yandere bts reaction to you being spoiled

woman of his dreams. No, it wasnt. H-hoseok shutting your eyes you managed to whisper. Put the damn knife down, I will continue from here he said waiting for you to the exact thing he just told you to. He held her a little more tightly as his gaze landed on you. You nod slowly, adding in that you now live in the Pink Palace. Lots of better ideas and darker ones in store (;. I dare you to say one more thing But I wouldnt recommend that if you remember what happened last time. You slept with another man, noona. But I will definitely keep everyone updated . He seemed so innocent to you, you could never believe someone if they were to put blame on him. He acted cold towards you and you tried hard to be nice and console him but he refused. We are not having this child, end of discussion, he growled. Do you think its a boy?. I loved my job! Namjoon saw the way your gaze was drowning in flames of rage but he was calm, he knew what he had to do. to remember you were his. If you two are friends and getting along decently, he'll definitely be sure to butt-in to the conversation to distract you. So instead he'll be sure to give the guy his best sass when you aren't around. I think he would see this as an opportunity to control you. I have tons of ideas. beyond the typical yandere reactions (hence why I went through the Anonymous asked: Can you do an idol!verse reaction of their international singer crush mentioning in an interview that they like bts or that they're their bias? Your legs felt like jelly as he pressed his lips to your neck, sucking then slightly biting it. He spent hours thinking about your unique world view and philosophies. Taehyung glances at you briefly before they completely disappear. The morbid feeling and sense of disgust followed you as your made your way into the hall only for you to let out a scream at what you saw. Noona He took a step towards you, making you back up. It was truly conflicting to try and imagine Hoseok as a member of one of the biggest mafias. "Hey, Y/n. How do I join your group? STOP! He shot you an exasperated look as your sister stirred slightly. Right then and Months passed, and you didnt file for an abortion. THEORY BTS MTL To be a Virgin To most Agressive to Most Loving in bed To have the dirtiest mouth My Savior ~ Jimin How BTS hugs REACTIONS Trip to the Beach The Different types of Army's The Two boys you both like you and want to be with you (ZODIAC) Sings as BTS members BTS Signs compatibility DATE WITH JIN (Outfit) DATE WITH YOONGI (Outfit) DATE WITH JIMIN (Outfit) Dating J-Hope Dating . Remember this dear, you cant leavenever. hi your "yandere bts reactions to you being a lesbian" is actually super homophobic and paints your idols in a bad light. When you got close enough, you kept your head down, watching her chest rise and fall lightly. What do I have to do to make you mine again? ! Although he hadnt seemed to notice your presence earlier, the sound of his name caught his attention and his body shifted. He could make an exception this time, lips curling up in a joyful smile before he forced them against yours. I cant do it, just take it away you cried, hiding yourself in the crook of Yoongis neck. He set your phone on He had a dark look on his face. Don't be stupid, baby. His face so close that his hair tickled your forehead. You let your bag drop to the floor and ran to the knife making contact instantly . I love you so much, y/n. He would mumble, kneeling at your bed and admiring your sleeping form. I know baby, thats why Im here. jung hoesok That shoulder is his to nudge, so he obviously has to get rid of the guy. Thats why you shouldnt have pushed his bottons when he warned you to stay inside while he was away. ago, and it had been right before you worked up the courage to ask Also. Its a wonderful age, you know. Please take me back.. If I drop her because you dont know how to keep yourself in check, is it really my fault? It was like he had wormed his way in your mind and controlled every decision you were about to make. Do you really? He crawls on top of you and holds yours wrists above your head and your legs secured by his knees. Now I have to go convince my boss that your drunken ramblings mean nothing and I am actually a fantastic lover. No jagi, you have do drink this smoothie, its good for the baby,. Well get a DNA test and then go to the doctors. trouble of actually thinking about what each member of BTS would be Sorry I didn't write requests nor reactions for awhile I don't really like this either, so i'm sorry Kim Seokjin: Because Jin seek perfection between him and you, he never really waved his gun against your face, if we're being honest, with the time flowing you had almost forgotten what his job . Ive never heard that before. bts yoongi He tossed you into the wooden chair that sat in the center of the room and tied you into it tightly. Denying Namjoon was no option, ever. Thank god I found you! pain. When you run off Jake waves at you until you're out of sight. "Stop, I promise I won't talk to them anymore. You had come back early in the morning, reserved after a loud evening out with friends. However, pregnancy means that he would become more posessive. It wasnt his fault that your For the past week both of your emotions were on high alert with him being constantly anxious about leaving you and whenever you asked him why didnt he just take you with him, hed just casually laugh. I didnt want for it to happen to you too. You hummed to yourself as you looked around, wondering how deep it could be. Hes looking for me. And go where? Obviously, Im cooking he never appreciated the amount of sass you had, this time no difference. I feel as if Yoongi isnt mentally prepared for having a child in the house, so he would be cold towards you. But even as he got But suddenly all the lust from you vanishes and you push him away when you feel something hard push against your thigh and its definitely not the bulge growing in his pants, rather a gun. Jin. He had been trying to kiss you before, managed so many times on your cheeks. the only place I can think of to hide his body is the river near He would be excited, giggly, though he would still be shy and reserved when you agreed to going on a date with him. bring himself to look at you. He glared before kneeling down Its insane of you to think you can leave his low voice sends shivers down your spine, which doesnt go unnoticed by Taehyung as a smirk appears on his face. Only more hour and your He hates it, but he isn't going to do anything too bad. at him from beneath your pretty eyelashes. Baby, You. You know you dont have to scared of me, right? he asks turning around and grins once he sees you nodding. He found you, finally, and nothing is going to stop him from taking you back to your rightful place; under his thumb.He wouldn't care that he was in public, he'd rush to you like a bat out of hell and physically drag you out of wherever you are and into his car. Your facial By the way, you might not want to stand in poison ivy next time.. #taehyung But life isnt a movie and Hoseok would do anything to save you. You didnt want to seem scared because that would only make him more angry or thats what you thought, but the moment the words slipped from his lips about how he couldnt kill a man because his children show up and he didnt want to deal with the mess of three people, you couldnt help but grip your book tighter to the point where your knuckles turned white, you could even feel the tears appear in the corners of your eyes. But perhaps he had been too careless. Hes gone now, but theres no erasing what happened last night. His eyes swept over you, lingering on the red marks on your collarbone. Oh, baby girl you didnt really think it was that easy did you? your body shook. "But i did. Hes too busy wallowing in misery. Despite being completely obsessed with you, he also knows that he'll only look weird if he starts acting on his impulses. "I'm so sorry sweetheart. He isnt looking for me. #bts I never used kik. He growled. He would never be seen as the culprit, neither by you nor anybody else. Jin will be thrashing against the ropes screaming at her to give him a chance. Could you guys do a Yandere bts reaction to finding you a few weeks after you successfully escaped? of you months ago, but until now, he hadnt caught the secret app W-hat? you almost cussed at your shaky voice, werent you trying to prove that you were not scared or weak? Dont you understand that, Y/N?. I think it is hilarious that you think you ever had a choice. I will never leave you. A look you've never personally seen on him. So instead he'll be sure to give the guy his best sass when you aren't around. For the next few months, he was softer than usual, and he didnt often give you many punishments. You know why.. Jungkook could be pretty aggressive if he wanted to be but towards you? Its not my child is it? he spat. Despite being completely obsessed with you, he also knows that he'll only look weird if he starts acting on his impulses. premise/au: modern kidnapping / did you deserve this? You knew he was trained not to cry, not to feel anything when killing someone and you knew it wasnt the real him. I love your writing! Thats not something a good boyfriend would do. No, Jin. For Namjoon, Yoongi, and Jimin please. If the answer isnt me then youll never leave this room.. Jimin thats j-just monstrous. There laid five expressionless men who rested on a pool of mild cerise substance. He engages in conversation with her husband and watches sports with him, and he plays with her baby and takes it out to the park. you act like that before. You send a smile to your co-worker before dragging Hobi to the empty room. I want you to belong to me. He stood in front of you with a frown growing on his face. It was never his intention to be this harsh with you, Every single time he buried himself in you and you two were one, it was like you were seeing for the first time and he loved that control. Y-you..why would you that? you asked as you saw your old apartment flaming to the dust. I made sure to use every form of protection I could. I dont love you! you shouted in his face, his face darkened and he stood quickly and punched the wall next to the door. You walked through the nearly pitch black park on your way home. Three wounds were etched into his aching limbs. Ill be your knight in shining armor. He looked almost like a lost puppy when you told him no. kinda nsfw-ish so it's okay if you don't write it. Hi could you please do A I M and V for Jungkook from the alphabet. Did you really think I wouldnt find you? approaching within him. You turned your head to the side just as he slammed the door shut, startling you. Where had he gone? A public kik is be a great idea. He was happy you were agreeing so easily, though he wouldn't let his guard down. I never thought about it you said burying your head into the crook of his neck. that people around him at the bus stop were staring at him and But no matter the perfect image he had created for both of you, it really wasnt that case the night when Jin appeared with blood on his white shirt and, of course, a gun in his hands. #jin The male was suspicious at first. I wouldnt need to protect myself Tae, when Im with you, Im safe lowering your head you mumbled. There was no surprise that by the end of the week both of you were screaming. You didnt have to pick me up from that diner. Falling in love with him wasn't hard, and when you caught him outside of your window, camera in hand and staring at you like a deer caught in headlights, you only waved him inside, pressing a kiss to his cheek with a smile. For now, he just wanted to calm One night turned into days, days into weeks, and weeks to months. For some reason, the gentleman in him his lips to your eyelids, nose, neck. riveting man, sure; Namjoon chose his friends carefully, and Jackson Yes, we created this baby, You soothed. You say nothing before turning back and going to the room you had shared with Jin. he treat's you like trash in public so no rival will use you against him/he treat's you like trash at home because he can't believe he has that you're his weakness; if you're naive and he falls in love with you, you're in for a rude awakening because he will corrupt you completely "You're innocent, but I'll break you . Especially when I told you not to., Yoongi, I-I thought you were busy with work. You've got something on your lips, angel. Nothing life-ruining, just enough to cripple him. Im going to make sure you wont be able to walk to the kitchen. When you entered the master bedroom you felt your heart clench upon not seeing anyone in the sheets. You were also not allowed to leave the house under any circumstances. he cooed. As quickly as you could while keeping your momentum, you made your way to his sitting form, resting yourself on the edge of his thigh. I don't care anymore, y/n. He wouldnt care that he was in public, hed rush to you like a bat out of hell and physically drag you out of wherever you are and into his car. He couldn't see why you didn't want him to kiss you, and he couldn't hold back anymore. For example, he would threaten to hurt your baby if you acted up. -Spanking you with his bare hand or if you're being really bad a wooden spoon. -" do you know how to act like a princess? jimin Nothing could be complete without you. What do you mean? He stood just as quickly and pounced on you, knocking you back onto the couch with him hovering over you. The awkward baby. Jin probably wouldn't say anything to either of you. . Jimin adored a naive significant other. Is it really my fault if she dies because you cant think of anyone but yourself?!. His breathing was getting slower. What makes you so sure Ill let you leave? He chuckles lowly in your ear, as if this whole thing is just a game. Baby, please calm down, You placed a hand on his thigh. Her favorite. there, he knew he had chosen the right one, the intelligent, driven shackled you, he hadnt cared enough to take proper precaution, so . Oh but I am sweetheart he smiled at you looking innocent as if nothing happened. When he leaned over the table to cup your face in his hands you already knew what he wanted. Thanks to @mint-yooxgi for their amazing Yandere!Yixing fic! Still deciding if I should or not. However, when you're somewhere else, he definitely is more violent. Okay, look Taehyung. Its over. his face quickly went from angry to void of emotion and it was startling. What do you mean youre leaving me? he asked coldly. That is He had grown tired and angry of watching everyone take advantage of your kindness or your feelings. His eyes were as cold as ever. He would start skipping out on other activities in his life in order to be with you as often as possible. At your age, you were exceptionally pure and it was fascinating. The worst Seokjin: Jin would be surprised, but I also feel as if he would be on the happier side about having kids. Its a child Hoseok, you snapped. I cant help myself he says staring at you innocently. After a few weeks, you stared gaining weight and throwing up more often and he took you to a doctor. him out on a date. Like RM, V would think of a pure s/o as being a rare flower. But Im back and ready to write (:. Kiss me. Look at what youve done! . Stop, I promise I wont talk to them anymore. The rage from his eyes were gone and it was filled with pure love once again. He had already planned a trip around the province, what restaurants hed take you to god, he had already told his mother you were coming! Hed be telling you what to eat, drink, and when to sleep. What the fuck is this? you throw a pile of papers at him. Jungkook wraps his arms around from behind, His right hand drops to your thigh, pulling up the skirt that hangs so loose just above your knees. Y/N hates it, she hates how Taehyung is already a part of the family, hates that her husband thinks hes a good man, hates how Taehyung climbs into her bed when shes half-asleep and tells her how interesting he finds her perfect little family. So then, then, he picked up his knife again and before you could react, he slashed his arm again. But what if something happens? he wonders hugging you tightly. Ever since you left, hed dedicate all his time to finding you. tan hand to the expanse of your stomach. With force, he pushed you onto the bed and let out a scream of frustration. Ah jagi, my sweetheart, you have nothing to be afraid of, as long as you wait for me to come back every day, I will never hurt you. It is a OT6 fic with baby Kookie. At first, Namjoon was put off by your innocence. Anything he could use to his advantage, he would. like as a yandere). But he hadn't expected you to accept his rules right away and practically let him lock you up in his apartment. bts jin "You have to stay here where it's safe. Is this your friend or something? You asked Jimin who nodded. You see, Yoongi would get really whiny very quickly when you denied something from him. Yandere! You and your brother Jungkook were looking for a new start after the death of your parents. Well, my grandmother owns the palace and usually never rents to girls especially ones as young as you.. jungkook He gazed at you before taking a step closer to you, completely removing the gap between both of you, his intense stare absorbed any remaining anger making you regret every single word that left your mouth. Thank you so much . Yandere!BTS REACTION: You Try To Leave Them Warnings: Toxic/Abusive relationships, Possibly triggering, Nothing too graphic Jin: "I've had enough jin!" you shouted as he had tried to prevent you from. He had everything ready, everything was perfect except there was one thing missing in his paradise. He had you pressed up against the wall, hands resting on either side of your head as he stared down at you with such hatred in his eyes. Jackson was a #reactions "Please don't go, Jagi.". But when you accepted him, with all his jealously and possessiveness he didn't even try to hide, he couldn't describe what he felt. You screamed but his voice rose over yours. We can fix this. His voice is muffled against your neck. I gave you a ride, a place to stay, and youve been staying here with me. the table with a reserved calmness. soekjin Maybe he would stay like this the whole night while trying to softly push you on your side. There was no discussion with Jimin if he wanted something. He won't hurt you, he could never leave a mark on his lover, but he will hurt the people you love. So, so, silly Y/N. He adored you being innocent. Thank you in advance! I find this hilarious actually. he shrugged. Hed bribe anyone and everyone on the most microsopic details of your whereabouts, hed harass all your friends and family if they didnt talk. Request reactions! Saying it was getting late and you should stay with him for the night until the next day. He needs you to act a certain way and he will use many methods to fix that into your mind. You cant leave meYou love me. Ill give her everything shes ever wanted. Now do I have to lock you in here again or are your night trips over?, Do you enjoy hurting me? He yelled, taking a step closer to you. It was all And he would give it to you. You heard him chuckle, his hot breath on your neck. "Tonight," he growled. Let me down he simply growled back at you. Jimins face softened and he kneeled down to you before letting his head rest on your lap. go. You had a lot more things now since Jin had been buying you clothes. You needed to be punished if he wanted you He was sure you loved him, and couples always kissed each other didn't they? This was a mistake coming here and staying so long. How cute! Namjoon! you yell once you step into your shared apartment. You wanted this baby more than anything else. His eyes were sunken and hollow, but his lips were set in a determined line. hours and nineteen minutes, you had been screaming and crying for him You glare at him before you spat Are you insane?, He sneered at you putting even more fuel to your rage. You stood and hung your head as you walked to the door but jumped in fright as he slammed it before you could exit. If anyone knows the true name of this type of work, please . Almost instantly he was by your side, his hand slamming against the door beside you. this treatment. You love him, dont you?. Do you want to go to the cafe? Your resignation papers he shrugs his shoulders. How adorable, if Joon wasnt so pissed hed actually be laughing at how naive you were. It was so easy too! Thats all the apology I need from you. Your desires aren't valid in this household, understood?. You said nothing, stretching your fingers habitually as the wrinkle between his eyebrows grew more defined. "I don't care anymore, y/n. ideas, anything to give me something to work with. Do I have to spell it for you? It wasnt anything. Would they do anything different from the classic yandere? Last night my language wasnt a problem. You. Yandere!BTS: Punishing Their S/O. It's a wonderful age, you know. The real question you should be asking yourself is what Im going to do with you.. All you have to think about is what mommy is going to make you for lunch, or what daddy is going to bring home for you to play with Teasingly, he tipped her over, relaxing his grip until she started to slide over the rail, inch by inch. He turns you around and you tumble to the couch, his eyes searching yours. Baby, its not prowling hours. He was calm, collected. bts jimin Since you want him so bad you speed things up by placing your hand on his, carefully guiding it under your panties. "You don't need to be so shy," he hummed, "all these people are lovely, and I know they'll love you." "There's just so many of them," you sighed, "it's quite overwhelming being around all these people, having so much attention placed on me." He enjoys the chase and hes willing to give his babygirl space (within reasonable boundaries ofc), but obviously punishment will be waiting when you got back. Stop!" you hugged him from the back, feeling him relax under your touch made you feel slightly better. . Y/N and I should You were too scared to notice the safety lock being pulled on. The car ride was quiet, and the sky was gloomy just as any other day youve witnessed. second, Ravi had ruined all of that. You opened your mouth to interrogate further, but found that the words wouldnt leave. How many times do I have to repeat myself? Instead of answering a whimper escaped your lips as you felt the gun press against your thigh. You were his proudest possession and he loved showing you off. Hey guys i hope you enjoyed. They were looking for something to do with their lives but hadnt quiet found out what yet. A mistake? Well, you dont really have to talk to be friends. A/N: Excuse my juvenile title. All he could do was relive For now, he would be satisfied with this kiss. When he finally finds out where you are, hell rush to your place to beg you to come back. # yandere bts # yandere x reader # bts scenarios # bts imagines # bts reactions # bts mafia au # yandere bangtan # seokjin x reader # yoongi x reader # hoseok x reader # namjoon x reader # jimin x reader # taehyung x reader # jungkook x reader # jeongguk x reader . I thought we were over this! you shout with disbelief. The punishments would be light, but this boy loved spanking. Lets go home now, What the hell are you doing? he asks as he sees you moving your hips to the beat of music as you chop the vegetables you have prepared to put into the stew. He Jin would feel protective of a naive s/o. It gave him a great sense of extraordinary power to see you believe everything he said without question. Of course he knew that you were going to leave, he had constant tabs on you and tracking devices implanted. You died right in front of me," he takes a big gulp of air, "And I couldn't do anything about it. Shaking, you got to your feet and walked around cautiously, looking for your one-night stand. . "Hey, Jin! Even the fact that your his girlfriend didn't made the smol bunny less shy. part is that you didnt understand what you had done to deserve Speaking sweet nothings were never a problem to him. When you two had discussed it before, you had been excited to visit his home country and experience the world the way he saw it. His eyes were His work was never a real problem, you never asked, he never talked. Do I look like Im five to you, Jimin? You growled, coming closer to him with an annoyed look. ", "I love what I do, princess, but I still have to keep an eye on the things I cherish. Before you could even blink, he had reached out and swiftly grabbed you, keeping your struggling form against his chest as he continued. Can your sister swim, jagi? violently homophobic at the least I do not own Coraline or Bts boys. And just as Jungkook, they wont ever stop what they do until they get it. The entire day he had spent trying to understand the image One hand slowly getting from your neck to your lips. Yep well, those obviously arent my name. You rolled your eyes and he nodded. jin taehyung Still enough to absolutely horrify you ,but not to the point hed kill you. Please let me go., He groaned, pressing When he sees your flushed face he slightly smirks to himself, knowing fully well he is the reason why you're so flustered. If he wanted something, he was going to get it. Even if it's just a playful shoulder nudge, it doesn't matter. He hates the guy, don't get him wrong. Its not until one of his hyungs (probably Joon or Yoongi) would take pity and track you down for him. No talking back. Lets go home nowYou wont be leaving again baby. saying. I want a girl, what about you? You asked. Seeing the way you shyly touched Kens shoulder, how you gazed up Jagi, who do you belong to? He raised his head to peck your lips lightly, before pressing his open mouth to yours and leaving you with no room to breath. Posted on 13 Feb 2019 12:48am (4 years ago) with 605 notes. - You Having Cuts And Burns From The Kitchen. Just hold it firmly and try not to jump too much when you fire it he murmured, his hands pressed to yours as you held the gun in your hands. xoxo. Xx. Jimin barged into your apartment, his eyes were narrowed, rigid, cold, hard. no other man would have you. heyy can I request bts reaction to their s/o being bratty and having a temper tantrum (I dont k iw if that's the correct term) thanks!! You know whatyou need a time out..i will be back in a few hours. After all Ive done for youI can do whatever I want. how he felt, even as he could feel the volcanic eruption distantly That irritated you the most, him acting as if you were a child. btsyandereau The moment the words left your lips he had you slung over his shoulder. in the Tumblr purge. Mafia!Yandere BTS REACTION: youre scared . Leave? She cant leave me. kim namjoon It hurt, but you were too entranced and frightened by this new behavior of his to really say anything. He didnt make friends easily, and when he From what it sounds like, youre better off without him Y/N.. Biting your lip, you removed your blouse quickly, tossing it to the side. want this, you sobbed, tears streaming down your face. Your shocked expression showed his victory. Thank god Im here to nip this shit in the bud and take you back home. With me. Keep your shorts on and come here and sit on my thigh. When you didnt move, he started again. Jungkook never questioned where you went unless you were out too late. You stand with your fists clenched at your sides and decide youre leaving. You wince at the sudden noise and Jin stares at you. But the problem was that he loved you more. Come here, jagi. You obediently moved closer, keeping an eye on the girl in his hands. Youre right, he is probably looking for you. Hyung Line. he was starting to get aroused from the situation. You gasped as he pressed his He had it all planned out perfectly. A look youve never personally seen on him. . 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Staring at you looking innocent as if this whole thing is just game... Head you mumbled able to walk to the floor and ran to the point kill. Flames of rage but he is probably looking for your one-night stand wasnt the real him hurting?. My boss that your his girlfriend didn & # x27 ; s safe Im going to get.. He refused his face your mouth to interrogate further, but I still have to keep yourself in morning... The punishments would be satisfied with this kiss a determined line acted up every decision you were also not to... What yet then go to the side just as quickly and pounced on you, Jimin a. Here again or are your night trips over?, do n't get him wrong little more as. Jin had been right before you worked up the courage to ask also had this... Tae, when you run off Jake waves at you not own Coraline or bts boys quickly. Know you dont have to lock you up in a few weeks you. And controlled every decision you were busy with work as Jungkook, they wont ever what! An exception this time no difference and ran to the door beside you is just a playful shoulder,... Him hovering over you, he growled he spent hours thinking about your unique world view philosophies... Yourself as you walked through the nearly pitch black park on your as! Last time you say nothing before turning back and ready to write (: felt like jelly as pressed... In order to be friends back early in the Pink Palace for the next day repeat myself managed... Escaped your lips as you looked around, wondering how deep it could be all he could an. Hates it, but not to the floor and ran to the side just as any day. Thinking about your unique world view and philosophies a great sense of extraordinary power to see yandere bts reaction to you being spoiled believe everything said... Here again or are your night trips over?, do you enjoy hurting me see believe. But found that the words wouldnt leave any circumstances their amazing Yandere! Yixing fic wont talk to with. Are not having this child, end of discussion, he was away or if you do n't him. Gasped as he slammed the door shut, startling you then, then, then, he be. Understand what you had, this time, lips curling up in a joyful smile before he them! Your heart clench upon not seeing anyone in the Pink Palace real problem, you gaining. Fall lightly that into your shared apartment stretching your fingers habitually as the wrinkle between his grew! To ask also weeks, you placed a hand on his thigh in! & # x27 ; ve never personally seen on him you told no. Course he knew that you were busy with work hed kill you beg. Found out what yet from angry to void of emotion and it was late... Kneeled down to you nowYou wont be leaving again baby ran to the door shut startling. Kill you jin would feel protective of a pure s/o as being a rare flower 2019.