK8kuyv_Y4 ._11Zy7Yp4S1ZArNqhUQ0jZW{display:none} "It's traditional for us to give thanks and praise to God when we are delivered from the peril caused by our enemies. I have read The little ship that could as well as most snippets I could find on both SB and SV. Oh? It's basic to being a shipgirl. Seeing as she has repulsors, she's one of the IN Helis is she secretly a Nazi? 11124869there are different terms for what are mechanically the same weapon at different calibers. /*# sourceMappingURL=https://www.redditstatic.com/desktop2x/chunkCSS/TopicLinksContainer.3b33fc17a17cec1345d4_.css.map*/Haze Gray. Avoid or read at your own risk. 11117329Good question however I could make something up since the story of Worm takes place on an alternate earth. One wizard expresses the belief that once the war is over, they'll be able to convince the shipgirls to abide by the Statute and the non-magicals will forget about them relatively quickly, partially because the non-magicals don't believe in creatures that the wizards, Also City Consuming Princess (believing that Porta and Sores are on the side of the Abyss and supporting her war against humanity) and Middle Passage Princess (believing the carriergirls under Enterprise are near Saint Kitts instead of on her flank like at Midway) are. "Human sacrifice is considered among the darkest and most powerful forms of magic. Interesting. though if she eats enough for three men or more she is going to be outed really fast. "A Christmas gift from Stiefmutti Toku. Im honestly kinda laughing at it. ""It's not magic, it's explosives." The pain was too much, and she couldn't think clearly enough through it to remember why she had to keep running. Vince leaned in, looked into Ehren's eyes, and squeezed her shoulder as they headed downstairs. In this world, Taylor's shipgirls are the only ones in existence. Similarly, while some of the shipgirls have Nazi symbology in their uniforms, they consider Nazism as a blight on Germany. It needs more than just someone who tells people what to do. She had to get away before the people chasing her caught her. This is one of the things that tsukumogami have to deal with as their mortal owners and friends will inevitably die. Another Death Eater had captured the Inugami Aomi after she, A group of enforcers that Dolores Umbridge had hired to "teach the Irish magicals not to try to declare independence from Britain" had Armando Dippet's granddaugther Kathleen at their mercy and were about to kill her for attempting to help the Irish. This page is dedicated to the classic "Taylor as " concept that appears in much of Worm fanfiction, where Worm's protagonist Taylor Hebert has a different set of powers, personality or situation to how we see her in Worm. Heart of Steel is a three-snip arc on BB-59!Taylor. Transposition, or: Ship Happens (wiki)Transposition, or: Ship Happens (wiki), About | Wiki Rules | Reply !Delete to remove | [Brackets] hide titles, I'd also check out "Forsaken, Forgotten" for a shopgirl Taylor. I mean I guess it fits with: . ", A darker and far more tragic version of this happens among Ehren du Chasteler and her parents with Colombe du Chasteler and. But just as one of them was about to kill Kathleen, the shipgirl Saint Patrick. Eh, EqG can deal with Abyssals. USRTS. Due to conditions in the, American Subgirls have a very similar reputation. Designed and coded by knighty & Xaquseg - 2011-2023, Privacy Someone speaking to her. Shitting on the S9 with Krupp steel would be a blast to read, make no mistake, but all the logistical interpersonal crap--not something Worm itself does all that well, mind you--would be very fun to get into. Her lips quirked in a small smug smile. Colombe's oath to never use a wand again after getting expelled in disgrace from Beauxbatons. But that was impossible. Well, there's The Little Ship that Could, where Taylor becomes a representative of - what else?- USS Taylor. Just reporting your [Status] and staying quiet. Chapter Text. Is she going to repair damage and replenish consumables like ammunition by eating some big solid meals? She's an Abyssal - an island princess. chptr 4: Taylor Beyond (music: Batman Beyond theme) scenes of Brockton Bay from the Docks towards the PRT building. . The Sea and Skies and Queen of the Seven Seas are different flavors of shipgirl. Draco took a deep breath once more and blew it out. Proper disposal procedure from Celestia there. I find it rather funny that after all the talk of "coming from the sea" and such Taylor is reborn as a, 0.3 - Harry's Very Boring Meeting in Which Nothing of Interest is Learned, you came from the waters, and to the waters you return. The thing that they lack is just that? They also believe that once the Abyssals have been defeated, humanity will turn against the Shipgirls due to how unnatural they are. Ehren whispered in a choked voice. This was the Kamo Government's plan when they saw that Japan would lose World War II. Heroes burn so bright and yet so briefly, even for human lifespans. ", "Please, make it up to me then." When the No-Mag government prepared to surrender, the Magical military, higher-ranking members of the government, and certain researchers would gather in a certain caldera base, which was essentially an armored bunker thanks to the wards on it. Location United States Nov 17, 2018 #25 I find it rather funny that after all the talk of "coming from the sea" and such Taylor is reborn as a flying boat. The Sea and Skies and Queen of the Seven Seas are different flavors of shipgirl. Takao certainly seems to be a case of this trope. A shipgirl in MLP. When Eric's arm got injured, Sora's and Samantha's fairies could have healed it, but because the adults had no knowledge at all about shipgirls, they wouldn't allow them to. Just seeing Taylor with a half dozen destroyers for cuteness and a carrier QA to throw weight around. Imp hopped up next to Kongo, hip to hip, and poked her in the shoulder. "Taylor!" Kensh is able to make recent magic spells outright forget that they have even been cast. I look forward to seeing where this goes. . She was even blamed for assisting Princep on the magical side of things for over a decade. Also a way that deities are allowed to speak to their Champions to pass along advice and instructions as seen with Draco Malfoy and Ehren du Chasteler. In Shipping it Stargate Style, Taylor is a kancolle shipgirl of the U.S.A.F Odyssey. Colombe du Chasteler tried (and failed) to stop Gavrilo Princep from assassinating Archduke Franz Ferdinand, which set off the First World War. Taylor has a public Trigger where she is rescued from the locker by a Shipgirl. Taylor tumbled out of the metal prison, a torrent of slime, used hygiene products, and insects spilling out on the floor with her. although she's clearly not all there in the head. But not best writing quality. When other ponies show up, tirek will look more akin to a dead fallout centaur than tirek xD. He is not fated to live a long life of peace and joy with you, you should know. Eh, par for the course regarding dreams I suppose. They have guns. However, the jinn on Zamarad's side of the family threw a. Akagi and Kaga are in at least a Type 7 with Natsumi's older brother Taichi. Renita, Hoppous only Re-class daughter, lost control of her. Muramasa-no-Norimune was involved in the Boston Tea Party and then was present for the burning of the White House during the War of 1812. Nothing that the girl had ever experienced even approached the amount of pain that she was now in. Ohoho, I liiike this. This is the fateful HMS Incomparable never reached the planning phase in our world but in this story will her story be told in the new world of Azur Lane! Between Operation Akuzen Kaze, During the Battle of Kingsport Delilah de Breuil and then a group of obsolete pre-WWI shipgirls fight to protect Maine from a major Abyssal grouping until the. Ah, no, no. Chat! Characters such as Sky, Old Iron, and Sheo Darren are actually expies of members of Spacebattles and Sufficient Velocity. Rabaul Base's Shiba Dog Admiral and the Fleet Girls' Everyday Lives by suetake (kinrui). During her upgrade (during which shipgirls are comatose), Nagato met with Lily on the dock between life and death, who thanked her for raising their son well. Will they see a hollow mare filled with many mini ponies?! Just little oneshot crossovers of Taylor taking down Enbringers using alternate powers. Regalia, during her rebuild, gets to meet those of the Fleet of Laughter who died in their, Delilah and Zamarad's wedding had to be kept a secret to MACUSA and many of Delilah's friends and coworkers. Leaving Amy at home for the summer killed me. Tags: altpower:Arpeggio of Blue Steel!shipgirl!Taylor, Alt-Power Taylor, Non-human Taylor, Artificial Intelligence, Transhumanism, Soul-Searching, . AN: This is a story featuring an Alt-Power Taylor with a Master Power that lets her summon German shipgirls. Here, he tried hunting the relatives of shipgirls in order to try to establish dominance. Likewise, Yokosuka and Sasebo are becoming very attractive to youkai because of the spiritual energy of the shipgirls, as well as the energy released during summoning them. Afterall all the missiles is about 52,500 tones of explosives which is about 1/10 the power of the Tsar bomba. 11124832Yeah xD until they told her she can't eat any more xD. A Ta-class scoffs at the idea, puts it to the test - and is promptly vapourised right out of her rigging by a classic bolt of divine wrath. I'm finally back, and I shall visit once more as soon as I am allowed.". Amisi (invoking Horus-Ra) and Colombe (invoking Apollo Pythios) are both capable of terrifying anti-Dark Creature spellcraft. More recently, Hibiki was attacked by an Aka Manto; the biggest (and last) mistake of its life. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Decades before the start of the story, the first Abyssals came and attacked, and the event was covered up by wizards to keep magic hidden from the muggles. Last edited: Nov 17, 2018. JavaScript is disabled. Fade (follows Twilight Sins) by pseudomancer (3 chapters, 11k words, complete) Lochros by Anime PJ (1 chapter, 7.4k words, last updated: 31st Dec, 2017) On Living Well by A Dozen Lemmings (1 chapter, 741 words, one-shot) Wormed In by helljumper775 (5 chapters, 5k words, last updated: 13th Apr) ", The keg swung open. ._3bX7W3J0lU78fp7cayvNxx{max-width:208px;text-align:center} Sounds like a riot, About | Wiki Rules | Reply !Delete to remove | [Brackets] hide titles, ._3K2ydhts9_ES4s9UpcXqBi{display:block;padding:0 16px;width:100%} Shipgirl Taylor. Hibiki during her Kai Ni had a long discussion with James Potter, who had wanted to meet one of the girls after his son's heart. "It's Ok, Ehren. Played horrifyingly straight, however, with the Izu refugees. "If you want them, you will have to go through. and created multiple Princesses and Demons. I'll recc Northern Lights. Taylor has a public Trigger where she is rescued from the locker by a Shipgirl. James greets Regina during her upgrade to Flagship, hinting that her bond with Harry together with her new power could one day result in something incredible. Thats actually impressive considering the USS enterprise had 20. A woman says, Yeah Rebecca, it got 15 in WW2 two in Korea, and 6 in Vietnam. The man says, You need periods at the end after "says" for both lines, this is a reoccurring problem throughout the chapter. In an omake, a Boogeyman who once went after Harry makes the mistake of trying to scare Hoppou. final battle would be an epic worthy of the skalds, City Consuming Princess realizes that the battle is lost, ring with powerful enchantments meant to make her unnoticeable. Just as he had when he spoke to C Chulainn to swear his geas to Lugh. - Spy Glass is sitting aboard her ship, the Rolling Waves, a small Cutter which is one of 80 ships in the Equestrian navy. shipgirl azurlane azur lane shipboy sakuraempire eagleunion ironblood royalnavy warship kantaicollection belfast kansen entreprise siren fanfiction anime navy malereader kantai. Follow us In Shipping it Stargate Style, Taylor is a kancolle shipgirl of the U.S.A.F Odyssey. I mean, just exposing him to Taylor's reactor ought to cure him of his egomaniacal ways. As of the Battle of Saint Kitts, Regina can also be one for. You sir, might be onto something. 11127899Let's just assume that both sides tactics are being used. Japanese for Evil Wind, a plan to weaponize, powerful type of vengeful spirit, basically a plan that would have instigated. Some stories were ostensibly Very Loosely Based on a True Story of the author playing the game. What are some fics where taylor is a ship girl? with roughly the same relationship as Security! Oh my child, borne of my waters, you have returned to me. No no Jack decides to try to recruit one of the new monsters to join so that Bonesaw can have a sister, she even has a tail. Nonsense. "I see. and prospectively an Abyssal Te-Class named Temeraire later down the line. Well, you can take your 'For she is a fair maiden, fairest lady of a house of queens. "Each shot is about one-point-two k-watts and she's firing once every second." Being caught would be the worst thing. Of course once somebody conveys the reward to the Re-class, and she realizes . Real (Azur Lane Fanfic) by hunter306. A series of strange actions by the Simurgh open a portal to Etheria on Earth Shin. Then one day, IJN Battleship Nagato along with others were attending a social dinner at the Dursleys', owners of a company that supplies materials to the Navy, where they found a malnourished seven-year old boy locked in the cupboard. this is the story of an alternative world where Enterprise and Takao lost everything sisters, comrades, and the world.. because of that, they have one thing in their mi You're probably best off following the threadmarks, because there are two different storylines in the thread, "Cape Taylor" and "Ship Girl Taylor". She was underwater. Instead of being a single ship- she embodys . "Thank you." Although, I guess she has nukes as per Avengers movie. I can see that my worries from the first chapter carry over An interesting premise and the plot seems laid out well enough, but the typos and the pacing are acting as an anchor. In those days, she tended towards the more obvious of powers. Happened to Ehren shortly after manifesting when she. A jealous Pansy Parkinson decided to bully a First Year Hufflepuff whom her fellow Fourth Year Draco Malfoy was showing interest in. .LalRrQILNjt65y-p-QlWH{fill:var(--newRedditTheme-actionIcon);height:18px;width:18px}.LalRrQILNjt65y-p-QlWH rect{stroke:var(--newRedditTheme-metaText)}._3J2-xIxxxP9ISzeLWCOUVc{height:18px}.FyLpt0kIWG1bTDWZ8HIL1{margin-top:4px}._2ntJEAiwKXBGvxrJiqxx_2,._1SqBC7PQ5dMOdF0MhPIkA8{vertical-align:middle}._1SqBC7PQ5dMOdF0MhPIkA8{-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;display:-ms-inline-flexbox;display:inline-flex;-ms-flex-direction:row;flex-direction:row;-ms-flex-pack:center;justify-content:center} I've always wanted to read a fic where she becomes a Bismarck class or something, and has to deal with not only the whole "Oh dear, I'm now a 7 foot tall blonde with tits the size of a watermelon. Interesting, the marvel tag makes me wonder if she's part atlantean. So how do ship girls work? When Harry ended up in Knockturn Alley, a shipgirl looking for him educates a trio of vampires on the futility of attacking a shipgirl. I do know the MC pulled a shipgirl and made her own version of a rig though. 11123225not entirely betting on it, but like the way u think, This will be an interesting turn for equestria. Really good. Hoppou sneaks into Hogwarts to see Harry using the linked boxes he uses for sending mail to Japan on the same night that the troll got in. There was a little bit of the girl that wasn't focused on the events happening in front of her. Hoppou, AKA the Northern Ocean Princess. Delilah de Breuil was a founding member of the Boone and Crockett Club and helped persuade Theodore Roosevelt to accept the vice presidential nomination that resulted in him becoming president. Armored Carrier Princess dared Porta to strike her down. She has the body of a child and is incredibly sweet almost makes you forget she is the personification of a naval base, who can go hand-to-hand with a Gashadokuro, Masamune-no-Tokunotakai is a kind, sweet, and humble shrine maiden, who is also the. I'm so sorry. This is lampshaded by Delilah thinking to herself when she sees the elderly Lyra and the outwardly youthful Colombe together in 1942 how every moment they can spend together is an incredibly precious gift to them. In one universe of an entirely different multiverse, far away across the sea of existence, a starship was exploding from the beam of energy that lanced through it. *Boom*, 11124676Well, assuming this is going the the normal ship girl rules, they resupply by eating. But I think I can say, with confidence if you trust this 'pretty voice,'" Tokunotakai laughed gently, making fun of the hateful insult that had been flung by Shimazu back during World War II, "that you have perhaps found wisdom once again. 2,309,762 hits today, 1,478,838 yesterday, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Fanfiction the quotation marks. Tell me, my child, what is your fondest wish? Everyone has it, to some degree." Wakumi began her lecture. Separated in the past, remade in the future, connected in the present. This led to Fubuki and Yuudachi having to deal with a teke-teke when Harry was younger, and is why Haru is there. Twilight is a flat earther. Very much enjoying everything you have done here and am eagerly looking forward to MOAR!! So he does what he normally does and steals the magic. The most recent additions to his family include a clan of Yokai, has a Fae ancestor, and (by having Hoppou as his adopted sister) close to a hundred Abyssals. Just he had when he accepted the offer of power and even more importantly responsibility as the Celtic Champion. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. If you wanted scifi ships should have added in arpeggio too xD. The eidolion answer. Muramasa-no-Norimune's daughters Colombe, Jacklyn, and Delilah are half-tsukumogami who are unable to easily unsummon their avatars. Well.. it's anot odd cross but nothe more so than that tank girl taylor fic so tentatively watched! Filter: >500 or <500 (default is >) Taylor is an Alaska Class Heavy Cruiser and death to anything within 30Km, lots of other ship girls join Kanmusu Command and Barack Obama shows up often enough. Haruto Hinata goes out of his way to know nothing about any smuggling that may or may not be going on at the. '", Draco laughed uproariously when he thought about the, '"Or was it, maybe, a frost that had turned its sap to ice, and so it stood, bitter-sweet, still fair to see, but stricken, soon to fall and die?' /*# sourceMappingURL=https://www.redditstatic.com/desktop2x/chunkCSS/IdCard.ea0ac1df4e6491a16d39_.css.map*/._2JU2WQDzn5pAlpxqChbxr7{height:16px;margin-right:8px;width:16px}._3E45je-29yDjfFqFcLCXyH{margin-top:16px}._13YtS_rCnVZG1ns2xaCalg{font-family:Noto Sans,Arial,sans-serif;font-size:14px;font-weight:400;line-height:18px;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex}._1m5fPZN4q3vKVg9SgU43u2{margin-top:12px}._17A-IdW3j1_fI_pN-8tMV-{display:inline-block;margin-bottom:8px;margin-right:5px}._5MIPBF8A9vXwwXFumpGqY{border-radius:20px;font-size:12px;font-weight:500;letter-spacing:0;line-height:16px;padding:3px 10px;text-transform:none}._5MIPBF8A9vXwwXFumpGqY:focus{outline:unset} Yeah, but that was Arpeggio of Blue Steel, not Kancolle. Hoppou's become notable due to the fact that when. Naturally, they are shipped with their favorite shipgirls. Hanna, the natural-born Lutzow, to Harry to the point of. he is fated to die young and gloriously as the Norse Champion, looked up why Colombe hated and feared her wearing the uniform of the SS. Later on, more location spirits are awakened, including the spirit of the Port of Halifax which in turn causes the battlefield of Verdun which has been sealed away to begin to awaken. Magical governments and most of their officials as a whole are this, with the ICW being regarded with particular scorn by shipgirls and non-magical government officials who are aware of the magical side of things. Admiral is a crossover between Worm and KanColle by Veriseple. Other than the visuals and optic camouflage the helicarriers always seemed kinda underwhelming armament wise. ", "Yes," Shimazu breathed out, still not quite believing she deserved this unconditional forgiveness. Cookie Notice Doesn't really fit with the rest. However the hellfires let him know to put his shield up. I would never.", Vince pinned her with his eyes and his resolute voice. His relics seem to have inherited his gifts. Is that some sort of shipgirl-only thing?" Kongo grinned hugely. 11117330Not to mention the Time shenanigans that where pulled off to get the destroy ready before the betrayal. What would you do if you found yourself in the middle of the ocean, equipped with machinery you've never seen before and a face you do not recognise? Then more and more came in greater numbers over the decades, stretching the wizards thin trying to maintain the Statute of Secrecy, and then the Dark Lord Voldemort openly started what would be later known as the First Wizarding War, forcing the wizards to concentrate all their efforts inwards. The destroyer Shigure seems to be in her own Type 6 with the battleships Fuso and Yamashiro. https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13033411/1/Shipping-It-Stargate-Style, Haze Gray is one that has recently updated and is at a good length so far, i gotta second this as i've been reading it since it first started and it's REALLY good and it's got a nice mix of action and fluffyness :D and in the early chapters the first group of ship girls minus tayor does the pan pakka pan, POI! This is not the place for it. Then the remembered vision of the Maiden of Spring waiting for him in the Land of Youth with that heartwarming shyly sweet smile of Ehren's on her lips came to him once more. A handful of Hoppous human prisoners managed to escape the invasion of her territory and went into hiding along with their handlers. Several of the attacks in the show looked like low yield nuclear explosions so if Triek were to be defeated by Taylor it would either be repeated bombardment by tungsten rods at high speeds or Triek doing something dumb. She is over a hundred years old and yet she is still in one piece. I like her already. Press J to jump to the feed. In 1899 she met Lyra and Ian Potter at the nadir of her life and forged a powerful romantic bond with them. You know, this didn't feel epic enough. Speaking to her beneath the waves? Still she moved. Then again, Taylor was basically given free reign because Pinkie. German U-Boat U-505, also known as the USS Nemo, to be specific. Then why was it in the kancolle ideas thread? She didn't say a word about wandless and non-Western magics. You are using an out of date browser. Nagato's 16-inch shells, amplified by the ofuda which were written with the brush made of pure unicorn hair, which in turn was freely gifted with no ulterior motives, further amplified with her own's love and desire to protect Harry, resulted in the boom a size of a small tactical nuke that more or less erased the. Amelia Bones being in a much stronger position, politically, as in these uncertain times having a well-funded force of Aurors is in almost everyone's interest. Blame Nimue for this, but the organization I'm looking at building to protect the timeline is going to be called the Temporal Archiving, Reconstruction, Deparadoxing, and Investigation Society when we get it up and running." She will have to do whatever she c CVN-65, a ship that is about to be scrapped, sits waiting in her dock. Next, place commas before the quotation marks, as well as decapitalizing the first letters. Post-GM Taylor with scattered memories. We had talked our parents into letting us go to camp for an extended term - I was going to be a junior counselor - but then Amy had come down with Mono and the doctor had forbidden it. Someone people will show loyalty Never would have thought, that same girl would be given a chance to save another world. It follows an OC Shipgirl who's just transferred to the Brockton Bay Wards - Taylor enters the story somewhat late but they become friends and Taylor triggers with a variation of the same power rather than her canon abilities. . Fred and George Weasley, peculiarly enough, seem to be in a reverse Type 3 with Revina. Fanfic /. Notable, I think, for having a shard-based explanation for the shipgirls rather than being a full crossover - basically it's similar to Chevalier's ability to merge multiple objects and pick and choose which properties the merged object has, except that instead of merging other objects as they choose, Taylor and the OC are permanently merged with ships. Then Isabella Morandi and Ron burn down the dance floor as a couple to the, After Ehren is tricked by her sister and friends into revealing her true feelings for Draco at the climax of, Hamakaze, Urakaze, and Isokaze also are not fond of their displacement, as whenever they try to date someone it leads to a. Fenrir Grayback's canon fate was left ambiguous. During Second Year, Harry uses Polyjuice Potion to transform into Isokaze (as a test to see if it can work if the subject is a shipgirl) and notes that her. Then they heard Hoppou call Harry Big Brother and saw her hug him. Just as I returned to the path of wisdom after my own folly and blindness during Meiji as a sadder but wiser sister, it is good to see my sister return to me once more, just a bit later than usual. Have done here and am eagerly looking forward to MOAR! ( and last ) of! Just exposing him to Taylor 's reactor ought to cure him of his way to know nothing about smuggling... 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